#it'd be fun if they had a level of familiarity every time they run into each other
deadtwice · 1 year
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  just toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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dragonsarecool · 4 months
June of Doom Day 6 - Flinch
A/N: Jennifer doesn't remember him being this nervous. Set in the months following Part III. Can be read as a sequel to Day 5 Disfiguration.
It was so subtle at first.
The way his expression stiffened when a hand came near his face.
The small hisses of pain he unconsciously gave when he moved suddenly.
The scarves and high-collared shirts he'd started wearing to hide the evidence of his near-death experience.
The haunted gaze in his eyes that continued to surface.
Every time she offered to talk about it he declined, and Jennifer grew more and more frustrated by the day. She knew he couldn't help his reactions - as much fun as time travel had been, it'd also been a traumatic and life-changing experience - but his stubbornness to move on was really starting to wear her down.
His family had noticed, his bandmates had noticed, and they had all expected her to have some sort of answers for them.
Maybe I should become a psychologist after all…
As October turned into November, and November faded to December, she found her concern continued to grow. She couldn't even hug him anymore without noticing the smallest hints of hesitation, or even place an arm around his shoulders without him jumping.
He can't go on like this forever.
Doctor Brown told him to make a good future! And look what he's doing to himself!
They were having Christmas dinner at the McFly residence when her patience had finally run out. All it had taken was a clattering set of cutlery to make Marty fly out of his chair and mutter an excuse about scuttling to the bathroom. When he hadn't returned after a few minutes, Jennifer excused herself before marching towards his bedroom.
Without bothering to knock she pushed the door open, a confusing mixture of anger and concern bubbling inside her. Marty was seated in the far corner of his room, kneeling on the floor with his head resting on the bedside table.
She stepped forward into the room, clearing her throat so as to not startle him. "Marty?"
Despite her efforts, Marty's body still jerked. He barely turned his head to face her, the familiar redness of shame decorating his cheeks. "J-Jen!"
"Marty, this has got to stop," Jennifer closed the door behind her, squeezing in-between Marty and the edge of the bed. "I-I know that you originally told me you didn't want to speak to anyone about this-"
"A-And I can't, Jennifer! You know that I can't!" Marty retorted, waving his hands in frustration. "I can't because it'll mean I end up in the nut house for spouting some shit about time travel!"
"Could you at least speak to someone about what happened? Without mentioning the time travel, I mean?"
"If I start talking to a therapist, Jennifer," Marty lowered his voice, seemingly afraid of his family hearing their discussion, "people will start getting suspicious. They'll start wondering where Doc went, or why I suddenly went nuts when he disappeared, or-"
"They're already suspicious, Marty! It's too late to hide this!"
"W-What if the feds rock up on my doorstep one day and whisk me off to some Area 51 base?!"
"Think of your family, Marty! Your bandmates! They're all hounding me and asking questions, and I can't keep making up excuses forever!" Jennifer sighed in exasperation, pausing to collect herself. "…I-I love you, so so much, and I want to help you, but I feel like you're…you're not letting me."
Marty was silent, his gaze having returned to the clock radio on his bedside table. He ran his fingers through his hair, the motion powerful enough to pull out some strands. "…I-I can't, Jenny, I can't. I-I won't risk Doc's-"
"Doc wouldn't want you to be this miserable!" Jennifer brought her head down to Marty's level, staring directly into his eyes. "He wouldn't think asking for help is cowardly, o-or destructive! You gotta remember, Marty, that even if you did tell a therapist about time travel, they can't tell anyone about it! Patient confidentiality and all that shit!"
She felt so guilty for being so firm, but she knew that he knew he needed to hear this.
There was an uncomfortably long silence before Marty replied, his lips trembling. "…If you don't want m-me around, y-you can say so, I-I won't be-"
"Oh Marty, like I would leave you like this!" Jennifer carefully lifted his chin up, planting a firm kiss on his lips. "I want to help you, honey. And I never want to leave you. But I need you to start letting me in more, or I think things could escalate."
Marty breathed out a shuddering sigh, blinking furiously. "…C-Can you help me get through dinner first, a-and then…t-then we'll talk."
Jennifer nodded as they stood up, giving him a warm smile. "We'll work this out, Marty. I promise."
She gave him one final kiss before tenderly leading him out the comfort of his room, returning to the dining table hand in hand. "Sorry guys, we're back."
Linda snorted into her glass of champagne. "Don't tell me you guys were in there together!"
Jennifer was so relieved to hear a laugh from Marty that she couldn't help but giggle as well. She squeezed his hand under the table, and his thumb danced along her skin with such delicacy that she felt warm all over. "N-No, I assure you, we weren't in there together."
But we are gonna go through this together.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings/tags: heart warming fluff, language, and suggestive themes
Word count: 2.5k
In which your boyfriend takes it upon himself to pamper you on his day off.
Author’s note: some self indulgent fluff. this is a continuation of dad!bakugou and torch daughter. there will be more. enjoy :)
D/N= daughters name
Katsuki heavily relied on you to babysit your rambunctious four year old daughter during the days when he'd be on patrol from dusk till dawn. Very rarely would he be home before the two of you tucked yourselves in for the night, leaving him to eat the leftovers from dinner alone at the table. As sad as it is, it didn't bother you in the slightest. In fact, knowing Katsuki was keeping the crime rate of Japan low, you were more than happy to become a stay at home mom. Most of your friends tried to talk you out of it, but you were already settled after giving your two weeks notice at your low paying job. Waking up and seeing your daughter first thing in the morning is better than staring blankly at a bright screen all day behind a musty wall, running on nothing but decaf coffee, and sluggishly going to and fro like a zombie.
Ever since your daughter manifested her quirk, you’ve been trying your best to maintain her sudden outbursts while at home. The doctor prescribed it as Torch: the ability to become a human torch and ignite flames throughout your body and fingertips. For now d/n is only capable of setting herself on fire, using the flames as a barrier to protect her from any harm instead of combating. However, sometimes she'll forget to extinguish herself, having you to manually use an actual fire extinguisher on her. Burn marks would litter the outskirts of your shirts, the aftermath ash smudged on your face, and the tiny hairs on your forearms long gone after handling d/n.
Your boyfriend appreciates the way how you compose yourself around d/n, not allowing the temptation to fling the little gremlin out the window prevail, because if the roles were reversed it'd be a whole different story. Sometimes he sits back in his desk chair, after a long night of meandering around the city, and tries to remember the last time you were properly treated. Of course, Katsuki never fails to remind you day and night he loves you through his actions, some including selfish indulgence late at nights, but all in all he didn't lack being the hopeless romantic counterpart for you. He wanted you to take a break from it all, have him handle the at home duties and the slimy daughter. Leaning back against the chair with his brows furrowed slightly, he began to mentally plan out your day already.
It was a Friday when Katsuki forced himself out of the comfortable security that is your arms and walked with light feet to his daughters bedroom. Today is his day off, so he has to make sure everything goes smoothly or else he's going to have more burn marks on his office desk.
He didn't bother knocking first and saunters in the familiar space, the faint snores from d/n somehow relaxing him. Her walls were freshly painted a light shade of blue, the contrast not too saturated to peel the attention away from her posters that covered every inch of her room, all of which were pictures of his prohero colleagues. D/N had to beg for her father to purchase a Deku poster, one of which she saw don display when the both of you brought her to the mall for a quick trip. He internally cringes every time he makes eye contact with the lifeless eyes of Deku when he enters her room.
Katsuki neared his daughter and kneeled down to where his head was leveled with hers, chuckling lightly when finding a small pool of drool collecting on her cheek.
"Wake up little shit," he whispers, nudging her uncovered shoulder with his knuckles, startling her eyes to flutter open. D/n nearly gasped at the sight of her father. The covers that were wrapped snuggly around her fell at the foot of her bed when she jolted up in surprise, eyes brimming with excitement.
"It's today right? Mommy's day!" Katsuki covered her mouth with his abnormally large hand, not wanting her obnoxious voice to blow their cover.
"Yes, but you're gonna have to be quiet for daddy. Don't want to spoil the surprise for mommy, you understand ya little brat?"
Hand still attached to her mouth, d/n nodded her head feverishly, hands clenched into tiny fits. Once he thinks she's shimmered down a little, he finally removes his hand and motions her to follow him.
Meanwhile in the other room, you were still fast asleep, limbs not once switching from their position over the cozy blanket. The chill breeze from the propped window regulated your body temperature nicely, along with the beautiful songs sung by the birds that reside in the trees close by. You stirred awake momentarily, feeling the loss of a presence that's usually laying beside you during these times of slumber. Katsuki's side was empty, the indent from his body molded onto the foam mattress, leaving you to believe he woke up not that long ago.
After convincing yourself to leave the comfort of your bed, you decided to search for the missing blonde. You crack open the door to a weird combination of radio music blaring throughout the house, and the delicious smell of something cooking in grease. It's no doubt your boyfriends doing. He always likes to impress you with how skillful he is in the kitchen. He hasn't made a dish you disliked yet nor will he allow himself to do so.
Standing side by side, minus the height difference, d/n and Katsuki both were too immersed in their cooking to notice you leaning against the island counter, trying very hard to not cry instantly at the sight in front of you. Watching them interact together was definitely something you'd be treasuring for the years to come.
A rush of savory and sweetness infiltrated your senses, the scent strong enough to knock you back to sleep. As if he read your mind overnight, Katsuki took it upon himself to prepare your favorite breakfast dishes. The dinner table made for three already set by none other than d/n, who currently looked proud at her work and craftsmanship. A large vase was propped in the center, a collection of vibrant flowers stuffed to the brim, the water inside almost overflowing. Attached to one of the stems of the flowers was a tag, the handwriting sloppy and hard to decipher.
To my dumbass, love ya - K.B
You felt the delicate touch of your daughter wrapping her hand around yours, giving it a slight tug before pulling you into the kitchen again. Katsuki flicked his gaze to you now, flashing the same mischievous grin you grew to love. his hands simultaneously worked on the food while taming the animal, that is indeed your daughter, from bumping into the pan handles.
"What's all this for?" You asked, the question directly appointed to both your boyfriend and daughter.
"Oh, so I can't treat my sexy girlfriend to a good meal?" he teased while setting the burners to low, letting the food cool off before plating it. Your daughter audibly gagged at the comment and swatted Katsuki's arm.
D/N's tiny legs were faster than yours and reached the cabinet where the plates and cutlery were stored at. To her dismay, the cabinet was higher than she anticipated. trying her best to waiver down the disappointment as she climbed on the sleek marble counter top, losing her footing here and there. Katsuki caught her in time before she misplaced her footing and almost toppled onto the floor.
"May I need to remind you not to climb on the damn counter tops anymore d/n?" he scolded as he put her down before grabbing enough plates for everyone.
Pursing her lips tightly, she crossed her arms and said, "But if I'm going to be a future hero then I have to battle my way through tough obstacles!"
U.A's immense training and work studies came in handy when dealing with d/n's hard headed ideologies. It's been a stressful reoccurrence, having to constantly teach her the importance of being a hero at such a young age. Her impulsive tendencies mirrored the blondes old habit of taking action before thinking. But there was always a saying when storing away your fear and facing danger head on.
"That's true, but sometimes a little teamwork wouldn't hurt. Your father should know a thing or two about that when he was a young U.A student," you said as you patted her head.
"What'd you say shitty woman? Talking crap so early in the morning already?" a strange popping sound alerted you to turn around, only to find Katsuki flaring his flashy quirk with a glare that could splice you open.
But his alarming gaze wasn't the thing that was scaring you at the moment.
You thought the smorgasbord of a breakfast was the last of your boyfriends romantic gestures, but you should've known better once he demanded you to change out of your sleep attire and into something to  wear outside. Not thinking twice about where he was dragging you to, including daughter, you decided to play it safe. He approved on your choice of ripped jeans, synthetic tank top, and thrown on cardigan once heading off to the car.
The car ride to the mysterious destination was short lived as your boyfriend pulled up into the driveway of his old house. Mitsuki stood waiting by the threshold of the doorway, waving her fingers sweetly to whom you can only assume was you and not her only son. She stepped off the porch once Katsuki shifted the car in park, unlocking the doors as well. His mother reached the side where d/n stayed strapped in her seat and yanked the door open.
"Ah my little princess! How have you been? I missed you so much!" She unbuckled d/n's seat belt and flattened her in a tight hug, squeezing till her eyes popped out. "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you baby girl! Are you excited to have a little fun with grandma?!"
"Calm the fuck down, you're gonna kill her if you keep squeezing!" Katsuki's voice boomed out of the window.
"Oh pipe down you little shit I'm not harming her! Also don't talk to me like that! You're old enough to treat me with some respect by now!"
After the heated exchange, Katsuki eventually calmed down and drove the two of you back to the house in complete silence. It was quite a shift in a sense of environment wise. By now d/n would be begging you to make her some pudding or pour her a cup of lemonade, then place yourselves in front of the tv watching a random kids program till evening. Tonight you lend the torch to your boyfriend, allowing whatever devious plan he conjured up to unfold.
Before you could shuffle into your shared bedroom, Katsuki placed his calloused hands onto your cramped shoulders. Merely centimeters from your ear, he laid a chaste kiss on the area beneath it, smiling at your innocent reaction to his sudden actions and nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You smelt the familiar scent of caramel and men’s soap, both of which you undoubtably loved when combined.
“Suki?” Upon hearing his nickname, Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at you. “What’s with all the romantic gestures lately? Cooking my favorite breakfast, the flowers, and our daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love her! It’s just nice not to worry about if she’ll set the curtains on fire again.”
You felt the vibrations of him chuckling behind you.
“Isn’t it obvious? I just want to fuck the shit out of you,” you sat paralyzed by his bluntness. his tuft hair tickled the underside of your chin, earning him an acute giggle from you. “I’m just kidding, pretty face. I figured you needed a weekend where you just relax and did nothing. Let me do all the work. That’s including getting rid of the brat.”
Shifting in his arms to where you can face him, you can now see the adoration oozing from usual heated glare of his vermillion eyes, the scowl long gone and replaced with a soften feature not so many from the outside can witness. To think this was the man you devoted yourself and love for, to allow him to bare witness anything and everything you endure. He’s a man of showing his compassion through his actions, not lousy words of affirmations that anyone could sputter out and proclaim its love. No, he reflects back everything right with the world, even when you felt the weight of it searing through your system, dragging it down with you. The same explosive blonde awaits patiently by the opening for you to enter, no matter how long it’ll take for you to accept his love. Because he’ll be there. Waiting.
And here he is waiting. In your arms to repeat those three words you made out from watching the movement of his lips.
The words leave your mouth effortlessly, the proclamation hanging in the air between you two.
“I love you too, Katsuki. Thank you so much, for everything.” Like so, you kiss the plump flesh of his lips, the same inflammation of your heart burning as before. The strong muscle of his tongue prods your entrance, practically begging by licking your bottom lip. Katsuki grabbed your chin as gentle as he could muster, titling it for a better leverage to explore your mouth in return. Your hands trailed across the defining shape of his collarbones, rubbing any part of his body so that your fingers remained busy. Both of you hum in satisfaction, relishing in the feeling of the intimate moment. To your disliking, he removes his lips from yours and hovers instead, panting from the mini-make out session seconds ago.
“I’m going to marry you some day, mark my words. So don’t act fucking stupid when I pop the question,” he hotly proclaims, not once removing those piercing red eyes from yours. That’s when you knew he wasn’t bullshitting. If there’s one thing you learned about Katsuki over the years of dating, is that he doesn’t throw out promises in the air nonchalantly without keeping them. You can vaguely hear the ominous sound of wedding bells in your ears.
“Sounds intriguing. I always wanted to see you in a suit and tie.”
“Ya know, maybe someday might be tomorrow-.”
You cut him off with a scorching peck, making his eyes widen and dilate with every given second you laid your lips onto his. “Shut up babe and ravish me already.”
A mischievous grin forms on his mouth as he links his arms around the back of your knees and hoists you over his shoulder. He erupted into fits of laughter after hearing you squeak from the abruptness. The door to your shared bedroom came into view, your boyfriend kicking it with his free foot before entering through the threshold.
“You’re in for a long night sweetheart. Now that our daughter isn’t here, I’m not holding back on anything,” he threatens as he lays you down on the comforter.
Another thing you learned from your relationship. Katsuki is always true to his word.
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softmintmochi · 6 years
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Word Count: 8,982
Genre: Angst, Smut, Floof
Warnings: Love making, pretty vanilla (not my kinkiest work but I decided with the theme it should be kept kinda soft)
Summary: Being a single mother had gone smoothly for the most part so far. Ten years living in bliss with your beautiful daughter. However, when you run into her father and his family, your world is shaken up, and it seems you two have a lot of catching up to do.
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Everything happens for a reason. That's what you've always told yourself. Something good will come your way. You'll find love. All the little lies you've told yourself every day for the last ten years echo through your mind, keeping you composed when you feel like breaking. The only things that keep you sane these days are those thoughts and your little girl, Sooyeon. She is the best thing in your life. She is your whole world. She is your love right now.
"Mommy?" You hear her soft voice call out from behind you. "Yes, Sweetheart?" You ask, setting down your wine glass as you sit up on the couch. "Can you help me with this? I don't understand what they're asking me to do." She pouts, holding her papers out towards you. You smile warmly, patting the edge of the couch. "Of course. Come sit." You beckon, her small form bouncing as she takes her seat on the ground next to you. This is your night, almost every night. She was smart, but she knew when to ask for help, and you gladly accepted, helping her with her homework.
Over the years you've watch her grow into a beautiful, smart, sweet young lady. These past ten years since you had her had gone by way too fast for your liking, and you wish you could slow time so she won't grow up and leave the next time you blink. She's very kind hearted, offering to help the old woman down the hall with her groceries. She's absolutely adorable, and you know she'll grow up to be stunning. Just like her father.
After she finishes her homework she gets ready for bed herself, you tucking her in and kissing her goodnight before relaxing back into your usual spot on the couch, sipping your wine. It's nights like this, after Sooyeon goes to sleep, that you wish you had someone, a companion, to keep you company. It's sad to admit, but you hadn't been with anyone since him. Maybe it's because you're very picky about who you bring around Sooyeon, or maybe it's because you've never moved on. Either way, all you knew was that the best thing you can do is drown yourself in wine and try to forget.
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It's Friday after school, and as your weekly tradition stands, you let Sooyeon pick something fun to do together. "Mommy, can we get ice cream?" She asks, holding your hand as you walk through the crowd. "You know what? I think that's a great idea." You pull her closer to the side. She smiles so brightly it puts the sun to shame, a bounce in her step as you make your way to the small ice cream shop you've been going to since you were a child.
The bell rings as you push the door open, the welcoming atmosphere sending a wave of nostalgia through you. "Alright sweetie, what are you g-" You stop in your tracks as a familiar, normally soft voice floods your ears. You look up, gasping softly as you look up to counter, a family, parents and two kids, stand there, the man on the phone. Your daughter runs, looking at the ice cream through the glass as the employee greets her by name. "No, I don't care how much they want! We can't lose this deal!" The man shouts into his phone, your daughter jumping at his stern voice. The fear on her face pushes you into mom mode, running over and placing your hands on her shoulders soothingly. You barely trust your voice at this point, but to calm your daughter, you speak.
"Hey! Can you not yell please? You're scaring my daughter." You say sternly, grabbing his attention. As his eyes meet yours, his entire face softens, his plush lips parted as he stares at you. His eyes never leave yours, the soft brown eyes you've missed for years, longing for them to fall on you again, were finally trained on you, and you had no idea what to do. You hear a faint voice on the other end of the phone, the man's lips quivering slightly. "Honey, come on, we need to hurry, you know I have a nail appointment in less than an hour and we have to be done soon so the nanny can pick up the kids. Let's go." The wife urges, sighing when her husband doesn't respond. "I swear you're such a spaz. I can't believe I agreed to a marriage with you." She spits, digging into his pocket and grabbing his wallet herself.
You glare at him, uncomfortable under his stare. "Sweetie, go ahead and order. It's alright." You coo to your daughter, patting on the back while turning away from him. "Uh, yeah, I need to go. Just do whatever you need to do." He clears his throat, as if you breaking eye contact has broken him from his trance. "Uh, actually, I wanna pay for them too, is that alright?" He asks the cashier, his wife grimacing. "No, please. I have quite enough money thank you very much." You stutter, but he shakes his head. "I never said you didn't." He bends down, getting level with your daughter. "I'm sorry I yelled. Please, pick whatever you want. It's on me." He smiles brightly, sending a wave of ache through your chest. Sooyeon doesn't think into it, quickly ordering the most expensive sundae on the menu. "Sweetie, I think that's a little much, don't you?" You stutter, irritated by his offer. "Please, it's no trouble. I really want to do this." He insists, already running his card.
You roll your eyes, allowing it to happen, no longer fighting it. Your daughter beams as she gets her sundae, carrying it with two hands to a table. The entire time you sit with her, you feel uncomfortable as you notice his eyes trained on you. Is this really happening? Never in a million years did you think you'd be in a situation like this. You thought about it, even feared it, but you never thought it'd actually happen. Living through it, this is the second worse experience of your life. You bounce your leg nervously under the table, waiting anxiously for Sooyeon to finish so you can leave. As soon as she's finished you pull her out of there quickly. For some reason, you wish he'd call out to you, begging you to stay, but he doesn't. It hurts, but you're not surprised.
Once you're safe in the confines of your home you sigh in relief. "Mommy?" Sooyeon asks while hanging her backpack up on the hook. You kneel down, smiling at her. "Yes baby?" You ask, rubbing her arm. "Who was that guy at the ice cream shop? He kept looking at you like he knew you." She says, and your heart skips a beat. "I don't know who he is, sweetie. Why don't you go play in your room for a bit before you get ready for bed, yeah?" You suggest, and she nods, obviously not satisfied with your answer but understanding.
As the night passes you feel on edge, the sight of him rattling you to the bone. Him and his family. His wife, and he even had children. How could you be so stupid all of these years? All this time holding out, keeping to yourself, your feelings for him still lingering, yet he seems to have completely moved on. He has more kids. Whether it be his father's wishes or his own decision, he still has kids. You can't help but think of what happened ten years ago.
"It's okay, baby. You'll do great. I'll be right there with you." He assured you as the nurses wheeled you to the delivery room. At 17, this was the absolute scariest moment of your life. Sure your mom and boyfriend were here, but fear hung in the air. Would it be okay? Did you do something wrong? Even through all of this, you knew that he would never leave your side. Even when the doctors decided you were going to have a C-section, he still stayed by you the entire time. After a while it was finally over, the cries of your baby somehow calming you. You lay there on the hospital bed, him placing soft kisses on your temple as your mother whispered praises. Before you could even hold your baby girl, the door bursts open, a very angry man practically steaming. "Kim Seokjin, what the hell is going on here?" He booms, glaring at his son. "Dad, I'm not leaving. You can't make me! I'm a father now and I'm going to stay here with Y/N and take care of my child!" Your boyfriend shouts, his grip on your hand growing tighter. "Like hell you are. Do you realize what a scandal like this could do to my company? You're coming with me whether you like it or not. You're going to marry who I chose and there is no way in hell you're staying with this tramp." His father spits, making you gasp. Before you know it, Mr. Kim has Seokjin in a hold so tight that no matter how hard he tries, he can't break free, struggling and shouting as he's pulled out of the room, your baby crying nearby. You sob as Seokjin calls out to you, fighting to stay, but rendered useless. That's the last time you saw him.
Sooyeon is in bed, fast asleep when your phone rings. You read the caller ID, and you can't believe it. After all these years, he still has the same number. Tears threaten to escape as you ignore the call. Sighing as it's over, your lip quivers as it starts up again. Seven times. He calls seven times in a row before you can't take it anymore. On the eighth ring, you reluctantly pick up the phone, clearing your throat before answering. You say nothing, not trusting your voice just yet, waiting for him to speak. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Y/N?" His voice sends chills down your spine, a pang of ache through your chest. "It has." You agree, your voice shaky. "You look great." He says, and you hum in response. "And, was that-" He cuts off, seemingly unable to finish his sentence. "Yeah. It was. Is." You nod, a soft whimper ringing through the phone. "Oh my God." He whispers, his voice cracking a bit. "She's beautiful. Just like her mother." He sighs, and you bite your lip, trying to hold back your tears. "What do you want, Seokjin?" You cut to the chase, hoping to end this conversation soon. "I wanted to catch up. Seeing you today, I just couldn't help but think about that day. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't want to leave. After my dad pulled me out of there I-"
"No." You stop him, not being able to handle an explanation. "I don't want to hear it. Just tell me why you're calling right now." He sighs, and you hear rustling in the background. "I also wanted to know why you haven't cashed in any of the checks we've sent you." He admits. You nod, even though he can't see it. "I don't need your money. I get on just fine without your money." You huff. "Y/N, please. I want to do whatever I can for our daughter." He begs. "Yeah, well, you gave up that opportunity when you left me in the hospital." You spit. There's a moment of silence, before a shaky breath from his end has you almost breaking down. "What's her name? Please, at least give me that." He begs.
You mull it over for a few moments, sighing as you give in. "It's Sooyeon. Her name is Sooyeon." You tell him. "Sooyeon. You- You named her after my- why?" He stutters. "Because, your sister was an amazing girl and one of my best friends. I wanted to carry on her memory." You admit sadly. Kim Sooyeon had been your best friend for years, until she got in a car crash with some of her friends when you were 16. She didn't make it, and you were there every step of the way to comfort her brother, your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin. Even though you always hoped he'd come back after your daughter was born, you never thought you'd actually be telling him this. There are no words, only silence from your end and soft sobbing from his. "Y/N, you're just as amazing as you were back then." He sniffles, breaking your heart. "Yeah, well, I didn't do it for you. I did it for Sooyeon. Now, don't you have to get back to your family or something?" You huff. "Oh, uh, not really. Jungmeyon is out with God knows who and the kids are staying with the nanny tonight since I have an early meeting." He explains, and nods.
No matter how much you want to continue talking to him, your heart can't take much more. You don't want to know about how he doing or what his family life is like or any of that. If you can't be with him, you don't want to know. "Alright, Seokjin, is that all? I'd like to get to sleep." You sigh. "Oh, of course. Thank you for finally talking to me, Y/N." He says softly, you taking a deep breath. "Goodbye, Seokjin." You whisper before hanging up. You tilt your head back against the couch, trying not to break, but once the first tear escapes, you know it's all over. You break down, sobbing into your knees on the couch. You're glad that Sooyeon is asleep. She's never seen you cry before, and you don't plan on letting her see it until her wedding day.
After your cry, you pull yourself together, making your way to your way to your bed, needing as much rest as possible before you go to work.
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It's been a week and a half since that day, and you easily fell back into your daily system. You hadn't heard from Seokjin again, and you can't tell if you're happy or sad about that. However, you do feel that in that phone call, you found closure. You feel at ease now, knowing that the day you always feared had finally blown over, and nothing bad actually happened. Now you can live your life happily. That's what you believe, anyway. It's when a certain couple walks into your boutique that you feel your world shattering once more.
"How the hell could you take me to this shabby little place? I deserve way better than this." The woman scoffs, looking around in disgust. The voice sounds familiar to you, and as you look over the racks of clothes, you see the woman that was with Seokjin at the ice cream shop the other week, with a man who is definitely not Seokjin. "I know, of course you do, but we're here to get clothes you wouldn't normally wear so we can actually go out to places together." The man whispers loudly, making her roll her eyes. "Still, don't you think even in disguise we should at least look good? Look at this shit. Polyester? Disgusting." She spits, causing you to shake your head.
They walk around for a while, and you just stay behind the counter, hoping they don't actually buy anything. There's only one other person working with you today and it was a newbie who you'd been training, so you busy yourself with showing her how to do stuff behind the counter. You let her ring up a few customers, showing her how to work the register, when the "lovely couple" comes up, a pile of clothes in his arms. "Hello." Your trainee greets them warmly. The man nods and the woman rolls her eyes, until they fall on you. "Hey, you're that girl with the whiny brat at the ice cream place the other day. You cost my husband ten bucks." She smirks, noticing your jaw tightening.
"Yeah, well, he was kind enough to offer, with at least one decently mannered parent your children should hopefully turn out okay." You smile, causing everyone to look at you in shock. "Excuse me, my husband is not a 'decently mannered' person. I'm way nicer than him. He's a cold hearted, selfish asshole that only cares about his job." She huffs, her lips in a tight line. 'That's bullshit. He's the kindest, most loving man I've ever met.' You think to yourself, surprised at how angry her words have made you. "Is that why you're here with someone else buying clothes to wear so no one recognizes you with another man?" She gasps at your words, placing a hand on her chest. "How dare you accuse me of infidelity! I want to speak to your manager right now! I'll get you fired and you and that stupid kid of yours will be living on the streets within a week." She cries, practically jumping over the counter. You smile politely, taking all of the clothes they picked out and putting the on the back counter.
"Ma'am, I am the manager, and I must say we don't serve snobby bitches like you, so I suggest you get the fuck out of my store, because I refuse to sell you anything." You smile, folding your hands in front of you. Her face is almost red, you're expecting steam to spill out of her ears. "Come on, darling, let's just go. We can't cause a scene, we can't have anyone noticing who you are." Her gentleman partner begs, holding onto her. You know she wants to do more, your sly smile only pressing her even further, but she spins on her heel, strutting out of the store. As soon as she leaves you sigh, rubbing your temples. "Uh, M-Miss Y/N?" Your trainee stutters. "Are we actually allowed to kick her out?" You nod, smiling. "If any customer ever gives you a hard time, like if they're super rude to you or threaten you or something like that, you are allowed to refuse service to them." You explain, and she nods in understanding.
The rest of the day goes fairly smoothly, you pick up Sooyeon from school, make dinner and help her with her homework. Once she goes to sleep, however, you groan loudly as your phone rings. "What?" You huff after reluctantly answering. "Do you mind telling me exactly what happened between between you and Jungmeyon today?" Seokjin sounded a bit irritated, setting you off. "Your wife came into my shop today and had the nerve to call my daughter a whiny brat!" You shout quietly, overwhelmed by rage but still attentive enough to not wake up Sooyeon. "Hey, she's my daughter too. Why did she say that?" He asks. "Because Sooyeon got scared and you bought her the sundae. Said we cost you ten bucks." You huff. "Oh my God. Y/N, I'm so sorry. I lost track of her a long time ago and she does this kind of stuff all the time." He sighs. "Well maybe if you paid more attention your wife wouldn't be out with other guys making trouble."
There's some silence, and you wonder if you've said too much. "What did he look like?" He asks. "Um, well, younger, but tall. Fit, but kind of baby faced. Dark hair and earrings." You explain softly. There's a hum in response yet, and you don't know why, but it makes you nervous. "So she was with Jungkook today." His voice seems darker, deeper than before. "Nowadays I can't keep up with how many guys she has. I think he's the newest one, a new employee of mine." He says calmly. Your mouth hangs open, completely in shock. "You know she cheats on you and you let her?" You ask. "Yeah. I mean, it's not like we love each other. Arranged marriages are weird, typically made to benefit the parents and further their business ventures." He explains, and you nod. "That's a sad marriage if you don't love each other." You pout. "Well, there's only one woman I've ever loved." You can practically hear the smile in his words as your heart catches in your throat.
"You don't, uh, you don't cheat, do you?" You ask. "Y/N, I'm offended." He gasps playfully, and you giggle softly. "No, I don't cheat. I've never found anyone that was really worth it, even though it wouldn't matter if I did." The trace of hurt in his voice breaks your heart, but it's at this point that you guys are just talking pretty casually, like two old friends just catching up. Then you remember what it actually is. Old lovers talking only because his wife must've complained about you.
"Seokjin..." You start, but trail off. "I miss that." He says, catching you off guard. "Miss what?" You ask. "You saying my name. Your voice, it's not much different from when we were younger. Maybe a little lower now, but it still sounds so sweet." He says, making your heart race. "Seokjin I-" "Y/N, say it, please? My nickname. Please say it." He begs, and you can feel tears stinging your eyes. "Jinnie..." You say, a small sob escaping your lips. "Ah, Y/N. I miss you." He sighs. You openly sob at this point, not caring it he hears. "Baby please, don't cry." He cooes over the phone, but you wish he was there holding you. "You can't say those things." You choke out. "You're a married man." "I may be married, but that doesn't mean I love her. I told you that. Y/N, I still love you. I've never stopped loving you." He says softly. "Someone's gonna hear you if you keep saying stuff like that." You whimper, wiping away your tears. "No one's here, darling. Please, stop crying." He begs. Try as you might, you can't stop the river of tears from flowing.
"Y/N, please, let's meet somewhere so we can talk about things. I want to see you." He says, and you shake your head. "No, Seokjin. You can't be caught with another woman. I don't care how much you miss me, being seen with me will ruin your image." You insist, much to his disapproval. "I don't care what people think of me. I want to do things that make me happy, and seeing you would make me happy. Please, darling. One date." He says. "No. We can't. I have to go. Goodbye." You say, pulling the phone away from your ear. You hear shouting from the other end, but you hang up without another word, no longer wanting to hurt yourself anymore.
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"I just, I don't know what to do." You sigh, leaning back in your chair. Sooyeon plays outside as you sit in your mom's house, visiting for Sunday dinner. "I still can't believe that actually happened. I mean what's the chance of just running into each other at an ice cream shop? Sounds like some kind of fairy tale or something." Your mom chuckles, and you glare at her. "You're right, my bad. What did he actually say to you the other night?" She asks. "He said that she cheats on him all the time and he misses me and he never stopped loving me and all that kind of stuff." You click your tongue. "Did he sound sincere?" She asks.
His words ring through your head, and you nod. "Well, how do you feel about him? Have you still not seen anyone?" She asks, taking your glance at the floor as confirmation. "Y/N, he was a sweet kid. You need to take the chance, see how things go." She suggests. "Yeah but he's married! I can't see a married man!" You cry. "Sweetheart, your father was married when I met him." She sighs.
You look at her with wide eyes. You never heard anything about your father, and you turned out just fine, which is why you weren't worried about raising Sooyeon the same way. "What?" You ask, almost breathless. "Technically, your father is still married. I was young, very young, and he was older and charming. I fell for him and became his mistress, until I had you. After I became pregnant he wanted nothing to do with me. All of his words and promised were lies, but I was young and stupid and even though I shouldn't have believed them I did. You, however, you know Seokjin, and he's so sweet, I don't think he'd ever be able to lie to you. Besides, you already have a child together, it's not like he's going to toss you to the side if you get pregnant. I think it'd be a good idea to meet with him, even if it's only once. You need closure, Y/N. Going out with him should give you that."
Her words bounce around in your head, shaking up your whole world. Your father was an adulterer, and you never knew. You still don't know who your father is, but it hurts that once you came around he completely abandoned your mother. She is right though. She trusted lies, yet you know Seokjin, and you can tell he's sincere. There's no harm in at least trying, right? You nod, showing her your agreement. You both look out the window, seeing Sooyeon play with her toys. "Does she know about any of it?" Your mother asks, and you shake your head. "I don't want to tell her anything and give her hopes up. Maybe one day I will, when she's older." You reply. "I guess I'll give him a call later." You sigh. "Well hold on now. Why don't you go upstairs and talk to him now, and try to do something tonight, and Sooyeon can stay here with me for the night." Your mom suggests, and you lean over to kiss her on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom." You smile before rushing upstairs.
The phone rings a few times before he picks up. "Well, this is a surprise." He says, you hearing the smile on his lips. "I accept." You say. "Uh, what?" He asks, and you chuckle. "What you asked the other night. I accept your offer. Let's meet up." You smile. "Are you serious? That's great! Uh, when do you want to do it?" He asks excitedly. "Are you busy now?" You ask nervously. "No, no I'm not. I was just doing some paperwork but that can wait. Where are you? I'll come pick you up and we can go somewhere, wherever you want." He says, and it warms your heart how happy he sounds. "I'm at my mom's house right now. Same place. And please, text me when you get here. I have Sooyeon here and I don't want her to know right now." You sigh, and he hums. "I get it. Alright. I'll be over there soon. Thank you, Y/N. See you in a bit." He says, making you smile. "See you soon." You smile before hanging up.
You go back downstairs, nodding to your smiling mother, and she cheers. "So tonight?" She asks with the biggest smile you've seen on her in years. "Tonight." You smile and nod. "Where are you going? What are the plans?" She asks excitedly. "He said he'll pick me up and we can go wherever I want, but I think I just wanna go home. You know I'm not a very high end woman, I like simple things. We can just go home and if he hasn't eaten yet I'll cook and we can just catch up. It's not a date date, it's just, you know, catching up." You shrug, sipping your glass of water.
It's a nerve wracking wait, but eventually your phone beeps, the text saying that he's here popping up. "Okay, please, take Sooyeon upstairs and keep her distracted until I'm gone. I don't want her knowing about this." You say, standing up. Your mom nods, and as she grabs Sooyeon, bringing her upstairs after you give your daughter a kiss goodbye, you finally notice what you're wearing. You're only wearing jeans and a sweater, and you feel very underdressed, but then you remember you're only going home.
You take a deep breath, whispering words of encouragement to yourself before opening the door. Your heart practically skips a beat when you see him, dressed in a suit, leaning up against an expensive black car with the sweetest smile on his face. You smile back, hurrying to meet up with him. As you stand in front of him, looking at the face you've missed so much, you realize how much he's grown. He's gotten taller, he's matured, his cheeks no longer as puffy, his facial features finally filling out. By the way his eyes roam over you, you can tell he's thinking the same thing.
His arms reach out to you, but you only pat them, giving him a small smile. "Not here. When we get there." You say quietly, and he nods. He opens the passenger door for you, letting you climb in before closing the door and rounding over to the driver's side. As he gets in and the door is finally closed he looks over to you, smiling sweetly at you. You look so mature, even more beautiful than you were when you were younger, and he's almost speechless. "So, darling, where did you want to go?" He asks, and your breath hitches at the nickname. He said it over the phone, but now here, in person, only about a foot away from each other, it feels different. It feels completely real.
"Um, well, I'm not exactly dressed very well, so I was thinking maybe we just go back to mine? Have you eaten yet?" You ask. "Oh, uh, no, I guess not. I get so caught up in paperwork that most of the time I forget to eat." He chuckles anxiously. "Well then, we can go back to mine and I'll whip something up." You nod and he smiles, nodding back. The only words between you after that are just you telling him how to get to your house, which isn't too far away.
He follows silently as you lead him upstairs, unlocking your door and stepping in, his hand reaching past your head to hold the door open for you. You put your stuff down and look back expectantly as he looks around. "It's nice. Not too bad. You were right, you do do well on your own." He smiles, recalling your words from your first conversation. Now that you two are alone, standing in your apartment, you start to feel butterflies in your stomach as you stare at each other longingly. Your breath quickens, and everything from your past together starts rushing to you, but you bite back all of the tears and smile. This is a time to be happy, catch up, be together. "You hungry?" You smile at him.
You lead him to the kitchen, opening your cupboards to see what you have. You click your tongue while you look, and Seokjin steps behind you, his broad shoulders blocking your light. "Do you have chicken?" He asks, and you shudder. "Uh, yeah, in the uh, the fridge." You stutter. "And iceberg lettuce?" He asks, and you nod. "Well then, looks like I can make chicken katsu." He says, catching you off guard. "You make i-" You start and turn around, but stop once you realize how close he is, looming over you, practically trapping you against the counter. "Yeah, go ahead. Sit down. You seem a bit flustered, so I'm fine with cooking." He smiles warmly, and you look away as your face heats up. You nod, slipping past him quickly to sit down at the dining table to keep an eye on him, just to make sure he doesn't burn your house down.
He takes his suit jacket off, draping it over a chair before loosening his tie, taking it off as well and putting it over the jacket. You watch attentively as he unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt and rolls up his sleeves, bitting your lip as you take in the view. You hear a deep chuckle, causing you to look him in the eyes and realize, you've been caught. "You know, darling, you're not too bad yourself. Time has done wonders to you." He smiles. "Please, I don't look half as good as you." You giggle, and he laughs. "I think you look way better." You blush at his words.
Its pretty quiet after that, him concentrated on making food and you concentrated on watching him cook. "All done! Where's the plates?" He asks. You hop up, going to the cupboard and grabbing two plates. He puts the food on them and you grab the chopsticks and you both set the table together. "It smells so good." You smile, suddenly hungry again. "It tastes even better, try it." He smiles, grabbing a piece and holding it out to you. You look at him, not sure whether you should or not. It seems too flirty and he's still married. "Oh come on, Y/N, just take the bite." He sighs exasperatedly. You smile before leaning forward taking the bite as he smiles.
"Oh my God, it is good!" You gasp. "I told you! I'm not that hopeless, I know how to cook." He insists, sounding slightly offended. "Well you used to be terrible at it. You remember when you came over for my birthday and I was craving an omelet and you almost burned my mom's kitchen down?" You smile and he laughs. "That wasn't my fault!" He cried, making you laugh even harder. "You spilled the egg right on the burner and put way too much salt!" You shout, almost choking in your food.
Once you finish your food you put the dishes in the sink and grab a wine bottle and glasses before leading him to the living room. You drink wine and catch up, talking about family stuff and things like that. You tell him about Sooyeon and he tells you about his family life, how his wife has cheated on him since the beginning and how only one of the children, who you found out are twins, is his. Apparently she had sex with a guy and was afraid she was going to get pregnant, so she went home the same day and begged Seokjin for a child, to which he agreed only because of his agreement with his father that he must have one child of his own to take over the company eventually, and she ended up having twins with two different fathers. His life sounded awful and exhausting, but yours wasn't exactly much better.
"What is she like? Like what kind of things is she into?" He asks, referring to Sooyeon. You get up, motioning for him to follow you. You lead him to Sooyeon's room and flick on the light, a small gasp escaping his lips as he looks around. The walls are pink, there's a lot of stuffed animals, and luckily due to you asking her to clean her room earlier, it's all nice and neat, all her books and clothes put away. "It's adorable." He smiles. "She really likes pink? And stuffed animals?" You nod, and he seems so happy. "I can't believe this. I've always wanted a little girl." Your heart warms at his giddiness. "Well, you've had a little girl for ten years, Seokjin." You point out, and you can hear him gulp.
"Y/N," He says, grabbing you gently and turning you to face him. "I'm so sorry that I left. Please believe me when I say that I tried everything to come back to you, but my father locked me in the house until he found a girl for me to marry. I wanted to be there so bad but I was basically married immediately and of course, once I was married I took over the company and I couldn't come back. The most I could do was send those checks every month." He explains. You look away, not wanting to look at him in fear that you'd cry. "You could've done more. You could've tried to find me or call me or something and not miss the first ten years of our daughter's life." You whisper. "I know. Y/N, I know I messed up, but I'm here now so please, let me do what I can." He begs.
His hands cup your cheeks, making you look up at him, his eyes full of promise and hope. He starts to lean into you slowly, but before he can kiss you, you turn away, his lips connecting with your cheek. "We can't. You're still married." You remind him. "Can you stop saying that? Yes, legally I'm married, but it's not a love marriage. It's an arranged marriage. I don't love her." He says, but you just shake your head. "Y/N, I love you. I don't love her. You're the only woman I ever have loved and ever will love. I loved you before and it's only grown with time. Now we're here, together, and I still love you more than anything in the world." His words stir something inside of you, and before you know it, tears are falling down your cheeks.
"No, please, darling, don't cry." He cooes, wiping your tears with his thumbs. "I still love you too." You whimper, looking up at him. His mouth is hung open, reminding you of when he first saw you at the ice cream shop, but this time his eyes look watery. This time when he leans in, you let him, and it feels as if electricity runs through you as your lips touch. You sigh into the kiss, giving in as his lips move against yours. His thumbs caress your cheeks as he steps forward, slowly backing you into the wall. His body pressed against yours, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Feeling him so close to you again, the same lips that you've been longing for against yours, your fingers tangle in his soft hair, gently tugging to make sure this is all real, and as a soft moan comes from him, you can feel yourself get lost in it all.
You squeal as his leg slides in between yours, his thigh brushing up against your clothed center. Your noise startles him, making him pull back. "Are you okay?" He asks, and you nod. "S-Sorry, just, kinda, uh, sensitive?" You stutter, making him smile. "Why's that, darling?" He whispers, brushing your hair out of your face. "Well, to be honest, I uh, haven't actually, been with anyone since, you." You admit, turning your head in embarrassment. "Really? Oh, Y/N." He sighs, pulling you back into a kiss. It's more passionate this time, his tongue flicking against your bottom lip to ask for entrance. You gladly accept, moaning into his mouth as his hands leave your face, trailing down your body to wrap around your waist.
His kisses trail down to your neck and he pulls you closer to him, your chest flushed against his. You gasp as he gently pulls your hips closer, gliding against his thigh. You moan softly, holding onto him as your hips start to move on their own, chasing any friction they can find. He grunts, apparently impatient and needy as he grips the back of your thighs. You hop up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You start to place soft kisses on his neck as he seeks out your room. He finally does, carrying you to the bed and laying you down. His body presses down against yours, pushing you into the mattress.
In a fury of hot kisses and clothes flying around, you both were quickly undressed, forgetting about everything else in the world and focusing only on each other. Seokjin sits back, taking in the sight of you laying beneath him, completely bare, and you admire his broad shoulders and toned torso, especially his stiffening cock. "Oh my God, Y/N, you're more beautiful than I remembered. Time really has been good to you." He says, licking his lips. "I can say the same about you." You smile, biting your bottom lip. He grips under your knees, bring them to rest by his hips as he leans forward, peppering your collarbone with soft kisses, tracing down to your breasts. You whimper as he takes one of your pert nipples into his mouth, his soft fingers tweaking the other. He sucks and flicks his tongue against it before switching to the other one, giving it the same treatment.
He falls next to you, leaning on his elbow as he catches your lips with his once more, his other hand trailing down your body to your lower abdomen, sending goosebumps over your body. "Darling, you said you haven't been with anyone since me, so tell me, what have you done to get release until now?" He asks softly, his hand lowering and cupping your heat. "I-I uh, I just have um, a little uh, quiet vibrator." You stutter. "Really now? So you haven't actually had anything in you for a while, is that right, Princess?" He asks. The nickname catches you off guard. He's never ever called you that, and it turns you on to no end, and by your squirming, he can tell. "You like the sound of that, Y/N? You like it when I call you Princess?" He cooes, and you nod.
"Well then, my Princess, seeing as you haven't had anything in you in ten years, I think it's time you get some relief, don't you think?" He asks. Before you can even answer his finger glides across your slit, burying in you as you gasp. "You're so wet for me, Princess. So sensitive. I've been waiting so long to feel you again." He says while placing kisses all over your face and neck. He adds a second finger, making you moan from the stretch. It felt so foreign to you, being something you haven't felt in a long time, but it was good. "J-Jinnie please." You whimper, your hips shifting on their own, trying to chase his fingers whenever they pull out of you. "What is it, Princess? What do you want?" He asks, his tongue licking up from your collarbone up to the back of your ear. "I want you. Please." You beg.
"I want you too, darling. So bad. You know, I'd really love to take my time and feel you, stretch you out with my fingers, taste you, make you cum over and over again, but I don't think I can hold back any longer. I have to have you now, Princess. You don't have any uh, protection, do you?" He asks. You haven't even thought about that. "No, I don't." You pout. After a moment of thinking he takes his fingers out of you, popping them into his mouth and savoring the taste before climbing on top of you. "Oh well, we already have one kid together, why not another?" He smiles. You playfully slap his chest with a gasp. "Ok, ok, if you want I can buy you some plan b or something in the morning if you really don't want to have my baby again, but I don't think it's such a bad idea." He smirks. "We'll talk about it later just please," you whimper, running your hands along his sides, causing him to shiver "make love to me now. Please Jinnie I need you." He sighs longingly at your words, cupping your cheek as he kisses you softly. "I will never, ever, say no to that." He smiles before gripping his member, guiding it to your entrance.
You let out a simultaneous moan as he pushes into you, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as his head falls into the crook of your neck. "Oh my God." He exhales, his warm breath fanning over you. It's a stretch, a lot different from when you were stupid kids messing around. This seems more real to you. It's not just kids sneaking around young, dumb, and in love. You're both adults now, matured and grown, and it feels so much different, but it's incredible. You lay there, still, soaking in the feeling of him in you, the love you feel, and the warmth his body is radiating.
"Hey." He whispers, cupping your cheek and looking you in the eye. "You okay? Do you hurt or anything?" He asks, and you shake your head. "Good. You're just, so, fucking tight that I was worried it was hurting you. Damn, it feels like the first time." He smiles, his hand stroking along the side of your thigh. "I-I think it's good. Move. Please move." You beg, moving your hips against him. He groans, biting his lip. "Whatever you want, Princess. I promise, you can always have whatever you want with me." He smiles, kissing you as he pulls out, just to grind back in. He gives you slow, deep thrusts, grinding sensually against you as you hold him tight, his hands caressing over your entire body as his lips swallow your moans, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body. His cock stretches your walls deliciously, just the right amount so it doesn't hurt.
"You feel so good, Princess. God, I've missed you so much." He sighs, his own soft, needy moans tumbling from his lips. "I've missed you too, Jinnie. I love you so much." You whimper, a tear escaping and rolling down the side of your face. He stops moving, wiping your tear and kissing your cheeks. "Hey hey hey, sh, it's okay, darling. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not gonna leave my girls again." He cooes. "But, after this, you'll have to go back to her." Your bottom lip quivers, and he smiles sadly. "Only for a little bit. Y/N, I never wanted to be with her. I've only ever wanted to be with you. I'll go back, but only to hand her divorce papers once I get them from my lawyer." He says, and you gasp. "S-Seokjin are you-" "I'm serious, darling. I love you. I want to be with you." He nods, and you smile, hugging him tightly.
"Does this mean I can move now? I was kinda close before talking and now I really wanna finish and make you mine again." He chuckles and you laugh. "Yes, please. Please move. I'd like to finish and go take a shower, you're sweating all over me." You giggle. "Your wish is my command, darling." He smiles. He shifts, angling your hips up towards him as you laugh. "What are you, a geni-OH!" You cry out as he slams into you, surprising you as his tip brushes your g-spot. "Right there?" He asks with a smirk. You whine, nodding frantically as you grip onto his biceps. "Perfect." He smiles before thrusting again.
It's not as slow and loving as before, but his deep, calculated thrusts have him hitting you in the right places each time, driving you crazy. Your nails dig small crescents into his bicep as his fingers grip the sheets by your head. Moans, grunts, and whines all bounce off your walls, both of you completely lost in the pleasure his thrusts are providing. "Mm, Seok-jin, I'm g-getting-" "I know, Princess. Me too." He groans. He brings his hand lower, his thumb tracing circles into your neglected bud. Your legs tremble around his waist as you come undone, your walls squeezing around him. "Ooh fffffuuuu-" He groans, his arms shaking as he releases into you, his body falling on top of you as he finishes.
You catch your breath as his hand soothingly caresses your side, his plump lips presses small kisses into your neck and shoulder. "Are you okay?" He whispers, and you nod. "Good. That was so good, baby. So good. You're so good for me. I can't wait to really take my time with you." He hums, making you smile. He finally pulls out of you, making you whimper from the loss of warmth and the sensation of cum trickling out of your hole. He lays down next to you, you turning to rest your head on his shoulder his arm slides under you, your leg resting atop of his. "So, you uh, you weren't just saying that you'd divorce her so I'd go through with this, right?" You ask nervously. A playful gasp escapes his lips, slightly scaring you. "Now Y/N, do you really think I'm the type of man to lie to get a girl to sleep with me? I haven't had sex in six years because I don't do that."
"So, you mean it? You're really gonna divorce her?" You ask. He nods, smiling as you hug him tightly out of excitement. "I meant it when I said I'm not leaving my girls again. I want to be here for you and Sooyeon and make up for lost time. I know I've been a terrible father and I want to make it up to her and give her everything her little heart wants while making sure that she and her mommy are loved very much." He says, placing a kiss on you forehead. "Thank you, Seokjin. I just hope it's not too difficult to get done." You sigh. "What, the divorce or loving my girls?" He asks. "Both. I don't know how divorces work and it's an arranged marriage so I really have no clue and Sooyeon, I don't know how she'll handle it." You reply. "Well, we'll figure it out. I promise, everything is going to work out just fine.
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~2 Years Later~
Seokjin was right. Everything did work out. The divorce was longer than you expected, but it ended up with his father being pissed, which made you happy. Even though one of the kids was his, since they were still twins they didn't want to be separated, so they went with their mom, Seokjin's child coming to stay with him every other weekend.
As for you, you were happily living with Seokjin in a large penthouse with your daughter. You were relieved at how easily she caught on to things, being much more mature for her age than you thought. Seokjin had easily won her over, giving her a huge room to herself decorated however she wanted with everything she could dream of, exactly as he promised. You and Seokjin were doing very well too, still seemingly in the honeymoon phase even two years into your more mature relationship. Additionally, you were expecting a new bundle of joy in just a few months, a nursery already set up and decorated, ready for baby number two.
Even with all the changes, you still kept your tradition with Sooyeon, and today was Friday, which meant she got to pick something fun for your little family to do. Luckily, even though she was in her preteen phase, she wasn't moody and against family time, so she picked to go to the carnival that was in town. It had been an amazing night, even though you couldn't ride any of the rides. You walk hand in hand with Seokjin while Sooyeon happily lead you around the fairgrounds. She stopped in front of the ferris wheel, an excited smile spreading on her face as she looks up. "Dad! Dad!" She cries, turning to smile at him. "You wanna go on there, sweetheart?" He asks her, but she shakes her head. She runs over to him, making him lean down so she can whisper in his ear.
"Ah. That's perfect. Good eye, kiddo." He smiles, patting her shoulder. You cock an eyebrow at them when Seokjin lets go of your hand, turning to face you. "You know, the perfect place to do this would be at the top of there," he says, pointing to the top of the ferris wheel, "but, in your condition we can't take that chance, and I can't wait any longer, so down here will have to do." He smiles, and you tilt your head in confusion. "Y/N, you are the only woman that I have ever truly loved, well, except for this beautiful girl here. I love her too." He smiles, pulling Sooyeon to his side as she hugs him. "Anyways, I knew from the moment that I saw you in that hallway in school so many years ago that you were the one for me. I've always wanted to make you mine truly, and I really hope that you want to be mine."
He grabs your hands, giving them a squeeze and smiling as he looks down at you. "I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives, and take care of our family and be the best father, and husband, that I can be." You gasp as he drops down on his knee, pulling a small box out of his pocket, opening it and smiling up at you. "Y/N, please, will you marry me?" He asks. You sob, completely shocked. You look between him and Sooyeon, whose standing behind him and smiling expectantly. "Y-Yes! Oh my God yes!" You cry, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Yes? Yes!" He shouts, jumping up to hug you tightly. Sooyeon joins in on the hug, you and Seokjin parting enough for her to slip in.
You pull away, wiping your tears with one hand as Seokjin takes the other, sliding the ring onto your finger. It's absolutely beautiful, and you honestly couldn't be happier. This felt like the actual start of your life together, being together as one, which is everything you've ever dreamed of.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
08 - Confession
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This chapter's songs:
Off and On; SALES
Heaven; Clairo
A Pearl; Mitski
- Y.L. Perspective
   The word is distant yet close, making me gasp awake. When my eyes open, I'm in sight of the foggy wet window causing pitter-patter in front of me. 'It rained.' I thought, looking out to the concrete that was soaked. Not that it bothered me; rain was one of the many things that I enjoyed.
  Coming back to reality, I notice that the scenery outside is too familiar, and not long after do I realize we're parked right outside of my house, waiting for me to awake. At first, I'm completely tripped out that I had teleported from the skate park to here, but it was just a generous favor from Sugawara.
  And suddenly, everything from last night comes to mind.
  After Suga had kissed first me, we'd spent more than enough time on each other's faces. But the last thing I remember is sopping down on my seat and falling asleep, worn out, instead of coming up with an excuse of why I made the stupid decision of making out with him. There was not one thing fair about me knocked out in his passenger seat while he reflected on my behalf as well.
But thankfully it appeared Koushi didn't care all that much. Getting me home was one of his priorities this morning.
  "What time is it?" I yawn, stretching out my limbs as far as they can go, but that's only to where the seat's leg space ends.
   "It's ten AM. But it's a Saturday, so you should probably get some rest today. You went to sleep pretty late last night, and you didn't look very comfortable." He describes, leaning on the door window, staring at the pouring rain. It enlightened me that Suga cares about my rest, but what about him? From what I understand, he stayed up just as long as I did. If not, longer.
  So, I decided I should offer something that I was hoping wouldn't make him uncomfortable or jump to conclusions. "Uhm...if you're tired then you can come in too, and we can just stay here for the day until you wanna go home, " I tell him, mirroring his action, and resting both my head and arm on the window.
  The invitation seemed to surprise him, for he had quickly whirled his head towards me, asking, "Wait, are you sure? Y-your mom won't be mad that I'm over? Cause– you know..." he trails off, anxiously pressing his palms together, and looking downwards. It came off that he felt almost ashamed that we shared an intimate moment, which wasn't something that he should be responsible for. But even so, I still wanted to spend more time with him. If I'm being completely honest, I wasn't sure if it was because I liked him, or because he was such a refreshing person to be around, but he made me feel better than I had felt in a long time.
   "Suga, I'm sure. Look, if you don't wanna hang out that's fine. I was just asking because you seemed tired and said you don't wanna be home right now." My eyes snake from his chest to his eyes, hoping it would give him an understanding that I really wanted him to come inside. "So, do you wanna?"
  Sugawara gulps in nervousness, clearing his throat before speaking. "Uh, yeah. Sure. But we better hurry up, or we'll get soaked."
- K. S. Perspective
   I wait behind her light brown painted door, running my hands through my damp hair. Small noises of clatter are heard, while I uncomfortably stand outside of her room, waiting for her to open up. To be honest, I wasn't sure about being casually invited into her house after last night. All that ran through my head was, 'did she even like it? Does she feel uncomfortable? What if she wants to go further?
Should I confess right now?'
Finally, her door pops open, revealing her in a change of comfortable clothing and the room behind her. "Uhm, come in," she says, pulling the door wider for me to come in. The room consisted of regular decorations I thought she'd have: anime and music artist posters, a random guitar, a few color-changing lights, and a bean bag chair. "I know it's weird and all. I guess I just haven't gotten the chance to redo my room."
"No, it's—it's fun," I tell her, sticking my hands in my pants pocket. I had to say, it'd been quite a while since I'd been in a girl's room so casually. Not that I was jumping to conclusions, but I was hoping she'd want to discuss things over what had happened. That way I could make it clear to her that I wasn't playing around with her feelings.
  She shuffled towards her messy bed, turning towards me, before falling backward onto it. Her loud yawn and stretch echo throughout the room, as well as the low music that she had playing on a home speaker on her dresser. As much as I wanted to feel relaxed, I hardly could. I felt almost scared to stand in her room alone right after we had made out. All I could think of was running my hand against her skin, and rubbing my lips against her hot neck. Now she was casually laying on her bed, looking back at me with absolutely no expression.
  "Come, come, " she says, holding out a hand towards me, which makes my anxiety advance to an entirely new level. But following her orders, I hesitantly take it, quickly being pulled to where she laid. The sudden action has me wide-eyed and rested on my side, facing only Y/n. Though I tried hiding my uneasiness, she eventually broke my cover with a simple sentence. "I feel so tired. Don't you?"
I nod, before gulping almost too loudly. However, Y/n keeps her gaze on me, gradually making her eye rests longer. Feeling the dirtiest in the room, I begin to distance myself from her stature, removing the dark paid cover-up that spread over my shoulders, as well as a few accessories I had and tossed them on a small desk at the side of her bed. Then, I took out my phone, deciding it was best to talk to Daichi about everything; I was hoping my friends weren't angry I had ditched them so suddenly.
How was the party?
Weren't you there?
I left earlier than expected
Around what time?
12:00 AM
That's not that early
Anyways, it was fine I guess
Everyone was being stupid and drunk
I know, good thing I didn't stay so long
Miya said you left with Y/n-?
Yeah, but I just took her out cause she wasn't having a good time
Well, I just took her to some park where we spent the night in my car and I drove her home today
Now we're just napping in her room
I thought you said you wanted to see how things went with her :(
Don't worry we didn't do anything
At least not something extreme
What'd you do??
We just kind of made out for a few minutes
But it wasn't bad or anything
It was nice
Pls don't tell anybody because I'm not sure how to tell her yet
That you're in love with her?? Ahh ok-.-
I'm not in love with her,
Koushi, you told me you've never wanted to want to make somebody feel loved the way you did Y/n.
Are you coming to the practice game today?
Oh yeah
What time
In like thirty minutes
Are you serious
But I needed to talk to y/n
I was gonna wait till she woke up
Sorry man
Just leave her a note you'll be back?
Yeah, ok
As Daichi had told me to, I decided to find the nearest paper and pen that sat lazily on Y/n's desk. But instead of tossing a few words to excise my absence, I thought of doing something very stupid and risky.
I left a love letter.
At first, I felt as if I was being nothing but a coward for not telling her personally. What would she think if I had just run off and left a confession for her to run through my herself? But after realizing that I could let her think things through, I thought it was the best idea I had that entire year.
And so, I wrote my feelings down quicker than ever imagined, fitting in what I could to convince Y/n of my love for her.
To y/n,
This is one of the most idiotic things I could have done to tell you, but I have a practice game and I can't afford to miss practice right now. As you know, I'm on the edge of having my position taken.
Y/n, after about a week of knowing you I realized that you make me feel like a better person. When I hear your voice or get the benefit of making you smile, it feels like I'm on a high off of you. You're the most beautiful, talented girl have ever met in my life. Without you, I don't think I could have lasted this first week.
I remember the feeling you gave me when we were younger. Even if you didn't talk to me, or didn't acknowledge my existence very much, I still wanted to discover every corner of you. I thought I wouldn't have ever met someone that I was so passionate about like I was for you. And when our first year of high school ended, I felt heartbroken by the fact that I didn't get to tell you how I felt about you. How your essence made my heart warm, how your skin makes me crave touching you, how much space you filled up in my small brain.
When I had seen you on the bus that one morning, I couldn't believe how much you've grown. I know this is personal for you, but you were in a bad state, and it caused me pain to see that you felt alone, and you didn't know how much I cared for you. So when I saw how much you were taking care of yourself, it brought me to hope that I could do the same. If you didn't already know, after my mom had died, I started creating bad habits and ruined my self-portrait. I felt like there was no way out, and that I was useless. But then I met you, again. You brought me to become a better person for myself, Y/n.
I don't want to rush you into anything, but I feel like I should confess to you that I'm in love with you. I've never had the feelings I have for you. Every day I find myself thinking of how lovely you are. And after what had happened last night, I realized, why wait? Why wait to tell you this the way I did in my first year? If I did, then I'm gonna run out of time. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything, Y/n. I think I'm scared that you won't look at me the same, or that you think I'm a burden to you. But at this point, I think I've run out of space to store what I feel for you.
Overall, I love you, Y/n. Please, do me the honor of being with me.
Love, Koushi.
I'M SO SORRY FOR SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER YOU GUYS<\3. But I hope you appreciate it. Please comment and note bc it really helps
As always, I love you guys
- estrxlar
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Jimmy & Janis
Poor Pablo
Jimmy: You here? Janis: standing to attention, like Janis: what's up? Jimmy: Can I stay at yours tonight like? Janis: 'Course, my Dad already extended the offer when he was trying to parent me lol Janis: Yours doing your head in? Jimmy: Seriously though? I'll sleep in the bath and try not to have Skerries flashbacks. Give a shit Jimmy: Yeah Janis: You don't have to Janis: though I've been told its comfier than you'd imagine if you're feeling it Janis: What's his damage...not ideal they had to call the parentals in but it is just detention, not a court date, y'know? Janis: I'd have figured out a way to take all the blame if I knew he'd go off Janis: Wank bank fantasy getting outta hand in the stalls? 🤔😉 Jimmy: It's an excuse for him to get at me, that's it Jimmy: Doesn't really matter what the drama is Jimmy: 😍 Proper romantic you 💕 Janis: Yeah Janis: Suppose it'd make a nice change to have you as the bad guy for once, eh? Janis: fuck that though Janis: Who me? Janis: never Jimmy: What d'you mean 😎👎💔 Jimmy: I'm so bad Janis: Very bad boy, NOT bad guy, waaaaaay different vibe Janis: Silly Jimmy: Good save Janis: Not a goalie or a superhero Janis: but Janis: 💪 Jimmy: 🏆 Jimmy: What time can I come over? Freezing here casually Janis: Come over now idiot Janis: Be doing me a favour anyway, be your charming self so I can escape the fam Jimmy: Done Jimmy: Want me to bring you anything? I'm thinking chips but no pressure Janis: Quite the offer Janis: but no need Janis: there's always so much food going in this gaff Janis: may as well help yourself Jimmy: Yeah? Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I'm just gonna get Cass to bring me some stuff out #doorstepdrama Jimmy: Like fuck am I gonna come back here any earlier than needs Janis: That's fun 😒 free entertainment for the neighbours, nice one 👍 Janis: at least Cass'll get a kick out of helping the outcast hero Janis: Best to let him have his paddy, yeah, he'll be begging you back when he can't figure out where the kid's school shoes are Jimmy: I wouldn't bother but I need my charger in case Bobby can't sleep. Cass shouldn't have to handle that on her own Jimmy: She's be the definition of #buzzing for this part at least Jimmy: Maybe Twix'll shit in his shoes this time, 'cause bitch be loyal Janis: Shame you can't bring them both but kidnap would technically be something to shout about Janis: They'll be alright though, she's a tough cookie and a smart kid Janis: Get Grace to facetime him a bedtime story, he'd love that and she'd feel like she's doing jackanory, like Janis: We can only hope girl comes thru Jimmy: He'll take her up on that if I don't. Boy is 💕 for Gracie Jimmy: You're not about to get off light though, Cass wants to hear from you that I'm alright Jimmy: My word isn't worth a damn apparently Janis: She ain't offering for you! Even if you're currently in her good books for taking a 🔥 photo, like Janis: Still not good enough to be her fave 🤷 Janis: Tough ground Janis: Well, she's got you there, you're not the best at using 'em 😏 100% taking the fact I'm being considered the reliable one for once Jimmy: You win this round Jimmy: Don't get too comfy with it though Jimmy: I am on my way Janis: S'lonely at the top Janis: Get on my level, boy 🥇 Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: rude Janis: biting the hand that feeds Jimmy: Learning from your true love like Janis: I won't stand such slander on her good name Janis: she's a revenge shitter only not a biter 😂 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I'm having a smoke, you joining me or am I coming knocking? Janis: Lungs won't thank me but Pablo would if he knew how close he was to getting a smackdown Janis: Save me some I'm running Jimmy: *He took it easy on this one (not for her sake, you snooze you lose, mate) having been puffing away consistently since he slammed the door on his dad's ranting 'cause he'd needed to calm down. Or shut down. Naturally, it crept up on him, as persistent, which is why he's here, huddled in another cold doorway, waiting for a distraction that'll have him forgetting the barney his dad started days before and wasn't done with yet. Argumentative prick. Jimmy was happy to let Janis have that win, the only where he wouldn't (and couldn't) compete being in this, in drowning out the shit with something that isn't. There's no hiding the smile when he sees her, if the shadows do let him get away with it, they won't for long 'cause he's closing the gap between them instantly, refusing as much of the space as he can without giving himself away for doing it as he passes the cigarette over.* Janis: *She takes the cigarette like its second-nature, kiss on his cheek, feeling the familiar dimple of his smile, like they are too. Far from it on both counts. She's not a smoker, she needs her lungs clear and strong. And she's not in love, same reasons for her heart. Simple as. Still, she could enjoy the benefits of both without committing, couldn't she? Why not. It's not like she's faking either, just...dipping her toes. Only likely to incur minor damage, she reckoned she could take that and still get away laughing. Sure. Long drag before passing it back because without needing to even look his way, (though she did regardless, studious expression taking in his tight, stressed as shit, posture right now), she knew he needed it more. Janis jogs her legs up and down, 'brring' in the cold Winter night air.* You alright then? *She adds, as if they're just meeting on her doorstep by chance, not for reason. She smirks, shaking her head at herself, nudging his side.* Jimmy: *With the cigarette back between his fingers and the girl by his side he gets what he needs, the familiarity a reminder that this is his normal, not what he rushed to leave behind. To pick up his girlfriend for dinner his dad will have to drop this, rely on moody silence to show how he really feels and his own fakery, in this woman's company, for what he thinks he should. They all know how to handle the first, years under their belts, and the second idea's even more temporary. Fuck it. Jimmy could make a single cigarette last longer than his dad's current relationships, and had done, sometimes. Not this one though. Nah. He wasn't the dickhead to keep his girlfriend shivering while he pissed about blowing smoke in the dark. He took a final drag before flicking it away to meet Janis's contact with his own, using his now free hand to gently brush a loose curl from her cheek.* Yeah, mate, you? Janis: *Janis scrunches her nose up, batting his hand away, mix of bashfulness and banter, blown with a raspberry. Turns out, sex is alright, stunning review there, indescribably better than alright obviously but- its the smaller, everyday moments of intimacy, that had flown under her radar when she wasn't receiving them, that she still finds herself flinching from, or covering up said flinch with some kind of bullshit she finds it easier to wear, to shoulder.* Fine. *She blurts out, flustered and being a little sharp with it. Get it together. More jokes, forever skirting around serious, not getting too real or too deep 'cos they both know there's no coming back and why ruin it and- She peers at him, like he's a dog in Crufts, pretending to shine a torn in his eyes, checking his teeth, that kinda shit.* Hmm, healthy enough specimen. Gonna give me anything else to give to your Sister though, like? Dunna if 'yeah' is gonna get her off the phone in a hurry, to be honest. Not that I give a shit, or nothin', don't get it twisted. *She grins, turning to the door and then back again, lingering, reluctant to open the door yet, knowing they'd get descended upon by someone almost immediately. All fun and games. Still, there wasn't a world in which she was gonna turn him down and have him out on the street, like. No way.* Jimmy: *He plays along as though it's still a game and why not? He's just admitted to himself how used to fakery he is, being a family trait like, with both of them for him to thank. Not that he's sparing a thought for his mum, first or second. Not now. He told himself no more slips with the girl beside him and meant that just as much. More. It's easier to stick to on every level, and he does, ruffling her hair fully when he gets the chance. Eyebrows raised and an expression of his own ready to wear. This, he can keep up all night, same as the exaggerated huff that he let's escape, like a Twix snore, into the night along with the shrug that follows.* Use your skills, throw in as many hashtags as it takes to put her at ease. Throw in a selfie if she still isn't convinced. Me sleeping sound should do it. * He's joking but not wrong for it, not able to remember a time when he fell asleep before the other two. Cass'd be beyond 'shook' to even see a fake out of him getting a good forty winks. Jimmy smirks through the thought, forcing it to pass.* You got this, girl* He retorts it in the best mimicry of how Mia and that crowd speaks that his accent can do, wincing slightly both at the impression and idea of them being around. Still, he claws some of his 'clout' back with a challenging look that adds 'What else have you got.' 'cause who are they if there's not a challenge ongoing. As if to emphasis this, he goes towards the door himself, pushing it open with more daring than he actually feels. * Gonna invite me in then, or what? Janis: *She kisses her teeth angrily, full on 'boy, if you don't stop-' vibes, planting a balled fist in his stomach, gentle warning like, no need to assault him before the family saw to it with their over-the-top nature and curiosity. She knew it would but it was getting to her more than she imagined even. The cooing and awwing or the piss-taking and wink-wink nudge-nude of it all, whatever approach they took, why did they have to? What business was it of theirs? Of anyones? Why did there always have to be a song and dance about everything? The hot takes she'd never ask for. Ruined everything. Why did they care? About this? About her? Just fuck right off. Messy. Too messy. Family, feelings- fuck it all. She used to kid herself, couple of years ago, when it happened, that she'd move out as soon as she could and that'd be it. They'd leave her alone. And she could just exist. Run, sleep and repeat. And that is all she'd have to do. No thinking or feeling ever. But she knew better now. They weren't just going to disappear, even if she changed postcodes. Even Edie couldn't manage that. And she had really tried. The others didn't want to. So she was stuck. Here in the land of the living. Forced to participate, like it or not. Then Jim had come along. Made her like it, a little bit, like. And he'd made her think maybe she could add to her shortlist of approved activities. But let her think about that for too long and she always came to the same conclusion; that she was a fucking idiot and it'd all end in tears. She sighed, overexaggerating it last minute to pretend it was in reply to his showy huffing and puffing.* Not my skill-set, kid. You were always better at it than me. Not just the snappin', like. Right up until you jumped ship for a pretty face, #commitment. *She laughs.* But for Cass, I'll see what I can do. *Cringing at the accent-attempt and gasping in mock-horror at the invocation of Mia and co. (as if say their names three times and they'll appear to tell you your outfit is ugly) she puts a finger to his lips, pushing him behind her at the same time so she can lead the way in too.* Ta-dah! *She flourishes, with a shrug to say 'you asked for this' 'cos there was no hiding now. The downstairs open-plan, parentals unconvincingly 'busying' themselves in the kitchen. Iggy, Diego, Gus and (thank fuck, 'cos we know who's the likeliest to be a prick here) Pablo so far unaccounted for, Grace watching telly, curled up with her phone as per. Janis was ready to bolt up to her room, not so much as a hello but reckoned Jimmy wouldn't want the rep of being her 'rude boyfriend' (as concerned as he was with opinion clearly, bless) so she shouts out 'Jim's here', eyes on the stairs, giving them five seconds to respond before she was up 'em, like.* Jimmy: *The house makes him feel the same as it did the first time he was here once he's through the door again, thankfully though the urge to whistle is muted today, full of sobriety as he is, in every sense. He knew her family weren't renters in over their heads like his from day 1, it isn't just that like. He isn't just some reverse snob, it's everything here they haven't had to buy, and he couldn't if he had armfuls of cash. The 'vibe' he'd probably call it if he was Grace or her crowd. Still, he nods at everyone about as if it's common place for him to him to be greeted by a warmth that's nowt to do with temperature.* Evening. *He's got his smile back on but Jimmy's hand is scratching the back of his neck before he can stop it giving him away and all he can do is 'reckon' on Janis being too caught up on her own family dynamics to call him out for his lack of. That's the real #goals, isn't it? He thinks to himself, trying to shake these feelings off him without moving. Or sighing. You massive dickhead. Grace waves at him without looking up from her phone screen, a slice of his home life #relatable enough he can follow her sister's gaze with a decent smirk and a readiness to deal with what's gonna come down. Need's must had him here in the first place, alright, but now he's made it as far as asking to be let in, he'd like to stay. Not only be a grumpy twat Janis is stuck with, but a laugh she wants to stay about. In her gaff and out of it. When nobody immediately appears he heads up himself, not forgetting her insistence to lead the way before, he looks over his shoulder at her, obvious with it that's there's nowt for her to do now but keep up.*  Unlucky, mate. You're not getting off that easy, we've got a whole night ahead. Janis: *Janis is holding herself rigid, eyes fixed as tight and strong on her parents letting them know in no uncertain terms to behave...and they did? Leaving it at cheery hellos and promises of dinner being done in about half an hour if they fancied it. Hm. First time for everything. Letting disbelief at their ability to be normal for once in their friggin' lives (where had this been all the other times she'd begged them/the universe for it?!) carry her up the stairs behind Jim. She let him flounder in the burrow-like corridors of upstairs, so different to the openness of the downstairs, that'll teach you to go ahead, boy, she thought with a smirk, now pushing in front with arms wide open.* Pick a door, any door! *She laughed, heading to her own before he actually did, not knowing who was in.* Welcome to my humble-abode... *She added, as they were over the threshold, kicking her gym bag, over-spilling with laundry, aside. She sat down on her unmade bed to assess, from outsiders, from his, eyes. Not here enough anymore that it was critically messy, that was good; old posters covering up old holes in the plaster from older anger, nothing cringe, thankfully but- It was a bit sad, to be honest...bare, lacking...anything, personality, life. She sighed. Red-faced from embarrassment and redder still from anger at feeling that embarrassment. She didn't care about herself, yeah. And what? And what is that her room said as much in no uncertain terms and having him see it was just- well. Shaming. Time for a joke.* If this setting don't get you in the mood, I don't know what will. Jimmy: *10 kids, he reminds himself, when he reaches the top and is met with an upstairs that belongs to a different house. That disconnect continues, growing, when Janis opens one of the doors in the maze. Hers. He's got no room to judge, none of his house looks lived in yet, as if Cass can protest having to by refusing to help unpack, knowing he doesn't have (or want to make, 'cause there's enough stuff in there for it to be boring, but then there's what's missing too, which is worse. Depressing.) the time to tackle the unopened box on his own after months. He isn't. Judging, that is. But he can't stop himself looking about, eyes focusing again on what there is, and isn't. What it means. And doesn't. Fuck. What a pair, they are like. Jimmy has to say something, silence will have her thinking all kinds of shit that isn't right. Least of all that he's a twat. Which, sort of is. He's equipped to be that though, which is something. He can easily grin at her, fall into simple, old habits. Banter by numbers that'll be #nodrama for her to throw back at him. 'Cause whatever his dad might think right now, he's not the dickhead trying to make everything harder. Why would he? The day to day shit already has that covered. So he aims his biggest 'heart eyes' at her, from the earliest days of their fakery, hiding any real expression in the over-the-topness of it all, for her as much as him (he tells himself, without needing much convincing with the blush spotted. It isn't thanks his charms, they both know. But in a second they can pretend it's his cringe factor.)* Only got eyes for you, babe. We could be anywhere. *Still, even as he's mocking himself with mimicking throwing up in his mouth, before she can, naturally, passed that, somewhere real he's deciding that should she suggest getting out of here to elsewhere tonight he's not about to fight it. Wherever they end up. #nocringe. It'd be too much of a lie to act like asking to come here was too much and everything that's come after, as a result, is too. He shouldn't have done it and there's no wonder everything's been off since. Her room could be the same as downstairs and he wouldn't wanna stay there, would he? It's his 'vibe' fucking things. Cheers dad. Jimmy sighs, throwing himself on the bed, and turning it into the appreciative whistle he didn't do at the door. Fucking hell.* Janis: *The eye-roll comes so hard it has her reeling, spinning out in her own head. At least, its better for them both if she pretends that's what's got her feeling dazed and disorientated. Sick with not knowing how to play this. No 'oh my, a boy in my room!' giddiness, fuck that shit. It was 'oh my, having to spend time in this depressing pit'. And his hand forced to spend his time here too. It'd be different if he had wanted to. Maybe. Okay, probably not. But if he had wanted to then they really wouldn't care where they were, paying no mind to anything but each other, not like his car was a lambo or like she'd given two fucks then, so it might've been tolerable. Ignorable, at the very least. But he HAD to be here. Nowhere else to go. That paired with how this room inadvertently showed all her cards had her feeling as bare as their surroundings, #exposed as they would say for the craic. Not that she was mad at him for not begging to sleepover just 'cos he wanted her so bad, again, fuck that shit hard. Not that girl. Everything was just weird and off and it didn't lend itself to a good night's sleep for either of 'em, she was willing to bet. She shrugged, those muscles so overworked, never skipped, massaging at the tension there in vain. Bounced from the dramatic way he flung himself down, she rests herself down on her elbow beside him, face to face.* If you want, we can go to the Barn. Its kitted out, like- *She pauses, thinking back on the times when it had been a place they all made Diego's films together, the times it had been Edie and Rio's bedroom, sneaking in there with them, leaving Grace alone in the dark of their old shared room. Now, well- She spent even less time in there than she did here. Only venturing when it was so dark and she felt so alone, it just felt right to hide out in there; harking back to all those many nights she'd sneak out, praying Edie would be there again, and to the one night, she was. Tucked up in her bed as if she'd never left. As if she wasn't really there. But she was. She was. And she'd gestured for her to get in with her and they'd just held each other...Janis holding on for dear life, determined to NEVER let go, so she couldn't leave again. She thought she felt the same desperation, in the way her big sister clutch to her too, almost hurting her but she would have never of complained. Determined to keep her in sight, eyes wide open and staring into hers, barely visible in the dark but there. She was there. Of course, she had fell asleep, and of course, when she awoke, the sun was up and Edie was gone. She was just a fucking kid, like. 'A fucking failure is what you were. And are.' She shook her head. At least the barn HAD memories, more than you could say of the box room she'd relegated herself too. No longer able, or needing to share with anyone. Not Grace. Or Rio and Edie. They'd all gone. Empty rooms to fill.* All mod cons and a comfy bed, like. But you can keep that between us and add to your sob story, yeah? *She mimics the tiny violin he was always sending, #IRLShade like, hoping the piss-taking would distract from the disjointed nature she'd made that offer in. Ghosts refusing to let her go, let her be with him fully. She never could be. It was the sad kind of hurt when you just know, know that whatever you're doing, or want to do, won't work. And knowing this and knowing you're gonna hurt the other person, so far so clueless. Oh, Jim. Why do you think I was on my own when you met me, boy?* Jimmy: *He's fucked it instantly, looking at her too hard, all the bollocks stripped back and away by how close she is, suddenly, though he should have expected it. Not like her bed's big enough for anything much else, but he never does, somehow. Still. Ever. Breathing hurts but he forces himself not to keep it shallow, refusing to swap places so soon when she was meant to be the one swooning. Fake or not. And there's so much real shit he wants to say, but can't. Again, too much. It leaves him only inhaling and sighing, brooding like the kinda poser he isn't trying to be on any day. Least of all this one. Does it matter though? It doesn't feel like it when his hand drops before it can reach out, touch her in any way, jokes as out of bounds as anything. He isn't meant to be lost with her, but tonight doesn't give a fuck about that, does it? He jumps on the offer a change, nodding, frantic for a kick that'd have him behaving like less of a dick. Please. The fucking break he hasn't asked her for is there, inching closer to letting itself be said, and he's scared of that, going there like.* Alright. *He wants to give himself a smack for how quiet he sounds. Serious. Okay knobhead, calm it. Good luck following that through when you know you've got none though, Jim. He's up and taking her hand before he can dwell on it, moving to take the lead as far as retracing their steps and being out. He can handle that geography. Jimmy does allow himself a pause small enough only to draw a cross over his heart playfully once she's played the violin for him. Thanks, mate. It's almost spoken aloud 'cause of the relief the familiarity of it , brought here and now, comforts him. Alright, calm it again, tosser. But yeah, that works, letting him. He walks stretching their linked hands as far as possible while staying connected, laughing genuinely, still soft but out there. He draws a quick tick over the same space, hurriedly.* Done. Janis: Alright. *She confirms with a nod as serious as his close-to-silence was. Couldn't accuse him of being a man of too MANY words usually, like, but still, spoke volumes, didn't it? Could write friggin' volumes on how badly she was fucking it up with him now. That's what you did after break-ups, right? Write wanky (in all the ways) poetry. Fuck that. Get the fuck out of your own head, fucking eejit! Now! He's still here yet. She seized the conversation by the balls, 'fore it got away from her grasp again, immediately adding-* Alright, alright, alright! *Matthew McConaughey style. 'Cos Christ, someone had to cut through the tension and she weren't about to invite the fam up to give it a go. Fuck that, too. Even if it was awkward as arse, to say the least, and the dead and buried past was unearthing itself just to try drag her under tonight- she still wanted it to be just them. Him and her, fuck the rest. And that was something. Even if that was all she could get, all she still had. She'd cling to that with bleeding, broken nails, jaw clamped, teeth sunk deep in the flesh of it. It was something. She was so fucking used to, so fucking sick of, nothing. A promise, or a prayer, she repeated it over and over, 'til she near believed it herself. With this in mind, she pulls on the hand that is leading her, pulls him back, understanding his rush and only wanting to slow it for one thing. She mimics shooting him where he had been tracing, where she wants to trail her own fingers badly, as he draws in, she puts her fist over his heart, thumping up and down, up and down, before exploding out- And with that, she kisses him, as desperate as he was to take up her offer and run, she needed this more. And she had never known anything she needed more than to run. But she did. She did.* Done. *She mirrors, drawing her lips away from his, with a smirk. Ahead again, one foot on the top step.* Jimmy: *He's about to descend back into mockery, the words 'all about the obscure refs, you' there, ready to go if he's willing to release them, thoughts already going backward, onto the typed convo where she tried to give him an artsy education, school him about muses, all of that, but before he can take the step she's pulling him, literally to where she's forced a stop. In the first second he's tense, thinking it's a full one, that she's done with him and the company he isn't being tonight, but before he can fall further into his pit (he's in there enough, prior that she's tried to dig at him with her best McConaughey, for fuck's sake) he all but floats out. There's no # that could cover this in his stunted imagination, he thinks, before his brain shuts off. The kiss is more than the break he didn't have the balls to ask for (though it lasts about as long as the one he'd gave her, standing on some twat's marble floor). It's a separation from all the shit that's been running him ragged for days, forcing him to run here in the first place. Jimmy knows then that he'll stay, has to, not 'cause there's nowhere else to go, but 'cause nowhere else exists when she kisses him like that. Fuck. It basically escapes, not as the word, but in sound that he can't escape either. Doesn't want to. The only thing he cares about is keeping this close to her and knowing she's alright with him being there. More than fucking alright like.* Nah mate *He retorts breathlessly, clawing back some strength back only as his hands find her hips and use the grip he's found there to spin her body round to face him. He isn't done yet, there's no chance. Not now she's given him one to erase the last few days and land him back into decent ones with her. Jimmy's an echo of how he was after running from Mr Lucas and he's not letting go of that. What for? 'Cause his dad wants him to. Fuck that and fuck him. What was he done with was feeling like shit. So of course he kissed her again, sinking only into the depths of that, trying to say everything with it that he couldn't verbally. Needing to have a go even though it meant hearing Janis' clatter into the beginnings of the banister with the force of everything he was desperate for her to know, 'cause if he pulled back then that'd be it and he's not having that. Fuck no. He's lost enough, tonight's bed being the least of it. Janis: *If she was going to complain, (she wasn't), he doesn't give her the time, or space, to do so. Exactly what they both needed; and she didn't need to reckon that. Crashing together, crashing into the wall, like. No room for anything to come between 'em, not their thoughts or past or any of that bullshit; all blurring into background nothingness, where it belonged. In these moments, there was nothing but them and their need. And it was good. Really good. The kind of good she didn't need to second-guess or overthink. Just be in it and soak in every second, every touch, the heat and feel of his skin against hers, alive, human, real. The violence of the urgency, the competitive one-upping- Not only keeping it interesting (to say the fucking least) but keeping it as something she could understand, something that didn't scare the living shit out of her, frankly. Easy as breathing, this; Though both theirs was heavy now, laboured from the control of letting some of said go, whilst not losing themselves to it so wholly that they alerted someone to it, spoiling their fun for the second time in a week. A game of meeting every kiss of his with more, and then some. Biting, tugging at his bottom lip in, trying in vain to make the kiss even deeper. Nails dug into his shoulders, pulling him down with her as her back slid down the wall, him sat at the top of the stairs, her on his lap. 'How did you stop yourself though?' A faint voice in the back of her mind pondered, with no intention to found within her. Clearly, they needed the Mr. Lucas' of the world or they'd never get anything else done. Clearly channeling the man himself, Pablo chose this time to appear out of his room, quite literally stumbling onto the scene, and them, Janis sticking out an arm (and jumping off Jim's lap) with lightning reflexes so he didn't topple down the fucking stairs.* Oops, watch it... *She didn't have time (nor desire) to be embarrassed. Her older Brother's mumbly, half-asleep grumbles of 'a-fucking-gain? Really Janis?!' and promises to 'have words with you, later!' to Jim, had her creasing. When Pablo was out of sight, and out of mind as soon as, she rested her head on the shoulder she'd left nailmarks in, kissing it gently though she wasn't particularly sorry about it.* Jimmy: *It isn't until she has to save him from hitting the bottom of the stairs with a thud that he even sorts out in his head again where they are, beyond the abstract bollocks of 'together' and all that. It takes that much to get through to him, but he isn't sorry, 'cause he isn't alone in it. If he's falling, figuratively as well as the near literal, then she is too. And that's alright by him. More than fucking alright, as per like. Jimmy can laugh through this interruption, at what it takes to pull them apart now (unlucky Mr Lucas but you probably won't cut it next time) adding to it himself with the breathless whisper of 'fucking hell, mate' that finds only her ear as he shakes his head affectionately at the pair of 'em. Janis' brother's appearance (along with anything he might have said) forgotten as soon as it's happened, same as before. If they'd been any room for it he might have felt bad for the lad, keeping mugging him off like that, but he still wants what he wants. Needs, honestly. There's no forgetting, or ignoring that any 'itch' has only been scratched so far as to make it more 'itchier', more noticeable in the first place. It's a crap analogy but it's what's there as he pulls her down the stairs and back towards the door, rougher and noisier that he would if he could make a string of thoughts or words fit together properly to promise her that this still isn't done. Jimmy 'reckons' in a semi coherent idea that he'll barricade the barn door with any or all manner of shit, once they are there,  to guarantee no more interruptions tonight. Bet on that, mate, his expression says, as they go. Jinx. Fuck. He almost kicks the door in frustration upon hearing the shout for dinner, her dad's head catching them as 'ready' for it. Pfft. No chance. It smells good, yeah, but there's no contest. Janis feels, looks and smells incredible like. Meals can wait, they always did at his, even when he had his mum there to do his job of moving a tray of something from freezer to cooker, or his pop's of fetching a takeaway when in from work, there was no sitting down at a this or that time. No table to eat at either, just the sofa, or his bed when he was being the type of utter dickhead that only a certain age manages, whenever it was put in front of him. Here at Janis, that time, was right now. And worse, ('cause of course there's worse with his English luck) before he can do a dash that'd have that school day looking like slo-mo, his stomach rumbles, sealing the deal and their fates. His girlfriend has never let him go hungry yet. Shit. To be continued then.*
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