#it’s more like just… perceived madness that hangs over the characters nonetheless
000yul · 7 months
saileach: i was scolded severely by my grandfather for being uncivilized enough to climb a tree
saria: i cling to reason and rationality so heavily my emotional side has never seen the light of day
bagpipe: i know all about growin’ potatoes ❤️
the vouivres we know sure do react differently to the reputation for madness their race has huh
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ichinoue · 2 years
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Hello there! I don't know if you remember this scene, it's around chapter 189 when Shinji attempted to approached Ichigo to joined the Visored. In the previous panel Shinji hugged Orihime and everybody (I mean Keigo and Chizuru lol) lost their mind. Suddenly Ichigo grabbed and dragged him outside angrily. We knew that Ichigo was pissed off because he thought Shinji was following him, not necessarily because he was jealous or something. But rather, Ichigo still told Shinji to apologized to Orihime for his attitude (although Orihime seems fine with that). I don't know but this little thing made me aware on how considerate Ichigo about her.
Oh, definitely! I talked about this moment at length in my IchiHime masterpost so I'll just copy and paste:
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Shinji spied on Ichigo to gather information about him. He’s shown here observing Ichigo from above. And what is Ichigo doing? Grinning widely (again, rare for his character) while he stares directly at Orihime while she stares directly back at him and is smiling, too. Shinji smirks, probably storing the information he’s just gathered from this observation for later use. Which came in handy the next day:
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After Shinji failed to recruit Ichigo to join the vizards, he shows back up at school. Ichigo doesn’t react other than to glare at him. So, Shinji tries a new tactic: make a move on the girl Ichigo was just hanging out with and smiling at. What we have here is simple: Shinji flirted with Orihime in front of Ichigo to get his attention. Let that sink in: Another guy. Flirted. With Orihime. To get Ichigo’s attention. (Do I even need to spell out the implication behind that?)
…And it worked!
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NOW he’s pissed. NOW he’s standing up all dramatically with black lines covering his eyes before dragging Shinji out of the room while everyone watches in shock. Interestingly, Chizuru questions “when did he get so protective?”
Which brings us back to this panel:
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“What’re you so mad about? It’s not like Orihime’s your girlfriend.” This is SO textbook shounen romance, filed under: ‘how to tease at a protagonist’s hidden romantic feelings.’ Look, we know that the biggest reason Ichigo was pissed was because Shinji was a perceived enemy at this point and Ichigo didn’t trust him. But you can make more than one point, imply more than one thing, with one scene. That’s what writers do! Ichigo’s distrust of Shinji is the obvious reason for his anger; but the implication of Ichigo’s jealousy - of this guy’s aggressive flirting with Orihime being the trigger that got Ichigo up and out of his seat, is still there. How do we know this? Because that very implication is then pointed out in the text itself with the 'girlfriend' comment. Kubo could have just had Ichigo confront Shinji the moment he saw him again, but instead, he purposely made it a point to include Orihime—and Orihime being flirted with, nonetheless. He made her the trigger. Why? Because he wanted to make an implication about Ichigo’s jealousy and protectiveness over her. He just dragged some creep out of the classroom for coming on to Orihime, and then demands that he apologize to her or else (this is such a common romantic trope). And to make things even more obvious? Shinji literally tells Ichigo that he reacted as if Orihime is his girlfriend. Kubo did that! He pointed out in the text that Ichigo reacted the way someone with romantic feelings for Orihime would react. Clearly, it didn’t escape Kubo’s mind that another guy coming on to Orihime triggered a reaction out of Ichigo—he was well aware of what that implied. He planned it that way, wrote it on purpose, set it all up so that he could then make an accusation about Ichigo’s feelings for her. So that just in case you missed it, just in case you weren’t totally sure if that’s what he was hinting at at first with the ‘dragging out of the classroom’ thing, he made certain to point it out in the text, leaving no room for doubt. Talk about laying it on thick. The thing is, Shinji is not a sentient being with thoughts of his own, he’s a fictional character whose words are written by Kubo. If he’s saying something, it’s because Kubo wrote it. If he’s pointing out that Ichigo reacted like Orihime is his girlfriend, it’s because Kubo wanted that to be pointed out. He wanted Ichigo’s romantic feelings to be implied here, and he used Shinji to do it. He wanted the reader to pick up on that hint. 
Shinji showing up at school? Meh. Mild annoyance, at best.
...Shinji laying a hand on Orihime? NOW you've crossed the line. In sum: a cleverly crafted scene that’s loaded with romantic implications and hints at Ichigo’s feelings, that Kubo himself then highlighted in the text.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Season 1 Episode 6 “Rage, You Damn Nerd”
Episode 6, with the best most hilarious title ever! Tells you exactly what you’re in for.
Finally, Bakugo’s reaction! I seriously was waiting through all three episodes for this. Like a Hitchcockian bomb under the table. Almost literally!
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Bakugou .exe has stopped working.
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Aizawa starts his pattern of lying to Class A to get them to do their best. He kinda stops doing this after a while, I’m guessing because it doesn’t take lying anymore, just let Wonder Duo go running off at the mouth and they’ll do the job just as well.
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Momo’s first line! I think we’re introduced to her in a method meant to make her seem a bit smug and condescending, which is interesting - Momo has a similar trajectory to Bakugou in some ways, introduced as Hot Shit and embarrassment used to break that ego, so this is important to keep in mind.
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Aizawa and All Might seemed like they were gonna have a rivalry in early drafts and that got dropped. Anyway, I’m noting the timeline here, as All Might drops the info that this is April 8 (April Fool’s day was Last Week).
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The friendship trio forms! Yay! (BTW I ship Uraraka and Iida, if you didn’t know.) We get a quick sum up of life at UA (sob why can’t my school be more like this) and then transfer on to the start of the Battle Trial Arc. Here it goes!
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Everyone’s in costume! I figured I’d use my fave Costumes for my ranker today, so I’ll comment on them below. (BTW I loved this arc a lot the first time around. I adored how perfect it feels as a simulated Heroes v Villains exercise.)
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All the detailed info on designing costumes and enrolling quirks is another thing I enjoy about BNHA; it feels like such a well-realized world, probably the most fully realized one I’ve encountered in some ways. Horikoshi is so obsessive over details, I love it.
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And it actually serves as a means to illustrate character. Since they designed the costumes themselves, everyone’s choices tell you a little something about who they are. I think that both Deku and Kacchan’s costumes are designed to look like All Might’s - both have pointy hoods like his spiky hair, both have metal gear around the neck, etc. They look alike, yet opposite.
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Deku’s first costume is so doofy looking, though. And it’s kind of symbolic of his whole issue at this point: he wants too badly to be like All Might, so he covers up his own face with a mask that has this weird, distorted fascimile of All Might’s hair and smile. He really needs to up that confidence! 
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This is followed by an adorable sequence of All Might trying to be a teacher and explaining the rules of the BTA. I totally empathize with All Might here; starting at a new job like this can’t be easy. (now I’m thinking about the “Even Idiots Can be Teachers” joke in Episode 52 and laughing)
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I wish there was more to comment on with the BTA teams. A few of them feel important. Kaminari and Jirou, of course; one of my ships, they hang out a lot. Also , Ojiro/Tooru, and Tsuyu/Tokoyami get teamed up here (but not Momo and Shoto or Kiri/Mina, so I refuse to call it a shipping pattern). Ashido and Aoyama have a bit of a rivalry going on that starts here. Everyone else’s is pretty random.
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And now the fated showdown of destiny! Well, the first time, anyway. I could watch these two fight all day. The whole series could just be them fighting each other back and forth and yelling while YSR plays and I’d be fine.
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Bakugou is so salty about Deku! The first time around, of course, he just comes across as an asshole. Rewatching it though, it does seem fairly reasonable to be pissed off that Deku’s apparently been lying to him this whole time (because he doesn’t know about OFA, and Deku didn’t even both to lie to him like he did to his mom), and they are fighting in an organized combat mission, so his behavior here makes total sense in hindsight. Amazing how that character development works.
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Uraraka is initially really blase about doing well. in hindsight, I think one of her flaws (at this stage, anyway) was that she basically didn’t know what she wanted and pretty much coasted on Deku (she says as much during the sports festival). She gets over that quickly, but flaws make good characters, so I wanted to point it out.
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Incoming Deku “Kacchan Sugoi” moment #1. I love this little twist, too, on the way we perceive Deku. He doesn’t want revenge on Katsuki or something like that. He wants to beat him (”the incarnation of victory”). Deku is not some frail flower needing protection from the world. Don’t let his cuteness fool you.
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Deku is so effing cool here, TBH - brilliant, tactical, strong, and brings his rival down to earth by judo-tossing him. Damn, the animation on Baku hitting the floor though, you can feel that impact. No wonder he was so pissed! (Deku’s strategic mind is one of my favorite things about him. Also the symbolism in Baku blasting away part of his All Might mask! 1/2 of the whole!)
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“From now on, Deku is the name of my hero!” Once again that trio of foil-y ness between Deku, Kacchan and Uraraka. I wonder if it’s a relic of when the series was originally gonna be them as a trio, a la Naruto/Harry Potter/etc, so they were designed to all foil each other in some way? It’s not as much in the series proper, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Also, You Say Run! Down the bottle! (3rd episode in a row).
In sum, I love this episode. Costumes! All Might teaching! The Battle Trial Arc! Bakugou being crazy (I mostly gush over Deku a lot, but I love Kacchan too. Crater-sized faults and all). And of course, all of the...
BKDK Corner:
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Cute flashbacks! Adorable flashbacks are adorable. Little Bakugou is so arrogant; if he was an adult he would be insufferable, but because he’s just a kid it’s cute.
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Now to get into a little analysis! This ep marks the first time we actually delve into the depths of Bakugou’s psyche, and basically to sum it up: He’s scared of Deku because he deep down knows that Deku is better than him, fearing that Deku will surpass him, and doesn’t understand why. It’s amazing how the characters introduced at this part of the series as simple archetypes (relatable hero, bully, nice girl, uptight boy) become so complex as the series goes on. Not to be taken at face value.
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Uraraka changing the meaning of Deku is another moment that parallels the Deku/Kacchan and Deku/Ochaco dynamics. Again, I’m not sure what that means in the long run, only that paralleling Izuku’s romance subplot with his main rivalry has interesting implications.  
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“So, you know Bakugou? He’s kind of mean to you, right?” ‘“Yes but he’s also super amazing special awesome and cool and did I mention amazing? Let me present my eighty page thesis to you on why Kacchan is cool.” OK, exaggerating. But it is interesting how much Deku admires and looks up to Kacchan despite him being such a jerk, so seemingly the opposite of what Deku wants to be as a hero. Basic 2 sides/same coin stuff, of course. Kacchan has all the self-assurance, power and pride that Deku lacks (at least at this point).
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Deku speaks fluent Kacchan and predicted exactly what he would do. He knows his S/O so well. 
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“I took notes on all amazing heroes, including you” Subtle, Deku. Wanna make your crush a little more obvious? (also check out the BNHA smash comic of this, where he takes it up a notch and reveals what a full-blown stalker he actually is).
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This is definitely their lowpoint of antagonism, though. This early part of the series, where they’re both mad at each other. I do think that Deku never really hated Bakugou, though; he hates things about him, but not him as a person. (Deku is way too forgiving.)  Bakugou hated him, but I think that’s fading away in the current timeline (so weird, the last time we saw these two in the manga they were chilling on a couch together and drinking tea. Such a crazy contrast with rewatching this!)
Best Girl of the Episode: Kyoka Jiro!
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more info on her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FVXWFFm4w&t=481s 
Ranker: Favorite Hero Costumes
5. Nejire Hado’s!
I’m not sure why, but she has one of my favorite costumes of the whole series. it looks so good on her, it’s simple and tells you who she is.
4. Izuku Midoriya’s (3.0)!
Deku’s third costume is amazing and looks cool. It’s sleek and powerful and badass, somehow taking that dopey baseline design and turning it awesome.
3. Camie Utsushimi’s!
It’s so simple yet so great. Bodysuit, white boots and that awesome Shiketsu hat. Yet it works. It looks cool, even with the boob window.
2. Katsuki Bakugo’s!
It’s so ridiculous and yet so perfect. Exactly what you’d expect Bakugo to design for his outfit. Keeping in character and suitably dark.
1. Ochaco Uraraka’s!
My favorite in the whole bunch. It looks so much like a space heroine super suit - I especially like it with the helmet. It’s all there for her quirk, too - there’s an explanation behind each piece of gear. (BTW, Bakugou and Uraraka had the same designer. They really lucked out!)
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