#it’s a little freaky and I feel so disproportionate and idk how to fix that??
vers-1 · 1 year
I paid 400$ to play and expected to get gains, but I ended up with losses
They’ve got me running all over the feild instead of as a forward where I would have to hit people which makes sense cause I’m short, but now I’m short and skinny. And like I am not a runner the tall girls get to jog at my sprinting speed and this is making me do a ton of major cardio
And all this slimming down has been eating at all the muscle mass I gained over winter. I can’t seem to balance out my stuff for working out it’s like it’s either one or the other and ahhhhhh. I’m just feeling frustrated
On one hand yea looking good, but on the other the opposing team is gonna fuck me in the ass so hard if they hit me.
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*Sigh*.... my story xD
@nicholas-dude​ --- I accept your challenege
(NOTICE: I apologize for any typos or whatever-- I have dyslexia and I tried proofreading and all that but sometimes I still miss stuff, sorry lol) 
(CAUTION: May cause intense feelings of cringe and uncomfortability)
I debated whether or not to even tell this story becuase.... it’s so horrible xD BUT it’s 10000000% the most embarrasing thing that’s ever happened to me, so I will anyways xD Might as well laugh about it, right? *painful positivity face*
Here it goes xD
I’m really into photography so I was on the yearbook committee in highschool. I also was really into this guy so, by being on the yearbook committee, there was always a disproportionately (fun word woohoo) large amount of pictures of him in my camera. And some of the pictures were taken when he had no idea... when I wasn’t even needed to take pictures for yearbook. OKay before you think I’m totally freaky, he just happned to be really photogenic and I happened to like photography and was always afraid to ask for models so just hear me out okay it isn’t as weird as it sounds o.e 
One day I was at school and I was backing up the pictures from my camera to my laptop and I really quickly pulled up a picture of him I had taken (without him knowing because I’m a stalker) and then someone came up behind me and I panicked and shut the lid of my laptop and we ended up talking and whatever.
Next period, in a class with the guy I was stalking (lol), I had a presentation and my teacher eventually called me up to present. I’m a very nervuos presenter so I was already shaking by the time I got up there. I brought my laptop up because I had a powerpoint. So. *sigh.* I go ahead and plug my laptop into the TV through the HDMI cord and then I open my laptop. And the picture is still pulled up. of the guy. who is in the class with me. and it’s projecting on the TV screen. in front of the whole class. THAT. HE’S. IN. I choke a little bit and sweat buckets as I frantically (and I mean frantically) click buttons on my laptop to get my powerpoint up. My computer freezes and won’t respond. I was shaking intensely and everyone in the class was super uncomfortable and mumbling and murmuring and I was like trying to talk and explain as I was trying to pull up the powerpoint but I was like studrering and probably on volume 2. I don’t even know how the guy reacted because I couldn’t dare look at him. 
My teacher, to the rescue (10 minutes late-- idk it was probably like less than a minute irl), unplugs the HDMI cord and says “Okay, why don’t you go to the back, Grace, while you fix your technical issues” and someone else presented instead. 
So I fixed my technical issue and cried in the back of the class for the rest of my life xD
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