#it’s not nice to express your cute aggression directly onto the source of cute
fractallogic · 2 years
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Darktime camera is no match for cat who is bathing herself (because some hoomin came barging in and put their hoomin face and hoomin smell all over catte. YUCK.)
But nonetheless I LOVE how she found just a perfect little cat-shaped crater to sleep in while my covers were all disarrayed. Hard to tell from the pic but the way everything fell when I finally decided to rouse myself this morning resulted in a little cat-ball-sized spot. And she FOUND it and she decided to sleep in the cat spot instead of in her usual spot right in front of my pillow. God I love this cat.
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jungwon-crush · 3 years
(2) home - enhypen
(listening to the song while reading the chapter is recommended~)
in a long straight path, there lined eight houses, every two faced each other. this was what i considered my  neighborhood.
the houses looked completely worn out. there were still leftover hopscotch marks in the grubby street that separated the houses, and several cracks lined the outer front walls of the homes.
i hastily ran out of one of those houses, and onto the narrow roadway. i was in a bit of a hurry -  i decided to wash myself before going to sunghoon's place because the field made me feel sticky, which means i took an extra amount of time to get ready.
as i left my terrace, i heard gates clambering to my right side.
"oh, you're late too." niki pointed out as i approached him.
"didn't know you were going to eat at sunghoon's as well."
"sunoo ran out of food," niki crankily replied, "and everyone else is having dinner there anyway, so why not? it's free carbonara, might as well take the chance because sunghoon never shares anything unless his mom forces him to."
i gasped, "the others are there too-"
"hell yeah! goo goo ga ga hoon waaaah go cry about it! we're all going to drain your food supply tonight!" niki said as he childishly hopped up and down.
"niki, please don't be too happy. there will be three people slaughtering us tonight." i shivered at the thought while we both started to walk towards sunghoon's house at the end of the pavement.
jake, heeseung, and jungwon hate waiting for people in order to eat. they're literally a foodie trio, they get grumpy when they can't have their meals right away. they also tend to blame their hysteria on the people they're waiting for. the word blame is an understatement, heeseung takes food a bit too seriously for a twenty year old.
usually, they just go ahead if they get impatient.
however, sunghoon's flight-attendant mom is supposedly back home tonight. our parents have created this sort of rule that we have to eat all-together. this rule stems from when seven year old me threw a tantrum when i found out that the boys ate fried chicken without me, so we've been kind of following it for most of our lives because the elders get upset if one of us has a temper.
niki added, "actually, four people will have ideas that involve murdering us tonight. well honestly- only three for me. four for you."
i stopped in my tracks, "what the hell are you on about?"
"jay doesn't like when others take his stuff and wear it without his permission.."
clothes. niki was referring to my clothing. i looked down just to realize that i was wearing an oversized t-shirt that had 'park 02' printed on it. it was jay's custom tee from high school.
was i in such a rush that i didn't even register that i put on jay's shirt that i had secretly stolen?
"niki- you dumbass! why would you tell me this now? we just reached sunghoon's!" i yelled at the lanky being while i harshly slapped his abdomen.
"oh so i'm the dumbass? that's what you get for being an idiot, i can't believe you're a senior!" he yelled back at me.
i rolled my eyes and hit him one more time in the gut before taking position behind him as we slipped into the entrance of sunghoon's humble abode.
"using me as a shield won't do you any help." niki sneered while he opened the front door.
i wretchedly threw my head back and followed niki's back into the wood-paneled parlor. a chatter of voices could already be heard.
we moved past a set of stairs, and eventually winded up where the dining room was.
six people, who were previously facing each other and conversing, turned towards the direction niki and were coming from. they were seated at an old-fashion table with eight cushioned chairs. four individuals were settled on the side of the table that could see the room's entrance, while two people had their back facing niki and i as we arrived.
i scanned the room and surprisingly, nobody wore an irked look.
"byeol! looking good!" a puppy-like boy grinned. at that, i made my way towards him and teasingly pulled at his dark hair. jungwon, who sat beside him, elbowed his arm and mumbled something that sounded similar to "jake, focus on your food".
sunoo gleefully waved his hands then patted the seats beside him, gesturing for niki and i to sit there. the two of us shuffled and took our seats.
i found myself directly next to sunoo, with niki at the left end of the table facing heeseung.
i wrapped my arms around sunoo, he returned my actions and drew nearer to me which made our cheeks squish against each other. i creaked, "sunoo, my only source of sunshine! how are you? it's been a while."
"it has been way too long! i have been suffering lately- because of this moron called sunghoon! for the past hour he has been talking about how he received five confessions today even though it's only the second week of him attending college. my ears are so close to falling off!" sunoo wailed dramatically.
i hugged him tighter and jokingly sniffled, "i'm so sorry, sunoo... i can't imagine what you've been going through."
while i was comforting the poor boy, a hoarse voice sarcastically rang out, "i apologize for sharing my experience of being a really attractive, warm-hearted, and extremely smart person."
i let go of the hug and looked at the being past sunoo, "you don't need to ask for forgiveness. i think we all know that you don't have any three of those qualities, so what's the point in saying sorry?"
sunghoon just scowled as a response.
heeseung snickered at our exchange before his expression became serious, "start eating, byeol. the vegetables are gonna get cold."
i titled my head in confusion. wait what? i internally thought, did he just say vegetables?
i peered at the middle of the table, where an empty bowl with remaining white sauce stood alongside a plate filled with greens.
"you guys ate without-"
"yeah, byeol. you and niki were an hour late.. what did you expect-"
i cut jungwon off, "you were the one who told me there was gonna be carbonara! and now there's none? you could have made sure that heeseung and jake wouldn't hog it all for themselves!"
jungwon bit his lower lip guiltily, "i tried... but you know how they are."
niki shook his head as he grabbed the salad, "disappointed, but not surprised."
he put some vegetables onto my plate, then took the leftovers for himself. i began to bitterly munch it while making weird faces.
"i swear they're no older than six." jay whined. "also, byeol, is that not my shirt you're wearing?" he continued.
"now now jay, it is not the time to get mad at byeol. she 's already irritated, so she'll bite back even more." heeseung advised as if he was talking about an animal.
jay annoyingly pointed at me, "you're not getting away with this type of stuff next time."
i glanced at heeseung and gave him a quick thankful look. he gave a small smile back.
"considering you guys went ahead, is your mom not here, hoon?" niki probed.
"she's out running errands, won't be back until 10." sunghoon answered.
from there, the usual night-time conversation started. we discussed about the coffee shop heeseung was running, lutton high rumours, and how jake was unexpectedly doing well with girls in college too?
"did you know that i got invited to 3 dinner dates today? hoon's not the only one attracting ladies in the university of lutton." jake smirked.
"you should have went to one then." sunoo and i retorted at the same time. we playfully nudged each other.
"well, i was going to! until i heard that byeol was joining us for dinner tonight, she hasn't eaten with us for the past week!" jake countered.
jungwon's eyes flickered to mine while i told half of the truth, "sorry, i've been tired from school recently."
niki's eyes went wide, "oh right! you're still in the photography club? i heard hwang intak's the president this year!"
"who's hwang intak?" sunghoon strangely asked. he was rarely curious about others apart from us.
jungwon and jake's ears perked up at the question as well.
"lutton high's new it boy, also known as your replacement. except he's like ten times more friendly than you." sunoo taunted.
"yeah, right." sunghoon scoffed.
jay began to clap his hands and wheeze, "i thought the girls there would be heartbroken when sunghoon graduated. they move on quickly!"
"he's actually really nice though," i insisted, "during our club meetings, he always allows me to do homework before taking pictures. he even offers to help sometimes even though he's in a different section. i wonder why."
jungwon interrupted, "he's probably one of those overly kind people."
i shrugged, " i guess? i'm the only senior in the club apart from him, so he probably understands how i feel overwhelmed with assignments and stuff-"
"or," niki interjected, "he's into byeol!"
jungwon flashed a glare at niki.
niki responded with a face that said, "what?"
heeseung pondered out loud, "that may be true, i did something similar with the girl i liked when i was part of the student council."
sunoo's mouth was agape, "ahhhhhh! that explains why he comes into our class and studies with byeol sometimes during our free periods! it all makes sense!"
"who in their right mind would actually be interested in the lunatic?" sunghoon remarked.
"you've got to admit that she occasionally looks cute."
sunghoon's ears tinged red, "jake..." he paused, "n-no i don't think that she's-"
"i'm just saying!" jake hollered as he pushed back his hair.
"can everyone shut up for a second? you guys are being overdramatic. school just started last week- how can he like me in a span of  fourteen days?" i exhaustedly let out, ignoring jake's comment.
"you never know how someone truly feels byeol, you never know.." niki uttered.
i slapped his knee aggressively, "what do you know about love, niki?"
"trust me, i know more than you." he replied, his eyes fixed on something   behind me.
i let out a final huff of annoyance. i always question how i managed to survive eighteen years with these brats.
"shoot, it's already 9:30! i'm gonna go to bed, i have early morning classes tomorrow. and so do you jake." jay got out of his seat and waved his hand at us as he left the room.
"tsch, i guess i'll get going too." jake said as he started bidding goodbyes. when he got to me, he pinched my cheeks hardly and ran out of the room with a cheeky smile before i could chase after him.
i rubbed the area where he pinched, whispering exaggerated cries of how much it hurt.
"i think it's time we all go, it's getting late. you guys still have school tomorrow, and i have to open up the café." heeseung stood up and clapped everyones shoulders.
"don't stay for too long!" he finally said as he exited.
niki ridiculed, "yes, father heeseung!"
"hey, is anyone going to watch the game tomorrow?" sunoo inquired. there was only five of us remaining. "i don't want to go alone."
"i have to go, the photography club needs to take pictures of the game." i nodded
sunoo put his two hands into a prayer position, "oh, thank the lord!"
"i'm coming too, a few of my classmates are players." niki said as he was beginning to leave, "jungwon and sunghoon, you guys should come along too, since you two are so curious about photography club president intak."
after saying that, the younger boy immediately took his leave. he didn't wait for any comments, he just yelled, "see you, tomorrow!" before he slammed the doorway.
sunghoon pointed out, "i think he left straight away because jungwon had a knife ready in his hand."
"no doubt about it, hoon." i said as i looked at an annoyed jungwon who was gripping his utensil in a very uncivil way.
"i'll come, unlike those biophysics majors, i don't have any classes tomorrow."
sunoo hooted, "good! that's good, hoon! how about you, wonnie?"
jungwon sighed, "fine. now we're done here. i'll walk you home, byeol."
sunghoon chimed, "walk her home? she lives down the street..."
jungwon pretended that he didn't hear sunghoon and moved over to me. he tried pulling me out of my place while i held onto sunoo's arm, "i'll go home only if sunoo's sleeping over! my dad's at the city again!"
"i'll stay at your house tonight, byeol! don't worry."
i let jungwon pull me up, while sunoo followed suit.
"your dad's not here again?"
"i just said that, hoon." i put my arms around sunoo and jungwon and started leading us out of the house.
"just know you can come over anytime- like always!" he called out in an uneasy tone from the dining area.
"noted!" i yelled back before sunoo closed the door behind us.
"my legs are tired, can someone carry me?" i immaturely begged.
"really? they're worn out from sitting down for two hours?" jungwon declared.
"let the girl be! you can piggyback on wonnie, byeol." sunoo beamed while ushering me to get on jungwon's back.
regardless of his displeasure, jungwon crouched down.
i jumped onto the rear part of his figure and wrapped my arms around his neck. he jumped a little as he made his posture straight again, "i actually need to stop babying you."
"i'm pretty sure you said that yesterday too." sunoo chuckled as we plodded back to my house.
taglist: @wonwobbles
a/n: this chapter is pretty long compared to the first one, so im a little proud of it! i wanted to show how byeol banters with the others and how their characters react to certain stuff to show their personality!!! heheheheh
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