#it won't quite have the emotional impact but it's close enough especially with the twins knowing a bit more
lukeleiahan · 2 years
Watched OWK and now I can't help but think about an AU where Obi-Wan does kill Vader after their last duell.
It's the hardest decision he's ever had to make.
Vader says that he killed Anakin, and Obi-Wan...
Obi-Wan believes him.
Maybe it's just that he needs to believe it, maybe it's just selfishness, but he does believe it.
And if Anakin is dead, truly dead, then Vader is nothing but an enemy.
Obi-Wan never wanted to be soldier, but the Clone Wars made a very good one out of him. He knows what to do with enemies.
Especially enemies that threaten two most important children just by existing.
It's just one swipe with his lightsaber, targeted to the neck. Vader doesn't even scream.
(Obi-Wan will wonder, for the rest of his days. Was this Vader, in his last moments, or was that Anakin, granting Obi-Wan peace? Would there have been a way to save him after all? It eats him, quietly, sometimes. But he is a soldier. And soldiers kill their enemies.)
He wants to bury him. It's Anakin's body as well, after all. But then he feels Luke's terror, and that's that.
After, he goes back. Anakin hated Tatooine, never ever wanted to return there. It would be cruel to bury him there. And no civilized world would want Vader. So he buries him there, on that small moon, under rocks. He doesn't mark the place.
He returns Lola to Leia, tells Bail of the Path, and then goes back to Tatooine. He meets Luke. He finds Qui-Gon. It's enough.
He thinks of telling Bail and Breha, of telling Owen and Beru. Of telling them what happened to Anakin. Of telling them Vader's dead. But what would that accomplish? It's over. It doesn't matter who Vader's first victim was. And so he doesn't.
Nine years later, he does not die aboard the Death Star. He guides the twins to safety. He holds them both as they grieve their families.
And once the battle is over, he sits them down.
"Let me tell you a story." He says.
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