#it’s just wild to me how people act like he didn’t disrespect fiona because that’s one of the things that made everybody hate debbie
m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
the way that debbie receives more hate in season 6 that carl does is wild to me… debbie gets pregnant and finds a way to figure out how to raise a baby all by herself and she’s the devil and carl is a racist drug and weapon dealer and he’s just seen as some cool alpha male type
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 9: Knight's of Melodia
“So I’m meeting them today?”
 “Yes they should be at the outer courtyard right now...I’ll go get them.” Duran started moving toward the library's door. 
 “No I’ll go with you...I have been sitting for far too long.” Althea smiled and straightens her dress. “My mother has started giving me more and more documents to look over. I guess she wants to introduce me to all sides of different politics.”
 Duran made a noise of agreement as he followed behind her. Althea smiled to herself as she thought of the interactions she has had with him. He would indulge her and answer her questions quite openly at times, but sometimes he would just grunt and make noises of agreement. He stopped immediately when he realized how rude it was. Althea didn’t get upset because it seemed to be something older siblings did. Evelyn often did it when she didn’t want to be bothered by conversations with Fiona or Aileen. The day seemed to be moving slowly, but it was nice because it meant she could learn more about Duran. She was also a bit nervous to meet Liam and Honora, a strong willed girl, and a mysterious boy. Meeting new people always made her nervous, and she always stuttered horribly. Duran had reassured her that they would be nothing short of respectful. All she could think of was how nice it would be to talk to another girl her age. Meeting another boy her age also made her a bit nervous, since she never had much interaction with boys. 
 Althea smiled as she remembered earlier in the morning when Marina had left. Althea figured with the extra guards, Marina could use a well deserved break. Of course however, Marina had kicked up a fuss because she didn’t want to leave Althea. Althea’s face lit up a bright red as she remembered how good that had made her feel. The thought of her leaving did make her sad, but Althea was confident that her knights could take care of her. Marina was a bit misty eyed, but it was clear that she was happy to see her family again so soon. She wouldn’t see her for at least another month, but she deserved a nice time away from the palace. Althea descended the stairs toward the outer courtyard and thought about what Marina’s family was like. She knew her mother owned a flower shop, and that her father was a general. Marina was the only girl, and she had five brothers, four older and one younger. Her youngest brother was trying to be an architect, her oldest brother Kent was living in eastern part of Edrion, she didn’t see him often but he was planning to live a bit closer. Her second oldest brother Seth lived in Melodia and was a scholar.
 “I swear the paintings don’t do her enough justice!”
 Her third brother Matthew was a painter and his works decorated some of the halls in the palace. Althea had actually met him a year ago when her mother wanted to decorate the palace some more. He was the only person in her family she had met. He had the same kind blue eyes she did, and he was very handsome. Her fourth brother Samuel moved to Dragleic to study the dragons, Marina had said he was always fascinated with the beautiful creatures.
 “The Princess is so damn hot!”
 “Liam shut up! That is not appropriate! You’re gonna get us in trouble! ”Althea had always wanted to meet her whole family, Marina had been her lady in waiting for long enough that it would make sense to meet them. She had always wondered if Marina looked more like her mother or her father…
 “I mean Princess Althea is a fine piece of a-”
 Althea finally took notice of her surroundings and noticed she was standing near a wall at the outer courtyard. Duran was standing next to her with an annoyed look on his face, the girl,  Honora, looked between Liam and Althea with a worried expression. Liam looked nervous and terrified as he kneeled next to Honora. Duran gritted his teeth as he rubbed his temples, Althea tilted her head in confusion.
 “Your Highness! I swear I meant no disrespect! Please forgive my rudeness!”
 “Your...have you done something wrong?” Liam and Honora both looked at each other taken aback as Duran shakes his head at them. They both stand up and Althea smiles and clasps her hands together, and Liam rubs his hands together.
 Honora grumbles and pushes Liam aside as she smiles at Althea. “Your Highness, my name is Honora Stark and I swear to protect you at all times and make sure no harm comes to you. I also swear to take this task seriously.” She gives a pointed look at Duran and Liam. “I also will keep these two in line as well.”
 Liam mumbles “kiss ass,” under his breath as he shoves Honora away, which she retaliates to quickly by elbowing him. “My name is Liam Kalderon and I swear to put my life on the line for you princess,” he gently takes her hand and kisses it, he smiles and deeply gazes into her eyes. “I will be there for anything you need...anything at all.” Honora makes an annoyed face at the insinuation and Duran swats Liam's hand away as Althea feels her face get hot.
 “Princess Althea, I hope that we haven’t offended you in any way, but please understand we are taking your protection very seriously. We will make sure you have nothing to worry about, what happened at the tournament will never come to pass again.”
 At hearing Duran’s words it made her feel a lot better than she had the other day. However, it made her heart ache thinking how they would sacrifice everything just for her. They had lives outside the palace, yet the determined and serious looks on their faces told her they were serious about what they said. Having that much undying loyalty towards her made wonder if she would feel like that towards someone someday. She pushed her thoughts away as she smiled at the three of them, as she thought about trying to enjoy her time figuring her three knights out.
 “I...would like to thank the three of you for taking on this task, and I appreciate your bravery as well. I hope that we can cooperate well together and have a good relationship. Although I...would like to ask something of you all…”
 They look at her in confusion as she fiddles with her hands and she blushes deeply. “I would...like it if you all weren’t so...serious…”
 “Serious?” Honora says confused. “What do you mean, Your Highness?”
 “Well…” She shuffles in place nervously, and they patiently wait for her to speak. “You all seem like such good friends...and at the tournament you seemed so carefree. I want you to be relaxed around me, I understand if it’s an odd thing to ask. I just don’t spend much time around other people my age. I thought...it would be refreshing and nice...I’m sorry if this is a strange thing to ask.”
 The three of them look at her in pure silence as they think about her request. Honora smiles at Althea warily. “Your Highness, I hope we can have a good relationship...but I really don’t think it’s professi-”
 “Well shit...this is perfect! I mean if you want us to relax then I will gladly do that!” Liam laughs as he sits on the ground, and puts his arms behind his head. “Being serious all the time doesn’t really fit my personality.”
 “Liam! Must you always try and be the wild card!? Honestly this is serious...we must do our jobs efficiently and diligently!”
 “If the princess wants us to not be serious all the time,” he says waving his arm nonchalantly. “I think I should listen to her orders.”
 “You don’t always have to go against the grain Liam!”
 “You are such a stick in the mud Honora...loosen up, come take a seat, and maybe we can strengthen our relationship…”
 “Ugh! You are such a damn pig!”
 “A pig? I think I’m more of a majestic stallion...”
 Althea glanced between the two nervously, wondering if she said something wrong. Maybe they weren’t as close as she had thought? Perhaps she misjudged their closeness at the tournament. Honora looked as though she was going to draw her sword on him. Liam seemed perfectly calm opposed to Honora’s red face. Duran took one glance at Althea’s worried face and groaned deeply. He stood between his friends and gave them stern looks.
 “Ok ok you two enough...Liam get up we have a job to do. Honora calm down, take some deep breaths and ignore Liam’s smart mouth. Princess Althea I’m sure we can honor your request,” he smiles at Honora as she makes a face. “But we can also do our job effectively as well, we will find a balance and work with what makes you comfortable.”
 After Duran gave the two of them a talking to, the four of them made their way back into the palace. The day was reaching its end as the three of them walked the halls. Liam and Honora walked by her sides, while Duran walked directly behind her. Duran seemed alert even within the palace walls as did Honora, Liam just whistled to himself, but he kept a loose hand on his blade. Althea started getting concerned and she also looked around the strangely quiet halls. Just the other day it was filled with knights...now it was empty. 
 “.....” As she stopped as did the others. There weren't any events planned for the evening. She hadn’t seen either of her parents for most of the day. They had been acting strange the other day, but she had pushed her thoughts to the side. Although now, they seemed to be creeping back up on her, and her knights were making her nervous with their guarded movements. Just as she was about to get very worried, her mother turned the corner.
 “Mother…” Althea sighed happily as she made her way over to her. “The palace is...strangely quiet today.”
 “Yes, your father figured it wasn’t necessary to have that many knights walking around the palace,” she smiles gently at the kneeling knights behind Althea. “It’s wonderful to see you’ve met your knights. You may all stand...I would love to get better acquainted with you all, but I’m very busy at the moment...perhaps another time then?”
 The three of them nod enthusiastically and Althea giggles softly as her mother smiles. “Oh and Althea, Lord Derrick is coming to the palace tomorrow to discuss some things about his land. You must be up bright and early princess...ok?”
 “Y-yes mother…”
 “Good,” she gives them all one last smile before walking down the hall.
 “Wow…” Althea looks over at Liam as he watches her mother walk away. Honora elbows him in the ribs and Duran sighs.
 “Honestly Liam...that’s the queen! Must you drool over every woman that passes you by?!”
 “Well I don’t drool over you. Besides I prefer a woman... not a little girl such as yourself. Besides you’re not packing much in the way of the chest area.” Duran runs his hand over his face as Honora looks down at her chest with a red face. She wraps her arms over them defensively, while Liam snickers.
 “You’re an asshole! Nothing but a damn pervert!” She grabs the hilt of her sword, but Duran grabs her hand.
 “Easy there Honora...you two have really been acting like a bunch of children these last few weeks.” He says sternly. “We are in the presence of the princess, show some respect guys.”
 They both mumbled their apologies and Althea just smiles. “It’s quite alright Duran...I think their arguments are very refreshing...it doesn’t bother me at all. You aren’t being rude or disrespectful at all.”
 “If you say so, Your Highness…”
 As they started to walk her to her bedroom she felt a sickening feeling in her stomach. The last time she had seen Lord Derrick, he had made her extremely uncomfortable. The way he touched her and how his eyes would travel up and down her body, it wasn’t something she wanted to experience again. As she bid her knights goodnight, she stood in front of her mirror and looked herself up and down. Liam’s words rang in her head as she touched her breasts.
 “Mmm...I don’t have much either...so small…” She sighed as she pulled on her nightgown and blew out the candle by her bed. She brushed out her hair and opened her window, the moonlight illuminating her bedroom. Walking over to the window she looked down at the inner courtyard, the night was very still and quiet. She rubbed her arms as a chilly breeze blew through her room. Although it wasn’t just a breeze that made her rub her arms. It felt as though someone was watching her at the moment. Looking out the window once more she backed away and shut her window, and drew back her curtains. As she climbed into bed, she thought about how nice it was to meet Duran’s friends. It would be nice if she could make more friends. She closed her eyes as she tried to forget the feeling of someone watching her.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648325370008027136/love-amidst-the-darkness
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648324698947665920/love-amidst-the-darkness
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