#i also wanted to save bail and breha
varpusvaras · 9 months
Fox: *happily and disgustingly sappily in a relationship with Bail & Breha*
Thire: *happily and disgustingly sappily in a relationship with Riyo*
Thorn: *happily and...somethingly in a relationship with Quinlan*
Stone, the most raging aroace in the entire base: - locked in the cage with all the rats I've slipped through the cracks, and now I'm stuck with the scraps, and I can't seem to find my way back
Stone, frantically comming Hound: - get me out, get me out of here-
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rainintheevening · 6 months
Another terribly unneeded Star Wars AU idea:
So I came up with a fic idea from a title supplied by @novelmonger, about a world where Anakin isn't groomed by Palpatine, and is out on the battlefield with Rex when Order 66 is given, and Rex has to try to fight the programming to save Anakin.
And that got me thinking about what might be around something like that. What if Anakin got found before he and Shmi got to Tatooine, and he grew up just like any other kid in the Temple, and the Chancellor never noticed him specially, and he was still Obi-Wan’s padawan, because they will always be, in every version of the story. And he meets Padmé for the first time on his protection detail, and he's awkward, and she's cool, and they end up enjoying each other's company, but they don't get past the friends stage before Geonosis, and there is definitely no secret wedding. So then Anakin and Obi-Wan survive Order 66, and go on the run, underground. They quickly get involved in the Rebellion, and they keep close connections to Bail and Breha.
And then we get Padmé and Anakin falling in love in even more desperate times. He is a persecuted hunted Jedi on the run, and she is a senator under Palpatine’s thumb. She probably has to stage her death to get married to Anakin and go underground with the Rebellion.
Of course Obi-Wan and Anakin also hunt for any of the kids who might have survived. They find Caleb and Cal and others. They find Shmi somewhere!!!! Cause she's not dead.
Anakin defeats Palpatine eventually, of course. Luke and Leia being born are probably part of the catalyst for that.
I wanna read this! I only want to write the original Rex and Anakin scene though.
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wingletblackbird · 5 days
One unfortunate implication about Leia's childhood that I've been thinking a lot about but I'm sure a lot of fans don't like to:
A lot of people like to talk about how wonderful a father Bail was to Leia and how he cared for her and raised her well, but they overlook or downplay how he was lying to her about her origins, heritage, and identity (especially since he kidnapped her and thus had no claim to her). If Leia was as Force-Sensitive as the narrative shows, she likely would have had acute Force intuition to discern when someone was lying. So once Bail realized that, he had two options:
Admit her accuracy about his lies and eventually tell her the ugly truth
Gaslight her about her Force senses to save face
From the trust we see her put in Bail and the shock we see her display about her true paternity, it's obvious that he chose the latter. And I'm pretty sure that that would have (however unintentionally) done some serious psychological damage on her, even if subtly. In fact, it's a miracle what we see of her self confidence by ANH and I wouldn't be surprised to see that gaslighting result in a distrust in the Force that led to her decline to learn much about it like we see in TFA.
With regard to what Bail (and Breha) told Leia, I’m inclined to think her Force-guided intuition wouldn’t have been an issue. Mainly because I think they did tell her the truth, just a highly censored version.
For example, when asked about her biological parents/background, they tell her she’s a war orphan. That’s technically true.
If she feels like they’re keeping secrets, she’ll attribute it to the Rebellion, which is also technically true.
I think Leia has reason to be nervous about the Force once she learns of her heritage. I don’t think having the truth hidden from her necessarily made that worse.
Leia doesn’t (for a long while anyway) know how the Organas came to adopt her. For all she knows, Obi-Wan gave a child to them to protect and told them the bear minimum. If they did know the whole truth, they kept it quiet for her own protection. Vader is terrifying. Why wouldn’t they want to shield her from that?
Leia might be rightly angry at them, but I think she’d find it forgivable.
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eveningserenityyy · 11 months
I don’t see nearly enough leia appreciation (or maybe that’s just me bc my Tumblr feed is all over the place)- she choked her captor to death with his own chain and she didn’t need no man to save her from that. She never once had a damsel in distress moment she was getting by which is a surprise for the fucking time this came out.
But yeah yeah she’s a badass and all, we all know that, but do we ever talk about the blatant kindness in her heart like yeah she’s mean (and we love that) but girly was raised by the great homie bail organa and the lovely queen Breha like??? Remember her telling off little fuck face for being mean to droids? (That’s also so anakin now that I’m thinking about it but not the point being made) like girly put her life on the line to save people from the empire too it’s what she grew up being taught was right she just wanted a better life for everyone around her and she still kept going even when her son turned to the dark side when for most people that would be soul crushing to the point of giving up- and does anyone ever think about the survivors guilt she must have from watching her whole planet and everything she’s ever known be blown to bits? And even after that like back to the kindness but she wasted no time to comfort Luke even though she had just lost everything
I don’t know if this makes sense but hear me out; Luke has padmes kindness, but leia has Anakins. It’s not quite the same, there’s that key difference; Anakins kindness surprised people, especially through that sheer intensity he held. Leia has both that, and the kindness that the organas taught her her whole life. Does this make sense?? I don’t know I’m just word vomiting all over this. I’ve been thinking of leia this morning and nothing is coherent in my brain.
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
The metaphysical mechanics of Anakin's Force Ghost are the single biggest mystery of the period between RotJ and TFA to me.
If he can Force Ghost, or at least sometimes, then what governs what he can and cannot do, and who he can or cannot speak with?
If he can appear to others the way Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Yoda, and eventually Luke can, it makes very little emotional sense unless something is blocking him.
I like to think that Anakin, in death, had enough respect for Leia not to appear to her. His actions killed her real mam and dad, the people who raised her into a kind, strong person with integrity in every step. He tortured her, he destroyed her homeworld and her culture. He wouldn't be so stupid as to think that a nice father-daughter chat would solve everything.
I like to think that he loves her from an observational distance, and brims with pride at every step she takes for the galaxy that he injured gravely and so nearly destroyed. So like Padmé, her justice-seeking Naberrie qualities nurtured like rare orchids by Bail and Breha, who were themselves so principled and just. Anakin might also see the ways in which she is not like any of the senators or royalty who made her who she is. He might want to take credit for the parts of her that are so brave, so impassioned, so willing to challenge any authority she sees as unworthy or unjust. Obi-Wan told her, when she was very young, that this was her inheritance from Anakin. But Leia doesn't want anything from him, and he understands. So he spends time watching, in grieving pride, at what his daughter became in spite of him.
I also like to think that at a certain point he would have to try, if he could, to intervene in what was being done to her family. In my heart there is no version of a redeemed afterlife Anakin who does not try to save another Skywalker child from what he went through.
He would have tried to materialise, blue-aura-lit and kind eyed, into the living room of a Chandrilla apartment, to try to soothe the terror and discomfort of a tiny child levitating cambiblocks and breaking glass in distress. He has far more experience with child murder than child rearing, but by the Force he'd damn well TRY.
It probably wouldn't work, and I think some of us fans (esp those who love the sequels or those who are more interested in the Skywalkers than the Disaster Lineage as a family) deserve to know why.
Why, in my headcannons, does Anakin spend years trying to send thoughts of 'no kiddo that isn't me, I'm me, your grandpa, and I can tell you that your mom and dad love you so much and that those other voices are full of bantha-poodoo, please trust me, please believe me, please hear me' out through the Force, only for them to never find their way to their intended recipient?
Why can he not appear to Leia and say, 'I know you don't want to talk to me and I don't want you to have to endure the distress of talking to me but it's about your kid. I can't make the past alright, but let me please give you the information you need to stop the cycle repeating'.
Why can't he warn Luke? 'There's a storm coming and the lightning is not natural. You have seen that lightning before, standing right by my side, and it comes from the same source. Our nephew dreams things that are not his own. Consider striking him and you will doom the world, but also our family. Don't let the Darkness guide you, its only goal is to make more Darkness.'
There are several potential answers, of course.
The first is that Anakin can get through but nobody listens. It's a steady stream of 'stay away from my child, stay away from my academy, don't corrupt our future with the evil of the past'. This option reflects negatively on Luke and Leia, but it also feels true to traumatised families. I'm a firm believer in the fact that Luke, Leia, and Han as having unwittingly done poorly by the next generation of their kin does not 'ruin' their characters, it makes them more sympathetic and human, and so it doesn't upset me if this is the option. It's bad parenting and good storytelling.
The most obvious answer is of course, Palpatine. He can block Anakin's access to the likes of Luke, Leia, and Ben. This means that a dead Palpatine is still torturing a dead Anakin. Excuse me while I cry for a thousand years. Now either this means that Palpatine thinks Ahsoka is small potatoes and it doesn't matter if Anakin can see her in the WBW, or that Anakin could only communicate with Ahsoka BECAUSE she could enter the WBW. So, considering that the Ahsoka show takes place after 'Last Shot', it still makes no sense that Anakin doesn't go 'please see what's going on with Leia's kid, I'm worried about her and about her lil guy.'
The third option is the one that I find genuinely upsetting. Not in-world upsetting, but what-are-they-doing-with-our-story upsetting. It's also the one I find the most likely:
DLF in general and Favroni in particular are pushing Disaster Lineage out in front, and trying to sublimate the Skywalkers. I see Ahsoka as Anakin's sister, and I don't think it is inappropriate for him to love her the same way he loves his children, his grandchild, or his brother Obi-Wan. It makes emotional sense for him to reach out to her, and love is not a finite resource.
But a set of wider storytelling choices is highlighting that the most important inheritance of the story is Yoda to Dooku to Qui Gon to Obi Wan to Anakin to Ahsoka to maybe Sabine, or Jacen Syndulla. I feel in some ways that shifting Anakin's attention, or the context in which we encounter him, may give the audience a sense of the greater legitimacy of the Disaster Lineage to the long term future of the galaxy.
I have ZERO problem with this being the thread by which Force training is maintained in the GFFA through the sequels and into the post-sequel era. I prefer it to watching my beloved Rey of Jakku doing it all alone.
I have a HUGE problem with the idea that we may never get more Skywalkers in context with one another. And more importantly, the idea that we really shouldn't care about what happened to them after Return of the Jedi. That the sequels don't matter.
Anakin is the greatest silence in the sequels. I suspect that they didn't get Hayden back because they were still nervous of prequel hate (sweet summer children that they were, not knowing that the penis-brains were gunning for them, too). Many of us hoped that the New Republic Era TV series would inflect upon the ST the way that Clone Wars inflected upon the PT.
So far it really hasn't.
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techorgana · 1 year
thanks for the tag @idontgetanysleep this is so much fun (english is not my first lenguage so i apologize for any mistakes i make)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): kanera, they're healthy AND tragic what else would u want
2. most annoying ship: reylo, rexsoka, obikin, anakin + ahsoka and clone + clone, i just can't
3. second favourite ship: chopper + crime they're so <3 (i'm kidding it's obitine cause i like the banter)
4. favourite platonic relationship: i'm obssessed with the found family trope so every family/sibling relationship, especially the ghost crew, the domino twins and the bad batch INCLUDING crosshair (also asajj and obi wan but in a funny way cause the amount of time they flirt is ridiculous)
5. underrated ship: bail x breha they love each other sm and raised their girl SO WELL
6. overrated ship: i can't say
7. one thing i would change in canon: padmé and satine not being mentioned in the newest shows, when they were so important and did so much for their people
8. something canon did right: the entirety of rebels, it's so well done it's perfect
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i can't draw to save my live and i'm bad at designing, i have many ideas to write but i lack inspiraton, but i'm always happy to read and reblog everything i see cause people here are talented
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): every clone, ahsoka, plo koon, satine and everyone in the ghost crew
11. the character i relate to the most and why: hera, four reasons: i like to advocate and fight for the things i belive in, i always end up adopting my friends, i'm also working on some issues with my father even tho i'm exactly like him and the most important one i would (i already have) fall completly in love with kanan (i wouldn't be so cool about it but that's why hera is perfect and i'm not)
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: i viscerally hate palpatine, krell, governor pryce, the troopers that punched grogu and the zygerrians and hutts (they are slavers and i hate them)
13. something i've learned from the fandom: NEVER pay attention to the haters, it'll only make you miserable cause they already are
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i don’t use ao3 like that, normally i find fics here or twitter and then click the link
15. a song i strongly associate with my op/favourite character: i don't have a favorite character but the one i'm currently obssessed with is Ezra and the song is Vienna by Billy Joel (mainly bc i like to imagine hera singing the song to him)
tags: @r-2-peepoo @purplezombietumbler @starwarsbean @kyber-kat @plan-of-dissent
it's ok if you don't participate :)
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
agree with you when it comes to misogyny in the fandom (and in general lol) and shipping etc and I wanted to dump this here because it's been bugging me and I have nobody to talk to about it irl that hasn't heard me muttering about it before but why do people seem so anti-romance in general? I see 'Star Wars doesn't need romance or a love story' all the time and I can't help but feel like it falls into the misogyny category a little because romance is seen as something inherently feminine or 'for the girls' ig so people think it's an unnecessary addition to a plot but it can actually affect a character and how they act/think etc so much whether that's for good or bad, hope that makes sense?
obviously not every character needs a great romantic love and Din-doesn't-need-or-want-love enjoyers do your thing but even in the first season he clearly considers Omera and seems open to the idea at least, so people being against Bo just doesn't make sense to me? has she done bad things? well yeah but what character hasn't in Star Wars? and even if it's not Bo I still see it thrown around that Star Wars doesn't need a love story but why? what's wrong with romantic love? there are other shows that they're making/have made that yeah shoehorning in a romance would've made no sense (i.e. Kenobi, I mean I've not watched it but I can't imagine a love story working in that) but the Mandalorian hasn't set itself up to be a show like that?
I hope this has made sense but I basically wanted to air that out and it just came to me reading your answers to other questions that it's probably at least a little misogyny that plays a part in that anti-romance feeling going around or that makes sense in my head anyway
(also Jyn and Cassian soulmates truther here so if people wanna beef about them pls consider not doing that or I'll cry, they're basically built to be perfect for each other so???)
i wanted to publish this before tonight's episode (i just woke up for work 😂).
i agree. it's always when there is some prospect of romance for these kinds of female characters that the "we don't need romance" brigade comes out. like, there's nothing inherently wrong with romance nor is there anything wrong with not wanting romance. it's preference. but c'mon it's not star wars even has a lot of it on screen for major characters. at least healthy relationships or ones that don't end in untimely death.
i can name the actual romances on one hand probably and further discussion is going under a read more out of sake for length and because some minor spoilers for clone wars and rebels.
padme amidala and anakin skywalker ends in tragedy, the eradication of the jedi order and the fall of the republic. anakin turns into darth vader.
hera syndulla and kanan jarrus again ends in tragedy. he sacrifices himself to save hera, sabine and ezra.
bail and breha oranga perish in the destruction of alderaan.
obi-wan kenobi and satine kryze never officially get together as she's dutchess of mandalore and he's a jedi knight. she's murdered by maul to spite him.
vel sartha and cinta kaz external circumstances and cinta's devotion to The Cause of the Rebellion put them on shaky ground.
han solo and leia organa are depicted as a kind of volatile relationship and we never actually really see them be a couple on screen besides some crumbs. by the sequels they are separated.
cassian andor and jyn erso dead before they could really have a relationship.
galen and lyra erso ends in lyra being murdered in front of galen.
owen and beru lars seem to be a relatively normal married couple but than they get brutally murdered by the empire so.
so where's the over abundance of romantic relationships in star wars?
i'd like one couple in star wars that doesn't end in a tragic demise or a "casualties: everyone in the local vicinity" type of scenario.
besides a "strong female character" doesn't have be devoid of romance.
allison argent still says it best "can't i be strong and go to prom?"
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sithskywalkerr · 7 months
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when we forget the infection, will we remember the lesson?
Summary: In a tense rescue mission, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Luke infiltrate an Imperial fortress to save Princess Leia. They encounter Keyti, who, despite working for the Empire, helps them escape from Vader, who suddenly goes on a rampage. The group successfully escapes, with the addition of an injured Reva and Keyti. Back in Alderaan, Padmé reveals to Leia and Luke that their father is Anakin Skywalker, now known as Vader. Series: The Flowers Never Bloom Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Reva Sevander, Original Sith Character, Original Imperial Character Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, minor character death, blood, slight gore Ships: Anidala Word Count: 8.2k words A/N: holy shit, a back to back post ?! you could say the plot infected my brain at this point. however, it's no surprise, i love zomboi ... look at that word count ... again, i'm not the best with action, so apologies for a bulk of this chapter literally being hell in a hand-basket for Leia. (she'll be fine tho, shhhhh) also, again to fill in gaps and stuff, i'm slapping my OCs in because i can and it's my fic, i can do what i want. Amara and Keyti are only two of many, but we'll see if i have use for my other ones. i hope they're received well. read here on ao3
"Luke, please, come back. It’s not safe!” Padme’s voice carried on the wind quickly, and the blond popped his head up and replied,” Coming, Mom!” Even if Leia had been the one to lure the two of them out, he was more than willing to hide the discovery from their mother. Once again, they had found the gory remnants of a corpse from a few infected lurking on the edge of the Alderaanian capitol. If she found out, then they would have had to probably relocate again until it was safe again, and they were both finally happy about settling down in one place again.
Leia was hidden behind an enormous, moss-covered, bolder, crouching while she carefully used a stick to observe the decay from the insects, head tilting as she made a soft sound of confusion. “It looks like it isn’t breaking down like it should… That’s weird.”
“C'mon, we have to go back. Mom might come over if we don’t … she doesn’t want us out so close to the edge.” Luke lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the sun, watching as Padmé motioned him closer.  Looking up at her brother, Leia frowned,” Fine. Only because she wouldn’t want us to see.” As if it were the fifteen-year-old’s first corpse to witness rotting. “Go distract Mom so I can sneak over without her knowing about the body.”
“She’s going to know eventually,” Luke said with a sigh, shaking his head before moving to make his way over to Padmé. I hate being a distraction. He made his way through the small wild field and heat, sweat beginning to stick his blond hair to his forehead and neck while he returned to his mother’s side. “Sorry, Mom. Thought I saw something out there.”
“Leave the adventuring to the rangers. It’s still too dangerous with the new spikes of infection.” Padmé smiled softly, brushing his shoulders off while he shrugged, “I would have been okay. C’mon, it’s too hot out.” He motioned to her to the palace’s entryway, and she opted to go inside first. Luke glanced back to see his sister pop her head up from the boulder before making her way over swiftly through the grass and wild flowers.
Leia soon made her way in, sighing with relief at the feeling of the fans working to cool the palace they had called home. Bail and Breha had been nothing but kind to them, but the twins were beginning to ask questions now—some that Padmé didn’t want to answer, especially regarding their father. Still, there was only so much she could get away with the older the twins had become, and Padmé was beginning to suspect the time for the truth would come earlier than she would have preferred. Unlike Obi-Wan’s selective omission, she wanted to tell them he was alive, but they had grown up knowing what the Empire had put the planet through. The days were hotter, and more climates became unstable and uninhabitable from the overuse of farming for ore and minerals. She simply didn’t know how to explain what had happened to Anakin as she led them to the room where their tutor awaited them to begin their studies for the day.
Even if education was something to keep them distracted, Padmé utilized the free time to figure out her husband’s whereabouts, significantly after Ahsoka had returned with the news. 
Rain pounded on the marble and gold of the palace while Alderaan slept, but Padmé was wide awake. It had been four months since Ahsoka had left to locate Vader, and each day that passed only began to wither the little hope Padmé had for her return. She turned from the balcony as her door opened, a limping and bandaged Ahsoka making her way in before the former Senator ran to her side to help her sit down with eyes filling with concern.
“Ahsoka? What happened?” Her hand gently held the vitiligo-marked cheek of her husband’s former apprentice  in worry as exhaustion threatened to crush Ahsoka’s body.
“It is him, and I barely managed to escape him. He isn’t the same, Padmé. I tried to tell him to come with me, to come here, but he refused to accept you were alive … He kept mentioning how he’s reached out to you through the years but has never felt your signature. I don’t know what’s happened with him, but he’s not the Anakin we knew. He nearly killed me.”
Padme’s heart began to sink. If he was so irrational with Ahsoka, how would he be with her? Shoving that idea away, she only pulled Ahsoka closer. “I’m relieved you made it back. You need to rest, and thank you for going for me. Now, we can prepare a better plan to bring him back.”
“I don’t believe we can,” Ahsoka said, welcoming the support, letting her aching body relax while closing her eyes. “He won’t listen. He cannot be reasoned with this time.”
“Only because Palpatine has done something to him … rest for now. Okay?”
Shaking the memory from her mind, Padmé continued to her room, entering the ample, luxurious space before she sat at her vanity with her datapad. Getting to the news, like in her usual routine, she began to scan reports for any mention of her husband, but it was as if he was still a ghost — even as Vader. Why would the Emperor keep such a prominent, fear-inducing figure out of the spotlight? There had to be a reason for it; now, she was determined to figure it out herself.
Pausing at the last article, she tapped on the headline: LORD VADER VISITS NEW TREATMENT FACILITY FOR THE INFECTED IN CORUSCANT. She had read it many times before, knowing it virtually by heart, but the press of a Sith Lord paying a bi-annual inspection to a treatment facility for this seemed far beneath him. Unless it was for treatment … or something else entirely. She hit a link to the facility’s site, offering care for in-house care of loved ones who became infected, her brows furrowing as she looked at the data provided. It seemed to be going well for a facility that still couldn’t administer a cure, but there were beginning to be whispers of one being produced. Though currently, those were just rumors. Nothing substantial, but if it was being made … then the Emperor planned to treat the population to gain more land. If that happened, people would be unwilling to part from the “savior” they had desired for so long. Kark. She made notes on paper, not trusting any devices produced after the leaked scandal from the new Senator from Naboo.
After documents from his datapad had been released to help the Rebels, he had suddenly disappeared, but everyone knew what happened. The Empire was not above spying on its citizens and politicians to keep the rigidly enforced order on the planet they had been destroying. If the warnings weren’t heeded, one would find a personal invitation to Mustafar’s plains. If that was declined … it was well-known by news footage afterward that you would have better mercy within Fortress Vader than refusing.
“Breaking news now from Naboo, the Senator’s home has been hit by a horrific attack from the infected as a new wave surges through the planet. Officials in Naboo cite that at least three or four of the Diseased had made their way into the villa before slaughtering the Senator, his wife, his children Paxen, age 9, and Riael, age 3, as well as their newborn. Forensics suggest the Senator tried to defend them, but it was to no avail when his throat was crushed by a substantial amount of force. Officials believe this new wave of the infected could have 15x the strength as the original wave we experienced over fifteen years ago.” While reading off her monitor, the reporter held no fear or emotion, but the nervous tick in her hands told Padmé otherwise. She didn’t believe the story she was reading but couldn’t indicate it to the audience otherwise. Not if she wanted to keep her job and life.
Pausing at a photo posted on the facility’s site, she carefully zoomed in on the familiar figure of her husband. The half mask was on, obscuring his nose, mouth, and jaw from easily being identified, but she could still see the hint of the scar on his right eye. His eyes were unreadable, void of emotion, while they seemed to match the lava of Mustafar now. Her heart ached deeply, studying the rough skin and healed gash on his head that she had assumed happened from the plume on Kuat. Under the scarring and changes, she could still see the familiar features she had loved so deeply.
I will bring you home again. I promise, even if it’s the last thing I do.
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Chasing Rebels wasn’t something that Vader had particularly wanted to be used for, but he brought the best results, which pleased the Emperor. It kept the rebellion’s likelihood at an all-time low and kept him fed and alive. Though, that was the least of his worries. The longer the years had stretched, the more he found it challenging to remember what he had been experiencing. More blackouts in his memory were occurring, and Sidious grew impatient with the lapse in memory.
“I need you to remember so we can appropriately eradicate the hopes of a rebellion,” the Emperor watched his apprentice closely. Vader stayed and knelt down, eyes on the ground in submission, before finally lifting his head.
“I can only remember a battle beginning once again in Geonosis, but then I remember my legion finding me miles from base.” 
“Then perhaps it’s time for another medical examination; you often fail to give me details.” The Emperor accused then,” And I’m beginning to believe that it’s on purpose, my apprentice. Must I remind you what happens when you try to defy my orders?” He enjoyed seeing how the broad frame of his ever-loyal dog tensed, knowing well that the lapse in memory was due to the inhibitor chip. The clones had no memory of it from long ago, but by now, they had been eradicated mainly by Vader’s insatiable rampage when his chip was engaged. Problems were easily solved while keeping his apprentice in line and unable to overthrow him. A plan so perfect that he nearly wanted to celebrate its success. Yet, he knew better than to prematurely celebrate - especially knowing that the Senator was still alive. Continuing, he feigned concern:” It is nearly time for you to have one anyway to ensure the system is operating as it should and to see how the virus has changed within you. Go to the medical wing and have a droid look at your vitals. We cannot change the world if you cannot be part of it.”
Vader chose ignorance. He always did. Anakin knew for a long time that the Sith were constantly suffering towards each other to achieve that higher power - total control. It kept him alive this long, but he occasionally wondered what it would have been if he hadn’t. Would Padmé have survived? If he continued to get caught up in “what ifs,” then he wouldn’t be able to focus on the present, and that wasn’t what was needed. No, now he needed to go to the medical wing as instructed. Moving through the halls of the Senate Office Building, Vader’s large frame caused the various personnel and Senators to move from his path immediately as his steady, mechanical breathing echoed off the walls. Arriving at the medical wing, he entered the practically empty room as a med-droid greeted his familiar presence. “Lord Vader, the Emperor has informed us of a check-up concerning your cognition.”
“I do not have time to waste on foolish testing. Make it quick.” He moved to one of the beds, sitting while the droid came closer to shut the curtain around them.
Scanning over his file, the droid removed the mask carefully, noting the cushioned seal around it was beginning to degrade from constant use. Another test to perform, indeed, if he was using it so much, that could be an issue with his lungs. Then, the Emperor ordered an experiment to improve his memory. However, they had to wait for his arrival for that. Placing the file and mask down, the droid conducted a scan with the sensitive sensors in its eyes, humming softly. “Your cybernetics are due for a needed upgrade, but your lungs and skin are in better health than the previous check-up. Regeneration from the virus aids healing, but utilizing aids is still suggested to accelerate the healing. Your mask shows signs of deterioration on the seal - a replacement is advised. The mask is not crucial to your health unless in harsh environmental conditions such as high altitude or extreme temperatures.” 
Yellow eyes stared blankly at the black droid as it moved closer, shining a light into his eyes.” Has your vision improved with the regeneration?” He only gave a slight nod of confirmation, making an irritated sound when the light was shone into the other eye.
Moving from his eyes, the droid inspected the injury to his cheek, carefully testing the muscle and skin. His teeth needed better care, but all seemed to be in order. Clicking it off, the droid inspected his ears, noting the freshly healed skin from notches around the top and side of both ears. “What caused the damage to your helix?”
“Some foolishly brave infected, I surmise, when I was feeding once.”
Carefully inspecting the inner ear, the droid was pleased to see no damage compared to the previous check-up before moving back,” please, remove your armor so I can check on the condition of your skin.”
He only removed the layers enough to expose his chest port and gnarled skin. The droid carefully inspects the port’s controls while Vader sits there, feeling like a trapped sand mouse. Years of constant medical check ins and experiments had begun to test his patience with anything relating to his health. Pausing when the comms lit up, the droid answered it to see the familiar hooded figure of Sidious.
“How is the health of my apprentice?”
“Acceptable. Vitals are within normal levels. His treatment and regeneration have been aiding in the healing process since the fire fifteen years ago.” 
Fifteen years ago … how had the time passed that quickly? Vader began to adjust his armor, already irritated that so much time was wasted when he could have been more useful elsewhere.
The Emperor hummed softly, nodding while thinking momentarily. He couldn’t have Vader suspicious of his plans after all,” Lord Vader, I have heard that the Third Sister has captured Leia. Currently, she has ended up in custody in Fortress Inquisitorius in Nur. I want you to personally go and ensure that any information she could know about the Rebellion is obtained. We will have to see how well your cognition holds up after this. However, our cameras will be able to fill in any holes you have in your memory.”
Vader suppressed a displeased groan he wanted to let out at the mention of the Inquisitors. Any time he divulged his time towards the group, it was clear how incompetent they were, which would make his report to the Emperor less than ideal. Still, he stood again after his armor was in order, making his way closer to where the Emperor could see him on the screen,” it will be done. Even if we must persuade her.” Reaching forwards, a gloved hand flicked off the communication before he made his way to the docking port for his departure to Nur. There were more pressing issues for the Empire, but now he must babysit a teenager for Rebellion information?
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Leia was trying to remain calm and quiet as she lay on the cold, metal “bed” (if she even wanted to call it that) in her holding cell. She had concealed Luke from being captured when they began to break into an Imperial office that was stationed in Alderaan, and she was more than sure that he had alerted their mom about her capture. She didn’t know anything the Rebellion was doing, but no one would listen. Well, maybe she knew a few bases, but she would rather die than disclose that to anyone else but a Rebel. Even then, all she had to do was survive and eventually be rescued somehow. Besides, she had seen Luke throw a tracking beacon from his "adventure pack" onto the ship once she had been taken. This once, only this once, she would admit that he was right about that stupid bag.
She paused her thinking when the door slid open to show Reva. Her dark eyes narrowed at the teenager while entering as the lights dimly reflected on her black Gundark leather-made uniform. “This is the ‘key’ of the Rebellion? She’s just a child.” 
Reva knew, though, not to underestimate even a teenager, and certainly not Leia. However, she hoped that the capture would lead to a negotiation between the Empire and Alderaan, which would lead to the planet’s unification. Moving closer to the brunette, Leia’s eyes glanced over her,” And you’re too young for an Inquisitor.”
Reva's brow twitched in irritation, pulling a small knife out to press against the Princess's throat," why were you trying to break into the office?"
"I'm not telling you anything while you have a blade to my skin."
Pulling back, the Inquisitor frowned deeply, turning as the door opened to show a corporal.
Amara poked her head in, her voice soft while glancing at Leia. “Apologies for the interruption, Third Sister, but communications were just received. Lord Vader is on the way.” 
Reva turned to look at her, glancing back at Leia. There is no doubt this is about her. Perhaps she is more useful than I realize. Still, it is better for Lord Vader to deal with the brat. “Estimated arrival?”
“Within an hour. He’s coming from Coruscant.” Amara looked to the tablet, her dark brown hair pulled into a tight bun, not a hair displaced, while her honey eyes scanned the information. “Afterwards, I have been reassigned with him to the Gahenn Plains.”
Leia feigned boredom, staring at the ceiling while Reva exited, but she kept listening to them until the door closed, preventing her from eavesdropping. She had heard how Ahsoka had been searching for Vader and returned injured, but if they knew where he would be … then that was a different story. All she had to do was escape … somehow. 
Reva walked through the cellblock, arms behind her, as she considered the news from Corporal Berklau. “Perhaps a promotion is in your future if you’re being relocated to Vader’s home.”
“I refuse to get my hopes up, but I’ve heard I will not be the only one venturing to Mustafar permanently. Lady Keyti is coming along as well.”
Bristling, Reva suppressed her anger while glancing over to the Corporal,” She is?” That lying piece of bantha fodder.
“Yes, Lord Vader told her after speaking with me. I think it could be good for her. She’s restless, not having a place to call home. Sho-Torun certainly hasn’t been welcoming either for her aristocratic duties.”
“I do not understand what he sees in her. She follows him around like a lost hound, and her duties are rarely fulfilled.” 
“She is skilled with lightsabers,” Amara pointed out,” as well as social situations … something that can be utilized. As for her title, she's had many attempts on her life. Regardless, do you have a plan for the princess, though?” She pointed back towards Leia’s cell, and Reva's gaze turned over her.
“I do, but if Lord Vader is on his way, he may try to extract any information from her. I will go to the medical droids to see if they have any serums I can give to slow her cognition.”
“If you wait until he’s arrived, it will only irritate him,” the Corporal suggested, pausing while facing the Inquisitor more. “The serum should be the last resort, as should any bodily harm. If anything is done to her, it may cause further sparks of Rebellion and Alderaan’s continued refusal to join the Empire.”
Reva’s brows raised blankly at Amara’s suggestion, her arms moving to fold beneath her chest. “It's bold for you to offer suggestions to me, Corporal Beklau … but you are right this time. If I try to speak with the Princess, she will not turn over any information for her break in.”
“Then perhaps send in Lady Keyti.” Amara saw Reva’s frown deepen before she explained,” She doesn’t know her, and Keyti has been able to get information out of some people in alliance with the Rebellion. She may be able to get something from her.”
“She will have thirty minutes to try to get anything and will report to Lord Vader upon his arrival.” The Inquisitor said sharply, making her way to locate the Grand Inquisitor as she left Amara behind while her boots clicked on the floor.
Amara gave a slight nod, suppressing a triumphant smile. “Of course, I will find you when the time is up.” Moving towards the training rooms, she suppressed her momentary excitement, knowing how pleased Keyti would be to be included in the little project, especially since Lord Vader was coming.
Getting into the ample space, she watched as the vitiligo-marked warrior slashed her sabers through training droids, graceful as if it were a dance. Her black and white twists were bundled up into a large bun, and for once, her jewelry wasn’t on while she trained. Sweat glistened on her skin, and once catching sight of Amara, she paused while her curiosity piqued. Switching the red blades off, she secured them onto her belt, making her way closer,” can’t be good news if you’ve come.”
“No, for once, it is good, my Lady. Lord Vader is coming and will be here in … forty-five minutes,” she said while checking her watch as Keyti’s yellowed eyes widened with the news.
“He is, hmm? Well, I guess that’s enough time to freshen up.”
“Normally, but we have a new prisoner - Princess Leia from Alderaan. Reva has requested thirty minutes to see if you can obtain information before his arrival.”
Keyti frowned, hands resting on her waist,” Of course, she has … Very well, I’ll just have to towel off then.”
“I don’t think that would matter. I’ll take you to Leia’s cell,” Amara paused to straighten out her jacket, and Keyti only groaned, causing her to look back up.
“If he comments about how sweaty I am, I’m going to kill Reva,” moving to the side, Keyti got a towel dampened by a water fountain briefly before beginning to wipe her skin down in annoyance over the tattoos she had gotten to show her devotion to the Sith. While she wasn’t official due to the Rule of Two, she was valuable to the Empire, which could not be ignored. A warrior of her own strength, even if she didn’t have a strong connection with the Force that impressed Vader more often than he wanted to admit. “Do we know anything about this Princess?”
“She was caught breaking into an Imperial station in Alderaan. She is the daughter of Bail and Breha Organa, so there is leverage in our favor. Part of why I believe she was brought here. If we go about this wrong, then Alderaan’s acceptance to join the Empire will be eliminated. We need their resources and technology to continue our usual operations within the East.”
Nodding, Keyti hummed softly, thinking,” It’s a delicate situation. Though, I am also sure that the Organas will be doing everything in their power to get her back to them … perhaps we can utilize that more than we know.” Tossing the towel into the bin for laundry, she came closer while looking down to her friend,” Lead the way, Corporal.”
Amara straightened up, nodding while leaving the training area to lead Keyti back to the cell. “Not much is known about the Princess herself. She makes public appearances, but she hardly has done diplomatic things. It’s almost like she barely exists. However, we confiscated a blaster and comlink while trying to sneak into an Imperial office.”
“Perhaps that’s something to look into then. I’m sure Leia’s existence has been mostly hidden for a reason,” Keyti frowned a moment, following her as their steps echoed off the obsidian walls. She glanced out of the large windows, watching the dark, murky waters while various aquatic animals swam by. “I can retrieve something useful before Lord Vader’s arrival.” Hopefully.
Though she knew it was possible she may come up empty-handed, she could only hope that he wouldn’t be angered by it. Once the door had opened again, Keyti saw Leia standing on the uncovered bed, brow arching as the teenager tried to pry the panel to the vents before stopping when realizing she wasn't alone. 
Turning, Leia watched her, curious to see her tattoos, while the warrior entered the cell, shutting the door behind herself again. “Princess.” She dipped her head slightly in respect before making eye contact with her. “I have a few questions I would like you to answer.”
Leia lifted her head, thin brows furrowing as she glanced over while settling back onto the cold metal. “I won’t tell you anything, I have nothing to tell.”
Moving closer, Keyti let out a slow, soft hum,” If you have nothing to tell, then why would you say you won’t tell me anything? Regardless, Princess, I want to know one thing. Why is a child like you carrying a blaster on your hip?”
“The world is cruel, and a girl needs to protect herself from it,” Leia said simply as Keyti nodded momentarily. 
“Yes, the world is cruel, especially to little girls, but not much can be protected for those girls who willingly try to break into an office, especially an Imperial one. With this comes my second question: What was so important about breaking into the office? Do not bother to lie about it either, Princess; we have you recorded in your attempt.”
“I wanted to see reports over friends of mine that had gone missing,” she lied, spilling from her lips as she kept her gaze steady upon Keyti. “Many of them have vanished when they haven’t been infected. I do not believe that is a crime punishable enough for kidnapping.” 
“No, it isn’t, but you’re useful to my boss. What do you know of Lord Vader?” 
Leia’s blood turned cold then, like the familiar haunting cold that threatened the nape of her neck, causing the hairs to stand on end. Of course, he would be on his way. “Why is he wasting his time with something beneath him? I’m sure the Emperor’s right hand has more important things than a fifteen-year-old … I hope he would.” 
Keyti let out a soft laugh, then said,” Yes, he does, but he has his motives and orders—for the Empire. Only the Empire.” Her features grew solemn as her yellowed eyes met Leia’s brown. “Nothing more.” Nothing disgraceful.  
The Princess still couldn’t shake the building fear, eyes narrowing while she watched her. “The Empire feeds into various criminal activities. Forgive me if I do not trust what you’re saying.” 
“I don’t agree with it either, but Lord Vader has no interest in them. He will arrive soon, and if you answer my questions, you won’t have to face him. You just need to be honest, Princess Leia.”
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Luke had immediately gotten Obi-Wan and Ahsoka on a rescue mission after Bail and Breha were updated to what had happened, and he may or may not have stowaway on the Imperial ship that Ahsoka and Obi-Wan stole before landing. The codes gave them entryway, and Imperial uniforms helped them to blend in, carefully making their way through the dark halls to locate the holding cells. Following at a distance, Luke ducked behind some crates as droids moved past, silent as he watched Obi-Wan and Ahsoka having to seperate before making his way carefully through the halls. Blue eyes widened as he saw Keyti exit when her allotted time was up while a smug Reva walked with her at the lack of key information given by the aristocrat. Though, Keyti was smarter than that, and she would only divulge it to Vader, after all. Reva didn’t need to know what she had been told by the Princess.
The door shut behind them as Luke stayed hidden, slowing his breath as the two walked down the hall and away from the cells. She has to be in there. He reached out in the Force, calling for his sister. 
Confused by the interaction with Keyti, Leia straightened when she sensed the familiar prodding from her brother. Do not tell me you’re here.
You needed help. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are here too.
Alarm surged through Leia’s body, eyes widening as she moved closer to the door to peek out the window to see her brother soon spotting her. Shaking her head, she looked around as the Force suddenly shifted as a cold, dark presence began to haunt the edges of Luke’s familiar warmth.
Leave. Now, Vader is coming, and it’s not safe. You need to find Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
Moving to the door, Luke looked over the controls as he ignore her warning, glancing around while trying to fiddle with it and try to trick it into unlocking. He jumped when he heard Obi-Wan say his name, looking up with widened eyes as the Jedi suppressed a sigh at realizing Luke had followed them while making his way closer. He peered at Leia through the window, and knew that they only  had a limited amount of time while Ahsoka disabled the alarms.
“Okay, Obi-Wan, it should be disengaged now, but I just heard on the com I stole that Vader’s arrived.” 
Lifting the comlink up, he spoke quietly,” then let’s not linger for longer than we must. Make your way to the holding cells.” He moved Luke back while he ignited his lightsaber, plunging the blue blade into the controls which short circuited the system, causing the door to open. 
Leia immediately moved out, clinging onto Luke tightly as she looked up to Obi-Wan,” we need to leave now.” Her gaze lifted as the lights started to flicker throughout the fortress, holding onto Luke’s arm tighter as he started to put her behind himself. 
“I have a bad feeling about this…” 
“Follow me,” Obi-Wan instructed while turning off his lightsaber for the time being, making his way back the way he had come. Carefully guiding them out of sight of Imperial officers, he kept his saber hid up his sleeve, pausing as he felt the haunting cold beginning to chill the air.
Leia was quiet, eyes wide as she saw Luke’s exhale before she tested it with her own, feeling the temperature drop before screams and shouts echoed through the halls.
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Keyti was trying to run through the chaos, protecting herself from Vader, who had begun a rampage shortly after sensing someone had infiltrated the Fortress. She watched in horror as he crushed the head of a sergeant, eyes wide, as he began to make his way towards Reva. The Inquisitor only ignited her lightsabers, standing her ground while her gaze darkened. 
What the kark had happened to him? Shaking her head, Keyti made her own escape, knowing that, eventually, he would be stable again. Maybe he was just hungry; that usually seemed to happen, but she needed to flee. The lights flickered overhead again while air chilled more through the level, and it wasn’t until she saw the four trying to escape that it made sense. Of course, a Jedi would have been alerted to Leia's disappearance.
Leia stiffened when Keyti spotted them, her eyes wide before looking back towards the carnage before she motioned them to go the other way. She may have worked for the Empire and been under Vader’s orders, but she refused to willingly let anyone die like that. She saw Reva’s body slamming through some storage crates, bolting down the hall when Vader's attention was suddenly turned onto her. 
Obi-Wan braced himself, igniting his saber as Keyti approached while putting her hands up,” Save it, Jedi. Unless you want to be the next meal, you need to leave. He’s coming this way.”
Ahsoka put the twins behind herself, eyes narrowing as she glanced Keyti up and down.” How can we trust you?” Her eyes moved past her to see Vader’s prominent figure at the end of the hall, and the lights flickered and started to shut down along the hall.
Keyti turned to face him, getting her red sabers lit and ready.” You can keep arguing, or you can leave. No one deserves this death. Especially children.” Flowers started to bloom between the cracks in the metal, and Keyti’s eyes searched the darkness for any sign of him as Obi-Wan opted to guide Ahsoka and the twins away.
“Get them out, Ahsoka. I will help her leave. I’ll meet you back in Alderaan.”
Luke and Leia began to immediately protest, but Ahsoka only pushed them through the other end of the hall, glancing back to see Obi-Wan light his saber while standing beside Keyti as the hall went completely black.
“I’m not very strong in the Force,” she warned him, glancing over to him as their blades lit them in a soft purple as she pressed her arm against his better for grounding. “Especially compared to him.” 
“This has happened before?”
“Many times, and each one is violent and filled with corpses.”
“He doesn’t recognize anyone?”
“No. At least, not to my knowledge,” she looked down as the flowers crept closer to them, her breath visible as the hair stood up on her neck and arms. “He may recognize you, though. Whomever you are to him.”
"Unfortunately, that would be a long story we may not live long enough for."
Ahsoka guided the twins through the Fortress, eyes widening at the carnage her former master had left behind. Bones had been crushed as if they were the sweetened Endor nuts she enjoyed, and blood was everywhere. It dripped from the walls and ceiling as she carefully moved Luke away from stepping on a corpse that had been torn open. “Careful.”  Luke shook his head,” I don’t care about that, look!” He pointed to a stalled ship, looking back to Leia and Ahsoka,” I could get that back online, but I’m not leaving without Obi-Wan.”
“If you’re able to do it fast,” she looked back when she heard a shout, brows furrowing as she heard Anakin’s name from Obi-Wan. “Go, hide yourselves on the ship and I will bring him back.” Once she knew they were inside, she ran the way they had come to assist Obi-Wan, unaware that a dazed Reva was beginning to wake as ringing stung in her ears while she sat up slowly.
Skywalker, you karking idiot. Staggering to her feet, she looked around, vision unfocused and double as she saw Ahsoka running towards the hell. It was as if she couldn’t escape the ghosts of the Temple, blinking as she staggered across the floor to try to reach the ship.
Leia dragged Luke up into the ship, starting to help him as Ahsoka ran through the halls, skidding to a stop as she saw Keyti and Obi-Wan fighting to keep Vader back. 
Keyti moved her way in front of the Jedi, using the blade to make him back away while a low, guttural growl escaped his throat. Obi-Wan used the Force to move her away from Vader in time, and then used the energy to leap back a few meters to gain more ground before starting to run.
Reva slowly moved along, head pounding as she lifted a gloved hand to feel at her temple before seeing the bright crimson. Looking up, she made a low sound as Keyti grasped onto her arm after holstering one of her sabers, dragging her along while she stumbled as Vader pursued Obi-Wan before the women. She glanced back, noticing that Obi-Wan seemed to be the main prey to be hunted, brows furrowing at the rage she could feel radiating from the Sith.
His eyes glowed in the dark while fingers dug into the metal, using his strength to close the distance before grabbing onto the Jedi’s ankle, yanking him down. Obi-Wan turned, swiftly using the blade to sever the cybernetics in his arms when his former padawan attempted to still drag the Jedi towards himself. Obi-Wan lifted a freed leg, bashing his heel into the side of his face with a wince at the sound that escaped before moving away in the window of opportunity. Stumbling to his feet, he made his way closer to Ahsoka as she motioned him to follow him," I found a ship."
Reva was still dazed as Keyti dragged her along, staggering and tripping on debris with a cry of pain. Vader’s attention shifted to her with the cry, low chitters escaping his throat as he forced himself upright. Arms or not, he would get his meal as the hunger burned within his belly while his thoughts were mostly simplified like most of the infected experienced. Until he had sensed Obi-Wan's Force signature.
Obi-Wan looked ahead as a ship began to move towards them, Luke grinning excitedly in the cockpit. Ahsoka let out a weak laugh, glancing to Obi-Wan,” Luke got it started up. He really is like his father.” 
“When his father isn’t starved,” Obi-Wan moved back to get Reva and Keyti pushed up the ramp, Leia grabbing onto their arms to pull them into the central area of the cargo ship. Ahsoka used the Force to leap onto it while Obi-Wan glanced back to see Vader still pursuing them while growling as he charged forward after getting himself fully upright. His heart began to break at the sight before he leaped and grabbed onto the edge of the ramp, eyes wide as he grabbed the edge with widened eyes. Ahsoka ran over, fingers digging into his robes to hoist him inside after Leia hit the button to close the ramp, breaths labored as Keyti tended to Reva’s head.
“Thank you…”
Ahsoka looked over to her,” You saved us. Now, we’re even.” Moving past them, she shooed Luke away from the controls, and Obi-Wan made his way to the front, voice soft,” At least we escaped.” Glancing back to Reva and Keyti, he looked to Ahsoka,” Get to Fralideja so we can get her medical attention. Keep her awake back there.” Landing further within the Mustafar region may not have been the most brilliant idea for the Jedi. Still, he would risk it if it got Reva the attention she needed immediately.
Keyti’s now blue eyes lifted, looking over to the Jedi with a nod as she worked on doing what she could for the Inquisitor. After she ensured Reva was in good care, she would make her way back towards Nur, then she could pull the footage herself before others did. 
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Padmé paced anxiously around her room, glancing to the clock as she bit her lower lip. They should be back by now. Where are my children? Where is Obi-Wan and Ahsoka? Her head lifted as Breha knocked softly on the door,” we just recieved communication from Obi-Wan, they will be landing in ten minutes. Luke and Leia are safe.” Relief washed over her as she let out a soft cry of joy, thank the heavens.
Breha came over, softly rubbing her back as she reassured her. “Obi-Wan said he must speak with you, though … about Anakin.” 
“Is he dead?” Her head lifted, watery eyes widening,” spare me the moments of questioning.”
“No, he isn’t dead … but he is the one that attacked everyone … Imperial or Rebel.”
“He’s infected, it’s a cognitive failure, but I know there is still good in him, Breha.” Her voice was shaky as she sat on the ottoman, hands beginning to tremble as she carefully wiped her face. “I’m happy they’re alive.”
Once it was close to landing, Padmé made her way out to the docking area, never more relieved to see an Imperial cargo ship than that moment.
Obi-Wan carefully got it landed, glancing over to Ahsoka,” at least we have a warm welcome.”
“She would throw a celebration if she could,” she got herself unbuckled, getting the ramp set back down which only caused the twins to zoom out immediately to their mother when they could. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan exited, still shaken by the encounter, yet there was still something that haunted Ahsoka. Why had Vader hesitated within the hall when Keyti and Obi-Wan stood up to him?
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Robes glided over the carnage as Sidious made his way through the Fortress, quiet when he finally came upon his apprentice blacked out on the floor near a bloated corpse. Yellowed eyes scanned around, taking stock of the dozens of mutilated Imperial personnel before he harshly kicked at Vader’s leg. Waking with a start, eyes snapped open with a low, animalistic growl before eyes lifted up to his Master before he stopped. His mind was foggy, lagging as he used the Force to get himself upright once again.
“I see once again this has ended in failure, my apprentice. The Princess has escaped.”
“It happened again,” his eyes closed as his head ached from the exertion, the Fortress eerily silent now as he made a low sound in his throat at the pain in his skull.
“Come. I have plans for Alderaan. We will launch an invasion to secure the resources and begin to unite more of the countries under the Empire.”
Vader got to his feet carefully, inspecting the damage to the cybernetics to see the evenly cut metal. His brow muscles furrowed as the Emperor motioned to his own ship. “We will return you to Mustafar. Perhaps meditation and repairs will help you remember what had happened.”
Hiding a grimace, Vader silently made his way into the dark ship, ignoring the crimson guards while getting himself seated to the side. His body ached, and his memory was black again, unable to remember past landing to meet with Keyti about the Princess. Momentarily, he hoped that she was able to escape the carnage. Shoving it aside, he began to place himself into a meditative state for the time being while the ship started its way to the lava-laden plains of Mustafar’s expansive region towards the Gahenn Plains. 
The Force had hinted at what had happened, soft whispers, but it was still vague shapes and memories trying to desperately come together. The hall had grown cold in his rampage, flowers creeping along the floor and walls before withering as he stepped closer to three lights. No, lightsabers. Two red, one blue. Obi-Wan’s Force signature had been burned into his memory from the previous years, and there was no doubt that he had been there this time. Most likely to rescue the Princess, Ahsoka’s pain burned in her signature upon seeing what her former Master had become.
His eyes opened again, and he stared ahead at the various mechanics in the wall as he could feel the shifting in the ship once the landing sequence was initialized. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. She had found her way back, but why she was helping with the Princess was another mystery—one he certainly wanted to uncover himself. The Princess had to be more than what she was for both of them to defend her so willingly, even when the odds were against them. 
Upon their arrival at his castle, Vader’s cybernetics were removed before he was placed into a bacta tank, silent as he closed his eyes while floating. Reaching out through the Force, he found Keyti, and he was momentarily surprised to see glimpses of her at Fortress Inquisitorus once again as she responded.
You’re back, My Lord. Are you harmed?
What are you doing at the fortress? He ignored her worry, brows furrowing as the pain in his head started to ebb away.
Reviewing security footage of your latest attack. Settling down on the chair, Keyti’s brows furrowed as she noticed the Emperor’s ship returning to the docking bay on a monitor. With no time to spare, she started to download the footage onto a drive. She knew there wasn’t enough time to destroy the cameras or the footage afterward, but at least Vader would see the truth.
Vader sensed her sudden unease and fear, and he prodded, appreciating the footage?
No, your Master is here. I’m downloading the data before making my way to Mustafar as designated.
He will notify me of the events. There is no reason for you to steal the footage.
This is my second time seeing this happen, and after the first time, there were few answers after you met with him. Forgive me if I do not trust him. The system signaled the download was complete, and Keyti tore the drive from the port, tucking it into her chest binding before making her way out.
As he is the Emperor, your loyalty to him should not waiver, the warning came from Vader, but Keyti knew better. She knew far better than she could explain now as she slunk through the halls, carefully overstepping corpses of various personnel and Inquisitors. She paused when she heard the familiar voice of the Emperor, knowing well that she wasn’t skilled enough to hide herself within the force as she staggered out.
“Your Majesty, it isn’t safe here,” she feigned pain before leaning on some cargo crates, the Emperor watching her closely for a moment.
“Oh ... I have not seen you in a long time, my child. You were here during the attack?”
He motioned a guard to help her, and the crimson-clad shape moved closer, supporting her up while she nodded. “I was. I barely managed to hide in time, and I know a few others were able to leave. I know my assignment was to go to Fortress Vader, and I am ready to continue that assignment.”
She gave a soft bow of her head of respect to the Emperor who only hummed softly,” good. If you believe you can carry your duties on after surviving this horrific attack, then perhaps you are more useful than I realized. Come, we will go to Vader now.” 
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Worry only began to pool in Padmé’s belly as the twins gave their account of what had happened, but Leia shook her head at Ahsoka’s distrust of Keyti. “If she didn’t want to help, she wouldn’t have. She knew that something was wrong with Vader, and she willingly chose to save everyone.” Looking up to her mother, her brows furrowed,” she left herself behind to get the Inquisitor medical aid, but mentioned something about returning to Vader.” 
Padmé glanced between Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, settling back in her chair,” people don’t save others without reason. Do we know her name?”
Obi-Wan shook his head,” no, and we didn’t tell her ours, but of course, she knew who Leia was.”
Luke spoke up then, glancing between the adults,” her name is Keyti. Reva is the Inquisitor. They both said their name at some point during the journey to Fralideja and when Reva was getting off of the ramp.”
Looking to Luke, Leia gave a smug grin at his observations while he offhandedly mentioned,” Keyti’s eyes were originally yellow, but when she was leaving, they were bright blue.”
Padmé gave a soft hum of thought,” did you hear anything else? Either of you?”
“Vader frequents the Gahenn Plains,” Leia spoke up then,” another Imperial had mentioned she was assigned to there.”
Padmé, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan exchanged a look then, while Padmé only wanted to make her way to the fortress and drag her husband back with her. She knew that she couldn’t, not when the Emperor would be there to undoubtledly check on his apprentice’s health. Taking a slow breath, she nodded,” good work, the both of you.”
“Why is Vader so important, Mom?” Luke asked then, brows furrowed as he glanced to his sister momentarily as Padme’s shoulders fell. She couldn’t keep it hidden from them anymore, not when they encountered him directly and could understand why they are in hiding.
“He’s your father. That’s why I’ve been wanting to keep updated on his wherabouts, and eventually try to bring him home.”
Leia frowned,” you said our father died.”
“I did, because I didn’t know how to explain it to four year olds,” Padmé gave a weakened smile,” but now you know the truth. I’m sorry for keeping it from you for so long.”
“So, Vader really is our dad," Luke trailed off, looking between his mother and Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan nodded momentarily as he straightened up,” before he turned to the dark side after becoming infected. What happened is for him to explain once we bring him back.” Looking up to Padmé, his voice grew quieter,” if we even can.”
“There is still good in him, Obi-Wan. He’s reached out to me. I know he’s still there.” She said softly as Ahsoka only watched the twins begin to process the new information.
Ahsoka looked up to her then, voice weak," I don't know if we can, Padmé. He hasn't responded well to being near Obi-Wan, and he nearly killed me."
"He hasn't seen that I'm alive. That might change everything."
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nieithryn · 6 months
Favorite Wild Space Quotes About/By Bail Organa - PART I
Exactly as it says on the tin. Some of these quotes may get lil metas/expanded Thoughts later, because I have been screaming about this novel and Bail & Obi-Wan in particular, but I also just wanna share some beautiful quotes from this beautiful novel by Karen Miller. This is QUITE long, and will probably get SO many extra parts, but I want these for references, because Bail deserves SO MUCH love and is my current brainrot, to be honest.
These are just from the first 13 chapters....absolutely brilliant, Karen Miller wrote this book excellently.
Padmé turned at the sound of Bail Organa’s voice. He was pushing his way toward her through the crowded corridor, collecting stares and rude comments, which he ignored.
“With respect, sir, you’re mistaken. If I have regrets, it’s that we’ve been forced into this war. That in creating our Grand Army of the Republic we’ve turned our backs on a thousand years of peace. On all the Senators who came before us and preserved that peace by steadfastly refusing to give in to their fears."
“Oh yes,” said Palpatine drily. “What a useful recommendation for my candidacy. Likes to drive dangerous machines very fast.” “Well, if you do, Supreme Chancellor, you’re not alone,” said Bail. “I’ve been known to break a speed limit myself, once or twice.”
And what of this lump of a Senator, this dull, worthy Bail? He’s married, but his barren wife remains distant on Alderaan. He’s an honorable dolt; he would never betray her. Yet he has feelings for Naboo’s brave little former Queen. Respect and admiration are a dangerous mix. These Senators work closely together, and that can make for fertile ground.
“We don’t have a choice, Padmé,” said Organa. He was still holding her hand. Realizing that, she pulled herself free. “You like this idea? You’re comfortable with it?” “Of course not. I hate it,” he said fiercely. And then he pointed through the trans-shield. “But I hate that more. It’s the lesser of two evils, Senator. Just like the formation of the Republic’s Grand Army, or making deals with the Hutts. It’s the lesser of two evils … and to save lives, we’ll have to live with it.”
Weary beyond even groaning aloud, Bail Organa returned from the Senate to the empty solace of his apartment. Voiceprint and a retinal scan verified his identity: the outer door slid open, and as he stepped across the threshold into the apartment’s foyer the lighting came on.
Bail felt his heart thud, looking at her beautiful hologram face. “Don’t worry, B, nothing’s wrong,” she said, her image flickering, losing its cohesion. Ion storms somewhere between Alderaan and Coruscant; they always played havoc with galactic communications. “I just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you. I was watching the HoloNet feed from the Senate. You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep? I’ll bet you’re not. Go to bed, hotshot. I’ll try to catch you tomorrow.”
Why was it they were the only two members of the Security Committee who seemed capable of reaching a decision quickly? The rest of the committee appeared paralyzed. The whole kriffing Senate was paralyzed, as though the Separatists’ success had infected the entire government with inertia.
I’ve a good mind to leave them to their whining and fly home to Breha.
Glass in hand, brandy-warmth lingering, he set the bottle on a side table and sank into his favorite chair. He wanted to call Breha, to lose himself in her soft voice and heal his hurts with her smile. But it was mid-morning on Alderaan and she’d be in the Legislate, taking care of their people. Without her, he could never have remained on Coruscant. The welfare of Alderaan was cradled in her hands. And the welfare of the Republic is cradled in mine.
Something’s scared him. Something big. Which hardly left her feeling sanguine. Bail Organa was a courageous, capable man. If he was unsettled—and he was unsettled, she’d seen the turmoil in his eyes—then it could only mean more trouble for Coruscant. Or for somewhere else in the Republic.
“Forgive me,” Bail said upon his arrival. “I didn’t know where else to turn.” As always, he presented an immaculate face to the world. Perfectly groomed, conservatively attired, elegance personified. But they’d worked together for a good while now, and she could see beneath his polished surface. She hadn’t been mistaken about him during their brief vidcom conversation: he was alarmed.
As though sitting was intolerable, he pushed to his feet and began to roam between the sofa and the window. “Of course, it’s possible the Jedi already know about this. But if they don’t—if they are in danger and don’t realize it—” He pressed a fist against his lips, as though fighting to hold back an intemperate outburst. It was so unlike him, such an outward expression of an inner agitation. “Padmé,” he said, and swung about to face her. “Have you ever heard of the Sith?”
"He’s a good man, Obi-Wan. He loves the Republic. He works as hard as any Jedi to see it kept safe.” There was the faintest derision in Obi-Wan’s clear blue eyes. “He’s a politician, Padmé.”
“But for what little it’s worth, Obi-Wan … I do know him well enough to promise he doesn’t scare easily. And he’s not a gullible fool, either, to fall for any old story.”
Organa’s brief smile was grim. “It was handled at the highest diplomatic levels, with the utmost discretion. If the details had leaked, we’d still be mopping up the political fallout today.” Really? Well, that certainly confirmed what the Jedi knew of Organa’s credentials and influence.
“These are dark times, it’s true, but some friends remain friends until the end. I believe Bail is one of them.”
Extraordinary. “You are taking an amazing leap of faith, Senator. And now you’re asking me to leap with you.” “Don’t you think I know that?” Organa demanded. “But given what they know, what they’ve managed to learn, is it any wonder they guard their identities so jealously? Is it fair to blame them for protecting themselves the only way they know how?” No, it wasn’t fair. And there was nothing but truth in Bail Organa’s passionate defense of them. Alderaan’s Senator believed every word he said. But was that enough?
“Calm down?” he echoed. “No. I’m angry, Padmé. Why aren’t you? What else is going on that they haven’t told us? What do they know that you and I should know, as representatives of the people and members of the Security Committee? That Palpatine should know, as the Republic’s duly elected Supreme Chancellor? Don’t you see what’s happening here? As hard as it may be to believe, the Jedi have placed themselves above the rule of law.”
He was so tall, so imposing, and she was so small in contrast. But only physically.
He looked down at her, clearly torn between resentment and contrition. “How is it you contrive to put me in the wrong when I know I have a legitimate grievance?” She smiled at him, fleeting mischief banishing the last of her temper. “It’s a gift.” “Ha,” he said, his anger evaporating. “One woman’s gift is another man’s curse.” He shrugged. “What can I say, Padmé? I’m afraid.” “If it helps,” she said, her eyes full of sympathy, “you’re not the only one.”
Organa turned. “Master Kenobi.” His expression shifted from warm apology to a cooler, more distant regret. “Forgive me. I was intemperate. And I should heed my own advice. Only by working together—trusting each other—can we hope to win this war. The Jedi may have their own way of doing things, often difficult to fathom by outsiders, but nobody is making a greater sacrifice for the Republic. I know that.”
Tell me again why I wanted to be a Senator? It was approaching midnight before he finally escaped. Exhausted, punch-drunk, he almost staggered through his front door. Too tired even for the restorative consolation of Corellian brandy, he bumped his way to the bedroom and fell face-first across the bed. Even his capillaries were aching.
“Sit down.” Obi-Wan stared at him. The man is distraught, exhausted, and a senior government official. Master Yoda needs no more trouble tonight. He sat, very slowly. “Senator.” Organa pressed his palms flat to his face. Took a deep, shuddering breath. Exhaled it sharply. “I’m sorry, Master Kenobi,” he said, his voice muffled, then lowered his hands. “That was uncalled for. Tell me, what were you able to find out about Zigoola?”
“Really,” Obi-Wan said, letting a little of his impatience show. “In the event that I become incapacitated, are you saying you can strip down a malfunctioning hyperdrive unit, correctly identify the problem, replace its faulty components, or improvise new ones, and reassemble it to full performance capacity?” Organa grinned. “A standard LT-five unit? Yes. Did it last week, as a matter of fact. It’s good relaxation, and I like to keep my hand in. Timed myself, just for the fun of it. Thirty-eight minutes. How about you?” Thirty-eight minutes? That was three minutes faster than his own best time. How aggravating. “I am mechanically proficient.”
Organa folded his arms, his expression settling into stubborn lines. “I already believe you. But my life is sworn to the safeguarding of this Republic, just like yours. I’ve got as much right to risk myself as you do. If anything, it’s my duty to pursue this matter.”
“Well?” said Organa, strolling into the living area. “Do I pack myself a spare shirt, or don’t I?” His tone was amused, his manner unconcerned—at least on the surface. Beneath it, however, trepidation and doubt churned.
“Breha is not the public,” said Organa, his voice chilling. “She’s the head of the Alderaan government. And it’s her cousin who’s died. They grew up together. They’re more like brother and sister. I don’t want her finding out from a HoloNet news bulletin or in some impersonal Senate communiqué. I want her to hear it from me.” Obi-Wan looked at Organa, torn between bemusement and irritation. “Since you’re clearly determined to tell her, Senator, I don’t see why you’re bothering to ask my opinion.” “Neither do I,” said Organa, and linked through to his wife.
Organa frowned. “Okay. So is this how it’s going to be? Me making sensible suggestions, and you kicking against them just because you can? Master Kenobi, I’m bored already. Take the kriffing drugs.”
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twilightofthe · 2 years
Leia for the mobile prompt thing ^^
ooooh yay more prompts! cool cool!
character prompts from this post
What does your blorbo's phone/laptop/car/backpack look like?
Ok so as Anakin and Padmé's kid (in a modern!AU, I'm assuming she would be, though of course Bail and Breha are still a very active part of her life), Leia knows both sides of the "planned obsolescence of technology" vs. "we live in a capitalist society means taking part in capitalism" debate very well. Her middle ground is a Galaxy, newest model. Don't get on her ass about it for whatever reason unless you want a list of five different tech regulatory bills you can call your senators about.
She's got a screen protector over it, but it's got a few tiny crack marks from it hitting the floor when Chewie flipped the table during game night/it flying out of her hands when she was having an argument involving Intense Hand Waving/she hands it to Luke sometimes and that means getting it back with Mystery Scratches he swears he doesn't know where they came from
The case is some kind of fancy artsy red leather design she found on Etsy. She figured the leather padding on the outside meant it was impact-safe enough, though the aforementioned crack marks prove her not quite right.
Her lockscreen is a casual photo they asked a nice waiter to take of her Luke Han Lando and Chewie out for dinner somewhere.
Homescreen is of this really good aesthetic sunset photo she took that she's honestly really proud of because despite her general good aim, she's not a very good photographer, though she's not telling anyone it was taken from the roof of an abandoned 7/11 and the gas station sign is just barely cropped out of the pic
Her apps aren't organized by anything, but she doesn't have all too many apps to begin with. She does also have five email apps like her mother before her though.
Since this is a Galaxy phone, Leia's got the fake-handwriting font. She accidentally got it stuck that way but then got used to it before she could figure out how to turn it off, so now she has to keep her phone like that and she hates it because that's Unprofessional(TM).
I'm unfortunately an apple bitch so I can't say what type of laptop she has specifically, just that it's one of the newer nicer PC models, maybe some kind of Windows? Like the ones with the touch screens or something
Her screen isn't cracked, but the corner lip of the keyboard is permanently bent ever so slightly because long story short Han whacked someone in the head with it once. It also drives her kind of nuts, but the laptop still works just fine and she has no clue how the fuck someone would fix it, so she just tolerates her laptop case not fitting quite right and is only passive aggressive to Han about it every fifth time she opens it up :)
Laptop shell case itself is plain clear and professional, she doesn't need anything fancy.
Her laptop background is probably one of her favorite art pieces. Not entirely sure what that would be, but I'm thinking of this one specific piece where there are two dancers dancing together with a golden background and the woman is in a pretty red dress.
Okay so Leia was REALLY proud to save up entirely her own money as a late teen/young adult for her first car, because that meant she wouldn't have to share the Demonic Prius with Luke anymore. She wouldn't let anyone help her out monetarily and ended up driving a shitty, shitty old Jeep she found from some random guy with Anakin's help for years lol.
Like, even when she did have money from real grownup jobs, she was still fond of the Jeep and had been through a lot in it, so she kept it as long as she could, kept it clean on the outside and inside best she could even though one window didn't go down, the AC worked half the time, and it had a permanent stench of gasoline
Of course another reason she doesn't end up really considering getting a nicer car is because only a few years after she gets the Jeep she and Luke meet Han, proud owner of the Flame Paint Job Seven Different Weed Compartments Bee's Nest In The Ceiling Catflap Cut Out Of The Back Door So You Can Throw Things At Cops Winnebago From Hell, and there is literally no way to look remotely normal when you're next to That, so she just. gives in, doesn't even try, and unless she's driving herself to work, she lets Han ferry her around in the Falcon anywhere else she needs to be.
Eh, probs the least interesting one.
Leia's got a reliable black canvas and leather backpack that fits her laptop, umbrella, water/iced coffee, and whatever book she's bringing with her
She's not really a bag person, likes to add pockets to all of her clothes, so she travels light in terms of carrying things.
She steals bags from Padmé if she wants to go fancier though
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typewriteringalaxy · 3 months
i think Sabé really wanted Miramir to married Luke but she falls for Dathan
Hello dearest anon! I think you're right and I'll take this chance to expand upon the Miramir as Sabé's daughter ask and the Dathan Kenobi ask :
First, I think Miramir would be older than the twins. Perhaps not by much, but Sabé would feel a strengthened sense of responsibility after Padmé's becoming a mother—and her handmaidens were the only ones aside from Anakin to know of her pregnancy, since they also helped her hide it—and a protectiveness that would extend to the twins, so I don't imagine she'd willingly have children of her own after that.
Now let me try to do some math that no one asked for. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze had the chance rekindle their old flame in 21 BBY, which could be the time of conception for Dathan. Luke and Leia are born in 19 BBY. Miramir however would have to be born before the assassination attempt on Padmé's life on 22 BBY, before perhaps the Separatist Crisis that started in 24 BBY and which would heighten both Padmé's preoccupations and her handmaiden's duties—because again, I can't imagine Sabé making a "selfish" choice such as motherhood in such dangerous times, and before those events, Padmé might even encourage and support her to make it. To be safe, I'd place Miramir's birthday in 25 BBY, in the transitional time between Padmé stepping down as Naboo's queen and becoming a senator.
Canonically, Satine died in 19 BBY. If Obi-Wan knew of her pregnancy and the birth of his son, he'd try to save the latter from Bo Katan and the rest of Satine's (and his) enemies. If we add to the fact that he likely knew/suspected of Padmé and Anakin's relationship, we have a very positive scenario in which he trusts both of them enough with his secret, they trust him in turn, Anakin voices his worries about Padmé's possible death at childbirth and Obi-Wan helps assuage them enough that he doesn't fall to the Dark Side and the twins are raised together with Dathan by the strong trio. A nice, happy family, right?
Well, perhaps not. It's same to assume that since the handmaidens were the ones helping Padmé hide her pregnancy, they would also help her juggle motherhood and politics—since Padmé would undoubtedly keep fighting against the Empire. And while they couldn't say anything about the twins, Dathan was not strictly her responsibility, and why deprive him of a chance to be raised with more stability? So, in a spin complimenting canon, Dathan could be fostered by Bail and Breha Organa—and I think Obi-Wan would agree to it, if he didn't suggest it himself. (Though I also think he wouldn't resist the urge to tell his son the truth eventually, so adult Dathan would know he was a Kenobi).
Dathan Organa (Kenobi) and Luke & Leia Amidala(-Skywalker) would grow up as playmates and close friends, being close in age and understanding the struggle of having loving but politically involved parents (and hidden Jedi Master fathers). But Miramir would be 6-4 years older than them, an age gap negligible in adult relationships but quite the obstacle in childhood ones. Sabé would likely project her own role into her daughter, drilling into Miramir the duty to cherish and protect the twins. But in trying to paint Luke as the perfect boy, the real Luke, a clueless toddler in Miramir's eyes would clash horribly with that, and teen Miramir especially would rebel against that idea of her mother. (She might even become a little resentful of the twins for monopolizing her mother's attention—the drama!) In this scenario, falling for Dathan would occur in their twenties, perhaps when Miramir is sent to be his bodyguard before the destruction of Alderaan. (0 BBY: Miramir 25 yo, Dathan 21 yo and the twins 19 yo).
In a less positive scenario, where both Satine and Padmé die, Sabé would likely not know that Luke was Padmé's son and where he would be. However, if Luke was the one taken in by the Organas and she did know, she might leave 6-year-old Miramir in Alderaan to be trained as his bodyguard and grow up alongside him—and I imagine she'd do the same if it was Leia, too. Meanwhile, Bo Katan might've taken Dathan and raised him as a warrior if only to spite her pacifist sister (or bc of a hidden streak of familial love between them). And whether Miramir would remain loyal to the Organas, following the will of her mother, or betray them for the Empire to spite her, or even go rogue and try to find herself, she would meet Dathan when they'd be older.
Either way, I don't think Miramir would fall for Luke because of what he'd represent to her—someone held up by her mother, to protect and idolise. Either she'd idolise him platonically and focus on her own function as the protector, or rebel against the idea entirely.
(Side note: the same applies to Leia x Miramir. The analogy with Sabé x Padmé is very direct and admittedly quite appealing shipping-wise, but I would like for Miramir to be her own person, and a romance with Dathan would be more conductive to that).
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varpusvaras · 6 months
There was a call coming through an outside line.
A priority call, Index noted, but not an emergency one. He glanced at his current ongoing tasklist, and as it was going slow at the moment (The Royal Guard, even after integrating many of the former Guard vode, really didn't get hurt a lot), he accepted the call.
"Oh, Your Majesty", he nodded his head as the call connected. "How can I be of help today?"
"Good morning, Index", Breha nodded back at him and smiled pleasantly. "I would like you to look up something for me, if it's not too much."
"Of course" Index said. "I'm assuming this is about Fox?" He was already opening Fox's files that he still had saved on the system.
"Yes", Breha said. "You have shared all of the information about his health during his service on Coruscant, but I was wondering if you had any files on him before that?"
"I have his training performance reviews and everything the medics on Kamino have written up", Index answered. "Was there something specific you wanted to know?"
"Do you have any information on when his birthday is?"
Index paused.
"I'm sorry?" He asked.
"Oh, right", Breha frowned just a little and maybe for a second, barely. "You had a different term for it, correct? Decanting date? I apologise for assuming anything."
Oh, right, indeed. This was not the first time someone had asked for their decanting dates while calling them birthdays, but it had been a while since the last one.
"I'm afraid that information was not extented to me on his files, when I became the CMO of the Guard", Index said. "It is considered to be part of the initial product line control infromation, and not health."
Now she did frown a lot more and a lot longer.
"I'm assuming I need to ask for that information from Kamino?" She asked.
"Most likely, yes", Index said. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."
"No, no, you have helped plenty", Breha smoothed her expression again and then smiled at him. "Thank you. I was just filling out more paperwork, and well, of course we want to celebrate it with him. Though I do need it otherwise as well. The birthdays of the Royal Family are considered national holidays here."
Right. Index had to smile a little. Being a person and Royalty on top of it came with a lot of weird things, didn't it?
"I see", he said. "Well, once you know, would you like to relay the information forward? I'm sure the Guard and the rest of Fox's brothers would also love to celebrate it."
"I will", Breha gave him one last smile. "I will talk to you later. Have a nice rest of your day."
"You as well", Index nodded. He got back to his slow work after, though couldn't help but think back to the call for the rest of the day.
It would be nice to know when he had entered the world for once and for all. Kamino would just probably be a bit...difficult, when it came to releasing any information to anyone. Well, if anyone could get anything out of the long-necks, it would be Fox's riduurs. Stubborn they were, all three of them.
"What are you doing?"
Fox watched as Bail almost jumped on his chair.
"Ah", Bail said, blinking rapidly for a moment, before he seemed to gather himself enough to turn around in his chair and smile at Fox. "Hello, love. You startled me a little."
Fox raised his brow.
"If me walking into the room and speaking in a normal tone was enough to startle you, then it means that you are too tired and need to stop working", he said. "Do not make me a hypocrite."
"You wouldn't be a hypocrite", Bail said. "You have been so good with your work hours now."
"Yes, because you two keep dragging me off if I work even a couple of minutes overtime." They sure did. Every single time, with pleading eyes and soft smiles and gentle hands and words, telling him that you have already worked enough, please take at least a little break, you deserve the rest after all, please come here. "So I would be a hypocrite if I didn't do that as well. It's almost 1 in the morning. You told me you would be in bed soon over four hours ago."
He had fallen asleep for a couple of hours, and woken up to being cold and to an still empty bed.
Bail glanced at his desk. Fox decided to be a bit unfair.
"I came to Coruscant to see you", he said.
Bail sighed.
"Of course, my love", he said, finally getting up. "This has just...taken a lot of time."
"I'm sure", Fox said. Most things in Bail's line of work did. "What is it about? Short version."
"It's about getting the Vode an access to all their own information", Bail said. "Kamino is still on the stance that it can't make the information regarding cloning public, and thus is witholding all of your personal information on that basis. We're trying to argue that it's not about making the cloning information public, it's about giving you all the access to all the information regarding yourselves. Since, you are, all now considered sentients, and it's against the Republic law to withold personal information from any sentient being. Kamino can argue that it's not in the Republic officially, but they have gotten so much Republic funding and have a seat still in the Senate, that we think it's irrelevant if they are officially a member or not."
Fox nodded, slowly. He had not even thought about any of that, if he was being completely honest. There had been a lot of things to think about after the War, and access to some information he had not even thought existed had not been in the forefront of his mind.
Though, now, he thought it was only fair to have that. Even if he didn't think there was anything important in there for him, it could be more than beneficial for others.
"That is nice of you", he said, reaching up a little to press a kiss to the corner of Bail's mouth. "I appreciate it. But now, I would also appreciate my husband coming to sleep with me."
Bail laughed a bit.
"I'm coming", he said. "I'm sure the temperature of the bed is too low for your liking."
Fox rolled his eyes at the teasing look Bail was giving him.
"Damn right it is", he said. "So come on, I need it heated up."
There was a sound of movement coming next to her.
"Breha?" Fox's low, sleepy voice called. "Why are you up?"
Breha instantly lowered the brightness of her datapad.
"I'm sorry", she said, quietly, to not to wake Fox up more. "Just a little schedule issue I started to think about, nothing more."
"Okay", Fox mumbled. Even in the dimmer light, Breha could see him watching her. He looked utterly adorable like this, his hair ruffled from sleep and the blanket wrapped tightly around him all the way to his shoulders. His forehead was almost touching Breha's hip from how close he was laying to her, unconsciously always seeking her or Bail out.
Thank you, she said in her head to the Force, thank you for giving me not one but two cute husbands.
She quickly returned to her datapad, signing off the messages and plans she had open on the screen, and then closed the device. She pulled her own blanket up and laid down. She bit back a laugh when Fox immediately shuffled even closer and partially wrapped himself around her.
Breha pressed her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat and already slowening breath, and despite the excitement running laps inside her, she let them lull her into easy sleep.
Fox woke up to a hand running gently down on his hair.
"Good morning, love", Bail's voice came from beside of him, and Fox opened his eyes.
He was met with Bail's smiling face. Fox blinked a couple of times, chasing off the sleep from his eyes.
"Morning", he answered, still a bit confused. "...when did you get here?"
He had spoken with him last night before going to sleep, and Bail had very much been on Coruscant then. But here he was now, very much so, on Alderaan and right in front of him, sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Just now", Bail answered. "I landed less than half an hour ago."
Fox smiled.
"That's nice", he said, because, it really was. It was always nice to have Bail and Breha both with him. "A nice surprise."
"It was supposed to be", Bail said. "Just for you, and I do have other surprised with me for you as well, though I those are more commonly called presents."
Now Fox was confused again.
"For me?" He asked. He finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What's the occasion?"
"Oh, nothing much", Bail said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just your birthday."
Fox stared for a moment, his still half-asleep brain catching up to what was said.
"My...what?" He asked then.
"Your birthday", Bail repeated. "The bill of releasing your personal information for yourself went through last month. We as your next of kin had an access to the very basics, which included your decanting date."
Fox...didn't know what to say.
So, he first checked the date.
It was a strange feeling, to suddenly know that in this very day, he had come out of his growth tube, probably screaming his lungs off. Fox had known vaguely when it had happened, of course, as they had all been strictly grouped up with other vode of similar age, but still...the exact date had been unknown to him. Up until now.
Fox turned back towards Bail, who was still smiling, just very softly now.
"Happy birthday", Bail said, and leaned to press a kiss on Fox's forehead.
Oh. Fox suddenly felt- a bit emotional. He had never had a birthday before.
"Thank you", he said, and if Bail asked, he could pass on the scratchiness in his voice being because he had just woken up.
"Oh, we're awake now?" Breha was standing in the doorway to their bedroom, with a little tray in her hands. "Breakfast will be a bit later at the terrace, but bringing caf to bed on one's birthday is the spouse's job."
Bail moved out of the way a little, so Breha could lay down the tray in front of Fox on the bed. She had brought out his favorite cup. It was such a small thing, and Fox used the cup multiple times a week, but...
Breha leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek.
"Happy birthday, my love" she said to Fox's ear, and Fox really had to blink a few extra times.
"Thank you", he said, and took the cup. There were two other cups as well, and Breha took one, once she had climbed back onto the bed. Bail took a moment longer to go and open up the rest of the blinds on the windows, to let the bright, white morning light into the room fully, before he also sat back down on the bed and took a cup for himself.
"Your brothers will be here a bit later", Bail said. "I know most of them have been bursting at the seams for having to keep this a secret for a while now."
Oh, that Fox could imagine. He snorted.
"I will tell you now, somehow that is all my fault", he said. "For daring to be born on this specific date and not knowing it already."
Breha and Bail both laughed at that, and Fox took a sip from his caf. His favorite blend and a lot of sugar. Of course it was.
He smiled into his cup and definitely was not too emotional about it.
Fox opened the file.
There was a lot, and it seemed a lot of it was just about his very specific genetics and his cellular division during the embryotic stage. He skipped over those. He skimmed the pages about his growth once had started to resemble a human more, how he had gotten all of his organs and limbs and fingers and toes and everything just in time just like he should. A healthy, prime product, they called him.
Then he found what he had been looking for.
CC-1010 - Decanting Measurements and additional information
Height at the time of decanting: 52.3 centimeters (converted to the Republic Standard Unit of Measure)
Weight at the time of decanting: 3.389 kilograms (converted to the Republic Standard Unit of Measure)
Reflexes optimal, reactive to the standard. Initial eyesight and hearing tests passed up to the standard. Lung capacity optimal, vocal response as expected upon decanting, slight difficulties in quelling the vocal responses by the staff present. Activity high after decanting, the range of limbs optimal and up to standard. Additional note: activity above the standard after decanting, difficulties in securing the movements while transferring
Fox couldn't help but laugh. He really had come out to the Galaxy screaming, and, apparently also kicking.
Yeah, that sounded just right.
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lukeleiahan · 2 years
Watched OWK and now I can't help but think about an AU where Obi-Wan does kill Vader after their last duell.
It's the hardest decision he's ever had to make.
Vader says that he killed Anakin, and Obi-Wan...
Obi-Wan believes him.
Maybe it's just that he needs to believe it, maybe it's just selfishness, but he does believe it.
And if Anakin is dead, truly dead, then Vader is nothing but an enemy.
Obi-Wan never wanted to be soldier, but the Clone Wars made a very good one out of him. He knows what to do with enemies.
Especially enemies that threaten two most important children just by existing.
It's just one swipe with his lightsaber, targeted to the neck. Vader doesn't even scream.
(Obi-Wan will wonder, for the rest of his days. Was this Vader, in his last moments, or was that Anakin, granting Obi-Wan peace? Would there have been a way to save him after all? It eats him, quietly, sometimes. But he is a soldier. And soldiers kill their enemies.)
He wants to bury him. It's Anakin's body as well, after all. But then he feels Luke's terror, and that's that.
After, he goes back. Anakin hated Tatooine, never ever wanted to return there. It would be cruel to bury him there. And no civilized world would want Vader. So he buries him there, on that small moon, under rocks. He doesn't mark the place.
He returns Lola to Leia, tells Bail of the Path, and then goes back to Tatooine. He meets Luke. He finds Qui-Gon. It's enough.
He thinks of telling Bail and Breha, of telling Owen and Beru. Of telling them what happened to Anakin. Of telling them Vader's dead. But what would that accomplish? It's over. It doesn't matter who Vader's first victim was. And so he doesn't.
Nine years later, he does not die aboard the Death Star. He guides the twins to safety. He holds them both as they grieve their families.
And once the battle is over, he sits them down.
"Let me tell you a story." He says.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
Obi Wan and Leia's uncle and niece dynamic is something I didn't knew I needed until I got it 🥺
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Yes, uncle and niece, because Leia is already a daddy's girl and has the most beautiful father and daughter relationship with Bail 😭
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“He [Bail] couldn’t imagine his life without his daughter.”
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Anyways shoutout to Bail Organa and Obi Wan Kenobi for putting everything to protect both twins 😭❤️
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#underrated friendship
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kanansdume · 2 years
Thinking again about how Leia’s whole arc of coming to accept the fact that she’s adopted and doesn’t know her birth parents doesn’t just parallel Obi-Wan’s journey towards accepting Anakin and Padme’s loss, but parallels Anakin’s FAILURE to accept leaving Shmi and becoming a Jedi.
The amount of times we got the Jedi paralleled to the Organas in this show, the acknowledgment that the Jedi were a family to their children just like the Organas were to Leia, hammered home what Obi-Wan lost.
But it also really hammered home what Anakin was never quite able to accept. I know that in the novelization and early scripts, Anakin does call the Jedi his family, but he also consistently feels as though the Council doesn’t trust him, as if Obi-Wan is just holding him back for no reason, and, most obviously, is perfectly capable of just killing them all. And he kills them to save the person he cares about most: his wife. The person who most represents a more traditional family, especially after the loss of Shmi.
Leia feels uncertain as an Organa, she tells Bail in the first episode that she’s not a REAL Organa and sounds so hopeful when she asks Obi-Wan if he is her “real” father. 
But by the end of the show, Leia doesn’t need to hear about her birth parents. She doesn’t need to know Anakin or Padme or what traits of theirs she has seemingly inherited. She has a family and she knows exactly how much of an Organa she wants to be, what KIND of Organa she wants to be. She takes after her mother in her discipline and kindness, she takes after her father in her bravery and passion and dedication. Those two people just aren’t Anakin and Padme, they’re Bail and Breha Organa.
And that’s not something Anakin could ever really accept, he never seemed to truly accept the Jedi as his new family. For all that he calls Obi-Wan the closest thing he’s ever had to a father, he gravitates towards Palpatine as a father figure, he can’t let go of Shmi, he obsesses over and fixates on Padme (someone who definitely becomes something of a replacement for the place Shmi held in his life anyway). He can’t let go of his attachment to the idea of a REAL family, one that looked and felt like what he had with Shmi and can’t quite manage to adjust to being a Jedi, part of the Jedi family and the way that looks and feels.
Leia manages what Anakin never could. She parallels his failure and makes it her success. She’s going to change things, she’s going to change the world, and it’s not because she’s a Skywalker or a Naberrie. It’s because she’s an ORGANA.
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padawansuggest · 3 years
Super bored of Luke always showing up to save the day, gimme the show where Leia shows up last minute with her purple saber and cuts a bitch with that righteous Skywalker fury that destroyed Anakin while force ghosts Bail and Anakin beg her not to lose herself to it but she just ends up crying and saying that she could never fall when the anger towards power is what lead her here to begin with and tbh she’s just super strong in the force and people acting like this is the only thing that truly holds her anger so she’s just sad and strong and needs a hug and let’s be honest Han and Chewie and Winter have been hiding in the ship for just this moment and go to pick their superpowered girl up from the dust and love on her to let her come back to herself and tbh I want Leia being the next superpowered Skywalker idiot but she’s got two force ghosts dads following her around to keep her sane through it. Anakin is there because Bail needed a Jedi for him to talk to his daughter but then Bail demanded Anakin stay so they could work out their bullshit and let Leia realize that Vader was a shadow of Anakin using his body and her real birth parent wasn’t like that. Anyways, sometimes Bail makes Obi-Wan and Luke show up too for family therapy while Breha runs away cause ew feelings but Breha and Obi-Wan follow her sometimes too, teaching her about how to be a warrior who’s calm even when the power is so strong. Also Breha finally breaks and teaches Leia her secret fighting skills that she never shared with her in life out of fear Leia would break someone’s face in and get killed for it. Thank you.
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