westwiiind · 6 months
“rahh they shouldn’t have sent the dragons away for their own safety! they were giving up and admitting defeat! they can easily take any threat!” first off, no they can’t, hiccup basically fell to his death like two seconds before sending the dragons away, and the year before that the fight over dragons cost him his father and berk its chief, not to mention how many homes were destroyed and how many ppl were hurt in both the second and third movies. drago’s bewilderbeast’s ice destroyed the village. grimmel burned it down a year later. that kind of perpetuity of violence is so irresponsible for a leader to allow to continue indefinitely???? just bc “we can win though probably!” ?????? things are different in the earlier movies and tv shows BC THEY SHOW THE PROGRESSION OF VIOLENCE. after the first battle, they’re not gonna give up trying. after the third battle, they’re not gonna give up trying. after six YEARS of trying to change the world for the better (and the TWENTY YEARS hiccup knows valka spent trying to do the same thing), only to find that his island of people and dragons is in just as much (or really, even more) danger than before? yeah, excuse them for maybe considering “giving up.” in the first two movies and the shows, they hadn’t lost enough for it all to amount to such a drastic decision. by the time of thw, they had lost so much, and u guys apparently can’t comprehend the toll that takes. hiccup’s goal was always to protect dragons. how is leaving them vulnerable protecting them???? how is letting them continuously battle for their lives protecting them??? do u guys think these ppl and dragons have an endless battery for war and violence?????? the point was that violence was unavoidable, and no good leader of humans or dragons would let that continue even if there’s a noble cause.
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 1, 2021: The Hobbit (1977) (Part 1)
In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit.
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When I was 9, my school let us read a very special book, originally meant for kids, but beloved by everyone. My folks and I went to Borders Books (FUCK ME, I miss Borders), and we got an illustrated copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. I can’t find that book, but if I ever find it again, Imma buy it IMMEDIATELY, I tell you what. And...oh shit, it’s on Amazon for $12? 
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Well. I just made that purchase, I guess. But yeah, I loved that book when I was a kid, and this was during the same year that Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy began, with Fellowship, of course. And I wouldn’t end up watching those until a few years later, but I loved those too when I saw them. And I’ve NEVER seen the abridged version, by the way, I’ve only ever seen the extended editions.
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Although, I can’t call myself a hardcore fan. I’ve never read the Silmarillion, for example. Although, weirdly, I wanted it as a kid at some point, so I was almost there. But no, I ended up getting into comic books hardcore instead, so I can’t tell you the history of Tom Bombadil, but I can tell you about at least one of the fuckin’ 87 tieles that the Legion of Super-Heroes has been involved in. I’m not gonna like it though.
...Yes, I will, who am I kidding, I love the Legion. Anyway, I’ve still always been a fan of the franchise, and I was extremely excited when Jackson announced that he’d be doing an adaptation of The Hobbit! Seriously, I WAS FUCKING PUMPED, you have no idea. I re-read the book, I was super-excited...and then Harry Potter changed EVERYTHING. Kind of.
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See, Harry Potter’s development as a two films made from one book seemed to kick off a trend. Breaking Dawn and Mockingjay are the two that immediately come to mind, as does this film. However, to be fair...that’s probably a coincidence. Yeah, this film was originally developed as two parts, WAY before Deathly Hallows got that treatment. And even then, Jackson and Del Toro had difficulty breaking it up into two parts, and three ended up being easier. Still...the change from two-to-three does feel a little connected to that trend.
Anyway, in celebration of that decision, I’m gonna break this review into three parts! Yes. Really. I want to see if it works. And so, let’s talk about the other most famous adaptation of this book by talking about its creators.
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Yup. Rankin-Bass did 2D-animated cartoons, too! And this was one of their most famous ones, dating back to 1977. But wait! There’s more! This was followed by Ralph Bakshi’s version of Lord of the Rings by a different studio. You know, this one?
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Yeah, that one. It was only based on the first two books, Fellowship and Towers. But it was technically unconnected to the Rankin-Bass version. Which is why it was REALLY weird when Rankin-Bass came out with an adaptation of the third book, Return of the King, right afterwards!
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BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Because both of Rankin-Bass’ specials were animated by a Japanese studio called Topcraft, who’d actually worked with Rankin-Bass for years. But then, they went bankrupt a few years later, and was bought by Isao Takahata, Toshio Suzuki, and...Hayao Miyazaki. And it was renamed as...
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So, this is a Hobbit adaptation produced by the Rudolph people and animated by the people who would eventually become Studio Ghibli. Well, uh...holy fucking shit. Let’s DO THIS BABY. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/3)
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As we’re wont to do in this story, we head to Hobbiton in the Shire, where we meet Bilbo Baggins (Orson Bean). A simple Hobbit in a simple home, with a happy and simple life. But one day, he’s approached by Gandalf (John Huston), who seeks a burglar to help with the mission of a group of dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield (Hans Conried).
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We also immediately start off with two songs from the original book, and I have to say that I like them a but better in the Jackson movies, but they’re still well performed here. Anyway, after dinner, the true goal of their quest is given. Beneath Lonely Mountain, the ancestral home of the Dwarves, there was a kingdom ruled by the King Under the Mountain, Thorin’s grandfather.
Through reading the lyrics of the song “Far over the Misty Mountains,” Thorin tells the tale of the takeover of the Dwarves’ great golden hoard by the dragon Smaug. Bilbo is tasked to help the Dwarves steal back the treasure stolen from them. And, while he’s extremely reluctant to be a part of all this, Gandalf basically forces him to, the pushy bastard. And Bilbo’s Greatest Adventure now lies ahead!
Speaking of, here’s the song “The Greatest Adventure”, sung by Glenn Yarborough, who is the living personification of vibrato. Fuckin’ seriously, this guy’s voice is ridiculous, but I love it so much. As the night passes underneath Glenn Yarborough’s hypnotically shaky voice, and uncertain, Bilbo stares out at the moon. Once it’s over, we’re on our way to the Misty Mountains.
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Bilbo’s having a tough time with the long journey and rough weather, and it doesn’t get much better when they encounter a trio of trolls. They send out Bilbo to try and steal some mutton from them, but he’s IMMEDIATELY a failure, and also manages to tell the trolls that the dwarves are present. Nice one, Bilbo. The trolls catch all of the dwarves, although Bilbo manages to escape. 
The trolls argue about how to cook the dwarves, but before they get to do anything, Gandalf shows up and summons the dawn, turning the trolls into stone and saving the dwarves. While they’re initially quite frustrated by Bilbo’s failure, he makes it up by discovering a horde of goods and weapons stolen by the trolls. This is also where Bilbo gets his classic weapon, Sting.
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Gandalf, cheeky bastard that he is, suddenly reveals a map that he’s kept secret from Thorin, its rightful owner. Bilbo, a classic cartomaniac, is able to interpret the map. But there are also runes that they can’t quite read. And so, Gandalf brings them to his friend, Elrond (), who’s wearing a sick-ass glittery tiara that’s hovering off his head. How come Hugo Weaving didn’t have that?
Anyway, Elrond identifies the swords that Thorin and Gandalf grabbed as Orcrist, the Goblin-Cleaver and Glamdring, the Foe-Hammer, because FUCK YEAH, BABY, those are some fuckin’ NAMES! WHOOOOOO!
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Anyway, he also points them in the direction of the mountain, and shows them hidden features to the map. They head through the mountains after this, and rest in a cave. Unfortunately, this cave is on Goblin territory, and the group (sans Gandalf, who’s disappeared to make out with Cate Blanchett or whatever) is quickly ambushed by a group of now-horned Goblins, who chant their song as they go “Down, Down, to Goblin-Town”. Which is a song that I love, unironically. It compels me to sing along.
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The Goblins nearly kill them when they discover Orcrist in Thorin’s possession, but they’re saved by the sudden appearance of Gandalf with the glowing sword Glamdring. He kills the Great Goblin, and the group run out with the Goblins in hot pursuit. Well, except for Bilbo.
Yeah, Bilbo falls into a cavern below the mountain, and the dwarves think him gone for good. However, he’s miraculously safe on the ground, having landed in an underground aquifer, in which lives THE GREATEST CHARACTER IN THE MIDDLE-EARTH FRANCHISE FUCKIN’ AT ME I DARE YOU
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And just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about the film version only, I’m talking about Gollum/Smeagol in general. Granted, I don’t want a film starring him or anything (coughCruellacoughcoughMaleficentcoughcoughClaricecoughcough), but I love this dissociative little dude so much. He’s one of my favorite fantasy characters in general, and is also maybe the best example of a sympathetic villain, in film at least.
OK, to be fair, I love Andy Serkis’ version of the character a LOT, like a LOT a lot, and it’s a great version of the character. OK, so what do I think of this version? He’s...interesting, actually. If I’m honest, I kinda like him. This is similar to how I always pictured Gollum when I was a kid.
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I mean, listen to this description from the book, yeah?
Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. I don't know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum - as dark as darkness, except for two big round pale eyes in his thin face...He was looking out of his pale lamp-like eyes for blind fish, which he grabbed with his long fingers as quick as thinking.
I dunno, that does sound more like this version of Gollum to me, just saying. Anyway, while Gollum is off fishing in the water, Bilbo gets up on the shore, where he finds a little golden ring Not important, just a ring, definitely means nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
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The hungry Gollum (Brother Theodore) happens upon Bilbo, precious, wonders if Bilbo would taste good, and is basically about to kill him for his sweet hobbit meat, before Bilbo takes out Sting. Now afraid, Gollum offers a game of riddles. The two make a deal: if Bilbo wins at a game of riddles, Gollum will show him the  way out. But if Gollum wins, precious will eat him raaaaaaaw and wrrrrrrrrrriggling!
The riddles commence, in a super-fuckin’-classic moment, and also ends with maybe the most bullshit moment in all of fantasy lore. After clever riddles with answers involving eggs, wind, and time, Bilbo’s last riddle is “What’s in my pocket?” The fuck, Bilbo, that’s absolute BULLSHIT!
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Not that it matters. Bilbo wins, but Gollum goes to find his ring to show it to Bilbo before he takes him away. Thing is, though, that’s what was in Bilbo’s pocket, which Gollum quickly figures out, my precious. He’s about to kill Bilbo to get back his birthday present, precious, but Bilbo discovers the secret trick of the ring: it turns the wearer invisible, AND THAT WILL NEVER BE A BAD THING EVER.
Gollum thinks that Bilbo’s escaped and runs after him toward the exit. This, of course, leads Bilbo towards the exit inadvertently, and he follows Gollum, then jumps over him to get back. To which Gollum screams the following:
Thief! Thief! Baggins! We hates it! Hates it! Forever!
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I hear you, buddy. I hear you. Well, once Bilbo escapes, he reconvenes with the rest, and shares his adventure in the cave, but leaves out the ring. And Gandalf seems to know, based on his dialogue. And I checked, and he figured it out in the book and Jackson movie, too. And I gotta say...WHAT THE FUCK GANDALF
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I mean...DUDE. CHECK UP on that shit. Do you wizard job, man! If you’d been like, “Dude...you didn’t find a magic ring that turns you invisible, ight, because we’re FUCKED if you did”, NONE OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS WOULD’VE HAPPENED, AND BOROMIR WOULD STILL BE ALIVE
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Everybody talks about the fuckin’ eagles, but WHY DO I NEVER HEAR ANYONE MENTION THIS SHIT? Gandalf the Grey: Middle-Earth’s most irresponsible asshole, I swear...
This seems like a good place to pause, actually. See you in the next part!
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that-shamrock-vibe · 4 years
Movie Review: Mulan (2020, Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the week following the movie’s release on Disney+ worldwide, so if you haven’t yet seen the 2020 live-action Mulan do not read on until you have.
General Reaction:
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I had a very hard time deciding what I thought about this movie. I firstly had time to wait to see the movie as I didn’t watch it on Disney+ on the Friday it was released but instead got to see it for free the following Sunday night. But in that time all the reviews were coming out and while some of them were positive, a lot of them were negative.
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I guess my feelings can be categorised into three pillars just as the oath sworn by the imperial army...loyal, brave and true, the first pillar is loyalty as in my thoughts on the original animated Mulan and how this movie holds up.
I will say, had I not seen the original I would probably just like this live-action remake fine enough but because I have not only seen the original 1996 animated version but have a strong connection to that version with it being the first movie I ever saw in theatres but also one of my favoured soundtracks of all Disney movies growing up, it’s difficult as we are literally comparing new for old.
That being said, a lot of what made the original so good for me has been completely gutted in this version. No Mushu, Cri-Kee or even Little Brother. It would be so easy to simply have a Shar Pei or a Shih Tzu roaming around Mulan’s home because they already had a spider taking the place of Cri-Kee in that matchmaker scene but no...we get the horse who isn’t even called Khan in this movie because the main villain’s surname is instead Khan rather than Shan Yu like the original, and a phoenix that...despite all the exposition and my movie trivia knowledge of what a phoenix can do...simply just flies around almost like one of those box kites and acts more like a drone than an ancestral family protector.
Also the grandmother from the original, who I loved because Disney has a habit of doing these elderly cooky women traditionally for comedy but also with some heart, is omitted from this version and instead seemingly replaced with a younger sister for Mulan. Now it’s not like the grandmother was integral to the original story other than giving Cri-Kee to Mulan and without Cri-Kee there is no need for her but if you’re going to replace her replace her with something interesting...this sister does absolutely nothing.
As for the songs, Everyone knew right from the off that this wouldn’t be a musical and so all those great songs from that soundtrack that I said at the time was one of my favourite Disney soundtracks were obviously out...but the way in which the score incorporated the main song “Reflection” is something we’ve already heard in the trailers and used very well played out here, then also two of the other songs “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” and “A Girl Worth Fighting For”, while not scored are referenced as lines from the songs are spoken by the Imperial Army soldiers at times.
Then speaking of ditching characters, Shang who is the main male lead of the 1998 animated Mulan is here split into two different characters. The commander of the Imperial Army played by Donnie Yen and then a soldier recruit in said army who acts as Mulan’s love interest...I think. I get the fact that these were the two sides of Shang’s character in the original...with the addition of dealing with the murder of his father...but it would have made more sense maybe to have the commander be “Shang’s” father rather than literally having Shang A and Shang B.
But while other fan-favourites were omitted, one new addition stole the show for me and that was Gong Li as Xian Lung aka The Witch as she’s referred to throughout in this movie. I thought the addition of magic to this adaptation was an interesting take because the original stands out for not relying so heavily on the fairytale aspects. I mean yes we have a talking dragon and ghostly ancestors, who also aren’t in this movie but are referenced a lot and responsible for the box kite phoenix, but the movie didn’t need magic per-say...here it is almost like the secret sauce for how the major players thrive.
This brings me onto my second pillar, brave...as in this movie takes some big old swings in the dark to not only try and stand out from the original but also be mature. Going back to the magic angle, chi is a massive part of this movie and it seems to be that if you’re an important fighter, you have it man or woman.
The only issue with that being the 1998 animated version of Mulan, despite being Disney, was one of the more grounded Renaissance movies as it didn’t rely heavily on the fantasy angle other than the talking dragon and ancestors.
So when you flip that around and tell me that not only does Mulan effectively have superpowers but also there is a major antagonist in this movie who can not only shapeshift but perform matrix-style Wire-Fu action which she somehow teaches the Rouran army, then it loses what made the original version special in that it didn’t rely so heavily on those fantastical elements.
That being said, despite a major problem with other Disney Live-Action remakes like The Lion King being that they rely too heavily on the source material, this remake is practically a different movie to the original 1998 version.
However, while a lot of the beats of the first half of this movie, and even the second half are met such as the Matchmaker scene, joining the Imperial Army, the avalanche battle and the Emperor being captured, the true emotional moments of the animated movie are completely gone.
That incredibly powerful scene after Mulan and her father argue and she is next seen crying at the Great Stone Dragon statue while watching her ailing father before deciding she must take his place and cuts her hair, disguises herself and leaves home in the middle of the night in the rain...here replaced with Mulan wielding her father’s sword, next she’s in the armor, then she’s travelling to the army camp...no powerful music, no visible emotion at how she comes to the resolve of leaving her family, nothing.
Even though there are no songs sung in this movie, the scene “Reflection” is originally sung in makes the song one of my favourite Disney Princess songs because of the fact it lyrically and visibly shows Mulan’s inner torment at being the outsider within her family and longing to be able to truly express herself. Here you have any resemblance of that scene taken out and instead go straight from the Matchmaker scene to the Imperial Army drafting scene.
As for the comedy, I understand the original animated version was more of a comedy-action movie as opposed to this one which is action-drama, but I don’t think I laughed once while watching this movie.
Yes, the original had Eddie Murphy as Mushu and that’s taken out here, but it also had the likeable funny trio of soldiers in the army. Here there are 5 of them, Shang-lite included, Yao and Chien-Po I think try to be despite not spending enough time on any of them to know who is who. There’s this newish character called Cricket who is supposed to be the substitute for Cri-Kee...but is a recruit in the Imperial Army instead of an insect and I had to look up to make sure it wasn’t Ned from the Spider-Man movies because they look so similar and try to force comedy despite not being particularly funny. Even the river shower scene from the original which was rather funny due to Mulan trying to hide the fact she’s a woman from the three guys, here it’s just Mulan and Shang-lite (Chen Honghui) and is played off more as some weird and awkward romance scene.
It is truly brave of Disney to try and appeal more to China than to Western audiences who loved the original movie and the comedy etc and this brings me on to the third pillar which is True, as in Disney trying to be true to China, it’s culture and respecting Mulan as a legend of China rather than a Disney Princess.
That being said, we definitely got more Chinese culture in this version than the original. Obviously you see a lot of China in the animated movie as the Imperial Army moves around a lot like they do here, but it’s never quite as cinematic as it is here. The 2020 live-action Mulan demands the attention of the big screen because for me watching it on my laptop, you can tell a lot of the establishing shots and landscape scenes were intended to be viewed on the silver screen.
Particularly the shots of people running up and down that vast staircase leading up to the Emperor’s palace, just imagining that in theatres impresses me.
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Even shots like when you see wide views with either the phoenix or the witch in bird form soaring across the sky, you can tell it was meant to be viewed first on the big screen just to get that feeling of wonder because on a smaller screen it isn’t that impressive.
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However, on the subject of “True” I do not understand how in-keeping with the original Chinese legend involved Chi being utilized as some sort of superpower equivelent to Avatar: The Last Airbender whereas in the original animated Disney version, which should really be the one emphasising the fantasy element, you’re either a good fighter or, in Mulan’s case for that movie, you’re not and have to train.
I understand how legends and mythologies can include fantastical elements because that’s what makes them as such, but if Disney want to tell me that in this movie Mulan is practically Wonder Woman because that’s how she is said to be in the legend then where the hell was that in the 1998 animated version because that Mulan is classed officially as a Disney Princess despite not being royalty or marrying royalty and having this type of power would at least qualify her to stand alongside the likes of Pocahontas and Moana.
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Getting off the rant and moving to a compliment for a moment, I did appreciate the movie staying true to Chinese fashion because that really puzzled me about the original movie, how every man, woman and child effectively looked like they were wearing the same robes just in a different colour with maybe some different styling depending on if they were royalty or officials in some way.
But here, the Emperor definitely looked regal, the Witch looked regal but in that nomadic styling which was true to her character, and even though all the soldiers were wearing the same uniform, they all had something different enough about it.
Alright so I’ve gone on enough generally, now I’m going to be more specific in terms of character, but because most of these characters aren’t fleshed out enough to warrant their own section, I’m listing who I feel are my three stand-out characters and then grouping the rest.
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Obviously the movie is about Mulan so I have to start with her, and despite all the negative stuff which to be perfectly honest with you doesn’t overly concern me in regards to how Yifei Liu has been so adamantly in support of the Hong Kong Police drama, I’m judging her solely on how she plays the character here.
She was okay.
I mean this in the best way possible but, in a similar way to last year’s The Lion King remake, Yifei Liu was practically stone-faced the entirety of this movie. Good things happened, no expression, bad things happened, no expression, sad things happened, no expression. Especially when she was pretending to be a guy in the army camp it felt like her acting choice was “If Mulan was to show expression, it may give the game up”, it was just so rigid it made it hard to like her.
Speaking of her “undercover guise”, I know the original movie was animated and therefore the animators can get away with slightly altering the look of the character to make it believable and voices can even be changed as evidenced here with Jet Li...but I did not believe for a single second that Mulan could actually pass as a guy looking like how she looked. She didn’t cut her hair, her clothes weren’t particularly masculine, barely changed her voice and aside from having that leather brace/corsit to hide her chest there was no evidence as to how an entire army camp could not tell the second they saw her...maybe with the exception of Chen but I’ll get to that when I get to him.
Also, I touched on the Chi power thing beforehand, why was she was born with it? Why was it so powerful in her from an early age? None of this was explained, they hammered home the dangers of her having such strong Chi and that was also personified beautifully with Xian Lang aka The Witch as a kind of Ghost of Christmas Future visage, but the reason the original animated version worked so well was because she was flawed, clumsy and awkward yet also caring, strong-willed and outspoken. Really all they did here was take away all of those qualities that made her...you know...human and added the Chi power thing from the start so she didn’t have to learn to fight, she didn’t have to make this massive sacrifice as you know she’s probably going to prevail and again it made her unlikeable because there was no growth or real character development.
All except for the very end when the Emperor offers her a position on the royal guard rather than as an adviser like he does originally, and she rejects it here like she did then as well...but then she is asked again maybe two days later and we don’t get an answer but she probably says yes.
It’s quite clear they’re trying to tee up a sequel by the end of this movie, but there is so much negativity both to the movie and specifically the leading actress that I really don’t see this happening.
If a sequel was to happen it would most likely be Mulan’s struggles with being a female member in the emperor’s guard or even leading the team, but we saw her do that for the second half of this movie.
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Literally the halfway point in this movie after a confrontation with Xian Lang, when Mulan’s father narrates how Mulan’s lie died but she herself lived and so she then decided to appear in front of the Imperial Army as a woman despite the obvious consequences I found stupid.
In the original it’s a mistake that she’s found out, it’s towards the end of the movie and she has to fight just for acceptance. Here she pretty much states the obvious in what she knows the villains are doing, suddenly she’s leading the fecking army...despite being told that if she shows her face again she will die...no death but just a promotion.
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Finally while talking about Mulan, I can’t really not talk about that fantastic Ming-Na Wen cameo at the end of the movie. It was so great, I had heard prior to seeing the movie that she was going to be in it and so my eyes were peeled throughout the movie.
I love Ming-Na Wen and I do think she is one of very few to hit a Disney trifecta with being a Disney Princess, an MCU hero of sorts and a Star Wars character, though having recently finally seen The Mandalorian I have to say her part was exaggerated a bit considering the one episode she’s in.
It never dawned on me until it was brought up that I even needed Ming-Na to appear in this movie but having seen her I have to say I would be disappointed if she didn;t. Originally I would have suggested she maybe play Mulan’s mother as a type of passing on the torch, but the very fact that her one line and duty in the movie is to introduce Mulan to the emperor it does seem to have the same effect.
Xian Lang:
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As I say, the Witch was my favourite character in this movie. Everything about her from when I first saw her in the trailers just worked for me. Her look was stunning, Gong-Li’s acting was on point, her story despite being a secondary antagonist based on the villain’s pet bird from the original movie was very compelling. The parallels between Mulan and Xian Lang were fascinating to see particularly with Xian Lang being a potential future cautionary tale for Mulan.
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The first major scene when we see her use her powers was my favourite scene in the movie. I love a great power-set piece and we got to see a lot of the different fascets of Xian Lang’s power. From that gorgeous blend of coloured powders to act as a smokescreen for her shapeshifting, the weapon manifestation, using her sleeves as whips. It all worked so well and Mulan wasn’t even in the scene.
That being said, my next favourite scene is that confrontation between her and Mulan where Xian Lang is trying to get Mulan to admit who she is but she’s insistent on stating she’s her male name, so Xian Lang says “then you will die a lie” and knocks her into a rock which Mulan’s father then narrates “Mulan’s lie did die but Mulan lived”, it’s such powerful stuff and I wish the rest of the movie was as clever as that.
The Emperor:
The only other character I can really single out is Jet Li’s Emperor of China. I’m not a massive Jet Li fan, but I have seen him in a couple other movies and to my knowledge always in non-English speaking roles. However, I have also seen him in interviews so know the voice he has...this wasn’t it.
It was really distracting all the way through this movie because he looked regal, everything around him looked regal and powerful, but then he spoke and I was sat there pondering “Why is that not his voice?”. I mean I know how Hollywood likes to dub voices if the actors they hire don’t fit the roles vocally but do physically, but doing this not only to Jet Li who is one of the more famous Asian actors in Hollywood but any Asian actor in an entirely Asian cast does seem like a huge step backwards in representation particularly after Aladdin.
It reminded me a lot of Ray Park who is one of my favourite underrated actors. In some roles you see him and hear his voice like Toad in the first X-Men movie, however famously you only see him physically as Darth Maul in the Star Wars movies but have his voice dubbed by other actors.
All that aside, the actual character was a lot more fleshed out than in the original movie. I mean all you really need to know about him is that he’s the Emperor of China but here, because he’s Jet Li apparently in body only, he also has some kick-ass martial arts scenes.
Although, similar to the TV series Arrow, I do not understand how magic allows people to catch arrows fired at them, yet somehow Jet Li does and to be fair redirects it in a rather bad-ass way with Mulan doing a flip kick sending it straight into the chest of the main villain guy.
Hua Family:
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As for Mulan’s family, I thought they were okay. Again I got more emotional from the original movie and I did miss the grandmother this time around and do not understand how the younger sister was a worthy substitute, but the actual parents were at least acted well.
It was great seeing Constance Wu in a dramatic role after seeing her in Freaky Friday, Tzi Ma was a surprisingly central role this time around as Mulan’s father with a lot more drama put on his character, in the original version you know Fa Zhou is injured from war so when he’s drafted again you can guess he may not survive. Here, Constance Wu states “Be brave for he won’t return this time”.
Imperial Army:
I didn’t like any of these guys, we spend little time getting to know any of them as individuals, maybe with the exception of Donnie Yen’s general character. Having said that, Chen either had to know that Mulan was a girl or simply be attracted to Mulan as a boy. But there were so many looks and so many times where you could tell that he knew but maybe wanted to protect her so didn’t let on.
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I didn’t like the Huns in the original movie but at least they had individuality about them, the Rourans had nothing. Jason Scott Lee was obviously the Shan Yu of this movie but he did not have the intimidation factor that he had and really didn’t have a lot else to him.
The one plus about the Rourans is they seemed to take lessons from the Dothraki in Game of Thrones in how to not only ride into battle but battle while riding. It was very cool visually.
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By the time this review posts if you haven’t seen the movie yet you may not be inclined to and I don’t know if this review is really a promotion for it, but when someone asked me for my recommendation I did say it’s worth at least one viewing.
However, I would not pay the excess fee for it. I watched it for free and I feel $30 or however much it is here in the U.K. would feel a bit of a rip off despite the fact Disney+ allows for multiple users and so multiple viewings.
Overall I rate the movie a 6/10, it’s visually gorgeous, Gong-Li is the best thing about the movie and it is interesting to see what is different between versions. I just wouldn’t rank it up there as one of the best Disney Live-Action remakes, too much doesn’t make sense.
So that’s my review of Disney’s Live-Action Mulan, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Disney Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Download The Witcher 3 for Nintendo Switch today!
Nintendo Switch has tons of awesome games available right now! Plus, there are dozens more in the pipeline. When the Switch first launched, there were fewer than a dozen titles available for sale. But, as time goes by, and as game makers realize the popularity of Nintendo's hybrid mobile console, more and more titles are being added to the list all of the time. Here are all the games available right now, in digital and game card form, as well as games that are officially coming to Switch sometime in the future. What's new? New games released and announced games coming soon Here's where you'll find everything new that is either now available in the Switch eShop or as a physical game card, as well as games that have recently been announced as coming to the Switch. New physical game cartridges you can buy right now! Ring Fit Adventure - Available October 18th - $80 Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition - Available October 18th - $50 Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure - Available October 18th - $40 Physical game cartridges you can pre-order right now! Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout - Available October 29 - $60 Resident Evil Triple Pack - Available October 29 - $60 Vampyr - Available October 29 - $50 Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King - Available October 29 - $30 Luigi's Mansion 3 - Available October 31 - $60 Race with Ryan - Available November 1 - $40 Jumanji: The Video Game - Available November 8 - $40 Pokémon Sword - Available November 15 - $60 Pokémon Shield - Available November 15 - $60 Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack - Available November 15 - $120 Zumba: Burn It Up - Available November 19 - $40 DOOM Eternal - Available November 22 - $60 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - Available December 3rd - $50 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 - Available December 31 - $60 Just Dance 2020 - Available December 31 - $40 Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair - Available December 31 - $40 Gods & Monsters - Available February 25 (2020) - $60 Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories - Available March 1 (2020) - $60 Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Available March 20 (2020) - $60 Two Point Hospital - Available March 31 2020 - $40 Langrisser I & II - Available March 31 2020 - $50 Trials of Mana - Available April 24 (2020) - $50 Digimon Survive - Available December 31 (2020) - $60 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Available December 31 (2020) - $60 Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Available December 31 (2020) - $30 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Available December 31 (2020) - $30 Remothered: Broken Porcelain - Available December 31 (2020) - $30 "To Be Determined" games coming to the Nintendo Switch All of these titles should be coming to us sometime during the year of 2019. Be sure to check in with us here at iMore for updates on releases and pre-order information for any of these titles! Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - TBD 2019 - $60 Space Hulk TBD 2019 Metroid Prime 4 TBD 2022 eShop titles that have released this month A Hat in Time - $30 Arcade Archives vs CASTLEVANIA (NeoGeo) - $8 Battle Planet – Judgement Day - $15 Desktop Rugby - $7 Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition - $50 Domiverse - $15 Felix the Reaper - $25 Gleaner Heights - $10 Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition -$10 Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure - $40 Just Ignore Them - $5 Kine - $20 Little Town Hero - $25 Megaquarium - $25 MilkChoco - $30 Miniature – The Story Puzzle - $4 Monaco: Complete Edition - $15 Pig Eat Ball - $15 Rabi-Ribi - $30 Rawr-Off - $3 Return of the Obra Dinn - $20 Ring Fit Adventure - $80 Roof Rage - $15 Safari Pinball - $3 Sea Salt - $15 SEGA AGES Columns II: A Voyage Through Time - $8 SEGA AGES Ichidant-R - $8 StarBlox Inc - $10 Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Island - $25 Sublevel Zero Redux - $15 Summer Sweetheart - $20 The Jackbox Party Pack 6 - $30 Tower Climb - $7 Where the Bees Make Honey - $10 Worbital - $13 ZikSquare - $7 All Nintendo Switch games Here's where we're storing literally every game Nintendo has launched on Switch, plus an ongoing list of previously announced games coming soon to Switch. Physical game cartridges you can buy right now You can find all of these games right now, either in digital form on the Nintendo eShop or at your local game store. The games are available as physical or digital games. You can click the link to buy the physical version on Amazon. 1-2-Switch 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchridion AeternoBlade II AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Air Conflicts Collection American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Physical Copy!) Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition The Alliance Alive HD Remastered All Star Fruit Racing Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Aragami: Shadow Edition ARK: Survival Evolved ARMS Astral Chain Assassin's Creed III: Remastered Assault Gunners HD Edition Complete Set Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Paintings Attack on Titan 2 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle ATV Drift Tricks Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Baldurs Gate I & II: Enhanced Edition Batman: Season 1 - Telltale Series Battle Chasers: Nightwar Battle Worlds: Kronos Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta digital code Ben 10 Bendy Big Buck Hunter Arcade BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Bomber Crew Complete Edition The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Brawlout Broken Sword 5 The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Cat Quest Candle: The Power of the Flame Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Carnival Games Cars 3: Driven to Win Cartoon Network Battle Crashers Cave Story+ Chicken Range (UK) Clannad Code of Princess EX Collection of Mana Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Crash Team Racing Crayola Scoot Cryogear Crystal Crisis The Coma: Recut Contra Rogue Corps Cytus Alpha Daemon X Machina Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Dead Cells Dead by Daylight De Blob DEEMO Diablo Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Disgaea 1 Complete Disgaea 5 Complete Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DOOM Dragon Ball Fighter Z Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Dragons: Dawn of New Riders Dragon: Marked for Death Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2 Dragon Quest Heroes I & II (Japanese language only) Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition The End is Nigh Enter the Gungeon: Deluxe Edition Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Farm Expert 2019 Farming Simulator Fast RMX Fate Extella Link Standard Edition Nintendo Switch Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star FIFA 18 Fifa 19 FIFA 20 Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem Warriors Fitness Boxing Flashback 25th Anniversary Collection Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition Flashback Classics Flipping Death For the King Friday The 13th: The Game FUN! FUN! Animal Park Gear.Club Unlimited Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Owltimate Edition God Eater 3 God Wars: The Complete Legend Go Vacation Grip Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection Gun*Gal 2 Happy Birthdays Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Hello Kitty Kruisers with Sanrio Friends Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek Hotel Transylvania 3 Hunting Simulator Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition I am Setsuna Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure Ittle Dew 2+ Just Dance 2017 Just Dance 2018 Katamari Damacy Reroll Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Kill la Kill -IF Kirby Star Allies Labyrinth of Refrain Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk L.A. Noire Lapris x Labyrinth Lapis x Labyrinth Limited Edition XL Legendary Fishing Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening LEGO City: Undercover LEGO DC Supervillians Deluxe Edition LEGO Harry Potter Collection LEGO: Jurassic World LEGO The Incredibles LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game LEGO Worlds Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Let's Sing 2018 (UK only) The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Little Friends: Dogs and Cats The Longest Five Minutes The Long Journey Home The Lost Child Lost Sphear Lumo Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Mario Tennis Aces Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Max The Curse of the Brotherhood Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Megaman X Legacy Collection 1 Megaman X Legacy Collection 2 Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Minecraft Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure Minecraft Story Mode - Season Two Monopoly Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 Monster Hunter XX (Japanese import only) Monster Jam Crush It Moonlighter Mortal Kombat 11 Moto Racer 4 MotoGP19 Musynx Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition My Little Riding Champion My Riding Stables: Life with Horses MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Video game NAMCO Museum Arcade Pac NBA 2K18 NBA 2K20 NBA 2K20 Legend Edition Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of The New World Neo Atlas 1469 New Super Mario Bros. 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Ultimate Super Mario Maker 2 Super Mario Maker 2 + Nintendo Switch Online Bundle Super Mario Odyssey Super Neptunia RPG Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Syberia (UK version) Syberia 2 (UK version) Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! 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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Games only available in the Switch eShop you can buy right now #KILLALLZOMBIES 'n Velore Verstand 3 Little Pigs & Bad Wolf 3D Billiards - Pool & Snooker 3D MiniGolf 7 Billion Humans 10 Second Run Returns 12 is Better Than 6 12 orbits 20XX 2048 Battles 30-in-1 Game Collection 36 Fragments of Midnight 39 Days to Mars 60 Seconds! 99 Moves 99Seconds 911 Operator Bundle 1001 Ultimate Mahjong 2 1917 - The Alien Invasion DX 1979 Revolution: Black Friday 2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL 6180 the moon 80 DAYS Abyss ABZU Access Denied Ace of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Ace of Seafood Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Extended Edition Achtung! 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Amnesia: Collection Ancient Rush 2 Anarcute Anode AngerForce: Reloaded for Nintendo Switch Anima: Gates of Memories Anima: Gates of Memories: Arcane Edition Anima: Gates of Memories: The Nameless Chronicles Animal Fight Club Animal Hunter Z Animal Rivals Animal Super Squad Animated Jigsaw: Japanese Women Animated Jigsaws Animus Angel of death Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade Ankh Guardian - Treasure of the Demon's Temple Anodyne Another Sight Another World Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story Antiquia Lost Ape Out Aperion Cyberstorm Apocalipsis: Wormwood Edition Apocryph Aqua Kitty UDX The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human Aqua TV Arena of Valor Archlion Saga Armello A Robot Named Fight Art of Balance Asdivine Dios Asdivine Hearts Asdivine Hearts II Asdivine Menace Assault Android Cactus+ Assault Gunners HD Edition Assault on Metaltron Astebreed Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 Astro Bears Astro Duel Deluxe Astrology & Horoscope Asphalt 9: Legends Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland DX Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland DX Atelier Totori: The Apprentice of Arland DX Atomic Heist Atomik: RunGunJumpGun Atomine At Sundown: Shots in the Dark Attack of the Toy Tanks Automachef Avenger Bird Away: Journey to the Unexpected Awe Awesome Pea A Winter's Daydream Awkward Ayakashi koi gikoku forbidden romance Azuran Tales: TRIALS Azure Reflections Azure Saga: Pathfinder DELUXE Edition Azkend 2 Baba is You Back in 1995 Back to Bed Bad Dream Coma Bad Dream Fever Bad North BAFL - Breaks are for Losers Balance Blox Ball Attraction Banner Saga 1 Banner Saga 2 Banner Saga 3 Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive Bard's Gold Barrier X Barry Bradford's Putt Panic Party Batman: The Enemy Within Battle & Crash Battle of Mahjong Battle Planet – Judgement Day Bash the Bear Basketball Baseball Riot Battery Jam Battle Group 2 Battle Princess Madelyn Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Bargain Hunter Bastion Battle Chef Brigade Battle Supremacy Battle Supremacy: Evolution Battleship Battlloon Bayonetta BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Beach Buggy Racing Bear With Me: The Complete Collection (eShop only) Bear With Me: The Lost Robots Beast Quest Beat Cop Beat 'em up Bundle Beat Rush Beats Runner Bedtime Blues Beekyr Reloaded Behind the Screen Beholder: Complete Edition Beholder 2 Beyond Enemy Lines BiBi Blocksberg - Big Boom Race 3 BiBi & Tina - Adventures with Horses Bibi & Tina at the horse farm Big Bash Boom Big Crown: Showdown Binaries BINGO for Nintendo Switch Bird Game + Bit Dungeon Plus Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure Black and White Bushido Black Bird Black Paradox Black Hole Blacksea Odyssey Black the Fall Blade II - The Return of Evil Blades of Time Blasphemous Blaster Master Zero Blaster Master Zero 2 Blazblue Central Fiction Special Edition BlazeRush Blazing Beaks Blazing Chrome Bleed Bleed 2 Bleep Bloop BlobCat Block-a-pix Deluxe Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Blood Waves Bloody Zombies Bloons TD 5 Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King Blue Rider Boababs Mausoleum Ep. 1 Bomb Chicken Bombing Busters Bomber Crew Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition Bombfall Bombfest Bombslinger Bond of the Skies Boom Ball Boost Beast Bot Vice Bouncy Bob Bouncy Bullets Boreal Blade Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing Box Boy and Box Girl Box Align Boxing Champs BQM: Block Quest Maker Brave Dungeon/Dark Witch Story: Combat Braveland Trilogy Brawl Brawlhalla Brawlout Breakforcist Battle Brick Breaker The Bridge Bridge Constructor Portal Bring Them Home Brofroce Broken Age Broken Sword 5 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Brunch Club Bubble Cats Rescue Bubble Shooter DX Bubsy: Paws on Fire Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans The Bug Butcher Build a Bridge! 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CHOP Chop is Dish Chroma Squad Chromagun Chronus Arc The Church in the Darkness Cinderella - An Interactive Fairytale Cinders Circle of Sumo Circuits Cities Skylines Citizens of Space City Builder City of Brass Clash of Carrots Classic Games Collection Vol. 1 Claws of Fury Claybook Click to Game Clock Simulator Clouds & Sheep 2 Clue Clusterpuck 99 Clustertruck Code of Princess EX Coffee Crisis Coffin Dodgers Collection Arcade Classics Collide-a-Ball-2 Collidalot Coloring Book Color Zen Commander Keen: Keen Dreams Community Inc Construction Machines Simulator Contra Anniversary Collection Contraptions Cosmic Star Heroine Corpse Party: Blood Drive Crashbots Crash Dummy Crazy Mini Golf Arcade Crazy Strike Bowling EX Creature in the Well Creepy Road Crimson Keep Croc's World 2 Crossing Souls CROSSNIQ+ Color Zen Kids Combat Core The Coma Conduct TOGETHER! Conga Master Party! Constructor Plus The Count Lucanor Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide Edition Crashlands Crawl Cricket 19 Crocs World Croixleur Sigma CrunchTime Crush Your Enemies! Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Crypt of the Serpent King Cubikolor Cubixx Cuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil Cursed Castilla Cybarian: The Time Traveling Warrior Cyber Protocol Cycle 28 Daggerhood Damsel Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo Damascus Gear Operation Osaka Dandara Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada Danger Mouse: The Danger Games Danmaku Unlimited 3 Darkest Hunters The Darkside Detective Dark Witch Music: Rudymical Darkest Dungeon Darkwood Dark Quest 2 Darts Up Dawn of Survivors Dawn of the breakers DC Universe DayD: Through Time Deadly Fighter 2 Deadly Premonition Origins Deadlings Deadbolt Dead Cells Dead Cells + Rise of the Giant DLC (Only available on Nintendo eShop on the Switch) Dead Dungeon Dead Fun Pack: Penguins and Aliens Strike Again Dead in Vinland - True Viking Edition Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today Death Coming Death Road to Canada Death Mark Deathstate: Abyssal Edition - Death Squared Debris Infinity DeeMo Deep Ones Deer Drive Legends The Deer God Defend your Castle Defense Grid 2 Defoliation Degrees of Separation Defunct Delicious 2 Deltarune Chapter 1 De Mambo Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure Demolition Crew (Only at Nintendo eShop) The Demon Crystal Demon's Crystals Deployment Depona Deru - The Art of Cooperation Desert Child Desktop Baseball Desktop Bowling Desktop Dodgeball Desktop Rugby Desktop Soccer Desktop Table Tennis Destiny's Princess: A War Story, a Love Story Destruction Detective Dolittle Detective Gallo Detention Devil Engine Devil May Cry Devil May Cry 2 Dexteritrip Devious Dungeon D/Generation HD Die for Valhalla Digerati Indie Bundle: Ink & HackyZack Diggerman Dimension Drive Ding Dong Disc Jam Disco Dodgeball Remix Discovery Disease -Hidden Object- DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition Distrust Divine Ascent Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition Dobutsu Shogi World DODGE HARD Doggie Ninja The Golden Mission Dokuro Domiverse Don't Die Mr. Robot DX Don't Knock Twice Don't Sink Don't Starve Donut County Doodle God: Crime City DOOM (1993) DOOM II (Classic) DOOM 3 - ($10 at Nintendo) Fantasy Strike Doom & Destiny DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS Doughling: Invasion Double Cross Double Dragon 4 Double Switch – 25th Anniversary Edition Doughlings: Arcade Downwell Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Lite Version Dracula's Legacy DragoDino DragonFangZ - The Rose and the Dungeon of Time Dragon Sinker Dragon Snakes Dragon's Lair Trilogy Dragon Marked for Death: Advanced Attackers Dragon Marked for Death: Frontline Fighters Dragon Pinball Dragon Quest Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation Dragon Quest Builders 2 + Season Pass Bundle The Drama Queen Murder Draw a Stickman: Epic 2 Drawful 2 Driving School Original Dream Alone Dreaming Canvas Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator Dreamwalker Drone Fight Drowning Duck Life: Battle Duck Hunting Challenge A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher Duke of Defense Dungeon Rushers Dungeon Warfare Dungeon Stars Dungeon Village Dungeons and Aliens Dust Dustoff Heli Rescue 2 Dusty Raging Fist DYING: Reborn Dyna Bomb Dynamite Fishing Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Definitive Edition Eagle Island Earth Atlantis Earthlock Earth Wars Eat beat Deadspike-san Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes Eggggg - The Platform Puker Eekeemoo - Splinters of the Dark Shard Eight Minute Empire Element Elemental Knights R Elevator to the Moon! Eliza Ellen Elli Elliot Quest Embers of Mirrim Enchanted in the Moonlight - Kiryu, Chikage & Yukinojo Enchanted in the Moonlight - Miyabi, Kyoga & Samon Enchanting Mahjong Match Energy Balance Energy Cycle Energy Cycle Edge Energy Invasion Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood Enter the Gungeon Epic Clicker Journey Epic Astro Story Epic Loon The Escapists: Complete Edition Escape from the Universe Escape Doodland Escape Game: Aloha Escape Trick: 35 Fateful Enigmas The Escapist 2 Estiman Eternal Card Game Eternal Edge Eternum Ex Ethan Meteor Hunter Etherborn European Conqueror X Event Horizon Everybody Hearts! 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Gotcha Racing 2nd Grab Lab Grab The Bottle Graceful Explosion Machine Grand Brix Shooter GRANDIA HD Collection Grandpa and the Zombies Grand Prix Rock 'N Racing Grand Prix Story Grass Cutter: Mutated Lawns Grave Danger Grave Keeper Graveyard Keeper Gravity Duck Greco's Hall of Kanji GREEN Green Game GRID Autosport Gridd: Retroenhanced Grid Mania Grim Fandango Remastered Gris Growtopia Guacamelee! 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A Weapon Shop?! Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! 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Job the Leprechaun Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Joe Jump Joggernauts Johnny Turbo's Arcade Break Thru Johnny Turbor's Arcade: Express Raider Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Fighter's History Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Gate of Doom Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Barrel Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Burger Johnny Turbo's Arcade Joe and Mac Caveman Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Joe & Mac Returns Johnny Turbo's Arcade Night Slashers Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Nitro Ball Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Shoot Out Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Sly Spy Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Burger Time Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Real Darwin Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Two Crude Dudes Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Wizard Fire Jolt Family Robot Racers Jotun: Valhalla Edition The Journey Down: Chapter One The Journey Down: Chapter Two The Journey Down: Chapter Three The Journey Down Trilogy Julie's Sweets JumpHead: Battle4Fun! 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Super Platform Game Maker Please, Don't Touch Anything Please, Don't Touch Anything: Classic Please Teach Me Onedari Shogi Plunge Pocket Academy Pocket Clothier Pocket League Story Pocket Rumble Pocket Stables Pode Poisoft Thud Card Pokémon Quest Pokkén Tournament DX DLC Battle Pack Police Stories Poly Bridge Polygod Pool Pool Billiard Pool Panic Premium Pool Arena President F.net Pressure Overdrive Preventure Strike Prime World: Defenders Prison Architect Professional Construction - The Simulation Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets Proficient Paddles Deluxe Project Nimbus: Complete Edition Psyvariar Delta Pub Encounter Pumped BMX Pro Pure / Electric Love What do you want?" - Eri Kitami Pure Mahjong Putty Pals Puyo Puyo Champions Puzzle Adventure Blockle Puzzle Book Puzzle Box Maker Puzzle Herder Puzzle Puppers Puzzle Wall Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns Qbics Paint Qbik Quadle QuadFighter K Q.U.B.E. 2 Queen's Quest 2: Stories of the Forgotten Past Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce Quest for the Golden Duck Quest Hunter Quest of Dungeons Quench Q-YO Blaster Rabi-Ribi Race arcade RaceDieRun RAD Radiation City Radiation Island Radio Hammer Station Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Ragtag Adventures Raiders of the North Sea Rain City Rain World Raining Coins The Rainsdowne Players Raging Justice Rally Racers Rally Rock 'N Racing Rampage Knights Rapala Fishing Pro Series The Raven Remastered Rawr-Off Razed Real Drift Racing Realm Royale Realm Royale Founder's Pack Realpolitiks New Power Reaper: Tale of a Pale Swordsman Rebel Cops Red Game Without a Great Name Red Hot Ricochet Redout Red's Kingdom Redneck Skeet Shooting Red Siren: Space Defense The Red Strings Club Refunct Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition Reigns: Game of Thrones Reigns: Kings & Queens Remothered: Tormented Fathers RemiLore Rento Fortune Monolit Reptilian Rebellion Return of the Obra Dinn Revenant Dogma Revenge of the Bird King Reverie Sweet as Edition Reverse Crawl Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Rest in Pieces Retro City Rampage DX Revenant Saga Riddled Corpses EX Rimelands: Hammer of Thor Riptide GP: Renegade Rise: Race The Future Rise and Shine Risk Global Domination Risk of Rain Risk of Rain 2 Risky Rescue Ritual: Sorcerer Angel Rival Megagun Rive: Ultimate Edition Revertia River City Girls River City Melee Mach!! 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Snow Battle Princess Sayuki Snowboarding The Next Phase Soap Dodgem Soccer Pinball Soccer Slammers Solar Flux Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase Sol Divide - Sword of Darkness Solitare Solitaire Battle Royal Solo: Islands of the Heart SolSeraph Solstice Chronicles: MIA Solitaire Klondike BLACK Songbird Symphony Songbringer Sonic Mania Son of a Witch Soulblight Soul Knight Soulslayer South Park: The Fractured but Whole Gold Edition South Park: The Stick of Truth Spacecats with Lasers SpaceColorsRunner Space Dave! Space Cows Space Lift Danger Panic! Space War Arena Sparkle 2 Sparkle 2 EVO Sparkle 3 Genesis Sparkle Unleashed Sparkle Zero Spartan Spectrum The Spectrum Retreat Speed Brawl SpellKeeper Spencer Spheroids SpiderSolitaire BLACK Spell Casting: Purrfectly Portable Edition Spellspire Spellworm Spelunker Party! Spider Solitaire Spiral Splatter SpiritSphere DX Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Splash Blast Panic Splasher Splat the Fruit Splitter Critters Spoiler Alert Spot the Difference: Party! Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition Spooky Ghosts Dot Com Spy Chameleon Squareboy Vs Bullies: Arena Edition Squids Odyssey Standby StarBlox Inc Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Punishments Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Wishes Stardew Valley Star Drone Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax Star Ghost Starman Starship Avenger Star Sky Star Story: The Horizon Escape Startide Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast State of anarchy: master of mayhem State of mind STAY Steamburg Steamworld Dig SteamWorld Dig 2 SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition Steam World Quest Hand of Gilgamech Stellar Interface STELLATUM Steredenn: Binary Stars Stern Pinball Arcade Steven Universe: Save the Light Stickbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe The Stillness of the Wind Storm Boy Storm in a Teacup Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Island Stranger Things 3: The Game Stray Cat Doors Street Basketball Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe Streets of Rogue Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut Strikey Sisters Stump Stunt Kite Party Subdivision Infinity DX SubaraCity Sublevel Zero Redux Submerged Subsurface Circular Sudoku Relax Sudoku Relax 2 Summer Waves Sudoku Universe Suicide Guy Suicide Guy: Sleepin' Deeply Summer Sweetheart Summer Sports Games Sundered: Eldritch Edition Super Arcade Soccer Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition - The Card Warriors Super Box Land Demake Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Super Blood Hockey Super Cane Magic ZERO Super Chariot Super Crate Box Super Daryl Deluxe Super Destronaut DX Super Dodgeball Beats Super Dungeon Tactics Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded SUPERHOT Super Hydorah Super Hyperactive Ninja Super Inefficient Golf Super Jumpy Ball Super Kirby Clash Super Kickers League Super Life of Pixel Super Meat Boy Super Mega Baseball 2: Ultimate Edition Super Mutant Alien Assault Superola and the Lost Burgers Super One More Jump Super Phantom Cat: Remake Super Ping Pong Trick Shot Super Putty Squad Super Rock Blasters Super Sāurīo Fly Super Skelemania Super Sportmatchen Super Star Path Super Tennis Blast Super Treasure Arena Super Toy Cars Super Volley Blast Super Weekend Mode Super Wiloo Demake Surfingers Surgeon Simulator CPR Survive! Mr. Cube The Sushi Spinnery Sushi Time! Swallow Up Swamp Defense 2 Swap This! Swaps and Traps Sweet Witches Swim Out The Swindle Switch N Shoot Switchy Road Sword of the Guardian Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Symmetry Table Top Racing: World Tour Tactics V: Obsidian Brigade Tachyon Project Tactical Mind Taimumari: Complete Edition Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun Tales of the Tiny Planet Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Talk it Out Tallowmere Tangledeep Tangrams Deluxe Tanks Meet Zombies Tanzia Tap Skaters Tardy Tarot Readings Premium Teddy Gangs Teddy the Wanderer Teddy the Wanderer Mountain Mike Tengai for Nintendo Switch Tennis Tennis in the Face TERRORHYTHMN TRRT TerraTech Terraria Teslagrad Tesla vs Lovecraft Tetraminos TETRA's Escape Tetris 99 Tetris 99 + Big Block DLC (currently only on eShop) Tetsumo Party The Escapists 2: Game of the Year Edition The Forbidden Arts The Sinking City The Sinking City: Deluxe Edition (eShop only) The Tenth Line Special Edition The Tiny Bang Story The Pyraplex Them Bombs! Thief Simulator Thimbleweed Park This War of Mine: Complete Edition Throne Quest Deluxe Timespinner Tinboy Transistor Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trivial Pursuit Live! TryBit Logic Theatre Tales Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition Think of the Children Thumper Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI Tiny Hands Adventure Timberman VS Timber Tennis Versus Time Carnage Tiny Metal Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Tiny Troopers Going OPs XL Titans Pinball Toast Time: Smash Up! Toby the Secret Mine ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! Toki Tori Toki Tori 2+: Nintendo Switch Edition Tokyo School Life Toon War Torchlight II TORIDAMA: Brave Challenge TorqueL - Physics Modified Edition Totes the Goat TouchBattleTankSP Touhou Sky Arena - Matsuri - Climax Tower Climb TowerFall Tower of Babel The Tower of Beatrice The Bradwell Conspiracy Townsmen - A Kingdome Rebuilt Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop's Trials Thea: The Awakening The Trail: Frontier Challenge Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Trax - Build it Race it Treadnauts Treasure Stack Trials Rising Open Beta Tricky Towers Trine 2 Complete Story Trine Enchanted Edition True Fear: Forsaken Souls - Part 1 Trouserheart Tumbleseed Tumblestone Turok Turok 2: Seeds of Evil TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Twist & Match Tyd wag vir Niemand Type Rider Typoman Tyr: Chains of Valhalla Ultimate Chicken Horse Ultimate Runner Ultra Space Battle Brawl Ultrawings Uncanny Valley Undead Horde Undead's Building Unepic Unexplored Unholy Heights Uni Unknown Fate Unicornicopia Unit 4 Uno Unruly Heroes Untitled Goose Game Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation Unworthy Use Your Words VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Vaccine Valfaris Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition (eShop only) Valley VASARA Collection Vaporum Vambrace: Cold Soul Vandals Vectronom Vegas Party Vektor Wars Venture Kid Venture Towns Verlet Swing Vertical Drop Heroes HD Vertical Strike Endless Challenge Vesta The Vanishing of Ethan Carter The VideoKid V.O.I.D. Voez Volgarr the Viking Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten Vostok Inc. Voxel Shot Voxel Sword Vroom in the Night Sky VSR: Void Space Racing VVVVVV Waking Violet Waku Waku Sweets The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Season Pass The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition Wand Wars Wanderjahr WanderjahR TryAgainOrWalkAway Wandersong The Wardrobe Warframe WarGroove Warhammer Champions Warhammer Quest Warparty Warlocks 2: God Slayers The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! Warlock's Tower War Planes: WW2 Dogfight Warp Shift War Tech Fighters War Theatre Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Watermelon Party The Way Remastered Way of the Passive Fist Wayout We. The Revolution Werewolf Pinball West of Loathing Western 1849 Reloaded- Wheel of Fortune Welcome to Hanwell What Remains of Edith Finch When Ski Lifts go Wrong Where are My Friends? Where the Bees Make Honey Whip! Whip! Whispering Willows White Night Whipseey and The Lost Atlas WILL: A Wonderful World Windscape Witch and Hero Witch Thief Wilmot's Warehouse Wizard of Legend Wonder Boy Returns Remix Wondershot Woodle Tree Adventures Worse Than Death Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe Worbital World Conqueror X World Cruise Story The World Ends with You: Final Remix Worldend Syndrome The World Next Door World of Riders Word Mesh Wordsweeper by POWGI Word Search by Powgi Word Sudoku Word Wheel by POWGI World Soccer World Tree Marche WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom World of Final Fantasy Maxima World of Goo Word Puzzles by POWGI Deluxe Edition World Soccer Pinball World to the West Wreckin' Ball Adventure Wulverblade Wuppo: Definitive Edition WWE 2K18: Deluxe Edition Xenon Valkyrie+ Xeodrifter Xenoraid X-Morph: defense Complete Edition Xtreme Club Racing Yesterday's Origins Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Yellow Fins YIIK: A Postmodern RPG Yōdanji Yoku's Island Express Yono and the Celestial Elephants Yooka-Laylee You Died but a Necromancer Revived You Your Toy YouTube Youtubers Life OMG Edition Yume Nikki -Dream Diary Yuso Zarvot Zaccaria Pinball Zen Bound 2 Zenith Zero Gunner 2- for Nintendo Switch Zeus Quests Remastered Ziggurat ZikSquare ZOMB Zombie Driver Immortal Edition Zombie Gold Rush Zombie Panic in Wonderland Zombie Night Terror Zombillie Zombie Scrapper Zotrix: Solar Division NeoGeo digital downloads 3 Count Bout (NeoGeo) 2020 Super Baseball (NeoGeo) Alpha Mission 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 3 (NeoGeo) Aggressors of Dark Kombat (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: 10-Yard Fight (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Alpha Mission (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ALPINE SKI (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Armed F (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ARGUS (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Athena (NeoGeo) Acrade Archives: Atomic Robo-Kid (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Bomb Jack (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Buta san (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs CASTLEVANIA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives City Connection (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Donkey Kong (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Donkey Kong 3 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Double Dragon (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Double Dragon II The Revenge (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: EXCITEBIKE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Front Line (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Heroic Episode (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Time Tunnel Arcade Archives Ikki (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Karate Champ (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid Niki Radical Ninja (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Mario Bros. (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Moon Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Moon Patrol (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Gaiden (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja-Kid II (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Spirit (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors Arcade Archives OMEGA FIGHTER (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Pinball (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives POOYAN (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Psycho Soldier (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Punch-Out! (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Renegade (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Road Fighter (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: ROUTE 16 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives RYGAR (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Scramble (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Sky Skipper (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Solomon's Key (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Star Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Super Mario Bros (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Terra Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Terra Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: THE LEGEND OF KAGE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Time Pilot (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: TRACK & FIELD (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Traverse USA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Urban Champion (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Victory Road (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives VIGILANTE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives WATER SKI Arcade Archives Wild Western (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs GRADIUS Arcade Archives X Multiply (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 2 (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 3 Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo) Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo) Blazing Star (NeoGeo) Blue's Journey (NeoGeo) Burning Fight (NeoGeo) Crossed Swords (NEOGEO Cup '98: The Road (NeoGeo) Donkey Kong Jr. (NeoGeo) Elevator Action (NeoGeo) Ice Climber (NeoGeo) Over Top (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 2 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 3 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Football Frenzy (NEOGEO) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (NeoGeo) Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo) Ghost Pilots (NeoGeo) Gururin (NeoGeo) Ikari Warriors (NeoGeo) Karnov's Revenge (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '96 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 97 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '98 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '99 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2000 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2001 (NEOGEO) The King of Fighters 2002 (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters 2 (NeoGeo) Kizuna Encounter (NeoGeo) Last Blade (NeoGeo) Last Blade 2 (NeoGeo) Last Resort (NeoGeo) League Bowling (NeoGeo) Magical Drop II (NeoGeo) Magical Drop III (NeoGeo) Magician Lord (NeoGeo) Metal Slug (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 3 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 4 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 5 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug X (NeoGeo) Money Puzzle Exchanger (NeoGeo) NAM-1975 (NeoGeo) Ninja Combat (NeoGeo) Ninja Commando (NEOGEO) Ninja Master's (NeoGeo) Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NeoGeo) Power Spikes II (NeoGeo) Prehistoric Isle 2 (NeoGeo) Pulstar (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble 2 (NeoGeo) Puzzled (NeoGeo) Ragnagard (NeoGeo) Real Bout Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Riding Hero (NeoGeo) Robo Army (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown II (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown 4 (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V Special (NeoGeo) Savage Reign (NeoGeo) Sengoku (NeoGeo) Sengoku 2 (NeoGeo) Sengoku 3 (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner 2 (NeoGeo) Spin Master (NeoGeo) Strikers 1945 PLIUS (NeoGeo) Street Hoop (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 2 (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory (NeoGeo) The Super Spy (NeoGeo) Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy (NeoGeo) Top Player's Golf (NeoGeo) Thrash Rally (NeoGeo) Turf Masters (NeoGeo) The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship (NeoGeo) World Heroes (NeoGeo) World Heroes Perfect (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 Jet (NeoGeo) Waku Waku 7 (NeoGeo) Zen Blade (NeoGeo) Zupapa! (NEOGEO) We'll be sure to keep you up to date as frequently as possible! Updated October 21 2019: Added new titles out now, new games on the horizon, and confirmed dates for some previously announced titles. Get More Switch Nintendo Switch $299 at Amazon Nintendo Switch Review Best microSD Cards for your Nintendo Switch Best Travel Cases for Nintendo Switch Best Nintendo Switch Accessories Nintendo Switch Jailbreak: Everything you need to know!
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/download-the-witcher-3-for-nintendo-switch-today
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Jay and Silent Bob come to the Switch!
Nintendo Switch has tons of awesome games available right now! Plus, there are dozens more in the pipeline. When the Switch first launched, there were fewer than a dozen titles available for sale. But, as time goes by, and as game makers realize the popularity of Nintendo's hybrid mobile console, more and more titles are being added to the list all of the time. Here are all the games available right now, in digital and game card form, as well as games that are officially coming to Switch sometime in the future. What's new? New games released and announced games coming soon Here's where you'll find everything new that is either now available in the Switch eShop or as a physical game card, as well as games that have recently been announced as coming to the Switch. New physical game cartridges you can buy right now! Arcade Spirits - May 5 - $40 MotoGP 20 - May 5 - $40 Buildings Have Feelings Too! - May 12 - $35 Physical game cartridges you can pre-order right now! Dungeon of The Endless - Available May 26 - $30 Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - Available May 26 - $30 Adam's Venture: Origins - Available May 29 - $40 BioShock: The Collection - Available May 29 - $50 Borderlands Legendary Collection - Available May 29 - $50 XCOM 2 Collection - Available May 29 - $50 Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition - Available May 29 - $60 Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in A Dungeon: Infinite Combat - Available May 31 - $45 Little Town Hero: Big Idea Edition - Available June 2 - $50 Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break - Available June 2 - $30 Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics - Available June 5 - $40 The Outer Worlds - Available June 5 - $60 Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - Available June 9 - $30 Warborn - Available June 12 - $30 Descenders - Available June 16 - $40 Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Available June 23 - $30 Fairy Tail - Available June 26 - $60 Indivisible - Available June 30 - $40 Journey to the Savage Planet - Available June 30 - $30 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition - Available June 30 - $60 Mozart Requiem - Available June 30 - $50 Railway Empire - Available June 30 - $40 RPG Maker MV - Available June 30 - $50 Truck Driver - Available June 30 - $50 The Wonderful 101: Remastered - Available June 30 - $40 Bounty Battle - Available July 7 - $35 Catherine: Full Body - Available July 7 - $50 Escape Game: Fort Boyard - Available July 7 - $30 Spirit of The North - Available July 7 - $35 Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise - Available July 10 - $50 Ancestors Legacy - Available July 14 - $40 Kingdom Majestic - Available July 14 - $30 Void Trrlm();//Void Terrarium - Available July 14 - $60 Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town - Available July 28 - $50 Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars - Available July 30 - $50 Ary and the Secret of Seasons - Available July 31 - $30 Cris Tales - Available July 31 - $30 Robotics; Notes Elite & Dash Double Pack - Available October 13 - $60 Digimon Survive - Available December 31 - $60 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Available December 31 - $60 Monstrum - Available December 31 - $30 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Available December 31 - $30 Remothered: Broken Porcelain - Available December 31 - $30 "To Be Determined" games coming to the Nintendo Switch All of these titles should be coming out sometime during the year 2020. Be sure to check in with us here at iMore for updates on releases and pre-order information for these titles! DOOM Eternal - TBD 2020 - $60 Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - TBD 2020 - $60 Metroid Prime 4 - TBD 2022 - $60 eShop titles that have released this month 911 Operator Deluxe Edition - $22 Arcade Archives VS. Wrecking Crew - $8 Dark Burial - $4 Feathery Ears - $10 Fledgling Heroes - $8 Fury Unleashed - $20 Gerritory - $8 Gun Crazy - $5 Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge - $2 Infinite - Beyond the Mind - $10 Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl - $15 Jet Lancer - $15 Megabyte Punch - $20 Relic Hunters Zero: Remix - $10 Stone - $15 SuperMash - $20 Swapperoo - $5 The Bullet: Time of Revenge - $4 Tonight We Riot - $15 Void Bastards - $30 All Nintendo Switch games Here's where we're storing literally every game Nintendo has launched on Switch. Physical game cartridges you can buy right now These games are also available in digital form via Switch eShop. You can click the link to order the physical version. 1-2-Switch 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchridion AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Air Conflicts Collection All Star Fruit Racing The Alliance Alive HD Remastered American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Physical Copy!) Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Aragami: Shadow Edition Arcade Spirits ARK: Survival Evolved ARMS Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection Assassin's Creed III: Remastered Assault Gunners HD Edition Complete Set Astral Chain Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Paintings Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Attack on Titan 2 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle ATV Drift Tricks Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Baldurs Gate I & II: Enhanced Edition Batman: Season 1 - Telltale Series Battle Chasers: Nightwar Battle Worlds: Kronos Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta digital code Bee Simulator Ben 10 Bendy Big Buck Hunter Arcade The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Bomber Crew Complete Edition The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Brawlout Broken Sword 5 Buildings Have Feelings Too! Cat Quest Candle: The Power of the Flame Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Carnival Games Cars 3: Driven to Win Cartoon Network Battle Crashers Cave Story+ Chicken Range (UK) Clannad Code of Princess EX Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ Collection of Mana Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Crash Team Racing Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Crayola Scoot Cryogear Crystal Crisis The Coma: Recut Contra Rogue Corps Cytus Alpha Daemon X Machina Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Dead Cells Dead by Daylight De Blob DEEMO Diablo Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories Disgaea 1 Complete Disgaea 5 Complete Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Disney Tsum Tsum Festival Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DOOM DOOM Eternal Dragon Ball Fighter Z Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Dragons: Dawn of New Riders Dragon: Marked for Death Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2 Dragon Quest Heroes I & II (Japanese language only) Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition The End is Nigh Enter the Gungeon: Deluxe Edition Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Farm Expert 2019 Farming Simulator Farming Simulator 20 Fast RMX Fate Extella Link Standard Edition Nintendo Switch Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star FIFA 18 Fifa 19 FIFA 20 Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem Warriors Fitness Boxing Flashback 25th Anniversary Collection Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition Flashback Classics Flipping Death For the King Friday The 13th: The Game FUN! FUN! Animal Park Garfield Kart Furious Racing Gear.Club Unlimited Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Owltimate Edition Gigantosaurus The Game God Eater 3 God Wars: The Complete Legend Gods & Monsters Go Vacation Grip Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection Gun*Gal 2 Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Happy Birthdays Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Hello Kitty Kruisers with Sanrio Friends Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek Heroland Hotel Transylvania 3 Hunting Simulator Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition I am Setsuna Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure Jumanji: The Video Game Just Dance 2017 Just Dance 2018 Just Dance 2020 Katamari Damacy Reroll Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Kill la Kill -IF Kirby Star Allies Labyrinth of Refrain Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk L.A. Noire Langrisser I & II Lapris x Labyrinth Lapis x Labyrinth Limited Edition XL Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy Legendary Fishing Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening LEGO City: Undercover LEGO DC Supervillians Deluxe Edition LEGO Harry Potter Collection LEGO: Jurassic World LEGO The Incredibles LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game LEGO Worlds Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Let's Sing 2018 (UK only) The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Little Friends: Dogs and Cats The Longest Five Minutes The Long Journey Home The Lost Child Lost Sphear Luigi's Mansion 3 Lumo Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Mario Tennis Aces Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Max The Curse of the Brotherhood Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Megaman X Legacy Collection 1 Megaman X Legacy Collection 2 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Minecraft Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure Minecraft Story Mode - Season Two Monopoly Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 Monster Hunter XX (Japanese import only) Monster Jam Crush It Moonlighter Mortal Kombat 11 Moto Racer 4 MotoGP19 MotoGP 20 Musynx Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition My Little Riding Champion My Riding Stables: Life with Horses MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Video game NAMCO Museum Arcade Pac NBA 2K18 NBA 2K20 NBA 2K20 Legend Edition Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of The New World Neo Atlas 1469 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition New Super Lucky's Tale New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Octopath Traveler ONINAKI OPUS: Collection OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers Our World is Ended Day 1 Owlboy Overcooked 2 OVERPASS Overwatch: Legendary Edition Party Planet Payday 2 Penguin Wars Penny Punching Princess PixARK Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Poi: Explorer Edition Pokémon Mystery Dungeon™: Rescue Team DX Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu Pokémon Sword Pokémon Shield Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack Pokkén Tournament DX The Princess Guide Project Highrise Architects Edition Race with Ryan Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Raiden V: Director's Cut The Raven Remastered Rayman Legends R.B.I. Baseball 17 R.B.I. 19 Baseball Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Redout Resident Evil Origins Collection Resident Evil: Revelations Resident Evil Triple Pack Rico RiME Ring Fit Adventure Riot: Civil Unrest Rocket League: Collector's Edition RPG Maker MV Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures Runbow Deluxe Edition Runner3 Saints Row the Third - Full Package Saints Row IV Salt and sanctuary Scribblenauts Showdown Scribblenauts Mega Pack SEGA Genesis Classics Senran Kagura Peach Ball Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Shining Resonance Refrain Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Sid Meier's Civilization VI Sine Mora Ex Skylanders Imaginators Skyrim Slain Back from Hell (physical game card) SNACK WORLD: THE DUNGEON CRAWL — GOLD SNK 40th Anniversary Collection SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy Snipperclips Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition Snow Moto Racing Freedom Snooker 19 Sonic Forces Sonic Mania (Collector's Edition) South Park: The Fractured but Whole Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Spintires: MudRunner - American Wilds Spirit Hunter: NG Sports Party Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2 - Starter Edition Spyro Reignited Trilogy Star Wars: Pinball Starlink: Battle for Atlas Steamworld Dig 2 STEINS;GATE ELITE: Limited Edition Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition Superbeat: Xonic Super Bomberman R Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission Hero Edition Super Mario Maker 2 Super Mario Maker 2 + Nintendo Switch Online Bundle Super Mario Odyssey Super Neptunia RPG Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Street: Racer Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Syberia (UK version) Syberia 2 (UK version) Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition Team Sonic Racing Tennis World Tour The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt This is the Police This is the Police 2 This War of Mine Tiny Barbarian DX Titan Quest Toki Touhou Genso: Wanderer Reloaded Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Trailblazers Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Trials of Mana Troll & I Truberbrook TT Isle of Man: Riding on the Edge Two Point Hospital Ugly Dolls: An Imperfect Adventure Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Unbox: Newbies Adventure Undertale Unravel 2 Valkyria Chronicles 4 Vampyr V Rally 4 The Walking Dead: The Final Season Warriors Orochi 4 Wasteland 2 Wild Guns Reloaded Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Wolfenstine: Youngblood Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship WWE 2K18 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenon Racer Yoshi's Crafted World Yoku's Island Express Yomawari: The Long Night Collection Yonder The Cloud Catchers Chronicles Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Zumba: Burn It Up Games only available in the Switch eShop you can buy right now #KILLALLZOMBIES 'n Velore Verstand 3 Little Pigs & Bad Wolf 3D Billiards - Pool & Snooker 3D MiniGolf 7 Billion Humans 7th Sector 10 Second Run Returns 12 is Better Than 6 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull 12 orbits 20XX 2048 Battles 30-in-1 Game Collection 36 Fragments of Midnight 39 Days to Mars 60 Seconds! 99 Moves 99Seconds 140 911 Operator Bundle 911 Operator Deluxe Edition 1001 Ultimate Mahjong 2 1917 - The Alien Invasion DX 1979 Revolution: Black Friday 2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL 6180 the moon 8-Ball Pocket 80 DAYS Aborigenus Abyss ABZU Access Denied Ace of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Ace of Seafood Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Extended Edition Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics ACORN Tactics Active Neurons Active Soccer 2019 Adrenaline Rush - Miami Drive The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Ep. 1: A Dreadly Business Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Episode 2: A Bleaker Predicklement The Adventures of Elena Temple Adventure Pals Aeero Complete Edition Aegis Defenders AER: Memories of Old AeternoBlade AeternoBlade 2 AFL Evolution 2 Agartha-S Agatha Knife Agent A: A Puzze in Disguise Ages of Mages: The last keeper Aggelos A Hat in Time Airfield Mania Airheart- Tales of Broken Wings Air Hockey Air Mail Airfact Adventure Gaiden DX Akash: Path of the Five Akane Akihabara CRASH! 123Stage+1: Game + Full Complete Set Akihabara - Feel the Rhythm Remixed Akuto: Showdown Alchemist's Castle Alchemic Dungeons DX Alchemic Joust Alder's Blood Aldred Knight Alien Cruise Alien Escape Alien: Isolation Almightree: The Last Dreamer Almost There: The Platformer Alpha Alvastia Chronicles Alteric Alternate Jake Hunter: DAEDALUS The Awakening of Golden Jazz Alwa's Awakening The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love Ambition of the Slimes American Fugitive American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Digital copy!) Amnesia: Collection Ancient Rush 2 Anarcute Animal Fun for Toddlers and Kids Anode AngerForce: Reloaded for Nintendo Switch Anima: Gates of Memories Anima: Gates of Memories: Arcane Edition Anima: Gates of Memories: The Nameless Chronicles Animal Fight Club Animal Hunter Z Animal Rivals Animal Super Squad Animated Jigsaw: Japanese Women Animated Jigsaws Animus Animus: Harbinger Angel of death Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade Ankh Guardian - Treasure of the Demon's Temple Anodyne Another Sight Another World Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story Antiquia Lost Ape Out Aperion Cyberstorm Apocalipsis: Wormwood Edition Apocryph Aqua Kitty UDX The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human Aqua TV Arcade Archives VS. Wrecking Crew Archaica: The Path Of Light Archlion Saga Arena of Valor Armello A Robot Named Fight Art of Balance Asdivine Dios Asdivine Hearts Asdivine Hearts II Asdivine Kamura Asdivine Menace Assault Android Cactus+ Assault Gunners HD Edition Assault on Metaltron Astebreed Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 Astro Bears Astro Duel Deluxe Astrology & Horoscope Asphalt 9: Legends Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of the Dusk DX Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky DX Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland DX Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea DX Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland DX Atomic Heist Atomik: RunGunJumpGun Atomine At Sundown: Shots in the Dark Attack of the Toy Tanks Automachef Avenger Bird AvoCuddle Away: Journey to the Unexpected Awe Awesome Pea A Winter's Daydream Awkward Ayakashi koi gikoku forbidden romance Azuran Tales: TRIALS Azure Reflections Azure Saga: Pathfinder DELUXE Edition Azkend 2 Baba is You Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.3 Back in 1995 Back to Bed Bad Dream Coma Bad Dream Fever Bad North BAFL - Breaks are for Losers Balance Blox Ball Attraction Banner Saga 1 Banner Saga 2 Banner Saga 3 Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr Bard's Gold Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly Barrier X Barry Bradford's Putt Panic Party Batman: The Enemy Within Battle & Crash Battle of Mahjong Battle Planet – Judgement Day Battle Princess Madelyn Royal Edition Bash the Bear Basketball Baseball Riot Battery Jam Battle Group 2 Battle Princess Madelyn Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Bargain Hunter Bastion Battle Chef Brigade Battle Supremacy Battle Supremacy: Evolution Battleship Battlloon Bayala - The Game Bayonetta BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Beach Buggy Racing Bear With Me: The Lost Robots Beast Quest Beat Cop Beat 'em up Bundle Beat Rush Beats Runner Bedtime Blues Beekyr Reloaded Behind the Screen Beholder: Complete Edition Beholder 2 Beyond Enemy Lines BiBi Blocksberg - Big Boom Race 3 BiBi & Tina - Adventures with Horses Bibi & Tina at the horse farm Big Bash Boom Big Crown: Showdown Big Pharma Billion Road Binaries BINGO for Nintendo Switch Bird Game + Bit Dungeon Plus Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure Black and White Bushido Black Bird Blacksad: Under the Skin Black Future '88 Black Hole Black Paradox Black Rainbow Black the Fall Blackmoor 2 Blacksea Odyssey Blade II - The Return of Evil Blades of Time Blasphemous Blaster Master Zero Blaster Master Zero 2 Blazblue Central Fiction Special Edition BlazeRush Blazing Beaks Blazing Chrome Bleed Bleed 2 Bleep Bloop Blind Men Blindy BlobCat Block-a-pix Deluxe Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Blood Waves Bloody Zombies Bloons TD 5 Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King Blue Rider Boababs Mausoleum Ep. 1 Bomb Chicken Bombing Busters Bomber Crew Bombfall Bombfest Bombslinger Bond of the Skies Book of Demons Boom Ball Boost Beast Bot Vice Bouncy Bob Bouncy Bullets Boreal Blade Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing Box Align Box Boy and Box Girl Boxing Champs BQM: Block Quest Maker The Bradwell Conspiracy Brave Dungeon/Dark Witch Story: Combat Braveland Trilogy Brawl Brawlhalla Brawlout Breakforcist Battle Breathing Fear Breeder Homegrown: Director's Cut Brick Breaker The Bridge Bridge! 3 Bridge Constructor Portal Brief Battles Bring Them Home Brofroce Broken Age Broken Lines Broken Sword 5 Brotherhood United Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Brunch Club Bubble Bubble Cats Rescue Bubble Shooter DX Bubsy: Paws on Fire Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans The Bug Butcher Build a Bridge! Bulb Boy Bullet Battle: Evolution The Bullet: Time of Revenge Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition The Bunker Burger Chef Tycoon Burly Men at Sea Burnstar Bury me, my Love Bus Fix 2019 Butcher Button Button Up! BQM: Block Quest Maker Cadence of Hyrule Cafeteria Nipponica Caged Garden Cock Robin Cake Laboratory Caladrius Blaze Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Addition" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Division" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Multiplication" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Subtraction" The Caligula Effect: Overdose Call of Juarez: Gunslinger CAN ANDROIDS PRAY:BLUE Candleman Captain Cat Carcassone THE Card: Poker, Texas hold 'em, Blackjack and Page One Car Mechanic Manager Car Mechanic Simulator Car Quest Car Trader Car Trader Simulator Cardpocalypse Case: Animatronics A case of distrust The Casebook of Arkady Smith Castle Crashers Remastered Castle of Heart Castle Storm Cast of the Seven Godsends Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche Catan Catastronauts Catch a Duck Catch 'em! Goldfish shopping Caterpillar Royale Cattails Caveblazers Caveman Warriors Celeste Cel Damage HD A Ch'ti Bundle Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition The Charming Empire Chalk Dash Carnival Chasm Chicken Assassin Reloaded Chicken Range Chiki-Chiki Boxy Pro Wrestling Chiki-Chiki Boxy Racers Child of Lights The Childs Sight Children of Morta Chime Sharp Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! CHOP Chop is Dish Chroma Squad Chromagun Chronus Arc The Church in the Darkness Ciel Fledge: A Daughter Raising Simulator Cinderella - An Interactive Fairytale Cinders Circle of Sumo Circuits Cities Skylines Citizens of Space City Builder City of Brass Clash of Carrots Classic Games Collection Vol. 1 Claws of Fury Claybook Click to Game Clock Simulator Clouds & Sheep 2 Clue Clusterpuck 99 Clustertruck Code of Princess EX Coffee Crisis Coffin Dodgers Collection Arcade Classics Collide-a-Ball-2 Collidalot Coloring Book Color Zen Color Zen Kids The Coma Combat Core Commander Keen: Keen Dreams Community Inc Conduct TOGETHER! Conga Master Party! 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Spider Solitaire Spiral Splatter Spirit Roots SpiritSphere DX Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Splash Blast Panic Splasher Splat the Fruit Splitter Critters Spoiler Alert Spot the Difference: Party! Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition Spooky Ghosts Dot Com Spy Chameleon Squareboy Vs Bullies: Arena Edition Squidgies Takeover Squids Odyssey Standby StarBlox Inc Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Punishments Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Wishes StarCrossed Stardew Valley Star Drone Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax Star Ghost Starman Starship Avenger Star Sky Star Story: The Horizon Escape Startide Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast State of anarchy: master of mayhem State of mind STAY Stay Cool, Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story Steamburg Steamworld Dig SteamWorld Dig 2 SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition Steam World Quest Hand of Gilgamech Stellar Interface STELLATUM Steredenn: Binary Stars Stern Pinball Arcade Steven Universe: Save the Light Stickbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe The Stillness of the Wind Stone Storm Boy Storm in a Teacup Straimium Immortality Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Island Strange Telephone Stranger Things 3: The Game Stray Cat Doors Street Basketball Streets of Rage 4 Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe Streets of Rogue Strike Force - War on Terror Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut Strikey Sisters Stump Stunt Kite Party Sturmwind EX Subdivision Infinity DX SubaraCity Sublevel Zero Redux Submerged Subsurface Circular Sudoku Relax Sudoku Relax 2 Summer Waves Sudoku Universe Suicide Guy Suicide Guy: Sleepin' Deeply Summer Sweetheart Summer Sports Games Sundered: Eldritch Edition Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition Super Arcade Soccer Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition - The Card Warriors Super Box Land Demake Super Blood Hockey Super Cane Magic ZERO Super Chariot Super Crate Box Super Crush KO Super Daryl Deluxe Super Destronaut DX Super Dodge Ball Super Dodgeball Beats Super Dungeon Tactics Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded SUPERHOT Super Hydorah Super Hyperactive Ninja Super Inefficient Golf Super Jumpy Ball Super Kirby Clash Super Kickers League Super Life of Pixel SuperMash Super Meat Boy Super Mega Baseball 2: Ultimate Edition Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo Super Mutant Alien Assault Superola and the Lost Burgers Super One More Jump Super Phantom Cat: Remake Super Ping Pong Trick Shot Super Pixel Racers Super Putty Squad Super Rock Blasters Super Sāurīo Fly Super Skelemania Super Space Snake Super Sportmatchen Super Star Path Super Tennis Blast Super Treasure Arena Super Toy Cars Super Volley Blast Super Weekend Mode Super Wiloo Demake Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP SuperEpic: The Entertainment War Surfingers Surgeon Simulator CPR Survive! Mr. Cube The Sushi Spinnery Sushi Time! Swallow Up Swamp Defense 2 Swap This! Swaps and Traps Swapperoo Sweet Witches Swim Out The Swindle Switch N Shoot Switchy Road Sword of the Guardian Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Symmetry Table Top Racing: World Tour Tactics V: Obsidian Brigade Tachyon Project Tactical Mind Tactical Mind 2 Taimumari: Complete Edition Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun Tales of the Tiny Planet Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Talk it Out Tallowmere Tamashii Tangledeep Tangrams Deluxe TaniNani Tanks Meet Zombies Tanzia Tap Skaters Tardy Tarot Readings Premium Technosphere Teddy Gangs Teddy the Wanderer Teddy the Wanderer Mountain Mike Telling Lies Tengai for Nintendo Switch Tennis Tennis in the Face TERRORHYTHMN TRRT TerraTech Terraria Teslagrad Tesla vs Lovecraft Tetraminos TETRA's Escape Tetris 99 Tetsumo Party Tharsis The Escapists 2: Game of the Year Edition The Forbidden Arts The Sinking City The Tenth Line Special Edition The Tiny Bang Story The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition The Turing Test The Pyraplex Them Bombs! Thief of Thieves: Season One Thief Simulator Thimbleweed Park This War of Mine: Complete Edition Throne Quest Deluxe Theatre Tales Theme Park Simulator: Roller Coaster & Thrill Rides Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition Think of the Children Thumper Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI Tick Tock: A Tale for Two Tiny Hands Adventure Tinboy Timberman VS Timber Tennis Versus Time Carnage Timespinner Tiny Metal Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Tiny Troopers Going OPs XL Titans Pinball Toast Time: Smash Up! Toby the Secret Mine ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! Toki Tori Toki Tori 2+: Nintendo Switch Edition Tokyo Dark Rememberance Tokyo School Life Tonight We Riot Tools Up! Toon War Torchlight II TORIDAMA: Brave Challenge TorqueL - Physics Modified Edition Totally Reliable Delivery Service Totes the Goat THOTH TouchBattleTankSP Touhou Sky Arena - Matsuri - Climax Tower Climb TowerFall Tower of Babel Tower of Babel - no mercy The Tower of Beatrice Townsmen - A Kingdome Rebuilt Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop's Trials Thea: The Awakening The Trail: Frontier Challenge Transistor Travel Mosaics: A Paris Tour Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Trax - Build it Race it Treadnauts Treasure Stack Trials Rising Open Beta Tricky Towers Trine 2 Complete Story Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trine Enchanted Edition Trivial Pursuit Live! True Fear: Forsaken Souls - Part 1 Trouserheart TryBit Logic Tumbleseed Tumblestone Turok Turok 2: Seeds of Evil TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Twist & Match Tyd wag vir Niemand Type Rider Typoman Tyr: Chains of Valhalla Ubongo Ultimate Chicken Horse Ultimate Racing 2D Ultimate Runner Ultra Space Battle Brawl Ultrawings Uncanny Valley Undead Horde Undead's Building UnderHero Unepic Unexplored Unholy Heights Uni Unknown Fate Unicornicopia Unit 4 Uno Unruly Heroes Untitled Goose Game Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation Unworthy Use Your Words VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Vaccine Valfaris Valfaris & Slain Double Pack Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story Valley VASARA Collection Vaporum Vambrace: Cold Soul Vandals Vectronom Vegas Party Vektor Wars Venture Kid Venture Towns Verlet Swing Vertical Drop Heroes HD Vertical Strike Endless Challenge Vesta The Vanishing of Ethan Carter The VideoKid V.O.I.D. Voez Void Bastards Volgarr the Viking Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten Vostok Inc. Voxel Shot Voxel Sword Vroom in the Night Sky VSR: Void Space Racing VVVVVV Waking Violet Waku Waku Sweets The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Season Pass The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition Wand Wars Wanderjahr TryAgainOrWalkAway Wandersong War Planes: WW2 Dogfight War Tech Fighters War Theatre The Wardrobe: Even Better Edition Warframe WarGroove WARHAMMER 40,000: SPACE WOLF Warhammer Champions Warhammer Quest The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! Warlock's Tower Warlocks 2: God Slayers War-Torn Dreams Warp Shift Warparty Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Watermelon Party Way of the Passive Fist The Way Remastered Wayout We. The Revolution Welcome to Hanwell Werewolf Pinball West of Loathing Western 1849 Reloaded What Remains of Edith Finch Wheel of Fortune When Ski Lifts go Wrong Where Angels Cry Where Are My Friends? Where the Bees Make Honey while True: learn() Whip! Whip! Whipseey and The Lost Atlas Whispering Willows White Night WILL: A Wonderful World Windmill Kings Windscape Witch and Hero Witch Thief Wilmot's Warehouse Wizard of Legend Wonder Boy Returns Remix Wondershot Woodle Tree Adventures Worse Than Death Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe Worbital World Conqueror X World Cruise Story The World Ends with You: Final Remix Worldend Syndrome The World Next Door World of Riders Word Mesh Wordsweeper by POWGI Word Search by Powgi Word Sudoku Word Wheel by POWGI World Soccer World Tree Marche WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom World of Final Fantasy Maxima World of Goo Word Puzzles by POWGI Deluxe Edition World Soccer Pinball World to the West Wreckin' Ball Adventure Wulverblade Wunderling Wuppo: Definitive Edition Wurroom WWE 2K18: Deluxe Edition Xenon Valkyrie+ Xeodrifter Xenoraid X-Morph: defense Complete Edition Xtreme Club Racing Yaga Yesterday's Origins Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Yellow Fins YIIK: A Postmodern RPG Yōdanji Yoku's Island Express Yono and the Celestial Elephants Yooka-Laylee You Died but a Necromancer Revived You Your Toy YouTube Youtubers Life OMG Edition Yume Nikki -Dream Diary Yumeutsutsu Re:Master Yuso Zaccaria Pinball Zarvot Zen Bound 2 Zenith Zero Gunner 2- for Nintendo Switch Zeus Quests Remastered ZHED Ziggurat ZikSquare ZOMB Zombie Driver Immortal Edition Zombie Gold Rush Zombie Night Terror Zombie Panic in Wonderland Zombie Scrapper Zombillie Zotrix: Solar Division NeoGeo digital downloads 3 Count Bout (NeoGeo) 2020 Super Baseball (NeoGeo) Alpha Mission 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 3 (NeoGeo) Aggressors of Dark Kombat (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: 10-Yard Fight (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Alpha Mission (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ALPINE SKI (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Armed F (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ARGUS (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Athena (NeoGeo) Acrade Archives: Atomic Robo-Kid (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Bomb Jack (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Buta san (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs CASTLEVANIA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives City Connection (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Donkey Kong (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Donkey Kong 3 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Double Dragon (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Double Dragon II The Revenge (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: EXCITEBIKE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Front Line (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Heroic Episode (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Time Tunnel Arcade Archives Ikki (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Karate Champ (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid Niki Radical Ninja (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Mario Bros. 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Gradius Arcade Archives WATER SKI Arcade Archives Wild Western (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives X Multiply (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 2 (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 3 Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo) Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo) Blazing Star (NeoGeo) Blue's Journey (NeoGeo) Burning Fight (NeoGeo) Crossed Swords (NEOGEO Cup '98: The Road (NeoGeo) Donkey Kong Jr. (NeoGeo) Elevator Action (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 2 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 3 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Football Frenzy (NEOGEO) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (NeoGeo) Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo) Ghost Pilots (NeoGeo) Gururin (NeoGeo) Ice Climber (NeoGeo) Ikari Warriors (NeoGeo) Karnov's Revenge (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '95 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '96 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 97 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '98 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '99 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2000 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2001 (NEOGEO) The King of Fighters 2002 (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters 2 (NeoGeo) Kizuna Encounter (NeoGeo) Last Blade (NeoGeo) Last Blade 2 (NeoGeo) Last Resort (NeoGeo) League Bowling (NeoGeo) Magical Drop II (NeoGeo) Magical Drop III (NeoGeo) Magician Lord (NeoGeo) Metal Slug (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 3 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 4 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 5 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug X (NeoGeo) Money Puzzle Exchanger (NeoGeo) NAM-1975 (NeoGeo) Ninja Combat (NeoGeo) Ninja Commando (NEOGEO) Ninja Master's (NeoGeo) Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NeoGeo) Over Top (NeoGeo) Power Spikes II (NeoGeo) Prehistoric Isle 2(NeoGeo) Pulstar (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble 2 (NeoGeo) Puzzled (NeoGeo) Ragnagard (NeoGeo) Real Bout Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Riding Hero (NeoGeo) Robo Army (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown II (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown III (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown IV (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V Special (NeoGeo) Savage Reign (NeoGeo) Sengoku (NeoGeo) Sengoku 2 (NeoGeo) Sengoku 3 (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers 2nd Squad (NeoGeo) SNK Gals' Fighters Stakes Winner (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner 2 (NeoGeo) Spin Master (NeoGeo) Strikers 1945 PLIUS (NeoGeo) Street Hoop (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 2 (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory (NeoGeo) The Super Spy (NeoGeo) Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy (NeoGeo) Top Player's Golf (NeoGeo) Thrash Rally (NeoGeo) The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship (NeoGeo) World Heroes (NeoGeo) World Heroes Perfect (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 Jet (NeoGeo) Waku Waku 7 (NeoGeo) Zed Blade (NeoGeo) Zupapa! 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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/jay-and-silent-bob-come-to-the-switch
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Arplis - News: Save the Earth from invasion in the new Saints Row IV
Nintendo Switch has tons of awesome games available right now! Plus, there are dozens more in the pipeline. When the Switch first launched, there were fewer than a dozen titles available for sale. But, as time goes by, and as game makers realize the popularity of Nintendo's hybrid mobile console, more and more titles are being added to the list all of the time. Here are all the games available right now, in digital and game card form, as well as games that are officially coming to Switch sometime in the future. What's new? New games released and announced games coming soon Here's where you'll find everything new that is either now available in the Switch eShop or as a physical game card, as well as games that have recently been announced as coming to the Switch. New physical game cartridges you can buy right now! Gigantosaurus The Game - March 27 - $40 Saints Row IV - March 27 - $40 Physical game cartridges you can pre-order right now! Disaster Report 4 - Available April 7 - $60 Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ - Available April 23 - $40 Trials of Mana - Available April 24 - $50 Moving Out - Available April 28 - $25 Digimon Survive - Available December 31 - $60 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Available December 31 - $60 Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Available December 31 - $30 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Available December 31 - $30 Remothered: Broken Porcelain - Available December 31 - $30 "To Be Determined" games coming to the Nintendo Switch All of these titles should be coming to us sometime during the year of 2020. Be sure to check in with us here at iMore for updates on releases and pre-order information for any of these titles! DOOM Eternal - TBD 2020 - $60 Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - TBD 2020 - $60 Metroid Prime 4 TBD 2022 eShop titles that have released this month Alder's Blood - $20 AvoCuddle - $13 Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly - $20 Breeder Homegrown: Director's Cut - $5 Brotherhood United - $7 DOOM 64 - $5 Dude, Stop - $15 Hyperspace Delivery Service - $10 I am Ball - $5 ibb & obb - $13 LA-MULANA - $15 LA-MULANA 2 - $25 Murder by Numbers - $14 R.B.I. Baseball 20 - $30 Save Koch - $16 SeaBed - $18 Wunderling - $15 All Nintendo Switch games Here's where we're storing literally every game Nintendo has launched on Switch, plus an ongoing list of previously announced games coming soon to Switch. Physical game cartridges you can buy right now You can find all of these games right now, either in digital form on the Nintendo eShop or at your local game store. The games are available as physical or digital games. You can click the link to buy the physical version on Amazon. 1-2-Switch 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchridion AeternoBlade II AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Air Conflicts Collection All Star Fruit Racing The Alliance Alive HD Remastered American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Physical Copy!) Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Aragami: Shadow Edition ARK: Survival Evolved ARMS Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection Assassin's Creed III: Remastered Assault Gunners HD Edition Complete Set Astral Chain Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Paintings Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Attack on Titan 2 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle ATV Drift Tricks Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Baldurs Gate I & II: Enhanced Edition Batman: Season 1 - Telltale Series Battle Chasers: Nightwar Battle Worlds: Kronos Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta digital code Bee Simulator Ben 10 Bendy Big Buck Hunter Arcade BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Bomber Crew Complete Edition The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Brawlout Broken Sword 5 The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Cat Quest Candle: The Power of the Flame Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Carnival Games Cars 3: Driven to Win Cartoon Network Battle Crashers Cave Story+ Chicken Range (UK) Clannad Code of Princess EX Collection of Mana Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Crash Team Racing Crayola Scoot Cryogear Crystal Crisis The Coma: Recut Contra Rogue Corps Cytus Alpha Daemon X Machina Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Dead Cells Dead by Daylight De Blob DEEMO Diablo Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories Disgaea 1 Complete Disgaea 5 Complete Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Disney Tsum Tsum Festival Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DOOM DOOM Eternal Dragon Ball Fighter Z Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Dragons: Dawn of New Riders Dragon: Marked for Death Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2 Dragon Quest Heroes I & II (Japanese language only) Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition The End is Nigh Enter the Gungeon: Deluxe Edition Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Farm Expert 2019 Farming Simulator Farming Simulator 20 Fast RMX Fate Extella Link Standard Edition Nintendo Switch Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star FIFA 18 Fifa 19 FIFA 20 Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem Warriors Fitness Boxing Flashback 25th Anniversary Collection Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition Flashback Classics Flipping Death For the King Friday The 13th: The Game FUN! FUN! Animal Park Garfield Kart Furious Racing Gear.Club Unlimited Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Owltimate Edition Gigantosaurus The Game God Eater 3 God Wars: The Complete Legend Gods & Monsters Go Vacation Grip Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection Gun*Gal 2 Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Happy Birthdays Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Hello Kitty Kruisers with Sanrio Friends Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek Heroland Hotel Transylvania 3 Hunting Simulator Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition I am Setsuna Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure Ittle Dew 2+ Jumanji: The Video Game Just Dance 2017 Just Dance 2018 Just Dance 2020 Katamari Damacy Reroll Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Kill la Kill -IF Kirby Star Allies Labyrinth of Refrain Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk L.A. Noire Langrisser I & II Lapris x Labyrinth Lapis x Labyrinth Limited Edition XL Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy Legendary Fishing Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening LEGO City: Undercover LEGO DC Supervillians Deluxe Edition LEGO Harry Potter Collection LEGO: Jurassic World LEGO The Incredibles LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game LEGO Worlds Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Let's Sing 2018 (UK only) The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Little Friends: Dogs and Cats The Longest Five Minutes The Long Journey Home The Lost Child Lost Sphear Luigi's Mansion 3 Lumo Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Mario Tennis Aces Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Max The Curse of the Brotherhood Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Megaman X Legacy Collection 1 Megaman X Legacy Collection 2 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Minecraft Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure Minecraft Story Mode - Season Two Monopoly Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 Monster Hunter XX (Japanese import only) Monster Jam Crush It Moonlighter Mortal Kombat 11 Moto Racer 4 MotoGP19 Musynx Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition My Little Riding Champion My Riding Stables: Life with Horses MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Video game NAMCO Museum Arcade Pac NBA 2K18 NBA 2K20 NBA 2K20 Legend Edition Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of The New World Neo Atlas 1469 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition New Super Lucky's Tale New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Octopath Traveler ONINAKI OPUS: Collection OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers Our World is Ended Day 1 Owlboy Overcooked 2 OVERPASS Overwatch: Legendary Edition Party Planet Payday 2 Penguin Wars Penny Punching Princess PixARK Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Poi: Explorer Edition Pokémon Mystery Dungeon™: Rescue Team DX Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu Pokémon Sword Pokémon Shield Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack Pokkén Tournament DX The Princess Guide Project Highrise Architects Edition Race with Ryan Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Raiden V: Director's Cut The Raven Remastered Rayman Legends R.B.I. Baseball 17 R.B.I. 19 Baseball Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Redout Resident Evil Origins Collection Resident Evil: Revelations Resident Evil Triple Pack Rico RiME Ring Fit Adventure Riot: Civil Unrest Rocket League: Collector's Edition RPG Maker MV Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures Runbow Deluxe Edition Runner3 Saints Row the Third - Full Package Saints Row IV Salt and sanctuary Scribblenauts Showdown Scribblenauts Mega Pack SEGA Genesis Classics Senran Kagura Peach Ball Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Shining Resonance Refrain Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Sid Meier's Civilization VI Sine Mora Ex Skylanders Imaginators Skyrim Slain Back from Hell (physical game card) SNACK WORLD: THE DUNGEON CRAWL — GOLD SNK 40th Anniversary Collection SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy Snipperclips Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition Snow Moto Racing Freedom Snooker 19 Sonic Forces Sonic Mania (Collector's Edition) South Park: The Fractured but Whole Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Spintires: MudRunner - American Wilds Spirit Hunter: NG Sports Party Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2 - Starter Edition Spyro Reignited Trilogy Star Wars: Pinball Starlink: Battle for Atlas Steamworld Dig 2 STEINS;GATE ELITE: Limited Edition Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition Superbeat: Xonic Super Bomberman R Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission Hero Edition Super Mario Maker 2 Super Mario Maker 2 + Nintendo Switch Online Bundle Super Mario Odyssey Super Neptunia RPG Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Street: Racer Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Syberia (UK version) Syberia 2 (UK version) Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition Team Sonic Racing Tennis World Tour The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt This is the Police This is the Police 2 This War of Mine Tiny Barbarian DX Titan Quest Toki Touhou Genso: Wanderer Reloaded Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Trailblazers Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Troll & I Truberbrook TT Isle of Man: Riding on the Edge Two Point Hospital Ugly Dolls: An Imperfect Adventure Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Unbox: Newbies Adventure Undertale Unravel 2 Valkyria Chronicles 4 Vampyr V Rally 4 The Walking Dead: The Final Season Warriors Orochi 4 Wasteland 2 Wild Guns Reloaded Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Wolfenstine: Youngblood Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship WWE 2K18 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenon Racer Yoshi's Crafted World Yoku's Island Express Yomawari: The Long Night Collection Yonder The Cloud Catchers Chronicles Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair Yu-Gi-Oh! 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Super Platform Game Maker Please, Don't Touch Anything Please, Don't Touch Anything: Classic Please Teach Me Onedari Shogi Please The Gods Plunge Pocket Academy Pocket Clothier Pocket League Story Pocket Rumble Pocket Stables Pode Poisoft Thud Card Pokémon Quest Pokkén Tournament DX DLC Battle Pack Police Stories Poly Bridge Polygod Pool Pool Billiard Pool Panic Premium Pool Arena President F.net Pressure Overdrive Preventure Strike Prime World: Defenders Prison Architect Professional Construction - The Simulation Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets Proficient Paddles Deluxe Project Nimbus: Complete Edition Psyvariar Delta Pub Encounter Pumped BMX Pro Pure / Electric Love What do you want?" - Eri Kitami Pure Mahjong Putty Pals Puyo Puyo Champions Puzzle Adventure Blockle Puzzle Book Puzzle Box Maker Puzzle Herder Puzzle Puppers Puzzle Wall Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns Puzzlement Qbics Paint Qbik Quadle QuadFighter K Q.U.B.E. 2 Queen's Quest 2: Stories of the Forgotten Past Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce Quest for the Golden Duck Quest Hunter Quest of Dungeons Quench Q-YO Blaster Rabi-Ribi Race arcade Race With Ryan RaceDieRun RAD Radiation City Radiation Island Radio Hammer Station Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Ragtag Adventures Raiders of the North Sea Rain City Rain World Raining Coins The Rainsdowne Players Raging Justice Rally Racers Rally Rock 'N Racing Rampage Knights Rapala Fishing Pro Series The Raven Remastered Rawr-Off Razed R.B.I. Baseball 20 Real Drift Racing Realm Royale Realm Royale Founder's Pack Realpolitiks New Power Reaper: Tale of a Pale Swordsman Rebel Cops Red Game Without a Great Name Red Hot Ricochet Redout Red's Kingdom Redneck Skeet Shooting Red Siren: Space Defense The Red Strings Club Refunct Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition Regions of Ruin Reigns: Game of Thrones Reigns: Kings & Queens Remothered: Tormented Fathers RemiLore Rento Fortune Monolit Reptilian Rebellion Return of the Obra Dinn Revenant Dogma Revenge of the Bird King Reverie Sweet as Edition Reverse Crawl Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Rest in Pieces Retro City Rampage DX Revenant Saga Riddled Corpses EX Rimelands: Hammer of Thor Riptide GP: Renegade Rise: Race The Future Rise and Shine Rise of Insanity Risk Global Domination Risk of Rain Risk of Rain 2 Risky Rescue Ritual: Sorcerer Angel Rival Megagun Rive: Ultimate Edition Riverbond Revertia River City Girls River City Melee Mach!! Road Redemption Road to Ballhalla Robbotto Robbie Swifthand and the Orb of Mysteries Robonauts Robot Squad Simulator Robothorium Robox Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS Rocket League Rocket Fist Rocket Wars Rock'N Racing Off Road DX Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder Rogue Bit Rogue Aces Rogue Legacy Rogue Singulairty Rogue Trooper Redux Roll'd Rollin' Eggz Rolling Gunner Rolling Sky Romancing SaGa 2 Romancing SaGa 3 Roof Rage The Room Rooms: The Adventures of Anne & George Root Letter Rotating Brave Royal Advisor Royal Roads- R-Type Dimensions EX Runbow (physical cartridge available August 14 Run the Fan Rush Rally 3 Saboteur! Saboteur II: Avenging Angel Safari Pinball Safety First! SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS Sagebrush Samsara Salt and Sanctuary Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch Samurai Defender: Ninja Warfare Santa Tracker Saturday Morning RPG Sausage Sports Club Save Koch Save me MR Tako: Tasukete Tako-San Save the Ninja Clan Sayonara Wild Hearts Scheming Through the Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning Scrap Scrap Rush!! Screencheat: Unplugged Scribblenauts Mega Pack SeaBed Sea King Sea Salt Season Match Season Match 2 Secret Files Sam Peters Secret Files: Tunguska Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis Secrets of Magic - The Book of Spells Seeders Puzzle Reboot SEGA AGES Alex Kidd in Miracle World SEGA AGES Columns II: A Voyage Through Time SEGA AGES Gain Ground SEGA AGES Ichidant-R SEGA AGES Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar SEGA AGES Out Run SEGA Ages: Puyo Puyo SEGA AGES Phantasy Star SEGA AGES: Sonic the Hedgehog SEGA Ages: Space Harrier SEGA AGES: Virtua Racing SEGA AGES: Wonder Boy: Monster Land SELF Selma and the Wisp Sembalance Semispheres SEN: Seven Eight Nine SENRAN KAGURA Reflexions Sephirothic Stories Serial Cleaner Severed The Sexy Brutale Shadows 2: Perfidia Shadow Blade: Reload Shadow Bug Shadow Fight 2 Shadowgate Shadow of Loot Box Shakedown: Hawaii Shanky: The Vegan's Nightmare Shadows of Adam Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Shantae: Half-Genie Hero The Shapeshifting Detective Shape of the World Shalnor Legends She and the Light Bearer Sheep in Hell Sheep Patrol Sheltered Shelter Generations Shephy She Remembered Caterpillars Shift Happens Shiftlings - Enhanced Edition Shift Quantum Shikhado - Soul Eater Shinobi Spirits S: Legend of Heroes Shio Shipped Ships Shred! 2 The Shrouded Isle Shut Eye Sigi Siralim 3 Silence Silk SilverStar Chess SIMULACRA SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption Six sides of the World Skee Ball Skellboy Skelly Selest Skies of Fury DX Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition Sky Force Anniversary Sky Force Reloaded Sky Gamblers After Burner Sky Gamblers Storm Raiders Skybolt Zack SKYHILL Skypeace Sky Ride Sky Rogue SkyScrappers SkyTime Slam Land Slay the Spire Sleep Tight Slender: The Arrival Slabwell Slain: Back from Hell Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut Slice Dice and Rice Slime-san Slime Tactics Smashing the Battle Smite Smoke and Sacrifice Smoots Summer Games Smuggle Craft Snake Pass Snake Vs Snake Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Snipperclips Plus: Cut it out, together! Snow Battle Princess Sayuki Snowboarding The Next Phase Soap Dodgem Soccer Pinball Soccer Slammers SoccerDie: Cosmic Cup Solar Flux Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase Sol Divide - Sword of Darkness Solitare Solitaire Battle Royal Solo: Islands of the Heart SolSeraph Solstice Chronicles: MIA Solitaire Klondike BLACK Songbird Symphony Songbringer Sonic Mania Son of a Witch Sorry, James Soulblight Soul Knight Soulslayer South Park: The Fractured but Whole Gold Edition South Park: The Stick of Truth Spacecats with Lasers SpaceColorsRunner Space Dave! Space Cows Space Lift Danger Panic! Space Pioneer Space War Arena Sparklite Sparkle 2 Sparkle 2 EVO Sparkle 3 Genesis Sparkle Unleashed Sparkle Zero Spartan Spectrum The Spectrum Retreat Speed Brawl SpellKeeper Spencer Spheroids SpiderSolitaire BLACK Spell Casting: Purrfectly Portable Edition Spellspire Spellworm Spelunker Party! Spider Solitaire Spiral Splatter Spirit Roots SpiritSphere DX Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Splash Blast Panic Splasher Splat the Fruit Splitter Critters Spoiler Alert Spot the Difference: Party! Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition Spooky Ghosts Dot Com Spy Chameleon Squareboy Vs Bullies: Arena Edition Squidgies Takeover Squids Odyssey Standby StarBlox Inc Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Punishments Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Wishes Stardew Valley Star Drone Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax Star Ghost Starman Starship Avenger Star Sky Star Story: The Horizon Escape Startide Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast State of anarchy: master of mayhem State of mind STAY Stay Cool, Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story Steamburg Steamworld Dig SteamWorld Dig 2 SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition Steam World Quest Hand of Gilgamech Stellar Interface STELLATUM Steredenn: Binary Stars Stern Pinball Arcade Steven Universe: Save the Light Stickbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe The Stillness of the Wind Storm Boy Storm in a Teacup Straimium Immortality Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Island Strange Telephone Stranger Things 3: The Game Stray Cat Doors Street Basketball Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe Streets of Rogue Strike Force - War on Terror Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut Strikey Sisters Stump Stunt Kite Party Sturmwind EX Subdivision Infinity DX SubaraCity Sublevel Zero Redux Submerged Subsurface Circular Sudoku Relax Sudoku Relax 2 Summer Waves Sudoku Universe Suicide Guy Suicide Guy: Sleepin' Deeply Summer Sweetheart Summer Sports Games Sundered: Eldritch Edition Super Arcade Soccer Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition - The Card Warriors Super Box Land Demake Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Super Blood Hockey Super Cane Magic ZERO Super Chariot Super Crate Box Super Crush KO Super Daryl Deluxe Super Destronaut DX Super Dodgeball Beats Super Dungeon Tactics Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded SUPERHOT Super Hydorah Super Hyperactive Ninja Super Inefficient Golf Super Jumpy Ball Super Kirby Clash Super Kickers League Super Life of Pixel Super Meat Boy Super Mega Baseball 2: Ultimate Edition Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo Super Mutant Alien Assault Superola and the Lost Burgers Super One More Jump Super Phantom Cat: Remake Super Ping Pong Trick Shot Super Putty Squad Super Rock Blasters Super Sāurīo Fly Super Skelemania Super Sportmatchen Super Star Path Super Tennis Blast Super Treasure Arena Super Toy Cars Super Volley Blast Super Weekend Mode Super Wiloo Demake SuperEpic: The Entertainment War Surfingers Surgeon Simulator CPR Survive! Mr. Cube The Sushi Spinnery Sushi Time! Swallow Up Swamp Defense 2 Swap This! Swaps and Traps Sweet Witches Swim Out The Swindle Switch N Shoot Switchy Road Sword of the Guardian Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Symmetry Table Top Racing: World Tour Tactics V: Obsidian Brigade Tachyon Project Tactical Mind Tactical Mind 2 Taimumari: Complete Edition Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun Tales of the Tiny Planet Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Talk it Out Tallowmere Tamashii Tangledeep Tangrams Deluxe Tanks Meet Zombies Tanzia Tap Skaters Tardy Tarot Readings Premium Technosphere Teddy Gangs Teddy the Wanderer Teddy the Wanderer Mountain Mike Tengai for Nintendo Switch Tennis Tennis in the Face TERRORHYTHMN TRRT TerraTech Terraria Teslagrad Tesla vs Lovecraft Tetraminos TETRA's Escape Tetris 99 Tetris 99 + Big Block DLC (currently only on eShop) Tetsumo Party The Bradwell Conspiracy The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics The Escapists 2: Game of the Year Edition The Forbidden Arts The Sinking City The Sinking City: Deluxe Edition (eShop only) The Tenth Line Special Edition The Tiny Bang Story The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition The Turing Test The Pyraplex Them Bombs! Thief of Thieves: Season One Thief Simulator Thimbleweed Park This War of Mine: Complete Edition Throne Quest Deluxe Theatre Tales Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition Think of the Children Thumper Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI Tick Tock: A Tale for Two Tiny Hands Adventure Tinboy Timberman VS Timber Tennis Versus Time Carnage Timespinner Tiny Metal Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Tiny Troopers Going OPs XL Titans Pinball Toast Time: Smash Up! Toby the Secret Mine ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! Toki Tori Toki Tori 2+: Nintendo Switch Edition Tokyo Dark Rememberance Tokyo School Life Tools Up! Toon War Torchlight II TORIDAMA: Brave Challenge TorqueL - Physics Modified Edition Totes the Goat THOTH TouchBattleTankSP Touhou Sky Arena - Matsuri - Climax Tower Climb TowerFall Tower of Babel Tower of Babel - no mercy The Tower of Beatrice Townsmen - A Kingdome Rebuilt Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop's Trials Thea: The Awakening The Trail: Frontier Challenge Transistor Travel Mosaics: A Paris Tour Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Trax - Build it Race it Treadnauts Treasure Stack Trials Rising Open Beta Tricky Towers Trine 2 Complete Story Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trine Enchanted Edition Trivial Pursuit Live! True Fear: Forsaken Souls - Part 1 Trouserheart TryBit Logic Tumbleseed Tumblestone Turok Turok 2: Seeds of Evil TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Twist & Match Tyd wag vir Niemand Type Rider Typoman Tyr: Chains of Valhalla Ultimate Chicken Horse Ultimate Racing 2D Ultimate Runner Ultra Space Battle Brawl Ultrawings Uncanny Valley Undead Horde Undead's Building UnderHero Unepic Unexplored Unholy Heights Uni Unknown Fate Unicornicopia Unit 4 Uno Unruly Heroes Untitled Goose Game Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation Unworthy Use Your Words VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Vaccine Valfaris Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition (eShop only) Valley VASARA Collection Vaporum Vambrace: Cold Soul Vandals Vectronom Vegas Party Vektor Wars Venture Kid Venture Towns Verlet Swing Vertical Drop Heroes HD Vertical Strike Endless Challenge Vesta The Vanishing of Ethan Carter The VideoKid V.O.I.D. Voez Volgarr the Viking Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten Vostok Inc. Voxel Shot Voxel Sword Vroom in the Night Sky VSR: Void Space Racing VVVVVV Waking Violet Waku Waku Sweets The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Season Pass The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition Wand Wars Wanderjahr WanderjahR TryAgainOrWalkAway Wandersong The Wardrobe: Even Better Edition Warframe WarGroove WARHAMMER 40,000: SPACE WOLF Warhammer Champions Warhammer Quest Warparty Warlocks 2: God Slayers The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! Warlock's Tower War Planes: WW2 Dogfight Warp Shift War Tech Fighters War Theatre Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Watermelon Party The Way Remastered Way of the Passive Fist Wayout We. The Revolution Werewolf Pinball West of Loathing Western 1849 Reloaded Wheel of Fortune Welcome to Hanwell What Remains of Edith Finch When Ski Lifts go Wrong Where are My Friends? Where the Bees Make Honey Whip! Whip! Whispering Willows White Night Whipseey and The Lost Atlas WILL: A Wonderful World Windmill Kings Windscape Witch and Hero Witch Thief Wilmot's Warehouse Wizard of Legend Wonder Boy Returns Remix Wondershot Woodle Tree Adventures Worse Than Death Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe Worbital World Conqueror X World Cruise Story The World Ends with You: Final Remix Worldend Syndrome The World Next Door World of Riders Word Mesh Wordsweeper by POWGI Word Search by Powgi Word Sudoku Word Wheel by POWGI World Soccer World Tree Marche WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom World of Final Fantasy Maxima World of Goo Word Puzzles by POWGI Deluxe Edition World Soccer Pinball World to the West Wreckin' Ball Adventure Wulverblade Wunderling Wuppo: Definitive Edition WWE 2K18: Deluxe Edition Xenon Valkyrie+ Xeodrifter Xenoraid X-Morph: defense Complete Edition Xtreme Club Racing Yaga (on eShop only) Yesterday's Origins Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Yellow Fins YIIK: A Postmodern RPG Yōdanji Yoku's Island Express Yono and the Celestial Elephants Yooka-Laylee You Died but a Necromancer Revived You Your Toy YouTube Youtubers Life OMG Edition Yume Nikki -Dream Diary Yuso Zarvot Zaccaria Pinball Zen Bound 2 Zenith Zero Gunner 2- for Nintendo Switch Zeus Quests Remastered Ziggurat ZikSquare ZOMB Zombie Driver Immortal Edition Zombie Gold Rush Zombie Panic in Wonderland Zombie Night Terror Zombillie Zombie Scrapper Zotrix: Solar Division NeoGeo digital downloads 3 Count Bout (NeoGeo) 2020 Super Baseball (NeoGeo) Alpha Mission 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 3 (NeoGeo) Aggressors of Dark Kombat (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: 10-Yard Fight (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Alpha Mission (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ALPINE SKI (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Armed F (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ARGUS (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Athena (NeoGeo) Acrade Archives: Atomic Robo-Kid (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Bomb Jack (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Buta san (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs CASTLEVANIA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives City Connection (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Donkey Kong (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Donkey Kong 3 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Double Dragon (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Double Dragon II The Revenge (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: EXCITEBIKE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Front Line (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Heroic Episode (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Time Tunnel Arcade Archives Ikki (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Karate Champ (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid Niki Radical Ninja (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Mario Bros. (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Moon Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Moon Patrol (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Gaiden (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja-Kid II (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Spirit (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors Arcade Archives OMEGA FIGHTER (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Pinball (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives POOYAN (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Psycho Soldier (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Punch-Out! (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Renegade (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Road Fighter (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: ROUTE 16 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives RYGAR (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Scramble (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Sky Skipper (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Solomon's Key (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Star Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Super Mario Bros (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Terra Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Terra Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: THE LEGEND OF KAGE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Time Pilot (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: TRACK & FIELD (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Traverse USA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Urban Champion (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Victory Road (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives VIGILANTE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives WATER SKI Arcade Archives Wild Western (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs GRADIUS Arcade Archives X Multiply (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 2 (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 3 Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo) Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo) Blazing Star (NeoGeo) Blue's Journey (NeoGeo) Burning Fight (NeoGeo) Crossed Swords (NEOGEO Cup '98: The Road (NeoGeo) Donkey Kong Jr. (NeoGeo) Elevator Action (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 2 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 3 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Football Frenzy (NEOGEO) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (NeoGeo) Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo) Ghost Pilots (NeoGeo) Gururin (NeoGeo) Ice Climber (NeoGeo) Ikari Warriors (NeoGeo) Karnov's Revenge (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '95 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '96 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 97 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '98 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '99 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2000 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2001 (NEOGEO) The King of Fighters 2002 (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters 2 (NeoGeo) Kizuna Encounter (NeoGeo) Last Blade (NeoGeo) Last Blade 2 (NeoGeo) Last Resort (NeoGeo) League Bowling (NeoGeo) Magical Drop II (NeoGeo) Magical Drop III (NeoGeo) Magician Lord (NeoGeo) Metal Slug (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 3 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 4 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 5 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug X (NeoGeo) Money Puzzle Exchanger (NeoGeo) NAM-1975 (NeoGeo) Ninja Combat (NeoGeo) Ninja Commando (NEOGEO) Ninja Master's (NeoGeo) Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NeoGeo) Over Top (NeoGeo) Power Spikes II (NeoGeo) Prehistoric Isle 2(NeoGeo) Pulstar (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble 2 (NeoGeo) Puzzled (NeoGeo) Ragnagard (NeoGeo) Real Bout Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Riding Hero (NeoGeo) Robo Army (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown II (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown III (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown IV (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V Special (NeoGeo) Savage Reign (NeoGeo) Sengoku (NeoGeo) Sengoku 2 (NeoGeo) Sengoku 3 (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers 2nd Squad (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner 2 (NeoGeo) Spin Master (NeoGeo) Strikers 1945 PLIUS (NeoGeo) Street Hoop (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 2 (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory (NeoGeo) The Super Spy (NeoGeo) Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy (NeoGeo) Top Player's Golf (NeoGeo) Thrash Rally (NeoGeo) Turf Masters (NeoGeo) The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship (NeoGeo) World Heroes (NeoGeo) World Heroes Perfect (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 Jet (NeoGeo) Waku Waku 7 (NeoGeo) Zed Blade (NeoGeo) Zupapa! (NEOGEO) We'll be sure to keep you up to date as frequently as possible! Updated March 29, 2020: Added new titles out now, new games on the horizon, and confirmed dates for some previously announced titles. Get More Switch Nintendo Switch $299 at Amazon Nintendo Switch Review Best microSD Cards for your Nintendo Switch Best Travel Cases for Nintendo Switch Best Nintendo Switch Accessories Nintendo Switch Jailbreak: Everything you need to know!
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Arplis - News: Help a city survive an earthquake in Disaster Report 4
Nintendo Switch has tons of awesome games available right now! Plus, there are dozens more in the pipeline. When the Switch first launched, there were fewer than a dozen titles available for sale. But, as time goes by, and as game makers realize the popularity of Nintendo's hybrid mobile console, more and more titles are being added to the list all of the time. Here are all the games available right now, in digital and game card form, as well as games that are officially coming to Switch sometime in the future. What's new? New games released and announced games coming soon Here's where you'll find everything new that is either now available in the Switch eShop or as a physical game card, as well as games that have recently been announced as coming to the Switch. New physical game cartridges you can buy right now! Disaster Report 4 - April 7 - $60 Physical game cartridges you can pre-order right now! Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ - Available April 23 - $40 Trials of Mana - Available April 24 - $50 Moving Out - Available April 28 - $25 Dungeon of The Endless - Available May 19 - $30 The Outer Worlds - Available June 5 - $60 Digimon Survive - Available December 31 - $60 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Available December 31 - $60 Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Available December 31 - $30 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Available December 31 - $30 Remothered: Broken Porcelain - Available December 31 - $30 "To Be Determined" games coming to the Nintendo Switch All of these titles should be coming to us sometime during the year of 2020. Be sure to check in with us here at iMore for updates on releases and pre-order information for any of these titles! DOOM Eternal - TBD 2020 - $60 Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - TBD 2020 - $60 Metroid Prime 4 TBD 2022 eShop titles that have released this month 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull - $8 Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche - $8 Curious Expedition - $15 Drift Zone Arcade - $20 Grimvalor - $13 Horror Bundle Vol. 1 - $6 HyperParasite - $12 In Other Waters - $13 Junk Jack - $15 Lost Artifacts - $10 Pocket Harvest - $14 Push the Box - $9 Random Heroes: Gold Edition - $4 Rascal Fight - $12 Sir Tincan - Adventures in the Castle - $4 Snakeybus - $10 Super Space Snake - $5 Totally Reliable Delivery Service - $15 Ubongo - $14 Wurroom - $1 All Nintendo Switch games Here's where we're storing literally every game Nintendo has launched on Switch, plus an ongoing list of previously announced games coming soon to Switch. Physical game cartridges you can buy right now These games are also available in digital form via Switch eShop. You can click the link to order the physical version. 1-2-Switch 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchridion AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Air Conflicts Collection All Star Fruit Racing The Alliance Alive HD Remastered American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Physical Copy!) Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Aragami: Shadow Edition ARK: Survival Evolved ARMS Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection Assassin's Creed III: Remastered Assault Gunners HD Edition Complete Set Astral Chain Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Paintings Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Attack on Titan 2 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle ATV Drift Tricks Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Baldurs Gate I & II: Enhanced Edition Batman: Season 1 - Telltale Series Battle Chasers: Nightwar Battle Worlds: Kronos Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta digital code Bee Simulator Ben 10 Bendy Big Buck Hunter Arcade BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Bomber Crew Complete Edition The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Brawlout Broken Sword 5 The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Cat Quest Candle: The Power of the Flame Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Carnival Games Cars 3: Driven to Win Cartoon Network Battle Crashers Cave Story+ Chicken Range (UK) Clannad Code of Princess EX Collection of Mana Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Crash Team Racing Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Crayola Scoot Cryogear Crystal Crisis The Coma: Recut Contra Rogue Corps Cytus Alpha Daemon X Machina Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Dead Cells Dead by Daylight De Blob DEEMO Diablo Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories Disgaea 1 Complete Disgaea 5 Complete Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Disney Tsum Tsum Festival Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DOOM DOOM Eternal Dragon Ball Fighter Z Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Dragons: Dawn of New Riders Dragon: Marked for Death Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2 Dragon Quest Heroes I & II (Japanese language only) Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition The End is Nigh Enter the Gungeon: Deluxe Edition Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Farm Expert 2019 Farming Simulator Farming Simulator 20 Fast RMX Fate Extella Link Standard Edition Nintendo Switch Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star FIFA 18 Fifa 19 FIFA 20 Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem Warriors Fitness Boxing Flashback 25th Anniversary Collection Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition Flashback Classics Flipping Death For the King Friday The 13th: The Game FUN! FUN! Animal Park Garfield Kart Furious Racing Gear.Club Unlimited Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Owltimate Edition Gigantosaurus The Game God Eater 3 God Wars: The Complete Legend Gods & Monsters Go Vacation Grip Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection Gun*Gal 2 Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Happy Birthdays Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Hello Kitty Kruisers with Sanrio Friends Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek Heroland Hotel Transylvania 3 Hunting Simulator Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition I am Setsuna Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure Ittle Dew 2+ Jumanji: The Video Game Just Dance 2017 Just Dance 2018 Just Dance 2020 Katamari Damacy Reroll Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Kill la Kill -IF Kirby Star Allies Labyrinth of Refrain Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk L.A. Noire Langrisser I & II Lapris x Labyrinth Lapis x Labyrinth Limited Edition XL Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy Legendary Fishing Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening LEGO City: Undercover LEGO DC Supervillians Deluxe Edition LEGO Harry Potter Collection LEGO: Jurassic World LEGO The Incredibles LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game LEGO Worlds Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Let's Sing 2018 (UK only) The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Little Friends: Dogs and Cats The Longest Five Minutes The Long Journey Home The Lost Child Lost Sphear Luigi's Mansion 3 Lumo Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Mario Tennis Aces Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Max The Curse of the Brotherhood Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Megaman X Legacy Collection 1 Megaman X Legacy Collection 2 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Minecraft Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure Minecraft Story Mode - Season Two Monopoly Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 Monster Hunter XX (Japanese import only) Monster Jam Crush It Moonlighter Mortal Kombat 11 Moto Racer 4 MotoGP19 Musynx Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition My Little Riding Champion My Riding Stables: Life with Horses MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Video game NAMCO Museum Arcade Pac NBA 2K18 NBA 2K20 NBA 2K20 Legend Edition Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of The New World Neo Atlas 1469 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition New Super Lucky's Tale New Super Mario Bros. 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Home Escape Homo Machina Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition Hook Hookbots Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit HoPiKo Horizon Chase Turbo Horizon Shift '81 Horror Bundle Vol. 1 Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong Hotel Dracula Hot Springs Story Hotline Miami Collection The House of Da Vinci Hover Hue Hulu Human: Fall Flat Human Resource Machine Human Rocket Person Hungry Baby: Party Treats Hungry Shark World Hunter's Legacy: Purrfect Edition Hyperdrive Massacre Hyperforma Hyperide: Vector Raid Hyper Light Drifter Hyperlight Ultimate HyperParasite Hyperride Hyper Sentinel Hyperspace Delivery Service I Am The Hero I Hate Running Backwards I wanna fly I, Zombie I am Ball ibb & obb Ice Cream Surfer ICEY Iconcast If My Heart Had Wings IHUGU Ikaruga Illusion of L'Phalcia Immortal Planet Impossible Mission In Other Waters Incredible Mandy The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Inferno 2 Inferno Climber: Reborn Ink InkyPen Inops Inside Inside my Radio Instant Sports Instant Tennis Invasion of Alien X - Earth in Crisis Iris School of Wizardry Iro Hero Iron Snout Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love Isoland Isoland 2 - Ashes of Time Ittle Dew It's Spring Again Inventioneers Invisiballs Invisigun Reloaded Immortal Redneck Implosion In between InkSplosion Inner Space The Inner World - The Last Wild Monk IN-VERT Inversus Deluxe Invisible Fist Ironcast Iron Crypticle Island Maze Island Flight Simulator Istanbul: Digital Edition It came from space and ate our brains Ivanych vs Eared Beast Izneo Jackbox Party Pack Jackbox Party Pack 2 Jackbox Party Pack 3 Jackbox Party Pack 4 The Jackbox Party Pack 5 The Jackbox Party Pack 6 Jack N' Jill DX JackQuest: The Tale of the Sword James Pond Codename Robocod Jamestown+ Japanese Mah-jongg JCB Pioneer: Mars Jeopardy Jettomero: Hero of the Universe Jet Kave Adventure Jewel Fever 2 JigSaw Solace Jim is Moving Out! Job the Leprechaun Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Joe Jump Joggernauts Johnny Turbo's Arcade Break Thru Johnny Turbor's Arcade: Express Raider Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Fighter's History Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Gate of Doom Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Barrel Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Burger Johnny Turbo's Arcade Joe and Mac Caveman Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Joe & Mac Returns Johnny Turbo's Arcade Night Slashers Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Nitro Ball Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Shoot Out Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Sly Spy Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Burger Time Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Real Darwin Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Two Crude Dudes Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Wizard Fire Jolt Family Robot Racers Jotun: Valhalla Edition The Journey Down: Chapter One The Journey Down: Chapter Two The Journey Down: Chapter Three The Journey Down Trilogy Juicy Realm Julie's Sweets JumpHead: Battle4Fun! 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Space Shooter M.A.C.E. Tower Defense MachiKnights -Blood bagos- Machinarium Mad Age & This Guy Mad Carnage Mad Bullets Maddening Euphoria Madorica Real Estate Mages of Mystralia A Magical High School Girl Magic Nations Magic Scroll Tactics Mahjong Mahjong Deluxe 3 Mah-jongg Puzzle Pai-Sen Mahjong Solitaire Refresh Mahjong Stories: Vampire Romance Mainlining Maitetsu:Pure Station Mana Spark The Manga Works Manticore - Galaxy on Fire Manual Samuel Marble Power Blast Marble Up March to a Million Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry God Maria The Witch Mark of the Ninja: Remastered Marooners Mars: Chaos Menace Mars or Die! Mars Power Industries Masquerada: Songs and Shadows Masters of Anima Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order + Expansion Pass Meanders MechaNika Mecha Storm Mecho Tales Mecho Wars: Desert Ashes Mech Rage Mechstermination Force Megaton Rainfall Mega Mall Story Megaquarium Mekabolt Membrane The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikayu The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya Mentori Puzzle Metaloid: Origin Metropolis: Lux Obscura Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix Mercenary Kings Reloaded Merchants of Kaidan Mercury Race The Messenger - Picnic Panic Bundle Meow Motors The Messenger METAGAL Midnight Deluxe Midnight Evil The Midnight Sanctuary Mighty Gunvolt Burst Mighty Switch Force! Collection Milanoir Miles & Kilo MilkChoco Milkmaid of the Milky Way Millie Mimic Hunter Mimpi Dreams The Mims Beginning Mindball Play Mind Path to Thalamus Minefield Minefield Kodobur Yazilim Miner Warfare Minesweeper Genius Miniature – The Story Puzzle Mini Metro Mini Trains Missing MISTOVER Moai VI: Unexpected Guests Mochi Mochi Boy Modern Combat Blackout Modern Tales: Age of Invention Moero Chronicle Hyper Molecats Mom Hid My Game Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight Momonga Pinball Adventures Monkey Barrels Monkey Business Monkey Wall Monaco: Complete Edition Monochrome Order Monster Dynamite Monster Loves You Monster Slavers Monument Builders Rushmore Moonlighter Moonfall Ultimate Moon Hunters Moorhuhn Knights & Castles Moorhuhn Remake Moorhuhn Wanted Mooseman Mordheim: Warband Skirmish Morphies Law Mother Russia Bleeds MotoGP 18 Moto Rush GT Motorsport Manager Mowin' & Throwin' Mr Blaster Mr. Shifty Ms. Splosion Man Muddledash Mugsters Mujo Mulaka The Mummy Demastered Mummy Pinball Munchkin: Quacked Quest Murder by Numbers Muse Dash Mushroom Wars 2 Must Dash Amigos Mutant Football League Mutant Mudds Collection My Arctic Farm My Big Sister My Brother Rabbit My Exotic Farm My Farm My Friend Pedro My Girlfriend is a Mermaid My Hero One's Justice My Jurassic Farm My Lovely Daughter My Memory of Us The Mystery of the Hudson Case The Mystery of Woolley Mountain My Time Portia N++ NAIRI: Tower of Shirin Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy NBA 2K20 Digital Deluxe (eshop only) Necrosphere Deluxe Nefarious NekoMiko Nekopara Vol. 1 Nekopara Vol. 2 Nekopara Vol. 3 Neko Navy: Daydream Edition Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet Neo Cab Neon Chrome Neon Drive Neon Junctions Neonwall Nerved NeuroVoider Neverlast Neverout Never Stop Never Stop Sneakin' Never Give Up New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneer New Star Manager Newt One The Next Penelope Next Up Hero Nice Slice Nidhogg 2 Niffelheim Night in the Woods Nightmare Boy Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call Nightshade Nihilumbra Nine Parchments Ninja Shodown Ninja Striker! 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Super Platform Game Maker Please, Don't Touch Anything Please, Don't Touch Anything: Classic Please Teach Me Onedari Shogi Please The Gods Plunge Pocket Academy Pocket Clothier Pocket Harvest Pocket League Story Pocket Rumble Pocket Stables Pode Poisoft Thud Card Pokémon Quest Pokkén Tournament DX DLC Battle Pack Police Stories Poly Bridge Polygod Pool Pool Billiard Pool Panic Premium Pool Arena President F.net Pressure Overdrive Preventure Strike Prime World: Defenders Prison Architect Professional Construction - The Simulation Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets Proficient Paddles Deluxe Project Nimbus: Complete Edition Psyvariar Delta Pub Encounter Pumped BMX Pro Pure / Electric Love "What do you want?" - Eri Kitami Pure Mahjong Push the Box Putty Pals Puyo Puyo Champions Puzzle Adventure Blockle Puzzle Book Puzzle Box Maker Puzzle Herder Puzzle Puppers Puzzle Wall Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns Puzzlement Qbics Paint Qbik Quadle QuadFighter K Q.U.B.E. 2 Queen's Quest 2: Stories of the Forgotten Past Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce Quest for the Golden Duck Quest Hunter Quest of Dungeons Quench Q-YO Blaster Rabi-Ribi Race arcade Race With Ryan RaceDieRun RAD Radiation City Radiation Island Radio Hammer Station Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Ragtag Adventures Raiders of the North Sea Rain City Rain World Raining Coins The Rainsdowne Players Raging Justice Rally Racers Rally Rock 'N Racing Rampage Knights Random Heroes: Gold Edition Rapala Fishing Pro Series Rascal Fight The Raven Remastered Rawr-Off Razed R.B.I. Baseball 20 Real Drift Racing Realm Royale Realpolitiks New Power Reaper: Tale of a Pale Swordsman Rebel Cops Red Game Without a Great Name Red Hot Ricochet Redout Red's Kingdom Redneck Skeet Shooting Red Siren: Space Defense The Red Strings Club Refunct Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition Regions of Ruin Reigns: Game of Thrones Reigns: Kings & Queens Remothered: Tormented Fathers RemiLore Rento Fortune Monolit Reptilian Rebellion Return of the Obra Dinn Revenant Dogma Revenge of the Bird King Reverie Sweet as Edition Reverse Crawl Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Rest in Pieces Retro City Rampage DX Revenant Saga Riddled Corpses EX Rimelands: Hammer of Thor Riptide GP: Renegade Rise: Race The Future Rise and Shine Rise of Insanity Risk Global Domination Risk of Rain Risk of Rain 2 Risky Rescue Ritual: Sorcerer Angel Rival Megagun Rive: Ultimate Edition Riverbond Revertia River City Girls River City Melee Mach!! 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Spider Solitaire Spiral Splatter Spirit Roots SpiritSphere DX Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Splash Blast Panic Splasher Splat the Fruit Splitter Critters Spoiler Alert Spot the Difference: Party! Spot the Difference: Ultimate Edition Spooky Ghosts Dot Com Spy Chameleon Squareboy Vs Bullies: Arena Edition Squidgies Takeover Squids Odyssey Standby StarBlox Inc Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Punishments Star-Crossed Myth: The Department of Wishes Stardew Valley Star Drone Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax Star Ghost Starman Starship Avenger Star Sky Star Story: The Horizon Escape Startide Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast State of anarchy: master of mayhem State of mind STAY Stay Cool, Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story Steamburg Steamworld Dig SteamWorld Dig 2 SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition Steam World Quest Hand of Gilgamech Stellar Interface STELLATUM Steredenn: Binary Stars Stern Pinball Arcade Steven Universe: Save the Light Stickbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe The Stillness of the Wind Storm Boy Storm in a Teacup Straimium Immortality Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Island Strange Telephone Stranger Things 3: The Game Stray Cat Doors Street Basketball Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe Streets of Rogue Strike Force - War on Terror Strikers 1945 for Nintendo Switch Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut Strikey Sisters Stump Stunt Kite Party Sturmwind EX Subdivision Infinity DX SubaraCity Sublevel Zero Redux Submerged Subsurface Circular Sudoku Relax Sudoku Relax 2 Summer Waves Sudoku Universe Suicide Guy Suicide Guy: Sleepin' Deeply Summer Sweetheart Summer Sports Games Sundered: Eldritch Edition Super Arcade Soccer Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition - The Card Warriors Super Box Land Demake Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Super Blood Hockey Super Cane Magic ZERO Super Chariot Super Crate Box Super Crush KO Super Daryl Deluxe Super Destronaut DX Super Dodgeball Beats Super Dungeon Tactics Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded SUPERHOT Super Hydorah Super Hyperactive Ninja Super Inefficient Golf Super Jumpy Ball Super Kirby Clash Super Kickers League Super Life of Pixel Super Meat Boy Super Mega Baseball 2: Ultimate Edition Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo Super Mutant Alien Assault Superola and the Lost Burgers Super One More Jump Super Phantom Cat: Remake Super Ping Pong Trick Shot Super Putty Squad Super Rock Blasters Super Sāurīo Fly Super Skelemania Super Space Snake Super Sportmatchen Super Star Path Super Tennis Blast Super Treasure Arena Super Toy Cars Super Volley Blast Super Weekend Mode Super Wiloo Demake SuperEpic: The Entertainment War Surfingers Surgeon Simulator CPR Survive! Mr. Cube The Sushi Spinnery Sushi Time! Swallow Up Swamp Defense 2 Swap This! Swaps and Traps Sweet Witches Swim Out The Swindle Switch N Shoot Switchy Road Sword of the Guardian Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Symmetry Table Top Racing: World Tour Tactics V: Obsidian Brigade Tachyon Project Tactical Mind Tactical Mind 2 Taimumari: Complete Edition Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun Tales of the Tiny Planet Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Talk it Out Tallowmere Tamashii Tangledeep Tangrams Deluxe Tanks Meet Zombies Tanzia Tap Skaters Tardy Tarot Readings Premium Technosphere Teddy Gangs Teddy the Wanderer Teddy the Wanderer Mountain Mike Tengai for Nintendo Switch Tennis Tennis in the Face TERRORHYTHMN TRRT TerraTech Terraria Teslagrad Tesla vs Lovecraft Tetraminos TETRA's Escape Tetris 99 Tetris 99 + Big Block DLC (currently only on eShop) Tetsumo Party The Bradwell Conspiracy The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics The Escapists 2: Game of the Year Edition The Forbidden Arts The Sinking City The Sinking City: Deluxe Edition (eShop only) The Tenth Line Special Edition The Tiny Bang Story The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition The Turing Test The Pyraplex Them Bombs! 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Toon War Torchlight II TORIDAMA: Brave Challenge TorqueL - Physics Modified Edition Totally Reliable Delivery Service Totes the Goat THOTH TouchBattleTankSP Touhou Sky Arena - Matsuri - Climax Tower Climb TowerFall Tower of Babel Tower of Babel - no mercy The Tower of Beatrice Townsmen - A Kingdome Rebuilt Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop's Trials Thea: The Awakening The Trail: Frontier Challenge Transistor Travel Mosaics: A Paris Tour Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Trax - Build it Race it Treadnauts Treasure Stack Trials Rising Open Beta Tricky Towers Trine 2 Complete Story Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trine Enchanted Edition Trivial Pursuit Live! True Fear: Forsaken Souls - Part 1 Trouserheart TryBit Logic Tumbleseed Tumblestone Turok Turok 2: Seeds of Evil TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Twist & Match Tyd wag vir Niemand Type Rider Typoman Tyr: Chains of Valhalla Ubongo Ultimate Chicken Horse Ultimate Racing 2D Ultimate Runner Ultra Space Battle Brawl Ultrawings Uncanny Valley Undead Horde Undead's Building UnderHero Unepic Unexplored Unholy Heights Uni Unknown Fate Unicornicopia Unit 4 Uno Unruly Heroes Untitled Goose Game Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation Unworthy Use Your Words VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Vaccine Valfaris Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition (eShop only) Valley VASARA Collection Vaporum Vambrace: Cold Soul Vandals Vectronom Vegas Party Vektor Wars Venture Kid Venture Towns Verlet Swing Vertical Drop Heroes HD Vertical Strike Endless Challenge Vesta The Vanishing of Ethan Carter The VideoKid V.O.I.D. Voez Volgarr the Viking Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten Vostok Inc. Voxel Shot Voxel Sword Vroom in the Night Sky VSR: Void Space Racing VVVVVV Waking Violet Waku Waku Sweets The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Season Pass The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition Wand Wars Wanderjahr WanderjahR TryAgainOrWalkAway Wandersong The Wardrobe: Even Better Edition Warframe WarGroove WARHAMMER 40,000: SPACE WOLF Warhammer Champions Warhammer Quest Warparty Warlocks 2: God Slayers The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition! Warlock's Tower War Planes: WW2 Dogfight Warp Shift War Tech Fighters War Theatre Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Watermelon Party The Way Remastered Way of the Passive Fist Wayout We. The Revolution Werewolf Pinball West of Loathing Western 1849 Reloaded Wheel of Fortune Welcome to Hanwell What Remains of Edith Finch When Ski Lifts go Wrong Where are My Friends? Where the Bees Make Honey Whip! Whip! Whispering Willows White Night Whipseey and The Lost Atlas WILL: A Wonderful World Windmill Kings Windscape Witch and Hero Witch Thief Wilmot's Warehouse Wizard of Legend Wonder Boy Returns Remix Wondershot Woodle Tree Adventures Worse Than Death Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe Worbital World Conqueror X World Cruise Story The World Ends with You: Final Remix Worldend Syndrome The World Next Door World of Riders Word Mesh Wordsweeper by POWGI Word Search by Powgi Word Sudoku Word Wheel by POWGI World Soccer World Tree Marche WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom World of Final Fantasy Maxima World of Goo Word Puzzles by POWGI Deluxe Edition World Soccer Pinball World to the West Wreckin' Ball Adventure Wulverblade Wunderling Wuppo: Definitive Edition Wurroom WWE 2K18: Deluxe Edition Xenon Valkyrie+ Xeodrifter Xenoraid X-Morph: defense Complete Edition Xtreme Club Racing Yaga Yesterday's Origins Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Yellow Fins YIIK: A Postmodern RPG Yōdanji Yoku's Island Express Yono and the Celestial Elephants Yooka-Laylee You Died but a Necromancer Revived You Your Toy YouTube Youtubers Life OMG Edition Yume Nikki -Dream Diary Yuso Zarvot Zaccaria Pinball Zen Bound 2 Zenith Zero Gunner 2- for Nintendo Switch Zeus Quests Remastered Ziggurat ZikSquare ZOMB Zombie Driver Immortal Edition Zombie Gold Rush Zombie Panic in Wonderland Zombie Night Terror Zombillie Zombie Scrapper Zotrix: Solar Division NeoGeo digital downloads 3 Count Bout (NeoGeo) 2020 Super Baseball (NeoGeo) Alpha Mission 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 2 (NeoGeo) Aero Fighters 3 (NeoGeo) Aggressors of Dark Kombat (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: 10-Yard Fight (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Alpha Mission (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ALPINE SKI (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Armed F (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives ARGUS (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Athena (NeoGeo) Acrade Archives: Atomic Robo-Kid (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Bomb Jack (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Buta san (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs CASTLEVANIA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives City Connection (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Donkey Kong (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Donkey Kong 3 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Double Dragon (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Double Dragon II The Revenge (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: EXCITEBIKE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Front Line (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Heroic Episode (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Time Tunnel Arcade Archives Ikki (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Karate Champ (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Kid Niki Radical Ninja (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Mario Bros. (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Moon Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Moon Patrol (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Gaiden (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja-Kid II (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Ninja Spirit (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors Arcade Archives OMEGA FIGHTER (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Pinball (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives POOYAN (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Psycho Soldier (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Punch-Out! (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Renegade (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Road Fighter (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: ROUTE 16 (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives RYGAR (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Scramble (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Sky Skipper (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Solomon's Key (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Star Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Super Mario Bros (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Terra Cresta (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Terra Force (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: THE LEGEND OF KAGE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archive: Time Pilot (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: TRACK & FIELD (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Traverse USA (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives: Urban Champion (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives Victory Road (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives VIGILANTE (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives WATER SKI Arcade Archives Wild Western (NeoGeo) Arcade Archives vs GRADIUS Arcade Archives X Multiply (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 2 (NeoGeo) Art of Fighting 3 Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo) Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo) Blazing Star (NeoGeo) Blue's Journey (NeoGeo) Burning Fight (NeoGeo) Crossed Swords (NEOGEO Cup '98: The Road (NeoGeo) Donkey Kong Jr. (NeoGeo) Elevator Action (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 2 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury 3 (NeoGeo) Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Football Frenzy (NEOGEO) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (NeoGeo) Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (NeoGeo) Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo) Ghost Pilots (NeoGeo) Gururin (NeoGeo) Ice Climber (NeoGeo) Ikari Warriors (NeoGeo) Karnov's Revenge (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '95 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '96 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 97 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '98 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters '99 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2000 (NeoGeo) King of Fighters 2001 (NEOGEO) The King of Fighters 2002 (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters (NeoGeo) King of the Monsters 2 (NeoGeo) Kizuna Encounter (NeoGeo) Last Blade (NeoGeo) Last Blade 2 (NeoGeo) Last Resort (NeoGeo) League Bowling (NeoGeo) Magical Drop II (NeoGeo) Magical Drop III (NeoGeo) Magician Lord (NeoGeo) Metal Slug (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 3 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 4 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug 5 (NeoGeo) Metal Slug X (NeoGeo) Money Puzzle Exchanger (NeoGeo) NAM-1975 (NeoGeo) Ninja Combat (NeoGeo) Ninja Commando (NEOGEO) Ninja Master's (NeoGeo) Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NeoGeo) Over Top (NeoGeo) Power Spikes II (NeoGeo) Prehistoric Isle 2(NeoGeo) Pulstar (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble (NeoGeo) Puzzle Bobble 2 (NeoGeo) Puzzled (NeoGeo) Ragnagard (NeoGeo) Real Bout Fatal Fury (NeoGeo) Riding Hero (NeoGeo) Robo Army (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown II (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown III (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown IV (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V (NeoGeo) Samurai Shodown V Special (NeoGeo) Savage Reign (NeoGeo) Sengoku (NeoGeo) Sengoku 2 (NeoGeo) Sengoku 3 (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers (NeoGeo) Shock Troopers 2nd Squad (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner (NeoGeo) Stakes Winner 2 (NeoGeo) Spin Master (NeoGeo) Strikers 1945 PLIUS (NeoGeo) Street Hoop (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 2 (NeoGeo) Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory (NeoGeo) The Super Spy (NeoGeo) Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy (NeoGeo) Top Player's Golf (NeoGeo) Thrash Rally (NeoGeo) Turf Masters (NeoGeo) The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship (NeoGeo) World Heroes (NeoGeo) World Heroes Perfect (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 (NeoGeo) World Heroes 2 Jet (NeoGeo) Waku Waku 7 (NeoGeo) Zed Blade (NeoGeo) Zupapa! (NEOGEO) We'll be sure to keep you up to date as frequently as possible! Updated April 8, 2020: Added new titles out now, new games on the horizon, and confirmed dates for some previously announced titles. Get More Switch Nintendo Switch $299 at Amazon Nintendo Switch Review Best microSD Cards for your Nintendo Switch Best Travel Cases for Nintendo Switch Best Nintendo Switch Accessories Nintendo Switch Jailbreak: Everything you need to know!
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/help-a-city-survive-an-earthquake-in-disaster-report-4
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Arplis - News: Help a city survive an earthquake in Disaster Report 4
Nintendo Switch has tons of awesome games available right now! Plus, there are dozens more in the pipeline. When the Switch first launched, there were fewer than a dozen titles available for sale. But, as time goes by, and as game makers realize the popularity of Nintendo's hybrid mobile console, more and more titles are being added to the list all of the time. Here are all the games available right now, in digital and game card form, as well as games that are officially coming to Switch sometime in the future. What's new? New games released and announced games coming soon Here's where you'll find everything new that is either now available in the Switch eShop or as a physical game card, as well as games that have recently been announced as coming to the Switch. New physical game cartridges you can buy right now! Disaster Report 4 - April 7 - $60 Physical game cartridges you can pre-order right now! Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ - Available April 23 - $40 Trials of Mana - Available April 24 - $50 Moving Out - Available April 28 - $25 Dungeon of The Endless - Available May 19 - $30 The Outer Worlds - Available June 5 - $60 Digimon Survive - Available December 31 - $60 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Available December 31 - $60 Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Available December 31 - $30 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Available December 31 - $30 Remothered: Broken Porcelain - Available December 31 - $30 "To Be Determined" games coming to the Nintendo Switch All of these titles should be coming to us sometime during the year of 2020. Be sure to check in with us here at iMore for updates on releases and pre-order information for any of these titles! DOOM Eternal - TBD 2020 - $60 Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - TBD 2020 - $60 Metroid Prime 4 TBD 2022 eShop titles that have released this month 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull - $8 Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche - $8 Curious Expedition - $15 Drift Zone Arcade - $20 Grimvalor - $13 Horror Bundle Vol. 1 - $6 HyperParasite - $12 In Other Waters - $13 Junk Jack - $15 Lost Artifacts - $10 Pocket Harvest - $14 Push the Box - $9 Random Heroes: Gold Edition - $4 Rascal Fight - $12 Sir Tincan - Adventures in the Castle - $4 Snakeybus - $10 Super Space Snake - $5 Totally Reliable Delivery Service - $15 Ubongo - $14 Wurroom - $1 All Nintendo Switch games Here's where we're storing literally every game Nintendo has launched on Switch, plus an ongoing list of previously announced games coming soon to Switch. Physical game cartridges you can buy right now These games are also available in digital form via Switch eShop. You can click the link to order the physical version. 1-2-Switch 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchridion AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Air Conflicts Collection All Star Fruit Racing The Alliance Alive HD Remastered American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Physical Copy!) Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Aragami: Shadow Edition ARK: Survival Evolved ARMS Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection Assassin's Creed III: Remastered Assault Gunners HD Edition Complete Set Astral Chain Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Paintings Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Attack on Titan 2 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle ATV Drift Tricks Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Baldurs Gate I & II: Enhanced Edition Batman: Season 1 - Telltale Series Battle Chasers: Nightwar Battle Worlds: Kronos Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta digital code Bee Simulator Ben 10 Bendy Big Buck Hunter Arcade BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Bomber Crew Complete Edition The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Brawlout Broken Sword 5 The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Cat Quest Candle: The Power of the Flame Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Carnival Games Cars 3: Driven to Win Cartoon Network Battle Crashers Cave Story+ Chicken Range (UK) Clannad Code of Princess EX Collection of Mana Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Crash Team Racing Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Crayola Scoot Cryogear Crystal Crisis The Coma: Recut Contra Rogue Corps Cytus Alpha Daemon X Machina Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Dead Cells Dead by Daylight De Blob DEEMO Diablo Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories Disgaea 1 Complete Disgaea 5 Complete Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Disney Tsum Tsum Festival Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DOOM DOOM Eternal Dragon Ball Fighter Z Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Dragons: Dawn of New Riders Dragon: Marked for Death Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2 Dragon Quest Heroes I & II (Japanese language only) Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition The End is Nigh Enter the Gungeon: Deluxe Edition Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Farm Expert 2019 Farming Simulator Farming Simulator 20 Fast RMX Fate Extella Link Standard Edition Nintendo Switch Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star FIFA 18 Fifa 19 FIFA 20 Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem Warriors Fitness Boxing Flashback 25th Anniversary Collection Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition Flashback Classics Flipping Death For the King Friday The 13th: The Game FUN! FUN! Animal Park Garfield Kart Furious Racing Gear.Club Unlimited Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Owltimate Edition Gigantosaurus The Game God Eater 3 God Wars: The Complete Legend Gods & Monsters Go Vacation Grip Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection Gun*Gal 2 Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Happy Birthdays Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Hello Kitty Kruisers with Sanrio Friends Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek Heroland Hotel Transylvania 3 Hunting Simulator Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition I am Setsuna Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure Ittle Dew 2+ Jumanji: The Video Game Just Dance 2017 Just Dance 2018 Just Dance 2020 Katamari Damacy Reroll Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Kill la Kill -IF Kirby Star Allies Labyrinth of Refrain Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk L.A. Noire Langrisser I & II Lapris x Labyrinth Lapis x Labyrinth Limited Edition XL Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy Legendary Fishing Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening LEGO City: Undercover LEGO DC Supervillians Deluxe Edition LEGO Harry Potter Collection LEGO: Jurassic World LEGO The Incredibles LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game LEGO Worlds Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Let's Sing 2018 (UK only) The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Little Friends: Dogs and Cats The Longest Five Minutes The Long Journey Home The Lost Child Lost Sphear Luigi's Mansion 3 Lumo Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Mario Tennis Aces Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Max The Curse of the Brotherhood Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Megaman X Legacy Collection 1 Megaman X Legacy Collection 2 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Minecraft Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure Minecraft Story Mode - Season Two Monopoly Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 Monster Hunter XX (Japanese import only) Monster Jam Crush It Moonlighter Mortal Kombat 11 Moto Racer 4 MotoGP19 Musynx Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition My Little Riding Champion My Riding Stables: Life with Horses MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Video game NAMCO Museum Arcade Pac NBA 2K18 NBA 2K20 NBA 2K20 Legend Edition Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of The New World Neo Atlas 1469 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition New Super Lucky's Tale New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Octopath Traveler ONINAKI OPUS: Collection OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers Our World is Ended Day 1 Owlboy Overcooked 2 OVERPASS Overwatch: Legendary Edition Party Planet Payday 2 Penguin Wars Penny Punching Princess PixARK Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Poi: Explorer Edition Pokémon Mystery Dungeon™: Rescue Team DX Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu Pokémon Sword Pokémon Shield Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack Pokkén Tournament DX The Princess Guide Project Highrise Architects Edition Race with Ryan Rad Rodgers Radical Edition Raiden V: Director's Cut The Raven Remastered Rayman Legends R.B.I. Baseball 17 R.B.I. 19 Baseball Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Redout Resident Evil Origins Collection Resident Evil: Revelations Resident Evil Triple Pack Rico RiME Ring Fit Adventure Riot: Civil Unrest Rocket League: Collector's Edition RPG Maker MV Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures Runbow Deluxe Edition Runner3 Saints Row the Third - Full Package Saints Row IV Salt and sanctuary Scribblenauts Showdown Scribblenauts Mega Pack SEGA Genesis Classics Senran Kagura Peach Ball Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Shining Resonance Refrain Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Sid Meier's Civilization VI Sine Mora Ex Skylanders Imaginators Skyrim Slain Back from Hell (physical game card) SNACK WORLD: THE DUNGEON CRAWL — GOLD SNK 40th Anniversary Collection SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy Snipperclips Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition Snow Moto Racing Freedom Snooker 19 Sonic Forces Sonic Mania (Collector's Edition) South Park: The Fractured but Whole Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Spintires: MudRunner - American Wilds Spirit Hunter: NG Sports Party Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2 - Starter Edition Spyro Reignited Trilogy Star Wars: Pinball Starlink: Battle for Atlas Steamworld Dig 2 STEINS;GATE ELITE: Limited Edition Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition Superbeat: Xonic Super Bomberman R Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission Hero Edition Super Mario Maker 2 Super Mario Maker 2 + Nintendo Switch Online Bundle Super Mario Odyssey Super Neptunia RPG Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Street: Racer Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Syberia (UK version) Syberia 2 (UK version) Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition Team Sonic Racing Tennis World Tour The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt This is the Police This is the Police 2 This War of Mine Tiny Barbarian DX Titan Quest Toki Touhou Genso: Wanderer Reloaded Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Trailblazers Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Troll & I Truberbrook TT Isle of Man: Riding on the Edge Two Point Hospital Ugly Dolls: An Imperfect Adventure Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Unbox: Newbies Adventure Undertale Unravel 2 Valkyria Chronicles 4 Vampyr V Rally 4 The Walking Dead: The Final Season Warriors Orochi 4 Wasteland 2 Wild Guns Reloaded Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Wolfenstine: Youngblood Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship WWE 2K18 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenon Racer Yoshi's Crafted World Yoku's Island Express Yomawari: The Long Night Collection Yonder The Cloud Catchers Chronicles Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Zumba: Burn It Up Games only available in the Switch eShop you can buy right now #KILLALLZOMBIES 'n Velore Verstand 3 Little Pigs & Bad Wolf 3D Billiards - Pool & Snooker 3D MiniGolf 7 Billion Humans 7th Sector 10 Second Run Returns 12 is Better Than 6 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull 12 orbits 20XX 2048 Battles 30-in-1 Game Collection 36 Fragments of Midnight 39 Days to Mars 60 Seconds! 99 Moves 99Seconds 140 911 Operator Bundle 1001 Ultimate Mahjong 2 1917 - The Alien Invasion DX 1979 Revolution: Black Friday 2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL 6180 the moon 8-Ball Pocket 80 DAYS Aborigenus Abyss ABZU Access Denied Ace of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Ace of Seafood Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron Extended Edition Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics ACORN Tactics Active Soccer 2019 Adrenaline Rush - Miami Drive The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Ep. 1: A Dreadly Business Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Episode 2: A Bleaker Predicklement The Adventures of Elena Temple Adventure Pals Aeero Complete Edition AER: Memories of Old Aegis Defenders AeternoBlade AeternoBlade 2 Agartha-S A Knight's Quest Agatha Knife Agent A: A Puzze in Disguise Ages of Mages: The last keeper Aggelos A Hat in Time Airfield Mania Airheart- Tales of Broken Wings Air Hockey Air Mail Airfact Adventure Gaiden DX Akash: Path of the Five Akane Akihabara CRASH! 123Stage+1: Game + Full Complete Set Akihabara - Feel the Rhythm Remixed Akuto: Showdown Alchemist's Castle Alchemic Dungeons DX Alchemic Joust Alder's Blood Aldred Knight Alien Cruise Alien Escape Alien: Isolation Almightree: The Last Dreamer Almost There: The Platformer Alpha Alvastia Chronicles Alteric Alternate Jake Hunter: DAEDALUS The Awakening of Golden Jazz Alwa's Awakening The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love Ambition of the Slimes American Fugitive American Ninja Warrior: Challenge (Digital copy!) Amnesia: Collection Ancient Rush 2 Anarcute Anode AngerForce: Reloaded for Nintendo Switch Anima: Gates of Memories Anima: Gates of Memories: Arcane Edition Anima: Gates of Memories: The Nameless Chronicles Animal Fight Club Animal Hunter Z Animal Rivals Animal Super Squad Animated Jigsaw: Japanese Women Animated Jigsaws Animus Animus: Harbinger Angel of death Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade Ankh Guardian - Treasure of the Demon's Temple Anodyne Another Sight Another World Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story Antiquia Lost Ape Out Aperion Cyberstorm Apocalipsis: Wormwood Edition Apocryph Aqua Kitty UDX The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human Aqua TV Arcade Archives VS. BALLOON FIGHT Archlion Saga Arena of Valor Armello A Robot Named Fight Art of Balance Asdivine Dios Asdivine Hearts Asdivine Hearts II Asdivine Kamura Asdivine Menace Assault Android Cactus+ Assault Gunners HD Edition Assault on Metaltron Astebreed Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 Astro Bears Astro Duel Deluxe Astrology & Horoscope Asphalt 9: Legends Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of the Dusk DX Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky DX Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland DX Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea DX Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland DX Atelier Totori: The Apprentice of Arland DX Atomic Heist Atomik: RunGunJumpGun Atomine At Sundown: Shots in the Dark Attack of the Toy Tanks Automachef Avenger Bird AvoCuddle Away: Journey to the Unexpected Awe Awesome Pea A Winter's Daydream Awkward Ayakashi koi gikoku forbidden romance Azuran Tales: TRIALS Azure Reflections Azure Saga: Pathfinder DELUXE Edition Azkend 2 Baba is You Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.3 Back in 1995 Back to Bed Bad Dream Coma Bad Dream Fever Bad North BAFL - Breaks are for Losers Balance Blox Ball Attraction Banner Saga 1 Banner Saga 2 Banner Saga 3 Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr Bard's Gold Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly Barrier X Barry Bradford's Putt Panic Party Batman: The Enemy Within Battle & Crash Battle of Mahjong Battle Planet – Judgement Day Bash the Bear Basketball Baseball Riot Battery Jam Battle Group 2 Battle Princess Madelyn Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Bargain Hunter Bastion Battle Chef Brigade Battle Supremacy Battle Supremacy: Evolution Battleship Battlloon Bayala - The Game Bayonetta BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Beach Buggy Racing Bear With Me: The Lost Robots Beast Quest Beat Cop Beat 'em up Bundle Beat Rush Beats Runner Bedtime Blues Beekyr Reloaded Behind the Screen Beholder: Complete Edition Beholder 2 Beyond Enemy Lines BiBi Blocksberg - Big Boom Race 3 BiBi & Tina - Adventures with Horses Bibi & Tina at the horse farm Big Bash Boom Big Crown: Showdown Big Pharma Binaries BINGO for Nintendo Switch Bird Game + Bit Dungeon Plus Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure Black and White Bushido Black Bird Blacksad: Under the Skin Black Future '88 Black Hole Black Paradox Black the Fall Blackmoor 2 Blacksea Odyssey Blade II - The Return of Evil Blades of Time Blasphemous Blaster Master Zero Blaster Master Zero 2 Blazblue Central Fiction Special Edition BlazeRush Blazing Beaks Blazing Chrome Bleed Bleed 2 Bleep Bloop Blindy BlobCat Block-a-pix Deluxe Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Blood Waves Bloody Zombies Bloons TD 5 Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King Blue Rider Boababs Mausoleum Ep. 1 Bomb Chicken Bombing Busters Bomber Crew Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition Bombfall Bombfest Bombslinger Bond of the Skies Boom Ball Boost Beast Bot Vice Bouncy Bob Bouncy Bullets Boreal Blade Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing Box Boy and Box Girl Box Align Boxing Champs BQM: Block Quest Maker Brave Dungeon/Dark Witch Story: Combat Braveland Trilogy Brawl Brawlhalla Brawlout Breakforcist Battle Breathing Fear Breeder Homegrown: Director's Cut Brick Breaker The Bridge Bridge Constructor Portal Brief Battles Bring Them Home Brofroce Broken Age Broken Sword 5 Brotherhood United Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Brunch Club Bubble Cats Rescue Bubble Shooter DX Bubsy: Paws on Fire Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans The Bug Butcher Build a Bridge! Bulb Boy Bullet Battle: Evolution Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition The Bunker Burger Chef Tycoon Burly Men at Sea Burnstar Bury me, my Love Bus Fix 2019 Butcher Button Button Up! BQM: Block Quest Maker Cadence of Hyrule Cafeteria Nipponica Caged Garden Cock Robin Cake Laboratory Caladrius Blaze Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Addition" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Division" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Multiplication" Calculation Castle: Greco's Ghostly Challenge "Subtraction" The Caligula Effect: Overdose Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Candleman Captain Cat Carcassone THE Card: Poker, Texas hold 'em, Blackjack and Page One Car Mechanic Manager Car Mechanic Simulator Car Quest Car Trader Cardpocalypse Case: Animatronics A case of distrust Castle Crashers Remastered Castle of Heart Castle Storm Cast of the Seven Godsends Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche Catan Catastronauts Catch a Duck Catch 'em! Goldfish shopping Caterpillar Royale Cattails Caveblazers Caveman Warriors Celeste Cel Damage HD A Ch'ti Bundle Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition The Charming Empire Chalk Dash Carnival Chasm Chicken Assassin Reloaded Chicken Range Chiki-Chiki Boxy Pro Wrestling Chiki-Chiki Boxy Racers Child of Lights The Childs Sight Children of Morta Chime Sharp Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! CHOP Chop is Dish Chroma Squad Chromagun Chronus Arc The Church in the Darkness Ciel Fledge: A Daughter Raising Simulator Cinderella - An Interactive Fairytale Cinders Circle of Sumo Circuits Cities Skylines Citizens of Space City Builder City of Brass Clash of Carrots Classic Games Collection Vol. 1 Claws of Fury Claybook Click to Game Clock Simulator Clouds & Sheep 2 Clue Clusterpuck 99 Clustertruck Code of Princess EX Coffee Crisis Coffin Dodgers Collection Arcade Classics Collide-a-Ball-2 Collidalot Coloring Book Color Zen Color Zen Kids The Coma Combat Core Commander Keen: Keen Dreams Community Inc Conduct TOGETHER! Conga Master Party! Construction Machines Simulator Construction Simulator 2 Constructor Plus Contra Anniversary Collection Contraptions The Count Lucanor Corpse Party: Blood Drive Cosmic Star Heroine Crash Drive 2 Crash Dummy Crashbots Crashlands Crawl Crazy Mini Golf Arcade Crazy Strike Bowling EX Creature in the Well Creepy Road Cricket 19 Crimson Keep Croc's World Croc's World 2 Croc's World 3 Croixleur Sigma Crossing Souls CROSSNIQ+ CrunchTime Crush Your Enemies! Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Crypt of the Serpent King Cubikolor Cubixx Cuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil Curious Expedition Cursed Castilla Cybarian: The Time Traveling Warrior Cyber Protocol Cycle 28 Daggerhood Damsel Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo Damascus Gear Operation Osaka Dandara Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada Danger Mouse: The Danger Games Danmaku Unlimited 3 Darkest Hunters The Darkside Detective Dark Witch Music: Rudymical Darkest Dungeon Darkwood Dark Quest 2 Darts Up Dawn of Survivors Dawn of the breakers DC Universe DayD: Through Time Deadly Fighter 2 Deadly Premonition Origins Deadlings Deadbolt Dead Cells Dead Cells + Rise of the Giant DLC (Only available on Nintendo eShop on the Switch) Dead Dungeon Dead End Job Dead Fun Pack: Penguins and Aliens Strike Again Dead in Vinland - True Viking Edition Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today Death Coming Death Road to Canada Death Mark Deathstate: Abyssal Edition - Death Squared Debris Infinity DeeMo Deep Ones Deer Drive Legends The Deer God Defend your Castle Defenders of Ekron: Definitive Edition Defense Grid 2 Defoliation Degrees of Separation Defunct Delicious 2 Delta Squad Deltarune Chapter 1 De Mambo Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure Demolition Crew (Only at Nintendo eShop) The Demon Crystal Demon's Crystals Demon Pit Deployment Depona Deru - The Art of Cooperation Desert Child Desktop Baseball Desktop Bowling Desktop Dodgeball Desktop Rugby Desktop Soccer Desktop Table Tennis Destiny's Princess: A War Story, a Love Story Destruction Detective Dolittle Detective Gallo Detention Devil Engine Devil May Cry Devil May Cry 2 Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Dexteritrip Devious Dungeon D/Generation HD Die for Valhalla Digerati Indie Bundle: Ink & HackyZack Diggerman Dimension Drive Ding Dong Disc Jam Disco Dodgeball Remix Discovery Disease -Hidden Object- DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition Distrust Divine Ascent Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition Dobutsu Shogi World DODGE HARD Doggie Ninja The Golden Mission Dokuro Domiverse Don't Die Mr. Robot DX Don't Knock Twice Don't Sink Don't Starve Donut County Doodle God: Crime City DOOM (1993) DOOM II (Classic) DOOM 3 - ($10 at Nintendo) DOOM 64 Fantasy Strike Doom & Destiny DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS Doughling: Invasion Double Cross Double Dragon 4 Double Switch – 25th Anniversary Edition Doughlings: Arcade Down to Hell Downwell Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Lite Version Dracula's Legacy DragoDino DragonFangZ - The Rose and the Dungeon of Time Dragon Sinker Dragon Snakes Dragon's Lair Trilogy Dragon Marked for Death: Advanced Attackers Dragon Marked for Death: Frontline Fighters Dragon Pinball Dragon Quest Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation Dragon Quest Builders 2 + Season Pass Bundle The Drama Queen Murder Draw a Stickman: Epic 2 Drawful 2 Drift Zone Arcade Driving School Original Dream Alone DreamBall Dreaming Canvas Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator Dreamwalker Drone Fight Drowning Drunk-Fu: Wasted Masters Duck Life: Battle Duck Hunting Challenge Dude, Stop A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher Duke of Defense Dungeon Rushers Dungeon Warfare Dungeon Stars Dungeon Village Dungeons and Aliens Dust Dustoff Heli Rescue 2 Dusty Raging Fist DYING: Reborn Dyna Bomb Dynamite Fishing Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Definitive Edition Eagle Island Earth Atlantis Earthlock Earth Wars EarthNight Eat beat Deadspike-san Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes Eggggg - The Platform Puker Eekeemoo - Splinters of the Dark Shard Eight Minute Empire Element Elemental Knights R Elevator to the Moon! Eliza Ellen Elli Elliot Quest Embers of Mirrim Enchanted in the Moonlight - Kiryu, Chikage & Yukinojo Enchanted in the Moonlight - Miyabi, Kyoga & Samon Enchanting Mahjong Match Energy Balance Energy Cycle Energy Cycle Edge Energy Invasion Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood Enter the Gungeon Epic Clicker Journey Epic Astro Story Epic Loon The Escapists: Complete Edition Escape from the Universe Escape Doodland Escape Game: Aloha Escape Trick: 35 Fateful Enigmas The Escapist 2 Estiman Eternal Card Game Eternal Edge Eternum Ex Ethan Meteor Hunter Etherborn European Conqueror X Event Horizon Event Horizon: Space Defense Everybody Hearts! Everspace - Stellar Edition Everything Everdark Tower Evil Defenders Evoland Legendary Edition Exception Exorder Extreme Poker Fairune Collection Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force Fairy Tale Puzzles~Magic Objects~ The Fall The Fall Part 2: Unbound Fall of Light Fallout Shelter Family Tree Fantasy Hero ~unsigned legacy~ FAR: Lone Sails Farabel Farm Expert 2018 for Nintendo Switch Farm Mystery Farm Together Fat City fault – milestone one Feather Felix the Reaper Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Fear Effect: Sedna Feral Fury Fernz Gate Feudal Alloy Fifty Words by POWGI Fight of Gods Fight N' Rage Figment Fill-a-Pix: Phil's Epic Adventure Fimbul Fin and the Ancient Mystery Final Fantasy XV Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Final Light, The Prison The Final Station Fire Emblem: Three Houses + Expansion Pass Firefighters - Airport Fire Department Firefighters - The Simulation Firewatch The First Tree Fishing Star! World Tour The Flame in the Flood Flat Heroes Flick Erasers + Party Pack Combo (eShop only) Flinthook Flip Over Frog Flip Wars Flood of Light Floor Kids Flow Lines Flying Girl Striker Fly O'clock Fobia Food Truck Tycoon Football Heroes Turbo Football Manager Touch 2018 Football Manager 2019 Touch Forager Forest Home Forever Forest Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead Forgotton Anne Forklift - The Simulation Forma.8 Fortnite Fossil Hunter Fox n Forests Fragment of Marine Framed Collection Freaky Awesome Frederic: Resurrection of Music Frederic 2: Evil Stikes Back Freedom Finger Freedom Planet Freecell Battle King Freecell Solitaire Freecell Solitaire Deluxe Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa Frost FruitFall Crush Frutakia 2 Full Blast Full Metal Furies FunBox Party Funghi Explosion Furi Furwind Future Grind Fuze4 Gabbuchi Gakuen Club Galactic Defence Squadron Galaxy Champions TV Galak-Z: Variant S Gal Metal Game Dev Gaokao.Love.100Days Garage Garage Mechanic Simulator The Garden's Between Gato Roboto Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition Gekido Kintaro's Revenge Gelly Break Gem Crash Gem Smashers GetAmped Mobile GensokyoDefenders Ghost 1.0 Ghoulboy Gigantic Army Giga Wrecker Ginger: Beyond the Crystal Glaive: Brick Breaker Glass Masquerade Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions Gleaner Heights Gnomes Garden Gnomes Garden 2 Gnomes Garden 3: The Thief of Castles Gnomes Garden: Lost King Goat Punks Goat Simulator: The Goaty GODS Remastered Goetia Goonya Fighter GoFishing 3D GOKEN Goldly Corp Golem Gates Golf Peaks Golf Story Gone Home GoNNER Gorogoa Golazo! Gotcha Racing 2nd Grab Lab Grab The Bottle Graceful Explosion Machine Grand Brix Shooter GRANDIA HD Collection Grandpa and the Zombies Grand Prix Rock 'N Racing Grand Prix Story Grass Cutter: Mutated Lawns Grave Danger Grave Keeper Graveyard Keeper Gravity Duck Greco's Hall of Kanji GREEN Green Game GRID Autosport Gridd: Retroenhanced Grid Mania Grim Fandango Remastered Grimvalor Gris The Grisaia Trilogy Growtopia Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Guacamelee! 2 Guess the Word Guilt Battle Arena Guilty Gear Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R A Gummy's Life Gunbarich for Nintendo Switch Gunbird for Nintendo Switch Gunbird2 Gun Gun Pixies Gunhouse Gunlord X Gunma's Ambition - You and me are Gunma - Gunman Clive HD Edition Gunpowder on the Teeth: Arcade Guns Gore and Cannoli Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Guns of Mercy Gurgamoth Guts And Glory Gym Hero Gyro Boss Habroxia Hacky Zack Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander Halloween Pinball Hammerwatch Hamsterdam Hand of Fate 2 Happy Words Hardway Party Hard West Harvest Life Has-Been Heroes Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle Heart&Slash Headball Soccer Deluxe Headsnatchers Headspun Headliner: NoviNews Heave Ho Hell is other Demons Hellblade Hellmut: The Badass from Hell Hell Warders Help Me Doctor Henry the Hamster Handler Her Majesty's Spiffing Hero Express Heroes Trials Heroine Anthem Zero Heroki Hexa Gravity Hexagroove: Tactical DJ Hexa Maze Hexologic Hidden Hidden Folks High Noon Revolver Hiragana Pixel Party Himno History 2048 Hive Jump A Hole New World Hob Hoggy2 Hollow Hollow Knight Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! Home Escape Homo Machina Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition Hook Hookbots Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit HoPiKo Horizon Chase Turbo Horizon Shift '81 Horror Bundle Vol. 1 Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong Hotel Dracula Hot Springs Story Hotline Miami Collection The House of Da Vinci Hover Hue Hulu Human: Fall Flat Human Resource Machine Human Rocket Person Hungry Baby: Party Treats Hungry Shark World Hunter's Legacy: Purrfect Edition Hyperdrive Massacre Hyperforma Hyperide: Vector Raid Hyper Light Drifter Hyperlight Ultimate HyperParasite Hyperride Hyper Sentinel Hyperspace Delivery Service I Am The Hero I Hate Running Backwards I wanna fly I, Zombie I am Ball ibb & obb Ice Cream Surfer ICEY Iconcast If My Heart Had Wings IHUGU Ikaruga Illusion of L'Phalcia Immortal Planet Impossible Mission In Other Waters Incredible Mandy The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Inferno 2 Inferno Climber: Reborn Ink InkyPen Inops Inside Inside my Radio Instant Sports Instant Tennis Invasion of Alien X - Earth in Crisis Iris School of Wizardry Iro Hero Iron Snout Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love Isoland Isoland 2 - Ashes of Time Ittle Dew It's Spring Again Inventioneers Invisiballs Invisigun Reloaded Immortal Redneck Implosion In between InkSplosion Inner Space The Inner World - The Last Wild Monk IN-VERT Inversus Deluxe Invisible Fist Ironcast Iron Crypticle Island Maze Island Flight Simulator Istanbul: Digital Edition It came from space and ate our brains Ivanych vs Eared Beast Izneo Jackbox Party Pack Jackbox Party Pack 2 Jackbox Party Pack 3 Jackbox Party Pack 4 The Jackbox Party Pack 5 The Jackbox Party Pack 6 Jack N' Jill DX JackQuest: The Tale of the Sword James Pond Codename Robocod Jamestown+ Japanese Mah-jongg JCB Pioneer: Mars Jeopardy Jettomero: Hero of the Universe Jet Kave Adventure Jewel Fever 2 JigSaw Solace Jim is Moving Out! Job the Leprechaun Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Joe Jump Joggernauts Johnny Turbo's Arcade Break Thru Johnny Turbor's Arcade: Express Raider Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Fighter's History Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Gate of Doom Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Barrel Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Burger Johnny Turbo's Arcade Joe and Mac Caveman Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Joe & Mac Returns Johnny Turbo's Arcade Night Slashers Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Nitro Ball Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Shoot Out Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Sly Spy Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Burger Time Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Real Darwin Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Two Crude Dudes Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Wizard Fire Jolt Family Robot Racers Jotun: Valhalla Edition The Journey Down: Chapter One The Journey Down: Chapter Two The Journey Down: Chapter Three The Journey Down Trilogy Juicy Realm Julie's Sweets JumpHead: Battle4Fun! 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Mr. Cube The Sushi Spinnery Sushi Time! Swallow Up Swamp Defense 2 Swap This! Swaps and Traps Sweet Witches Swim Out The Swindle Switch N Shoot Switchy Road Sword of the Guardian Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Symmetry Table Top Racing: World Tour Tactics V: Obsidian Brigade Tachyon Project Tactical Mind Tactical Mind 2 Taimumari: Complete Edition Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun Tales of the Tiny Planet Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Talk it Out Tallowmere Tamashii Tangledeep Tangrams Deluxe Tanks Meet Zombies Tanzia Tap Skaters Tardy Tarot Readings Premium Technosphere Teddy Gangs Teddy the Wanderer Teddy the Wanderer Mountain Mike Tengai for Nintendo Switch Tennis Tennis in the Face TERRORHYTHMN TRRT TerraTech Terraria Teslagrad Tesla vs Lovecraft Tetraminos TETRA's Escape Tetris 99 Tetris 99 + Big Block DLC (currently only on eShop) Tetsumo Party The Bradwell Conspiracy The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics The Escapists 2: Game of the Year Edition The Forbidden Arts The Sinking City The Sinking City: Deluxe Edition (eShop only) The Tenth Line Special Edition The Tiny Bang Story The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition The Turing Test The Pyraplex Them Bombs! 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