#it’s like when yoh have to wake up early to do something you want to do
Maybe I should care that my actions hurt her. Maybe I should care.
But I’m done caring about someone who has hurt me and judged me in my lowest points. I’m done caring about someone who has told me “kindness is boring, kindness makes you forgettable”.
But I’m deluding myself because I do care about her, and I can’t just switch that off. I care a lot that our friendship is coming to an end.
But I’m also relieved that she’s going to be moving out of my house and that I won’t have to financially support her anymore. I’m relieved that I won’t have to financially support her girlfriend either.
I want to feel like I can actually relax in my house and not clean up after her, or drive her to work and back nearly everyday.
I can’t wait to make new friends, away from her, and not have to worry about her bad mouthing me and causing me to lose year long relationships. I can’t wait to be myself and not feel her judgement.
I’ll miss our friendship. But, truthfully, our friendship has been gone for over a year now.
Maybe a part of me loved her more than a friend, and that’s why I let so much slide. Maybe… or more realistically I’m just a pushover with poor boundaries.
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actuallyilya · 3 years
No thoughts, only Woods and Mason Valentines day idea
Maybe NSFW
Frank Woods
You wake up to him still snoring. The only holidays he wakes up early for is his birthday, and fourth of July
After about an hour of you being away and just laying next to him, he wakes up
Poor man panics when he realizes it's Valentines day and he didn't get you anything
Usually he's very forgetful so it happens
He begins by telling you how much he loves and cares for yoh
"Not a damn thing can take me away from you."
He gets a lil teary eyed. The man has no one except you, and Macy, but he's out in Alaska having fun
He goes on and on about how different life is with you around, until finally, you just kiss him.
His face, red, instantly. But a kiss can always lead into more potential
It's like an hour later. You're tired and hungry
He decides it's too late to even START breakfast so he takes you out. (To a restaurant. Not murder)
You two go for a breakfast, you talk and talk all throughout the day
Acting like idiots together, insulting the decorations in every store.
Everytime you suggest something, Frank is all for it. He just wants to see you happy.
Soon enough. It's late, time to rescind to bed.
You have no complaints about the day. Neither does he, it wasn't what he had planned, not that he even did try, but he enjoyed it.
I'm not even gonna lie, the idea of you two taking a Polaroid picture on this specific day and him writing on it the date as well carrying it in his wallet makes me sob
Alex Mason
Alex was FREAKING out the night before. He was up a little later than usually, luckily you had fallen asleep so it gave him time to panic.
relationship. years, David's mother had passed and you friend came as a friend to help him. You knew both of them were struggling. As time went on, you stayed more often, you and Alex began to have a bond, trust, eventually, it lead to a relationship.
David appreciated you very much and wanted to help his father make you some type of surprise.
Into the morning, you slept. It was Saturday, usually how it went
But you woke up to the noise of them in the kitchen. You were aware of the date and decided to just go back to bed. Let them surprise you.
Almost am hour later, David came to the bedroom. You could see he was a little panicked when you weren't asleep
He lead you down stairs where your favorite food was made, homemade may I add. Along with two gifts.
One from Alex, one from David.
Your heart felt so warm as you received hugs from them. Alex was a little teary eyed but he would never admit it.
They had their own made breakfast and you ate together, talking and profusely thanking them.
"You don't have to thank us. You've done so much for David and I. Its the least we can do."
"Alex, you didnt have to, really."
You went on to open the presents, from David was not only a card, but as well as some chocolate candies.
"I know these are your favroite." He said
You smiled as Alex inched his gift closer to you.
"Cmon, open it."
You couldn't keep the smile off of your face, it just was such a warm moment in your life.
You unwrapped the heart covered box and inside was a small rectangualr box, it was from a jewelry store. Once you opened it, you saw a necklace. It was beautiful.
You were surprised. It was beautiful. You nearly pushed it away.
"Was this expensive? Alex this-this is too much."
"Only the best for the person I love."
You will admit, that day you sobbed when they hugged you once more.
The rest of the day was filled with activities they had planned, and quite honestly, one of the best days you've had with the Masons
Soon, the day ended, David was in his bed, already asleep and tired.
You and Mason were still awake talking about the things that had occurred.
"You didn't have to do this."
"You pulled me out of a hell hole I was digging. Who knows what would've happened if you didn't help us. Really, you deserve this, and more."
AKSKFNG I love them both. Sprinkle in some soft stuff because I haven't even posted here in like months
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leossmoonn · 2 years
Hear me out: Dad!Matt has a teendaughter!reader and because of Matt's super hearing, he heard the baby's heartbeat. He was shocked but when Y/N told him he was like "ik. I heard. I wanted to see how long it'd take for you to tell me"
Lowk I feel like Matt would freak out 🧌
But anyways
The fact that Matt found out early gave him some time to reflect. Him and your mom talked about it as soon as he found out. First they both were furious. How could they not know their daughter, who was 17, was having sex?? And why did you even let yourself get pregnant. Like having sex is one thing but not using protection?? BUT after a week or so of talking it out, the both of them decided to not make any judgements yet. They didn’t know the full story and it was very unfair for them to assume that you were careless and reckless. And the fact that your behavior had changed was an obvious sign of you feeling guilty
You would barely talk to them anymore. You tried doing more chores around the house too, and studies even harder to get extra good grades. You just felt terrible and yoh didn’t know how to tell them, so you figured that doing all that would make up for teen pregnancy
And while you’re keeping a secret, Matt starts to think about what it would be like to have a grand baby. This really just melts his heart and makes him so happy. He never thought he would be married, let alone have a child, but now a grand child? Honestly it’s all he ever wanted. Of course, he didn’t think this soon, but he began to realize that if you wanted it, then he would be okay with that.
It’s been like almost three months and it’s just getting harder and harder to hide it. But in the back of your mind, you know your parents know. Your mom has been buying food that is good for you and the baby, to help you and your body be strong to support the baby. She’s been helping you with laundry and cleaning your room at times. And she lets you take naps whenever you need to. You also have been waking up to pee 24/7 and your principle even called your parents bc she noticed some sus behavior on your part.
This is when your parents decide to try and coax it out of you.
“Hey, honey. How was school?” Your mom asks. “Good. How was work?” You ask.
“It was good. I made a snack for you if you want it,” she says. “Um, sure. I’m going to take a nap first,” you say.
This is where your mom starts drilling you. At first she just seems like a regular mom being worried about her child, but then it starts to pick it and gets a little annoying.
“I’m just really tired mom!” You groan. “I know that, but something else could be wrong. You never used to sleep this much,” she says.
“Just stay out of my life! It’s none of your business!”
Now Matt is out of his office. “Do not speak to your mother that way.”
Now you’re stuck in between them and you don’t know what to do. “I-I’m sorry. I’m just really tired.”
“It’s okay, honey,” your mom says. She walks up to you and hugs you. “If you ever need anything though, we are here for you. Always.”
Matt walks up to the two of you and joins the hug. He can hear the baby’s heartbeat so much better now. It’s so strong.
“Do you need to talk about anything?” Matt urges
You debate on telling them. You want to say no, but you know that eventually you’ll have to tell them now. And it’s better now than later since you obviously plan to go through with the pregnancy. So you begin to cry as you fess up. Your parents’ reaction is smth you did not expect. At first you think they’re going to kick you out, but they hug you tighter.
“We know, honey,” your mom says. “What?” You gasp.
“Your father heard the heart beat a month ago. We’ve just been waiting for you to tell us,” she explains.
You look to Matt. “A-Are you guys not mad?” Matt chuckles, “no we aren’t. We were furious but we’ve had lots of time to think. And if you want to keep it, then that’s okay. And if you don’t, then that’s okay too. Just know that we will be here to support you no matter what.”
Now you’re crying again and it’s such a relief now that they know. And although you’re not sure if you want to raise te baby or give it up for adoption, at least you have your parents to help you through it
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This was made for my wonderful pal @dis-gorl! Here ya go and I hope ya enjoyed it~ 💕💕
Please ignore the typos it's 3am lol
100 Days (Saeyoung x MC)
You quickly got up from bed as soon as you heard your alarm go off. You hated waking up early, mostly because you were not a morning person, but today was special. Today, you celebrated 100 days if being with the love of you life, Saeyoung.
It had been tough road to get where you are now, but thanks to hard effort and of course, love, you managed to make it through all the challenged the world seemed to throw at you.
You immediately put on your cutest clothes, and made your hair in the way he liked it the most. Today, you were going to spoil the heck out of that man~
You quickly went outside and bought some PhD Pepper, both if your favorite candy, your favorite movies and a small bento box -this one you had made yourself, weeks before having practiced over and over how to make the perfect meal, with hearts and smiley faces and everything Saeyoung liked that wasn't trash food. You had to admit that for now being an expert with cooking you did an amazing job.
You immediately got a ride to Saeyoung's home. You slowly made your way to the door, your face blushing a bit and your hand trying to fix a strand of fair away from your face.
You stood in front of the door waiting for it to immediately open like it always did ever since Saeyoung adjusted it to obey your voice too, but this time it didn't seem to move.
You tried looking around, confused, and then tried to open the door once again.
It wouldn't buckle.
That was strange.
You quickly took your phone out, and leaning against the door texted your boyfriend, trying to ask where he was without being too obvious you had come to visit him.
You immediately got a reply back.
"Me and Saeran decided to go in an impromptu brother's trip!~ Look! Saeran caught a big fish!"
Immediately after that came a picture of a selfie Saeyoung took with Saeran in the background (he was indeed holding a big ass fish.) The second one he sent was of him currently getting smacked in the face with said fish while Saeran seemed to scream something at him.
You chuckled at the sight, but immediatly felt your heart tighten as you realized that, Saeyoung wasn't here and most importantly, that he had forgotten about the anniversary.
It wasn't something you had discussed with him before, but all couples in korea knew and did this tradition, so you just assumed Saeyoung would know it too.
As you bit your bottom lip trying not to cry, Saeyoung sent you one last message telling you that you had left something in the house, and that if you wanted to go and get it that the back yard door was open, and only opened for your voice.
You felt confused as to what you could've possibly left inside, and debated wether to go in or not....you were feeling pretty down.
But maybe going to Saeyoung's room and putting his clothes on while sleeping on his bed wrapped in blankets might help. And you could eat his food, as a bit of revenge for forgetting something so important.
You quickly made your way through the backyard and opened the door. The first thing you saw was a small red string, with a small note attached to it.
Ohoho~ Surprise surprise my sweet 606! Wanna play a game?? Of course you do! Now, all you have to do is follow the red string all the way to the house. Once you've collected all the pieces of paper, in the end of your journey you will find a key that will lead you to your secret treasure! Have fun~
You felt your stomach do a flip as you read the note over and over again. He....he had something planned? Oh how fun! You squealed as you followed the piece of red string near the garden, which Saeran had been tending to ever since he arrived. You immediately found the first note with a flower attached to the back, and it said, in small letters in the top: Reasons why I love you.
In Saeyoung's messy handwriting you made out what it said.
1. I love your smile.
You flushed red and tried to hide your face in your hands. You giggled as you put the note in your bag along with the flower carefully, and followed the red string towards a big tree in the yard. It used to be very lonely and depressing, but thanks to Saeran he managed to make the whole place look absolutely wonderful!
You found the second note with your favorite candy attached on the side. It said:
2. I love you be because make my heart smile.
Yoh let out a small chuckle and happily ate the candy while following the red thread. Quickly you found number 3, with a cute plushie of a cat next to it.
3. Because with you I can truly be myself.
You made your way through the garden, each time collecting more and more notes and small items.
4. When we're together you make all my problems disappear.
9. Because you make me feel like I'm the only person in the whole universe~
You made your way inside the house through the backdoor and went into the living room.
14. Because you're always there for me, no matter what
17. Because you are yourself with me.
25. Because you encourage me after I've failed.
29. Because you love me and my family! Even though we're crazy!
34. You always make time for the two of us.
You went inside the living room and found a big teddy bear laying on the couch and smiled, picking up the next note.
37. You take care of me and spoil me~
40. Because you are determined to make this relationship work, and you always give it your best.
46. When you laugh it makes me laugh!
49. Because your arms feel more like home than any house ever did
50. You always keep your promises.
53. You have the ability to comfort me simply by your touch.
56. When things don't go as planned you always roll with it, instead of getting stressed.
59. Because you always swap the wet towels for dry ones when you know I'm showering.
64. You always believe in me and inspire me.
69. Because your are so sexy and I can't believe I get to call you mine. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
You let out a laugh and then gasped as you looked at the kitchen. The table was a lined up with your favorite food and dishes and drinks. You put your part of the food in the table and had to debate wether or not to keep going. The food looked way too delicious...but you had do wait for Saeyoung. With a determined step you kept going down the hall.
71. I love you because you picked me.
75. You are sweeter than any PhD Pepper, or Honey Buddha Chips. I'd chose you over them any time.
78. You have the courage to chase your dreams.
80. You make an effort with my friends and family because you know they matter to me.
81. I love you because you gave me the gift of yourself.
84. Because you make me feel special.
87. You are my best friend in the whole world.
88. I will love you forever.
90. You make all my dreams come true.
You felt your heart melt as you walked down the hall and into the spare rooms, slowly walking up to Saeyoung's room.
91. Because I can't imagine life without you.
92. You don't just tell me you love me, you show me.
93. You never give up on me, even when I'm at my worst.
94. You care about the people around you.
95. You are smokin hot!
96. I love your snuggles.
You were now passing the bathroom, and after that, came Saeyoung's room. You felt your heart start beating faster and faster.
97. You still give me butterflies.
98. Your hand fits perfectly in mine
The only thing you could hear was the quick thumping of your heart.
99. I love that I get to go through life with you....
The last note had a key attached with a red string. You grabbed it and opened the door.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room, but you saw the curtains were drawn, and that in the roof there were holograms of dancing stars and planets.
There was a small fort in the middle, and you gasped as you saw Saeyoung standing there, a big goofy smile in his face.
You felt your cheeks heat up as he made his way towards you, pulling you into the room. He grabbed your hands and squeezed them, looking deep into your eyes.
"I love you because...." He whispered, and kissed your forehead. "You have taught me...." He kissed your cheek. "The true meaning...." He kissed your nose. "Of love..." And then, he locked your lips against yours in a chaste kiss.
You wrapped your arma around his neck and melted deeper and deeper into the kiss, making Saeyoung sigh in happiness. When the two of you ran out of breath, he quickly held on finger up and dug for something in his pockets.
He took out a small box and opened it's showing a beautiful red ring with small diamonds on the side (looking like stars) and caressed your cheek.
"MC." He said. You nodded.
"I...you've truly made me the happiest man alive. I would've never thought I'd ever be able to have something like this...to have someone i get to call my own...but thanks to you, everything seems possible now. I've found my brother. I'm happier. I have someone I love and cherish. I...I don't exactly know much about this... anniversary, but I read about promise rings and...well...." He quickly took the ring out and gently placed it in your finger, kissing your knuckles. "I promise, from now on, to always be by your side. To love you, no matter what, and to cherish you and adore you and spoil you. I will love you forever, my dear 606."
You let out a happy sigh and immediately wrapped your arms around Saeyoung, then kissed his nose and his forehead and his cheeks, muttering how much you loved him, how happy you were.
*Oh Saeyoung! This is...this is absolutely wonderful! Thank you, I... I love you so much!!!" You kissed him again, making him laugh and then, in one swift movement pick you up and twirl you around and around.
"I love you too! More than anything in the universe!"
That afternoon, after having some fun times in the bedroom and watching a movie (well, tried to, you kept getting distracted since he would kiss you every five seconds) inside the beautiful fort he had made, you had dinner and spent the whole time in each other's company, every once in a while kissing you and hugging you tight.
Thay night you spent it in each other's arms, happily hugging and whispering words of love yo each other.
Now you couldn't wait until you celebrated your 200 day anniversary!
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kr210 · 4 years
Chapter Two : The Main House
This is Chapter Two of my Shaman King fic with Asakura Kiyoku. I hope you all enjoy it
Kiyoku get's used to her new life at the Main Asakura house as she grows into becoming a powerful Shaman including experiencing her first vision.
The main Asakura household was huge. Little Kiyoku was speechless as she was enchanted by the house and property in Izumo, Japan. Yohmei looked down at her scoffing at how sad the Branch family really was compared to the main house. “Come on now,” Yohmei told her, encouraging her to enter the house and the property of her new home.
Yohmei introduced her to her cousin, Asakura Yoh. He told her she would assist him in the upcoming Shaman Fights tournament. He told her he would train her to become a proper Shaman unlike her family and in return she would submit her power to the main Asakura family but more specifically to Asakura Yoh himself.
Yohmei showed her to her own room and introduced her to Tamamura Tamao, another helper around the Asakura household. He told her that Tamao wouldn’t be around much as she was training with Yoh’s father Mikihisa. Kiyoku was simply grateful that the main household would allow her to stay here along with training her. Here at the main house she didn’t feel like she didn’t belong. Instead she felt good being there and like she belonged there.
Her days were very repetitive there. She would wake up before everyone else and make breakfast. By the time breakfast was done Yoh and Yohmei were awake and she would serve them then join them to eat. On rare occasions Mikihisa and Tamao would join them all for breakfast. No one would eat until everyone was seated.
After breakfast Yoh and Kiyoku would go outside for training with Yohmei. He would train them together and force them to learn and fight against one another. Yoh would often find himself having more fun than training or would sneak away. Kiyoku on the other hand would train often but her training mostly consisted with controlling her Furyoku.
After morning training Yoh and Kiyoku were in charge of making lunch. They teamed up making sure that lunch was done on time and would be done well. The two of them worked hard together although Yoh would try almost anything to get out of it but Kiyoku constantly reminded him that they would both get in trouble if he didn’t help out. Guilt never sat well with Yoh so he was in a sense, forced to help out. They served lunch and would eat together with Yohmei. Sometimes Tamao would join them.
After lunch Yohmei would attend to his own work. Sometimes he would take Kiyoku with him since she was learning how to use all the elements and get her nature spirits to divine things for her. When he didn’t take her, Yoh and her were allowed to have time off. Yoh would take a nap or catch up on the latest B.O.B. album. Kiyoku would spend her free time connecting with the nature spirits. When dinner time would roll around Kiyoku, Tamao and Yoh were required to prepare. Yohmei wouldn’t eat dinner with the kids. Instead he would excuse himself to his room so that he could prepare for the next day and the kids were responsible for their night care. Eating dinner. Bathing. And getting ready for bed. Yoh often would be found falling asleep with his headphones on some B.O.B. cassette tape was playing. After fighting with Ponchi and Conchi, Tamao would end up falling asleep exhausted. Kiyoku was lulled to sleep with wind spirits and earth spirits whispering the sounds of nature in her ears.
It was like this everyday for two years until Yoh attended proper school. Then Kiyoku’s schedule changed.
Still in the mornings she was required to get up before everyone to prepare breakfast. She was even required to help Yoh prepare his lunch for the day as well. Yoh, being the good person he is, instead would try to help his little cousin out by preparing his own lunch. Kiyoku was thankful for the one less chore. The three of them would then eat breakfast. Sometimes Tamao and Mikihisa joined them. Other times only Tamao would join them. But they always ate breakfast together as a family.
Yohmei would take Yoh to the bus stop and the heir to the Asakura family was off. While Yohmei was out with Yoh, Kiyoku cleaned up breakfast and would prepare things for Yohmei’s work schedule. Yohmei already knew his great niece was capable of great things so he would focus her training on the same type of Shaman Powers of himself. She was to learn how to channel the elements to divine the future much like Yohmei could. But the difference was that Kiyoku should be more gifted at it since the child was already declared a Shaman of Nature by the nature spirits. Yohmei had high hopes for the girl.
By the time Yohmei would return Kiyoku would be waiting at the gate of the main entrance of the property so they could go see Yohmei’s clients. Yohmei would be kind enough to collect his things and carry them. The only job Kiyoku was to do was observe and learn.
After each client Yohmei would quiz and question her on what she learned. He would never try to have her divine as her furyoku was already still unstable. She was unable to control it and couldn’t keep it locked up in her body like a proper Shaman but for now it wasn’t releasing a lot therefore Yohmei wasn’t too concerned.
Yohmei would drop Kiyoku off at home before he would go and pick up Yoh at the bus stop. While home Kiyoku would put away all of Yohmei’s work stuff before she would prepare a snack for Yoh once he returned.
After snack and homework Yoh and Kiyoku would prepare for afternoon training. Yoh would learn to fight against Kiyoku and Kiyoku would learn how to control and use her Furyoku under Yohmei’s supervision.
When the air got cold and night began to fall Yohmei would still have the children prepare their own nightly routines. The children were to bathe, brush their teeth and expected to put themselves to sleep. As always Yohmei would prepare for the next day while the children got ready for bed. He was usually asleep by the time the children were as well.
This continued until the Winter before Yoh turned 11. It was one afternoon when Yoh returned home early to find Yohmei and Kiyoku in the living room. Kiyoku was practicing her divination. Yohmei was quite surprised to see his grandson home early from school. “We’re on winter break,” he had explained to his grandson. Yohmei made some comment but Kiyoku wasn’t paying attention as the spirits were whispering to her. She flipped over one of Yohmei’s cards and looked at him. “The spirits predict that this winter will be an average winter,” she told Yohmei. Yoh used this chance to escape to the day room since he was off school. Yohmei on the other hand glanced down at the table and nodded his head. “Very good,” he told her, reading the same outcome as his great niece. Kiyoku let out a sigh of happiness.
The next day Kiyoku joined Yoh and Tamao in the day room while Yoh was talking about this fiancee he was supposed to me in Aomori with his grandmother. Confused, she walked in and sat between the two while Conchi and Ponchi made some sort of sexual joke about this girl that Kiyoku didn’t understand. But the two perverted spirits were interrupted by a cat spirit named Matamune. “Good afternoon Matamune-san” Kiyoku greeted him. Confusion and Shock crossed Yoh and Tamao’s faces. “You know this cat Kiyoku?” Yoh asked. “Of course. Matamune is a cat spirit that has lived in this house for about 1500 years.” she said. Matamune chuckled. “I can see why the natures are fond of you Kiyoku-dono” she giggled.
“Ah, animal spirits are part of nature that’s why they are drawn to you” Yoh put two and two together. Kiyoku nodded. “T-then why doesn’t Ponchi and Conchi try to go near you?” she hesitantly asked. The other Asakura looked at the pink hair girl. “That’s because the other nature spirits don’t like them either” she commented lying back on the tatami mat. Yoh lightly smacked his right fist on the open palm of his left hand. “That’s it!” He looked at his cousin. “You can divine my meeting with her and tell me how it will go,” he said excitedly. Kiyoku glanced at Yoh’s general direction. “Yohmei-sama wouldn’t want me to predict something like that Yoh-sama” she reminded him of the limitations of her powers. But Yoh was too interested now, “Then how about just for fun?” he asked, giving off that carefree smile of his. Kiyoku thought about it for a second before she said, “Alright. Just for fun. So don’t take my prediction seriously” she commented. Yoh nodded.
Kiyoku left the room to get the practice prediction cards. Tamao and Yoh set up a tea table for Kiyoku to make her prediction on. The shaman was only gone for a few seconds before she returned with the cards. Matamune sat next to Kiyoku at the table. “You can use me to channel your Furyoku,” he told her. She glanced at the cat. “You sure?” she asked. He gave her one solid nod.
Yoh sat across from the table very interested despite the fact that the prediction was not supposed to be serious. Kiyoku channeled Matamune into the cat’s spirit form before she pressed him into the cards and began her prediction. Each card spoke to the girl telling her where it was supposed to be placed. The room began to get a bit chilly as a small draft of wind began to surround the shaman. She placed a few cards in front of Yoh. Other cards were placed on the floor signally that they were not needed or this prediction. Once the table was full of cards faced down and half the deck on the floor, Kiyoku snapped out of her trance. “Alright here we go '' she said reaching for the card closest to Yoh.
Yoh and Tamao both stared at the card intensely. Kiyoku flipped the card. It was a wind card facing upside. “Okay” she said before she reached for the card in the middle of the table. She flipped that over. It was an earth card facing Yoh. “Well that’s good.” she commented and looked up at Yoh. “So far, your fiancee will come into your life in an unexpected way but you two will have a solid relationship” she told him. “That is good” Yoh said. “What else does it say?” Tamao asked, looking at the other face down cards. Kiyoku flipped the card near Tamao. It was the fire card facing upside down. “That’s not good” Yoh said. Kiyoku’s eyes furrowed together as she started flipping the other cards one the table. They were all fire upside. “What does that mean?” Yoh asked her. “I...I don’t know. I’ve never seen this before” she commented looking at the cards. Fire could mean one of two things, death or rebirth. Yoh and Kiyoku exchanged glances. She was about to suggest a prediction when Matamune popped out of the cards sending them flying off the table.
“Ah I’m sorry Matamune-san,” she said, cleaning up the cards. “You still need to practice on your focus Kiyoku-dono. You lost focus and couldn’t keep your oversoul” he pointed out to her. “Right,” she said, looking down as she cleaned up the cards. Matamune looked at Yoh. “I shall accompany you on this journey Yoh-dono. I do not think Yohmei-san would want you to travel so far alone” he assured him. Yoh smiled and nodded his head. Matamune looked at Kiyoku. “This one has the potential to be even more powerful than him.” the cat spirit thought as he stared at the girl. Yoh and Matamune were off the next day to go meet Yoh’s grandmother and his fiancee.
Kiyoku and Tamao were required to stay behind and mind the house while Yohmei used this time to take up extra clients due to the new year. A few days after Yoh and Matamune left Kiyoku was outside meditating under the snowfall when her eyes snapped open and the snow started to surround her. Soon the whole house was covered in a mini blizzard. Several things flashed through Kiyoku’s eyes.
She saw Yoh. A blond girl crying. A large creature she had never seen before. Several snow spirits were screaming and crying. And wind spirits were trying to calm the snow spirits.
Her head started to throb as she grabbed it trying to focus. It was then Yohmei arrived and quickly ran over to the child. “Focus Kiyoku. Focus your Furyoku on one thing” he reminded her. He knew she was having a foretelling prediction. Something shamans of their class would deal with the rest of their lives.
With a deep breath the nine year old closed eyes focusing only on Yoh. “What do you see, child?” Yohmei asked her. “Yoh-sama. He’s with a blond girl. She’s crying” Kiyoku said. “Good, look around you. What else do you see?” he asked her. “Uh Yoh-sama is holding a sword and it looks like he has to fight this big red demon. It’s the size of a temple” she commented. “That’s an Oh-oni. What else do you see?” he asked. “Um...the blond looks sad but she seems fond of Yoh-sama.” Yohmei nodded. “What else?” Yohmei asked. Feeling a little more comfortable, Kiyoku began to focus on the nature spirits. “The snow spirits are upset at the Oni. And the wind spirits are…” Kiyoku began to feel faint. “What are they doing child?” Yohmei asked. “They are trying to comfort the snow spirits,” she said right before she passed out.
The blizzard stopped as soon as the child passed out. Yohmei eased the girl down into the snow. He allowed his own furyoku to materialize the snow spirits so they could lead the child into the house. He would need to make a call to his wife.
Sadly Kiyoku's prediction was something that couldn’t be prevented. By the time Yohmei had called his wife she had informed him that both Yoh, and Anna were out and that Matamune was with them. She had a premonition about this same thing earlier that day. Both of their premonitions were too late for Yoh and his fiancee.
Kiyoku woke up a few days later. Yohmei was sitting next to her futon. He was glad to see her awake. “I almost had to call Keiko to come take care of you. You were burning a fever of over 37C (100F) degrees” he told her. The child sat up and looked down at her blanket. “I'm sorry to cause an inconvenience Yohmei-sama,” she said, frowning. Yohmei placed his hand on her head. “As long as you are feeling better” he told her. She nodded her head. “Rest up. Starting tomorrow I’ll be changing your training. You’re ready to make real predictions now. No more practicing” he said. “Yes sir” determination filled her voice and eyes as she looked up at him. He let out a soft, fond scoff and left his great niece to recover.
Yoh returned home a day later. He told Kiyoku and Tamao about Anna and what happened to Matamune. He also found out what happened to Kiyoku and told his cousin that he was proud of her for becoming a full fledged Shaman now that she had her first real prediction. Despite the loss of Matamune, the Asakura household continued on with daily life.
Enjoy my writing. Want to see my other works? Reach out to me https://linktr.ee/armyhat210
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malvo-ish · 5 years
Romantic/Vday headcanons
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Send me a ship and I’ll answer the following:
Who’s the cuddler?Both but since Yoh is the taller one he’s a “active” cuddler, wrapping Manta in his arms. Probably one of the positive things of being as small as Manta is. There are no cold Nights for him for sure. Who goes to bed late and who wakes up first?Will go to be at the same time but Manta will fall asleep before, Yoh will listen to music until he falls asleep too. Surprisingly he’s also the one waking up at first. Who sings during daily activities (shower, cooking, etc)?Manta. more unintentional. mostly songs Yoh used to make him listen to and that got stuck in his mind. When Yoh notices, and trust me he does, he can sense his favorite songs a mile away, he sneaks up at him and playfully mocking says “You like my music, don’t you?”Who takes care of the other on sick days?I lowkey hc this two always being sick at the same time(sharing is caring). They take care of each other while also suffering at the same time. Who gives unprompted massages?Manta. Just sneaking up at Yoh and rubbing his back. Mostly when they take baths together.What activity do they do together in sync?cooking? I think it’s cooking. cooking sounds good.Who gives nose/forehead/hand kisses?Depends in what kinda position they are. Standing? Yoh bends down and kisses Mantas face. For that Manta has a perfect height for kissing Yohs Hands. Position change? laying in bed or any other situation they can be on the same level? Boy, Manta takes that chance to pamper his boyfriend with as much kisses he wants. Until Yoh jokely tells him to stop and Manta just steps up his kissing-game. Who gets jealous?Manta, he’s insecure and also worried that Yoh will marry Anna for the sake of his family. Soft kisses or passionate kisses?Soft kisses. This two are kings of soft kisses without knowing it but you never seen softer kisses between two lovers. their passionate ones aren’t bad, they just really like being softWho brings the other food at work?Not work but Manta brings Food almost every time he comes overWho made the first move?Manta, althought it was more a “confessing but not expecting you to return my feelings”-situation. Just wanting to get it off his chest because Yoh is his best friend and he don’t like having secrets between each other. Yohs “I think I’m in love with you too” made him so happy. Who won’t dress in costume unless it’s a couple costume?Both of them never grasped the idea of couple costumes so when they discovered it it was just something that was set in stone between them. Their favorite was Manta being a pencil and Yoh a notebook. althought Yoh just wore a white shirt with self written stuff on it.How was their first date like?Their first date was a normal day together Manta set up to confess to Yoh. Hanging around, getting some Junkfood. Don’t really see them having typical dates tbh.
Who writes love letters/notes to the other?At some point Yoh figured Mantas password from his laptop out, not that he should have been, Manta had told him anyway. When Manta is sleeping he get into his laptop and leaves a small file on his destop for Manta to see. “Have a great day! I love you! Who firmly believed the other was their soulmate from early on?Yoh, on a friendship-y way. Turned out to be Love but hey, he can’t complain. How much do they touch each other (PDA)?As much as possible. I’m really upset that they can’t hold hands with each other normally, they would do it all the time, lets be real here. Do they have cute nicknames for each other?I honestly don’t think so. They are fine with calling each others names. How do they feel about Valentine’s Day? Do they go on a date?It’s a normal day like everyday but they may go on a special date that happens to be on valentines day. Public marriage proposal or something private?I don’t really think that two would get married tbh but if it would be a private proposal. something small they both appreciate. maybe they visiting the graveyard they met the first time and they both propose to each other at the same time. How long into the relationship before they had sex?Long since they needed to figure things out the time they decide to take a step further. After all Manta is a smaller guy, things need to be figured out first. Who drops innuendos at random?Yoh, unintentional, he’s just a really open guy. Making Manta blush is just a bonus.
Who makes romantic surprises without a reason to?Why do I hc Yoh being a secret romantic type of guy? it’s Yoh. Yoh does it. He just likes to make Manta happy. How likely are they to have sex in a non-bedroom location?One time they almost had sex in the Onsen but it got to hot, literally, and they decided to not do it there anymore. And over all… probably not likely. Beds are just… to comfy.Who said “I love you” first and when?Manta, on the confession and starting a relationship day. Who will sing cheesy romantic songs when drunk?Manta will burst Yohs favorite songs, sing in what ever he is holding at the moment and tipsy-drunk flirting with his boyfriend and it will be the cutest thing Yoh will seen that night before Manta passes out.
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Me and Declan shopping for Annabelle's Christmas and i said oh that's for little kids to,keep,them,in bed
"Abu would"
"You bet I dam did!! All the way around the queen bed!! You and your sleep walking! I found yoh all the way in the dam street!!"
"Well why did you let,me,get so far?"
"The guard found you! I was sleeping! He said you wanted to,go,swimming in,the big pond! What the hell and you began beating Him he touched you! They left two with you and one came to get me!! You told me they were beating you making your feet hurt by not allowing you to wall and making you stand in the street on the tiny rocks in the concrete! I nearly killed them all!! And you were still sleeping!!! I only understand when you began to walk because I told you i knew a short cut the other way and you said "I like you. You let me walk so i stand on the rocks less. You don't beat me like them. You let my feet in the air" I started to laugh so hard and You took me back to the hostel room and i took you to the bed and you pointed to the window and you sais "see? I want to swim but it's too small the bathtub is bigger" I nearly died laughing you thinking the moonlight was water. So i locked your ass I bed and all the little kids, too! They beat me they make me stand you said! My feet need to be in the air!! This girl!" He laughs
So, what happen was Abu's mom would tell me to wake up and go outside... And i would open my eyes and be awake but go back to sleep... But its like going to sleep and you're hungry and so you get up and cook after waking up again...
Except she would pretend to lift my soul out my body and tell me i might die if i didn't get up and tell me to go outside.
And so when i would get up my blood pressure would change rapidly and when I would drop i would go back to a sleep state..
So that night i saw Tom (Jeremiah) leaving the parking lot from the hostel. They left their kids with us (Sara had two boys, Jeremiah/Tom had Declan. I met Sara cause her 4 year old was in the same day care as my 4 year old and we all became friends and we would always be at my house, Me and her with thr kids or at the park or doing something for the kids to play and have fun. His dad was there awhile and they shared a suite and i didn't sleep walk but then when his dad went home, Tom went on the prowl) and i saw her red SUV slam on the breaks, start to back up (Abu's mom appeared next to me and,told me to look the other way but I looked down and tilted my head but i could still see him faintly in the corner of my eye) then go into drive, accelerate really fast around a corner then swoop from the opposite direction into a parking space.
Then Tom appeared looking dishelved and worried "how did you know i was leaving?!"
"Did you just come back?"
"Why do you keep doing this to me Sabrina?!"
"You know what? When i went to the lake i wanted to kill myself. You want to kill me?" I was remembering this drive that was weird,that he went on in Okmulgee when he was living with Stephanie and he was telling meall these places he went that were secluded and about living,in,a cave
"What? No"
"So is that same human! Leave him alone!" I was, thinking about his sons...
"Why is she holding your hand? Why did she just disappear?!?!"
"Hey are you Keith?"
"No!! Well my dad would say yes But I've changed since then so i would say no"
Matt came out then "hey what are you two doing out here?" He had been sleeping on the couch and i told him Hi and Bye as i had left the hotel "stay here and don't move. Especially you Tom" he said Tom with disdain
"I told you there was a shadow there!! Dont get Abu!!" Wailed Tom
"You didn't say it out loud!"
"When i was with Stephenie i learned you aren't as important to me as Sara"
My blood pressure was dropping steadily and this was more than enough and my head was heavy and i needed my bed.
"I need a pillow"
"GUN? That's not the right one!!" I was starting to loose consciousness and there was a man standing opposite of me,ready to kill Tom with the wrong gun, a gun that wasn't mine where was my gun from the golden tree?" I thought to myself
"It was stolen. They put it in the grill because it has wheels. Not now Don't do that to me"
"I need help"
"NO!" Yelled,the guard "go get Abu!" He said to the other "and turn around!"
One was,behind me.. I could feel his arm.. I knew I could slide down his body to slow my fall as long as he didn't move I wouldn't get too hurt when I hit,the ground.
"Or just move!" Matt pushed him out the way but i already had my plan and my brain was all just sit and don't hurt the tail bone i got this. he ended up holding my arm near the elbow "uh sorry.. She was"
"No it's okay I only got her by the wrist you got her higher you were more equipped for her safety
"Well if you're going to hold me prisoner at least do it equally! Here Matt on the wrist."
"Uh uh. No,way Jose"
"Hey you're my brother! Swim?! In a few?? Here sit! Sit! Everyone sit!" They did and a car passed "in the middle of the Goddam street!!"
"What is every one doing? Why is Tom against the fence but everyone is in thr street you tell me that he is the only one with sense? My girl what you do?!"
"Look I am in prison"
"No she isn't and we aren't going swimming"
"My brother is such a killjoy"
"Why are you in your bare feet? Come on my lovely" he brushed the debris from my feet. "Did you die, yet again in the road? Why are your hands hurt?"
"She tried to get up---" explained Matt
"She tried to get up, sir, but she wasn't ready--"
"No, someone touched me from that - from his side - the guard's"
"He push??"
"No like I'm something lovely" the guard across from us, matt and Tom started laughing..
"Sir, come here please" the guard across from us said and Abu asked him to stand to discuss. He did then sat again but Abu said not in the street.
"He told me" Abu started to laugh "oh God please excuse me"
"What did he tell you that's so funny?!" Demanded Matt
"That YOU TOUCHED MY HONEY LIKE AHE BELONGED TO YOU and whats so funny" he began to laugh again. "Matt where were you when she fell?!?! Here maybe you can see I, my palm" suddenly Matt's fist went over his mouth laughing then he began to cry then was on his knees full of laughter. A car drove by again slowly and continued past but in my mind it stopped and in my mind kidnapped Matt
"Shoot that car!" The guard did and the car door opened and the man opened the door and fell out,hanging by his seat belt
"That was Obama's..." Said Abu
"She said to"
"Oh well. Why did you touch my honey? Why do you sit so close? What is her butt to you?"
"Just hurry, that guy is trying to wake up and I don't want him to shoot anyone he isn't supposed to, you know he has a gun"
"Oh you know he didn't do anything let's go in"
"No. I -- I"
"In Abu. I said. IN! LET'S GO IN. I SAID TO HURRY!"
I jumped up and began to run to the fence, finally the guard with the gun saw what i saw and yelled to Abu & Matt to run inside the courtyard.
Halfway to our room a car door slammed and i jumped in surprised shock, terror and fear
"Why! Why so jumpy!" Asked Abu irritated
I swooshed in front of Matt stopping him, literally stepping on the foot he had down and under the foot he had in the air and pulled Abu in front of me but he pushed me off rudely. "Abu not into the daylight. Come stay in the darkness" No one had shut the gate and Abu's mouth dropped open. He apologized then huddled against my body like he was scared 'get off! Just kidding what is going on? I thought he dead'
"How come you guys can kill people and i can't?" Bothered Tom
"We didn't look"
"Wait he will come again"
We all looked and saw blood splurtting from the man's chest as he drove.
"He should not be breathing like that" then we all heard a gurgle then a car crash and a horn honking constant and in our mind we could see him on the horn
"Guard go"
"No, please i can do this"
We heard a deafening shot and the car horn stopped
"Now guard go"
"Wait he needs to see this"
Jesse James 1 appeared in the court yard "BRING ME MY GUN!!!"
"I'm sorry! I will! I will!"
The office for the hotel light turned on. "Oh shit. Every one sit,Sit. In the shade, okay hurry. I will sleep. Move the car when you can shhh. Its sleep"
"No but i want to know what Tom said to you when i left"
"Can't" I literally went to sleep with my head on my hand. My elbow on the arm rest of the chairs.
The hotel office clerk came out and approached... And i heard apologies and Abu grabbed my wrist "come on let's go" and my head fell and hit the arm rest hard and the clerk asked if i was drugged or drunk or sleep walking or what
"No its so much blood you need to get out. You can't stay in. Its not your body. Quit doing things. I know and the car is red. Stop talking and just go"
So the guard got a flashlight and showed none of us were bloody while the gun hid in the dark corner and the clerk said to see if I could get inside the room...
"Come on. Honey. Honey. Come with me. Time to wakey wakey"
"No I'm not bloody. I want swimming. In clean. Clean water. Honey you have me swimming in,schedule to now?
"You got to be kidding me no way."
"That's what i keep saying" said Matt. "Why does,it,feel like i stepped on spikes when i stepped on her?"
"Nuh uh honey... WHAT?!?! Stepped on spikes?!"
"Look at my shoe!! There's holes In it!!"
"Ah ha! My foot feels better! Okay let's go! No can't someone hit me in the head it hurts me"
"You fell on your face. Outside early"
"Let me reset her. What did Tom say to you when I walked in?" Said matt
"Oh!! Me!! Come on! Lets go inside!"
"Okay Whatever"
I started to rush to our room but stopped and turned and gave Matt a hug "thanks for not saving me. Its okay. It was good. Come on"
"Come. Lets. Honey! Honey!!"
The guard was brushing his chest and pointing to Matt to tell him to brush off where i had hugged him and Matt was all dude whatever and so the guard pointed the gun at him. My face was pointed at Abu who had his back to,the guard. Another guard asked Abu if he saw that shit. The 3rd came and said the car indeed needed to be moved
And what Abu said earlier did happen while i was heading to the guard he was a dead man...
Except i told Abu quit fucking around because Abu didn't see him go to the car and was going after him and i told Abu "Abu i need Your hand don't take it away from me" while matt held open the door to the room
In the room Abu saw my face in the light "oh my god! You look like roadkill! That is not funny at all!!" He laughed "but it is!! You looked like God picked you up and threw you to the ground face first with your legs dangling in the air"
"That's how my hips broke. But now all of me hurts. You hand needs to go south, it needs to go to Australia"
"No get in bed. Let me show you"
"Let me go wash"
"What did Tom say to you?" Matt sat on the edge of the bed
"He said I was No longer as important to him as Sara he learned with Steph"
"Iwant you to know he's lying to you. Abu said he would kill him if hes still into you. Remember that. All Tom is is a liar. Okay?"
"Mmhmm yeah i already knew that and apparently so is Keith"
"Did he admit that to you?"
"Yes he sure did"
"You want to go to China??? Because that is how far im going to bury you if you're here when i get up. You know you're not allowed in the room. You know what happened to the last one."
"But sir"
"But sir nothing" Abu shut the door. "Now how did she know that,guy was moving. Show me"
He had a slow bleed but fast enough for a puddle but he looked like he was trying to jerk himself up. And I could see in my mind him thinking of different ways to get up to shoot back but at the same time he wanted to see why we were sitting in the street and wondering how to report to Obama. So he was alive with energy and planning to use it. So we checked and he was in Hell.
"No one saw that but you!" Said Matt
"I know, because everyone was looking at Abu. Just like when I saw that sniper on that trailer roof the other night. Everyone looks at the Boss but that's it"
"She said he admits to being Keith now tonight"
"Oh i know! Oh to you! Her!!!?? Oh may be he has changed... Oh but Idk..."
Abu told matt to go to find about the man
When Matt opened the door "BUT SIR THERE WAS NO BODY ONLY SAND!!"
"Oh i have to kill him. Cant you please wait?"
"No you"
"Oh fine let me get undressed"
"I closed my eyes and then..." A loud cannon went off and sand exploded all over the living room and bounced all over the walls
Declan said "WHAT THE HELL?!" from his room in a WTF is going on now and why do i have to deal with this shit tone and kept repeating it through his mood swing... Until it landed on okay cool back to bed... After a series of amazement and approval and giggles
Matt walked in backwards
"It's ok you can look. She did it. She blew him up"
Matt turned around "you could had warned me first!! Just look at Me!! Im covered in guts of of of a person!!!"
"Yeah but you look like glitter. We shall now,call you glitter man. Its alright open your eyes we are all in clothes and look at yourself and look outside. Its all safe"
"Where did you?!" Matt and Abu said together.
"Its the Smithsonian!" I covered the blanket with my head which meant something totally different to each Matt and Abu
Matt yanked the covers off my head
"Ah man its you!"
"We had a bird (parrot) and so when we covered it it would be quiet so we would do it to ourselves or each other" explained Matt. "Tell me what the fuck you said and waht did you just do and why am I covered in human glitter"
"It's gold. Come on. I'm bored. Ask God"
"Okay Honey, just a minute, come here Matt"
So then they decided to go to the car and I wanted to go too
"Will you get me my shoes baby?"
"Idk where they are"
"Matt does"
Matt handed me my shoes and I motioned for him to lean down and i kissed his cheek because we always did that as kids because that's how our mom did.
"Thanks baby. Okay let's go!"
Abu checked the kids and they were all asleep including Declan.
The car was pushed into a parking spot like i said to and it was covered in sand like dirt all like it had been buried. The puddle of blood was also just dirt but more ash like.
The next day Jesse James 1 cleaned out the car to have the dirt analyzed and reported it was just sand from elephant butter because that's what the lab had said. But it was untrue. The lab lied.
Abu told him to give him the gun but jesse replied it was covered in vines and couldn't be touched. He said it had spikes all over it so he put it in a large clear cake sized box and vines grew all over it and the lid and began taking over the car and even was trying to unbuckle them in the front seat
We didnt see any of that but when Abu picked up the gun a small seedling curled up and disappeared and turned into a dry leaf.
"No baby here look"
Abu crushed it in anger for being lied to
"Babe! Will you stop with it being bull shit!!"
"Who are you talking to? Not I!"
"Next you are going to say i don't love you!! Here dumb ass!"
The leaf was solid again uncrumpling as i handed it to him and it flashed between a seedling and leaf "oh alright" he turned his palm over and it slowly drifted to the ground twisting and flipping over as it fell... Once it fell we heard a loud boom like a car explosion.
"Alright who died?"
Declan ran to the red car the man had been driving "nope it's still there"
Jesse got off the ground and ssid "I,think I,was dead for a minute"
"Did you hit the deck? Chicken shit"
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ma-lemons · 6 years
Ahahaha so my friend @lethiepie had an excellent little thing: Oscar teaching Ruby Portuguese or Spanish, which I adore!! (I kinda imagined him to be Latino sometimes). A little disclaimer: I don’t speak either of these languages so google translate will be my teacher. This takes place at some random point in time. Doesn’t matter too much.
Ruby couldn’t sleep one night. However, this time it wasn’t due to a nightmare or hearing people’s voices. Someone was... singing.
Her body ached from the position she had thrown herself in last night. She was sharing a room with Weiss and Nora, who were fine roommates. At least, Weiss was. Nora was a loud snorer, and it bothered Ruby most nights. She, on the other hand, liked to argue that Ruby was the loud snorer. Either way, Weiss would shut them up with a pillow to the head before they all returned back to sleep. She stretched out and blinked in the darkness. She could make out the patterns of Weiss on the bed and Nora on the sofa. Once her sight had adjusted, her ears honed in the soft voice.
She heard a voice, one that she had never heard before. It wasn’t a gorgeous voice, but it was one that reminded Ruby of a school choir and a mother’s lullaby. It had been a while since she had listened to music herself, often she forgot what it sounded like. To hear it was refreshing. The voice sounded strangely familiar, like someone she knew. Yet, the voice sang some indecipherable words.
Deciding sleep wasn’t that important, the teen slipped out from her quilt and sneaked out the door. She didn’t bother to tug on her boots, knowing that she might trip and wake everyone up. She passed her uncle’s room that she shared with Oscar and smiled a bit: she was glad that her uncle was starting to confide in her more. She knew that he had lived a long and difficult life, but that didn’t meant she wouldn’t do her best to be there for him.
The young huntress followed the voice until it grew louder and louder. She slid the door open, finding herself outside. It was a windy night, and Ruby felt her cheeks getting nipped out. Hugging herself she moved towards the smallish figure who was seated at the top stair. The lights revealed the figure to be Oscar, who was singing softly to himself.
Ruby grinned to herself and stood there, watching the young boy sing to himself. She wasn’t sure what he was singing, and she had never heard any other language being spoken before. It was beautiful though. It sounded like a rapid fire jumble of letters, but it had to mean something to him. She watched as the young boy swayed side to side, eyes fixtated on the shattered moon before them. A little while later, he had finished, and sat there in silence. Ruby shuffled forward, and propped herself next to him.
Oscar jumped, further than she had ever seen him before. He was a few feet away from her now, and she could even see the slight pinkish tint his face had taken on. His chest was heaving up and down and Ruby laughed at the sight of it.
“Ruby! You scared me—how long have you been out here?” he asked, his breath shaky. Did she scare him that much?
The huntress bit her lip. “Uh, not that long. I just heard some singing and decided to follow it. That was you, right?”
He nodded, and regained a better posture. He scooted closer to her and nodded. “Yeah... that was me. Pretty embarrassing.”
Ruby shook her head. “Nope. I liked it. I had no clue what you were singing, but I liked it.”
Oscar didn’t meet her eyes. He clasped his hands together and stared at his toes.
“I was singing... a lullaby. My aunt used to sing me to sleep when I was younger, every time I couldn’t sleep. It kind of reminded me of her. Sorry if that’s super childish,” he admitted.
“Oscar, of course not! I think that’s really sweet.” She patted his back. “And I know you miss her. You’ve been so brave and I know you wish you could see you aunt, just to let her know you’re okay. I understand.”
Oscar looked up, giving one of his signature half smiles back to her. “Thanks, Ruby.”
She nodded. “That lullaby was really cute. What language was it in anyway?”
“Uh, Portuguese.”
“Yeah... I’m part Brazilian, so I was taught how to speak Porteguese.”
Ruby had never heard of Brazil nor Portuguese but she decided to smile and nod anyway. She a made a mental note to one day brush up on her geography skills.
“That’s cool. I wish I could speak another language,” she murmured, hugging her knees.
“I... I could teach you. I mean, if wanted of course,” the farmhand rushed out.
Ruby’s face lit up. “Really? Thank you thank you thank you!” she shouted, hugging Oscar.
“Tomorrow then,” she grinned, standing up. Oscar nodded. “Tomorrow.”
“So, to say ‘My name is Ruby Rose’ you’d say...” Oscar asked.
“Meu nome é Ruby Rose.”
Oscar gave an encouraging smile. She knew the words... but the pronunciation wasn’t too good. In the morning they had started to learn, they had gotten through pronouns and now he was trying to teach her basic sentences.
“Okay, you’re doing good, but it’s meu, not mi. Mi is Spanish. Try to repeat after me. “May-yoh.”
“Like mayo? So mayo?” He could see the frustrating growing on her face.
“Sort of. I mean, you do understand what you’re saying, and we can work on prounociation later. Do you remember how to say “Hello, how are you?”
“Oi... oi... something something...” she mumbled. She threw up her arms and rested her head on the table. “Face it Oscar,” she sighed,“I’m too stupid to learn Porteguese. I can’t think and I don’t understand any of it. I thought it was cool cause I’ve never heard it before, and I thought having a language only you and I could speak would be fun. So we could gossip about Yang behind her back and play pranks on everyone.”
Oscar raised an eyebrow. He didn’t know the huntress was so serious about learning the language. He felt bad, when an idea came to him.
“Hey Ruby, let’s stop for today and continue tomorrow.” Before she could get in another word, he ran off. She sighed and sat back. “Meu nome é Ruby Rose.”
“Whaaaat are you doing? I heard you and Oscar speaking all morning,” Yang said, poking her head into the dining room.
Ruby, sulking, faced her sister. There was no point of hiding it. “Oscar was trying to teach me to speak his language and I can’t remember anything. I think he’s mad.”
Yang stifled a laugh. “Ruby, it’s no big deal. You can’t learn a language in a day. It probably takes years to do so. Besides, I imagine he’d never get mad at you.”
Ruby sighed. “I guess you’re right, meu irmão.”
“I think that’s brother.”
“I think you said ‘my brother’, not sister,” Yang clarified.
“How... how do you even know that?”
“Oh, when I was at Signal, we had a Portuguese class. We mainly spent the days watching telenovelas. I remember a few things.”
So even her sister could remember a language she learned many years ago? Why was she never aware that Portuguese was a language? Since when did Signal have language classes? Ruby groanerd, slamming her head into her hands.
“Rubes, take it easy. You’ll learn in no time.” Yang grinned and left the room.
You know what made her better when she wasn’t in a good mood? Reading comics. She needed to get her mind focused on something else. And that was how she spent the rest of her day, lying in bed, pretending she wasn’t thinking about learning Portuguese with Oscar.
The next morning, Ruby woke up pretty early. She sighed and tugged on her boots, before heading downstairs. She figured she could eat some oatmeal (if she didn’t burn it) and practice with Crescent Rose before the inevitable lesson with Oscar.
When she headed downstairs, she was unable to take in the sight in front of her. Wherever she looked, there was a white sticker attached. On the tables, the chairs, the ceiling, the light. Everything had a sticker.
Ruby, in awe, shuffled over to the chair and looked at the sticker. On it, was written “a cadeira”. Below it, “A cadeira é marrom”. She assumed cadeira meant chair. She knew é meant “is”. So marrom....
“A cadeira é marrom. The chair is brown,” Oscar’s voice came from behind her. Ruby turned around, to see Oscar holding a bin of white stickers. He had his dopey smile on his face. “Bom dia!”
“Uh, that means good morning, right?” Oscar nodded. “Yep!”
“Bom dia, then. Oscar, did you do all of this?” she asked incredously. The farmhand nodded. “I spent some of my night doing it. I wanted to surprise you. I...I know how much you wanted to learn Portuguese, and I appreciate it so much. I know it’s hard to learn a new language, so I thought it would make it easier be showing you, instead of just telling you.”
Ruby’s face was blank for a moment and Oscar was scared she was upset. He had worked really hard to make this work. He wanted to see Ruby smile, and he wanted to help her achieve this goal.
Then, her face split into a smile, and she rushed to embrace him. “Thank you,” she murmured in his ear. Oscar’s face grew warm. He had also stickered his room to help her know the bedroom too. He hoped everyone else would be okay with everything being covered for a moment.
“But you know Oscar, Qrow’s gonna have a fit when he sees this. Weiss too.”
“Weiss likes me.” Oscar couldn’t say the same for Qrow. “You think I’ll be okay?”
“We’ll find out later, I guess,” Ruby shrugged. “Onward to the lesson!”
Well, as Oscar found out later, Qrow was furious. He had to dodge um livro e uma caneta being thrown at him.
Months later, and Ruby was doing excellently. Oscar would record things for him and sing her little songs to help her remember things.
“To say you love someone, you say ‘eu te amo. Eu te amo. Eu te amo. When I say I love you, I mean ‘eu te amo. Eu te amo,” the girl sang to herself, while firing her weapon at a target.
“Hm, seems that someone is getting a little fond of a language,” Yang grinned. “I’ve heard you say “I love you” to Oscar more than you ever have to me. I’m wounded, Rubes, truly wounded.”
Ruby’s eyes widened. “Shut up, Yang!” She fired Crescent Rose at her sister, who easily dodged it. Oscar was sparring with Jaune, and he could’ve heard what she said. She glanced over to him and said, ‘Mantenha o bom trabalho!’” (keep up the good work!).
Oscar nodded back in approval, before striking Jaune in the knee. Team JNPR’s leader fell back but returned, parrying the farmhand’s next attack. Jaune was getting much better, Ruby was proud.
She had finished her trainings and went inside to get water when she found a note that was written completely in Portuguese on her sleeping mat. She translated some of it, and got the basic idea. Oscar wanted her to meet him in the living room for a “final test. She giggled at it. Over the weeks, Oscar had started treating his teaching like real school. He probably got it from Ozpin, and he would scold Ruby teasingly if she was late to lessons. A final test seemed okay. She wasn’t so good with writing, and her pronunciation was a little bad somemtiems. But she had to admit that she couldn’t believe she had made it so far in a matter of months. She’d have to thank Oscar sometime.
Around 10 pm, Oscar sat on the sofa, waiting for Ruby. He had to admit, the first time he had offered to teach Ruby Portuguese, it was just to spend more time with her. He thought he did a pretty good job of concealing his feelings. But over time, he realized it just made him happy to see Ruby happy. She was doing something new that she started to enjoy, and he was simply glad to be a part of that.
Ruby walked in moments later, no hood and no boots and took a seat next to him. “I’m going to ace this test, by the way.”
Oscar laughed. “I sure hope so. It only has one question.”
“Aw, yes!” she exclaimed. “What is it?”
“Technically it’s not a question. But do you think you could sing the lullaby I sang to you a few months ago?”
Ruby’s eyes widened. She had only heard Oscar sing it a few times and always skipped it on the recordings because it made her want to cry.
“I don’t remember it all,” she admitted, disappointed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll sing it with you.” Oscar gave a supportive smile and started to sing.
A linda rosa juvenil
juvenil, juvenil
a linda Rosa juvenil
Ruby started to smile and started to sing along.
A linda rosa juvenil
juvenil, juvenil
a linda Rosa juvenil
She glanced at Oscar, and grabbed his hands. “Come on, get your dance on.”
“Yang said you hated dancing,” Oscar laughed, standing up. Despite how he behaved, he was very very nervous. He realized how close he was to her, and he felt the air becoming quite warm then. Ruby shrugged. She took his hands and swung him around, as they sang the song at the top of their lungs.
Vamos fazer a roda assim,
bem assim, bem assim
vamos fazer a roda assim,
bem assim.
“Shut up!” a grumpy voice, most likely Qrow’s came from upstairs. Ruby giggled and lowered he voice, before starting it again.
“This song is about a rose, right?” she asked.
He nodded. It wasn’t a typical lullaby that told children to go sleep, but it helped him as a child.
“Hey Oscar?” Ruby murmured, after twirling him around.
“Obrigado.” Her voice was warm and sincere and they continued to dance and sing—until her uncle came downstairs, yelled at the sight of the two dancing, and dragged Oscar back to their room.
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leaveharmony · 5 years
It’s so hard to type on the tablet so I did only the briefest of summaries at the time.  An account of random Tana encounters in NYC over supercard weekend, cut for length.
Anyway - I’d promised @lone-gunwoman-of-the-week a new york postcard, which with one thing and another I had forgotten entirely about until Saturday, when we passed a big rack of them outside a touristy place down the street and I stopped dead and pointed, “POSTCARD!”
We were on a trek to Macy’s at the time, looking to get mum an emergency replacement purse because hers had blown out its zipper with all the stuff she was carrying in it - the last straw was after Wrestlecon when she couldn’t find her Metrocard, and then it just gave up the ghost.
(Macy’s was way too expensive as an aside - we ended up going to K mart lol.  Those all closed here like two decades ago!)
So we got the postcard, and then a stamp at the other gift shop in the hotel...only I was in pretty rough shape so we decided to go back up to the room so I could actually write the postcard & address and such.  So we went back down to mail it, conveniently at the letterbox at the other end of the lobby.
Like I say, @joshi-hashi by total coincidence booked us at the same hotel where the whole roster was staying, so over the course of three days I ran into / saw, including but probably not limited to: Kazu, Ishii, Sho & Yoh, Yano, Tacos, Goto, Shingo, Naito, EVIL, Will, Shibata & his lions, Juice, Zack (we kept riding the elevator with him lol), Jay, Tama, Haku, Yujiro, Gedo, Jado, Taguchi, Rocky, Ren, Shota, Red Shoes, Sato, Marty, MiSu, Taka, Kota, Kagatsu & a few of the other Stardom girls, Sumie...
Again, I was in rough shape and mum was faring no better, so in the window of time between waking up and the show, we could have gone and done more tourist stuff but after the subway disaster on Friday, we elected just to stay around home base, Saturday.  And I needed to sit down, so we picked a spot on one of the long padded couches in the lobby to recoup a little.  Not a minute later, Tacos, Goto & Yano rounded the bend from the elevator - we’d somehow managed to time it so that we were sitting there as literally everybody was making their way across to MSG for the show.  Hand on heart, total coincidence...I just wanted to mail a postcard lol.  As obviously times when you can just sit there comfortably and watch the whole NJPW roster walk past are fairly limited in number, we elected to stay a while.  Kazu actually came from the direction of the doors but he did have a suitcase, so I have no idea where he’d been - he grinned at us when we waved though.  Shota smiled too, Kota managed somehow to smile, wave and bow without even slowing down because that’s just the kinda guy he is.  MiSu looked at us like we were nuts every time we waved lol but we kept doing it anyway.  Most didn’t notice - I always feel like being to forward is rude so we just kept to our seat & waved rather than trying to get selfies or start a conversation - everybody was obviously all over everywhere and busy.
I couldn’t help myself on a very specific occasion, though.  “We’ll wait til 3:30,” I said casually, fooling no one.  We had the end bench right by the little dividing wall that obscures the elevators; he emerged nearly right next to me and I sprang up like a jack in the box.  My hair was pigtailed and I had my hat on rather than the feathered headband & ponytail, and I was dressed like a normal human being rather than wrestling Cinderella, but he remembered me ^_^  I didn’t want to detain him or anything so we just clasped hands again & I wished him luck - though I guess it didn’t help much.  But I was so happy just to see him again, for what I figured would be the last (probably only) time casually.  Two really sweet Japanese ladies also spotted him on the way out and physically chased him down the lobby to say hi lol.  The pillars were a little in the way but we could see him beaming while they gushed over him, and then they took a selfie.  I guess they must have complimented his hair (which looked fucking amazing) because he told them getting it done for the show cost $300 lol.  It absolutely looked it.  We were still sitting there when they came back and of course they noticed my Tana shirt - they both had his shirts on too (I think he might have signed them on the spot cos they were both proudly showing me the autographs).  So we had a really lovely chat in what they could manage in english (much much better than my broken Japanese).  Rachel appeared not long after, summoned by my mention of Kota going past, and so we all talked a while.  I just.  I love wrestling lol and the kinship of wrestling fans.
Later, after Supercard (which was on whole at least live very good, apart from some really, really stupid decisions on ROH’s part) it was past midnight when we got back to the room; our airport shuttle was due to arrive at 3:05 last we’d heard, but mum had a text message waiting RE: a slight bump up to 3:15, something schedule or logistics related I guess.  So we figured that there was no point going to bed as we’d maybe get two hours’ sleep before the wake up call and it’d be better to use the time packing and getting everything arranged.  When more or less everything was, I went up to floor 12 to sit up at the common table with Elle & Rachel (admittedly I broke into a bit of a sprint when Elle texted to say Tana’d gone past lol).  By another total coincidence as we were sitting there loudly discussing the show, an absolutely lovely gentleman who works in what sounded like a v. important position with NJPW World happened to walk past and overhear.  He’s obviously got a vested interest, so he u-turned as I was saying “If someone had only just casually seen this as a first introduction they’d probably come away concluding New Japan is amazing and ROH is terrible.”
“New japan is amazing?” he echoed, to a chorus of Yes’s.  So we had a chat for about twenty minutes giving him general feedback, telling him how we all met cos of NJPW, how we first heard about it, watch every show live, showed him all our costumes for the show, etc.  He got a handle on Elle and Rachel’s names but kept calling me “Hiroshi” because he’d seen me the day before at Wrestlecon in my Tana dress lmao.   He was a real sweetheart - a fan turned employee, living the dream.  He thanked us for paying his salary, essentially lol.  I should have thought to ask him about putting out an english subtitled version of Shinsuke’s Wonderland interview XD
But I had to run not long after he left, cos I’d cut it a bit fine with 20 minutes or so before the shuttle was scheduled.  We weren’t sure if the driver would come looking or if we had to be outside, so mum checked the keycards while I ran to see if I could ask the doorman, figuring he/they would keep a better watch and know what to look for, or just know which way it would be.  That early in the morning there wasn’t a doorman, though.  So to play it safe we stayed by the doors just inside, keeping watch, figuring at about five min before the appointed time we’d go outside.  “The lobby seems so empty without all the wrestlers in it,” mum remarked.  I figured that late, everyone must have gone to bed already.
Not long after though, TAKA came in with uh...let’s just say ‘some lady friends’ and hope they were fully informed lady friends.  “There, happy?” I said to mum, looking back towards the door in time to see Kota heading for it with a few of the accompanying entourage I figure must have been staff, translators and officials - they were everywhere too, this weekend.  I thought for a split second, ‘Oh good, I’ll be able to congratulate him!’ before he faded to a gentle haze in the background, as the sun himself said something on the way past and walked on by the door, towards Macy’s.  I don’t even think I said anything to mum but she probably understood when I took off at a dead sprint, not even bothering to drop my suitcase handle, just towing it behind me like a little red wagon.  I blew past Kota without even looking at him (I’m so sorry dude!!!!) and went as fast as my poor abused knee could carry me the way he’d gone - he hadn’t gotten far, just tucked around a little corner by the entrance - I think he was gonna do another selfie or panoramic lol. 
Again, the man is fucking unflappable, as he didn’t even raise an eyebrow when confronted with a disheveled, panting nutcase in a trenchcoat and newsboy cap being smacked in the back of her legs w/ her own suitcase at the abrupt stop.  “We’re just waiting for our airport shuttle!” I blurted.  “So I get to say goodbye!”
He actually managed to look happy to see me, bless his heart lol.  He thanked me for the third time, for the doll I made him, and I just said thank you for everything.  Again - I don’t like to be too forward, I don’t even think I could bring myself to ask for a hug, I’m too shy & too much of a headcase wrt fear of being a burden or an annoyance.  But he came at me first, and when the Ace has his arms open to you, there is but one possible course, and that course is to throw yourself into them lol.  He is a wonderful hugger :’)  It’s like being wrapped in the embrace of everything that is good and pure in this world & that’s not even hyperbole, that was really how it felt.
I’m so glad I got to say goodbye.  I mean...it would’t have broken my heart, you know?  There’s always that “Oh maybe I’ll see him again at random” thought in the back of the mind but it’s utterly without expectation.  But I was blessed enough to have the chance to speak to him twice, by chance. 
It really was like a lil fairytale; my lil wrestling Cinderella dream come true in a way I never would have actually believed.
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wrestlingisfake · 5 years
Best of the Super Jr. finals preview
This show features the New Japan debut of Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose, so everybody is expecting a lot of first-time NJPW viewers to watch.  The show airs live on NJPW World at 5:30am Eastern time Wednesday morning.  If you can’t stay up that late or wake up that early, you can always catch it on-demand like you would on WWE Network.  (If you need help, ask around.  New Japan Tumblr has been pretty active about offering help for newbies.)
Shingo Takagi vs. Will Ospreay - This is the final match in the Best of the Super Jr. tournament, between the winner of A Block (Shingo) and the winner of B Block (Ospreay).  There is no time limit; there must be a winner.  The victor wins the tournament, a cool trophy, and the right to challenge IWGP junior heavyweight champion Dragon Lee at Dominion on June 9.
Shingo debuted in New Japan back in October, filling the void in the LIJ stable when Hiromu Takahashi was injured.  Since then he has never lost a fall.  Admittedly, for much of his run he’s been in tag matches with BUSHI, who could get pinned or tap out when they needed to lose.  But then he entered this tournament--the pinnacle of singles competition for New Japan junior heavyweights--and went on an impressive 9-0 streak.  Someone has probably advanced to the finals of this type of tournament without losing even one match, but it’s rare enough that it’d take some work to find out.  If Takagi wins this match, and closes the entire tournament at 10-0, he’ll be a frigging legend.
One year ago, as Ospreay was preparing to defend the junior heavyweight title against the 2018 BOSJ winner Hiromu Takahashi, he discussed some chilling comments from Dave Meltzer about his high-risk style.  Shortly thereafter, Ospreay began adjusting to a more grounded style, adding muscle and entering openweight competition.  The changes have paid off with a NEVER openweight title reign and big wins over Taichi, Kota Ibushi, Bad Luck Fale, and Lance Archer.  It looked as if his ex-buddy El Phantasmo was going to overshadow him in B Block, but ELP collapsed near the end to allow Ospreay to win the block with a 7-2 record.
What should make this interesting is that Shingo is controversially on the edge of the weight limit, giving him a size and strength advantage, but Ospreay’s openweight run proved he can beat far bigger men.  It’s as if Ospreay’s shift in tactics has been designed to find the solution for Shingo where luchadors, technicians, and cheaters could not.
A win for Shingo here will probably lead to a long title run and extend the “who will beat him?” angle for months.  If Ospreay snaps the streak here and now, it’s already been built up enough that I think it signals big things for Will.  I could easily see Ospreay winning the junior title from Dragon Lee and taking it into the G1 Climax heavyweight tournament, to fulfill his goal of competing in both weight classes.  But for any of that to happen, he has to beat Shingo, and no one has in New Japan.  I just can’t pick a winner.
Juice Robinson vs. Jon Moxley - Robinson, best known to WWE fans as CJ Parker from NXT, is defending the IWGP United States championship.  Back on May 3, Juice was celebrating a victory when the lights went out and a video package appeared on the big screen.  The video showed a man carving an hourglass shape while watching Juice wrestle, ending with the messages “Time’s up” and “June 5.”  The “Time’s Up” videos continued to follow Juice to every show he appeared on, until Jon Moxley tweeted a version revealing that the hourglass symbol represents “MOX.”
Moxley, who once held the WWE world championship as Dean Ambrose, left WWE in April and dramatically debuted for AEW on May 25.  He’s all over the place lately and this will be his first post-WWE match.  It hasn’t yet been explained why he would target Juice, and I don’t buy Juice’s narrative that Moxley expects Juice to still be the rookie he knew in FCW years ago.  We probably won’t learn Moxley’s agenda in New Japan until his post-match interview.
This should be a wild brawl.  Juice is primarily known for his striking and big impact moves, not for technical finesse or flips.  And Mox is Mox.  They both lead with their hearts, although Juice’s heart is pure and dedicated to Shin Nihon Puroresu, and Moxley’s heart is filled with whiskey and cigarettes.
Everybody’s counting on Moxley to straight up murder Juice, and that’s a safe bet.  But listening to Juice talk about this match, I sure want him to prove himself to all the people who are gonna wonder who this goofy weirdo is.  The one thing that puzzles me is why this match was made for this show, and not Dominion four days later.  That makes me think they want to quickly get the US title on Moxley to move him onto something else for the #2 show of the year...but what could it be?
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jay White - This is a rematch from February 11, where Tana lost the IWGP heavyweight title to White.  Later, at the Madison Square Garden show on April 6, Tana wrestled his last match before taking time off for elbow surgery, while White lost the championship in the main event.  Then on May 4, Tanahashi announced he’d be returning at this show to start pursuing the title again, but White didn’t like the sound of that and attacked him.  So both guys are trying to recover from their big title losses earlier this year, and they have to go through one another.
Tanahashi is basically the John Cena of New Japan, the biggest/winningest babyface in the promotion, who carried the company on his back for years, but now he’s getting older and seeing new stars slowly overtake him and talk about putting him out to pasture.  White was a jobber three years ago, but a huge push in 2018 elevated him to be the top heel and leader of Bullet Club.  You hate White for getting too much too soon, and then you realize he’s talented enough to thrive at that level and you hate him even more.  He’s really great.
There is a strong chance the winner of this match will receive an IWGP heavyweight title shot later this year, but it’s not clear when.  New Japan has big shows in Melbourne on June 29 and in London on August 31, so those are likely candidates.  I’m kinda thinking Tanahashi needs the win, but I can’t really imagine them hotshotting Okada vs. Tanahashi for one of those shows.  (Then again, Okada might lose the title beforehand, but I wouldn’t count on that.)  So my guess is that White beats Tana again to renew his unstoppable mega-push.
Kazuchika Okada & Rocky Romero vs. Marty Scurll & Brody King - Okada is the IWGP heavyweight champion and Rocky is his little buddy.  Scurll is the last guy left from The Elite following their exodus to AEW; he has since recruited King and PCO to form Villain Enterprises, which currently holds the ROH trios title.  The BOSJ tournament has been Brody’s first tour with New Japan, but since he’s a heavyweight this will be his first significant match on the tour.  This will be a good chance for King to turn some heads and leave a good impression, so that NJPW will want to bring him back soon.  But Okada has a big title match in a few days, and I expect he’ll win this one.
Kota Ibushi & Togi Makabe & Toa Henare & Tomoaki Honma vs. Tetsuya Naito & EVIL & SANDA & BUSHI - Naito’s team represents Los Ingobernables de Japon, the Japanese offshoot of the famous Mexican stable.  Naito will be challenging Ibushi for the IWGP intercontinental title on June 9, as part of his quest to hold both that title and the heavyweight championship.  Ibushi’s team features three of the midcard babyfaces--former top guy and current minor mainstream celebrity Makabe, up-and-coming rookie Henare, and recent neck injury survivor Honma.  LIJ is putting up a much stronger lineup for this one, so I expect them to win and for Naito to taunt Ibushi heading into their match.
Minoru Suzuki & Taichi & Zack Sabre, Jr. & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI vs. Tomohiro Ishii & Jushin Thunder Liger & YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano & Tiger Mask - Suzuki’s team represents Suzuki-gun, and they’re basically the assholes too cruel and unlikable for Bullet Club.  Taichi has a title defense scheduled against Ishii on June 9, and there are Suzuki vs. Liger and Sabre vs. Yoshi feuds that may get settled at that show as well.  Interestingly, Douki is not a member of Suzuki-gun, having been brought in as a substitute for the injured El Desperado; the ending of this match could help us learn if he’ll be officially added to the group or turfed out once they have no further use for him.  Douki’s score in the BOSJ tournament was disappointing to say the least, and it’s fairly clear New Japan wanted to tell a story about an outsider being outclassed by the talent they have under contract.  With that in mind, I think he’ll lose the fall in this match.
SHO & YOH & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles - Sho and Yoh are Roppongi 3K, the IWGP junior heavyweight tag team champions.  Normally Rocky Romero would team with them as their coach, but Romero and Taguchi have both been doing the coach gimmick and recently agreed to share those “duties” among the babyfaces.  Phantasmo’s team represents Bullet Club, and if they can score a fall over either Yoh or Sho that would set up a fresh junior tag title program, which would be very overdue.  There’s been a slow burning story with Eagles questioning his allegiance to Bullet Club, particularly as it relates to ELP, so I’m betting on Eagles getting the win here and Eagles/ELP pursuing the title shot.
Dragon Lee & Titan & Shota Umino vs. Bandido & Jonathan Gresham & Ren Narita - Lee is the IWGP junior heavyweight champion, so it’s a little odd that he’s in the opener when the main event is to determine his next challenger.  Lee and Titan are imports from Mexico’s CMLL, while Gresham and Bandido are imports from ROH in the US.  Umino and Narita are two of the “young lions” in New Japan’s developmental system, which means they they’re here to learn and do jobs.  I’d think Dragon Lee’s team should get the win here.
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Shelved Memories, Fractured  Relationships, Loss and Healing
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It’s a beautiful and sunny Tuesday afternoon in Los Angeles. Today will be good day I tell myself. It is a  particularly exciting day because a certain distinguished lecturer from the  University of Free State will be giving a lecture in the history department.  Yes, another South African in LA. I was told that it is going to be an  exciting lecture. The lecture is on the sixth floor of the history  department. I don't know where the history building is and my google maps is taking  me around in circles and I finally sent a text to the Black Grads UCLA group and  someone directs me to the building. I get there and the lecture begins  shortly. Dr Chitja Twala delivers a lecture on Culture activities and  resistance art as tools of the liberation struggle in the Free State, South  Africa, 1970s -1990s. It wasn't a particularly interesting lecture but the  Americans were impressed, I think anything about South Africa impresses them.  
I get a WhatsApp call from my uncle  and I can't answer. I sent him a message to tell him I can't answer and he  says that I should call him after the lecture. I immediately got this sick  feeling in my gut and my gut keeps saying that something is terribly wrong. I  have a look at the time and it is probably passed ten in the evening in South  Africa and he calling me means that something has to be wrong.
 This lecture needs to end so that I can  call him. After the lecture, I call him and he asks me where I am and I tell  him I am walking on campus. He tells me to find a quiet place and sit down.  His tone confirms my suspicions. I tell myself that something is terribly  wrong. I proceeded to the Grad office and go into Sidney's office. She seems  excited to see me and asks about my weekend. I tell her that something is  wrong and I start crying. She closes her office door. I call my uncle. He  relays the story that my mom fell that morning and proceeds to tell me all  the details of that day and then he says "I'm afraid I don't have good  news for you." I'm not sure what he is saying, although I am. I asked  him "what exactly are you saying?" He says "your mom has  passed away". I let out a loud cry. I think my heart stopped for a  minute. I thought I was dreaming. I thought that I was having a bad dream I  was desperate to wake up from. I put down the phone. He calls again. I'm  uncertain how to answer his question when he asks how I am doing, I wasn't  sure myself.
You see the last couple of years of  my mom's life, we had a very complicated relationship. I think it came with  me working. It reminds me of an essay called The Eternal Intern I read in  "We write what we like" edited by Yolisa Qunta. I
 As black people working, we shoulder  and take on a lot of responsibility and for many of us we are our parents’  saving grace, their ticket out of poverty. But sadly, the system works  tirelessly to ensure that we do not truly become that ticket. The system is  not created to allow me to be in full flourish. In theory, my big 5 law  salary after my degree should have been able to take good care of my mother  and her family. All the sacrifices finally paying off, but it didn't. I moved  to Johannesburg, which meant that I had to get a place to stay, a car, buy  working clothing, live in Johannesburg and send money home to my mom and take  care of my sister. I did the best that I can but in many ways it was not  enough. This caused a drift in our relationship. I am a new age person  and my mom is of the older generation, a clash between the generations. I  expressed my discomfort a lot and I felt that she didn't care about me, but I  was completely wrong - I didn't see her point of view. I didn’t see that  I was her ticket to a better life.
 So, when I left for LA I was uneasy,  I felt that there was unfinished business in South Africa and my first two  months, I was uneasy and now I see why I was. She was going to pass away. My  mom and I last spoke two weeks before her passing. It was  a video call. She was happy to see me alive  and well. I was too. I am saddened that when she passed she couldn't call me.  I am saddened that I was many miles away in another country. Her death cut me  deep. I was angry at life for being so cruel. I mean, I had come to LA to  follow my dreams but inadvertently it would mean that this degree would  better her life as well. After my crying, I become the lawyer that I am, and  starting thinking about what is going to happen. I won't lie to you. The Grad  office at UCLA is incredible, within minutes - a flight back was booked (just  changed my initial return flight) and my Professors would be notified of the  horrid news.  But being the lawyer that I am, my first question was  to ask about the contract I signed to be at UCLA, I had many questions about  what happens if I don't come back. I was assured that it should be the least  of my worries.
I messaged my friends in LA and  South Africa and broke the tragic news to them, the number of texts and calls  were overwhelming, my people were showing up for me. I went to my house. I  was never left alone until I made it to the airport the next day. It was  incredible how black people were showing up for me in my time of need. At  embarking on the hardest journey of my life - 27 hours of travelling back to  SA all by myself. It was a brutal and lonely time for me. I cried in  airports, in flights and had to constantly let people know not to be alarmed  if they saw me cry. It was the worst 27 hours of my life. I wrote a lot, I  cried a lot.  I wrote about my grandmother who passed when I was in  grade 11. She was an amazing womxn, who took care of me on her social welfare  - she died while she was in her 50s. I was reminded of the death of my aunt,  who took care of me - her death happened suddenly in her early forties and  now I was flying across the world to bury my mom who died at 50. Who fell and  died at 50. This was all too much to handle. I arrived in South Africa on  Friday morning and had friends come meet me at the airport and sit down and  cry with me. I needed that. To be held close and to be given the space to  cry. The loss seemed insurmountable.  From the airport it was  straight to Kimberley. My uncle - the same one who broke the news - drove us.  While driving, he asked me if I had any dollars with me because he hadn't  seen one. I told him yes and proceeded to show him. It is these moments that  remind me that traveling abroad is an act of revolution. It reminds me of the  words of Koleka Putuma "crossing  oceans is an achievement even for those left behind."
We got to Kimberley, got to my mom's house and the work began. This  was going to be the longest week of my life. I had to plan the funeral of the  womxn who birthed me. It was an incredibly difficult time. Guys, black  funerals are a lot. As the younger generation we need to think of a new way  of grieving and celebrating our loved ones. A week-long of feeding people and  prepare for the funeral by the bereaved is not on. I didn't have many moments  to grieve and mourn the death of my mom. I was too busy running around  ensuring that everything was going well. It was lot. An entire mess. To make  matters worse, I was jet lagged. Waking up at 2am each morning and having to  function until 10pm each time was  cruel  on my well-being but had to be done. It's only by the grace of God that I  managed to do all things. The Bible says
The LORD is close to the  brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18 Some  of the hardest things I had to do was choose the casket she was doing to be  laid to rest in. There is nothing as final as choosing the casket. What rang  in my head was she is gone. Another task was finalising the program. Yoh! Guys!  Finalising her program broke me, I cried.  The preparation gave me some time to think  back. My mom raised me in a shack - this is significant. She opened a spaza  shop in her shack and put me through my primary school and took care of our  needs. My mom taught me about the Pan Africanist Movement - she'd always say  " I am pure PAC". She introduced me to Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe and  Stephen Bantu Biko. She was my library, she was a wise womxn with great  ideas. She was not university educated but she was  intelligent.  She always wanted her children to get what she  couldn't. She was an active member in the fight against apartheid. She used  to tell me stories of her fighting the system, her time in detention and when  she was electrocuted more times than I can count. . She was brave. I had  forgotten these things when our relationship soured but during that week I  was reminded of the womxn who gave me life and her  passion for learning. This is why black  womxn will always be it for me. Mosadi  o tshwara thipa ka bohaleng
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 There is a song on the album Moya  called Nobanzi. It brought me so much healing. Nobanzi is a song by Khanyisa  Buti, who sings about his grandmother who was in informal trader. This song embodies  the womxn who raised me. 
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 The day of the funeral I had barely  slept. It was the longest 4- hours of my life. We saw my mom in her casket.  She looked different but the same. She was resting. She was gone. She was gone.  My little sister and I spoke at the funeral. My little sisters reminded me of  two things mama always used to say "life  is a bitch" and "over my  dead body" and these phrases seemed appropriate for the occasion. We  were standing there over her dead body and life was a bitch for taking her  away so soon. The service went beautifully, mama is resting in dignity. The  dignity that she deserves.
 And how am I feeling? I'm mostly  calm. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have come to South Africa to  bury my mother. I am grateful for all the people that showed up in various  ways. The people who held my heart and prayed with and for me. I am grateful  to have come home to a solid support network. Home has been so healing.  
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And now I'm writing this on my  flight back to the US - a decision I didn't take easily. I don't want to go  back. I felt like there was no point for me to go back to LA and finish this  degree.  I am afraid that I won't do well and I wouldn't cope. I'm  afraid to embarrass myself. But I'm going back to honour her memory. I'm  going back because all my achievements belong to the womxn in my life - who  have nurtured me. I wrote this as part of a longer piece when I was traveling  back. 
 Dear Mama,
Now like  your mother and sister, you will never get to see get how all your traumas  have created miracles. 
How your  shebeen and tuck shop money made a dreamer of out of your seed. I will become  your wildest dreams my whole life. For you, your mother and your sister. I am  going back to LA. Afraid, broken and on my way to healing.
 Robala ka  Kagiso Tlhapi. You are deeply loved by me. 
 Your son,
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Hey how about some hcs with MC as the RFA+minor trios teenage sister and how the other RFA members would react! Love your HCs btw UwU
Thank you! And sure, that’s adorable!
RFA+minor trio with MC as their teenage sister:
(Part one, part two here)
Oh lord almighty
Um, brother? Who’s that, he’s your mom now
I like to think that MC was just a baby when Zen left his home
And they meet again after MC comes into the RFA
Zen is THRILLED he’s the best brother ever
He immediately gets attached to you, and he makes you feel at home
When he finds out about the bomb he goes crazy, he will take his bike and immediately take you to his apartment, he will also totally shit on Seven and V for letting his little sister be in a place with a bomb
Zen will also take you to all the places he shoots!
Since he is pretty famous now, he will make sure to hide your face and to make sure no one really knows your personal information, since he doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
I would give Zen as a brother a 100/10, I would honesty like him more as a brother than as a partner (just my opinion tho) but IMAGINE HOW ADORABLE
I think he has an older sister, so that would make him the middle child pft
He’s a really nice older brother, he’s the type that will always try to appear all ‘manly’ and brave in front of his little sister
He will totally get you into LOLOL too, you’re both like the dream team.
He’s probably the one who introduces you to the RFA, or maybe it’s Rika, because you probably met her before she ‘died’
Unlike Yoosung though, you don’t really hold a grudge with V. Even though you’re sad about what happened to you cousins you understand it wasn’t truly V’s fault.
That’s something that Yoosung and you will get into some arguments about, and it’s honestly the only reason the two of you will fight.
Of course, later you will either sneak into his apartment and cook him some food to apologize, or maybe he will come over and give you some sweets.
Also Seven absolutely loves the two of you because you’re so adorable he’s all like WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT!
Sometimes you will spend most of your days at Yoosung’s house, if he’s in clases you’ll probably play with his computer until he comes home.
The two of you will spend time both playing LOLOL and cooking, you’re the one that’s good at it tho pft, and you’re the one teaching Yoosung how to cook
Also sometimes YOU have to be the older sibling because this man doesn’t do his goddamn school work and you will not stand for it lmao
For Jaehee you’re the most important thing in the world.
Since your parents died now she doesn’t have to take care only of herself, but of you too
She wants to work hard to get a very good job, and that way the two of you can move out of your relatives house as soon as possible
She wants you to enjoy life to the fullest, and she wants to make sure that when you study or get a job, that it’s something that you like
Jaehee would be a perfect older sister too!
She would have so much patience, and she would help you with whatever you want!
The only difference between the two of you is that you actually like Elizabeth the third, so Jumin will drop off his cat there more often
Zen also acts like an older brother and/or parental figure, since he actually cares about Jaehee a lot, he’s going to care about you too!
Sometimes though, you’re the one taking care of Jaehee, along with Zen!
Sometimes at night, you will wake up to go to the bathroom or get a glass or water, and you will see Jaehee asleep on the table, her work spread out all over it.
That’s when you will take a blanket and cover her with it.
Since you’re a pretty smart kid too, thanks to Jaehee just helping you with everything and everything, you know how to do her work, so sometimes you will help her with it
Obviously you’ll never tell tho ;)
When she gets the coffee shop the two of you run it!
You are her little assistant and you help her with everything and anything! And she absolutely enjoys spending time with you!
Yes I love this
So you met one time when you came over loking for Chairman Han.
Your mother had been one of the unlucky few who got with him, and of course, Chairman Han got her pregnant.
You had never really met your father, you only knew what he did, his name and that he would send you money for Christmas or your birthday
But you wanted to meet him!!
So one day you went over to look for himwhen C&R didn’t work though, you decided to look for his home address
What you didn’t know though was that you went to Jumin’s home instead of his father’s.
Soon enough Jumin got the alert that there was someone looking for him, a kid, he was confused but he decided to come down, and when he saw you he immediately knew what was going on
You both had the same hair, and face shape. The only difference was probably your eye color.
Jumin was really awkard at first.
He invited you over, and it was really weird, I mean this man doesn’t know what to do
You asked him about his father, and he told you that he was away on business, and then, he asked about your intentions.
He was acting cold due to the fact that he didn’t know what your motives were.
He thought you just wanted to get some money off his father, or that your mom was planning some weird scheme to get back together with him or something
But then he became surprised when you told him that you had never met your dad, and that it was the only thing you wanted. Jumin didn’t know what to say.
You stood in silence until Elizabeth the third came and you squealed. You loved cats.
Elizabeth immediately took a liking to yoh, and you begged Jumin to let you come over some other time to play with her.
He agreed.
Over time, the two of you became closer and closer. Sometimes Jumin would help you with your homework, which he found he enjoyed doing a lot, and other times he would play video games with you, since you were the only one that used the consoles.
Everyone in the building absolutely loves you, the maids will always talk to you and driver Kim will bring you some chocolates whenever you come over.
Also Jumin will spoil the shit out of you, he’s never had a little sister before and he LOVES IT, he will never admit it through
Also the two of you absolutely enjoy teasing Zen, it’s just, it’s sibling bonding time you know? Pft
And V becomes your sort of uncle friend, he really holds you close to his heart and he, like EVERYONE in the RFA will absolutely adore you.
Some time when Saeyoung was about 8, his mother got pregnant again.
You weren’t treated in an absolutely awful way, you were just neglected since your father was an average guy who didn’t have enough money.
Saeyoung had to take care of you, since you were the one that was ignored the most.
As time passed, Saeyoung left, but V and Rika took care of you and Saeran.
Like his twin, you started learning how to code, in order to se your dear brother again
Saeran was taken away by Rika. But luckily V got to you before anything happened.
He made you stay with Jumin most of the time, and soon enough Jumin took you in as one of his own.
Eventually, the years passed, and you convinced Jumin to let you in the RFA.
That’s when you found him.
Your brother.
He went by a different name now, but you were sure it was him.
He acted like he didn’t recognize you though
The two of you would have absolutely amazing chemistry, much to the other members dismay, and he actually acted like an older brother to you.
When you’re able to finally meet up, you know it’s him.
You hug him tight, and you sob, as Saeyoung stands tense.
He will try to get distant from you, but you will not allow it. Not at all.
When you finally manage to get Saeran too, it’s the happiest any of you have ever been.
Saeran only speaks to you, and you become close to him pretty quickly, due to the fact that you were something he always did want to protect.
When Saeran gets better, the three of you live in the bunker, and honestly poor Vanderwood because just like Saeyoung, you will pull pranks on everyone and just be a little brat lmao but Vanderwood likes you.
Saeyoung and Saeran become super protective of you too, and they will do anything for you.
They also teach you how to code!
Honestly, you’re the one that Saeran is the softest to, and like that, the three of you spend your time together, since you’re the string that pulls the twins together.
I believe our boy has a step sister, so we’ll go with that
I don’t remember how old she is, but we can say that V was a teen when you were born
First he’s not really gonna like you at all. It’s not personal, it’s just he doesn’t get along with his father’s wife, and he doesn’t like how you sometimes will just do...everything he’s afraid to do
Eventually tho, after his mother passed away, V becomes closer to you.
You were there for him, like Jumin, in his darkest times, and V becomes attached to you
Like that, you spend time with the two boys, Jumin also gets attached to you, and he really likes spending time with you.
V will teach you how to draw and take pictures, and he encourages you to follow your dreams like his mother did when he was younger
The only time the two of you ever fought was about Rika, since you just didn’t get a good vibe from her
When she passed away, you were also there for V
Then he got distant. And it broke your heart.
Jumin and you would spend time together, since you were friends, and Jumin was a sort of brotherly figure to you too
When the whole ME ordeal is over, V spends a few years away from you, trying to find out who he is.
When you become of age he will take you with him, to explore whatever places you want!
I will do part 2 tomorrow because it’s really late and I have to wake up early to do some homework 😖
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Mark: rape victims. Theyre the most hurt out of all this and you keep thinking back to when you and Candy talked and you kept saying "Candy i need to do something about the rape victims. They need help" and she said "mom What about me?" And you said "candy all i know is i love you too much to know right now" and that was all. So, I'm thinking each race has barely enough tickets left. If we do the same as Woodstock on the teams. You know Matt Hagan's team has a guy who raped you yourself in the high school bathroom when you were trying to be "normal" and so. Im thinking eridacate those few make it safe for everybody before. Then when it's safe have tree insert free tickets and airfare what like a United airlines gift card and one for lodging with extra money on them of course to go on a separate trip later on their own someplace nice with their families, kids and soulmates, lost parents and siblings and more.
Me: mmhmmm
Mark: i know i lost you at DNA4U. Tree what is the percentage of rape victims not tested?
Tree: 2%
Mark: so see it will be perfect and tree can just email the rest.
Me: sounds good to me
Mark: and i will pay because you are truly running out. You only budgeted $4 Billion for the First Chandler of the Year Event. You're at $3.62 billion according to the trees calculations and i know youll add more midway because of the ones just beginning that hadn't earned all year. There's some special summer people the Tree sees coming in the future for the NHRA and associates. A whole entire family in human trafficking. Its Steve Torrence and you want to buy them a house and a few cars and a plane and butler and you're already out of money.
Steve: they can just live with me
Mark: your house isn't big enough
Me: let them pick a bunker location and we will remodel
Mark: what?
Me: my gramma went back and most of her bunker because they were so used to it and so many. If i build them what i think is the greatest house in the world, it won't be good enough. Im not like them
Mark: well i think you're wrong. They want out.
Me: the sunlight itself is damaging to the eyes. The weather changing all the time and it's so much to get used to the outside world. So i think Idk... Im not gonna assume. But my grammas is in the side of a hill and we put Windows in it. So there's many alternative opportunities that we can do. Im not trying to save money. I just want to spend it perfectly.
Mark: i know that's all you want to do. Jason Line's family has got out. And they're okay. I'm gonna expedite some people. I'll be back don't post yet.
Saint Luches: He's sexy. When she said his vein was popping.. Yum. Hey! I tap in her phone! I see her wallpaper! And it's his veins popping! Fucking hard!
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Fuck yeah man. It's life. Thoughts roaring through hos body at high rates of speed
Alex: that's all I was trying to say
Mark: i put video in for people i select in the DNA4U so they will have to check. They should ask you for help Alex. Okay? Even if yoh don't like them
Me: okay baby
Alex: got it baby. But only if yoh fuck me
Me: please. Pay me. First with a hard Dick then cold hard cash and gifts oh and feed me dinner.
Mark: feed me Seymour
Alex: i love you baby
Me: only me. Not that Saint Luches. He's mine.
Mark: will you two stop and listen to me
Me: only cause that vein is popping. Alright. what baby?
Mark: you make me laugh too much. Sabrina you know what to do. There is too many people still to attend the track so what do we do?
Me: well they will need to make room in the camps and double up in cars so there's enough parking and so they may be in the way of workers in the trailers.. So we will see if NHRA can make a special Chandler Love section
Mark: yeah let's decorate it with hearts..
Me: oh all romantic!!! Like white linen. Roses. Mmmm like dinner is that oyster romantic stuff
Mark: oh and cinnamon
Me: yeah cinnamon all floating through the air. We can put something on top of the trailer like a wax burner. Which will be perfect because a each cube really only lasts 3 days. So dump it out and get in the road.
Mark: yeah see yoh already have no money. You already got the candle wax and warmers and flower vases from me and tree. You and Candy arranged that in 2016. But you still need to buy flowers and you did have the families of special victims to take them home already. But not the vases, they wrap them in wet papertowls on the bottom of the stems then use wax paper they can later press the flowers into to have pressed flowers. So that is already budgeted in the $3.62B you have them going to local to the track homeless shelters.
Candy: oh dad i forgot that!
Me: how's it going there Chandler Bing?
Candy: call me Candy
Me: all right 007
Candy laughs surprised: mom!
Agent: alright they will be furnished by the CIA. Setting out tables and serving food
Mark: yeah we got real wooden tables and chairs. The chairs don't fold. They stack. Her dad made them.
Candy: oh dad!
Mark: her mom's idea. Jesse Tony was so shocked. He said "i know how to make those!" They're so beautiful with vines of love coming down. She really was in love with him again that day.
Me: :D
Mark: it happens, happiness. Ok. So then everything is fine. Alex you'll have to help Steve with his parents.
Alex: what about my parents?
Mark: this weekend since you can't have her Because she HAS to go to Columbia. Her children need since organizational skills.
Candy: that's good mom. You got to do that. She's killed him 4-6 times since you last saw him.
Me: I think she's like Alex. Into kink. She might be his daughter.
Alex: shit. I think she is
Saint Luches: whoooo the world we have on our hands
Me: this is how i just saw Alex in my head
Alex: don't you dare say what you just saw
Me: so hes all "you used to always wake me to eat. You'd give me a handy to wake me unless i was already out and and probably pretending to sleep and id pull you on to ride. Then youd feed me by hand the breakfast you made or dinner if It was ready and Saint Luches didn't tell you to wake me early. Then I'd tie you up on the weekends to the bed" that's what ive heard so far of our relationship in his eyes.
Alex: just the sex part! (He laughs) oh my god! I can't believe she said that about me
Me: that's not even... So I've been wearing pearls and hes all i want to wrap these around your neck so tight when we're fucking... But they're yours and they'll break so I'll buy you a different necklace to wear. A whole box
Saint Luches: whoo!! He went full kink!! Hes not holding back!!! Whooo weeeeee neat! This is gonna be fun.
Me: oh and i got all this saggy ass on my skin -- skin on my ass from that last 15 pounds i lost. He's all Saint Luches get this, hes all, i want to wrap my hands in it and just yank... Like its not attached to my body but then Saint Luches get this, im all okay sounds good because i can't even feel any thing there cause the nerves are all dead. Uh huh. I'm like yeah let's... Whatever you want baby.
Saint Luches: and you're serious!
Me: uh huh yeah
Saint Luches: that's what I know!
Me: so then last night he's telling me "I'm just gonna get a leash when you go to NHRA and put it around your neck", I told him that's too degrading in public bedside you don't want that any way. A leash and collar are boring. They're just standard. Pearls has control where you wrap around your fist and it's your intensity on your cock that makes you want to break the pearls. Its completely different. But i told him he can put a cuff on my wrist and leash me there because i know he really does want to leash me in public
Alex: i fucking do so bad!! I've always wanted to!!
Me: well people know who we are now so its not like walking around all randomly in NYC in a business coat. Suit and heels. With a spiked collar and leash... Besides you know the problems there... So a wrist is just an extension of your tiny short arm. And so in the current situation its applicable to chain me to him... But also Alex, you must remember if you're not looking some one can take it off me and put it on something else and you not even notice
Alex: yeah i know! That's happened and I heard you screaming and looked and then I was hooked to the fucking metal banister of the stairs you were sitting on and you were all the way down the street with 2 cars to pick you up
Me: I.... Uhh. Yep.
Alex: fucking mother Teresa kidnapped you said I was abusive in a sexual nature to you. So I started wearing the collar and I looked sexy, too. Maybe that's what we will do instead...
Me: if you want to baby. Mother Teresa had me so scared. I was afraid she would take off my clothes to find the bruises of you biting me and squeezing me so tight
Alex: she was going to until you told her you felt you were in a rape situation and told her to take off her robe which she did, all fucking wrinkled l nasty
Me: yeah and i told you to let's go Like 10 times and all yoy did was stare at her.
Alex: i was staring at her face! I was scared! Then sh3 dropped those mini blinds and I snapped out and I realized she was gonna fuck us on that table, you weren't kidding about her! God she was nasty. I don't even think she wanted to kidnap us. Just make us drugged and drunk and fuck us until her little shriveled ass dried all the way up.
Me: i told you
Alex: no! Dont say it!
Me: her pussy would always drip down her ass crack and she would never die unless someone killed her!
Alex: id rather talk about kink. And I didn't wanna talk about that either.
Me: we're supposed to be spending money. Help me. Ohhh kink for
Mark: no we got that! No actually we did. Star studded collars and shorter leashes and cuffs and also Abu in leather to strip. While walking around
Alex: oh my god. Did you really do that for me?! Oh my God!!!
Me: on a day too hot to wear clothes and waster hoses to water down t-shirts
Candy: mo-om!!
Me: we warn before hand and we got bathing suit tops -- string bikinis.
Alex: omg. Stop baby. Quit. Baby. Quit. Omg.
Me: and xl white t-shirt to 5x .
Alex: oh Fuck!!
Me: we got it all clean fun
Candy: and where are they gonna get dressed?
Me: by the water slides
Candy: well okay then!!!
Me: and we will have mud wrasslin
Candy: mom!
Me: please baby Like we weren't born in Alabama. Ut Its in plastic pools. We will have clean dirt brought in. So no little rocks or stickers or branches
Alex: oh my God! Why do i love you! This is why!!
Candy: mom! That is not what i want to do! But i want to watch!!.
Me: girl. You'll do it.
Candy: what--what?
Me: baby girl youll get to watching and you'll start wondering how that feels., like is the mud cold? Is it really so fresh? Like you can't watch a mud wrassle without wanting to get in. It's the law. At first youlk be all As long as it's not in my hair, but once it gets in there you'll be all fuck oh my God this mud is good you won't even,care. You'll start making yourself dreadlocks. For real. Its good shit,
Alex: that's so hot and heavy baby what else you got for me
Me: Alex. Its for my child! Every child needs a good mud puddle. She will go with her brother and sisters before anyone else gets in. Like off hours. During a private time. Just for employees and lovers. My children will play in the mud just like i let their sister Annabelle. Its my rule as a mom. But it's clean spa quality mud.
Candy: for real mom? Im gonna cry! I gotta walk away!
Me: you're welcome. I don't care how old And wiser than me you are you're my baby. Mark already bought everyone the tickets.
Mark: and some Columbian Abu that need to return to America and not to Columbia.
Alex: so when Sabrina comes. There will be whips and chains. This excites me.
Me: this way Every one knows the threat is present! No guessing! I'm here. Black leather is out. Whips.Whips. whips and chains. If Steve Torrence thought this weekend shopping was erotic and silly just wait, it gets worse and better! I bet we could put up an outfit for him. Get him topless, some long leather arm cuffs with fringe ... Chaps. Boots.
Alex: and what am i wearing?
Me: nothing. A loin cloth in public places,
Alex: shut up! You're Not kidding me are you
Me: i swear he just sighed with relief.
Alex: shit i did babe. I was like yeah! She's doing an new Animal house but animal. Leather is animal skin and she wull wear purple or pink or red zebra.
Me: it's caaaaaaaaavemaaan!
Alex: oh my God that was sexy. You know she iw the only 100% pure Neanderthal in the world. She has every single Neanderthal gene. No one else in the world does.
Me: mmhmmm Annabelle only has 75% because ironically yummy kinky bastard you only have 50%. If She's yours. But She has your lips
Alex: i know. And punishing attitude
Mark: it's because he evolved from bestiality.
Alex laughs: shut the fuck up.
Me: your face is too red for me to not to want to ask questions.
Alex: im a civilized caveman
Me: dont lie to me
Alex: i wear suits
Me: mmm
Alameaniae: great now can we get back to me? I kill my husband bring him to life and fuck him
Me: you're a healer and goddess of fertility. Its quite simple although authentically unknown around the world as many people try to mimic you without the known skill. But you're not evil. Just a Goddess of sudden powers that bestow truth and honesty beyond any means of life itself. You truly despise evil and you can't Fuck even your husband if he has even a dusting of evil on him. So you kill him and make him whole again.
Another killer daughter: Just like Saint Luches used to do to Sabrina. You all do. Even Mark.
Mark: WTF. I never did that to Sabrina. Saint Luches
Saint Luches: just that one time she went silent and didn't moan during sex.
Me: because i learned not to because it attracted attention from a child wanting to know what that noise was. Well IDK. Apparently its common in other relationships.
Tree: there is 1600 goddess to God relationships that are 100% that way. Mark never. Saint Luches on impulse. And Alex more often than not. Jesse Tony never.
Alex: hey I love the bitch, it's hot what can I tell you
Tree: but usually with Alex it's on accident, he's accident prone. But he heals all her scrapes and Bruises if he gave them to her or not. So he's only done it 45 times out of 648 sexual occurrences.
Me: it's passion. I usually don't feel it. Mostly I hop out because i do feel pain. And i know he doesn't want me to. Then i watch him fuck my dead body. Its very interesting.
Alex: I'd check my watch and see if it stopped. Check a wall clock to see how long she been dead then i tell her what the fuck are you doing dying on me? Where does it hurt? And then i heal it and she goes back to life, she's rhe sick one watching me fornicate on her dead self
Me: thats sexy as Hell.
Alameaniae: So all the rest of you are doing it on accident? Im doing it on purpose
Armageddon: currently there's 1600 of you purposely killing your spouse which is 0.000366% of the world. Which is quite interesting. You will be studied.
Alameaniae: okay! :)
Armageddon: usually that style of attitude we turn into cats, we were not aware why this was occurring but now we do. Because we fuck up and torture. So then you kill who you think tortured the most when we thought we were fulfilling a prophecy which we now know is a lie. Thanks to Sabrina and her attitude ans refusal to turn to lust to be her guide and instead strengthen love not only for herself but the world. Again as she did in the 1980s. And so now we will exclude prophecies as some are lies designed to take over the world which we now know in impossible. Due to the one actual full Neanderthal on Earth. Sabrina = Cleopatra = Lady Godiva = Goddess = S.Leigh and all hwr other names. Still her. Just like she said, you can change everything about the way she looks and the world around her but yoh can't change her. Its true and that isn't a prophecy. Its an anti-prophecy.
Me: because im awesome like that. All Neanderthal Gene!
Mark: baby You make laugh
Armageddon: and you did kill Sabrina Mark 2x. But the difference is you all do it during sex unlike the 1600. Saint Luches in the beginning because hes insecure he can fuck well enough. Alex at the end because hes certain she will run away. And Mark's two were accident related when they were interrupted (by rapists) and he was trying to hide what they were doing. I'm just saying there is a difference is all. And even still Alex doesn't do it on purpose. But Saint Luches will. 113 times out of 492.
Mark: Jesus Christ! God!
Armageddon: but Saint Luches was circumcised too far so sometimes he had pain and thought Sabrina could feel it as well.
Mark: oh
Armageddon: those 3 only lived together 6 months.
Alameaniae: God! She really is a nympho!
Me: and I advocate for Soulmates. Fix the issue with the cats please.
Armageddon: oh yeah hold on leg me call tree. Shhh.
Mark: He really uses his phone. That's so hilarious. You don't even know his number do you? Or mine or even Alex's. Not even Saint Luches.
Me: I dont even have their emails.
Mark: so we got rape victims, some human trafficking. No murdered but those come in. Abuse will be eradicated for some and educated to stop. We have all your other paperwork but most of the post -- well all till this one has been new
Me: ok. I'll rest. I still have till the weekend is up to add.
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