#it's 3:21 AM so i sort of finished this in a hurry lol but here's your ficlet!
syn4k · 2 years
May I request something on dragons? -V
Between the written lines of legends, a harrowed man walked.
He'd been many things before- wayfarer, narrator, even a king in the lands where the stars wore thin -but this time, he was searching for something small. A singular phrase slipped into a paragraph, perhaps, or an allusion to a greater event in the stanzas of a hymn.
Pixl A. Riffs was looking for dragons.
In the universes where he walked alone, he seldom ventured to the End to complete the task that wrapped up the loose ends that comprised the universe's canon, preferring the hard truths and easier lies of the other two realms.
But when he did, more likely in the presence of others, they knew him as the man who tamed dragons.
Tonight, huddled up against an electric lamp for warmth, he was searching the reams of words at his fingertips for evidence of those nicknames.
He had lived those events, of course. Breathed them, died in some of them, gotten their black blood on his hands and shoulders and all over his blade until he was practically swimming in the residue of a very old thing.
(He wasn't proud of it, of course. But it had to be done.)
What wasn't important, to him at least, was the death. Death is eternal and mundane. It's everywhere. It did not gain him his title.
The thing that did was the rebirth.
Picture now, if you will, a man placing hair's-trigger crystals with the utmost caution on the leylines of the four cardinal directions in the middle of that unbreakable pillar that anchors the worlds. He steps back and watches them construct bones and skin and teeth, muscle and membrane, all in midair.
And the Dragon is reborn.
This time, it is wary, not immediately turned to aggression. It has only known violence. It's all it ever was raised to expect, from what the universe whispered in its ear during its conception.
But Pixl does not fight it. Instead, he walks up to it slowly, avoiding the great snapping maw, and instead of scarring its face with a sword, he reaches up and gently pats it instead.
Kindness where there could be aggression.
(The difference lies in the choice, of course. Pix knows this.)
Ah, there it is. Lines of verse. Not easily translatable, but what can be salvaged is this:
the dragon days, they come again / hands of heart and hearts of men
to slay the mighty is their fate / but some choose kindness o'er hate
He sighed and turned off the lamp. It was 3am. A good day's work, and hours of searching for this one little snippet, but he desperately needed sleep.
Ah, well. There was always tomorrow, wasn't there?
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gonefanfic · 4 years
(most of my) writing updates beginning May 8 2014 (as found on my Lunaescence profile (afaik no one reads AO3 profiles, so I don’t post on it). I had just started updating after about at least five years iirc. I didn’t start recording these updates until May 8, but they actually began whenever I added chapter 2 to both of these fics (Dec 2013 or Jan 2014), which I had culled down most of the bad original writing (including the entirety of chapters past ch. 1) from in the years before.
Writing Updates: May 8/14- Insanity and BnF both had chapter six added April/24/14, and are now approved (May 4 and 8) May 18/14- Both sevens have rewritten, completed, uploaded, and are awaiting approval. July 28/14- Sevens both approved and posted. Aug 6/14- Working on typing the eights. Taking my time a bit since the queue's closed. Aug 20/14- Now that I note the queue is open, I'm hurrying up again. Insanity 8 is almost done, I'm not sure where I want to put the chapter break. It's over 1000 words but I wanted to cover more plot than I have. Working on BnF 8 now, expect to upload this weekend. Aug 21/14- BNF 8 finished (3220 words) and uploaded, so here's hoping I didn't screw it up and it goes through. Insanity I'm still not sure where to end, but will be uploaded soon. Chapter 9 of BNF is plotted on paper. Aug 28/14- Insanity 8 is very nearly ready for uploading.  Around 2700 words, just needs to be wrapped up, which I'm not doing at 2:30am on a weekday. Plus, giving the mods some spacing what with the rush right now and stuff. Sept 9/14- BNF 8 is up and readable Sept 22/14- I've been sick. I'll try to get updates done for both stories soon. I'm having second thoughts on what's done so far in Insanity 8, which is why it didn't end up just wrapping up and getting posted. Sept 23/14- Insanity 8 is uploaded, awaiting approval. Starting the 9s today. Oct 9/14- Somewhat unexpectedly I am moving, so that will slow down the next uploads. Nov 21/14- Moved in, internet, etc, and not completely buried in stuff, and so BnF 9 is written and has been uploaded. Assuming no grievous errors on my part, it should be approved within a couple weeks. Insanity's 9 has only begun. Nov 26/14- Insanity Ch. 9 is at about 2000/2500 words, so it should be uploaded to await approval within a couple days. Dec 17/14- Validated! Awesome, except that now I'm the only one to blame for slow updates. Dec 22/14- Insanity 9 is finally up, working on both 10s. Feb 12/15- BNF 10 is up Nov 17/15- BNF 11 is uploaded Dec 1/15- BNF 12 is uploaded Dec 2/15- Insanity 10 is framed and started, BNF 13 is framed Dec 3/15- Insanity 10 is uploaded. Insanity 11 is somewhat planned. Dec 17/15- Started a Mushishi one shot. 540 words of probably 2-3k. Dec 29/15- Added further plans for BNF and Insanity's upcoming chapters Dec 30/15 Started a Hellsing one shot, planned an Inuyasha one, and started BNF 13 Dec 31/15- Insanity 11 is started. Jan 4/16- BNF 13 completed and posted, 14 is written. Jan 5/16- BNF 14 edited and posted Jan 7/16- BNF 15 started. Jan 23/16- Insanity 11 is posted Feb 15/16- Insanity 12 is started. 1200 words so far, expect 2.0-3.5k total Apr 18/16- [2am] Insanity 12 is up. BNF 15 will be next up Apr 18/16- [morning] BNF 15 is completed and up. Ins 13 and BNF 16 vaguely planned. Working on Hellsing fic as a refresher. Apr 18/16- [evening] I'm very excited by my Hellsing fic, currently at 3000+ words. Apr 18/16- [late late] Hellsing fic complete [6600ish words] awaiting editing and optional epilogue. This was a very accomplished day. Apr 20/16- Hellsing fic (Wingates Manor) complete and up at 7100 words May 9/16- BNF 16 written and posted. ~1500 words. Insanity 13 started May 12/16- Insanity 13 is 2100/3000ish words. Need to review some material to write Izumi. Starting BNF 17 while I find that. Aug 18/16- Insanity 13 edited and posted Aug 19/16- One shot Gravity Falls drabble written and posted Aug 24/16- BNF Chapter 17 written and posted Jan 27/17- Been on Lunaescence for 10 years! Mar 14/17- Updates for BnF and Insanity written in anticipation of Lunaescence launching. Started Insanity ch. 15 Mar 15/17- Luna is back! Mar 15/17- Various continuity/time corrections for Insanity and BnF. Hoping to upload new chapters, but getting an error. Mar 16/17- Various errors sorted out and both BNF and Insanity are updated Mar 17/17- Realized I've been on Luna for over ten years May 3/17- Worked on Insanity ch. 15 and better tied it together. ~2000 words now, will either be a little longer if I split it, or a lot longer if I fit the next piece into the same chapter. Jan 22/18 - Wrote and uploaded Insanity chapter 16 Nov 18/18 - Wrote short chapter 17 (~800 words) to Ins, uploaded to Ao3 Nov 19/18 - Reformatted and uploaded Ins chapter 17 to Luna Nov 20/18 - Insanity ch. 18 written (~2100 words) and uploaded Dec 2/19 - Insanity ch. 19 written and uploaded to AO3 Dec 4/19 - Insanity ch. 20 started Dec 5/19 - Insanity ch. 19 reformatted and uploaded to Luna Dec 5/19 - Insanity ch. 20 written and uploaded to AO3 and Luna Dec 5/19 - Insanity ch. 21 plotted, first sentences down Feb 13/20 - BNF ch. 19 completed and posted to AO3 Feb 20/20 - Insanity ch. 21 completed and posted to AO3 Apr 24/20 - BNF ch. 20 completed and posted to AO3 Apr 27/20 -  BNF chs. 19 and 20, plus Insanity ch. 21, reformatted and posted to Luna. Worked on Ins ch. 22 Apr 29/20 - Finished and uploaded Insanity ch. 22. Started Insanity 23 Sep 21/20 - Started BNF ch. 21 Sep 22/20 - Finished BNF ch. 21 Sep 23/20 - Proofread and formatted BNF ch. 21, uploaded to Luna and AO3 Sep 24/20 - Completed, edited, uploaded Insanity ch. 23 to Luna and AO3 Sep 25/20 - (will probably remove after next update is added) immediately willing to continue both stories but very very tired and hoping to have the effort on the 17th or 28th (lol watch that not happen) Sep 27/20 - started BNF ch. 22 and Insanity ch. 24, both in the hundreds of words Sep 29/20 - started Fruits Basket fanfic (untitled, transmasc readerxayame), finished and uploaded BNF ch. 22, started BNF ch. 23. finished Insanity ch. 24, but need to edit, especially for repetitious language. Sep 30/20 - realized I spelled 'colonel' wrong almost every time throughout the entirety of Insanity ('colonol') and manually corrected both uploads (here and AO3). Edited and uploaded Insanity Ch. 24 and made notes for Ch. 25. Worked on BNF Ch. 23. Finished ch. 1 of Ayame fic, but waiting to make some buffer before uploading. Oct 1/20 - [2am] finished and uploaded BNF Ch. 23. please note the author's note is not working Oct 2/20 - [~1am] Standardized spellings and italics use for swords 'Jyakotsutō' and 'Banryū' in BNF. Added umlauts to 'führer' throughout Insanity. Started work on chapters 24 and 25, respectively. Oct 3/20 - [~1am] Worked on BNF ch. 25. Started ch.2 of Ayame fic. Oct 4/20 - [am] Wrote much (half? two thirds? one third?) of Insanity ch. 25. super horny chapter, already noting new chapter/story warnings. Also worked on ch. 2 of Ayame fic (still not uploading ch. 1 yet) Oct 4/20 - [late] Worked on BNF ch. 24. Oct 5/20 - [2am] Completed and uploaded Insanity ch. 25. Read the warnings. Oct 5/20 - Completed Ayame fic ch. 2. Still need a title and the will to upload Oct 6/20 - Wrote the first five parts of 31 Day Horror House challenge. Oct 7/20 - Caught up with 31 Day Horror House (days 6 and 7 written) Oct 8/20 - [am] Continued BNF ch. 24, started Insanity ch. 26 and Ayame fic ch. 3. Oct 8/20 - [pm] Continued all active stories, wrote and uploaded day 8 of halloween challenge. Oct 9/20 - [am] completed Ayame fic ch. 3 Oct 9/20 [pm] completed day 9 of Horror House challenge Oct 10/20 - completed day 10 of Horror House challenge Oct 11/20 - completed day 11 of Horror House challenge Oct 12/20 - completed day 12 of Horror House challenge Oct 13/20 - Completed day 13 of Horror House challenge. Made Insanity and Ayame notes Oct 14/20 - finished this day of halloween challenge. Nearly completed BNF ch. 24 and a good amount of Ayame fic (but Aya fic may need a lot of editing) Oct 15/20 - finished and uploaded Horror House 15 and BNF 24. Worked on Ayame fic (no longer really bothering to mark chapters) Oct 16/20 - 31 Day Horror House 16 up, lots of Ayame fic, some of Insanity ch. 26 Oct 17/20 - Horror House 17 up Oct 18/20 - [2am] added about 1000 words to Ayame fic Oct 19/20 - wrote/posted horror house 19. wrote a few hundred words to all fics. Oct 20/20 - wrote/posted horror house 20 Oct 21/20 - wrote/posted horror house 21 and touched on Insanity ch. 26 Oct 22/20 - wrote/posted horror house 22 Oct 23/20 - wrote half of horror house 23 Oct 24/20 - finished and posted horror house 23, wrote/posted horror house 24, and did some work on Insanity ch. 26 Oct 25/20 - wrote and posted 31 day horror house chapter 25. It's short, sorry. Oct 26/20 - wrote and posted 31 day horror house chapter 26 and 27. now episodes will be posted so they can be read on the correct day, instead of at the end of or after that day Oct 28/20 - [2am] wrote and posted 31 day horror house, chapter 28. Oct 29/20 -[1am] write and posted day 29 of horror house, longest chapter yet Oct 30/20 - [2am] wrote and posted chapter 30 of horror house. Oct 31/20 - [2am] wrote and posted ch. 31, completing 31 Day Horror House. Nov 5/20 - some longer progress made on BNF 25, finally. some work on Ayame fic and Insanity 26. Nov 6/20 - worked on BNF ch. 25 and Insanity ch 26. Nov 7/20 - worked on BNF ch. 25 and some Ayame fic Nov 9/20 - worked on BNF ch. 25 Nov 10/20 - worked on BNF ch. 25 and Insanity ch. 26 Nov 17/20 - worked on BNF. Aware I missed noting some of the days this week that I worked on Ins, BNF, and Ayame fic, but don't remember them so can't add notation now. Nov 18/20 - (and Nov 19 early am) worked on Ins, BNF, and Ayame fic. Posted Ins ch. 26. Nov 19/20 - worked on BNF. Nearing 4000 word chapter (ch. 25), but no good places to split it so it is what it is. Nov 21/20 - [2am] completed and uploaded BNF ch. 25
0 notes
fenren · 8 years
Omega Vampire Trial Video Translations
edit: if you want to read slightly better translations + video, use this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94mC7_ji7lw) it’s a private video so you’ll need this link to view it. Make sure you turn on CC (closed captions).
Ok I feel terrible that I left this on the back burner for so long and it’s STILL technically on my to-do list...So it turns out that shoving subtitles onto videos using whatever default program apple products come with (i don’t even remember the application’s name lol) is tedious and time consuming.
I decided to just put the translations out there. You’ll have to follow along with the video, but I did include timestamps (which actually make the text look 10x uglier but it would take too long to remove them).
This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHSAV-VxPg
If there are weirdly worded phrases (mostly having to do with the weird hard on Keiichi gets in the beginning) then that’s because I was going to give it one last edit as I was putting the subs on the video. I’m still planning on finishing the subs someday, but if you don’t want to wait here are the first few scenes of the game.
0:11 - I fell to the floor from all my twisting and turning. - 0:13
0:14 - I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the bed in my room. - 0:17
0:18 - Phew……A dream, huh……what an unpleasant one. - 0:25
0:26 - I thought I was going to get killed……I’m glad I’m alive…… - 0:30
0:31 - Still, to have dreamed such a thing…… - 0.35
0:36 - When my hand drifted down to touch my abdomen……it was wet. - 0:38
0:39 - Ahh……great……isn’t that kind of extreme……Is it sexual frustration? - 0:50
0:51 - No, no, I’m a man. Why would I get sexually frustrated from a dream? Normally, doesn’t it just...happen? - 0:59
1:01 - It couldn’t be desire? No, no way! I am a healthy, average, normal guy…… - 1:07
1:08 - As I muttered, I ended up fixing my sight on the photograph of my family that adorned the top of my desk. - 1:11
1:15 - Having lost both my parents, I now lived alone, but……we had always been a little different from normal families. - 1:18
1:19 - Both of my parents were men. Having two fathers……is commonly referred to as a ‘Double Papa Family’……It’s a rare sort of family. - 1:22
1:23 - Why such a thing happened……people who are aware of it think that they know, but that is an explanation for another time. - 1:25
1:26 - I’m Moriya Keiichi……I live in Yokohama and am probably what you would consider a normal student. A poor one. - 1:27
1:29 - I worry my relatives by living alone, but as long as I’m not too extravagant, I can support myself with a part time job. - 1:32
1:33 - Several years have passed since the Tokyo Olympics swept across Japan. - 1:35
1:36 - This morning, we will be asking Mr. Aoi Setsuna, from the Aoi Pharmaceuticals research laboratory, a few questions. Good morning. - 1:43
1:44 - Good morning. 1:46
1:47 - Ooh, it’s Aoi-senpai! He’s calm and composed, and looks great on TV, too. - 1:52
1:54 - Aoi-senpai also lived in Yokohama. We once went to the same school, where he was my senpai. - 1:57
1:58 - On top of that, he was also my senpai at my parttime job at a fast food place called ‘Yo Burger’. He was always conscientious when he taught me the ropes. How nostalgic…… - 2:02
2:03 - Seeing an acquaintance of mine on TV was a rare experience. I was glued to the screen without even noticing that I was doing so. - 2:07
2:09 - Please tell us how Aoi Laboratory’s artificial human blood, EX-BLOOD, is different from the other artificial bloods. - 2:14
2:15 - Yes, of course. Across the world, EX-BLOOD is the most in demand at this moment. - 2:21
2:22 - It is compatible with ABO, Rh+, and Rh-, which are of course the rarest blood types…… - 2:30
2:31 - Are those guys bullying an omega again?……Guess it’s inevitable. - 2:36
2:37 - Yeah……Same as always……Poor guy. - 2:41
2:42 - Isn’t anyone going to stop them...? - 2:44
2:45 - (Fuwatari’s arms are bruised again……) - 2:49
2:51 - Gōsawa’s family was in a so-called ‘anti-social’ organization*, and Gōsawa himself was not only strong in stature, but also had an imposing attitude. - 2:54
2:55 - He stole money from the weakest students. I heard that rumor far too many times. - 2:57
2:59 - Poor Fuwatari. But just the thought of catching the eye of Gōsawa and his group was scary. - 3:02
3:03 - (Gōsawa doesn’t look it, but he’s an alpha……They say if you anger him even once, he’ll beat you up in punishment any number of times……) - 3:09
3:10 - (No one will say anything……Us betas are afraid of making enemies out of the alphas.) - 3:15
3:17 - So I thought…… - 3:19
3:20 - Hey. I’ve been thinking, you know, that friends shouldn’t lend and borrow money like this, so cut it out. - 3:27
3:28 - T-Tani!? Y-you…… - 3:30
3:31 - Unable to just look on, I approached Tani and Gōsawa. - 3:34
3:35 - What. Oh, Tani, huh. Don’t butt into our group’s conversation. This is our business, got it? - 3:45
3:46 - This has nothing to do with your ‘group’. If a classmate of mine is doing something like that, it is my business! - 3:51
3:53 - Huh? Well if it isn’t Moriya……What’re you doing in a place like this? That Aoi guy not with you? - 4:02
4:03 - G-Gōsawa……You have blood on your clothes…… - 4:07
4:08 - So what? Weren’t you scared stiff just before? - 4:15
4:16 - That’s right, but……Gōsawa. How, that blood…? - 4:21
4:22 - Heh, I fell. - 4:25
4:27 - R-really…? - 4:29
4:30 - Persistent aren’t you. Friends trust each other……Moriya, you don’t trust your friends? - 4:38
4:39 - (Us, friends…? No way…!) - 4:43
4:44 - At that moment, a face appeared in the building’s stairwell…… - 4:47
4:48 - Moriya-kun…… - 4:50
4:51 - Fuwatari….!? 4:52
4:53 - I saw Fuwatari, all covered in bruises and just barely able to walk. - 4:55
4:56 - So Gōsawa was abusing Fuwatari…! I instantly went white with fear. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. - 5:00
5:01 - A-are you okay? What happened to you…? - 5:04
5:05 - It’s fine……So please, stop it…… - 5:10
5:11 - It’s a given you can’t do anything, so please don’t get yourself involved with me halfway again…!! - 5:16
5:19 - It’s not as if you can possibly understand how I feel! You, who were born normal! - 5:25
5:26 - Fuwatari…… - 5:27
5:28 - I could hear both his rejection and a desperate plea for help in that scream. 5:31
5:32 - ‘I want to run away from here……I want someone to save me.’ I felt the same way. But… - 5:35
5:37 - (If Tani was here, he definitely...definitely wouldn’t abandon Fuwatari….) - 5:41
5:42 - (Even if the odds were slim, you would be sure to carry out what you think is just…!) - 5:47
5:49 - ……And is that right!? Kei-chan, what do you want to do!? - 5:54
5:56 Ha!…….Without Tani here, you can’t do a thing, can you? Moriya. - 6:01
6:03 - Gōsawa….did you give Fuwatari those bruises? - 6:06
6:08 - It wasn’t me, okay? ‘Cause we’re friends. Isn’t that right…? - 6:14
6:17 - That’s a lie, isn’t it!? Those bruises…We have to call an ambulance...! - 6:21
6:22 - Hey, it’s fine, isn’t it. Just hurry up and go home… - 6:25
6:27 - I was already dialing 119 on my smartphone. I really wanted to run away, but if I did, I would regret it for the rest of my life…! - 6:31
6:32 - (Sorry...this is the best I’m able to do right now….) - 6:36
6:37 - Hello….um, someone fell and got hurt...we’re near the Motomachi Cosmos Building. - 6:42
6:43 - Hey...is this guy really calling an ambulance…!? - 6:46
6:48 - Hey, you bastard! Don’t go doing whatever you please! You wanna get killed, Moriya? - 6:52
6:53 - Gosawa and Hayashi ran at me, hands clenched into fists, at the same time. - 6:55
6:57 - (Oh no, I’ve gotta get away…!) - 6:59
7:00 - I kicked off the ground at at full speed...There was no time to look back. - 7:03
7:04 - I ran desperately, but….even at full strength, Gosawa and Hayashi would probably catch up to me soon. - 7:07
7:09 - Still, I ran as fast as I could without a care…… - 7:11
7:12 - But, in the next moment… - 7:15
7:17 - A dump truck’s dazzling lights entered my field of vision……. - 7:20
7:21 - Everything moved in slow motion, and my thoughts were calm…. - 7:24
7:25 - The dump truck, which came flying out from a side road, was coming straight at me. - 7:28
*If I remember correctly, ‘anti-social organizations’ is the sort of official legal term for yakuza groups.
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