#then I made her just an earth wielding coyote
oc rant moment feel free to ignore
I love when people spell Meranda’s name with an “i”
like if they spell it correctly they will lowkey convey to me that I’m a dumbass and need to change it
it’s not changing- 10 year old soop chose it and 19 year old soop is keeping it
I just like how much softer it looks with an e-
the i looks like a cactus sword that’s ready to jab me in the spleen
anyway have a glow up thing
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(this wasn’t her original design but it was the earliest drawing I could find)
#meranda#it’s hard being someone who intentionally misspells stuff#but also makes an unholy amount of typos#fun facts- meranda was my first ever oc that was just revamped this year#she’s a nostalgia gremlin#she actually started off as a mermaid#which is why it was MERanda#I thought I was so clever#baby soop legit had no idea it was an actual name#and because of that I in current time cannot hear it as a real name as well#it’s just a dumb sound I made up when I was 10 - I’m original- I am the goodest#meranda is also kinda part of a trinity of ocs#but I split it into three different people because I’m indecisive hee hee hoho#so she started off as this mermaid lady#then I wanted to be epic and made her a coyote mermaid in later years#then I made her just an earth wielding coyote#and then I changed her name to Ava and got rid of the coyote thing#and then my friends made up this species that was similar to a siren but w/o the scales and mermaid tail#so then Ava became an earth wielding Lamivian#then I joined a dr rp server back in 2021 and wanted to kinda make it an au for Ava- so I changed her name to Virginia#then people really liked Virginia but I still wanted Ava so I just made Vi a separate character them made em twins#and then I missed meranda and just revamped the earliest design of Ava/Virginia#and now they’re separate characters#Meranda is a lil baby coyote that lives under the care of Whyen#I changed Virginia’s name to Evangeline and Ava’s name to Bellamy#the end#joop goes rarara#joop doots
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auarchivist · 3 years
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This picture can kind of fit into any one of various AU's. It showcases some of the characters I like to write and draw as well as a few original characters of mine.
((WARNING: long post incoming))
It isn't everyday that James can get everyone together in one place, so when it did finally happen he planned on making the most of it with a little photo. It took a bit of moving around, but they managed to get everyone in the shot. FRONT----    From the far north is Paula, ever the joker type she finds good humor in almost anything. When she's not out in the wilderness or at home with her faithful blue ox, Babe, she can usually be found having tea and good conversation with her closest friend, Kitty. Out of all of the youngins Kitty has taken in, Hazel is by far the fondest of the bear woman, even going as far as to call her "Auntie Paula". A title Paula seems quite happy with. When it came to the new faces of their little group, Paula was always one of the first to warm up to them, but don't let her sweet nature fool you. Personality wise, she may be a teddy bear, but she's still a bear and she's got the strength to back it up.    Up next is the ever chaotic coyote Huehuecoyotl better known as Huey. Despite what people say about him, Huey is more than just an oblivious fool. In fact, he has often surprised those that doubt him with his random moments of genius. That being said while there is a method to his madness, its still madness. He can often be found at the village of Hatfield ,where all see him as the spirit of the village, hanging out with Calamity or helping James with his research on Moguels and magic. If not, then he is more than likely stealing a scarecrow somewhere.    Zim found himself at a low point, not too long ago, after finding out his mission to conquer earth was in fact just a lie by the tallest to get rid of him. Without goal or purpose and dealing with the realization that he might actually be a bad person, he fell into a state of depression. But all that changed when his ship crashed and he met Erma and the Williams family. Now he has turned over a new leaf, and is determined to achieve greatness by aiding those he can. Despite this though, Zim is very much still the ego filled, deranged megalomaniac he has always been, but now with more noble goals in mind. Despite his shortcomings in socializing Zim has managed to make close friends with Spinel and Catra and even forming a relationship with Erma's old babysitter Felicia (how he managed that is a mystery even to him).    Felicia has been familiar with the paranormal for a few good years now. From being the Williams go to babysitter to dating a former Irken Invader. She has taken all the weirdness in her life in stride, almost unfazed by any of it. Cool and level headed under pressure, a quick thinker and a good dose of bravery has made her infamous to those she has faced on ill terms, especially among the Irkens.    The young girl Erma is certainly a unique one, being a hybrid of human and Yokai descent, people in very high places have had their eye on the little girl for a long time, and for good reason as she is a well and true powerhouse of a child with abilities straight out of a horror movie. Despite this she is very much still a child and when she's not at school or at home watching a slasher flick, or the latest episode of Warrior Unicorn Princess with Gir, she can usually be found with her friends, Hazel Hali and Kaio (last two not listed).    Frosta has certainly had an adjustment period to go through and to be perfectly honest, who can blame her?  After all, its not everyday you lose your home planet. Luckily she has not had to face this alone and has adjusted rather well. All things considered. Nowadays, she lives with glimmer out in the country mastering her ice powers and trying to make friends. Turns out being former royalty can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to socializing.    When Kitty found Hazel one cold, snowy night she had every intention of finding her a proper home elsewhere come morning. But that very night, with the fire roaring, and the child asleep by her side as she quilted, any such notions went flying out the window when morning arrived. Sense then Hazel has been living with Kitty and James slowly and surely coming out of her shell (pun intended) and has become very fond of her new found family. Its clear to those that know her well that she still has some inner demons to work through.    Spinel is the one person that could possibly hope to match Huey in terms of randomness. After Zim stopped her injector plans, with the help of the crystal gems (if you asked Zim he did it all on his own) Spinel stayed on Earth to help fix the damage to beach city and afterwards the two were practically inseparable. The Irken was surprised to learn that the Toony Gem was in fact quite the genius in her own right.  Spinel helps him with a number of his experiments when she's not helping defend the local villages or hanging out with the others. She's even become quite popular with the local children, due to her zany sense of humor and neat tricks and abilities. Which has led to her taking up a side gig as an entertainer. Couch----    Despite appearances Dr. James Algernon was, in fact, human at one point in time. When he was a young boy and the "black ick" had spread across the continent James had the good fortune of running into a young Kajortoq and since then the two had grown to be quite close (much to Paula's teasing). Of course one day old James let his curiosity get the better of him, and he came to an abrupt and brutally painful end.  On the bright side, he did prove Chupacabras were real..and that they could get rabies. For most folks that would be where their story ended, but it seems no one informed James of that fact. As he somehow managed to have his soul inhabit the body of one of angels bizarre puppet dolls, made from wood and the bones of some kind of canine. An expert in the fields of psychology, anthropology, biology, and things retaining to the occult and mystical Dr. Algernon is driven by two things, his love for those he considers family and his borderline obsession with understanding the workings of Magic, both of which have blinded his hindsight and common sense a few times in the past.      The anxious feathered snake Quetzalcoatl, better known simply as Corn, is a quiet soul. Ever sense he was a little hatchling raised by kitty, Corn has always been more at ease alone or with the people he knows well. He earned his nickname when it was discovered the serpent boy had quite the green thumb, especially when it came to growing corn. He has certainly appreciated the additional help he has gotten recently in the form of his adopted sibling figure Hazel and his kindred spirit Wrodak.  Both of which he has become rather attached too.    When Kajortoq was little she was best known for two things, having a lovely singing voice that could heal the sick and for acting way older than she actually was. Now a young adult, she is still known for those things but as of recently she has become known for being the new wielder of the Red Tezcatlipoca. This is an ancient and powerful artifact that takes the form of a burning red wood-stove poker, and can harness the power of the Earth's molten core. It is also said to embody "the virtue of Judgement". Despite her cold exterior, many who know her can vouch that beneath that is a kind, nurturing women. Which has lead her to being what some would call the "mom friend" of the group. It is not too far away from the truth either, as she is already looking after three youngins, Corn, Hazel, and Charles, and has taken Catra under her wing.    Many do not know what to make of Ozama Angeline, or Angel as she is known by her friends. The powerful spirit seems to be a genuinely sweet girl despite her appearance, But the fact that she comes from the "Mictlan Woods", a Realm notorious for being a place for the lost and unwanted souls of the dead; and filled with strange doll and puppet beings made of bone, cloth and other materials (some seemily made by Angel herself), made people a tad hesitant to trust her. But over time people have grown to accept the patchwork girl being around (for the most part).  Nowadays when she is not in Mictlan she can be found tagging along with her adopted human sibling figure, Charles and his friends.    Charles is the very definition of "Problem child" which is no surprise given that his parents were from rival villages, leading to them abandoning him to perish in the cold of winter.  He was found by Angel and Amaroq (not shown). This alone would have lead to the boy having issues, but then it just so happened that he was chosen to wield the Black Tezcatlipoca, a black mass that when left on its own, nearly covered the world in an endless sleep, before being sealed away by Xipe Totec and the three siblings (Xochiquetzal, Ixtlilton and Xochipilli). When he first started using the "black ick" he planned to simply use it to end the villager's feud, but given the fact that he's a kid dealing with the people who abandoned him just for being related to someone from another village, and he now had control over a powerful magical artifact, he got a little mad with power. If it weren't for Kitty and the others' intervention, things could have gotten much worse than it already had. Nowadays he lives both in Mictlan and with Kitty, and while it took awhile, everyone has come to accept him as a member of the group. He has even managed to make a few friends. back----    An expert in illusion magick, Wrip is a master of disguise, all with the help of the magick bottles she makes herself.  If that doesn't work, this resourceful rabbit often uses her skills in flattery and persuasiveness to get her way. A  trick that works on most, save for her significant other Vinkle.    A long time ago Vinkle was charged by the local villages to reign in the illusive rabbit, Wrip.  Whos untethered nature upset them somehow. The finer details of what transpired afterword's is unknown to all, except for them. As what they have told others has, in their words, "creative licenses" but in the end, whatever happened left the two falling for each other and forming a relationship. At first glances it would appear that Vinkle is not all that bright, given his quiet and seemly distractible nature, but in reality he is simply a man of few words and is surprisingly quite perceptive of things.    Catras life has been, to put it lightly, rough. Her childhood was spent as a soldier in training in "The Horde"  with Adora, both of witch were raised by the dark sorceress Shadow Weaver (because that's a name of someone I'd trust around kids).  It was clear to all that while Shadow Weaver loved Adora like a daughter, she merely tolerated Catra, delivering torturous punishments  on the Magicat for any discrepancies caused by either of the two. This harsh treatment would leave psychological, mental, and emotional scars on Catra.  This would lead to her falling into a downward spiral, into villainy, leading to her hurting and driving away the few people in her life that still cared about her. Now after defeating Horde Prime and the exodus to earth, Catra continues her journey of redemption and luckily for her it is not a journey she's taking alone. From Kajortoq who has taken her under her wing, to her two close friends and co-former villains, Zim and Spinel, and finally Glimmer one of the few people in Catras life that has stuck around (and to who she "secretly" feels very deeply for).    Glimmer, the former princess of Brightmoon, was once hailed as a hero of the rebellion and their battle against the Evil Horde. (Why they called themselves "The Rebellion" despite not being concurred by the horde yet is anyone's guess.) But close to the end of the war she lost her mother Queen Angella.  This set her down a dark path, where her anger and grief led her to being manipulated by Shadow weaver. The conniving sorceress convinced Glimmer to activate a powerful device that paved the way for Horde Prime to find Etheria. After his defeat and moving to earth, Glimmer now tries to fix her reputation among the other Etherians as well as redeem herself. Since coming to Earth the former Princess has had a very rocky relationship with her old friends, not only for activating the device, but also for staying with Catra who she has grown very close to (and who she secretly holds feelings for) She has also begun looking out for Frosta, who still greatly admires the sparkly princess.    Icobod, the resident Book worm/stick in the mud of the group, is extremely knowledgeable in a few magical and academic fields. He is also a rather superstitious bird and is obsessed with omens, taking even the most simple ones with the utmost seriousness. Growing up in Hollow, Ichy hid his moguel nature, spending much time in his human form, fearing scrutiny by others if they knew the truth. This lead to him growing distant, even amongst his friends. Nowadays he had grown more comfortable around others, with the resident Irken taking a liking to the "large birdman of science" as he calls him. Another thing worth mentioning is that he has a considerable crush on Wrip that he has not entirely gotten over.    The adoptive little sister of Icobod, Chalchiutlicue, or Calamity as she prefers to go by, is in many ways his polar opposite. With a laid back, free spirit nature, she enjoys spending time out in the wilderness with her friend Huey. Make no mistake though, Calamity may be laid back, but when the time is needed she is more than willing to do what she feels needs to be done. She is also one to usually follow her gut, trusting her instincts despite others input. This has actually contributed to her becoming the wielder of "Tlalocs Tuning fork" a large intricately designed tuning fork that grants the wilder the power to control water provided one sing a certain haunting lyric. When Catra first joined their group, Calamity was very wary of her, but nowadays she has found in some ways a kindred spirit in the Feline Humanoid.    The Newest member of the group, Irina is quite the brawler, seemly always having some kind of bruise or some other injury on her. Despite this the foul mouth canine has quite the cheery disposition, witch goes well with her morbid sense of humor. Her favorite hobby. it seems, is poking fun at Calamity, the only person around who seems capable of matching her wit and despite the Lizard girls statements to the contrary, she always seems happier with the Canine girl around. Nor can anyone deny the glances the two shoot each other when they think the other isn't looking.      Last but certainly not least is "Wrong Hordak", or Wrodak as usually he goes by. When the former drone was cut out of Horde Primes hivemind he was a sobbing wreck as he saw himself as impure and lacking a purpose. Later on though, he saw through Horde Primes lies and aided in his downfall. Nowadays he is happy to be of assistance wherever possible. Usually helping Corn tend to his plants, or with Zim and Jame's research into the occult.               ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitty, Corn, Calamity, Icobod, Huey, Wrip, Vincle, angel and chareles are from "No Evil" by Betsy Lee it can be found on YouTube and I highly recommend it especially if you love fantasy and Folklore as much as I do (witch is a LOT) Catra, Glimmer, Frosta and Wrodak are from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix by Noelle Steven Felitia and Erma are from the Comic series Erma by Brandon Santiago Zim and Gir are from Invader Zim by Jhonen Vasquez Spinel is from the Steven Universe movie and Steven Universe Future by Rebecca Sugar Hazel is from infinity train by Owen Denis
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a-gay-bloodmage · 5 years
🐇 What animal would they say best represents them? (For all your kids 😃)
This was a super fun one to work on! Thanks so much for asking!
Okay listen, I know this took a while lol I’ve been pretty busy…! It doesn’t help that I spend forever working on asks, anyway! I just love to ramble! But, after twenty-two days of intermixed not-working and oh-holy-shit-I-need-to-finish-that-ask, it is done! Fourteen individual dorks and their animals! 
I actually have my Wardens’ and Inquisitors’ “Spirit Animals” on their Ref pages (here for Wardens and here for Inquisitors!)
((From this post!))
I am putting this under a “Read More” link because, well, you’ll see why…
Redren, Fallow Deer I chose the Fallow Deer for Redren not only because it ties into his childhood and the deer of his home village, but because of the wildness that the Deer represent. Contrary to most interpretations, the gentleness of the Deer isn’t as tied into him as other aspects, namely the skittishness, wildness, and spirituality. The redness of the Fallow Deer ties into both his long orange hair and his blood magic, as well as his concerningly fiery temper. Redren’s personality and how it relates to the Deer is surprisingly spot-on, and concerning the antlers, sure, just like Redren, they can be a little intimidating and used in a fight, but, also similar to Redren, they can break if put under too much pressure…
Andrea, French Poodle I decided to go with the Poodle because, like, come on. Not only are they associated with vanity and beauty, but most people see them as dainty, feeble, and cowardly. These views, while widespread, are more misconceptions than anything. Poodles are an incredibly intelligent breed of dog, underestimated and capable of far more than most believe at first glance. Andrea, even though she most certainly doesn’t look like a warrior, is a political genius and a loyal, loyal bitch.
Orest, Coyote It took me a long time to settle on the Coyote for Orest. The Coyote is usually thought of to be cunning and wicked, but the more I looked into it, the more I liked pairing Orest with the Coyote. Coyotes are associated with traits such as honesty and a captivating personality, of truth and finding joy in the simple things in life. The Coyote’s laugh is loud and full of life, and nobody can claim that Orest’s is any different. The association between the Coyote and a lot of Native American cultures was also a large determining factor, as the Dalish are so heavily coded as Native Americans and Orest’s character design is unquestionably Native-based.
Faelyn, Lop-Eared Rabbit I love Faelyn’s connection with bunnies, and so does she. She loves rabbits, especially the lop-eared ones. Faelyn is a little jumpy, spontaneous, and certainly a positive force to have in your life. She also fits into the “fertile” aspect of the Rabbit’s symbolism, as she’s obsessed with weddings and babies and happy little domestic lives. She’s small and her ears flop a little and her front teeth are a little overgrown, but she likes her features. She’s grown into the slur that people have always called her, turning “rabbit” into “Bunny”. Also, she’ll flop over onto her back and let you kiss her if she likes you enough.
Hundir, Ram Well, the Ram fit really well for Hundir. The Ram symbolizes power, force, drive, energy, virility, protection, and fearlessness, and Hundir’s got all of those except, well, the fearlessness one. He’s a little… sheepish. God, I’ll show myself out for that one. I love the parallels between the two, especially since Hundir’s an Aires. He really fits his horoscope. He’s most comfortable when in charge, but not in the spotlight, and would prefer to simply bash at things instead of trying to find peaceful alternative options.
Gemma, Badger She’s such a Hufflepuff, I swear. Not only is she very closely tied to the earth—being an Orzammar dwarf and all—but she’s adorable and could very easily rip a man’s throat out. She’s very confident in her own strength, even if she has moments of doubt. She’s loyal to those close to her, and willing to defend both them and herself. Coming from a world of kill-or-be-killed, both her and the Badger are very in-the-moment, constantly alert and two steps ahead of danger. But, as fierce as she may be, she’s still ever so fluffy and cute.
Mallory, Peacock I think the Peacock fits Mallory quite well. Despite the fact that fics I write containing him usually veer negative and a more than a little angsty, he’s really a fun, excitable person at heart, who wants nothing more than to express himself. Peacocks are associated with traits like freedom, self-expression, and attraction, and Mallory certainly doesn’t shy away from those. Peacocks are also closely tied to the myth of the Phoenix, and nothing says Mallory Trevelyan more than rising from the ashes of a depressed, disastrous, noble life and reinventing oneself as a loud, bubbly, makeup-clad sex worker.
Kiora, Sloth I was originally going to pair Kiora up with a cat because, well, of course, but as I looked more into it, she didn’t fit most typical descriptions. She wasn’t a cunning, shady, and mysterious kind of person. The Sloth fit her perfectly. Physically slow and relaxed, people tied to the Sloth are seen as diplomatic and able to adjust to changes with little fuss, with personalities that are kind and giving. Kiora’s patient to a fault, and passive to her own detriment. However, she moves, slow and steady, toward her goals, quietly and with so little show that people don’t notice until she’s already long gone.
Aelon, Lizard It was really hard to find an animal I best associated with Aelon. Most of the time, “spirit animals” symbolize virtues, and, as good as he can be, Aelon’s unfortunate amount of anxiety and anger and a million other things outweigh most of the common traits mentioned. However, I did find the Lizard to be a good match. Sure, he’s not great at “going with the flow”, but he is decent at handling things life throws at him, albeit with very little grace. He is willing to replace things from his old life with new things, and can face things head on, but would rather dart away to his safe space. He’s quick to run away, and getting a hold of him (both emotionally and physically) is incredibly difficult. And, well, he’s also very small and very cute despite being an angry little fella who would very much so like to be put down.
Ashavise, Fox It wasn’t hard to figure out Ashavise’s connection to the Fox. She’s cunning and shifty, always analyzing others and figuring the best plan of attack. She’s untrustworthy and always ready to run, but that doesn’t mean she’s in any way a coward—she just knows when not to waste her energy fighting. Of course, she isn’t afraid to make a fuss over something, and she’ll nip at people’s heels to get what she wants. However, she’s also very good at lying in wait, spending ages in anticipation for someone to let their guard down before she pounces. She’s not above lying and cheating at all to get what she wants. But, despite her more unsavory traits, she’s a fiercely protective woman who will do anything for her kits—whether they be dead or only partly dead.
Ademamar, Draft Horse It may be ironic, but Ade’s got a lot of similarities to the Draft Horse. Bulky and dense in more ways than one, Ademamar is more like the Horse than other animals reflective of his actual physique. The Horse is symbolic of freedom and power, but also limited by perceived obstacles. Just a shadow in the road can have him skittish and leave him unable to cross over it, even if the obstacle would be nonexistent for others. He may be able to pull an immense amount of weight and he may have the stamina to do it for a very long time, but once he falls, he falls hard, and finds it incredibly difficult to get back up. But, much like the Horse, all it takes for him to get back up is some food and a loving companion.
Harta, Cocker Spaniel She’s small, loyal, excitable, and a bundle of curly, curly hair, but Harta can be feisty and stubborn, too. An intelligent young woman, Harta’s eager to please and possessive over what’s hers. She’s small and full of energy, and her looks can be very deceiving. She can put on a sweet personality to match her friendly outer appearance, but she’s still got sharp teeth she can bring out at any moment. Not to mention, she’s part of quite the sizable litter of siblings…
Ozol, Frog First off, like with Ade, I recognize the irony of pairing up a character with an animal that is so wildly different from them size-wise. But pairing Ozol with the Frog made perfect sense. the Frog is a symbol of rebirth, renewal, opportunity, and healing. For someone who escape the oppressive Qun regime, Ozol was lucky to be someone blessed with the ability to not only get out, but to heal and grow from the experience, emerging as a better version of himself. Frogs are the first indicators of spring, singing out happily at a new, warm, and fertile world. Ozol counts his blessings every day, knowing that he was one of the lucky ones. He’s a good companion for long, troubling journeys, and prides himself on being a reliable guide, both along a trail and in life.
Semiha, White-Tailed Doe Having Semiha Adaar share a very similar animal to Redren is—if one knows how wildly different the characters are—strange, to say the least. Much like the Deer, at a distance, Semiha is tall and beautiful, she wields her magic beautifully and with immense skill. But, once you get close to her, she stumbles over her own two feet, drops her weapons accidentally, and fumbles over her words when faced with a pretty girl. But, even though she may be a little skittish at times, and tends to wish she could flee scary situations with all the grace of a startled, clumsy forest creature, she can stand tall and proud when the situation arises.
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iamnotadamnedmonkey · 7 years
Hey Mikell ya old fart, can you tell us some of your rowdy adventures as Agent Cowboy?
His name was Albert Smith, and he was the Spirit of Peace. So, I killed him.
Well, that’s what he claimed anyways. Called himself Brother Earth, and said the hippies were his children, his idea. I’m not sure why anyone would want to claim that, so I’ve never really doubted him.
I was still an agent then, back in the Sixties. They called me the best of the best, though I like to think I didn’t have a swelled head. Like my Father before me, I fought against a horde of self-named terrors, people and creatures who had come into some modicum of power through freak accident, or sometimes, hard work, and sought to use those powers to subjugate the human race. It was before my younger brother died, but after we’d had to lock up the youngest.
It was an… interesting time. The Foundation had stopped trying to make deals, or live alongside these monstrosities, and started putting them away for good. No more seeing what we could use, now was the time to put things away, and put them away hard. If we couldn’t contain them, they had to go, for the safety of mankind.
I can remember some of them, when I stop and think about it. The ones that they sent me to… finish. I was the Foundation’s hired gun, their executioner, walking up and down in the world, and meting out justice to those who deserved it. The names of the dead read like a list of late night horror matinees. The Shrieking Sister. Crawling Mentality. Danny Devious, the Deadly Diva. The Winter Wolf. All of them had been powers and principalities in their own right. All of them brought low under the barrel of my gun.
I had a gimmick. I hate to admit it now, in a time when we strive to not stand out. When one agent needs to be as bland and unobservable as any other. Some days, I regret the need for it, the need to iron out the strident personalities, but it helps, you know? If it feels like you’re facing down a monolith of uniformity, you start feeling burnt out quicker, and find it harder to keep fighting. I understand why the Council did, but sometimes, I miss the quirky ones. Hell. They’ll take my hat from me when they pry it from my cold, dead hands, no matter how much they whine that it doesn’t fit the theme.
My gimmick was a whole southern theme. A long slow drawl, a tendency to slur my speech, and, of course, the proper accouterments. My deed name was known to show up in the most unusual of places, and very few people linked the Southerner who could wear a suit to the Foundation's terror. I could blend in damn near anywhere, and immediately make friends. Even if I had to kill them.
I got the order to take out Brother Peace on a day like any other. If I recall correctly, I was relaxing at the ranch, a hard won break after dismantling the Scarlet Ghoulade. I remember, I was surprised that I was being offered the mission by Six. Usually, I got orders from a handler, or occasionally, my father. Six was the second member of the Council I had met, and he didn’t impress.
Six was a big man. Fat. The kind of fat you get by never doing anything. He was dressed in a silk black suit, and sweating in the heat before the choppers rotors had even stopped moving. If it had been a normal agent, or my usual handler, I would have given him shit for landing so close to the cattle pens, scaring my stock, but one look at this guy was more than enough to tell he had no sense of humor.
“Agent Vivid?” he asked, like he would’ve disembarked without knowing exactly who I was. I nodded my assent.
“That’s one of the names they call me. Can I help you mistah…” Letting my voice trail off, for him to fill in the blank.
“Six.” He said it like he expected a reaction from me, like I was suddenly supposed to kowtow before his great and mighty self. I shrugged, and stuck a dogeared cigarette in my mouth, taking the time to strike a match and light it. When he saw I wasn’t going to respond, he continued. “I am here with a mission of, utmost importance. We have a rogue asset that we need you to remove, immediately.” Always with the double speak, and weasel words. I just nodded my head, ready for him to continue.
He shoved a manila folder into my hands, clearly uncomfortable under my gaze. “Everything you need to know is here. The target is unrecoverable. It is to be removed with extreme prejudice, do you understand?” He wrung his fat hands together, more nervous than a hen at a meeting of Coyotes Anonymous.
I flipped through the briefing, picking up the important bits, here and there. Absently, as I took a drag on my smoke, and mostly just to annoy this man who was grating on my nerves, I drawled. “He.”
“What?” He looked at me like I was a bit of dung on the bottom of his shoe. I wasn’t going to tell him he’d already stepped in a pile when he got off the bird.
“You said it.” I flipped up a picture of the soon to be deceased. “Target’s a he.”
"Ah, no, Policy change. We've found it allows our researchers to experiment with less sense of guilt."
I pondered taking a stand. Doing something brave and stupid, like shooting a hole in his stupid coat, or spitting in his face. It’s the type of thing my admirers will tell you I did do. Sadly, I’ve always been a Company man, so I just lazily saluted, and stalked off. I could hear him blustering behind me, like I should have given him more, but I didn’t really care that much. I heard the chopper take off as I was grabbing my to-go bag. Thank god. I was happy years later when the fat man got torn apart. Less happy when they picked me to replace him.
I didn’t pack much. I never do. I’ve always been a little impetuous. Not planning, that’s the plan. The paperwork said Smith had run away from Site 19. Well, walked away. His particular little reality twist was that no one could take violent actions in his presence. Guns didn’t fire. Bombs didn’t explode. People refused to wield knives. He’d been real good at keeping the D-class in line, until something made him run.
Repeated readings of the info packet gave me no reason behind why he should run. Guess it didn’t really matter, but I do like a little inside knowledge of who I’m working on. Info said he’d found himself a little commune in California, and quickly risen to Godhood, at least in the eyes of the hippies there. I don’t normally fit in to hippy culture, but that was easy enough to fix. Let my hair hang loose, don’t shave for a couple of days, switch my jean shirt for a leather vest, and bam, instant hippy. The cowboy hat may have been a bit off, but I never worked without it. And of course, my trusty ivory-handled six shooters. I never go anywhere without them.
Getting into the commune was easy too. Just a matter of walking up to the gates, and saying I wanted to study with the master. I wasn’t the only one. Hundreds of people had started flocking to this place, having heard that Brother Earth was the new Guru of True Peace, or some shit like that. The guys at the entrance just waved me in, not worried about guns, or anything else.
I listened to Smith preach for a while. It wasn’t anything new, or different. A couple of times it sounded like he was talking about the Foundation itself. The Walls of Ignorance, the Jailers, the usual tripe you hear from those bastards in the Hand. I figured some of them had slipped into his retinue. I didn’t care. It wasn’t my job to look into that stuff.
Instead, I walked the camp, finding all the ins and outs. His sleeping place, the gardens, the quickest path away. It looked pretty simple. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder. I knew I could kill him at any time, and walk away in the confusion, but…
So, I snuck into his tent that night. People were in and out all the time, asking his favor, kissing his ass, sucking his dick. All the girls wanted to screw him, and all the boys wanted… much the same. Everyone gets tired, and he was no exception. Round about the time his close people were sending everyone away, I was slipping into the back. So when the good Brother Earth finally got around to heading to sleep, I was already sitting in his bed.
“I’m sorry my child,” he said, with a sleepy smile. “I am already exhausted, I need no company tonight.”
“But the Foundation misses you, Albert,” I replied with cool aplomb.
He paused then, looking me over, really taking me in. The sleep left his eyes, but he didn’t seem worried. “So. The Hand Sinister of the Council Itself. Come to drag me back to your den of depravity and evil, hmm?”
I arched an eyebrow at him, smirking despite myself. “After watching you and your followers, I believe you have the market cornered on depravity, Albert.”
“Brother Earth!” he hissed. “I am Brother Earth. And I am not going back. I have seen what they have done to those poor, deluded fools, and I will not be part of it.” He strode towards me, glaring down at me in a poor attempt to intimidate me. “And you can’t make me go back.”
“I’m not here to make you go back, Al. They don’t want you back. They want you dead.” He waved me off, as if I was inconsequential. “I’m just curious as to why you ran in the first place. You must have known they’d kill you.”
“I ran because… Because I am the Spirit of Peace. I was born on this world to help mankind grow, to turn their back on their murderous ways. I am here as a promise, that the Earth has not forgotten her children, that we can live together. We do not need to kill each other to survive, we can work together!” He stabbed a finger at me, glaring imperiously. “And you can do nothing to stop me, Hand Sinister!”
I hated that name. Of all the code names I had, that one always struck me as the dumbest. Hell, just calling me Left Hand would’ve been better. I was frustrated, and bored, so I shot him in the foot.
He dropped to the ground, shock written on his face.
“How… how…” He gasped, unbelieving. I grinned, absently stroking the handle of my revolver. I could have told him the guns were special made, I could have let him know who the bone that was inset in the handle was actually from… But I don’t monologue. I simply lowered my gun to press against his forehead. He shivered, clearly afraid, his eyes crossed to look at the gun barrel.
I noticed some of his people pushing into the tent. They froze, staring dumbfounded at the scene, and I ignored them. The biggest one stepped forward, then stopped, the veins standing out on his neck.
“I know! I know what they do to the D-class, I saw what they fed them to! I would not be that thing, not anymore! Kill me if you must, but-” And I shot him. I’d heard enough, and he was just going to keep ranting, hoping someone would save him. Better to end it now, when I had what I needed. The big guy dropped to his knees, tears in his eyes. The rest of his followers ran in terror, expecting to be next. I couldn't help but pat the big man on the shoulder as I left. After all, he did his best.
I left the same way I came in. No one stopped me. I could hear the wailing rise as I passed through the front gate. My admirers would have said I smiled, but death is never something to smile about. I heard they enshrined him, hoping the peace effect would linger. Good luck, I say.
Six was grateful for my actions. Gave me a raise. And the standard admonition not to talk about it with anyone.
When I became O5 in his place they told me what they did to the D-class. I didn’t like it any more than old Albert had. The difference is, I didn’t run away. I did what I always do. I studied the problem. I set pieces in motion. Everything I’ve done since then, the increase in containments, the Keter breach in 19, the up scaling of the MTFs, and, yes, even Pandora’s Box, all of it has been towards the goal of removing something most of the Council still sees as a vital necessity.
And you are the last part, the very last piece I need. A very special blood flows in you, Miss Argent, my brothers blood, and, more importantly, you’ve had all the training you need. So tell me.
Will you take up my guns?
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snarkyoracle · 7 years
    You don’t have to die to go to hell….
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