#it's 2AM and i can't take any more squinting at these squiggles
kaerik · 5 months
All of Hell's layout shots from Edwin's journal, in order
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Heya! I needed to take some screenshots for reference when writing a fic, so I thought it'd be nice to share :)
(Under the cut I've added everything I could make out in the writtings)
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"LAYERS OF HELL" across two pages. These are based on Dante's Inferno, the first part of Divine Comedy, and the nine circles of hell. (Shout out to my friend who helped me with the 10 "rooms" of Fraud <3)
Left page:
- Vestibule (unnumbered, right on top of Limbo, referring to the staircase)
I - Limbo
II - Lust
III - Gluttony
IV - Avarice
V - Wrath
VI - Heresy
VII - Violence
VIII - Fraud
IX - Treachery
- There are 10 "rooms" described between Violence and Fraud, referring to the 10 trenches of the eight circle of hell (Fraud) and numbered as such.
Room I reads: whipped.
Room II reads: covered in excrement.
Room III reads: flipped (?) feet set on fire.
Room IV reads: encased(?) in boiled pitch.
Room V reads: head turned backwards.
Room VI reads: wear lead robes.
Room VII reads: snake(?) pit turn(?) into snake.
Room VIII reads: (?) big flames.
Room IX reads: (?) -> quality is too low to tell; considering the trench of which it is based on, probably along the lines of 'mangled', 'mutilated', 'maimed', etc
Room X reads: leprosy, hungry(?), dark.
Right page:
- Endless staircase
- "UPPER HELL" encompassing layers I to IV.
Beside layers III and IV, read: heavy labour(?), everyone in your way
- "LOWER HELL" encompassing layers V to IX.
Beside layers VI and VII, read: trapped, impaled, submerged in blood. Beside layer VIII, read: snake pit, gain human form by biting other humans. Beside layer IX, read: frozen + stuck + chewed on
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Left page:
Right page:
- "DO NOT RING" is crossed out near a bell. Dashed line points to where the bell is on the room.
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Left page:
- Arrow pointing to the claw machine, referencing the passage behind it. Note reads: Back to Doll House. No.
- Circle on the bottom right, just above a door: Wrong way. AVARICE. Everything too heavy.
Right page:
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