#it’s bittersweet someone wanted to buy my merch of them
eternalpassions · 2 years
I love Setsuna and Moroha
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lawonderlandwriter · 5 years
While I’m not really a Star Wars fan and I wasn’t that disappointed with the ending to Endgame, everyone’s posts about the three recently have stirred up my anger over GOT again and about Hollywood in general. 
Honestly, what is the point of a “bittersweet” or “realistic” ending? 
Please, someone tell me.
If the point is to educate the audience on something, that’s fucking dumb. We all live in this world. We all know it sucks. Most of us struggle daily. So there’s no need to ram it down our throats that life is hard. We fucking get it. 
This need of writers and creators to shock their audience or to be “edgy” by giving people a controversial ending doesn’t just piss off fans, it’s also completely unnecessary. 
And the complaints from creators that fans are “entitled” and “toxic” when we complain about those controversial endings is ridiculous too because HELLO, we pay your fucking way here!!! 
We buy the movie tickets.
We buy the Blue Rays. 
We buy the subscriptions. 
We buy the merch.
We buy the Comic Con passes. 
We literally pay their fucking bills and give them names and platforms and Ferraris and million dollar houses. 
And what do we get in return? A need for therapy. 
These aren't just stories to us. These aren’t just characters to us. They inspire us. They help us. Entire subcultures are formed around them. This means something to us. 
And these writers just fucking spit in our faces. 
You want a love story? One of them’s gonna die.
You want a main hero? They’re gonna end up dead.
You want a redemption arc? Yep, you guessed it. Death.
We’re all already depressed over the state of the real world. Why do they have to make us depressed over the state of the worlds we used as an escape from all this? Or that we used as inspiration and hope? 
It’s fucking bullshit.
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mexicancat-girl · 5 years
Another for @bnhawlwweek! Day 2 Prompt: Clothing: Swimsuits
Fuyumi Todoroki/Miruko (Rumi Usagiyama)
ao3: link
It’s ridiculous that Rumi’s so nervous right now. Really. It is.
 She’s used to wearing stuff that shows off a lot of skin. A swimsuit should be no different.
 She runs around every day in a leotard as her hero costume, after all. She’s out there in the world as Pro Hero Miruko, wearing what is essentially a swimsuit while she literally kicks people’s asses, because the higher-ups and the public wouldn’t consider her ‘viable’ enough as a heroine without showing off a little skin.
 “You’re not feminine enough, Miruko.”
 “You’re too muscular, Miruko.”
 “You’ll never get popular, Miruko.”
It’s all a fucking ridiculous balancing act, honestly. If she shows off too much skin she’s ‘inappropriate’ and a slut, but if she doesn’t show off enough skin she won’t win popularity polls because she’s not playing the fanservice card like it’s expected for most female heroines.
 And then there’s her ‘abrasive and mannish personality’, which apparently also doesn’t do her any wonders.
 “You need to smile more, Miruko.”
 “You’re too violent Miruko.”
 “Your merch sales are down, Miruko.”
 Rumi takes in a breath and lets it out, counting down from ten just like her anger management specialist told her to do time and time again.
 Thinking about her managers and the sleaze-balls in charge of the hero system will only piss her the fuck off. Thinking about the misogynistic fuckwads that she has to save on a regularly basis and pander to for her to keep her ranking will make her want to punch a wall.
 She has to keep calm. She can’t step out of the changing room wanting to kill a man. She’s on a date. She’s wearing a swimsuit. She’s going to go swimming and flirt with her girlfriend, and then maybe buy a piña colada if she’s feeling too restless before realizing that she’s more partial to margaritas, downing both of them because she doesn’t want to waste the drinks.
 Yeah. Okay. Alright.
 She can do this.
 Rumi slowly opens the dressing room door, taking a cautionary peak out.
 Fuyumi is standing right outside. Abort, abort!
 She squeaks and instantly shuts the door again, heart jackrabbiting her chest and face flushing hot because oh God, she can’t do this.
 Especially after catching a glimpse of her girlfriend in her swimsuit. Just. God. God, she’s so fucking gay, and such a huge fucking disaster.
 Fuyumi was wearing a one-piece swimsuit. White and simple, with red trim, a red ribbon acting as a halter top to keep everything in place and modest.
 It was the most gorgeous sight Rumi’s ever laid eyes on in her entire life, she’s sure. Like. 1000% sure.
 With a groan, she puts her hands on her warm cheeks and tries very, very hard not to melt into a puddle of goo.
 “Rumi-chan…?” Fuyumi’s voice drifts through the wooden door, sounding so sweetly concerned it should be illegal. If it was illegal, Rumi would have to arrest her on the spot, and—yeah, no, her brain’s going down the drain fast. Abort.
 She tries to reply, but all that gets out is a strangled noise that sounds like a dying rabbit, which wow if that ain’t a huge Mood…
 “Rumi-chan, are you okay in there?” Fuyumi asks once more through the door, tapping it lightly in a knock. “Are you having trouble with your swimsuit…?”
 “No!” Rumi squeaks out, just a bit panicked. Oh fuck, she’s made her girlfriend worries now. Shit. “I-I’m fine! It’s fine! Everything’s fine! Ahahaha…”
 Gah, it’s so obvious she’s not fine! Christ, she’s such a bad actor! It’s no wonder she barely gets into commercials nowadays, much less any huge roles in TV or movies! Ugh.
 “Are your clothes damaged? Did a seam rip?” And now Fuyumi sounds a little panicked and frantic. “That’d be awful! It’s no wonder you don’t want to leave the changing room. I-I could get you an extra set of clothes, if you need it—”
 “I don’t—it’s fine, nothing’s ripped!” Rumi reassures her quickly, still feeling flustered, but not wanting her girlfriend to panic and worry even more. It must be her heroic instincts kicking in, even with a situation as ridiculously mundane as this.
 Though, it’s admittedly a little dumb that she’s being so chicken-shit, hiding and talk-yelling through the changing room door…
 Aw, fuck it. She’s gotta have to put her big girl panties on and just. Open the door. And let her girlfriend see her in her swimsuit.
 Her very frilly, sorta tacky swimsuit that she’d decided was a good idea to buy two weeks ago and is still sort of regretting.
 Rumi crosses her fingers behind her back for good luck, hoping she looks less dumb than she feels, and opens the changing room door.
 It almost takes her aback, seeing Fuyumi right in front of her in all her gorgeous ice sculpture-esque glory. Fuyumi blinks back at her, seemingly equally as stunned and startled.
 Her girlfriend’s hair is pulled back in a little ponytail with a red ribbon matching her swimsuit. And it takes Rumi a hot second, but to her astonishment, she notes that Fuyumi has hairclips in her hair.
 Little bunny hairclips.
 Rumi has to stop herself from clutching at her chest as the realization hits because oh my God, her girlfriend is so fucking adorable.
 “B-Bunnies?” Rumi squeaks out, cheeks aflame as she spastically gestures at her own temples, emulating where Fuyumi’s hairclips sit.
 Fuyumi’s already pink cheeks flush into a deeper pink as her hands fly up to said hairclips. “I-I, um…It’s—it’s going to sound so stupid, but, I…” clearly hesitating, she finally stutters out, “N-Never mind!”
 “They’re cute!” Rumi blurts out, voice way too loud in her effort to assuage her girlfriend’s worries. Clearing her throat, she forces herself back into a normal volume. “I mean, er…They’re…I like ‘em, is all.”
 Fuyumi’s embarrassed grimace wavers and is quickly replaced by a shy smile. “Oh! Um. Do you really…?”
 “Yeah. Yeah, they really suit ya,” Rumi says with a cough, awkward and trying to push through it. She was going to compliment her girlfriend, damn it, and her own terrible social skills weren’t gonna stop her! “Your swimsuit’s nice, too. You look good.”
 Wow, someone get a goddamn camera to catch this spectacular failure of Rumi Usagiyama giving basic compliments. She sounds so eloquent and convincing, she should win an award for Worst Flirting Ever.
 While Rumi beats herself up in her head over her less-than-stellar comments—seriously, could she only think of ‘you look good’?! Who even says that?!—she nearly misses Fuyumi’s answer.
 “Thank you! I…I don’t tend to wear swimsuits very much,” her girlfriend admits bashfully, idly fingering the red halter strap. “Haven’t exactly had many situations where one was needed, honestly…”
 “That so?” Rumi asks, quickly trying to scramble for a decent reply. “Can’t see why you wouldn’t. You must’ve gotten people flocking to take you on a summer date to the beach or pool. Sure thing for someone as smart and nice and pretty as you.”
 Ah, hell, she was rambling now.
 Rumi avoids Fuyumi’s gaze, scratching the back of her neck, smile awkward. Is she coming on too strong? She’s probably coming on too strong. Fuck.
 She hears a giggle, and carefully glances to see Fuyumi flushed and smiling.
 “I was never exactly popular as a person, really, so I didn’t tend to go out much… But thank you,” her girlfriend says, voice soft and warm, but with a sad look in her eyes.
 Rumi decides instantly that she hates the bittersweet tint in those sea-blue eyes and tries for a joke to lighten the mood. “Eh, I dunno. Sounds fake, but okay, babe.”
 This seems to startle a laugh out of Fuyumi, who clamps a hand over her mouth to ride out her ensuing giggles. Her eyes are bright and crinkled, happy; Rumi’s done her job.
 “C’mon, let’s head out. We’ll never get to swim at this rate,” Rumi says, a lopsided smile in place as she nudges her girlfriend. Fuyumi nods, an occasional giggle still stuttering out, and Rumi wraps an arm around her shoulders to guide them outside the changing rooms.
 The action seems to make Fuyumi go pink and duck her head, peering up at Rumi through her clipped-back bangs. Her skin is soft and slightly cool to the touch, surprisingly. Rumi’d always figured that it was just her hands that got cold. Maybe it’s got to do with her ice Quirk…?
 “I really like your swimsuit, by the way,” her girlfriend says, snapping Rumi out of her mesmerized state. Yeesh, she’d spend a whole day staring, if she wasn’t careful.
 “Eh? Really?” she asks, blinking dumbly, a pleased flush rising up her neck.
 Fuyumi giggles and nods. “Yes! It’s really cute. I think you look perfect in it.”
 Rumi feels herself puff up in pride, her confidence coming back full force from the compliment, assuaging her previous fears of her choice.
 She hadn’t been sure about her choice in swimsuit before now. It was a white two-piece, the top a sort of tankini that stopped mid-stomach. The bottom was a skirt made of ruffles. It showed more stomach than she was used to, but that wasn’t a problem; after all, she had a pretty great set of abs, if she did say so herself.
 The problem was that it was…cutesy. Ruffles usually weren’t her thing. And neither were bows, which were decorations scattered across her swimsuit. Even a huge bow decorated the front of her bust. But it fit her well, and it showed off her abs, and it wasn’t too flashy or too provocative. It gave her decent mobility as well, so she could take a swim and not have to worry about accidentally flashing anyone in the process.
 All Rumi had wanted was a swimsuit that was practical, but she’d left the store with the ruffled swimsuit thinking that it looked cute, so it might just help her look cute, too.
 Looks like her pick was right after all, huh?
 “Hell yeah I’m cute!” she hoots, bumping hips with her girlfriend. “But not as cute as you in your swimsuit!”
 “Oh, stop it,” Fuyumi waves her off bashfully, a hand on her pink cheek but still smiling goofily.
 “Just tellin’ the truth,” Rumi says seriously, eyes bright as she gently tugs on the other woman’s bangs. “Specially with those clips of yours? You’re the cutest girl around.”
 Fuyumi was thrown into another fit of giggles and Rumi grinned wolfishly.
 “I, ah…I-I actually got these hairclips to, um,” her girlfriend starts, smile soft and embarrassed. “To match with you…? Sort of.”
 Rumi stops in place, and blinks once, twice. It takes her a few seconds, but then she’s grinning so hard her smile nearly splits her face, and her ears twitch excitedly.
 “You wanted to…match with me?” she asks, still a little in disbelief, pointing at both her rabbit ears. “Seriously?”
 “I know, I know…” Fuyumi sputters out, waving her hands wildly in front of herself in defense, face nearly matching the red streaks in her hair. “It’s…It’s really cheesy and kinda dumb, and—”
 “Babe,” Rumi starts, serious, gently taking her girlfriend’s flailing hands in her own. She leans down and quickly pecks Fuyumi on the nose; if the other woman’s face wasn’t already the shade of a tomato, the public display of affection probably would’ve done it. “Babe, that is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I love it.”
 Her girlfriend’s nervous and mortified smile wobbles, and in just a second, she’s breaking out into a radiant smile so bright that it rivals the sun.
 “I’m…I’m glad,” Fuyumi murmurs softly, leaning forwards to rub their noses together. “I just wanted to show some way of supporting you.”
 “Babe, you’re always supporting me,” Rumi reminds her, but it gets a wide smile from her anyways, her ears perking up.
 “And I always will,” the other woman confirms with a light peck to her lips. Rumi makes the approximate noise of a teakettle and gets a peck on a burning cheek as a reward, the sweet sound of Fuyumi’s giggles in her ears.
 She feels so mushy and soft and warm, like she’s just sunbathed for an entire day. And she hasn’t even been outside for ten minutes, yet.
 Fuyumi’s just got that sorta power, though. Even if she’s got an ice Quirk, she always makes Rumi feel warm and comfortable and oh-so-fond.
 Being with her is worth a hundred—no, a thousand summer days.
 And, honestly? Rumi can’t wait to spend each and every one of them with her.
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kimyugy · 4 years
I may have stopped using Tumblr, but I never stopped being an Ahgase
Hi, it’s been awhile hasn’t it? Nearly three years to be exact. More on that some other time-- I want to talk about GOT7. As we know, they are no longer under JYPE (bittersweet feels). Yesterday I came across this video by SBS where they compiled all of GOT7′s live performances they did there since debut. As I sat (and stood, and danced, and sang, and screamed) through the 1 hour 41 minutes and 54 seconds, I was taken down memory lane. I came back on Tumblr because I wanted to share that with y’all and if you’d like I would love for you to share too!
First video/song of GOT7 you watched/heard:  “I Like You(난 니가 좋아)" Dance Practice #2 (Boyfriend Ver.) I thought Jaebum was SOOO attractive here he made my heart race (I still think this way and he still does)
Era GOT7 was promoting when you became a fan: “Hard Carry” I remember waiting for and watching the Hard Carry reality show episodes! I really love their personalities
Your Age Then and Now: 18🠒22 I was in my very first semester of college then and now I’m graduating this May! 
Favorite Era: “Fly” I didn’t know GOT7 at the time of this era, but watching back on their performances, I just really loved the soft boy vibe from some of the songs to their comfy pastel outfits
Favorite Song: If this was a year ago I would easily say “See the Light(빛이나)" is my favorite song and a big reason I love the entire FLIGHT LOG: Departure era. While I still adore that song with all my heart, “Wave” from their most recent and last album as GOT7 in JYPE makes me cry. The track, the vocals (rap line singing!), the lyrics. I wish there was a live performance of this song
Favorite Look: This won’t come as a surprise if you look through my blog, but my favorite looks on idols in general are boyfriend vibes, the chokers/leash trend and when Yugyeom had yellow hair. 
Initial Bias, Current Bias, Bias Wrecker: Jackson initially caught my attention and I love his energy. But more videos I watched, the more I was entranced by Yugyeom’s dancing and his personality. A maknae like no other. Bias wrecker? They all have their moments. Whoever is currently in the center singing is a threat.
Any Concerts Attended: I was lucky to be able to go to the Chicago leg of the “GOT7 FLIGHT LOG: TURBULENCE IN USA 2017″ tour only months after becoming a fan as someone on Tumblr was selling their tickets last minute. Literally a week before the show my friend and I got the tickets. It was our first kpop concert so we thrifted some clothes we thought would make a cool outfit. Ah, times were simpler back then. This was their last time they toured in Chicago I believe, so I feel incredibly grateful of that experience. 
Any Merch: I have very few items of kpop merch in general. No official GOT7 items :(  I did print out a hundred photos of them (and BTS) to make DIY custom photocards LOL. If they ever tour again I would most certainly buy an ahgabong
Anything Crazy You did for/because of GOT7: I’m a bit of an obsessive person, so other than printing out a hundred photos that I hand cut into photocards I also became the number one fan on GOT7′s channel on Vlive momentarily. I don’t recommend doing that-- I spent every day going through all their videos and left comments on each one.  
Thoughts on Encore: Hahah I only made this section so I can talk about how proud I am of GOT7 and how proud I am to be an ahgase. They’ve worked so hard during their time in JYPE and I know they will continue to thrive in the paths they take next. I can’t wait for them to flourish and grow even more. Encore might’ve made me cry. Just maybe. I will support them as individuals, and I will always support them as GOT7. 
If you’ve made it to the end, I would love to read your response in the comments or tag me when you make your own version of this! Much love to my fellow iGOT7, thank you for this community
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barksona · 7 years
post-birthday + art updates + other fun stuff
i haven’t been cross-posting my journals from furaffinity and it occurred to me that i should do that!!! i’m super sorry! here’s the journal but i’ll post the text here under the cut
my birthday was a lot of fun and i'm SUPER SUPER THANKFUL for all the birthday wishes!! i had a really good time; we went to the zoo and even though it was hot it was fun! and then we went shopping and like idk i usually dont allow myself to buy whatever i want but it was nice. i guess it was a tradeoff with not really doing a whole lot other than that but it was great. apparently my 20th birthday was also build-a-bear workshops 20th birthday so when i went in i got a special anniversary bear and also he looks like me? named him storm 2? thats just how my life goes haha however these past few days have been rough. its kind of like... humorous at this point but in a really bittersweet and sad way. things just keep popping up literally every other day and im frankly sick of it but i cant really do much about it. we got back on the 21st and i got a migraine on the 22nd and 23rd and im working an 8 hour shift today on 3 hours of sleep so like. im not being as productive as i want to be and it kills me. anyways, in regards to COMMISSIONS: i'm doing the best i can to get things done! i have some sketches worked out, and it has taken me a long time and i cannot express how super sorry i am. as always please reach out to me if there's anything i can do, i'm aware that a journal may not be the best way to get in touch with people but i've tried to message everyone already with the situation! in regards to ARTFIGHT: i feel super super super super super bad because i got some really nice and wonderful attacks and i havent been well enough to work on my defenses. is it generally considered really rude to not get back to people in time??? i feel AWFUL about it but i might not be able to defend all of them )-: in regards to THANK YOUS + GIFTS (and my raffle winner!) i'm SO SO DANG SORRY but i just have to prioritize commissions first. i keep meaning to get to my thank yous as warm ups but i havent been in the mood to do much of anything as of late. i'm kind of doing things as i feel up to them and really want to get around to some of them soon, when i sit down to really work on commissions next thank you for your patience!!!!! ALSO other fun stuff i'm maybe gonna look into making some sort of physical merch? i haven't decided yet, maybe stickers but maybe pins or even patches. i'm super excited about the possibilities so if you have any ideas don't hesitate to hit me up. so far i've got: - dog stickers (duh!) - maybe a dog face patch? i'm thinking a symmetrical samoyed sort of thing - dog face pins - sticker sheets with environment stuff (ex, a tiger with s.asia flora + fauna) - silly little things with some of my ocs on them? that seems Kind Of pretentious but i love my ocs and if no one wanted them i could give them to my friends /__\ also ALSO i have been feeling like shit these past few days and not able to do any real work BUT i did like. a metric ton of adoptables. so keep an eye out because it's gonna be a Adoptables Party in like. circa a day or two. if you have any base ideas lemme know! i'd love to draw something with it. it's been super therapeutic to just color stuff. thanks for reading! sorry for this super super long update, i appreciate all of you SO SO much and it blows me away each time someone is nice to me. i have some of the nicest people following me i swear!!
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