#it would mean the wrold uwu
20thcentury-kylo · 4 years
A Day Without Boredom
It's Been quite awhile, but here i am with a lil short story
"And for today your royal highness we have a most riveting schedule planned~" The Prissy droning of the court attendant bored the prince to no end.
Prince Kiome, heir to the Shinjuku Kingdom almost desperately fought the urge to sleep, stifling a yawn as he sat amongst an empty throne. His father had been away making treaties, leaving him and his advisors in charge, most matters were settled quickly by the advisors court leaving the poor royal with nothing to do. Back and forth he watched them pace, stating one mundane task after the next. He’d surely die of boredom if he sat there any longer.
“Yes yes, that all does sound truly… riveting- alas I do have matters of my own to attend to and won't be able to join you, Agyo.” Part of him felt bad for lying to the therian, but as he made strides out and away from the throne room he found himself piqued with the sudden interest to do some exploring. Down the winding halls embroidered with their families crest, the wandering prince made his way from room to room. Surely there’d be something to hold his attention. On his travel he’d visited their libraries innkeeper shiro engrossed with sorting newly imported knowledge, the little D-evils waving as he passed by. Kiome found himself amused at how they attempted to lift the large stack of books in their tiny claws. Continuing, the prince found himself opening the castle's training barracks, finding none other than the two highest ranking paladins going head to head in what was sure to be at least their tenth brawl of the day.
“HaHa!! That now makes it 15 to 13!” Kengo’s gloating surprised the royal- had they really done this 28 times. Sure enough his opponent wouldn't let it end there.
“Again! This time you’re going down in one strike!” The bold claims of Onikawa spurred his fellow paladin further as they prepared to do battle again. Streaks of lighting began forming around the two, the air stilled around them as if anticipation of their clash. Kiome thought it best to slip away now before any major damage happened.
Cutting across the courtyard into the castle’s west wing, the boy arrived at the sorcerer's study. Stepping inside he was met with the sight of a young apprentice staring at a brown satchel in deep concentration. Beside him sat an almost comically large Chest- it seemed to hold some assortment of potions within it.
“What ya workin on Hanuman?” The prince's inquiry seems to break the boy's focus, and he falls back on his hands with a winded huff.
“I'm supposed to put this chest into the bag there, but I never learned a spell for that-” The apprentice replied, wiping sweat from his brow. Kiome chuckled and gave a smirk.
“More like you weren’t paying attention when master Tsathoggua was teaching it to you.” Hanuman pouts in response to the Prince’s jab. He stands taking a moment to stretch before trying again. With a glow of his hands the large chest begins to rise, and floats at Hanuman”s side. Guiding it slowly he tries once more to shrink it into the brown satchel laid on the floor.
“There we go- nice n easy now..” Hanuman’s focus almost impresses kiome as he watches in anticipation. Unfortunately the chest only gets about halfway down before it suddenly pops back to its original size, spilling the tiny flasks along the floor as well as tearing the small satchel in two. The bag, seemingly enchanted with Tsathoggua's magic begins to sow itself back together, Hanuman picking up the stray flasks and placing them back into the chest.
“Heh- you almost had it there-” Kiome says biting back a snicker at the apprentices sour expression.
“I- couldn't do it with you here watching!” he spouts as an excuse trying to hide his embarrassment. Kiome simply waves him goodbye and continues down the hall. He was nearing the kitchens, where a scent of cinnamon and vanilla seemed to permeate the air. Slipping past the bronze doors, Kiome finds himself staring at the cooks assistant whose expression is undoubtedly focused. He’s staring at the oven, seemingly counting the seconds under his breath. Before long something emerges from the stone oven the wafting smell of sugar and cinnamon drawing the prince closer.
“O-oh, your majesty I didn’t see you there.” Ryota stammers lightly dusting off his flour coated apron. Getting a better look at him Kiome notices the bits of dough and flour spattered on his cheeks, and can't help the small blush that graces his own. It was an impossibly cute sight.
“U-um, what brings you here today?” The baker steps closer to the royal, and Kiome notices the dusting of flour amongst his autumn red hair.
“Nothing really- just wanted to see what Choji was up to, i guess he must be off with my father..” Strangely enough the prince is nervous, poorly disguising it with a forced chuckle..
“W-well if his majesty isn't preoccupied would you like to come help me?” The bakers offer is topped with a toothy grin that Kiome can bring himself to say no to.
“Sure… but I’m not much of a baker mind you-” He’s cut off mid thought by Ryota taking his hand and leading him towards the marble counter. Kiome can’t help the ensuing redness in his cheeks at the contact. Ryota is blushing as well but the smile he’s wearing never falters. The prince removes his regal garments and is given a silver apron, rolling up his sleeves Kiome prepares for the challenge at hand, rolling dough. What he isn’t prepared for is the baker guiding his arms from behind, rolling the pin in a set rhythm. The prince can hardly focus on the task at hand with the sudden closeness between them, seemingly fixated over how smooth Ryota’s hands feel over his.
“There ya a go- wonderfully rolled~” Kiome finds himself at a loss for words at the compliment. It encourages him to try further, and as they move from task to task the royal begins to feel even more at ease.
Kiome is hardly aware of how much time has passed, only at the fading sunlight coming from the windows does he realize how late it's gotten. He’s sitting on the window’s ledge sharing the fruits of his labor with the redhead next to him. The buns are a bit lumpy and front loaded on the sugar but to the two of them it's perfect.
“So Good!! Do you always get to bake such sweets??” Kiome exclaims. The boy next to him shifts nervously offering a small laugh.
“Well with Choji here i don’t get to do much on my own-” Ryota’s response surprises the prince, he definitely seemed experienced enough on his own.
“Well I’d love to have more of your baking anytime~” Kiome says with a glazed smile. Ryota’s eyes perk up, and the expression of joy on his face renders the prince speechless.
“How's about I make you my own personal baker-” He adds with a wink, sending the redhead into a stammering fit, his face as red as the strawberry filling in the buns.
“I’d Love That~”
Please comment/ Review Pls help me improve!!!
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