#it wasnt even like i would dump it on them randomly i straight up was like 'hey im having a hard time can i talk about it'
grimforks · 5 months
thinking about the way i was experiencing real, honest to god genuine psychosis all through middle and high school and up until idk a couple of years ago. what the fuck.
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beelziebabie · 5 years
im the one who sent you that mammon request,,, beel rly is baby, but comparing him to The Great Mammon? foolishness. your writing is so gooood thank you sm for taking my request 🥺 if you're still looking for some, maybe a lucifer/mammon where they are both into mc and try to compete for her attention without her noticing their thirst? (also, do u take belphie requests? i love one salty boy)
i take ALL boys sweetie
all are welcome
im lowkey kinda warming up to satan,,, so i take back what i say about not caring about him
and sure!! im gonna write out this one cuz im thirsty for both of them no cap🗿
Title: Brotherly Competition
Scenario: Mammon and Lucifer bet that by the end of the day, one of them could get MC in their room alone.
time started: 2:25 PM
time finished: 7:35
(i procrastinated a lot and got really busy lol)
NSFW?: nope
Reader Insert?: yup
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The occasional sound of sipping and very frequent sounds of munching filled the large dining room. All 6 Avatars were sitting at the dining table, minus you. You headed to your room and skipped dinner mainly because there was a test you had to study for in one of your classes at RAD. Beelzebub didn’t want you to go hungry, so he offered you some of his food but you declined. He shrugged it off and continued eating happily. That just meant more for him.
It was silent. Weirdly silent. Asmodeus’ fingers drummed against the clothed table, his coral colored eyes scanning the room. Everyone was eating peacefully, silently.
“It’s too quiet..” He whined to himself, poking at his food with his fork. His eyebrows were scrunched together with his bottom lip slightly poked out in a pout. “I wish Y/n was here..”
“Oh yeah!” Mammon suddenly shouted, causing everyone at the table (minus Lucifer and Beelzebub, who both totally tuned Mammon out) to flinch at his sudden movement. His hands crashed against his table and a large grin spread across his face. Asmodeus perked up a little bit at the commotion.
“Mammon, what is it now?” Satan sighed, bringing his glass to his lips and taking a long sip from it.
Mammon stood up proudly and pressed his thumb into his chest, his chin up and his smirk never falling.
“I made a bet with Lucifer!”
Satan started choking on his drink. Beelzebub paused for only a moment to look up at Mammon with his eyebrows raised, shook his head, then continued eating without a word. Leviathan rolled his eyes and pushed his plate over to Beelzebub who gratefully took it and added it onto the mountain on his plate.
“Liar,” Levi said, taking his cellphone out of his pocket to open an bishojo game he found earlier.
Mammon shot a glare at him. “But I’m not! Look, you can ask him yourself!”
“Right, like Lucifer would make a bet with you of all demons,” Satan shook his head and cleared his throat, putting down his fork and wiping his mouth with a napkin.
A bet with Lucifer was something that pretty much never happened. Lucifer would rather not waste his time on such a trivial thing, and definitely not his money either. How did Mammon manage to do that though?
Lucifer sighed, and everyone’s attention went over to him. Expecting eyes lingered on him, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. A visible vein popped up on his temple.
“Yes, I made a bet with him,” Lucifer started and he could hear their jaws drop. He brought his hand down from his face and glared at Mammon. He sat down in his seat after a cold sweat washed over him.
“However,” He continued, “No one will know what it’s about.”
“Aww, c’mon Lucifer!” Asmodeus propped his arm up on the table and leaned his cheek into his hand. “Why cant you tell us? We’re your brothers after all,” He smiled at him.
Lucifer picked up his fork and carried some food into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before speaking up again. “And I cant trust any of you. Maybe Beelzebub.”
“Ouch,” Asmodeus frowned playfully and stood up in his seat. “Well I’m heading to bed, goodnight!”
Most of the brothers just waved goodbye, but Lucifer and Leviathan who both said “Night” or “Goodnight”.
When you woke up the next morning, you werent surprised to see Mammon there already. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and it looked like he was dozing off.
You laughed lightly and sat up. He flinched when he heard your giggle, but relaxed when he realized it was just you. “How long have you been sitting there, Mammie?” You yawned and stood up, stretching your arms high above your head.
Mammon’s face tinted a light shade of red as he watched your nightgown ride up your thigh just a bit. He snapped out of it when he heard your question. “Good, you’re awake! Finally! Do you have any idea how long you kept me waiting!?” He huffed and watched as you went over to your closet and tossed the multiple garments that made up your school uniform onto the bed.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” You picked out a white bra and a matching white panties and tossed them onto the bed as well. Mammon couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from the undergarments. “So, you’ve been watching me sleep for a while now then?”
“Eh? No!— I just—“ His face lit up with a red hue and it didnt help when you looked back at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Whatever! Just— hurry up so we can get to breakfast,” He turned away sharply from your gaze, standing up from the bed and heading for the door. Mammon heard you hum in reply. “Okay, I’ll be down there in a few.”
Before leaving your room completely, he paused and bit his lip. “I uh.. I also packed up your stuff for you. You looked exhausted, so..”
You turned your face to him and put on a warm, closed eye smile. Just when he thought his face was calm it warmed right up again. “Thanks Mammie. I appreciate it, a lot.”
He huffed and opened the door. “Pshh, yeah! You better!”
At the breakfast table, it was weirdly silent. It seemed as thought Lucifer and Mammon were silently communicating with each other, but to you, it just looked like they were glaring at each other.
You bounced a bit in your seat, the tips your feet just grazing the carpeted floor. You ate with a small smile and short hums between chews. You swallowed your food and stood up.
“I’m finished!” You said, even though there was a bit of food left. Before you could even ask if Beelzebub wanted it he took your plate from your hands and dumped it onto his. He muttered something along the lines of “No food should go to waste”.
“I’m gonna head to class early. I still have some books in my room to get. Mammie, are you coming?” You bent over slightly and picked up your bookbag, slinging it over your shoulder. You flattened out and wrinkles in your skirt and waited for his answer.
“Huh?” He said, half of his spoon already in his mouth. “Oh, y-“
Lucifer stood up abruptly and picked up his plate. “Mammon is still eating his breakfast, Y/n. I’m sure he would like to finish it,” He walked over to the kitchen and a couple clinks were heard, then water running. Lucifer came back out.
“I’ll help you with your books. Is that alright with you?” He asked, his eyes shifting over to Mammon for a moment. Mammon was holding his fork so tightly that his knuckles were turning ghostly white. The smallest grin showed up on Lucifer’s features and he directed his gaze back to you.
“Oh, sure,” You hummed, starting to walk to your bedroom. But before you could even walk two feet away from your chair, Mammon stood up.
“Actually, I’m quite full thank you very much!” He hissed at Lucifer and he rolled his eyes.
“I can carry your bag for you, Y/n!” He rushed behind you and before you could object he slipped the strap off of your shoulder and swung it over his own. You blinked in surprise.
“Ah, thanks Mammie..” You shrugged it off and started walking to your room. That wasnt the first time Mammon would randomly do something for you, so you didnt pay any attention to it. You were also oblivious to the two demons sending death stares at each other behind you.
The entire day at school, Mammon and Lucifer followed you around like puppies. Lucifer would always offer to carry your stuff and you couldn’t say no to him.
Mammon would just take it from you and say “You should be honored that The Great MAMMON has decided to help you, a lowly human, with your things! Be grateful!”.
For some reason though, you had this weird feeling that there was something behind this. The two oldest, two of the most powerful demons out of everyone in Devildom randomly decided to help you with everyday tasks? Maybe you expected it from Mammon, but Lucifer? Something was up. But still, you brushed it off and only thought of it as friendliness.
Just before dinner, you announced that you would be eating your food in your room.
“Huh!? Why!?” Mammon shouted, already at your side. You looked up at him and laughed softly.
“Stop shouting. I really wanna watch this movie that I got off of Azukon a couple weeks back, but I could never find the time,” You sighed sadly, then replaced your frown with a smile and looked past Mammon’s body to talk to the oldest.
“Lucifer, do you want to watch it with me?”
Mammon’s jaw dropped and he immediately moved himself so that he was within your vision range. “What!? Why not me!?”
“Oh please, you always help me out with my stuff! Lucifer never does, so I wanna repay him by spending some time with him! Is that so wrong?” You stood up straight again and tried to move past Mammon, but he just stepped in the same direction that you tried to go in every time. You groaned and looked up at him.
Mammon huffed and crossed his arms. “Yeah! I was doing a little extra today too! I..I thought you’d notice..” He pouted a bit and looked off to the side.
You sighed and brought your hand up to ruffle his hair. “Hey!-“
“Fine. You can watch it too, okay? You’re so needy.”
“I am not! If anything, you’re the needy one! You needed my help all day just for a couple of books!”
“I never asked for anyone’s help, but okay Mammie,” You chuckled and shook your head, walking past him as he tripped over his words to think of a retort. He followed behind you once he noticed you were gone.
You approached Lucifer with a smile, and he returned a small one. “So, do you want to watch it with me? You’ll have to eat in my room though,” You held your hands behind your back and fiddled with your fingers a bit.
“Sure. It sounds enjoyable. What movie is it?” He hummed, watching Mammon’s expression get increasingly more irritated.
“It’s this movie called ‘Me and my brother both love this one girl and are both battling for her affection by doing small acts of kindness, but she’s so dense that she doesnt even realize!’! The reviews were really good so, I bought it!”
Lucifer and Mammon both blinked, then glanced at each other, then back to you. You still had a giant smile on.
Lucifer cleared his throat. “Ah..sure.. It sounds very familiar though. Maybe I have watched it.”
“Nope, It’s pretty new. I doubt you’ve watched it,” You hummed, walking past both of them and heading for your bedroom.
“Cmon! I already have it ready to watch. Let’s go!”
lmk if you want me to turn this into a smut or fluff lmao im not sure where im gonna take this its all up to you babe
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juuuuzou · 7 years
No One Cares But Me: A Master List of Why Enomoto Kei From Kagi no Kakatta Heya is Autistic
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(aka this angel. lookit him. he has string on his glasses and wears knitted ties. thats bomb as.)
Enomoto wears the same basic outfit just with colour variations: button up shirt, knitted tie, cardigan (a cardigan!!!!!!! what an angel), slacks and some fancy shoes that make clip clop sounds when he walks on hard surfaces. 
its arguable that all of the characters wear the same outfits too (bc the two lawyers are wearing suits and im pre sure aoto doesnt... actually have any other suit than the cream one) 
but THE POINT REMAINS that enomoto has the same outfit in different colours. this is a choice consciously made. hes a fashionista.
Body Language:
or, lack thereof.
His posture and demeanor are very stiff and controlled, especially when he’s walking. he takes precise steps and instead of turning while he walks he stops, turns his body, and then continues. his shoulders and head slump slightly, which is mostly noticeable when he’s in the frame with other characters. when he sits he’s very still and again, his head and shoulders lean in.
He never initiates physical contact. he allows people to touch him but he never leans in or even generally react to the touch. one moment we see him react to a touch is when a little girl holds out her hand for him to take. he really hesitates and is very slow to take her hand, like it makes him nervous. another is when he shrugs off serizawa hand from his shoulder, although that could just probably be because he wanted to move.
If this boy doesnt go by social scripts then im jesus. he is always polite, even if the person talking to him isnt. he says the same basic phrases, especially “thank you for waiting for me.” he doesnt say it as if hes genuinely thanking them though, but just as a sort of thing hes expected to say, but also he speaks in monotone. he could genuinely mean it. but we just dont know.
he doesnt understand other people’s thought processes during conversations:
aoto: enomoto-san, do you have a girlfriend?
enomoto: how is that relevant [to the case]?
aoto: i just want to know if you have a girlfriend.
enomoto: how is that relevant?
and then later he asks “why do women always talk about relationship stuff?” to which aoto replies “because its interesting”.
THEN AT THE END OF THE EPISODE enomoto randomly asks aoto if she has a boyfriend. aoto gets confused as to why he’s suddenly asking (theyre just having dinner in his work space, talking about nothing) and enomoto says “i thought we should talk about something interesting.”
he has remembered their earlier conversation and was trying to relate to her by talking about something she had previously told him was an interesting subject. when it immediately falls flat he tells her to forget about it (embarrassed that he failed the social script).
he info dumps. big time. the first time we meet him he just starts unlocking a bank safe (without permission) while wearing headphones (and ignoring everyone around him) until aoto asks him what he’s doing and how it works. and then he just blabs on and on about lock mechanisms and how to unlock certain locks. not only that, but a few times aoto interrupts him to get him to stop but he just blunders on. he asks her if she understands, and when he sees she doesnt, he goes back to explaining. and he says this all REALLY FAST (the subtitles we on and off before i could finish reading them). he continues to do this at least once per episode. his special interest is locks and keys, which is why he agrees to help solve these “locked room” cases in the first place. he just likes the puzzles.
to the point where, sometimes, he doesnt know who the murderer is because “it wasnt part of the locked room puzzle so i wasnt interested”. amazing. he literally stayed in his lane even though they didnt want him to.
he omits information because no one actually asks him for it. he answers if questioned, but beside that he doesnt just give out information, even if the people around him are speculating the answer that he knows. additionally, he doesnt give out information if he doesnt think its relevant to the locked room puzzle.
he also doesnt always elaborate on his answers, especially if the question isnt phrased differently.
enomoto: lets go.
aoto: eh? where?
enomoto: lets go.
aoto: eh? where?
enomoto: lets go.
aoto: eh? where?
enomoto: lets go.
[actual dialogue from an actual drama]
serizawa: where did you get all that money to travel the world?
enomoto: my savings.
serizawa: and then where did you get the money to buy your own shop?
enomoto: my savings.
serizawa: how?
enomoto: i worked hard
[they repeated this exact conversation about three times]
he doesnt like answering personal questions. he asked for aoto and serizawa’s help for a friend, but never actually told them how they knew each other (even when directly asked). in fact, we barely know anything about enomoto other than he likes locks.
he also doesnt understand implications. both aoto and serizawa try asking him if a company hes installing security for are criminals, but he doesnt understand what they mean by “one of those”.
he rarely speaks unless prompted and only talks about what he wants to talk about. namely, locks. he doesnt immediately answer when hes called for (if anything i think he just straight up ignores when hes called for and appears when hes ready). he rarely replies when someone is talking casually with him, even as they say goodbye to leave. oft times hes wearing headphones (and can probably hear when someone is talking to him) but doesnt acknowledge them until they forcibly take his headphones out.
he doesnt make eye contact. when he speaks he usually stares off in the distance.
he’s blunt. aoto asks him to subtly ask if this guy is the killer, to be really evasive about it, and he agrees. as soon as he hangs up the phone he says to the guy “are you the killer?” when the guy says no enomoto accepts this. when people share their theories he’s quick to tell them no. at one point aoto asks him to teach her how to play shogi so they can play against each other and enomoto immediately says “no. i dont have to hesitate when i play against the computer [in shogi].” >> meaning at some point someone has told him that when playing against other people he has to pretend to think to spare the other person’s feelings.
he stims. straight up stims. he rubs his index finger and thumb together near his ear (right side) when he’s thinking. the other characters notice and imitate him. the sound effects make it seem the movement it meant to mimic picking a lock, and when he finally figures out the puzzle he turns his hand and the sound effect for a lock opening is played. (then he says one of his catch phrases that could either be cheesy or a social script :) )
he works for a security company but due to an incident he works in the basement. at the end of the season he goes away for a holiday and comes back and opens his own security shop. the layout of the two places are identical. this could be a budget thing but its just so obviously mimicking each other that its immediately noticeable. #habits
often creeping up on people. people just dont notice him until he suddenly speaks.
he builds to scale models of all of the locked room scenarios so he can test his theories without actually being there.
he is very clearly, from the start, marked as different. when they look for him at his workplace, the boss is confused as to why they would want enomoto specifically. enomoto is kept in the basement, away from everybody else. after first meeting him serizawa calls him weird.
anyway enomoto kei is an autism. hes ours now.
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greenscissors · 8 years
Name chart
-this has been in my drafts for a while, so fuck it, I'm just gonna upload it. Its really just for me to keep track of who’s who.
Also, this was updated randomly for a while, though most of it I just dumped here today.
Will keep updating whenever.
Victor: Sad sad purple man. A curious, happy child, who turned into a sad, scared, timid child, who turned into a sad, timid man. His life has changed SO much for the better after meeting Wonder. He actually started going out. Thank you Wonder, you turned this hermit into less of a hermit. L.O.V.E.S pretty clothes. Wanted to learn how to sew at a young age, finally learned when he was around 20. Has had many years to practice. He’s around 110. Not sure exact age. Around 110. Past a little. Maybe he's 118?? Around. After his mother died, would constantly have nightmares and night terrors about it. Couldnt sleep. Eventually turned to not so great methods of getting to sleep once he got older. Has a fondness for butterflies. He likes their wings, they're pretty. Likes pretty things in general. A fan of tea. Its the only thing he can cook. Has started to get cooking sessions from Ilo. Loves Ilo. He loves Ilo. God does he love Ilo. Have I mentioned he loves Ilo? He does. A lot. Is planning a life together with his boyfriend, soon to be maybe husband?? (Ilo.) Is happier now because of that. Recently got his mom back, in a way. The tree she turned into is planted near his house now. Constantly visits her. Like everyday, if possible. Just talks to her. Would like to think she's listening. Taught himself French, English (writing, their language is spoken the same as English (CAUSE I WASNT ABOUT TO COME UP WITH A WHOLE NEW FUCKING LANGUAGE, FUCK THAT, FUCK YOU FOR THINKING I WOULD THATS TOO HARD I BARELY HAVE PLANTS AND ANIMALS OH MY GOD MY WORLDS BARREN AS HELL PLEASE HELP) but not written the same), ballroom dancing, sewing, and piano. Maybe other stuff? Is smart (he better be, he's had more than 100 years of life to learn stuff.) Soft spoken. Was a lot more sassy, and I need to bring that back, I've fallen into this awful pit of writing him WAY too timid, I need sassy Victor back I miss him. Was totally freaked out the first time he found Earth. Now has gills. (thanks Ilo) Helpful. Now he will not drown when he spends time with his fish boyfriend. Likes spicy food. His favorite fruit are cherries. Now has half a pair of matching earrings with Ilo. Like rings. It's very hard to draw. :/         Gay. Taken. (by Ilo)
Sage: Hound Wonder and Victor tamed in the Little Vic older Wonder AU
Rascal and Lifur: Two chitters Victor tamed in the LVOW AU
Ruler: Victor’s favorite fish that lives in the pond in the, you guessed it, the LVOW AU.
Raphael: “Pet shop” owner. Probably smokes. His voice sounds like it. Idk where he is now??? He MIGHT be alive??????? I hope he is he's garbage and I wanna use him. Loves to fuck with people. Good at mind games. Smirks way too much. My most anime character yet.    
Sirin: Pronounced Seer-E-in.  Hates Raphael with a burning passion. Black Market leader. Used to be shit, but now is less shit. Actually pretty nice. He’d punch someone for saying that though, he has a reputation to uphold. Loves Ari and would murder armies for him. If he ever gets his hand on a guitar or bass, would love to learn it. Trying to learn how to write English. Has not the best handwriting. Its not awful though, he used to have to write a lot. H A T E S paperwork. Likes his hair slicked back. Loves snakes, a snake from his world specifically, called the Spiked Bandit. Got it tattooed on his back. I have been told it looks like a tramp stamp. Oops. Snakes are his favorite, but he likes lizards too. Is not a fan of squishy animals. Got his name from shop keepers as he was growing up in the streets. Loves his name. Its a word in old Grey language. Means “snake”, “thief,” “trickster,” “lier.” God he was so proud of that name as a kid. Since he had to steal to get food, it would be a pretty good thing to literally be called thief I guess. Anyway, he was good at it. Got kidnapped at a very young age, and “used” at the black market. The old boss had taken a liking to him. It was not a good time. Once Sirin got a little older, he started to be able to use his magic, at the same time the black market decided he’d be good as an actual worker. As he trained for whatever common workers in the BM do, (I dunno, scale buildings and stuff. Learn the lay of the town, good spots to run, hide. Steal people. Sell drugs. Ect. Illegal stuff.) he would teach himself how to use his magic at night. Doesnt like fighting close. His magic usually manifests as chains, appropriate. Can change the density (?? how much they would hurt. Ex: getting hit by a pillow, vs, getting hurt by a chain.) how many they are (can make up to six at a time), how fast they can move, can suspend them for a few seconds, if they are spiked or not. He can also form spikes along his body. Is mostly a reflex, and he can accidentally hurt people with that. EXTREMELY scared of accidentally hurting Ari that way.      Born High Winter day 15 probably. Was dumped in the trash shortly after being born. (his mom was young, she couldnt take care of him. shes dead. Dads still alive in a different town.) Used to have a tattoo marking him as “property” of the black market, PROMPTLY sliced that off once he killed the old boss and took his place. Actually, now that i think about it, his back is REALLY fucked up from that. Wow. Okay. Will update that when drawing him. Besides that mess, his back is littered with smaller scars, along with the edge of his shoulders, a bit around his neck, a little on his sides, and some around his hips. Will not allow people to see his back. If someone gets to see his back it means he really trusts them.  Halfling, unknown to him until recently. I'm not really sure about his age yet. He could be like around 40, but maybe not, cause like, its more like he's in his 20s so maybe he's just in his 20′s idk. Is perpetually tired. Seems to always have some dark under his eyes. Would eat pure sugar if he could. He could. He has. One of the first things he did once he was no longer under the black market was buy a few cakes then ate cake until he threw up. ......Then started eating cake again. Skin is a light green, and a little rough if you rub it one direction. Sorta like shark skin, but less. Can see in the dark. Eyes glow when under stress, or extreme emotions. Once Typheous was killed (by him) he put Sena in charge. Checks up on her occasionally. Put an old abandoned building to use, made it free housing for some of his lower ranking workers, as well as the orphan kids around town. Would always bring food to them. Can't really do that anymore, he's never around. The building looks kinda like a warehouse/hotel?? Idk. No body really knows who started the house, only that it's a safe, if dingy and kinda cold, place to find shelter. It's dry at least. Sirin made sure no one knew who did it (reputation.) He has a small apartment there. Keeps his clothes in the cupboards. Not a lot of furniture in there really. Has a habit of going out in the cold without proper clothing. Sits and just thinks sometimes. Used to sometimes just sleep in a tree outside of town when it was warmer. Has anger problems. Still a little bit of an asshole, depending on who he's talking to. Has a burning hate for apples. Will still eat them though. Hates spicy food. Likes meat. Has had a hole punched through him by Seldom. Was briefly a doughnut. A person doughnut. Gosh this boy is just fulla injuries past and present. The hole situation is better now.              Pansexual. Typheous: (Tie- fee- O ss) Used to be Sirin’s second in command. Meaning, Sirin loved to annoy the hell out of him. Used to be in charge of a lot of the stuff in the market. VERY homophobic. Was garbage, not the best kind. Was the “new leader” for a short time, as Sirin was stuck with Victor/Wonder/and Ilo. Poked around in stuff that was none of his business, was an asshole about it, and is dead now. Bye.     he was straight. Very. Very. straight.
Cisor: (Si- sore) Raph’s hound. Aggressive. Was probably a cute puppy.
Ciro Niver: (Si- row  Nigh- ver) Gilli and Lita’s little brother. A. Dor. A. BLE. Wonder did something to him, and I guess he has a little magic now??? Idk. Will clarify. Almost died cause Seldom’s an asshole. I think he's 6 at the moment. Somewhere around there. Pretty sure it's 6 though. Never met his dad. Loves fluffy animals the best. A rascal. Thinks his sister is loud. Would be the kid that says girls have cooties. His sister has cooties. He loves his sister. Hates when his mom makes soup with the gross green leafy stuff in it. Likes when they have meat. Likes the new house, but misses his old room. He shouldn't. He used to live in a tiny cold attic. His mom used to have to crouch when she went up there. And she's short. EVERYONE had to crouch when they went up there. Kinda misses the squeaky stairs.            Straight, when he's older? And I guess now?? Does it work like that??? Idk he's 6. His greatest love is his toys at the moment.
Tide: Gilli’s boy friend. Has a smoking problem. Likes to never wear a shirt. That doesnt work too well in Winter.      Gay.
Itella: (E- tell- la) Victor’s caretaker and guardian. Seldom killed her. Was totally cool, a complete badass. I miss her. Had a spider torso. Loved to wear low cut dresses with tons of ruffle at the bottom. Kinda mean, but for the best. Loved Victor. Super smart. Used to be an assistant/ partner with Nico. Kept lots of plants around in her house. Her house was a mess. Books and plants everywhere. Dusty in places. Never ate in front of Victor, didn't want to frighten him as a child. The habit stayed even when Victor was older.             Asexual, aromantic.
Seldom: Victor’s father. Dick. Was banished from whatever the name of his people’s lands are called. I gotta name stuff. Conquest’s son. Blind in his lower eyes, and had his lowers arms removed when he was born. They didn't work.     Straight.
Rune: Victor’s mother. Dead. Killed by her husband, Seldom. Very nice. Now a tree. Still very nice. Died Summer day 2???????? Same race as Rapheal, whatever that is. They turn into plants when they die, I still gotta develop them.      Straight.
Nico: Reformer. Knows Tulli. Is someone close to Itella. Not sure of their relationship yet, besides partners in business, like, coworkers. They do science or something?       Aromantic. Pansexual.
Riva Niver: Gilli's mom. Super sweet. Has a stutter. Extremely relived to have a new house, thank you Wonder. No longer has to worry about brittle stairs that Ciro woNT STOP RUNNING ON. Still sad about her husband’s death, but tries not to let her children see that. Loves her kids more than anything.     Straight.
Sena:   Silver. Girl left in charge of the black market in Sirin’s stead. Used to just work the shop they used to hide an entrance. Was understandably freaked out when she was just put in charge of the whole market. Many people would like her dead now. She's got a good bodyguard though. I hope she doesn't die, she's nice.
Lita Niver: Ciro/Gilli’s sister. An adorable miss. Best friends with Miki. Loves cute clothes, sweets, going out and getting drunk and hitting on cute guys. Wishes she had a boyfriend. Works at a cafe across the cafe Miki works at. Isn't treated so great there. :/  Is optimistic. Has a shitty apartment that she refuses to believe is shitty. Its shitty. its basically a closet. Very small. I love her.     Straight
Ryko: Centipede man. Will wait days at a time for food. Could eat any animal really, but prefers the taste of people. Sadistic. An asshole. I love him. Has cool tattoos on his arms. They might not be tattoos and just markings. They're probably markings. He's a fucking centipede man who lives in the fucking jungle, WHO IS GONNA GIVE HIM TATTOOS?? They're markings.       ????? I dont know What the fuck he is. Straight??? Maybe.
Serena: Purple haired man’s sister. A human. Getting married soon. A no-nonsense attitude.            Straight.
Arrvin: Human. Serena’s brother. Has dyed purple hair. Has a pigeon named Randy. Sweetest guy he's so great. ;w; Wants to be an architect probably. He lives in an apartment. I dont know how he gets the money yet. He sure does have a job though. Maybe a few. Can make bomb ass waffles. Birds love him. Maybe he just always has birdseed in his pockets. Can birds smell that??   Asexual, panromantic.
Cena: Reformer who lives out in the jungle. Has a relationship of sorts with Ryko. Is blind, but good at getting around. Unlike the other Reformers, doesnt keep “helpers” around. Isn't lonely though. Prefers silence and tea. On rainy days, she likes to sit in her library near the window and just listen.
Ossis: Wolvos who lives up North. Friends of Felix, and Cole. A good good happy boy. Likes eyeshadow. Kinda tough to get where he lives, whenever he goes to a big enough town he's sure to pick some up.
Kai: Leader (?) of the Wolvos. Kinda hate loves Felix and Cole. Like, the kinda love where they’re just constantly exasperated with them. Lives up North, with the main tribe. I still really need to work on him.
Gilli Niver: (Gi- lee) Tide’s boyfriend. Lita and Ciro’s big brother. Very easy going. Owns a little shop with Tide. I think its a bakery?? Favorite season is Spring. A fan of bitter drinks paired with sweets. Used to do drugs. Bad, bad Gilli. Doesn't anymore. Hates Winter.          Gay. 
Miki: The coolest. Best friends with Lita. Speaks with a bit of an accent. Would kill to protect Lita. Probably knows how to properly hide a body. Buff as hell. She’s so fun to draw, I love her.       Gay. Gosh she loves girls.
Felix: Wolvos. Adorable. A soft boy. Gets into trouble sometimes. Seems to know everyone. A person who would always have “"a pleasure to have in class” written on their report card. Prefers always being in semi wolf form. Likes running for miles when he's out of town, and is an actual wolf. Owns a stand with his brother. It's across from the fabric seller Victor always buys his fabrics from. Has heard a lot about Victor (everyone has, only bad rumors though), and would like to actually met the guy one day. Has a favorite scarf and likes to wear it. Dresses well.             Bisexual.
Lokell Niver: Riva’s dead husband. Was a nice dude. Died in an accident.
Silis: Some guy Sirin's friends with. Owns a building company. Said company will work for the BM when hired, usually through Silis being paid in both money, and organs. He eats em.   Looks bored half the time. Loves gold stuff. Trans. Is already done with someone's shit before he even meets em. Naga.
March: A cute goat (maybe fawn, idk yet not set in stone, I think he's a goat) guy. Can disguise his voice to sound like anything. Loves masks. Has a neat lil collection in his house. Prefers loose clothing. Likes reading. His magic takes the form of purple electricity. Trans. Unlike Tulli, Nico, ect, he can't really change how he looks (ex: Tulli can turn into a bird, “dyes” his hair, Nico’s a tree, ect) but makes up for it with the voice thing.
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dannybangs · 7 years
hey so this is a vent post so dont read it if like you dont care l m a o
so my first gf and i are ancient history at this point but like we still keep coming into contact randomly over the years but im just having this realization
luna only comes back to talk to me when it suits her, and never really considered my feelings as a friend, let alone as an unresolved ex
she broke up with me originally in an abusive way, when my parents were on holiday and i was home alone. she was meant to come sleep over and keep me company because honestly, it was fucking lonely. instead, she went to a party to drink and have fun (without telling me), and after sending a few messages on facebook, she blocked me.
i called her number crying, but instead of her answering, it was a friend. i told them how down in the dumps i was, with no friends in my town because i went to a semi private school the next town over. while they were as supportive as they could be, they told me luna didnt want to talk to me anymore and wouldnt come to the phone, even though i could hear her laughing and having fun in the background.
i was not in a stable place at this point. i was 16, my first love was breaking up with me (and not even in the shittiest way via text, but in the absolute cowards way via blocking and ignoring me)
long story short, we broke up. messily. all i knew was that she found new friends and moved on.
years later, anonymous starts asking about past relationships, and when i start talking about luna, they latch onto that and start asking more questions.
turns out its luna, and at the time im honestly ecstatic. like, my favourite person in the world is finally talking to me again. but when i look back , luna only got back in contact with me because she had recently moved away from home, her parents were divorced, and she didnt have many, if any, friends.
eventually though, after talking for a bit on tumblr, she disappears without a word again. deletes her tumblr and i cant contact her anymore
late 2016 hits, and i get a friend request from her on facebook. she wants to play overwatch, so i add her, we play that night and get on pretty well. after that though, she’s pretty vacant. eventually, when she stops responding to invites on battle net over the next 4 months or so, i take her off battle net and set her profile on facebook to low notifications, but still friends.
mid 2017, and we get back in contact over a facebook post of hers saying she doesnt feel like she belongs in social spaces and talks about how lonely she is. we talk, i say i might be moving to her town, she seems excited and it seems like she wouldnt mind catching up.
and then no contact.
keep in mind that over all these years, im honestly still kind of in love with this girl. i never really got any closure on why she broke up with me, the reasons shes given me over the years changes a lot. she wanted to experiment, she wasnt interested in me anymore, she thought i was moving when i wasnt, and eventually saying that she didnt want to burden me with her depression.
if we go by this last reason, its honestly kinda shit. i never got a choice in the matter. she made up my mind up for me, and broke my heart for me. 
lets fast forward to our last conversation. three nights ago, 6am and i havent slept for like 2 days. i straight up ask her ‘look, would you ever consider dating me in the future’
i wait a day and i get no reply. so the next night, i tell her not to worry about it and i wont bother her again.
she instantly replies, saying that shes been thinking about it, and that its a question that cant be answered until i move closer and we ‘actually hang out and get to know each other’ again
i ask her again, this time defining it as a general possibility in our future.
first message makes my heart soar. ‘i dont see why not tbh’
second message crushes me. ‘other than im a huge lesbian and i dont know what you ID (identify) as these days’
its her soft way of saying ‘i think because you present as male and prefer male pronouns, i cant let my lesbian aesthetic that ive built up to my new friends and girlfriend crumble by considering dating you’
luna always said she was pan / bi before she was transitioning (shes a trans girl and im a trans guy) but while she was questioning her gender, until she had a bad wrap with several gay guys. and i get how peoples preferences change over the years, i really do.
but it really hurts to see this girl who you grew and changed with (we both started questioning our sexuality and gender together) turn into a gold star lesbian (in my definition, this is a girl who ONLY dates women and doesnt consider he/him lesbians and similar situations)
it crushes me because ive never gotten over this girl for 4 years now, and i thought that eventually we might meet again and get to know each other again and maybe be together. but obviously thats not the case
what made me start thinking about how i was an idiot for chasing and entertaining this thought of ‘the girl who got away’ was today, when i get my letter from the district health board telling me my endocrinology appointment is in 3 weeks. and i realized how excited i am to start T and properly transition.
like, reading that letter made me realize that i was holding onto my past, as a girl, with this stranger who doesnt know me or love me anymore. why would i ever consider not transitioning just so i can be with this person.
im young as hell, in a relationship with a girl that loves me to pieces, who is just as excited as i am that im about to start transitioning and becoming the person i want to be
im excited for the future, and i cant wait to move to a new town with my girlfriend, start T, start the degree i always wanted, and forget about the past that i was hopelessly clinging to
honestly, writing this was really cathartic. i cried a lot writing this, because this is still a new pain im dealing with. but i feel a lot better now. thanks for reading guys
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