#it’s probably The Pain which. has been getting worse. (I can barely do the phys. therapy stretches for my tendon so.
badolmen · 1 year
Rain got pushed to tomorrow night.
Pros: I can finish harvesting my local sites!
Cons: I have to finish harvesting my local sites.
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sailing through the air - spidey!callum au drabble
dear @stuckonspidey. ihope u dont regret ur decision
this was supposed tobe short
context : callum ilott's to do list : start outline for history project, investigate string of robberies in london, fall in love with your classmate, don't die on the job
As his mind wanders, he finds his thoughts drawn back to his project partner. They, they were actually having fun (Barely getting any work done, but that was fine) and then he went and ran away to somewhere. Mick knows it was probably really important, and he shouldn't feel as bummed about it, but, he sighs, he would have really loved to spend more time with him.
But, he realises, he's been Callum's classmate for almost his whole stint here and he never really realised how funny and kind and diligent he was.
(And, his mind remarks, how handsome he had gotten and how his hands had-)
Yeah, no.
He's seen Callum for coming to four years now, but why did this feel so different?
What happened to Callum Ilott?
As if almost on cue, something crashes behind him.
The fall is actually the second worst part of the night.
Honestly, he doesn't think anything could really top his pathetic excuse of leaving Mick Schumacher's house, he thinks. Who actually does their chores so obsessively that they would ditch schoolwork? And seriously, who in this century had such a desperate need to wash their whites that they'd leave a pretty boy's room?
It's with these thoughts that he falls onto an apartment complex.
God, first rule of the job. Don't get distracted.
He groans. He doesn't think he can do Phys Ed tomorrow in his state.
"Hello?" someone asks, and Callum remembers he actually has to open his eyes and-
Oh shit.
Blue eyes, full of worry, looking down on him.
Okay maybe the fall was the third worst thing to happen that night, as Mick Schumacher leans over him. Callum can't actually open his mouth, he doesn't even know how he can get away with this. He scrambles behind, his back hitting the brick half-wall on the roof. That makes it worse actually, his whole body in so much pain.
Mick's eyes widen. "Oh my-are you okay?" Callum's eyebrows narrow, wondering what exactly could worry this guy so much when he tracks where Mick is looking and-
Oh. Right, the stab wound.
Callum attempts to push himself up, and already Mick's hands are supporting him and wow, he is melting inside. The urge to just confess everything and shed his mask grows so strong.
He really has to pull himself together.
"Can you get back to- wherever you're from?" The blonde asks and he has to blink to focus.
He nods. Unfortunately, as he takes another step, pain flares from his abdomen and a winceleaves his mouth. Inside the mask, Callum shuts his eyes and internally berates himself for this one.
"Do you need the hospital, I-"
"No," he gasps. He hopes he remembered to make his voice sound different, hiking up his pitch a little bit. "No hospitals."
"Right, right, identity," Mick's scrambling, but Callum finds it so extremely endearing.
Wow, how much blood has he lost?
"I have a first-aid kit in my room? I can help you out?" And you see, Callum is an altruistic man. A kind man, who does not want to bother anyone. But, his good old luck strikes when he goes to decline politely and swing off, and he just-
-wakes up on an unfamiliar chair. His hands spasm and go up to his mask, which thankfully stayed on. He looks down and damn it, his suit's torn. Another thing he has to worry about later. His eyes scan the room and suddenly, it hits him. This isn't an unfamiliar room, he was here less than five hours ago for-
The door opens.
"I didn't know what you could take, so I just brought water and tea." Mick smiles sheepishly. He shuts the door, places the cups down. "My mom would kill me if I had someone bleeding out in my room." He says and Callum nods. His own mum would probably hate it if she saw someone bleeding out in her son's room. Which almost happened before. Art project, his excuse that time.
The two of them sit in silence for a little bit. He stares at the posters he was actively trying to avoid when he was here. "Nice room." He says.
"Thanks." The German hands him the tea, he drinks from the water.
"So, Spidey," Callum barely resists screaming. "What happened?"
"Convenience store robbery." He answers. "Guess it wasn't too convenient for them."
Mick groans. Callum laughs at his absolutely hilarious joke.
"That wasn't funny." Mick comments.
"Sure," They lapse into silence and Callum stares at his now sewn up wound.
"So, Mister Prepared, how'd you learn to do this?" He turns his hand at his chest.
"My mom taught me when I was young how to fix clothes. I assumed it was the same?" Callum nods. "Man of talent."
He takes a sip of his tea. "Man of many talents."
Mick smiles and suddenly, Callum's massive brain runs through a specific plan.
Look, Mick would never notice him normally. Why would he, he's Mister Perfect, but in his suit, he's not Callum Ilott, random classmate. He's Spider-Man, your friendly neighbourhood superhero. He can also be a teenage hearthrob too.
"Thank you," he motions with his cup. "For the hot thing, and the tea." He winks, thanking the gods that his suit had the eye things. His companion blushes, and Callum can't help the grin crawling onto his face.
He puts down his mug. "Thanks for everything, maybe I'll come back for the company."
He walks to the open window. "Try not to get hurt." Mick asks.
"For you, I'd have a run in with Loki." He salutes Mick and sails out his window, launching a web on a nearby building.
Finally, a good exit. He grins as he swings back home.
i dont know how stab wounds work i hope i didnt kill callum
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