#it was very scary but i just ended up cackling seeing my cousin look so frightened
kaeyachi · 1 year
not genshin/kaeya
my mother, human jumpscare extraordinaire, walked thru a pitch black hallway, somehow quietly opened a door the notoriously noisy door, and rapidly walked up to my cousin's face (who was in bed) to stare at him (like one of those creepy speed walking demons in movies), nearly making him scream so late in the night
she just wanted to check if we were already sleeping and i don't think my cousin would be able to after that lmao
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supercorpkid · 3 years
How Maya Met Your Mothers.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2730.
You’ve always known the day for Maya to meet your moms were closer than further down the line. That’s a fact. You had asked for too much self-control from Kara, not to follow your girlfriend around everywhere (and you are not even sure if she didn’t try to at least get a peek). But, yet, you had expected you were going to have a little more time than this.
Jamie and Maya came over your house for a study session. For real. When Jamie mentioned that you all should study together for next week exams, at first you thought it was a joke. But then Maya got super interested in having you teaching her physics, so you agreed.
You don’t know why you all ended up at your house. Actually, you kind of know. Maya’s parents hate the Luthors, so you can’t go there. Jamie’s house is a little bit further away and they would probably get tired of walking before getting there. Still, you feel like you haven’t fought back enough. You should’ve.
Although, being fair to yourself, you couldn’t possibly know there was a storm coming to National City that would literally make it impossible for you three to leave the house for hours. So, while there was a storm raging outside, you were looking at the clock, hoping, praying, wishing that Kara and Lena got held up at work.
Which could be true, using all the logic in your body. The rain is so strong, Supergirl will be needed for sure. There are probably people stuck in cars, or maybe there’s a flood in someone’s house, maybe there’s a poor kitten stuck on a tree in the rain. There’s gotta be something. And Lena is probably stuck in her office unable to leave. You breathe out, calming yourself. If Lena doesn’t leave her office early every day, she is definitely not leaving today while a storm rages on.
But when the clock strikes five, your heart beats fast, you raise your head from your book and you hear a whoosh of air, that very familiar one. Steps on the front door. And please Rao, let it be robbers, assassins, let it be Lex fucking Luthor out of jail with a big rock of kryptonite, but not your moms. Please. Please.
But is Kara who first walks in. Pink trousers, even pinkier shirt, dripping wet. And not far behind, Lena walks in. Suit all ruined, ponytail glued to her face, also dripping everywhere. Your heart stops for a second, when you look up from the kitchen table where the three of you have settled.
“Wow, it’s so crazy out there! Good thing we flew-” Kara finally notices a face she doesn’t know. She quickly puts her glasses back. “Here on a car.”
Good Lord.
“Hey, I don’t think we have met!” She comes closer, ignoring Lena’s protests about making the entire house wet. She raises her hand at Maya, who shyly takes it.
“OOOH!” Kara sounds like she just got electrocuted. She is almost jumping in place when she realizes what that means. “It’s nice to meet you! I would love to say that she-” She looks at you with an inquisitive expression. “Told me everything about you, but she’s definitely going through a phase of secret keeping.”
“Momma!” You growl hiding your face in your hands. Maya just chuckles softly at that.
“Aren’t we all?” Jamie intervenes, sensing your embarrassment and you take one hand out from your face to look at Kara pulling the chair in front of you.
“Kara!” Lena calls her from the front door. “Don’t you dare get my chair wet. Come over here, you can embarrass our daughter after you’re dry.”
“Or never.” You add. “You also can embarrass me never.”
“I’ll be right back.” Kara says, completely ignoring you, as she makes her way to the laundry room with Lena, so they can get dry clothes.
“I’m sorry.” You drop your head, trying to hide the blush creeping up your face. Maya puts her hand on your chin and makes you look at her, giving you a smile.
“Stop that. It was really cute.” Maya says, and you gaze into her eyes, almost forgetting everything and everyone. If it wasn’t for Jamie.
“Nope, it was embarrassing. And just you wait until aunt Lena comes here.” Jamie adds and you drop your head again, growling louder.
Lena decides not to play into the ‘let’s embarrass our daughter’ game. And you’re very grateful for that.
“Hey.” She just says while passing through the table. And you breathe relieved. Until she stops with a tiny smile. No, no, no. Keep walking. “Hello Maya, I’m Lena. The scary mom.”
“You wish.” Kara comes from behind her. Hair is still dripping wet, but all changed into more comfortable and dry clothes. She pulls out the chair and sits in front of the three of you, trying to look intimidating. “I’m the scary one.”
“She’s really not.” Jamie whispers in Maya’s ear, and you put your head on the table, banging your forehead ever so slightly so you don’t make a dent in it.
“Would you stop, please?” You complain. “We’re trying to study.”
“BOOOO!” Kara puts her hands in front of her mouth turning to you. “You’re no fun.” Then she proceeds to look at Maya. “So Maya, how old are you? What’s your sexuality? Where do you see yourself in five years? And most importantly, how do you feel about Supergirl?”
You snap your head at her at the sound of that.
“Because in this house we’re Supergirl stans.” Kara adds, making Jamie laugh out loud, and you grunt louder.
“Oh, I’m-” Maya thinks about it for a second.
“You don’t have to answer any of that.” You look at her and she smiles at you.
“It’s ok, babe.” She turns back at Kara. “I’m sixteen, I’m pansexual-” That makes Kara squeak in excitement. “In college, hopefully. And yes, Supergirl is cool. But, um, I like Superkid better.”
“WHAT?” You look at her, eyes wide open, mouth agape. She doesn’t know you’re Superkid, and she likes her better than Supergirl? Is she the perfect girl?
“Well, ok, don’t freak out, but…” She looks at you and holds your arm, squeezing it gently. “I kind of have a crush on Superkid.”
“You do?” It’s all you can say.
Kara is practically jumping on her seat, ready to stand up and spin you around in excitement. Lena is trying very hard to hold back laughter (she’s failing, by the way). Jamie is literally cackling next to her. And you’re there, looking red, but also happy.
“Why is this funny?” Maya looks around at the reactions. “She is hot.”
“Oh no, dear, we’re not laughing at you.” Lena says, knowing the situation doesn’t look good. “It’s just, you know, she is the Supergirl of your time.” She shrugs. “I, for once, had a huge crush on Supergirl when I was younger.”
“Wait. What?” Kara stands up, looking worried. “You don’t have it anymore?”
“Well, no, honey.” Lena smiles, putting her arms around Kara’s neck. “Now I have you.”
“No!” You yell to stop what you know it’s coming next. “That’s too much. There are people here.”
“We’ll give you guys some privacy.” Kara tilts her head with a devious smile. Holding Lena by the waist, leaving you guys behind.
“I’m sorry again. They’re not usually like-” You start, but Jamie cuts you off.
“She is lying. They are always like this.”
“It’s ok.” Maya gives you a butterfly kiss that barely touches your lips, but makes you smile either way. “Besides, I find your momma completely fascinating.”
“Funny. So does she.” You can hear Kara gasping somewhere in the house and you hold a laughter. She is such a dork!
Your moms are gone for a while, during that time you three go back to study. Kara comes in sometime later on her phone.
“Yes Alex, she’s not lying, she is actually here studying.” Kara points the camera to the three of you, and Jamie crosses her arms, annoyed. You just wave hello.
“You thought I was lying?” Jamie complains.
“I never once saw you studying with your cousin, forgive me for assuming you were being a rebellious teenager.” You hear Alex’s voice on the other end of the phone. “But I see there’s a new addition to the group.”
“That’s Maya.” Kara whispers on the phone like you all can’t hear her.
“Oh.” Alex stays silent for a few seconds and then you hear. “Hey, I work for the police. You just think about breaking my niece’s heart.”
“Oh my God, can you all stop?” You grunt looking at Jamie for help, and she stands up going to Kara and grabbing the phone from her hand.
“Can you come pick me up when the storm gets better?” Jamie asks and she walks to the living room with Kara following her closely.
“Again, I’m really sorry.” You look at Maya with pleading eyes. “I know you probably want to run away, but please, don’t. My mom is probably going to try to scare you, but we’re all very much harmless.” You smile a little. “Except for Jamie’s mom, she is terrifying.”
“Trust me, I’m ok.” Maya looks furtive around, and puts her hand on your cheek, coming closer to kiss you. “I get why they’re so protective. I mean, just look at this cute babyish face of yours.”
“She can call you babyface and I can’t?” Kara walks in the kitchen with Jamie not far behind, making Maya jump in her seat and get as far away from you as she can, without leaving her chair.
“So, Maya.” Lena walks in the kitchen too, and you’re already hating her tone. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“Um, I should call my mom first.” She stands up grabbing her phone, and you point to the living room so she can have more privacy. She leaves and you look at your moms on the other side of the counter.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You stand up, putting your books away. “I couldn’t possibly know a storm would hit National City making impossible for her to get away from you two.”
“Hey!” Kara defends herself. Lena only raises her eyebrow. You look at Kara, turning her head to the living room, and you poke her.
“Do not listen to her private conversation!” You demand and you look back at Jamie, also organizing her school materials.
“Yeah, aunt Kara. Don't use your super hearing, aunt Kara. Bad, aunt Kara. Yadda, yadda, yadda.” Jamie says and you furrow your brows at her. “What, she only does what she wants anyways.”
“Momma!” You’re almost jumping in front of her and she looks down on you. “That’s not ok.”
“Kara, stop messing with her.” Lena says from behind and Kara gives you a mischievous smile, like she wasn’t really listening, just pretending to. “Are you sleeping here tonight, Jamie?”
“Only if the storm doesn’t stop.” Jamie comes to the counter and looks at the food in front of Lena. “Oooh, are we having the famous Lena Luthor’s ‘throw everything in a casserole and see what comes out’ dinner?”
“You were way nicer when you were a kid.” Lena blinks once, looking annoyed and Jamie holds her laughter.
“Sorry, aunt Lena.”
“Hey, so, is it ok if I stay a little longer? My dad is still stuck at work because of the storm.” Maya asks, coming back to the kitchen and you look at Kara. Kara looks at Lena. And it takes them a whole ten seconds to finally go like “um, yeah, sure.” Which almost makes your heart stop.
“Why don’t you three go to the living room while I-” Lena looks at Jamie, defiant. “Throw everything in a casserole and wait to see what will come out?”
“Oh God.” You grab Jamie’s wrist, and put your hand behind Maya’s back. “Let’s go. They’re being awkward.”
“You’re awkward.” Kara mumbles under her breath and you’re glad you only heard, because of your super hearing.
You’re on the edge of your seat the entire time. Maya and Jamie are talking, laughing, taking pictures, and you’re there awkwardly pretending your mind isn’t somewhere else. What are they planning? Obviously, Kara has done enough of embarrassing, but what about Lena? Is she actually going to let it slide? That doesn’t sound like her.
Kara calls you guys back to the kitchen a while later. You know Lena wasn’t going to throw everything into a casserole and hope it works, but after Jamie joked about it, it was exactly what she did. She puts the food in the middle of the table, and raises one eyebrow at Jamie.
“You first.” Then she uses her tone that sends shivers down your spine.
“What is happening?” Maya whispers in your ear, and you look at her feeling like you should apologize once more.
“They’re challenging each other. It’s silly.” You whisper back, aware that only Kara can hear you.
“I can’t stop watching.” Maya mouths at you, and you smile. Lena and Jamie still haven’t broken eye contact and no one is moving.
“Go on.” Lena pushes it closer to Jamie, who gulps and finally serves herself. Everyone is staring at her while she puts the first bite on her mouth and chews silently. She shrugs a while later.
“It’s actually pretty good.” Jamie says with a smile, making everyone breathe out, and Lena rolls her eyes, finally sitting on the table. She then turns to Maya.
“Please. Girlfriends first.” She uses the same tone, and Maya’s eyes almost pop out of their head, before she shakes her head agreeing and serving herself.
The food is not all bad. It could be a lot better if she wasn’t trying to scare everyone off. But is edible and a lot better than anything Kara can make on her own.
“So, Maya…” Kara starts again and you already feel your heart is going to beat out of your chest. “What’s up with the hate for the Luthors?”
Great. Just great. Awesome. Thank you, momma.
Maya chokes on her food, surprised by such a blunt question, and you want to dig a hole on the floor and disappear in it.
“Oh, um. I don’t hate the Luthors, ma’am.” She manages to say. “My parents are not, um, fans. Because of that time Lex tried to control everyone. You know-”
“We know.” Lena breathes deep, looking exhausted. “Trust me, we know.”
“But I know you did amazing things for the world, and every time you work with Supergirl the world is saved, so…” Maya smiles, and you make heart eyes at her. She is so amazing. “I’m sorry about my parents. Not everyone can see past such a small thing as a last name.”
“Oh.” It’s Kara’s response.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Lena says with a smile directed at her, and you see her features softening. “I just want to make sure my daughter is not being judged with the same standards as my crazy brother. But you know her, so I don’t think you can.”
“I really can’t.” Maya looks back at you, making you blush. “There’s no one in this world like her. She needs her own standards.”
“Aw.” Jamie and Kara say together, making you blush harder.
The dinner goes smoothly after this. It’s pretty clear Maya won your moms over. You always knew she could. No, you didn’t know, but you expected. No, you didn’t expect, but you hoped. And she did.
When dinner is over, there’s only a light rain outside, so Maya’s dad picks her up right after. Lena and Jamie make up over ‘the best dessert Lena ever cooked”, and you look around happy. Kara comes close to you and kisses your temple.
“I like her.” She says matter-of-factly.
“Oh, is that why you were trying to make her run away?” You raise one eyebrow at her and she chuckles softly.
“We’re not a normal family, baby.” She tells you, looking at Lena and Jamie laughing on the other side of the counter. “She has to get used to it now. It only gets weirder.”
“You’re weirder.” You bitch grin making Kara laugh.
She’s right though. Your family is weird. But it’s yours, and you love it as it is.
@itzyourgirlnat prompted them being stuck in a storm together. My best buddy @hermen0404 helped me with some ideas. Thanks to you both.
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activechataclysme · 4 years
TITLE: the girl behind the mask.
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Ship: The Love Square - Mainly Adrinette and Marichat Rating: T [ AO3 ]
Adrien's been waiting for this moment forever, but when the masks finally drop, he's disappointed that it wasn't who he hoped it would be behind the mask.
Adrien waited with bated breath as Ladybug gave him a small smile. “Ready?”
“Always, m’lady.”
“Spots off.”
“Claws in.”
They stood staring at each other as the light faded away. The unfamiliar girl in front of him - the girl who was not Marinette - was looking at him with an amused smile, slightly awestruck.
“Wow, who would’ve thought. Adrien Agreste, huh.”
Adrien though, felt his chest tighten. His throat was dry as he watched the girl in front of him, and he couldn’t help but feel stupid. So, so stupid, because he couldn’t believe he’d talked himself into thinking he would know the girl behind the mask.
He had been so sure that the girl behind the mask was his classmate. When he’d started visiting her as Chat Noir, she was so much like Ladybug that he had believed it. He had thought that calling her ‘Everyday Ladybug’ was a happy non-coincidence.
He had been sure that he couldn’t possibly be in love with two girls, so he had decided that they had to be one and the same.
“Bridgette,” she said, extending her hand to him nervously as she shuffled uneasilly on her feet, her easy confidence slipping slightly at his silence.
“Adrien,” he coughed, taking her hand to give it a single, firm shake.
She tilted her head. “I know.”
His hand went to the back of his neck as he grinned sheepishly, trying to quell the sinking sensation in his gut to put the girl in front of him at ease. “Yeah, I suppose my face plastered across Paris helps my case this time.”
“Yeah,” she admitted, before she grinned at him with eyes full of mirth. “And also, I know your cousin. He goes to my school.”
Adrien started, looking at her with wide eyes. “Wait, you’re Bridgette? The Bridgette?”
Bridgette’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure whether you mean that in a good way, or bad way.”
“Definitely good. Felix won’t shut up about you.” Adrien laughed. “Wait… Felix is the other guy, huh?”
Bridgette bit her lip, cheeks flushed as she looked at him pleadingly. “Look, Chat- Adrien, I’m sorry, I didn’t think even in my wildest dreams that you two would be related but… Yeah, I really like him.”
Adrien nodded. “Good, that’s… good.”
“I’m really sorry,” she said miserably.
Adrien shook his head vehemently. “ No , no. It’s… Okay. Really . He… May not show it, but he really likes you too,” he said, giving her his most sincere smile.
Her cheeks flamed. “O-Oh? Um… I-I see. W-Well, that is u--um… Good news? Yep. Good news. And-”
She trailed away, catching sight of Adrien’s wistful smile as he watched. “What?”
“You… Remind me of someone,” he said, smiling sadly as he leaned against the chimney on the rooftop and sank down to the floor.
Bridgette sat next to him quietly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “A girl in my class.”
Bridgette hesitantly reached out to touch his arm. “Will you tell me about her?”
Adrien was quiet for a few minutes before he smiled softly. “She’s… Really the greatest. The kindest person I’ve ever known, and she’s so sweet that I want to scream into my pillow sometimes. And on exceptionally difficult days, I visit her and she doesn’t ask me any questions. She just… Lets me in, feeds me pastries. Endlessly, actually. No questions asked. Even the first time I visited her as Chat-”
“You what !” hissed Bridgette.
Adrien winced. “Well, she was always nervous around me, and I just… Really wanted to get to know her. I didn’t know any other way.”
“ Chat Noir !” she chided disapprovingly. “You could have seriously endangered her.”
“I know,” he said, looking cowed. “But I swear I’ll protect her with my life. I won’t let anything happen to her.”
“Adrien,” Bridgette sighed. “That’s not a good idea. She knows you on both sides of the mask, and that’s dangerous, especially if she figures you out! You can’t keep visiting her as Chat Noir and-”
“No, Ladybug, please ,” Adrien pled. “I swear I’ll be subtle. I’ll think of something, no one will ever know, even you didn’t know until I told you, right? And she’s not told anyone in our class either. And she won’t , I trust her. Please, I don’t know what I’d do without her. I’ll keep her safe, I promise.”
Bridgette was quiet for a few seconds, mentally resolving to scope out the girl for herself and maybe give her a miraculous. She couldn’t let Chat in on that plan yet of course, the boy was too enthusiastic for his own good.
So instead, she said something else. “Sounds like you are in love with her, kitty.”
Adrien sighed. “Yes. Yes, I am.”
Bridgette hummed, chuckling with mirth. “So I suppose you would not love whoever girl is under the mask, huh?”
Adrien smiled sheepishly. “No. I suppose not. Not unless you’re her. I was so sure I was in love with you,” he muttered.
“You do love me, I think. The way I love you,” she said slowly. “The way you love her is very different.”
Adrien snorted. “Well, I have thought about kissing her a lot more than I’ve thought about kissing you.”
Bridgette laughed. “You should tell her.”
Adrien looked at his hands, unsure. “As Chat or as Adrien?”
Bridgette groaned. “ Damn it, I forgot she thinks you’re two different people. I don’t know how you find yourself in messes like this, chaton .”
“Hell if I know,” he muttered. “Can I… Can I tell her?”
“Chat…” said Bridgette warningly.
“I know, I know. I had to try,” he muttered. “She definitely hates Adrien though. She runs away at the sight of me approaching her. She flails like its the end of the world and can’t get out fast enough. I can tell it takes her huge effort to just speak a complete sentence to me.”
“You know,” said Bridgette slowly. “I have a cousin… Who… Well… She’s exactly like that around boys she likes ,” she finished pointedly.
Adrien looked at her sceptically. “You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to pursue her as Chat Noir.”
“ Not true ,” pouted Bridgette. “I watched her talk to him on the phone once, and it hurt just to watch.”
And in a softer voice, she grumbled, “My mom says it runs in the family. I was the exact same way around Felix too. The first few months of meeting him at least.”
Adrien cackled. “Oh, I would love to see that.”
“You would, wouldn’t you,” she said, her nose scrunched. “It was especially scary because he was such a brat .”
Adrien snorted, but refrained from commenting. “You should tell him,” he said instead.
“Maybe I will.” She gave him half a smile. “You should tell your girl too.”
Adrien sighed and looked over at the nightscape of Paris, eyes flickering over in the direction of where he knew the cosy little bakery was. “Maybe I will.”
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
“hold my hand.” Hazel and Loucy
Hazel woke up in a cold, dark cell with her little cousin Lucy curled up on her. It took her a moment to take in the scene before she realized that they definitely weren’t at Uncle Louie’s house, but it didn’t take long to remember what had happened. 
She shuddered at the memory. 
She took another moment to take in the scene before her. The cell was dark, damp, and dirty. There wasn’t any furniture and she quickly noticed she and Lucy were wearing tracking anklets to ensure they wouldn’t escape. Great. 
“Finally awake I see,” A familiar female voice spoke from the dark. “Well... at least one of you. I’d suggest waking the little one if I were you. She’ll need to hear this.” Hazel didn’t trust the woman, but she didn’t feel as though she had a choice. She nudged Lucy awake. 
“H-hazel?” she rubbed her eyes. “Where’re we?” she blinked. 
“As if I’d say that,” The woman spoke. This caused Lucy to shrink back. 
“Who is she?” she asked Hazel. 
“Your father knows me very well Lucilia, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t told you out of all of them about me,” The woman chuckled darkly. It made Hazel shudder again. 
“What do you want from us?” Hazel asked. 
“From you? Hmm... I suppose not much. It’s your parents that have our interest,” She said. 
“Why does uncle Louie know you?” Hazel interrogated. 
“So many questions,” She woman brushed it aside. She clapped her hands and lights flickered on and the girls were able to get a good look at their kidnapper. Messy green feathers, a scar over a now robotic right eye, a giant brown fur coat, a cracked beak, and a grotesque figure overall. When Lucy saw her, she clung to Hazel’s sweater and Hazel wrapped her arm around her. 
“Now, let me make myself clear: you two are here for ransom; a ploy to get your parents here if you will. I know they want you in one piece so I won’t hurt you,” She said, and Hazel sighed a breath of relief. 
“Unless you misbehave, so don’t get too comfortable,” she grinned. “However that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make use of you two. I’ve compiled a list of chores for the both of you to do. The little one will start with cooking, and you will chop wood outside,” She said. 
“Lucy can’t cook, she’s six. A-and it’s the middle of winter, way too cold to be chopping wood. I-i don’t even have snow gear,” Hazel looked at her like she was insane (which she was, but that was beside the point). 
“That wasn’t a request,” her eyes flashed in anger.
“W-well I get that, b-but-”
“Listen here little girl,” Turaco opened the cell door and picked up Hazel. “If you keep talking back to me there will be dire consequences. You may as well say goodbye to your little cousin now, understood?” Hazel nodded, pure terror in her eyes. Turaco laughed and tossed her back on the ground. 
“Good. You will do what I ask as I ask or else. Now come along, you’ve got work to do,” Turaco left the cell. 
“Haze, are you okay?” Lucy asked. Hazel grumbled and nodded. 
“We should go. C’mon, hold my hand,” she said as she stood. Lucy bobbed her head and held her cousin’s hand tightly. 
“I don’t like the scary lady,” Lucy stated. 
“Me neither... but we have to do what she says so we can go home, okay?” Hazel asked. 
“Okay,” Lucy nodded. She paused a moment before saying, “I wanna go home.”
“I know... me too,” Hazel squeezed her hand and Lucy squeezed back. 
“Ah here we are. The kitchen. Get to work on making us something good,” Turaco ordered. 
“I-i don’t know how to-”
“That wasn’t a question. Now get in there,” She grabbed Lucy by the collar of her dress and tossed her to the floor. Hazel ran to her but Turaco snapped her fingers. 
“You and I are going elsewhere, remember? Hurry along now,” She glared before beginning to walk away again. 
“I’m sorry Lucy. I’ll see you later; hang in there,” Hazel said before running off to catch up with Turaco. 
“And this is where you’ll be,” Turaco opened a door and a gush of wind came in, causing Hazel to shudder. 
“I-it’s fr-fr-freezing,” She rubbed her arms. 
“Good thing you’re wearing a sweater. Get to work,” she pushed Hazel outside and stationed a robot guard at the door. 
“Well... let’s just hope this doesn’t go horribly for both of us...” 
For hours, Hazel worked away at chopping wood. She had terrible aim and the arm strength of a limp noodle. By the end, she gained very sore arms, and blisters covering her hands, but eventually, she considered her work done and was let back inside to the cell. She waited there for what felt like hours that she tried to sleep through before she heard the cell door open and Lucy crying. Hazel immediately sat up and saw that Lucy was holding a burnt and bloodied hand that had been struck by a ruler. 
“Lucy, what happened?” Hazel opened her arms and Lucy ran into her arms. 
I-i w-was trying t-t-to coo-cook l-like she sa-said,” she hiccuped, “b-but I-i burned m-m-my ha-han-hand a-and i-i couldn’t st-stop crying a-and the food went b-black a-and sh-she g-got mad a-and-and got a ruler a-and now my ha-hand really hurts,” she sobbed. Hazel squeezed her cousin tightly, trying to pour as much comfort as she could into it.  
“Well if you keep it up, there’ll only be more where that came from,” Turaco had suddenly appeared in the room. Hazel glared at her. “My my, such a feisty one,” She shook her head. “I suppose it runs in the family.” Hazel had to raise an eyebrow at that. She definitely wasn’t as mad as her Uncle Donald. 
“She’s only six. Punish me next time,” Hazel said. 
“While that does sound fun because you are pretty weak for your age, I’ll have to decline. She messes up, she’ll get the punishment. Just like her father,” She grinned. 
“What do you mean ‘just like her father’?” Hazel pressed. 
“Oh? Did he really not tell you about me?” she seemed almost offended. “I’m the one who kidnapped and nearly killed him all those years ago. My... I think it was a little more than a year before you were born,” she said.
“h-how would you know that?” Hazel asked. 
“Oh, FOWL knows a lot of things, especially about your family,” she flashed a grin that sent another shiver down Hazel’s spine. “Your father was quite a thorn in our side when he was not much younger than you are now,” she said. 
“I-is that why I’m here?” she asked a lot more quietly. 
“The collection of Hubert Duck and Webbigail Vanderquack would very much benefit our causes so I suppose... yes. That’s exactly why you’re here. You’re fish bait that your oh so doting parents won’t even hesitate to fall for,” she smiled. Hazel wished she could’ve argued that, but it was true. They wouldn’t hesitate a moment to go try to rescue them. 
Oh god, she wasn’t going to be the reason her father died too, was she??? Her mind quickly spiraled. 
“However, they likely won’t be here until tomorrow, maybe even the day after, so here we are. Waiting while I struggle to find some use for you two,” she sighed. “Children are such pains, but it’ll all be worth it soon. I’ll have your daddies heads on a platter, as well as Webbigail too. Oh! And if we’re lucky we might even get Scrooge McDuck! Isn’t this exciting?!” She clapped her hands, but Hazel looked at her terrified, clinging onto her cousin even more than before. 
“It isn’t true Lucy, everything is gonna be okay,” she said. Lucy shook her head and continued to cry. 
“Awww, is the little one scared?” Turaco’s sarcasm oozed. “Well at least that means she’s got some brains in her. Now, don’t get some rest. We have a ransom video to record later.” With that, Turaco cackled and left the room, leaving Hazel feeling so many emotions all at once she couldn’t tell what was strongest. 
“I-i want m-my d-d-daddy,” Lucy sobbed. 
“I know Lucy, it’ll be okay,” Hazel stroked her hair. 
“I-i don’t wa-want them to g-get hu-hurt,” she looked up to her cousin. Hazel looked away in a failed attempt to hold back tears of her own. 
“i-i know... I want my dad too...” her voice cracked and she found herself unable to speak. She just hugged Lucy tighter and together they just cried with all their might in the small cold and damp cell, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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weirdoldmanhoho · 6 years
Hey, happy fma day! Could you please do a prompt or like headcanons ideas of what would have happened if Ed and Al and the homonculi were siblings/cousins? (whichever inspires you more) it would be wonderful and funny, sure as hell
Happy FMA day! OMG yes this is my favorite ridiculous, silly au. Prepare for some ridiculousness.
Okay, so Father shows up randomly at the Elric (Hohenheim?) house a couple years into Hoho living there and is just like “hello, my dearest, oldest friend, so good to see you.” (Hoho is like, yeah, I’ve been rethinking our relationship ever since you literally committed genocide in front of me.)
Father tells Hoho he’s turned over a new leaf. No really, he says, no more murder. He’s content to live out the rest of his life with the one Philosopher Stone he already made and definitely has no plans whatsoever to make another one – what? How could his dearest, oldest friend – who he NAMED and cared for before anyone and helped gain him his freedom – doubt him? What is he talking about that the map of Amestris looks suspicious? Does he really think he could control how an entire country was built? His oldest, dearest friend (“seriously, stop calling me that”) has too high of expectations for him.
Anyways, Father says he showed up because he ended up with 7 kids somehow (“totally an accident. Just happened.” “…uh-huh.”) and he has absolutely no idea how to handle them and they’re all driving him absolutely crazy, and he heard that Hoho has two boys of his own (congrats, by the way, didn’t know you had it in you, your wife is lovely, good job) and maybe he’s managed to figure out this whole fatherhood thing better than he has, so can he bring the family and stay for a while? Just a bit?
And because Hoho is ultimately a sympathetic sap, he says yes. (Trisha literally might kill him. She won’t talk to him for two days. She threatens to take Ed and Al and run away. “This might be good for him, Trisha. He might actually learn to be better and care for people if he lives around humans for a while.” “If any one of his ‘children’ touch our children, I WILL find out how to kill an immortal and after I’m finished with them, I’m coming after you.” “I love you so much.”)
So the family moves in. Ed and Al meet their “cousins”. The homunculi meet the Elrics under strict orders not to hurt them. It goes about as well as you can expect.
Envy really likes screwing with Ed and Al. Their favorite hobby is transforming into one of them and trying to get in as much trouble as possible (pulling Winry’s hair, throwing things at Den, hitting the other real Elric brother, etc.) Jokes on them, though, because Trisha has gotten REALLY good at figuring out when it’s Envy in disguise and just happens to “accidentally” hit them with things. Like, she “accidentally” trips when Envy is in the kitchen as Ed and drops a metal pot on their head. (“Oh no! Edward, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there!” She definitely did. She definitely aimed for the head on purpose.)
(In secret, all the Elric/Hohenheims have come up with tells to let each other know they’re not Envy. They might be putting up with them living here, but damn it all if Trisha is just going to passively let them torment her family.
Greed and Envy hate each other, so Greed teams up with the Elrics to help harass his sibling, and ends up actually becoming a big brother figure to them. And somehow, damn it all, he’ll deny it until his dying breath, he’s actually grown a little fond of the tikes. He lets Ed try on his ugly fur vest once. He puts on the invincible shield and lets them hit him with things (look just because he actually tries to play with the kids doesn’t mean he knows anything about appropriate games for human children. Envy and Lust and him hit each other all the time – and usually with a lot more blood and death involved – surely that’s fun for his little “cousins” right?)
Trisha walks outside once and sees her sons just beating on Greed with any weapon they can find and just…walks away. She doesn’t even care anymore. As long as it’s her sons beating one of the homunculi and not the other way around, she’s not going to stop it. She considers that this might be teaching her children bad lessons for the future – such as its okay to just beat people with sticks – but considering it’s also teaching them it’s okay to beat up homunculi, she thinks the pros outweigh the cons.
Lust tries to act like she’s above everything, but she usually gets dragged into arguments. She just kind of randomly flip-flops between helping Envy screw with the kids and teaming up with Greed to defend them like a guard dog, with no apparent rhyme or reason to which she’s going to do on any given day. Ed and Al are both terrified and slightly in awe of her. It’s pretty much exactly how Envy and Greed feel too.
One of their “cousins” looks suspiciously a lot like the former Furher of Amestris (who randomly disappeared a couple months ago, stating “family emergency” before vanishing). Wrath wears a whole bunch of ridiculous disguises every time he takes the boys into town. I’m talking like fake moustache over his real moustache and sunglasses. Really ridiculous hats. Hawaiian shirts. A fake nose once. (“This is just sad,” Envy tells him. “I’ve seen humans disguise themselves better than this.” “I’m not taking advice from someone who willingly walks around looking like that.” Envy has to be held back from trying to maul Wrath by Lust, because Envy has already lost FIVE LIVES since living here – one of them might have been from Trisha, but she won’t confirm or deny anything and only cackles quietly to herself when she looks at Envy sometimes – and if they keep it up they’re going to actually die FOR REAL by next year. “DO YOU THINK PHILOSOPHER’S STONES GROW ON TREES?” Father booms, then goes immediately to Hoho and is like, “That was the right phrase, right? I also tried grounding like you suggested.” “You’ll get this fatherhood thing in no time. Also, you can’t end the grounding no matter how sad they look. That’s what Trisha says.”)
Side note: Mrs. Bradley definitely moves in with them too and now she knows exactly what her husband and son are and still loves them just as much. Pride is confused and slightly mortified, but also touched – he’ll never admit it. Wrath just really loves this human woman he chose. He and Hoho trade stories about their adventures wooing strong-willed, slightly scary mortal women. They get drunk together once and cry into the night about how wonderful their wives are and the fact that their children are growing up before their eyes – “I don’t grow, Wrath, what are you talking about?” “My son sounds so grown up!” Both men sob harder.
Trisha and Mrs. Bradley become fast friends. They run a So-You-Married-an-Immortal support group. Currently they’re the only members. Meetings basically consist of them exchanging stories of the weirdest things they’ve ever seen their husbands do.
Pride becomes weirdly protective of the baby Elrics. Mostly because he believes Father wants to keep them safe and he’s the most loyal devoted son who will do anything Father wants, so he takes great pride (ha) in protecting the baby Elrics from every harm he can think of. He also looks the most similar in age to them, so he lets Father enroll him in the local school and watches over them while in class. The rest of the class and the teacher are absolutely terrified of him, because he mostly just sits behind Ed and glares at everyone who moves too close.
Ed and Al grow up with a really weird understanding of shadows – ie, convinced that they can definitely move independently and are physical things you can touch, because that one time Al tripped, a bunch of shadows definitely grabbed him before he hit the ground, placed him back on his feet, and patted his shoulder reassuringly for good measure.
Sloth does nothing, of course. He’s just happy he doesn’t have to dig that tunnel anymore. He mostly sleeps and Ed and Al try to figure out how much they can stack on him before he wakes up. Or how many times they can poke him. Or how loudly they can shout. Etc.
Somehow it turns out mostly okay though. Ed and Al make it into their teenage years without dying or any serious maiming. (Only Greed and Envy have been maimed, but their injuries heal so it’s fine.) They have at least two homunculi that are fiercely protective of them, one that usually at least has more fun fighting their enemies than them, one who acts like a weird uncle and showers them with gifts and random melons, and two that are pretty indifferent as long as they’re left alone. And Envy, who definitely still wants to make their lives as miserable as possible, but is at least usually outvoted by the other homunculi.
The Elric/Hohenheim family is very weird, but most of them (and Resembool) have accepted that. Trisha definitely would still kill any of them if they hurt her sons though.
Thanks for the prompt!
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insidethereddoors · 3 years
Night Out by @SweetRoseQuartz
“Are you almost ready?”
Cameron calls out as I shuffle around in the bathroom, looking for a missing bobbin pin that I dropped on the floor. My eyes shine bright as I spot it over by the toilet.
“I’ll be right out!”
Cameron and I were headed to a wedding of a mutual friend. Sam. I met her in fashion school, when I actually attended college. She made a career out of it and I dropped out to open my store. Though I didn’t regret the choices I made and I'm sure she didn’t either. We had a small fling, nothing serious that hardly lasted the summer. Though we stayed friends even after it all. 
“Okay.” Opening the bathroom door to reveal myself. “Does this look okay? I wanna look nice, but not like an evil mistress that is plotting to steal the bride.” I waggle my brows as Cam laughs.
“Which bride?” He snorts. “I mean...you look hot. I’d fuck ya if I were into that.”
I beam. “Success!” 
We both laugh on our way out of my apartment. The wedding was in Manhattan, but it kinda made me feel sick to be in this part of the city again. I just spent three years of living here with a man that I called mine. Then one night, it all changed.
“You okay?” Cam asks as he looks over at me in the cab.
I nod.
“Well, that was convincing. Look, let’s have a nice night. It’s an open bar and we can leave as soon as the cake gets cut.” 
Now I laugh.
“What?” My friend looks at me with a raised brow. 
“We know what's going to happen. You are going to drink heavily, find a man, and wind up leaving me even before the food makes it out.” I grin. 
He blinks. “I will not.”
My laugh turns into a cackle. “You so will. You do it all the time. But I don’t mind. At least I know some people at this wedding. Ugh, remember the time I went to your cousin's wedding. I thought I'd be safe because it was in Michigan and everyone there was either straight or a priest. Then you happen to find a waiter that thinks you’re hot and you wind up leaving me at the sad singles table with that guy that kept staring at me as he ate.” I make a face in disgust.
“Okay...I’m a whore. I thought you knew this about me.” He teases with a grin.
Reaching out, I can’t help but smooth his hair back. “Oh I knew, and that is one of the reasons that I love you.”
We both chuckle in response, looking up to see the gorgeous museum that was rented out for the wedding. 
“Only Sam...Welp, come on. Let’s find you a man and me some champagne.”
The ceremony was beautiful. Not something I cried over, but I did have a fun time watching Cameron blubber beside me. It was weird watching as they exchanged vows, telling each other just how much they meant to one another. Not too long ago I was pouring out my feelings to a man that I thought would be my forever.
But I was wrong. 
“Okay. I need a drink.” I murmur into Cam’s ear as he leads me towards the reception area. We find our seats, and it takes everything in me not to laugh as I see who Cam sits next to.
A man that he already has hooked up with before. Of course Sam would seat him with us. She is already setting up his hookup for the night. To be honest, I was glad he could let go tonight. Cameron had been working so hard these past few months, not only taking care of me, but the store as well. He deserved a night of fun. 
“I’m going to get a drink.” I clear my throat as I watch them already engaging in a private conversation. He looks at me and sticks his tongue out with a smirk.
Chuckling to myself as I make my way over to the bar. The museum was decorated beautifully for the wedding. Black and white with a hint of red, as well as thousands of twinkling lights that illuminated the room. The band started to play, welcoming out the newlyweds, my eyes going to Sam for a brief moment before turning to speak to the bartender.
“Champagne…” He nods and moves to pour me a glass. 
“Weddings...not really a fan of them.” A stranger murmurs behind me.
I turned to see the tall, dark and handsome man that reminded me too much of another one. Nodding in response as I reach for my glass then moves to leave. He reaches out, clasping a hand around my arm in a tight grip. I almost wished Dante was here at this moment. He would never allow some stranger to grab me like this. But he wasn’t here, and to be honest I needed to take a stand for myself. Pulling out of his grip, practically spilling half of my champagne on the floor.
“Can I help you?”
The male snorts then looks away. “Not anymore.”
I blink and downs my drink before reaching for the one that the bartender just poured for him. 
“Fuck you.” I muttered as I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip on my way back to my seat. And I was drinking vodka. Straight vodka. Great. Now I was going to be drunk on top of it.
When I got back I already saw that Cameron was gone and his food was untouched. I called that one. Chuckling to myself as I take another sip of the asshole’s drink, smiling as Sam and her new wife Gaby make their way over to us. Gaby moves over to speak to someone else, while Sam takes my hand.
“So glad you can make it.” She smiles down at me. “You look stunning as always.”
I laughed as I took in her white suit, that was gorgeous and showed off the right amount of cleavage. “You look better.” 
She waves a hand then her brows turn in. “Are you doing okay? You know I'm here for you if you need anything. Anything at all.”
Putting up a smile as I gave her palm a kiss before releasing her hand. “I’m great. Come by the shop sometime with the wifey and pick out whatever you want for your new place, okay?”
Sam nods then gives me a wink. “Deal.” 
As I watched her walk off with Gaby, I couldn’t help but think of that summer when we got together. Sam loved me, more than I loved her, so I knew it couldn’t go further. We just led very different lives, and she deserved nothing but happiness. 
The rest of the night was uneventful. I picked at my steak, danced a bit, drank more than I should, and avoided the scary man at table five who looked like he wanted to kill me for stealing his drink. Cameron came back, but left soon after when Josh asked him to dance. I knew once I lost him to the dance floor that he was gone for the rest of the night.
So as the cake got cut, I decided to slip out myself. As I walked down the museum steps, I figured I’d better text Cam and let him know I was grabbing a cab home. But just as I was about to hit send, a familiar number showed up on my screen.
It was him. 
Standing there frozen in time, I let it ring a few times before I answer the call. After a heartbeat I speak into the phone. 
Silence. Nothing but silence on the other end before I hear a loud sigh.
“Rose. You answered.”
“I did.” I managed a reply as I took a seat on the steps.
“I didn’t think you would. The other day in Brooklyn, you ran and hid from me.”
Ah yes. The ambush of his Bentley that caused me to duck into Franky’s Pizza shop and hide out till the coast was clear.
“Can you blame me?” 
He chuckles softly, listening to a rustling in the background.
“What do you want?” I wasn’t about to play games right now. I should of never answered the call.
“I just wanted to see how you were doing.”
How I was doing??? Was he serious right now?
“Fuck you.” I bark back into the phone.
“Fuck you? Yeah, I did fuck you. Kitten, you sound drunk…”
My eyes fill with tears, lost for words, I quickly pull the phone away from my ear and hangs up on him. Letting out a scream as I toss the piece of cake onto the floor and quickly rushes down the steps.
“Taxi!” I call out, feeling like my whole world was crashing down once again.
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mulder-isms · 7 years
Musings over pizza - (Thorcid fanfic)
A\N: Hi *coughs because of the dust*
This fic was first inspired by this prompt I’ve got from anon:
Since they've known each other for so long, I'd love some sort of throwback about Thorgy and Acid knowing each other and then Acid seeing Thorgy becoming more and more popular and creating a scene in Brooklyn
also this adorable feedback:
Call me vanilla but I'd literally read anything you wrote like you could write 5000 words about Thorcid eating pizza on the couch and I'd be down.
And you need to know some things in advance:
1) Watch Thorgy playing the piano cardboard performance 
2) In a recent interview (7:13) Thorgy talked about his early adventures with Aja, so yes, Aja is in this fic COME THROUGH SEASON 9
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3) Also this pic
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4) This happens in the thorcid novel universe, but you have to ignore The birthday series lol and remember what happened in Twilight Time 👌  
5) Smut for your nerves!
PS: feedback is the wind under my wings, so help a bitch to still be inspired ����
“It’s always Shane doing his Shane-nigans!”
The voice of his father echoed and hit the back of his head. It was his cousin’s birthday. Shane was 7 years old. The energetic little boy thought it was a cool idea to open one present. But then he wouldn’t stop after the first one and ended up opening all of them, consumed by his curious nature.
Every time he would do something crazy or reckless, or just existed being his unusual self, people’s reaction was always the same: a heavy sigh accepting what it was unchangeable. Shane was a force of nature. Wild and unpredictable, nevertheless still pure.
The year was 2006.
It was his first time performing out of the campus in an actual bar. He felt silly with his platform shoes and crazy make up, no padding, no body or a hint of glamour.  But all his friends were there to support him. He took a deep breath. This is what he wanted. To be free of conservatory rooms with perfect acoustic. He wanted loud and bad music blasting on his ears. He needed the chaos.
“Shane, you’ll be up in 10 minutes” an older queen warned him backstage. He started jumping to warm up and relax his tense muscles.
His dorm neighbor friend spotted a very well-known face strutting among the crowd, “Oh my god Acid Betty is here!”
Shane heard about Acid Betty but never saw her in the flesh. She was a vision with a huge blonde mohawk and an eyeliner that would go all the way to her forehead, cutting the dancefloor like a fierce goddess.
“She is fucking amazing” his friend mouth dropping admired, but his expression was changing by the second. “Oh shit she is coming this way!”
Their eyes met and she winked at Shane. He peered behind checking if it was really for him. But she was really going into his direction. She stopped being out of focus to be inches in front of them, an explosion of colors and a very luring presence.
“Good luck, kid. Hannah told me it’s your first day. We surely need a dance off to pop your cherry and spend that tip money” she spoke loudly and her voice was deep and matched her persona in a weird way.
“I don’t guarantee the tip money but the dance off and embarrassment is for free” he replied surprisingly fast and staring too much at all details of her outfit. He wondered if she noticed and was going to make fun of him. She was quite terrifying.
The facade broke when she laughed throatily in a dorky way and left them behind. Shane’s friend was still starstruck. Shane felt like he was possessed for some seconds, her strong presence taking over his body lighting his fire to kill that performance.
Drag was beautiful.
Maybe he would be that beautiful one day.
Jamin lungs were filled with the thick air, the mixture of perfume, cigarettes and the nauseating sweetness of fog machines. It’s been months since he was in a gay bar. Months since all his Acid Betty attires were hanging on his studio, lifeless. He didn’t want to touch it anymore. Acid Betty was dissolving from his skin every day.
He had a regular job where he could still be creative. A regular boyfriend by his side. Some people still recognized him and he pretended to care about them and smiled politely. Bar 4 had terrible lighting, and the stage was, well, there wasn’t one. They sat in a table next to it and his boyfriend was complaining about the noise. There was a painting decorating the black wall of the performance area. Just a blast of watercolors splashed on the canvas.
He used to be that.
A blonde tall queen entered the stage. He heard of her, people talking about how funny and witty her performances were, Brooklyn drag was going in all directions. Thorgy Thor. He had recollections of meeting her few years ago. He remembers her fire dancing by his side on the dancefloor. She had a different name. Something goofy.
The performance was a voice over, and she was playing a character that was that typical I’m-an-actress-singer-dancer L.A rejected type. He felt a strange connection. She had beautiful legs under the light blue tights and she was acting like she was in an audition.
“I guess everyone is a drag queen nowadays…” his boyfriend bitched taking a sip on his drink. Jamin didn’t care and kept staring at queen hypnotized.
“Actually, I’m Thorgy and I would love to audition for you!” the blonde queen pleaded in response to the voice over.
“Well, you gotta a cute look. What can you do?” the other voice on the recording asked.
“I’m an excellent pianist, and I can kick my leg really in the air like this!” and then she demonstrated throwing her leg high and people in the bar were laughing. Jamin chuckled and his boyfriend threw him a judging glance. “And I really can suck a great-
“Uh-huh!” the voice interrupted and everybody was cackling loudly. “Well, play away!”
Jamin observed Thorgy playing on the cardboard piano with all the feeling and intention in the world. He thought she was great and creative. He felt inspired. And staring at her endearing smile he couldn’t help but wonder if she really could suck a great dick.
“I’ve heard she actually plays the violin and other instruments”
He overheard someone commenting behind their table. He glanced at Thorgy again and that painting on the wall. People are full of colors.
After a couple of drinks and a lot of bitching Chris wasn’t feeling well and Jamin left him home. He was starving and decided to stop in his usual pizza place. It was open until very late and it was the favorite place for dawn stoners and starving drag queens post gigs.
He sat in his booth, ordered a large pepperoni one with nothing to drink since he was on a diet. He was drunk, tired and drained of Chris’s negative energy the whole night long. He heard a loud cackle coming from a group of queens that were eating and laughing on the balcony.
“We’re leaving, girl. It’s fucking 3 am how are you even still eating. We’re outside for a smoke, we give you 10 minutes”
One of the queens said to Thorgy that was devouring a piece with both hands and no napkin. The other queens left and Thorgy continued engaged in her piece. Their eyes met across the room. Jamin wasn’t sure if she was going to recognize him, although they’ve met a couple of times out of drag. He waved coyly and Thorgy squinted her eyes trying to recognize him for a few seconds.
She opened a smile with a half full mouth, got out of her stool and was on her way to join Jamin in the booth. He regretted the decision immediately as she was approaching holding her pizza.
“Acid Betty on Joe’s! What an unexpected encounter!” she chanted sitting in front of Jamin.
“Hi” he replied putting his pizza down. “ It’s the only place open after you spent hours tucked and hungry and that people won’t judge you”
“Yeah, but you’re not tucked or hungry”  Thorgy noticed eyeing him curiously biting her lower lip. Her make up was smudged and her gray blue eyes were popping out because of the blonde wig and navy headband.
“I’m drunk and pissed, and these make me hungry” he replied quickly making Thorgy laugh. It was an unarming sound.
It was funny how they would have this brief encounters with fiery witty conversations.
“I was at the Bar 4 with my boyfriend. I really liked you performance” he remarked grabbing another piece.
Thorgy looked at him for a few seconds surprised with the compliment, her mouth curling into a half smile feeling her heart suddenly beating faster.
“Um…I was kinda feeling like shit when I recorded. Thank you” she replied looking down and playing with the plastic fork that was on the table.
“I overheard you actually play the piano and the violin. You should do it in drag”
Thorgy scoffed. The idea of playing her violin in the middle of drunk people banging on the walls to Lady Gaga was at least scary. They would throw tomatoes at her.
“Listen to your heart. Fuck other people.”
He answered her unformulated question and Thorgy was quite stunt by it.
“I’m afraid if I start listening, it will never shut up and I already have enough voices in my head” she confessed. Acid analysed her with curiosity, as if she was something to be discovered. It was an enticing look.
Thorgy was afraid of the randomness of everything. That the people that could be important to you, that could read you like a pleasant book, might just pass you by. We can never know what they really mean to us. There’s no soulmates signs on their foreheads. There’s no sign of “keep me” popping out of their heads.
They both stood in silent and Thogy noticed her friends outside making gestures for her to hurry up.
“Chris was asking about your name and I never asked you about it.” Jamin recalled chewing and noticed Thorgy staring at his mouth.
“My middle name is Thor”
Jamin raised his brows surprised and chuckled.
“I’m Shane Thor Galligan”
“Thor-gee” Jamin concluded before she even finished and Thorgy just nodded. “You have the fierceness, the viking dreads, but you’ll need the hammer at some point, girl”
Thorgy smiled and got out the booth making a gesture that she needed to go.
“For now I don’t even have a car” she shrugged squeezing Jamin’s shoulder before leaving him with three remaining pieces. Jamin observed her fading inside the crowded car into the night through the glass of his booth. ‘Until the next random pizza sharing encounter’ he thought.
It was one of those weeks where getting out of the bed was a struggle. An unseen force would pull Shane down, would break his spirit. Hours wandering around the house. Rearranging the closet that was already arranged. Alvaro was worried about his friend, and if a life long friend is worried about you something must have been really wrong.
Some people paid him a visit, and he wasn’t expecting Aja to appear on his door at all. She was a cool Brooklyn chick, fresh blood and full of energy. He once was like this. He too thought he was the new cool drag that everyone was talking about. Aja was around with her group of friends and she had all figured out like all millennials. Bursting into parties with fake ID and turning on the dancefloor.
Right now in front of his door it was just Jay, with a box of pizza and a bottle of wine. He was wearing a jeans jumper and a ripped t-shirt, a backpack on his back.
“Bitch why you cancelled yesterday. It was amazing at the metropolitan. Now I’m officially legal to drink”
“Officially legal to die drinking you mean” Shane remarked. “Girl, what are you doing here?”
Shane was walking into the living room indicating that Aja could come in. He sat on the couch embracing his legs as Aja opened the box of pizza.
“This is a cheap ass wine that I use for some cleansings. And speaking of that…” he observed Shane and the apartment that was unusually tidy. “The energy of this place seems a little off. And you girl, where are your ‘woos!’ storage?”
Shane shrugged defeated. He went to the kitchen to pick up some glasses for them. “I guess I’m out of it”
“I’m here for a little magical intervention. I owe you girl, you’ve booked me to all these gigs last month. I want to read the cards for you and get rid of whatever is giving me chills right now” he said shrinking and brushing off the invisible force. Shane laughed shaking his head.
“You’re a cuckoo witch”
Aja put some Kanye on while Shane protested but after a few glasses of wine and some conversation about Aja’s crazy dates and adventures he was feeling lighter. When he started sorting the cards on the coffee table Shane was having his second piece of pizza.
She pulled The wheel of fortune at first.
“This too shall pass” he started mysteriously. “Whatever you’re feeling right now, remember, everything vanishes. Also a huge change is on the way about your career.”
“Well, after listening to this record I’m quitting classical music officially” he drunk stated taking a big gulp on his glass.
“It’s funny, because my mother read the cards for me this week and it was my first too”
Shane was observing Aja’s painted nails going through the cards and his head already spinning with the possibilities. He picked out another one.
“Lovers” he scoffed rolling his eyes showing the cards of two identical hearts together. “You’re a gemini. That’s your official card. It means it’s time for you to stop whoring around and pay attention to love. The good type, ya know? From Nicholas Sparks books and shit. You need to open up the possibilities that you can be loved” then Aja stopped talking and looking at the wall behind Shane. He widened his eyes scared. Was he seeing something?
“What bitch?” he asked nervous and looking behind.
“The image of something related to a new year came to me…like a sunrise?  A sunrise after a New Year’s eve party?”
As Aja was speaking Shane got chills on his spine. The memories of that unforgettable New Year’s Eve with Jamin emerged from the depths of his mind.
“I don’t know, sis. This wine is cheap as fuck and the mushrooms of this pizza” Aja speculated organizing the cards again to put in the case again.
“That’s it?” Shane grunted still curious.
“I’ll write you some things you need to do. You’re going to have the bath of your life”
After finishing the pizza, Aja left some notes for teas and a bath that involved milk as an ingredient, so Shane could snap out of whatever was going on is his busy mind. The image that he conjured was still haunting.
He also wondered what changes could happen to them. Everything seemed so still, like the world wasn’t moving around, and gravity was sinking his feet. He felt like nothing could change. Aja was still young and vibrant, and maybe her visit was a reminder that he still had it too.
The auction was going well. People were buying Acid’s iconic attires and wigs but somehow Thorgy felt defensive about it. As she was watching Jamin talking to audience, she didn’t want to see those outfits go. They were part of Acid’s history, and so of her too. She never minded auctioning her stuff because they were most from thrift stores. But these were made by Jamin’s beautiful hands. And they would become just a disconnected piece of an incomplete look.
After the gigs, they all went to Jamin’s house to hang around in his studio to have some drinks. Alotta was there and Shane questioned how this friendship bloomed. Jamin was part of the Brooklyn scene again and he couldn’t be more happier. After all the queens left, they ordered a pizza.  Since he didn’t have the intention of staying, forbidden by Jamin that said he needed to organize the place, he just took a shower and put on a purple jersey he had on his bag for weeks and nothing underneath.
Jamin was on the couch of his studio just browsing through his phone, no shoes, feet on the coffee table. The pizza box was closed waiting for Shane. He was still wearing his checked suit and Acid Betty’s t-shirt.
Shane came in the room analyzing the whole place, checking some of his paintings and toys. He held a sweet smile, like this place was the core of Jamin. He picked up a troll doll that was on the shelf and stroke the blue hair. Jamin glanced up and down aware of his presence, and then he looked up again locked with the vision of Shane with that oversized jersey, no shoes on, the hairy legs in all their glory and the dreads half loose in a bun. His complete weakness.
“I’ve never seen a jersey so out of place in my whole life” he pointed out checking his body and he approached to join him in the couch. Shane just shimmed and sat by his side putting his legs over Jamin’s with no ceremony and lying down. His arm reached for a piece of pizza that he shoved into his mouth still laid.
The Jersey was barely covering his crotch and Jamin side looked down at him still holding his phone, placing his elbows on Shane’s legs.
After some seconds in silence eating his pizza and observing his boyfriend Shane felt like talking but he paused. He noticed the lines on Jamin’s forehead. His perfect lips wet by the red tomato sauce of the pizza. His black hair fading away with the memory of the first time he saw Acid out of drag. Blonde and skinnier.
He loved this version if front of him more than any memory of their long history of brief encounters. At last, found in translation.
“I was bothered to see all your stuff go. I don’t know. I’m kinda sentimental about outfits. The wig that you were wearing when I first met you was there. You make everything you wear. I felt like I was seeing little pieces of you being taken away by strangers”
Jamin stopped typing on his cellphone and sighed looking at his boyfriend, he rubbed his legs and laid by his side, hugging Shane by the waist, putting a leg over him. He started nuzzling on the hollow of his neck and Shane continued eating but started giggling with the ticklish sensation of Jamin’s stubble.
“Don’t bother, Thorg. They’re just outfits. Sometimes you need to get rid off the old stuff so your mind can see things without dust on it. I’m creating plenty of new stuff.” he reassured him whispering on his neck. Shane wasn’t still very convinced. He reached out another piece and handed it to Jamin that devoured it quickly.
“We’re on that stage. We’re eating pizza laid down with onions falling on our faces and we don’t give a fuck” Shane realized disgusted but accepting the reality.
“And we’re going to have sex smelling like pepperoni” Jamin added and Shane raised his brows with a smile curling on his mouth.
“Are we? I’m not staying over. You were the one kicking me out saying that you needed to organize your studio” he recalled playing difficult and prompting himself to a sitting position brushing off all the pizza remains that were on top of him.
“Well, you appear naked wearing a goddamn purple jersey you leave me without options” he defended himself pulling him back by the waist but he fought back. But not much since Jamin started kissing his lower back sending shivers to his spine.
He got back to the couch and Jamin was on top of him and their kiss was deepening. His stubble was scratching faintly at his skin in a way that was making him tingle all over. Shane’s hands were exploring Jamin’s back, going south to grab his ass and pushing his hips further between his legs. Jamin’s cock was hardening and rubbing over Shane’s belly, his pants becoming small and uncomfortable.
Jamin positioned himself on his knees so he could remove his suit. Shane was watching him still painting and flustered, legs locked around him, throbbing with desire.
“Take off your pants and lay on your back” Shane ordered before Jamin could even decide what to do. He laughed getting out of the couch so he could remove all his clothes and Shane followed him.
“You’re such a jock with this jersey” he teased Shane that pushed him to lie on the couch where he collapsed. He was on top of him in seconds with Jamin’s cock in hands, licking the head as if it was his favorite popsicle. Jamin could feel Shane’s cock squeezed between his legs and he rubbed making him moan in pleasure. He took him to the whole and the vision always made him impressed. Shane grunted in appreciation as Jamin’s hips were rising against his face.
Shane was so dedicated to this task, it was clearly he was relishing every second. He suddenly stopped and changed position, making Jamin open his legs and he lowered himself, kissing the inside of Jamin’s thigh and he shivered, both at the touch and at the loss of the pressure of his mouth.  
He was rapping his hand around Jamin, resting the thumb on his tip, smoothing the precum that was forming. Jamin’s fingers were raking through his dreads while he moved lower, licking his balls to find his entrance.
“Fuck Shane…” he pleaded overwhelmed with the stimulation. Shane laughed watching him with eyes closed, his stomach going up and dowm. Shane was grapping his hand around his cock pumping him firmly and slowly, up and down, with a mischievous grin. He slid one of his finger slowy inside him, licking the place to make the move smoother.
Shane’s mouth and finger work in tandem was too much. Jamin was fighting the urge to push his head further inside him, but instead of that he pulled him to stop. Shane was already kissing his stomach, slowly going up, his tongue swirling on his nipples.
Jamin pulled him for a kiss and softly chuckled holding him onto his chest.
“You are so horny today” he stated still short of air as Shane removed some pubic hairs from his mouth giggling . “I thought you were still sore from yesterday” Jamin was still painting looking down at Shane, his cheeks all rose and lips swollen.
“Well…I am…” he realized as if he was aware of that only in that moment and numb the whole time with desire. “But I want you to fuck me. Really hard. Like, now”
Jamin’s eyes widened and he cackled scared of his urgency.
“Get the lube” he gave up trying to make some sense into Shane’s head.
“Ugh” Shane complained. He was perfectly nested on Jamin’s chest and he didn’t want to get his purse inside the apartment. He eyed the bottle of olive oil on the table and wiggled his brows.
“Are you serious?” Jamin was incredulous as Shane reached for the bottle over Jamin as if he was a rug, pressing on his lungs.
“Come on, bicth” he ordered again. “It’s an oil. Smells great and it’s edible.”
Shane laid on his back and Jamin put some olive on his cock and on Shane’s making him giggle.
“You’re paying to wash this couch” Jamin complained but he was extremely turned on with the whole thing. Shane pulled him by his neck impatiently.
“Shut up and fuck me already” he whispered inside his mouth. Jamin’s stomach tensed in anticipation as he slid one finger inside Shane, preparing him, making him moving his hips up and moan.
He placed himself inside him slowly making Shane ache with the urgency, their gaze locked. Shane removed his glasses and Jamin’s and put on the coffee table so he could cup his face as Jamin’s hip was going further in and out of him. Shane could feel the energy radiating from his body, and his breathing quickened, his stomach fluttering with anxious desire.
They were kissing as Jamin went faster, placing himself on his knees and putting Shane’s legs up over his shoulder. Shane started pumping his cock but Jamin took over, and kept thrusting, Shane’s butt cheeks burning with the pounding. Shane’s cock was glistening with precum but Jamin didn’t stop pumping him.
Their bodies slapped wetly together, and he grunted as he held Shane’s hips still, his cock savagely pounding into him. Shane’s thighs were shaking, and he knew that he was on the edge. He kept moaning non stopping incoherence mumblings.
Shane’s breathing hitched as he felt her orgasm building. “Don’t stop,” he panted breathlessly, as his body began to convulse, the knees tightening, his core arching forward. Jamin continued his assault as Shane was still pulsing around his cock, their moans matching in intensity.
Shane was curling in pleasure as he stroke his cock feeling the other orgasm hitting, spilling his cum all over his stomach. Jamin followed him right after, removing his cock and shooting over his stomach too. He felt the waves of pleasure spreading all over his crotch and legs and he collapsed over Shane reaching for a languid kiss. They were just breathing heavily and nuzzling their noses. They were feeling the hot liquid between connecting them like glue. The sensation was quite funny.
“We’re like a very disgusting pizza” Jamin whispered, his head resting under his chin. He observed Shane’s purple jersey on the floor.
“I think there’s olive oil even on my hair” Shane touched the top his head grabbing some dreads.
They stayed there entwined by olive oil.  Shane paid for the couch cleaning but Jamin decided that it needed a new fabric. It was dirty again with paint and make up two weeks later.
The Metropolitan bar was full. Everybody was excited for the new episode of season 9. Thorgy was in the dressing room almost ready to come out with Aja fixing her orange suit and skirt. She looked like a futuristic secretary from the 60’s. Thorgy was listening to “Que sera, sera” from Pink Martini on her phone as Aja was finishing her make-up.
“Girl, did you take that bath that I prescribed to you years ago? Oh my god, I’ve never asked you about it!”
Thorgy was wearing his curly brown hair wig and fixing it with a comb. She stopped trying to remember what she was talking about.
“Pfffff, I lost the paper and probably ate the ingredients” she scoffed fixing her Thorgy t-shirt looking at the mirror.
“And how about the new year party thing?”
She just shook her head trailing off the subject. Aja was the real deal and the younger queen took her silence as a confirmation.
“Sis, I told ya. Wheel of fucking fortune.”
Then Aja posed to the mirror sending a kiss to her own image. Thorgy thought that maybe her witch friend could win. Maybe the wheels were still rolling.
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jmforth-blog · 7 years
An Excerpt from “Antique Store”
Alejandro Perez sighed and took another drag off his cigarette. He was certain that these new overnight security shifts were killing him faster than the smokes were. He saw something flit out of the corner of his eye and turned, stamping his cigarette into the ground. He dropped his hand to his radio, listening to it crackle. It looked as though a flashlight beam swept across the store windows. “Hey Muller, this is Perez. I may have movement on the east side, by Bingley’s Clothing.” His radio crackled again with dead air. “Muller? You there?” No answer. “Alejandro…” He shivered, turning away from the store immediately, and rubbed his mustache. If you can’t see someone’s face, don’t respond when they call your name. His abuela had always told him this, when he was young. His parents hadn’t been the superstitious type, frowning on his abuela’s stories, but Alejandro and his cousins would gather around her feet, rapt with attention when it was too hot to play. She would tell them all about her encounters with the spirits. “Alejandro…” It sounded like his abuela’s voice. But she was long dead. Don’t respond, even if they call your name three times, she had told Alejandro, leaning forward in her weathered rocking chair. If you answer or look at them, bad things will happen. He clicked his radio on again. “Muller? You there?” “Yeah,” the radio crackled back. “Sorry, went on break and left my radio in the office.” “I think I may have movement out here. Looks like a flashlight. Could be somebody in one of the stores.” “Is it coming from the antique store?” “Yeah,” Alejandro said quietly into his radio. He glanced over his shoulder, just catching a glimpse of the light. “It looks like they’re still in there.” “Listen Perez, pretend you didn’t see anything.” “What?” he said. “You heard me. You didn’t see anything, you didn’t hear anything. Go about your rounds as usual.” “Are you fucking with me, Muller?” He hissed into the radio. “No,” Muller’s voice came over in a somber tone. “Whatever you do, don’t go into that store. Don’t try to look in the windows. Just move along. Act like you didn’t see a thing.” “Alright,” Alejandro said. “Roger.” “Oh, and Perez?” “Yeah?” he answered. “I don’t know what you believe, but if you’re a Christian, you need to go see a priest when your shift is up. Or whatever you believe, go see a witch, a santero, whatever. Make sure you get blessed before you go home.” Alejandro decided not to argue with him. “Roger that,” he said. He resumed walking through the dark outdoor mall, occasionally flicking his flashlight in stores as he passed. His thoughts were with his abuela. When he was younger, Alejandro’s abuela was a very robust woman. Her rocking chair creaked when she sat down. She always wore bright colors so Alejandro would never lose her in the crowds at the market. Whenever he arrived at her house she would wrap him up in warm, tight hugs, lifting his slender frame up off the ground. All of Alejandro’s cousins would tease him for being so small and skinny, but when they did she would take him aside and say, Alejandro, do not worry. You are smaller than them but you are also quicker than them. She was the kindest, most loving member of the family. Alejandro felt that she was the only who truly understood him. A year before Alejandro left Havana, she changed. He watched her dwindle away to nothing. When he went to visit her on her deathbed, he hovered at the doorway while she cackled. The room where she laid felt heavy. Her arms were spread out across the bed, and Alejandro could see the scars criss-crossing them in the lamplight. His abuela sat up and ripped open her nightgown, exposing her wrinkled breasts, laughing. He turned around, left the house, and never went back. She died the next night. Alejandro massaged his jaw. He hadn’t realized he’d been gritting his teeth until the pressure was suddenly relieved. He turned at the end of the mall and began walking back towards the office, flicking his flashlight back and forth. He slowed as he approached the antique store and looked around. The windows of the store were dark now. Nothing seemed to be out of place. “Perez, come in,” the radio squawked. “This is Perez, go ahead,” Alejandro said. “I need you to get back to the office pronto, we’ve got a situation up here.” “Roger.” He shoved his radio back onto his belt and jogged past the antique store, towards the center of the mall.   Alejandro busted into the office, winded. Muller spun around in his chair, a half-eaten ham sandwich in his hand. “What’s up?” he asked. Alejandro leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees. “I got your radio call, what’s the situation?” “Huh?” Muller said with his mouth full. “What’s the situation?” He furrowed his brow. “Um. There is no situation.” “But you called me and said--” “I didn’t call you,” he said, shaking his head. He took another bite of his sandwich. “Man, you are going mental. Maybe they need to switch you back to days, yeah?” Alejandro took a deep breath, angry. “What’s your problem Muller? Is this some hazing ritual? Fuck with the new guy on nights, see if he can hack it?” Muller placed his sandwich down on the desk and stood up. “Perez, I don’t have time for games. I. Didn’t. Call. You.” Alejandro nodded. Muller sat back down and picked up his sandwich. “Just get back down there, will ya?” Alejandro’s eyes flicked to the row of screens behind Muller’s chair. In the middle and on the left side was the security camera for the antique store. He pointed to the screen. “Do you see that?” “What the fuck is it now, Perez?” Muller asked, spinning around. A light flashed on the screen. Alejandro pointed to the corner. The metal security gate that was pulled down and locked every night when the mall closed, was now mangled and shoved upwards. The glass doors behind the gate were broken and hanging open. Muller looked back at Alejandro, eyes wide. “Do you think somebody broke in?” he asked. “I don’t know,” Alejandro said. “When I came towards the office, the gate was locked and everything looked fine. Quiet.” Muller tapped on the screen to enlarge the image. “Let’s watch and wait. See what happens and what we’re dealing with before we go down there.” Alejandro pulled up a chair and watched the screen. Muller’s ham sandwich sat on the desk, forgotten. The two men leaned forward, noses almost touching the screen, as they waited to see what would happen. A light flashed in the antiques store again. “Maybe we should go ahead,” Alejandro whispered. “What if they’re robbing the place?” Muller shook his head. “No, we have no way to tell how many there are and if they’re armed,” he said. “We stay put for now.” Alejandro nodded. The men inched closer to the screen. Alejandro noticed a little piece of black at the edge of the camera, blocking the far right corner. He elbowed Muller. “Hey, look at that. It looks like someone may have tried to block or disable the camera.” Muller nodded and expanded the screen some more. The black piece seemed to be moving. “What is that?” he asked. The corner cleared and a black and white face came into view. It looked like a young girl with black hair pulled into pigtails. Her eyes were dark, but not scary. “What the hell is she doing in here?” Alejandro asked. The girl smiled on camera. Before Muller could answer, the girl opened her mouth. It gaped black on the screen, but Alejandro could just make out movement inside. Suddenly a torrent of shiny black beetles poured out of her mouth and started crawling around on the camera. Their feelers poked the glass. The men’s view of the antique store was completely obscured. “This has gotta be some kind of trick,” Alejandro said. “We need to get down there and get a visual.” Muller placed his hand on Alejandro’s arm. “You’re not going down there. Do you want to get us both killed?” “No, but--” “We stay put.” Muller turned back to the screens. Beetles continued to crawl over the camera. Alejandro shuddered with disgust. He turned away from the screens and placed his hand on the office door. “Where the fuck are you going?” asked Muller. “I can’t stand here and watch this,” Alejandro answered. “I’m just gonna wait outside the office and smoke.” He pulled another cigarette from his pack and waved it in the air. Muller turned back to the screens. “I’ll let you know if anything changes,” he said. As soon as Alejandro stepped outside, he placed his cigarette back in the pack and flicked his radio off. He looked down at the radio on his hip for a moment, wishing it were a gun. He wasn’t sure if a gun would even help. He crept down the office stairs, looking out over the outdoor mall. He couldn’t quite see around the corner to where the antiques store was located, but there was no sign of life between Alejandro and that corner. That was good. Maybe he could get close without being seen. Alejandro approached, keeping close to the buildings on his right. He poked his head around the corner and squinted into the darkness, not daring to use his flashlight. The faint clicking of the beetles scuttling along the pavement and flying in spurts was enough to make Alejandro feel sick. He could see the beetles clearly now, iridescent green and glimmering in the darkness, a detail he couldn’t see on the shitty camera feed. They were starting to disperse and fly off into the night. Alejandro looked to the store. The gate was still mangled and the doors were still broken. He could just make out the glint of broken glass on the ground, some of it jagged edges and some of it reduced to a fine dust. No movement or sound came from inside the store. He waited. He backed up from the antique store and flicked his radio back on. “Muller? This is Perez, do you copy?” “Yeah,” came Muller’s voice. “Where are you?” “I’m at the store,” Alejandro said. “It looks clear.” “I can’t see anything on the feed,” Muller said. “You need to get back here.” Alejandro clicked the radio off without comment and edged his way back towards the store. He looked over to where the camera should’ve been. The camera sat high on the corner of the opposite building, pointing at the antique store and the clothing boutique next to it. The lens and the better part of the camera were still covered by swarming green beetles. Alejandro looked towards the store, sensing movement. A black hooded figure emerged from the store, with the little girl in black pigtails next to it. A gnarled human hand poked out of the robe and rested on her shoulder, guiding the girl. They ducked under the mangled gate. The figure looked towards the camera, then lifted its gnarled hand and swept the hood backwards. The back of its head was covered in long, scraggly white hair. Alejandro felt for his radio without taking his eyes off the figure. He went to lift it and it slipped out of his hand, clattering to the ground and springing to life. “Perez? Perez, what the fuck are you doing out there?!” Muller screamed through static. Alejandro froze as the humanoid figure cloaked in black turned slowly towards him.
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