#it'd blow some people's minds how many situations that look like ''i'm gonna fuck up this person's life On Purpose and For Fun''
echthr0s · 10 months
"just because someone has a PD doesn't mean they're automatically going to be abusive": nodding, yes good, go on
"if they're abusive they chose to be that way": [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE]
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beastie-anon · 2 years
Nsfw with Chriz being caught and raped? He seems like the type to make a hot scene in that situation. Any character can do it
I'll write the whole thing but when the nsfw starts to actually happen it'll be below a cut. This also takes place in the future. I managed to avoid any real spoilers)
Chriz had been driving the spaceship around, They were on a direct course to their destination. He decided to finally stop driving and make sure upkeep was up. That, And he wanted to check on the crew members... And maybe see how Mark was doing. As he was walking he kind of felt.. Strange, As if something was watching him. He moved a bit faster in an attempt to maybe, Run from the feeling? It was unscientific sure, But he wanted to get away from it. He quickly turned a corner then turned around... Before everything went black for him as he felt something hit the back of his head.
He woke up in a dark room, Tied. His fire was extinguished and he couldn't get it started for some reason.. Until he realized he couldn't move at all. He tried lifting his 'hands' which were two rocks that could make lava and fire most of the time. They were chained together.. He felt weak, And couldn't move.. He was getting ready to yell as loud as he could to draw attention, Until... A humanoid creature stepped out of the shadows with a gun.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Chriz. I'll blow your fucking brains out if you try..~"
Chriz quickly pushed the idea of gathering attention from his mind. The creature came towards him with a dark chuckle.
"What to do, What to do.. I could do.. So many things to you~ But what would make you snap? How can I break you?"
He forced Chriz to look at him, Grabbing his chin and the side of his face hard enough to leave bruises..
"You've had virtually everything happen to you.. Every painful experience.. Every psychological torture.. And yet you survived it all. Except, Well..."
(This is where it starts getting very iffy so I'm gonna. Readmore)
"..I wonder why nobodies never taken advantage of you while your in this defenseless state..~"
Chriz started to feel the panic kick in.
"Wh..What..?! Let me go- D-Dont fucking touch me! H-HEL-"
The creature grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed it into his chest, Carving down a bit. The pain stopped him from yelling out anymore, As he started to dough up some of the blood.. The creature put the knife to the side.
"Good boy.. Stay quiet. Like you should be.."
Chriz could feel tears welling up in his eyes as it started to undress him..
The creature looked Chriz in the eyes.
"How about this. Either I fuck you, Or I go to poor Ceasar in the other room and show him the time or his life.. Of course, He'd probably kill himself after. Considering how much has already happened to him..~"
Chriz looked away as the tears started to roll down his face. He could handle this. He could survive, After it happened but..
"Oh no, Your not getting off that easy.. Tell me you want me to fuck you, That you love me..~"
He already felt himself starting to crack a bit.. This.. This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair! He.. he worked so hard.. He CHANGED.. He did better.. So.. Why was he being punished now?
"I didn't hear you.. I guess I'll tell Ceasar you sent me~ We'll see how much anyone loves you after hearing that you'd let Ceasar be raped.."
"N-No!- Please.. Please don't I'm.. F-Fuck me please just.. D-Don't.."
He was a hero, It was his job to protect people.. That included Ceasar. It smirked at his submission and started to cut his clothes off him as his wound healed itself.. For the most part. Chriz was a bit bigger than average, With his cock being around 6-7 inches.. But that was while it was soft~ When he got hard it'd be even bigger...~ The creature knew that it couldn't ride him, Or do anything with his cock, While it was soft.. So he'd have to take the lead. It started to gently massage his cock as it positioned itself to shove its own inside of Chriz. The sudden movement caused Chriz to let out noises of discomfort and slight pain, More tears rolling down his cheeks. He was completely powerless, Unable to stop it as it kept thrusting into him. Despite the movements and feelings being unpleasurable, His dick slowly started to harden from the gently massages that gave him small amounts of pleasure.
"Come on.. You don't like my giant cock inside of you, Chriz?~ That hurts my feelings.."
Chriz could barely hold back his sobs, Just trying to hide his face underneath his hair. He didn't want to see this thing while it had its way with him, He just wanted to disappear.. It stopped its thrusting despite not finishing.
"I know what to do.."
It got off of Chriz, And forced him to lay right in front of its cock. Just to degrade him more, Shoving his face into its crotch...
He struggled for a moment before giving up... He knew what it wanted from him, What it wanted him to do.. It just looked down at him expectingly.
"Well? Get started. Your not a fucking idiot... You know what I want.."
Chriz moved to start sucking on its cock, It was huge and seemed to be able to grow.. Making things even worse for him. After he had basically struggled with moving and sucking on him the creature just grabbed his head and forced him all the way down on his cock before beginning to just face fuck him at such a hard and fast pace that he felt himself choking and gagging on his giant dick. Finally, After 10 long painful minutes of his throat being fucked raw, It came inside of his mouth. He hated that it helped to cool the burning pain in his throat from how hard it's dick had been slamming into his throat and from how fasfast..
"Good job..~ Now that it's all nice and slick we can get back to buisness..~"
It pushed Chriz onto his back before moving to start forcefully slamming it's cock inside of him at such a force that it was still incredibly painful, But gave off pleasure from how deep it hit inside of him.. He let out moans he tried so hard to muffle, But failed.. He couldn't think with the sounds of it, Or from the disgusting feelings it make him feel.. He thought he could handle this, He thought he could handle every part of him being used and defiled, But.. He couldn't. He hated how it made him feel. He hated how helpless he felt.. But he couldn't help but moan from all the sensations he felt.
It kept pumping inside of him, Before finally cumming deep inside his hole.. He hated the disgusting, Warm sticky feeling of its cum inside him.. It kept leaving gentle massages on his dick until he came too. He was a mess.. Leaking cum on both sides, And because he came it got on his chest and stomach.. Some of it even got inside of his not fully healed wound. He was still sobbing, And shaking...
The creature decided to leave him alone for now, But knew it'd have to come back later to clean him up.
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