#it'd probably be faster to just say that 😅
pupyuj · 4 months
HEHEHDHDHCJ i thank the lord everyday for the existence of accendio mv bcs EVIL!YUJIN??? god i need her. GOOD!GAEUL GIVE ME THE WAND I CAN DISTRACT HER 😛😛😛 also this doesn't have too much smut purely bcs i didn't rlly think it'd fit much into the scenario but there's still some crumbs! 😭
[cw: dubcon (implied), yujin is really creepy and insane]
anon said the words ‘obsessed’, ‘stalker’, and ‘crazy’ and i just immediately thought of those admirers that go too far with their crush on that one person and yeah.. sounds like something yuj would be alright 🤪 her being the cool sunbae yujin that’s taken a strange liking to you, literally just some girl 😭 yujin being so confident of herself that she doesn’t waste energy by being subtle at all! constantly waiting by your locker to say good morning, sometimes she even takes you to class, waves at you if she doesn’t have time to talk to you, makes small talk in the bathrooms, the library, the courtyard, the gardens—wait, how is it that she knows wherever you are almost all the time?? 🤔 maybe it was all just a coincidence, yujin knows the campus like the back of her hand after all! 😅
anyway, yujin is very romantic! she knows a lot of things that you like! how? why, she kindly asked your friends.. with a few threats here and there bcs they were becoming suspicious of her intent but the point is that she got the information she wanted, okay? ☺️ she knows your favorite type of flowers, favorite foods and delicacies, and sometimes shows up at your front porch with those exact gifts just for you! 🥰
except that.. you never told her where you lived. not even which part of town your house was in. not even your friends could’ve told her. that’s why they showed up to school with bruises and cuts one day. but turns out yujin found you anyway. like she always does.
that was the final straw for you—you were officially creeped the fuck out! and so you start putting some distance between you and yujin but she didn't like that at all! she started following you around more, practically running after you every time you dash away from her.. she wasn't going to give up easily! 😣😣 you tried to block her from all of your social media accounts bcs she keeps spamming you with borderline threats and pictures of you that she has taken while she stalked you but she was really stubborn!
wouldn't think there would be anything wrong with climbing your house and watching you right next to your bedroom window,, her heavy breathing fogging up the glass with how close she was just to see your clearly,, you looked so beautiful sleeping so peacefully! :(( but you'd stir in your sleep, as if you knew something was amiss beyond your little dreamland.. then you'd wake up and find your window slightly open,, at first you thought that you probably just forgot to close it again but then your eyes snap open at the sight of the figure sitting on your bed,, your first instinct would be to kick it and move away but it was faster than you! it covers your mouth shut and only under the tiniest stream of moonlight did you recognize the person that had broken into your room—ahn yujin!
ofc she wouldn't see a problem with breaking into your home,, doesn't hesitate to threaten you either! saying that she'd hurt you or worse if you were to make a single noise and alert your neighbors. yujinnie just wanted to get close to you! in her head, she has been nothing but kind! why did you insist on rejecting her?! she truly didn't understand, but that was okay. she was going to make you understand! now that she has you all for herself... she can do anything she has been wanting to do! like kissing you (she was very happy when you eventually kissed back despite your initial resistance!), touching you (she always knew your skin was so soft), and ofc, fucking you (you rlly had to make her for work it—kicking and punching and trying to bite her hand... but in the end, yujin got her way with you. like she always will from now on.) 😰
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Just wanted to know, since elves don't touch much, do you think an elven husband and wife would kiss or be romantic?
(Like, they may have kids and obvs they touch, but like... do you think they touch whenever they feel like touching each other, or do they ask?)
Anon, I ended up writing you an essay-length post, even though I specifically decided to answer you right now because I thought it'd be a quick answer 😅 So, under a cut for length
Tl;dr: I don't see why elves would not do All The Romantic Things™️! It just might look Weird to mortals, maybe.
First of all, unless I'm forgetting something (which is entirely possible - adhd brain sieve is a problem), it's not canon that elves don't touch much. If so, it's up to how you want to headcanon it. I will share my headcanon but just do imagine whatever you feel like imagining :3
I do happen to headcanon elves aren't very touchy-feely, but I headcanon this in a very specific way. You know how when you are 6 years old one year seems to take forever to pass, because that's 1/6 of your entire lifetime - while if you're 20, that same length of time is only 1/20 of your life and therefore seems to pass much faster? I take that logic and apply to elves - I headcanon their perception of what "a long time" is is wildly different from that of mortals, and this only increases as they get older.
So the way I headcanon it, elves feel like they touch each other relatively frequently - they are neither touch-averse nor end up touch starving themselves. But from a mortal perspective, long stretches of time seem to go by without elves touching each other, because "frequently" is defined according to your perception of time.
By that same logic, a 50 year old elf is probably much cuddlier than a 1500 year old elf - much like to us, children seem impatient. "Frequently" for them feels different. (Plus, I imagine elves have something akin to teenage hormones at some point? Can't really imagine how that would work, though, given their wacky growth patterns.)
On top of all that, there are individual needs and preferences, like humans. Both inexplicable idiosyncrasies and things like neurodiversity-related touch-aversion. And then on top of that, there are many elven cultures, and they are ever-changing, and I imagine that impacts elves on two levels - first, the culture they were socialized in, and then whatever the current culture is (a bit like expats, but the displacement I'm picturing is in time rather than in place.)
All of this to say my headcanons tend to be very specific to each couple, because there are way too many factors involved. I think someone more organized than me could probably come up with a general theory, but I haven't been able to yet.
Even within the same couple, I headcanon things like how long they have been together, and current life circumstances affect how they tend to interact. Think of how much a human relationship can change dynamics over the course of a life together, and multiply that by centuries.
Also, contrary to a lot of headcanons I see around, I don't headcanon number of children is in any way attached to how touchy-feely a couple is. Elves can actually choose when to have children, so I don't see why these things would be related.
Anyway, to address your actual question - I do very much think elves are romantic with each other just for the sake of being romantic. And while I think consent would be very strongly emphasized in elven culture, I think what that looks like really depends on the situation. If you have eternity to learn your spouse's expressions and body language, and you also have mystical quasimindreading skills, I don't think you're going to verbally ask every time you want to like, quickly kiss the person you've been married to for millennia.
But I do think, on average, elves would find it romantic to be asked about things, especially when they are still courting rather than marriage - not only because of boundaries but because it seems on brand for elves to want to add Eloquence™️ to everything. But then again, I think this would also apply to friendship - I think friends start out as actively trying to learn each other's preferences, and over time they settle into certain expectations that only require confirmation occasionally.
On that note, learning is, I think, emphasized by pretty much all the elves we know (even if it's learning their land very well rather than theoretical pursuits), so I cannot imagine an elven couple would not actively set out to learn each other's needs, wants, boundaries, etc. They are probably much more intentional about this than mortals, because they've got plenty of time for that.
We also have to remember that elves seem to prize romantic love a lot, culturally speaking. I think they would be very fond of anything that is associated with romance.
Now, would a random mortal recognize elven romance as being romantic? Sometimes, but not always, I think. Mortals would probably struggle to understand things like the romance of spending a century away from your spouse so each of you can do your own thing. They might also not be too into "Hey what if we stared at each other motionlessly and silent for a really long time" or (and this is probably a thing that the Noldor would do) "Let's go around Naming things together."
But then, I also don't think elves would particularly understand mortal things like "This food sucks but I will say I love it because I noticed how much effort you put into it" or even the concept of bouquets ("Take them to the flowers yourselves!!!" scream the elves. "OH MY GOD why would you kill so many plants for a frivolous reasons, this is not romantic, it's disturbing!!!! One flower might be okay, and a wreath every now and then is a common indulgence but oh my god don't kill a hundred flowers for someone!!!")
But elves and men do have more things in common than not, and the few elf-mortal relationships we know seem to have no greater trouble understanding each other than you would expect given people from different cultures, which leads to think the elves would conceptualize romance in a really similar way to us, actually.
I would expect, generally speaking, that as long as you account for the differences in the scale of time, we would find elven spouses pretty unremarkable 🤷 Like. They hug, they kiss, they go on dates, there's probably nothing uniquely alien about it. I don't think, on the other hand, we would understand exactly what marriage between two Valar is like. But I headcanon love of all kinds, and how it is expressed, is one of the things the Children of Iluvatar have most in common.
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what if niren and/or elliot almost made it in time but barely missed their chance?
like. for example, i died and if they were just a few seconds faster, they could've saved it somehow. it'd probably swallow them up same as you described in the "dead" section.
i was thinking of what my character would say to them as my last words. clenches fist, two of my coworkers pointed out how distracted i was.
"ah, i could finally meet you. you are as radiant as i had remembered. you should smile more. smile for me, hm? oh, and, tell niren that i'm sorry as well, he's your beloved prince, isn't he?" -> last words to elliot. devastating
"y'know, you should go after the knight, he deserves it more than me at this point. i had only made you gifts, i'm sorry i couldn't do much. thank you for being my– his, beloved prince. take care of the puppy, okay?" -> to niren
this is so cliche i'm borderline cringing at myself kms
kolbie.... i love ur hands (this isn't a compliment, disclaimer in place so that ur ego doesn't go up LOLOL) take care!! xoxo, Niren and Elliot Simp Anon
Nooo it's sweet! Also incredibly painful!! I'll have you know not a single person Niren cares about has died up to this point. He's been remarkably blessed that way. Of course that's also bc he only deeply cares for a few select people, but I digress!! He would take it hard. Especially the apology!! The guilt and regret would be even worse!!!
((He would probably be privately amused about you calling Elliot a puppy later on, once he can remember without such stark pain.))
Elliot has witnessed the death of friends he made while he and his mother lived in poverty and then even more so on the streets. He also has many friends in the knights as well as soldiers in the army, some of whom were felled in battle. But it never gets easier. He got stronger to repay his debt, yes, but also so he would never again be helpless to protect the people right in front of him. And yet...
((Telling Elliot to smile more has me asfdhfzjfsjfsjfzjzg He really needs to!! He has such a great smile!! My frowny boi,,))
Too late, my ego is through the roof 😔
You take care, too!! Or at this point I should say have a good night!! 😅
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crimsonblackrose · 10 months
2, 16 please?
Oh boy, you picked the one I recently had to come to terms with. Congrats (?) on the story time unlock. 😅 #2 favorite childhood film. For most of my life childhood favorite films were like Matilda, My Neighbor Totoro, The Thief and the Cobbler, the Neverending Story, and like The Road to El Dorado. And my dad would say no no no, your childhood favorite film was The Army of Darkness. And I'd be like are you talking about the cartoon tv show we've never been able to find again? That was pirates of dark water. And he'd be like no, the horror film sequel The army of darkness. And I'd tell him no way. I was a scardy cat as a kid I didn't like scary films and I'd remind him of the scary film he was watching that I like was terrified of, that I thought for sure was my father watching Chainsaw massacre to which he said never, and I recently realized was the film: nothin' but trouble. 😂 Dad like horror comedies and monster horror but not horror horror. So over Thanksgiving I visited my cousins who love horror who've moved and I was telling one of them you know dad said my favorite childhood film was army of darkness, he really loved Bruce Campbell but like why on earth would a sequel to a horror film be my childhood favorite? I don't like watching things out of order. How on earth would I even have picked that? And that lead to a marathon. I definitely hadn't seen the original and I hadn't seen the remake. But oh boy, I had seen Army of Darkness. I knew every scene, every line. I clearly spent a large portion of my childhood watching Bruce Campbell fight monsters in a medieval period. And a lot of Dad's silly sayings and voices I now realize were Bruce Campbell impersonations or him quoting the film. Now if he hadn't said it was a sequel and had said it was a comedy with monsters I probably wouldn't have disagreed with him for so long about it or so strongly. Or heck if he'd said it had an army of skeletons using bones as instruments it probably would've jogged the memory a lot faster than a sequel horror film had just shut down any chance of it being the right thing.
Tumblr media
Like I for sure never forgot these dudes. Did I realize this was army of darkness floating in my memories? No I just thought it'd was the old Disney Halloween cartoon short and chalked that up to both being the same thing. This also explains...a lot. 😂 16. How do you feel about talking during movies being watched at home?
It depends. Questions every five minutes about what is happening or going to happen is a no. When this happens I usually pause it and catch whoever missed something up. Which is generally my aunt. Or if there's another conversation happening then, that's a no. But if it's like about the film either enjoying it or in good humor joking about it with the subtitles on, then that's fine. If there's no way to get subtitles then definite no unless we've all seen it. If we've all seen it then I do not care. We can Rocky Horror Picture show this and it'll be a blast. I feel like most of the conversation we have during a movie or show at home is like oh that's a pretty outfit, or oh that was dumb, or yelling no at the tv. 😂
Thank you for the asks from this list.
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hall0ween-twn · 2 years
saw kitty irene nd came running. she'd be just a little smaller than she is non hybrid, it'd make her so tiny 😵‍💫😵‍💫
fluff wise i can see if this au has the girls living together seulgi or joy would be her favorite to sleep next to 🥺 she likes how tiny they make her feel, but wannie or yeri are her favs to go to for comfort. i don't think she'd be a very sociable hybrid, it'd take her a little to open up and even then she's super suspicious and cautious. she probably opened up to wendy first but it's still kind of difficult to get along sometimes since wendy tends to be more outgoing compared to joohyun but they'd be so cute together, hyun learned to bake from wendy and wendy learned patience from irene
smut wise.. oh my god she's needy. little hyunnie probably sneaks into one of the girls' room to touch herself while she's in heat, something about the smell is even more arousing. she's not sneaky about it either, uselessly rutting against her little fingers in hope for some kind of relief or for the girls to catch her because she knows they'll take care of their little kitten. she looooooves cuddly sex where she's all pressed up against them, letting out the cutest noises wrapped up in their bigger stronger arms. hyun's a good little kitten, i see her being very obedient ☹️ most times she just wants relief from her heat, and the girls do a good job at taking care of that but there's other times where she just wants to be bred. i can just see her begging on seulgi's lap for cum, that she needs to be full of it and seulgi can only give in because who can say no to such a cute little kitten?
omg hi anon 👋🏻 welcome to halloweentown :D
what breed do you think she would be? she gives me a white hair vibe, maybe american shorthair? also sorry, i’m very bad at writing fluff stuff 😅
but imagine hyunnie with a sparkly pink collar with a bell attached while her cunt is filled with seulgi’s strap 🥺🥺 purring every time the tip grazes her gspot. hyunnie on her knees, looking back at seulgi with teary eyes as she thrusts faster into her, the bell ringing in time with seulgi’s thrusting.
“what a good kitty you are hyunnie”
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hvlfwygod · 3 years
can i get uhhhhh base for uhhhhh first meme
Who is more aggressive in bed? - i'm uncomfortable with this question
Lights on or off?- lmaooo uh... i think ben would prefer the lights off he's all self conscious 😪
Who does what chores?- ben likes to organize so he can clean and can at least prep dinner if not cook it. they can trade off on laundry and chase can do the dishes
Who gets babied when they’re sick?- look in nurturing ben is a Catch he will baby the shit out of chase i'm talking soup i'm talking meds i'm talking massaging away the aches and pains i'm talking spending time in comfy silence while chase rests
Who makes breakfast?- i think they can both do this depending on who wakes up first
Where would they go on their honeymoon?- canada 😘
What are their quirks while sleeping?- i don't think they do anything out there, just some cute cuddles and pillow talk
What is their favorite activity as a family?- hmmm gardening? board game nights? high movie nights?
Who is the stricter parent?- it's definitely ben. chase will be the cool dad and ben will be the cool dad who enforces the curfew
Who would be the big spoon?- they can switch off bc i think they both love being the little spoon, if chase insists ben will suck it up and be the big spoon more often tho. unless chase wants to be the big spoon then ben will gladly be little
Who would wake up first?- probably ben? he usually wakes up early unless he was up Really late. plus chase is a morph kid i feel like ben has the natural advantage here
Do they have nicknames for each other?- i can picture chase giving ben some cute pet names 😚
What happened when they met each other’s parents?- ben has no parents for this one and... i'm gonna be honest i don't remember chase's parental situation but if there's someone to meet ben will be on he best behavior he will be the perfect gentleman
How do they apologize after an argument?- ben definitely apologizes first and tries to see where chase is coming from as soon as he cools off, i think chase is more stubborn but he'd also come around soon enough
What would they be like as parents?- i can't imagine either of them ever raising their voice at their kids.... it'd be a lot of stern talking to's when they need to discipline, otherwise they are the really chill dads who let their kids be free spirits. super protective and very big on being very emotionally honest bc lord knows that's the only way these two made it far enough to have kids 😅
Who is the better cook?- ben doesn't really cook a lot but when he does he is very meticulous about the recipe so for that reason only i'll say him
Who is more romantic?- i think they're both very romantic in different ways? i think at first it would be ben bc he is lowkey a big sap, he'd sing for chase and arrange these little surprise dates 😌but i feel like they'd feed off of each other and wind up being equal in this regard
What sort of gifts do they get for each other?- really cute, sentimental gifts that usually have some reference to something that they experienced together or that one of them mentioned liking
Who gets jealous easiest?- i think it might be ben just because chase is more chill abt that kind of thing
Who gets more excited for events? (e.g. birthdays, christmas…etc)- chase definitely, he gets so pumped to see friends and have a big love fest w everyone
Who is the most adventurous?- definitely chase, he's bringing them out to all kinds of cool new places
Who is the most protective?- oooh tbh i think they'd both be pretty protective, but ben definitely would step in and get angrier faster if someone was fucking with his man
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?- they would be that really shy couple that are like, together but they're so nervous about it? mostly jokes and hanging out that just turns into kissing sometimes. really intense feelings they try to step around most of the time bc they're too young to figure out this emotional intimacy thing
Song to sum them up?- it's not released yet suka get on it pls xoxo
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silasai · 4 years
1/6 Okay I haven't seen the bnha movie and all I know about it is that Bkg temporarily gets OfA and that it's an alternate ending for the series. Honestly, Bkg getting OfA is just bullshit, but if I HAD to do it, I would go in a completely different direction. (Rant incoming, I'm sorry - also this wouldn't really work in a movie, it'd have to be an arc. And this DEFINITELY wouldn't be the end of the series. I am also not a writer, I just thought way too much about this and decided to share)
2/6 Okay so, like, it would start with Deku failing to save a large amount of people, in a situation where he could've if he'd been stronger/faster/etc (from the arc's main villain probably).Those people get hurt/killed and Deku takes it really hard, blames it on himself and eventually ends up begging All Might to take OfA back and give it to someone worthy. Bakugou hears of this and sees the opportunity to get the most powerful quirk for himself. He later approaches Deku and tells him that
3/6 he can take the quirk. Midoriya is so critical of his recent failure that he agrees and Bakugou gets it. The next day, All Might notices that Izuku hasn't come to class and that Bakugou's quirk is suddenly hell of a lot stronger and he realizes what Izuku's done. He begs Bkg to give the quirk back to deku, but Katsuki says that he gave it to him fair and square. Meanwhile, Deku could have a side arc about how he's trying to relearn living and fighting without his quirk. He'd realize
4/6 that he could always be a hero, with his OfA or not. He'd also learn to not depend on his quirk (directly paralleled by Bakugou, who's believing that he is now the Best hero because he has the Best quirk.) Bkg attempts to track down the villain and defeat it all on his own, because he believes that since someone as useless as Deku got powerful with OfA, the quirk would straight up make Bkg a God. He proceeds to get 👏his 👏ass👏beat👏. This would humble Bkg a lot (finally!) and allow
5/6 him to at least start a redemption arc (Finally!). He'd probably be almost killed by the villain, only to be saved by his friends ("friends"), probably including Dk (who had given up on being a hero when he gave bkg his quirk, but rushed to battle upon hearing about Bkg being hurt) who's fighting Quirkless. They end up defeating the villain. (which would be rubbing salt in the wound for Bkg, who would also be forced to see the other students as people who are legitimately strong as well)
6/6 So, after Bakugou fails, he ends up giving Deku OfA back, who decides that it's better to try and save people and fail than to have no one try to save those people in the first place. Izuku gets the confirmation that he was always worthy of being a hero, quirk or not and Bakugou finally loses and has the opportunity to develop as a character (bonus points if he gets perminant physical damage from the point as a reminder.) Anyways, sorry for this being so long 😅😅😅 but yeah
Someone who has seen the movie, tell me if this is a better storyline 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️
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