#master sass
werewolfsister · 5 months
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Rise From the Ashes has some fascinating dialogue
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blossomwithsunshine · 4 months
I love you Anzu, but this is what we call a BURN.
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Another instance of Ryou roasting someone whether he realizes it or not.
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ukiyoebirds · 6 months
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While broken bonds mend, some things never change.
@krazycat6167 helped workshop the joke.
You may need to click on the image for better quality.
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ffverr · 5 months
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Always the talk of the town
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ygamiraito · 2 months
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harlan wearing a "what last dangerous visions?" shirt when the delayed book hasn't come out yet
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lilianade-comics · 2 years
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I am completely obsessed with the cinematic, criminally underrated fic (we are) the fault line by @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid, in which these six go on a roadtrip and destroy the government for being mean to Danny.
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am-i-soup · 9 months
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them!! i adore these kiddos. they're my favourite humans in any continuity. they're such realistic teenagers and good characters in general (miko haters FIGHT ME she is my adhd girly and i won't stand for this slander)
a lot of people get annoyed by the kids, but i love the energy and family dynamic they bring to team prime. the autobots really need that after the terrible things they've experienced in the war (the kids are also funny and have adorable relationships with the bots and bring out the kid in bee, which is so precious)
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Incorrect Batfam Quotes
Bruce: Damian, I think you owe Tim an apology.
Tim: So do I!
Damian: Father, it’s a good thing you aren’t getting paid to think then, isn’t it? Drake however…you mustn’t be very good at your job then.
Damian: *leaves
Bruce: …
Tim: …
Tim: I’m not getting an apology, am I?
Bruce: No.
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just-a-repa · 5 months
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This was their dynamic, me thinks
There is a lack of Dooku and Qui-Gon content, so I'll take it upon myself to try to fill that emptiness a lil bit
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
You know, after the episode today, I can imagine how Moon and Nexus will meet.
I mean... That dude just wakes up fresh out of death but immediately shames the shit out of Nexus.
His criticism about his room? Flash? Flot machines? The barrier??? Moon literally just stated Nexus is the inferior one and has terrible taste in ... Everything.
I can imagine it will just like how him deal with Eclipse v1, when he will roast the hell out of Nexus. Don't know if it will make Nexus cry or snap or not... But surely Moon will give no mercy when he looks at the another cringe emo phase twink version of himself and says:
"Look at his twink ass. I can wait to destroy him both verbally and physically. "
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Anakin, wearing a lighter shade of black robes:
Obi-Wan: I see you’ve broken out the spring colors.
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tesb · 2 years
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Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka in Tales of the Jedi: “Practice Makes Perfect”
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Harry wandered back from Dumbledore’s office in a daze. He continued to question what he could possibly learn about how to defeat Voldemort by taking a trip down memory lane, as he had since these meetings had started, but now he felt added stirrings of discomfort. Like his skin was a size too small or he’d walked through an invisible spiderweb.
Voldemort, back when he’d been Tom Riddle, was… very much like Harry. Dumbledore could say that their choices defined them and made them different or whatever, and maybe he was right. But seeing how Riddle was talked about by the matron, how Dumbledore treated him in that first meeting – it made Harry realise how very easily he could have been the evil outcast, if anyone had listened to the Dursleys’ lies, or found out about his parseltongue abilities, or if he hadn’t already been lauded as some hero since he’d been a baby. As much as he didn’t like the fame and the wild mood swings of the magical population’s attitude towards him, Harry knew those expectations had guided his path and moulded who he was becoming.
Dumbledore’s actions were… well, unkind was possibly the nicest way to put it. He had instantly judged an eleven-year old as irredeemable, pretended to light all his worldly possessions on fire, and didn’t seem to find anything wrong with how he’d acted even sixty years later. Yes, Riddle hadn’t exactly helped his case with that talk of hurting things, but Harry had seen that desperation for connection, for belonging, that he’d once felt.
And then there was the added fact that he was being shown private moments from Riddle’s history. Harry knew how he’d feel if someone was shown his memories of life at the Dursleys. He still hadn’t told anyone about the cupboard under the stairs, and the rest his friends only guessed at.
Maybe he was reading too far into things, or projecting his own situation. Maybe Ron and Hermione were right and his saving-people-thing was showing. After all, hadn’t Riddle grown up to be a megalomaniac who led a hate group that murdered and tortured muggles and muggleborns? Maybe there should be limits to Harry’s empathy.
But Harry’s secret power was love, according to Dumbledore. If caring was what differentiated him from Voldemort – and especially since he couldn’t seem to stop it even when it left him gutted, cold and alone – then dammit, Harry was going to care.
So, Harry did what he did best (?) and leapt headfirst without looking.
Ducking into a dusty, moonlit classroom, he leaned against a desk, pulled out a bit of parchment and quill, and started to write.
So, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed would you be
Hope you haven’t murdered anyone lately oh wait it’s you
Hey. I wanted you to know that Dumbledore showed me the memory of you receiving your Hogwarts letter. At the orphanage. With the whole fire wardrobe thing. 
I feel like I should apologise. It definitely seems like an invasion of privacy and I didn’t want to know, but now I do, and I’m sorry?
Is this weird? This is weird.
Anyway, I also saw the matron talking about you, but I know that sometimes people lie for stupid reasons, so here’s a one-time opportunity of me asking for your side of the story. If you want.
You probably don’t care.
– Harry (Potter)
Before Ron or Hermione found out or he could think better of it, Harry snuck up to the owlery and tied the letter to a nondescript school owl. (Hedwig was incensed that he would use another bird and pecked at his head a few times before flying off to the rafters to give him the cold shoulder, but there was no way he’d send his beloved owl off to Voldemort. Sorry, school bird.)
He returned to the Gryffindor common room as soon as the owl flew off, putting the letter as far from his mind as possible. After all, it wasn’t like he’d receive a response.
(thus, friends absent speak)
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Ahsoka: Here it is, Sabine. The remote system where your “just a friend” has been living in exile for five years.
Ahsoka: The “just a friend” who gave you his lightsaber, symbolic of putting his very life in your hands.
Ahsoka: The same lightsaber you clutch to your chest at night and murmur tender nothings to when you think I’m not looking.
Ahsoka: I suppose we should go down and find your “just a friend” so you two can reaffirm your complete lack of romantic tension with long, wistful looks and casual intimate gestures and heartfelt confessions of how much you mean to each other.
Sabine: Are you fin——
Ahsoka: Maybe we’ll get ambushed by some ferocious predator native to Wild Space, and you’ll instantly jump into action, demonstrating your uncanny ability to know what the other’s thinking and act as two halves of one inseparable whole. Like, I dunno...an old married couple?
Sabine: Alright, can I just say——
Ahsoka: I’m sorry, a *platonic* old married couple. My mistake.
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Abraxas Malfoy (being an insufferable know-it-all): Actually, it’s not called champagne because it’s not from the French town of champagne. This is just sparkling wine—
Harry: Alright and by that logic you’re not a wanker because you’re not from the French town of Wanquer, so that makes you sparkling fuckwit.
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Tom (to hissing to Harry): I can’t take you anywhere—
Harry (hissing back): It’s not a pussy because it’s not from the French town of Poosay, it’s just a sparkling cunt.
Harry (left) Tom (right):
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miss-crazy-rose · 2 years
Currently reading Six of Crows, as one should, and honesTLY? I thought the iconic “my darling Inej, treasure of my heart” would come much much later but NOOOO crime boi is sass flirting for the start!!!
Also, like the page before, he casually stripped in front of her? Like sir? What?
Smooth fucker
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