#it’s hard being someone who intentionally misspells stuff
oc rant moment feel free to ignore
I love when people spell Meranda’s name with an “i”
like if they spell it correctly they will lowkey convey to me that I’m a dumbass and need to change it
it’s not changing- 10 year old soop chose it and 19 year old soop is keeping it
I just like how much softer it looks with an e-
the i looks like a cactus sword that’s ready to jab me in the spleen
anyway have a glow up thing
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(this wasn’t her original design but it was the earliest drawing I could find)
#meranda#it’s hard being someone who intentionally misspells stuff#but also makes an unholy amount of typos#fun facts- meranda was my first ever oc that was just revamped this year#she’s a nostalgia gremlin#she actually started off as a mermaid#which is why it was MERanda#I thought I was so clever#baby soop legit had no idea it was an actual name#and because of that I in current time cannot hear it as a real name as well#it’s just a dumb sound I made up when I was 10 - I’m original- I am the goodest#meranda is also kinda part of a trinity of ocs#but I split it into three different people because I’m indecisive hee hee hoho#so she started off as this mermaid lady#then I wanted to be epic and made her a coyote mermaid in later years#then I made her just an earth wielding coyote#and then I changed her name to Ava and got rid of the coyote thing#and then my friends made up this species that was similar to a siren but w/o the scales and mermaid tail#so then Ava became an earth wielding Lamivian#then I joined a dr rp server back in 2021 and wanted to kinda make it an au for Ava- so I changed her name to Virginia#then people really liked Virginia but I still wanted Ava so I just made Vi a separate character them made em twins#and then I missed meranda and just revamped the earliest design of Ava/Virginia#and now they’re separate characters#Meranda is a lil baby coyote that lives under the care of Whyen#I changed Virginia’s name to Evangeline and Ava’s name to Bellamy#the end#joop goes rarara#joop doots
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ryuuug · 3 years
name/alias: may age: 18+ pronouns: she/her timezone: GMT+8 (but i’m asleep like,,, never so...Y e s)  discord: msg me nd i’ll tell *wink wink* little trivia fact about you: i misspelled the band name (commes instead of comme) when i first sent my app in so like,, Very Dumb May. altho now that i think about it my character would probably make the same mistake once or twice :’-)
character name: aoyama ryōhei ryū (or just “ryuu” in the future,, much easier to type. tbh i’m clueless when it comes to keyboard shortcuts so idrk if there’s one for letters w/ macrons,, and i personally find it a pain to keep searching “u with bar” on google ASFDGD) age: 24 zodiac sign: pisces (LMAOOOOOO) group/band/position: drummer 4 comme les filles info links or quick points about your character: profile + other short stuff here and bio (???) here (then there’s also that text post wc is rlly just an Edited version of the para sample i sent in,, basically ryuu and his ex-almost-boyfriend having a Moment)
as for plots hMMM
possiblY some1 who’s availed of his old “I’LL MAKE YOUR WORLD BETTER IN JUST ONE HOUR” service (like Yours for an Hour by Hic iacet Mori yes before rp i was a massive naruto fan gOD) but ofc this one doesnt have to be romantic
people who’ve known him since he first arrived in kr so they Know he’s totally different from the Hard and Edgy persona he’s currently fabricating (humor him or dON’t!)
drinking buddies, given the drinking culture (note: he cannot hold his liquor)
on tht note, a friend w/ a place he often crashes at, intentionally or unintentionally
tbh he’s kind of a freeloader; would love a friend/senior he bugs constantly to buy him drinks/food/basic necessities! there’s an underlying fear of not having enough money, as much as his parents still deposit in his acct; i hc he has a habit of checking his trust fund when he gets antsy for whatever reason. it’s like he’s living the middle-class nightmare of being one accident/hospitalization away from poverty when in truth it’s all mostly in his head.
also a friend he just likes hanging out with. i’d say w my whole chest that ryuu is a lot like a dog; he tends to follow people around, gets very lonely when left alone for an extended period of time. a very nice, very social dog. (though recently he’s been trying to kick it and go full Lone Wolf, pt of that dumb rockstar transformation.)
mb a fellow drummer he’s met in the scene! another hc i have is that he was just starting out when CLF was formed, and it’s possible the prospect of being in a band was what made him try drumming in the first place. cld be someone who’s been at it longer than he has, and now they have to endure his pestering for tips and pointers (compensation?? is a michelin-star-worthy omurice enough for you??)
that’s all i have for now  (*/_\) lmk if any of those ideas interests you, or if you have ideas of ur own!! my dms are open for plotting/ooc talk, and i can’t wait to get the ball rolling w ug! c h e e r s  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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Game Grumps Ask Meme
** It's late and I can't sleep, so I'm doing yet another Q&A ** Put that in, Barry!: What's your strangest habit? - Probably twirling my pencil when I take notes, but I wouldn't be the best person to ask. Mycaruba: What's a word you always tend to misspell? - Souvenir. Mike Aruba: What are your favorite names? - Elizabeth and Gabriel. Those are the names I have picked out for my children. My Car, Roomba: What kind of car do you drive? ((If you don't drive, what kind of car do you want to drive?)) - 2017 Toyota RAV4 Yes, Mr. President: What political party do you tend to lean towards? - I lean more towards pizza parties. (Seriously though, I am like the least political person you will ever meet.) Wolfjob: Do you laugh at immature jokes? - Depends on who I'm with but most of the time, yes. MARK ZUCKERBERG: What's your favorite social media site? - Either tumblr or instagram MOTHERFUCKING JESSE EISENBERG: What's the most trivial thing you've ever gotten angry about? - Probably the printer not working. Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped: Which of the grumps would you fight? ((Arin, Danny, Ross, Suzy, Brian, Barry, Kevin)) - I wouldn't stand a chance against any of them. If it's just a video game fight, then Arin. The D Club: Have you ever been in any clubs/extracurricular groups? - Band, student newspaper, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, and show choir. Sexy Widdle Baby: What's the most interesting/weirdest nickname you've ever been given? - Fifi. Knurttt: Do you play the Pokemon games? ((If yes, what's your favorite and least favorite game in the main series?)) - I don't play Pokemon. Get the gems, Bentley Bear!: Do you collect anything? - Pressed pennies and nail polish. We're playing the Feud!: What's your favorite game show? - Match Game and To Tell the Truth. Lose a Turn: How do you react to losing? - Not a big deal, I lose at pretty much everything. It's literally an everyday occurrence with me. Batanrangs: What would be your weapon of choice if you had to fight someone? - Lightsaber A gentle handy: What's your weirdest talent? - I can say the alphabet backwards. Is that considered weird? NYEH HEH HEH: Can you do any interesting voices/impressions? - I can do the grocery store self checkout voice, and for some reason, it scares people. Hayley Westenra: What music do you listen to when you're trying to relax and unwind? - Pentatonix ARIN WINS: Are you competitive? - Not at all. DANNY WINS: What game are you best at? - The Quiet Game. I dunno, I've been told I'm good at badminton. SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN: What is a language you don't currently know that you'd like to learn? - Filipino. I wanna be able to talk to my family, and I feel bad they have to switch to English or stop conversations to translate just for me. Just use Knuckles: Do you like to exploit game glitches? - Not really. Can't stop, won't stop: What food could you never give up? - Spaghetti. You say tomato, I say "What are you doing in my house?": Do you have company over often? - Not really. Birthday parties are the biggest but other than that, I'll just have 1-2 people over at a time. Actually, it's pronounced _____: Do you intentionally pronounce things wrong? - Sometimes I'll mispronounce Target. HELENA!!!: Has anyone ever tried to befriend you, but you really don't like them? - He tried to do more than befriend me, but yes. Hard, Man: What was/is your most challenging subject in school? - Music History. Ash Man: Are you good at remembering peoples' names? - For the most part, yes. A fine day for mayoring: Do you like being in positions of leadership? - No, because I'm so bad at making decisions. The fuck-it adjustment: Do you tend to give up or leave projects unfinished? - Personal projects-rarely. School projects-no. Even if I know it's terrible, I'll still finish it. Come, come my lady: What's the cheesiest pick-up line you know? - "Hey, my name is _____. But you can call me anytime." Pokey Little Flab Biscuit: What are some silly insults you tend to use? - Dum dum. Ringo Starr Art: What's your favorite art style? ((It doesn't have to be something you can draw.)) - I don't think I know enough about art to answer this question. WHAT HAPPENED: What confuses you? - Life WHAT IS THIS?: What riles you up? - Bad drivers. That's some Snow White shit right there: What's something you believed as a kid that you later found out was untrue? - Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, where babies come from-the usual stuff, I suppose. IT'S A PUMBLOOM: If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what would you choose? - I'd want a tiger. SANIC DA HORDGEHEG: Do you like any games that others usually think are bad? -Not really. I get game recommendations from others so if they think it's bad, I won't bother playing it. Rigged as shit: Have you ever been treated unfairly for something completely arbitrary? - Oh yeah. PACKED with peanuts: Do you have any allergies? - Shellfish. It's not life threatening though; if I eat it, my mouth just gets itchy and a little bit red and swollen. I can be around it. Dinkles: What sort of clique or stereotype did you fit in middle school/high school? - Band geek ** Shoutout to OP, whoever you may be **
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