#it would be so funny if i shared that tag with my advisor like 'i'm liveblogging what i read check out this link for my running thoughts'
finelythreadedsky · 6 months
Tumblr media
now THIS is experimental philology
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batboyblog · 2 years
Things I like about Tumblr, 2022
first off, Tumblr isn't perfect, it's full of people, and people in general and on-line can be pretty crap, but in a rare move for me I'm looking at the good.
you are not expected to post under your own name/face. In fact people would think you were pretty freaking weird if you did. To the Best of my knowledge only one person posts under their own name with their face as a profile pic, Hi Neil Gaiman! If we keep this up Tumblr will not become a semi-work space like twitter
No one knows your follower count (and honestly you shouldn't know it either) The level of brain rot I see on twitter around having a big follower count is so embarrassing, "help me get to X million!" is so very cringe, much like blue checks its a meaningless thing and we're all better off not knowing who's "popular" there are popular posts not people.
I have a very popular post about the long term nature of Tumblr so I won't go too much into it other than to say that it's nice that we can have long term jokes and memes on here, because we're able to reblog things from the past without any shame and judgement and so a culture and in jokes and yearly (or weekly) events happen here in a way I don't see on more "now! now! now!" social media.
You can do whatever, linking to #1 because we're not a semi-professional webpage where people are selling their "brand" etc there's little to no pressure (outside of yourself) to stay on topic or theme, you can and should reblog that gif set of a funny show from 10 years ago, that moody art shot of a field before a storm, and that short video of puppies falling over, wild out.
You decide if people see your likes. How many times did people get busted for having porn in their Twitter likes, where here no one can judge you, again we're not a work space so if you like that picture of a man in jock strap, go for it reblog that shit, but if you're shy don't worry you can enjoy what you enjoy without having to share with the class.
We hate crypto, we hate NFT, we always have we always will and thats very sexy of us
you can (still) say what you like. The need to make platforms safe for advisors and influencers has lead to "unalive" and other ways to try to get around using bad words. On Tumblr I can say that Elon Musk sucks a whole bucket of monkey shit and I hope he's pushed down the stairs at Twitter HQ.
Tags my beloved, tags are funny, lovely cool little notes, a way to add a joke, say something heart felt etc without worrying "is this needed?" and guess what if the answer was "yes it was" someone will screen shot them and add them to the post for you, win win.
Long form thought, I know this is a semi-jokey list but like no joking I think having all our politicians, journalists and "thought leaders" spending all day on and mainly communicating through a webpage with a very small character limit was/is very bad for our society. Tumblr (as you can see) you can write an essay (I don't think those people should come here, but I never run out of characters)
there's nowhere better for formatting gifs or picture sets, I honestly can't imagine trying to post a series of gifs or pictures on Insta or Twitter and having them all folded up rather than laid out in order all visible at once (and not cropped down, well most of the time)
There's no algorithm, everyone says it but it needs to be on the list, there's no real hand holding pushing you to this or that, there's nothing boosting or hiding your post, you pick what you like and follow it, and then those blogs do something weird and different and thats chill and you keep on.
we're the gay trans sex website, pretty much no where else on-line can you find this much dumb, non sequitur queer humor or as supportive of the trans experience, yes there are TERFs but they are more fringe here than basically any where else.
we just don't matter, back to #1 we are not a place where you can market yourself or your brand or whatever, as such things are just not that serious, this is a social media website made for fun, to enjoy TV, books, and movies mainly but really whatever you do enjoy.
negative I'd like to address before I go, the on-going porn ban, I'm not in favor of porn itself on here, I don't think we need gif sets of studio porn or whatever. But once Tumblr was a safe space for a lot of queer performers to spread their self made work. It also was a safe space for Queer art, both photographic and drawn, to express sensuality and sexuality. And a safe space for Queer artists to draw art of characters totally fucking the shit out of each other. It was a place where enjoyment of the human form and sexuality could be mixed with all the other parts of life as normal. There were for sure problems, however in an ever more censored and sex negative world I think a freed Tumblr is more needed than ever, so I hope we figure that out soon.
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Find the Word tag
got tagged by @charlesjosephwrites, it's nice to get back into the habit of tag games with other writers :)) My words were: name, whole, fear, sand and spirit. Following snippets are taken from the chapter doc for The King of Mycenae (minor spoilers as these will be taken from all over the timeline lol)
Find them under the cut, no point clogging your dash xox
"The princeling came in here like a soaking wet child that had just been pulled from a pond. His sibling wasn't much better but I know she'd never admit to it. Maybe it was out of necessity but Dein found comfort fast. Nion didn't. Maybe that's why the Blessed Mother dropped that child in the woods for him." He looked at Mikae. "I've made the assumption that you know who I'm talking about. Do you?" Dein was a name he'd become very accustomed to at this point but this was the first he was hearing of Nion beyond the fact she was the first born. "Yeah, I do." "Glad to see you're not too deficient in information. That kind of deficiency is more than a little dangerous around here." “So I’ve come to learn.”
“For all your words, all your stupid gestures, all your kindness, there's been this behind it, something I was never supposed to know about. I’m sure you were never hoping I’d find out. Would we have lived our whole lives, ageing and being close, with me being none the wiser to the fact you literally wouldn’t be there if not for the fact I am who I am? Was it funny seeing me believe you? Seeing me trust you?"
She didn’t share her greetings. Aurae preferred not to disturb those with important work to do which, in the palace, was pretty much everyone she came into contact with. Instead, she allowed her feet to carry her to her favourite section, the shelves that housed the poetry her mother preferred her not to read and the published journals of people’s thoughts, ambitions, pain. Their souls, really. Consuming people in such a way could be corruptive, her advisors always said, but if she was to become a queen, should she not know her subjects’ deepest desires, hopes, their fears?
Sand: No uses of the word "sand".
Mikae couldn’t recognise most of what he saw which saddened him somewhat but he was out of his depth. He couldn’t expect himself to know Faerie horticulture.  Someone had to come here quite often. He could feel love, time, tenderness, radiating from the foliage. Someone spent a lot of time here on their knees, their hands elbow-deep in compost, nails rimmed with soil and dust.  He wondered who. For a moment he revelled in the idea of meeting a kindred spirit.
Hope you enjoyed my writing <3 it comes from all over the wip progression so far. I'm not tagging anyone but if you want to do it, the words are "dust", "pain", "flowers", "horror" and "decision".
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