#it’s a great self esteem boost ngl
diari0deglierrori · 8 months
Me: I HATE maths
Me when I understand how maths works again: omg I LOVE maths so much!! My bestie, my girl, my life, pe quanno nun ce staije, my city, my weed, I am one with numbers etc
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noturlesson · 9 months
Could you possibly write hcs for sal with a masc s/o that's into film and photography and take a lot of photos of him? They've always admired Sal and saw him as interesting but was too socially awkward/nervous to start a conversation ever since he moved in. The two probably only met due to Larry introducing them..
Sal x Masc!Photographer!Reader
Ngl this is gonna be a challenge since I’m used to writing fem readers, but I need to diversify my writing anyway, so here u go! I hope this was good enough lolol
How you met
You almost died when Larry introduced you to Sal for the first time
Seeing him in the halls was completely different than being face-to-face with him. He was so much prettier now that you were meeting him and it absolutely dizzying.
Of course, Larry put you on blast by telling his blue haired friend about your photography. He gushed about how good it was, and naturally, Sal wanted to see.
You nodded, awkwardly fumbling with your photo album, but finally pulling out a few pictures of some birds you took.
“These are really good, (Y/N)! You have a great talent.” Sally complimented you while examining the photos.
Your thanks came out in a stutter, and you mentally facepalmed at yourself.
“See? I told he’s rad!” Larry exclaimed, playfully slapping you on the back. It caused you to panic and drop your photo album, pictures spilling out all over the floor. Embarrassment rushed through you, but Sal was quick to help pick up the pictures. “Wait.. is this me?” He asked, holding one of the photos in his hand.
You were absolutely mortified, stumbling over your words as you scrambled to pick up the rest of the photos. “Well I just thought that you looked really good in that lighting, so I took a picture, and beauty should be captured so-“
“Do you have more?”
If you almost died before, you were definitely dead now
In a relationship
He absolutely adores the photos you take of him. He has really bad self image issues, but your pictures make him feel so beautiful, he can hardly believe that it’s him in the picture.
Asks to look at all the photos you take, compliments you profusely on all of them
Loves tagging along with you to photo shoots
You teach him how to use your camera and he falls in love with you even more
Nearly passed out when you put your hand on top of his to stabilize the camera for the shot
Has a collection of pictures you took when y’all go on dates
His absolute favorites are the ones he takes of you though. They’re not as cinematic or professional-looking as yours, but he doesn’t care, he thinks you look handsome so he’s going to cherish the photos
You hate when he takes pictures of you though. He always catches you off guard, and you don’t think your nearly as photogenic as he is.
Has at least 3 photos of you trying to eat a burger (if u don’t like burgers imagine ur fav food or smth idk)
Refuses to let you delete them off your camera because “you look too cute”
Will never tell you, but your photos boost his self esteem sm and he loves you so very much for that
Will listen to you go on and on about your dream equipment, movie/film sets you like (or hate), your favorite filters to use, etc. Just happy to see you so passionate about something you love.
So sorry that this was so late 😭😭 Homecoming week happened as I was BUSYYYYYYY but yea hope u enjoyed :D
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boethiah · 2 years
So I did play like 10 minutes of Disco Elysium and it was great but I had to stop because I had the crushing feeling that everything I said and did was wrong and would somehow have terrible consequences. Also I kept trying to select more positive self-talk options for Harry to boost his self-esteem but it's hard because the depressing choices are all very funny.
ngl you don't just play disco elysium. you play the first 10 minutes of disco elysium, put it aside, have nightmares about it for two weeks, and then play the rest of the game
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navigatrixart · 3 years
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one of the more badass dreams I had this week involved someone handing me a sword and telling me to use it to fight monsters
(I’m also on redbubble, instagram, and AO3!)
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eremiie · 3 years
this is for the matchups! Thank you again for helping me figure it out. If you could chose a male for me i would be so happy!
I have brown eyes, brown hair, around 5’3-4” and am very athletic! I’m a gemini and my mbti is ENFJ-T. I’m passionate and think of myself as an analyzer, so i’m charismatic and reliable to others. I am a perfectionist though, it’s caused my self esteem to decrease a lot in only a few years from not thinking i’m good enough:( I’d prefer physical love language, simple things like hand holding or cuddles for reassurance. tbh not too focused on it sadly, i’ve got a lot on my plate rn. Not into selfishness/ cockiness and/or being too kind lmao. (I like the courageous type😭) An extra note is i’m a competitive dancer, so i basically revolve around always trying to be the best. Thank you so so much!!
let me tell you, this is the fastest match up i’ve ever done😭. i matched you up so quickly that i almost forgot that i still had to find you a runner up LMFAOOO
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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let me tell you girl... i read off your description and every single attribute of yours immediately checked off so many of eren’s attributes in my head. you are so much like me, we even have the same mbti, but this isn’t about me, this is about you and eren; you are both extraverts (y’all will have the most fun together omg), but listen, he is a sensor while your intuitive, he’s a feeler like you, and while you judge he perceives. your personalities click and you guys rile each other up in the best way possible, you’re both passionate and that’s great for your relationship, constantly showing each other your love for one another leaves little to no doubts about you as a couple. you’re charismatic while he is charming which compliments each other nicely (not gonna lie he fell for you charms and he fell for them HARD, he can’t 1up you in that sense) you’re a perfectionist and he’s a determined person so in a way you’re both always trying to get things done in the best possible way. even though your self esteem is low he is trained on making sure you feel like the best version of yourself, trying to boost your confidence and making you feel like the prettiest, smartest person to exist. both of your love languages are physical touch which means both of you are always hands on and half of the time it’s subconscious. it’s so natural for you guys to hold hands or for him to hold you close, it’s absolutely adorable. he can get a little selfish but it’s always for a good reason, and he has some bark to him so he’s not too kind! you’re a competitive dancer which i presume means that carries on into your day to day life, making you a competitive person in general so you and eren go toe to toe against each other in a good way. your relationship is so playful and so fired up, it’s so evident that you’re a couple when out in public and the two of you love each other HARD.
you guys naturally compete at everything together, who can get each other the best gift, who can cook the best meals, etc
PDA is so apparent in this relationship, he’s always kissing up on you, holding you close, he just loves clinging to you
he was definitely crushing hard on you before the two of you started dating, and he probably knew you because people compared the two of you so often
y’all are so playful; tickle fights, play fighting, you name it you guys probably do it😭
he likes to come to your dance competitions and he’s always cheering you the FUCK on
your arguments are literally so bad... they get so heated and you end up not talking to each other for days
when you start doubting yourself his favorite thing to do is pull you into his lap and tell you how beautiful and amazing you are and basically force your bad thoughts away🥺
your runner up was jean!
ngl this is one of my favorite matchups i did, i hope you liked your matchup and tell me how i did<3
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(Part 1) May I have match up for someone? She's an INFP and heterosexual. She is very intelligent, and a gifted artist. She's 5'10 1/2 inches, has long dark red curly hair, and light green eyes. definitely on the heavy side. She's a tomboy and can be childish so she's liable to tease and banter with friends. She's, for lack of a better word, a turbo-nerd and into a variety of different fandoms something that she is very proud of.
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Hi anon! Your friend sounds lovely! Please tell her I think that she looks beautiful and she's perfect the way she is! Take good care of her okay? Here's her matchup!
-Mod Kiibo
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Your Danganronpa 2 match is...
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Nekomaru Nidai!
King of hyping a person up and teaching them how to love themselves!
He'd be a really good influence on her!
He can handle her bad temper and bad mouth and actually knows how to calm her down!
He would embrace her passions and learn them so he knows what she's talking about and can make conversation with her
He will put her before anything!
And when I mean anything I mean ANYTHING
He's a big cuddle bug so he will constantly cuddle her, hug her, kiss her forehead, etc
Also we love a tall a queen here
He won't mind if she's taller he will love her unconditionally
Constantly tells her she's beauty
Absolutely loves her hair and eyes!
He doesn't mind if she's a bit heavy either! It means there's more to love!
Will hype her up whenever in a depressive episode and get her out of it
But knows when to comfort her too
Overall he's a 10/10 boyfriend for her
Your Danganronpa 3 match is...
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Shuichi Saihara!
Ngl as I was reading through her whole description my mind was screaming 'Shuichi, Shuichi, Shuichi!'
He's really good at handling childish people
Take Kokichi for example
He will admire her as she daydreams and will support any dream she has
She wants to be an artist? Great!
Absolutely loves how smart she is! She would be a perfect detective!
Will nerd out with her about criminal psychology
Its really cute
He doesn't mind that she's taller than him
He likes it actually
He will make sure to take care of her and do his best to boost her self esteem and make her feel more happy
He knows it's rough but he's there for her
Gets really blushy at affection so have fun with making this man flustered
He doesn't care what she looks like! He fell in love with her not her looks!
But her looks are a plus too
Likes cuddling after a long day of work
He also knows how to calm her down too! He will hold her hand and gently drag her away from any bad situation to make sure she doesn't hurt herself
Again another 10/10 boyfriend
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chibininjasaur · 2 years
Last Saturday I spent almost two hours researching as well as looking in the cupboards… I got that bad…
I thought I had picked myself up after my massive crash after MCM. Turns out I had deluded myself and that I had actually just been too distracted to focus on my awful mental health and crippling low self esteem. Saturday was a huge wake up call.
I won’t go into details about what triggered it all. I already explained the MCM shit on facebook and woah did I get an outpouring of love and support from people. Ngl it took me by surprise. And also started to open my eyes a little? I’m not as invisible as I feel.
Also having people ask me to go to cons and if I will cosplay with them has been such a boost. That has never really happened to me before? Usually I’m the one asking people to cosplay with me or ask if I can join their group. To actually have friends ask me if I will cosplay with them… I legit get choked up thinking about it.
Despite the disaster that was MCM I have come away with my passion for cosplay and cons fully restored. It’s all I want to do again, XD Been a while since I’ve been this inspired for cosplay.
I can fully feel how me and C are drifting apart now. Our hobbies are starting to differ a lot. The people we mainly want to see and hang out with are different groups. She’s lingering with the twitch crew as it makes her seem more popular. Whereas I’m more convention friends focused as well as DnD friends focused. And as bad as it sounds I’m not that torn up about it. I can live without her, easily. So if she did decide to quit cons, doesn’t bother me any.
I do wish she would get her act together. I mean her whole relationship with S is a farse. She got together with him before she had even split with I which I find utterly disgusting. She’s actually cheated a lot on her partners in all the time I have known her. She would deny it all but I know. She forgets that I’m the one she would tell everything to and her actions? Well… they do always say actions speak louder than words.
I’m hoping that by throwing myself into cons again and continuing to play dnd frequently will help me regain myself. I lost myself a long long time ago. Finding myself is a huge and difficult journey. Sexuality was easy to figure out once I knew about asexuality properly. Gender? Still a work in progress. But my pronouns are they/he… even if I can’t be fully honest about that to a lot of people I know.
I’m gonna stop rambling now. But basically… still not great.
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