#it's 3 am❤️ btw
kalashnikovlobotomy · 11 days
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never quite outgrew eachother's hand me downs
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rystiel · 2 months
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he wanted to grow old with jack 😐😐😐😐 even if jack couldn’t grow old with him 😐😐😐😐😐😐
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
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We are livin our liiiivvvveeesss abound with so much informatiooonnnn
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Hello, so I didn’t see anything in you rules about like pregnancy/parenting so just sharing my brain rot, but feel free to delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable!!
But, Smooches, as a little guy obsessed with genetics and science (planning on getting a degree in biology and other human sciences!!!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ (my love for dottore has made me more and more of a deranged scientist…)) I’m just thinking about the Harbingers and how strong/dominant their genes might be…
We’ve only seen one of Childe’s siblings (Teucer) but I imagine in genes are STRONG cause his brother is almost the same as him 😭😭 Like you guys have a kid and they have the same blue eyes and ginger hair as Childe!
I also think it would be funny to have a kid with Dottore. I personally believe his genes are actually pretty recessive, but it’s funny to imagine having a kid with him and they look so similar to him everyone thinks it’s another one of his clones! It’s not until they get older or maybe call Dottore ‘father’ or something that it clicks in everyone’s mind that they’re not a clone!
Also, so many of the Fatui Harbingers have multi-colored hair (Arlecchino, Pantalone, Pierrio, Childe and Scaramouche all having a lighter or darker streak. I assume Columbina’s is dyed?) Just imagine their kid inheriting that!!
Oughh… i know all the harbingers would probably be terrible parents but I wanna be all domestic and lovey with them so bad 😭😭 [📺]
UGH YES THIS IS VERY CUTE,,, I TOO AM THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW! But yeah, I guess I never really thought about it but, you are right they look super alike 😭. (But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised when we meet the rest of Childe's family in Snezhnaya, they all look the same purely because that's what is easiest for HYV 😭)
Having a kid with Childe would be like having a mini him around and he absolutely adores it. It would be funny if you two kept trying to have a mini you, but instead all you got was mini Childes running around the place. 😭 AND DOTTORE 😭 I love that no one realizes it's his actual kid because 1. he's not going out of his way to explain the whole situation and 2. no one is questioning the existence of another blue-haired red-eye rascal. (Though when some people *cough those three particular annoying Harbingers* start to get too close to his kid, his irritation is noticeable.)
I imagine their kid does inherit the hairstreak, but in a different part of their hair 🥹 (Also, Pantalone's and Childe's hair streaks make me WDBAHDABWDW i love it sm. But then again the angst hcs of Pantalone getting the gray streak from using his Delusion make me🥲)
Okay but just hear me out on them being parents!! 😤 Well it's obvious Dottore is... Dottore. He struggles to even be a good husband sometimes, so being a parent is... territory none of us can fathom. But, you know I like to think at the very least, he'll remember how he was treated as a kid when he looks at his child,,, especially if his child looks similar to him. Honestly, he leaves a lot of the actual early parenting to you because well,,, he is Dottore, he does not know how to do these kinds of things, his hands are not meant to raise and love. A lot of the time you have to force him to, and well a lot of the time he spends with his kid is them sitting on his lap while he dumps a lot of scientific facts on his child (trying his best to avoid any unethical ones) Really,, he does love his kid, but the way he shows it well,, will need a lot of work (he has a lot of time to improve though because he'll expand the life span of them as well 😅)
Childe, most obviously, would be a very good father if you ask me. He is a family man, he's taken care of his siblings for a long time, he knows exactly what to do not just for his kid but for you too. Despite how his job may keep him away for periods of time, he spends every ounce of free time that he can give away with his kid!! Pantalone too I think would be good, a lot of it stems from how he struggled a lot as a child and he can never imagine his own child ever going through the same as him,, so i can see him as a pretty good parent :3
See, Pierro has the potential to be a very good parent, however, his job literally consumes all of his time,,, like of course he wants to spend time with his kid! He wants to tell them all about his old home and teach them the history and all! But the Fatui, the Celestia, all of it is far too important for him to spend extended amounts of time with his kid. 💔 And he refuses to let his kid mess up their sleep schedule to spend them with him at ungodly hours of the night... 😭 Capitano, another one who has potential! Unfortunately, as much as you taught him how to be more human and how to love, dealing with a kid is a whole other situation that he has no clue how to navigate,, by all means, he wants to learn, he wants to be a good dad, but it's,, a lot for him. Also scared of hurting his kid because of how tiny they are compared to him,, 😭 When the kid gets older though he starts to settle more in though!
Scaramouche, well, it's canon he's fond of kids! He'll be yelling and insulting everyone else but the minute his kid stumbles into his office all of a sudden he's calm! But with all of his trauma and other stuff going on, he doesn't become a better parent until he becomes Wanderer,, it's then when he really devotes more attention to raising his kid. Also is unconsciously overprotective of his kid because of how he lost the little boy centuries ago, so at least they'll never be in harm's way!
Arlecchino already has experience parenting, though she has work to do in like... the emotional and bonding section. Though she holds her children in the orphanage in a fond light, she still keeps them at arm's length because they are her soldiers... but she loves her kid very much!! Columbina is like, the fun parent, you're the one doing the discipline,, She is the one who loves to dress up your kid,, the one who probably lets them get away not eating their veggies 😭 But she is very very scary when she's mad so your kid knows not to get on her bad side!! Also good at putting the kid to sleep with her singing! Sandrone- well... kind of similar to Dottore. You and her child are the only two people she likes. But she also struggles a lot, and leaves a lot of parenting up to you,, though she and her robots keep a very watchful eye on the kid, she does not want them getting hurt with all the things around her lab! She ends up gaining more confidence when she finds out her kid likes to be in her lab during robot rides 🥹 Signora, I can also see being a pretty good parent! She just gives that vibe! I like to think she also has somewhat of a soft spot for kids! She loves taking care of her kid and watching them grow up :3
(Good luck with pursuing your degree btw! All of that sounds quite cool and I wish you all the best :3)
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viicrows · 1 year
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i like him a normal amount (lie)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
i just wanna say i am way more excited for the miami chapter of your piarles kissing fic than i was for the whole of the race 😭 the first two chapters were so good i love charles being delusional and thinking they're ""just kissing"" 🤭
HI DARLING!! 😍 oh my gosh, thank you so much for this ask, you are actually the sweetest 🥺🥰 and i appreciate this so so much! i'm so sorry for the delay in both replying AND writing (i'm the worst, i know, i know) but i finally have the good news for you that the chapter has officially been started 👀 and should be up before (what would've been) the imola weekend, hopefully 💗 thank you again for this wonderful ask! MWAH
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i just wanted to let you know that every time i talk to blathers it reminds me of you, and with great warmth at that! Sending thoughts of softness and care <3
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carmeloffie · 2 years
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hell world…..
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aashiqvi · 1 year
Guys not to vent over a small thing but
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charlespecco · 2 years
I'm new to motogp (sarted 2 seasons ago) and really vibed with pecco from the get go (does that rime? lol sorry). super happy he won and FROM THAT DEFICIT 🥶 but I've more never really looked into any riders personal lives or anything. he's duis and the helmet that supported that daer... idk how to not let that get in the way of enjoying his win. how do you do it?
I mean… Both of those things aren’t good and I make no excuses for them obviously! But also I’m not his lawyer and enjoying someone as a sportsperson/artist/what have you doesn’t mean you agree with and support 100% of their actions, you know? Like especially with athletes I find that these are people that live in such a completely different world to me or anyone I know that I really don’t expect like… Moral purity and perfection from them, you know? Every person I know, even ones I love very much, has made stupid decisions or even huge mistakes so how could these rich, sheltered people who ultimately, to various degrees, do live in a bubble, never get anything wrong? He fucked up, the way people tend to do. It was bad and I truly hope it shook him and he learnt from it, I’ll never defend him over things like this, but I don’t expect people I admire to be perfect because no one is. Same goes for the helmet. I don’t think this white male professional athlete spends a tonne of time looking into things like that. I don’t think any of them do. Again, does that make it okay? Of course not. I’ve followed him since before either of these things and I’m not going to just scrap all that the moment he makes a misstep, much as I wish he hadn’t done it. I think there are several people on the grid (and in F1, in football, in other things that people become fans of) that have been in similar situations. Which doesn’t make it better - but it’s something we’re all dealing with to some degree as fans, because someone becoming well-known and gaining a following for doing something well doesn’t change the fact that they’re a person that is bound to fuck something up at some point in their life, same as anyone else - all it changes is the level of scrutiny. These dudes going fast on bikes doesn’t stop them from being complex human beings who will make mistakes. What it comes down to for me is, I love the way he works, love the way he speaks about and cherishes his team, how respectful he is of his rivals, how loved he is by his friends. He’s a Ducati rider and I’m so happy to see them succeed as a team and constructor, too. They’ve worked so hard to get here after such a long time and the way Pecco never once lost hope this season is beautiful to me. Fundamentally, I fully believe he isn’t a bad person. He isn’t perfect either and I’ll be the first to say it (emotional hyperbole in tumblr tags aside), but good people fuck up too.
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"he's enforcing the fake dating trope except it's a hostage situation" how does it feel being the funniest person alive
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if you're not careful, im going to kiss you on the lips for real..........................
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nyamcot · 1 year
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kraftykelpie · 2 years
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Cadance and Shining Armor my beloved
Also including Shining Armor used conditioner for the first time and his hair is really pretty, Cadance is very excited to say "i told him to do that" with a cute little smile on her face everytime someone compliments it. Also including my ideation for how Cadance's hair normally is. I didn't like her hairstyle in the show :/ (other than the little sworls in it :) )
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gayhoediaz · 4 months
me having to explain ✨very basic✨ information about my medication to my own psychiatrist
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waloeders · 8 months
and back to sleipnir n barnabas thoughts bc we are on LOCKDOWN 24/7!!! it is always them o clock oml,,,
#jupiter.speaks#❤️.sleipnir#>taggin him bc. i am havin so many thots abt how we interact when we first meet!!!!!#> like we first meet when barny escapes the hideaway n well. kidnaps me to the reverie (in waloed)#> n once there barny summons sleip while he tries to summon ultima for answers to his Qs#> so initially hes like. 😒 i dont like u. the only reason ur alive is cuz HM wants u to be#> but durin the ultima mini fight sleip does get 'killed' (he cant die unless barny does) so next time he sees kos is like.#> kinda funny actually right so. barny is now like oh so yeah we're in the hideaway again. watch over this guy u dont like just in case?#> n slowly we warm up to each other. hes kinda sassy mean at first but thankfully. i am autistic and can be just as sassy mean too >:3#> /lh btw shbdjdjdj i just love chatting w him n listen when he rambles too. n i dont think he often gets the chance to!#> sleip: n that is why i think humanity sucks. but i guess ultima sucks more now. so we hate him? kos: ...close enough. yeah. sure!#> i think the dynamic is very much. we bounce off each other. whereas barny n sleip just know what each other r thinkin/wantin#> n barny n kos are like. loving but they take time to warm up to each other? like theres a lot more growing n 'am i annoyin him' from kos#> which doesnt happen as much w sleip. their vibes r just too similar for it ehehe#> wow this was info dump. enjoy :3#❤️.barnabas#👤.kosmos#> since i ended up talkin abt all of them in tags gosh
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55szn · 2 months
reckless - ln4
lando norris x verstappen!singer!reader smau
summary a sliiiight misunderstanding caused by yn made max go mad and almost commit murder warnings cursing fc sabrina carpenter taglist @jaydaaasworld notes requested!🌷 i’ve been dying to get to this request but i’ve had no time and no inspiration 😭 hope you like it!
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liked by lilymhe, maxverstappen1 and 1.957.181 others
ynverstappen abt last week ! btw “reckless” is officially out <3
tagged maxverstappen1
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user no lando pic, no lando like, promoting reckless, not denying the allegations. i’m afraid it’s truly over
user i’m a child of divorce
user the pic with max tho😭
user he’s such an older brother🙏🏻
user i’m legit so sad over this
maxverstappen1 😊
user 😊 = “the body is buried”
user lando i love you but i’m choosing mum’s side on the divorce
lilymhe my beautiful girl😍
ynverstappen love u lils see u on sunday 💘
user HUH??????
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liked by ynverstappen, carlossainz55 and 2.181.021 others
landonorris when you spend a few days away without a phone and your lovely girlfriend lets everyone believe you’re an asshole and suddenly you’re the internet’s most hated person and you have death threats in your messages 🙃
tagged ynverstappen, maxverstappen1
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user HELLOOOOO???????
maxverstappen1 not funny. didn’t laugh
landonorris i second that
maxverstappen1 don’t second me i’m still mad at you
landonorris I. DIDN’T. DO. ANYTHING.
ynverstappen i love you please forgive me🥺
landonorris no
landonorris okay just because you’re like really hot
ynverstappen well that was easy
ynverstappen posting that last pic is evil tho i showed you that in confidence.
landonorris is what you deserve
maxverstappen1 what was with you and those glasses
ynverstappen it was a phase max move on🙄
carlossainz55 you almost needed bodyguards to walk around the paddock😂😂
maxverstappen1 at least he knows not to mess around now
landonorris i didn’t intend to who do you think i am mate cmon
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liked by landonorris, carmenmmundt and 2.178.181 others
ynverstappen yes we are still together no max didn’t murder him
tagged landonorris
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maxverstappen1 i tried to
landonorris dude😞
landonorris i love but you almost got me killed love
ynverstappen the price you gotta pay❤️
user i don’t understand what happened here 😭
user right like what does “reckless” even mean
ynverstappen it’s a song i wrote years ago about someone very shitty, found it a few weeks ago and decided to retake it and release it :D
user girl why didn’t you clarify it wasn’t about lando since the beginning 😭
ynverstappen chaos is my fuel
user you are evil.
landonorris she is.
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