#it’s an externship but only until march!!
kiska-enthusiast · 9 months
i love my new job even though im not getting paid rn
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healthyfitprincess · 7 months
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It feels like I lived an entire lifetime in the span of these two photos.
The picture on the left is from one of my first externship skills. Sure, I was unhappy with my weight, but otherwise my life seemed to be going pretty well. Until later that week when my girlfriend of 10 years told me she was in love with someone else, and that we were over.
The picture on the right is a little less than 2 months later. I was at probably the lowest point I’ve ever been at in my life. I had lost almost 50 lbs because I couldn’t make myself eat. The only calories I was consuming were from alcohol. I wasn’t sleeping. I felt like I was just an empty shell of a person.
But somehow I managed to keep dragging myself to work every morning and busting my ass to finish this externship.
I did finally finish the externship and I’ve just signed up to take my boards in March. But now i’m sitting here thinking about how proud of myself I am for not giving up when I so easily could have. I’ve learned so much about myself through out this journey and I’ve realized how strong I really am.
I can’t wait to see what new opportunities this chapter brings me.
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Y’all I am so sorry, it feels like I’m rarely here anymore. Tbh, with how slow writing is going currently, I just don’t feel like I have much to talk about and I feel guilty popping in here with nothing to show for it.
BUT, I am doing my best and I hope to be more present soon.
I’m currently on a leave of absence from school until late March (and I have been on leave for 2 weeks already, just very distracted by a new hyperfixation lol), so I’m hoping to get some stuff done in the next few weeks until I head out on my externship and have to be working full-time.
My main priority is the chaptered Witcher fic I’ve been working on forever, I think it only has a handful of chapters left and I just need to find some inspiration to snatch up to complete it and finally start posting it, hopefully weekly.
THEN, one of my friends recently got me into Shadowhunters (the new hyperfixation I mentioned earlier lol). I had read a few of the books that the show is based on, but the canon queer relationship was wildly unhealthy (biphobic, slut shaming (for lack of a better term), and at times borderline abusive), the author has some sort of weird and wildly uncomfortable fixation on incest, AND I heard some other sketchy crap about the author in general, so I never finished the series. BUT, the queer relationship is so good in Shadowhunters and that’s why I have been binging this show despite the bad writing and poor acting lol. Tbh, I got so hooked that I can even look past those at this point lol
Anyways, I have a couple ideas for malec AU chaptered fics, so those are my next priority after this witcher fic (though I will still be writing other witcher fics and maybe some BNHA fics around those) because I always try to write inside of the current hyperfixation, it makes it way easier lol.
So yes these are the things you have to look forward to from me, and I’m sorry I’ve been so absent from this blog lately, but hopefully things will be picking up as my writing picks up again lol. Thank you all for being so patient with me
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gettingvetted · 4 years
Quarantine Questions...
Thanks for tagging me @lizziedoesvetpath!
1. Are you staying home from work/school? Until last Friday, yes. Before then, 4th years were required to go into the hospital. My next rotation is livestock though and I’m in talks with the clinicians about coming in as an unpaid student worker just so I can get case exposure.
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? My kitties! Otherwise I live alone.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? Yep, my cats Venus and Perry, my gecko, and my betta.
4. Who do you miss the most? My friends! I had lots of fun things planned before graduation.
5. When was the last time you left your home? Yesterday, I had to drop off some supplies for a foster.
6.What was the last thing you bought? A classmate is DMing an online DnD campaign and I bought her a 4 pack of Tabletop Simulator since it’s on sale and you can only buy one 4-pack per account.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? Sort of both. I'm getting more sleep, exercising more regularly, and have more time for my hobbies which is good. But at the same time the whole situation is stressful and it's making planning my new job and move.
8. Are you a homebody? Yes, but I like home best when I get to leave it on a semi-regular basis so I can feel the joy of coming back. (last two answers blatantly stolen from Lizzie)
9. What movies have you watched recently? None, really. I watched Birds of Prey before the theaters shut down and I was looking forward to a ton of movies coming out in April actually. I have a hankering to watch the first Sherlock Holmes movie again. I have watched both seasons of You and now am working on the new season of Ozarks before starting on What We Do in the Shadows!
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? My graduation from vet school. It's a lot of hard work to then not get the big celebration I was hoping for. I am pissed.
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel? Still graduation.
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? My ophthalmology rotation is one of the worst rotations at my school and now I barely have to do anything for it.
13. Do you have any new hobbies? Someone invited me to try couponing with them. I’ve also had more time for gaming and crochet as well as horseback riding!
14. What are you out of? Pasta but I think this is largely because my most recent shopping trip I made in the evening instead of the morning. Shelves have been a little sparse in the pasta area recently but I’ve not had any trouble finding what I need until my last trip. I had to get gourmet egg noodles and veggie pasta to get what I needed :P
15. What music are you listening to? Not much, most of my music listening happens in car trips which aren’t happening right now.
16. What are you reading? I want to get into the Temeraire series again but the libraries are closed.
17. What are you doing for self-care? Giving myself a list of chores to do each day to keep the house clean. Scheduling talks/online hangouts with friends as often as possible. Trying to go for 30-minute walks multiple times a day and horseback riding as much as possible.
18. Are you exercising? Yes, walking and horseback riding! Although my most recent ride was apparently a mistake because I threw out my back and have barely been able to move since
19. How’s your toilet paper supply? Fine. On March 1st when I got back from my externship, I had a feeling that the panic would start in my area fairly soon, so I got a 36-pack of my usual TP (which is the amount I normally get, just early). I had 12 left of my previous pack will probably finish it off in 3-4 days, so I haven’t even started on my new 36-pack and it’s been over a month. I’m all set!
30. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? Nope, it’s in need of a trim for split ends though :/
I tag @hoodiesandjeans, @fractiousrvt, and @hanji-mama!
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