#it’s an innocent little tugboat what are you mad about
erasurecloud · 3 years
Okay but GaaMatsu
Idk why I’m thinking about them again but oh my god I loved them so much
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FabFiveFeb 2021 - Scott Tracy
Inspired by these cute videos.
Some prompts...And a certain tug… :3
(fluff for @willow-salix and @gumnut-logic )
It was a straight-forward rescue. Some poor woman was stuck at the bottom of the ravine during hiking and couldn't get out. But here's the catch, she had a 4 year old kid with her. Now that is a job for Scott.
When he landed, he managed to find the woman stuck in the raven. She turned out to be fine, except for the broken leg. The place she was in was cramped and almost dangerous, so it was a job for Virgil and Gordon.
But the problem was… the boy was nowhere to be seen.
Cobalt eyes darted everywhere around the inside of the ravine and around it. His heart rate felt like rode on a rollercoaster. It went up… Then fell down when he saw the tiny figure wandering curiously towards Thunderbird One.
"Hey there sweetie!" Scott called as he approached him. The color of auburn meets the color of cobalt. The little one continued walking, although a bit slower, while keeping eye contact with curiosity. It gave Scott some time to examine him: he looked very fine, although obviously worried for his mother. There was a small bruise on his left elbow (Scott had to investigate the kid further if there was any serious injury, despite looking okay). He wore no shoes… and he was holding a weird looking boat the size of a small salmon...
"Come'ere." He carefully grabbed the kid in his hands and began walking towards Thunderbird One. "You're gonna step on something! You're gonna step on something!" He playfully lifted the kid up and down with every repeat, causing the little one giggling hysterically with delight. He laughed along with him.
Some time later, Scott sat on his pilot seat letting the kid sit on his lap and play with his boat while they waited for Thunderbird Two to arrive. After some examining and some patching, the little one turned out to be okay.
Scott then took a look at the boat toy. It is a tugboat, more specifically a switcher (if it weren't for Gordon bashing him with boat facts that one time). Its varnish consists of yellow, its hooter of red and white with blue lines. And it had a face… a young, cheeky looking human face. And it wore a blue cap. The commander of IR concluded it's a character of some sort. Most likely from an old cartoon of the last century. Geez, some people still watch those kinds of stuff today?
"Who is your little friend?" He asked.
"Ten Cents! His name is Ten Cents!" The four year old boy exclaimed excitedly.
"Ten Cents?" That's an interesting name for a character, Scott thought.
"He's from Tugs! He's maw favorite! So daddy made ‘im for me!" The kid happily explained, showing off his toy to the commander. "I promise him I take him to the river, but mommy fall down a hole…" His face dropped at the last sentence. He was near to tearing up as he held his little tug boat closer to him. It broke Scott’s heart seeing him like this
"Don't worry, sweetie. Virgil and Gordon gonna get your momma out of there, okay? Then once momma's leg get fixed, you can take your little friend to the river again." Scott reassured him softly with a wide smile. It's a shame that the boy's fun had been ruined by an accident.
"Are they going use a tug?" Asked the little innocent pup.
"Yep. A giant, flying, green tug!" Scott grinned as he exaggerated with his hands. The kid giggled, as he told his little "friend" that the "giant, flying green tug" is going to save his mom. Kids being so innocent and imaginative warms the commander's heart, even if they can be tiresome sometimes.
Speaking of which, the little boy began asking questions. He asked about Thunderbird One. He asked about the controls and how they work. He even asked about his equipment and how they work! Scott answered them all, simple and straightforward so the kid developing the brain can digest the info nicely.
Then… the cheeky little bugger! He decided to mess with Scott's coms. His tiny hand reached out to his baldric and pressed to coms as he imitated the sounds of a hooter. The pilot managed to take his hand away, but overall was not mad at him. Kid's a smart ass for his age!
"Hey Scott, is your coms going off?" The commander laughed when he heard Virgil's confused voice.
"Uh, yeah. Kid's doing fine. He just sounded the hooter..." He reassured him jokingly. Then he heard what it sounds like a very loud snort.
"Very funny..." Virgil quipped mockly. Both Scott and the kid laughed.
The rescue may be straight-forward, but it was one of the best rescues Scott ever had. It was the same for the little soul that was cuddling in his arms, playing with his tugboat switcher named Ten Cents...
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