#it'll just be the werewolf jimmy au for now
scribbling-dragon · 10 months
and what if i was thinking about my werewolf jimmy + vampire tango au more?? what if i was thinking about OTHER characters? this is spinning around in my head so i'm gonna dump it here,, dshjshjk
it's mentioned one-off in the fic, but tango knows the only werewolves in the city live ACROSS THE CITY from him meaning that jimmy was literally trekking across the entire damn city to go see tango and walk him home from work ;-; they're both so dumb hsjhsjkdk
Joe is one of Tango's co-workers at the cafe where he works. no-one knows what's up with him, but when he starts telling a story you have to sit and listen to him finish it. you can't leave until he's stopped talking. those that are aware of the supernatural know that he's not some kind of siren, but they still don't know what he is. they've got a discussion going on in the "supernatural circles" they've got going on. Joe finds this endlessly hilarious.
There's several other vampires in the city, all of which try to keep out of each other's way. Tango and Mumbo are two of these vampires (the others are undecided/background characters). HOWEVER! they do meet up once a month at Tango's place of work (mainly because he's always working a shift when they want to meet) to discuss what areas to avoid because someone's gone and bitten a few too many people there recently and the locals are setting up Facebook pages to try and figure out what's happening
Scott and Lizzie are both sirens. Scott is a swim teacher, and parents bring children that have difficulty with fear of water/swimming to where he works because he just seems "magical" with how he's teaching their kids to swim (he's enchanting them. he's enchanting them into enjoying swimming)
Grian, Joel and Jimmy are the only pack of wolves in their city, and they all call each other "brothers" despite not actually being related because they all got turned around the same time and were friends in school together. (they all got bitten together because they were all being IDIOTS together)
Pearl lives in the next city over and is also a werewolf, but is more of a lone wolf than the others. She lives with her dog Tilly, and that's her "pack"
There's an actual werewolf pack in this other city, which is home to Ren, Martyn and Bdubs. Etho is also technically part of this group, but he's also a "were-fox" (idk even know if those exist it just seems fun to me) and goes between the two cities because he has friends in both
just ouagghh, cannot write for this at the moment because i've got exams but i am THINKING about this, spinning it in my brain like it's a microwave, come talk to me about it please hdsjhdsjksjk ;-;
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clairethecutepup · 2 years
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Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes: The Complete, Short "Assassin AU" Comic (EEnE)
First, disclaimers: we all know Ed Edd n' Eddy doesn't belong to me, and the "Assassin AU" of the series is by "C2ndy2c1d". For more about the overall comic and my thoughts, click the "read more" below. Hopefully, this sample of my comic-related works sparks interest in a potential audience for more, both of original and fan-based content.
For individual pages and THEIR commentary notes:
Pg 1
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 5
Pg 6
Pg 7
For the final page, #8:
Finally, got it finished! Boy, talk about having a "funny way of showing it," when it comes to any feelings of endearment, huh? Let's just say, "It's complicated..." isn't just for romantic relations. Also, I hope you got your fill of Claire retaining her usual wolfishness there, as she's going to be a normal human in the actual fan comic series. As I've said before, the concept of "werebeasts" can be an interesting idea for an assassin-based series, just not for the world of EEnE-- "alternate universe" or not.
I admit that it'll be jarring, but I can still replicate Claire's wolf nature via her assassin theme: "Herr Wolf," which involves her dressing similarly to the common werewolf portrayal. If you're wondering why she's using "Herr" in that title, and not the more appropriate German addressment of "Frau," it's both for similar sound to the mythical monster and for the masculine nature of her outfit's appearance. Plus, wolves are generally associated with masculinity. As for when she's OUT of costume, she'll be wearing a little wolf-hoodie that has both ears and a tail. It'd be perfect, as constantly having the hood over her head would also portray her timid/shy demeanor. Besides, Sarah and Jimmy would probably find their apprentice cuter with her hood on and ears hanging about, so there's that.
Oh yeah, hope you grew to like the idea of Claire being with Sarah and Jimmy up there, as she'll be with them instead. Don't worry, they'll take good care of her; but that doesn't mean they can't have some fun with her, every now and again~. What's all this about apprentices and stuff? This post is your answer, in regards to the upcoming fan comic series. Of course, keep in mind that I also do more ORIGINAL series, so it's not like I'll dedicate every moment of "creative time" to that.
Back to the page itself, I really wish I could've figured out a way to make the colorless outlines match how I envisioned: a tad on the fancier side, but I definitely like the surrounding "oil paint" texture that CS-Art offered. At the very least, I find the "End" text very pretty and satisfyingly done: simple, yet nicely calligraphic. Then again, that IS the form of "pen" I selected, when writing it. Can you believe I also had trouble drawing in a more "chibi" style? Yeah, that's some irony right there: I can easily draw the more "professional" forms of characters, but it's drawing them in smaller/simpler forms that "hard mode" is activated... Eh, practice makes perfect, ja?
I also notice I forgot to add the little chick feet, on the back of Ed's magazine; but let's be honest, it's not really THAT big of a deal. It also looks a little better without the busy back cover, I'd say? As for Sarah's face, in regards to visible angels of things, she's grinning under her mask. Unfortunately, it covers the left side of her face; and she and Jimmy are heading to the RIGHT, therefore their LEFT sides will be toward the audience, in that perspective.
Anyway, I think I've finally figured how to go about comics, thanks to this little and fun fan one-- both to the actual EEnE series, and C2ndy2C1d's awesome AU concept. Seriously, Sarah and Jimmy may scare me to heck and back, as this version of their characters, but I'd be lying if I claimed they (and the other characters) weren't cool. Yep, from now on, it's gonna be: traditional panels (with less being more), handwritten lettering, a colored background for space outside the panels, and somewhat text-fitting bubbles that overlay the panels. Welp, hope you all look forward to future comic works by me, as I've finally found my niche!
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