#it’s not great but toto’s public comments are worse
l8tof1 · 11 months
i wish toto would stop being so dramatic after every race. he’s called like three different races this season “their worst race in 15 years”. yes the car has been shit at some tracks and yes brazil was painful but if i worked at merc, i would NOT look to toto for guidance. lewis’ post race reactions are so much more sensible and motivating
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Honestly I don’t get the hate that Christian actually gets like wtf at least he’s honest about shit, yes he can be problematic but my god so are Toto and Mattia and they don’t get the crap Christian does and Jesus last year Toto was horrendous like some of the stuff he said about max and what happened at sliverstone like wtfff toxic as shit.
Toto is still petty that Redbull snatched Max up before they did 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
As a neutral fan who only just started watching f1 last year but I have a family that are big f1 fans I will call out shit that Is actually stupid and especially being English getting comments for Lewis fans (I live about 1hr away from where he grew up) that live around my area is stupid I’m not a Lewis fan and I won’t be a Lewis fan I only heard of him because of Nicole Scherzinger 😂 and the moaning that my older brother would say about how shit F1 has gotten because of Mercedes dominance, like don’t get me wrong I’m not a fan of George but I honestly prefer him to Lewis. I had a conversation with a bloke on a train about why I’m not a Lewis fan and he called me a bitch that don’t know what she’s talking about 🙃
My mum who’s watched f1 since the early 70s I believe has said at how much Max reminds her of past drivers, my older brother who’s watched it since he was like 5 and now 30 says that max is a great driver, I think I will take advice from them who’s a good driver is then DTS fans or fans who only liked Mercedes because they kept winning thanks 😂😂😂
Mercedes’ and Lewis fans need to grow up and stop believing that people who don’t like Lewis are racist because most are not they don’t like him because of past comments the way he’s come across and the temper tantrums he used to throw when he didn’t win “2016”
“Valtteri it’s James” if Mercedes actually gave Valtteri a chance I very doubt Lewis would be a 7 time champ but instead they put him over for Lewis
Sorry for the rant but people👀 need to start sitting down and shutting up because they are making F1 very similar to international football fandom💀
Oh anon I fully 100% agree. Also fuck that guy for the way he spoke to you just cause you aren’t a Lewis fan. It’s ridiculous lack of respect women who enjoy sports have but then to just say you know nothing cause of who is support is pathetic.
Christian gets a bad rep purely because of how much he defends Max and now Checo. People who dislike Christian dislike him cause of the fact that Pierre and Alex were drop (deservedly) and also because of how he treats Max whihc is also deservedly because Max has worked to be the first team driver and Christian has never been one to hide that in the public.
Then we also have last season when let’s be honest he really had to defend his team and Max….Silverstone was a point where people really got a turn off him even tho toto was the one who said that Max basically deserved a crash like this yet Christian was the bad guy?? Toto last year done a lot worse when it came to the media end compared to Christian and yet Christian is so hated by for what? Defending and loving his driver? Wanting the best team of drivers? He is there to win and some fans cannot seem to understand their drivers simply were not good enough and they blame Christian for that
Also the abuse Max fans get, constantly being called racist is fucking stemming from media blaming everything on Max fans. Are Ferrari fans called sexist or scumbags for what they did last weekend? Absolutely not F1 didn’t even bother to make a statement. Merc and lh fans need to drop the ‘im so great’ attitude soon cause they really are a joke.
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leqclerc · 3 years
we all laughed at clown binotto but this year otmar isn't looking good. I get that all tps complain and whine all the time, it's part of the game, but the way they're handling this feels very unpleasant imo... toto complains too but it's not the only thing that leaves his mouth. Also they're losing quickly all the positive publicity they got thanks to seb and the rebranding
Oh yeah the whole thing is...yikes. 😳 The bottom line is...it really isn’t anyone else’s fault (not the FIA’s, not the other teams’) that they dropped the ball with this year’s regs. McLaren handled the transition to 2021 regulations just fine. Alpha Tauri’s looking strong. Ferrari improved significantly. The only teams that are looking worse than they did last year are Alpine and Aston Martin. And...of all the teams, Aston had the biggest, flashiest, loudest launch. Lots of promises were being made. They were supposed to come back and wrestle that third place back from McLaren. And so far...that’s not looking likely. 
Which, I mean, it happens. It dawned on Ferrari that something’s really not right here last year during winter testing. They had to make last-minute changes to their 2020 car and they paid the price. But being so far down down the field actually seems to have motivated them to put their heads down, do the work over winter break, and come back stronger. Which they have done. Sure, they’re not taking the championship fight to Mercedes just yet, but no one really expected them to. But they’re realistically in contention for fourth (or even third, according to Charles) and that’s already a huge improvement. 
AM, meanwhile, instead of investigating the issue and doing the work in their factory, are trying to solve their issue by entering discussions with the FIA over how they’re supposedly at a disadvantage due to the new regs not favouring their low rake car - and even vaguely threatening legal action. Which, as the commentators pointed out during FP2 today, is...flimsy at best. They’re unlikely to have the sympathy or backing of the other teams which actually did their homework (several teams joined the protest against RP last year which gave it some credibility at least.) 
I think they’re thanking their lucky stars right now (and if they’re not, they should be) that they have Seb on their team because he’s known to give solid, in-depth feedback, which I’m sure will prove invaluable as they keep developing the car (or at least trying to do some damage control, given the situation.) But there’s only so much he can do. He’s not an engineer, he can’t rebuild their car to suddenly make it high rake. If things stay like this, they’ll probably just have to accept it’s a humble pie/learning curve type of season for them and focus their efforts on nailing the 2022 regs instead. But yeah, not a great look for them from the management side of things. 
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