#it’s a comp sci teaching position at a private middle/high school
awesomepaste · 10 months
I have a final round interview tomorrow morning, for a position I never thought I’d do. I actually really want this job. Please send me good luck and good vibes. 🤞😭🥺
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likesplatterpaint · 19 days
Welp. Uh.
A few days ago I got an email from a recruiter reaching out to me on behalf of a ritzy private school in our area, looking for a 9-12 art teacher.
I replied with how flattered I was, but they were currently offering 12k less than what I make, and I’m primarily specialized in digital arts now.
She said she’d pass that along. The head of school has reached out to me today to discuss further. Uhhhhh???
Change of scenery,
much smaller class sizes,
Beautiful campus
fewer discipline issues (school has a great reputation and two of my rockstar 8th graders left to do high school there)
fewer IEPs to juggle (my 2nd pd class is 20 students with 11 having needs, 3rd pd is similar with two having significant modification needs)
No teaching comp sci
No teaching middle school, which is fine right now but usually is a huge source of my stress
Less chance of school shooting jfc
Longer commute (34 min vs my current 22)
Loss of union protections
Potential loss of good benefits (our insurance is hella)
No tenure, likely at will
Fine art position, which means back to teaching drawing, painting and sculpture and not my current specialization. I’ve never taught traditional fine art at the high school level and made a fuss about doing so last year alongside my digital stuff because it was 5 preps ffs. (Now I’m teaching 5 preps anyway)
Unknown environment- I would be leaving a tight knit staff where I am known and respected for the most part
Im getting that they have a pretty big emphasis on teachers being involved in extracurriculars, which I have mostly ignored at my school
Being the type of dickwad that leaves mid year (I would potentially see if they would wait til spring semester because Yikes for my kids)
Unknown situation with subs/leave- I currently have 18 sick days and 3 personal
Unknown situation regarding payscale- where I am now, I can expect to at least go up one step every year and get some sort of COLA
Right now cons look like they’re winning but I think I’ll still talk to the head of school, just to see. I spoke to my coworker whose daughter left for there and she said it’s amazing there, would teach there herself but for the fewer protections and benefits.
Life what u doin
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