#that’s gonna snap on me one day and Gd willing it’s not while I’m doing work)
badolmen · 1 year
Rain got pushed to tomorrow night.
Pros: I can finish harvesting my local sites!
Cons: I have to finish harvesting my local sites.
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holydragon2808 · 5 years
Dimitri, the Naïve King. Or Is He Really? Fire Emblem Three Houses (Personal Opinion) MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE BLUE LION’S PATH!
A few days ago, I made a post on why I found Edelgard less compelling than either Claude or Dimitri, but when I posted my Edelgard opinion, I wasn’t quite finished with the BE route. At the time I was at like chapter 17/18 so I figured that was far in enough to post a valid opinion though lol. But, now I’ve completed that route too, and I’m currently chapter 15 of the Silver Snow route, my last route to complete after having done GD first and then BL before BE.
Anyway, my Edelgard post actually got far more likes/reblogs than I anticipated (seriously, as popular as Edelgard is I thought I was gonna get roasted alive for my more “negative” opinion, so to speak lol), so I figured I’d push my luck again with yet another rather unpopular opinion, but this time regarding Dimitiri. There will be some major spoilers for the Blue Lions route in particular in this post (and the post may be a bit long too lol), so read at your own risk if you’ve yet to at least complete it. Final Warning!
I’ve seen quite a few people talk about how naïve Dimitri was in his own route (mainly on reddit), after a combination of circumstances and Byleth eventually snap him out of his revenge before reason stage simply because he chose to try and reach out to Edelgard.
And I disagree with that notion entirely.  
Him being naïve in the sense that I’ve seen people implying would be him trying to reach out to Edelgard at the expense of everything else going on around him (and putting his friends/army at risk). He never takes his desire for reconciliation with Edelgard that far.  When Felix directly asks Dimitri if he’s prepared to kill Edelgard should he not be able to broker peace with her (and even Dimitri himself admits to you in a support convo that it’s a long shot but he felt he at least had to try), Dimitri literally says that he will strike her down if necessary (and he does) even if it would go against his personal wishes.
Simply attempting to reach out to both his stepsister and now hated enemy in itself does not make him a naïve idiot. In fact, I’d argue that the notion actually shows that he has the makings to be a very sensible, compassionate and benevolent ruler. It shows that he’s willing to show compassion and understanding to even his enemies, treating them like they matter as people, and attempt to go out his way to try and find a peaceful solution to a conflict if he can.
What I also find interesting is that people are quick to give Dimitri flak for the proposal and write him off as naïve, all the while completely side stepping the fact that Edelgard chose to meet with him honorably under the terms Dimitri dictated.
Look, if we’re going to be fair about all of this, then would that not make her just as  “naïve”, (considering she’s supposedly the “pragmatic well-intentioned extremist” enemy people claim) for not taking advantage of the situation to corner Dimitri and kill him right then and there? By this point she’s committed countless other murders, allied with shady people (Those Who Slither in the Dark) all in the name of “the greater good” (and she’s revealed to be the one who hired the bandits in the prologue to kill Dimitiri and Claude, she just got caught up in it and you and Jeralt end up saving all of them, kickstarting the main plot) so cornering a king with an army while he just brought the professor wouldn’t be “too cruel of her” to me. Just food for thought.
Since she chose not to take advantage of the situation dishonorably (and pragmatically), I can only assume that Dimitri’s desires and attempt to reach out to her despite everything wasn’t just naïve wishful thinking on his end, but rather a sensible gesture, even if he ultimately (and expectedly even from his end) failed to deter her from her destructive path. It would tie right in to song “The Edge of Dawn” since going by it’s Japanese name (Girl of Hresvelg), it’s about Edelgard’s longing for others to reach out to her (and her wishing she could do so in turn). As I mentioned in my other post, this was one of the reasons why I found Edelgard more compelling on this route than her own.
To try and drive my reasoning and point home, I have to spoil the moment serving as the true catalyst for Dimitri finally coming around on the BL route. Basically, a sad, vengeful little girl named Fleche holds a very understandable grudge against Dimitri and Byleth (whom I’m going to refer to the latter as a “she/her” from here on because I played a female Byleth who romanced Dimitri on this route). Anyway, Fleche, joins the army shortly after you’ve recruited Rodrigue under the guise of an unassuming soldier with secret murderous intent towards Dimitiri.
Eventually, she outs herself and holds Dimitri at knife point for him killing her older brother (General Randolph) during one of Dimitri’s “episodes” in a previous chapter. Just as Dimitri is about to accept the little girl’s rage (and the fatal knife attack), Lord Rodrigue shields Dimitri from the blow, fatally wounded in the process, and Byleth is forced to strike the child down (who couldn’t have been any older than Lysithea or Annette) in order to protect both Dimitiri and herself. A combination of Lord Rodrigue’s last words to him, seeing a child’s expression of dark revenge mirroring his own (and her being struck down at such a young age because of him), and Byleth reaching out her hand to him is what finally pulls him back from the brink entirely. He had no choice but to see and acknowledge all the suffering he left in his wake.
And he chose to face those feelings of regret and remorse head on, finding his way out of the darkness, all because someone (Byleth) reached out her hand to him.
Again, had Dimitri gone the opposite extreme, putting his desire for peace with Edelgard above his duty as a King (i.e., not killing her when clearly necessary to do so) then I would readily agree with the sentiment that he was too naïve for his own good. But he never does that.
Even after the final boss battle, when Dimitiri attempts to reach out to her one final time, by that point she’s rendered powerless. She can barely move let alone pose a threat to anyone in the moment. And when she still refuses, he finally does strike her down, acknowledging the fact that as much as they’d both like to reconnect with one another (again, Edelgard chose to meet with him under the terms he dictated prior to the final battle), it’s impossible at this point.
To me, all of this shows just how far Dimitri has come from the angry, revenge obsessed mess of a man he became during the five years Byleth was gone. Attempting to reach out ones’ hand despite how impossible it may seem isn’t a sign of weakness or naivety. It’s a sign of compassion and strength to me. It’s a message that needed to be conveyed. And I personally think that Dimitri’s path (and Byleth’s hand in helping him on his route) explored that beautifully. But again, just all my opinion.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
At this rate Shin will have a DLC for P3D before FeMC/Ryoji
And.....I ain’t gonna be mad at the little dude, I’ll pour one out for him he deserves it, and I mean PTS was a (now alternate universe not connected to the games as stated by Atlus after the release of P4/P3P as stated in the official artbook) sequel to the original/FES ver of P3 so like he wouldn’t be COMPLETELY out of nowhere for P3D (Laz-chan is tho tbh, they better explain where she was in P3/P....actually a remake for P3 she’d be an interesting bonus boss). I’m still gonna wanna light Atlus’ ass on fire for shunning FeMC and Ryoji tho. Just because they’re pushing it ;w; Goro is the Adachi of P5D, Shinji is not he’s just part of the main cast. At least put Ryoji, the Adachi of P3D in there. ;w;
(oh snap this turned into a rant under the cut, well rip 8U)
I’m not even mad Labrys and Sho got announced for DLC, mad they (or at least Sho) got announced FIRST/BEFORE FeMC/Ryoji, but not upset. They are integral to P3′s lore, and tbh Labby showed up in the drama CDs (which is the reason I’m fine with her being announced first before the FeMC, since Labby came out first, but I am mad she was announced before Ryoji cause he was first). And like not just lore, but Sho is also basically his own Strega and....it’s easier to just do one guy instead of 3. 8U Plus apparently he is popular 
Like fudging P1 OP and ED (and maybe P2 can’t remember) HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED FOR P3/5D BEFORE THE FEMC OR RYOJI! Like brah I’m happy for P1/2 fans, but c’mooooooon man that’s not P3 related. ;w; Like if there are any fans who will feel and understand the pain of P1/2 fans feeling ignored it’s FeMC fans and PTS fans (I know you exist). The issue is while P1/2 can’t be used cause Tadashi bounced, and PTS can’t be used (but some stuff can be borrowed, similar to what happens to the FeMC all the gd time) cause it’s not “canon to the games, it’s an alt universe canon with it’s own canon” (hey it’s important they stated that cause the MegaTen canon is so fluid and people already get confused and yes the distinction is important to make), the FeMC has NONE of those restrictions.1) Hashino is still there and willing to let them use his characters without him directing. 2) It’s not even Hashino’s character tbh, Azuka Kido wrote her and most of P3P, if anything she’s the creator and she’s still working in the Persona department so like she’s not restricted like Tadashi characters even more 3) Atlus has stated if it happens in the game it’s canon, even if it’s an alt universe, it’s an alt universe within the game’s canon so it’s still canon, which is key to Persona’s lore (SMT If, all of P2, P3P, PQ, fudge every route for Arena/Ultimax too). All this means that there is NOTHING to hold her back like they do for P1/2/TS....but they do anyway! ;w;
I’m sorry this became a rant, but....it just hurts a lot of love this character. They’ll use her stuff, HER OWN STUFF EXCLUSIVE TO HER but they won’t give her the time of day....and there’s literally no reason to NOT give her the time of day. They use her songs for the 20th anniversary concert, but she’s shafted from the Soejima art (even tho there’s like an awkward space with all the MCs which makes me feel like she was meant to be there but was removed for some reason) as well as the merch. Her music is used in P3D but is nowhere to be seen. They took cues from her SL with Ryoji and used it for the P3 movies, THEY TOOK RIO AND SAORI AND PUT THEM IN THE MOVIES! THOSE TWO AREN’T EVEN ON THE MALE SIDE! Not even as NPCs you see in the beginning like with Kenji or Kaz are on the FeMC side! Rio/Saori literally don’t exist on the male side, they aren’t programed! ;w; 
I mean....I try to give Atlus the benefit of the doubt, I feel like the shoutouts (such as Akihiko’s pancake mention in PQ, and probably other stuff too), the music at the concerts and P3D, the Rio/Saori cameo and the Ryoji development in the movies....I feel like they’re thinking and trying to throw FeMC fans a bone and I think they think they’re doing a good job. “See we didn’t forget her, look at all the stuff from her route!” but.....it just kinda hurts, it feels more like they’re dangling a key in front of us, a key to a door she’s locked behind rather than throwing us a bone. 
I mean I get it, FeMC fans can be loud about wanting to see their fav, but just cause they wanna see her doesn’t mean we automatically hate Minato/Makoto or don’t want him. I know us being loud can be really annoying, but if you’re a P1/2 fan or a Goro fan I’m sure you can understand having your favs be shafted. Like her being excluded from 20th anniversary was a low blow, just her being with the other MCs would’ve held us over, just knowing they still acknowledged her. That’s literally all we want, not a whole game dedicated to her, just to be included in the artwork with other MCs.
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nomouthtospeakof · 3 years
top 5 dragon age quests (main quests and/or side quests up to u)
oh fuck this is HARD okay. i'm only including dai and da2 bc those are the two i've played (i've only played da2 once but like. it's really hard to choose from just dai) (also i'm not including dlcs only bc i haven't played them in a while)
5. all that remains - .....................if my game hadn't glitched really bad and 1) made me replay the gd final fight twice and 2) kept playing the battle music over leandra dying. i would have maybe cried. either way jesus fucking christ.
4. night terrors - okay this was a fucking NEAT mission to play through the first time, even if it's frustrating how fucking ridiculous some of the things my friends were willing to betray me for it was overall just... neat? occasionally campy sure but also i brought anders in and getting to talk to justice for real was really interesting.
3. the last straw - okay i was debating whether to put this one or champions of the just, since CotJ was such a cool intro for cole and it's def one of the better missions in dai, and since TLS was soured for me bc of that entire orsino fight (even ignoring how out of left field it is if you side with mages, i had to do it TWICE bc my game crashed. i was so mad). but honestly?? seeing anders snap and start glowing in front of meredith and cullen and him going OFF on orsino (you tonk your stave on the ground!!) gave me legit shivers, and NO ONE told me how fucking RAD meredith's boss fight was. like oh my goddddd playing that after only knowing the flimsy little final fight with corypheus? seeing the STATUES come alive?? no one prepared me. fuck those slave statues. actually this was gonna be 5 but i'm bumping this up to 3 because FUCK those slave statues creepy ass motherfuckers.
2. in hushed whispers - this is my shit. granted some of the appeal has been lost bc i've played it so many times it's like "*sigh* time to find the shards again 😔" but the sheer atmosphere of future redcliffe?? what an amazing way to make you feel the weight that's on your shoulders, that without you this is what happens. (yes a lot of the chosen one stuff in dai was annoying but just. ignoring that. it's cool.) also tho this is what made me fall in love with dorian.
1. here lies the abyss - ohhhhhh god. okay we talked about the atmosphere in IHW but what about the atmosphere HERE. maybe i'm just a lil bit of a puss but like, this mission genuinely like... really made me feel this weird combination of creepiness and despair? like nothing intense, but actually reading all the little things about combined with the music, at least the first time or two this mission genuinely really upset me (in a good way). that one scrap of paper where it's a mother trying to get her son to write down his fears so they don't seem so big anymore and then her son's fears are about the blight and darkspawn under the house and the spots on his father's arm and his mother sobbing when she thought he couldn't see... that STUCK with me.
anyways. can you see a trend in the missions i like LMAO but thank you for the ask!!
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