#it's Been 7 Days I'm Sure Her Doin That Just Didn't Hurt her
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It's Always Been You (Reader's Version)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x F!Reader
Summary: What if Michael went to his best friend (Reader) during the events of Season 2 Episode 7 instead of Amanda coming to him?
Warnings/Tags: Friends to Lovers, PWP, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, spoilers for season 2 of Kin, American attempting to write an Irish dialect
Word Count: ~3500
A/N: I've joined everyone in Mikey Brainrot Land! Expect more from me featuring Mikey (including a Mikey PoV of this fic) soon!
Fuckin' hell, what a day, Y/F/N Y/L/N thought as she poured herself a very large glass of wine and sat on her sofa. She had been shouted at by one patient at the hospital where she worked, hit on by another, and accused of trying to exsanguinate a third when she had sent a nurse in for a blood draw.
She had just opened the book she had settled down to read when her doorbell rang. Of course.
She opened the door and couldn't help but smile when she saw who was standing in her doorway -- her best friend of over twenty years, Michael Kinsella. "Mikey, hi."
Michael rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "Hey, Y/N. Can I come in?"
Y/N stepped out of the doorway. "Yeah, of course."
She shut the door behind Michael. "Can I get ya a drink? Water, tea… juice?"
Michael smiled sadly. "Beer?"
Y/N's eyebrows raised. Michael rarely imbibed after getting out of prison, so Y/N knew there was probably something serious going on. "Sure. Make yerself comfortable."
She went to her kitchen, popping open two beers before heading into her living room, pleased to see that Michael had taken his shoes off. Plannin' on stayin' a while, then. Good.
She handed him one of the beers then set the other one down before picking up her glass of wine and sitting beside him on the sofa. "Talk ta me, Mikey. What's goin' on?"
Michael drained half of the bottle before speaking. "Bren's been sniffin' 'round Anna."
Y/N sucked in a breath. Unfortunately she knew first-hand about Michael's father's predatory ways. "Did ya tell her about him?"
Michael sighed. "I tried, but she just accused me of tryin' ta keep her from tha family and I got angry and shouted at her, then I left."
Y/N took a long sip of wine. She loved her goddaughter, she really did, but she knew Anna was still angry at Michael and wouldn't want to listen to anything her father said. "Want me ta talk ta her? She might actually listen ta her Auntie Y/N."
Michael drained the rest of his beer and picked up the other bottle, then took another drink. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd appreciate tha'. I'm not exactly on the best terms with her right now."
Y/N reached out and gave Michael's hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry yer having such a rough go of it, Mikey."
Michael scoffed and took another long drink of his beer. "Oh, that's not even half of it. I called Molly afterward, then when she didn't answer I went to the chemist's to see her."
Y/N's heart clenched. She had to admit it hurt that after fighting with Anna the first person Michael had wanted to talk to hadn't been Y/N, but Molly. He hadn't been seeing her long but he seemed pretty taken with her already. "Mmm."
Michael sighed. "I didn't see her so I asked after her, and tha chemist told me she was off for tha next month." 
Y/N tilted her head curiously. "She went on holiday and didn't tell ya?"
Michael shook his head. "She's off on her weddin' and honeymoon."
Y/N gasped. That definitely hadn't been what she was expecting Michael to say. "Tha' fuckin' bitch, I'll fuckin' kill her."
Michael gently grabbed her arm as she went to stand. "Nah, no need to be goin' doin' tha'. I'm grand."
Y/N sat back down. "No you're fuckin' not, Michael, otherwise ya wouldn't be sittin' on my sofa puttin' away beer like it's fuckin'  water right now."
Michael shook his head with a chuckle. "No, no yer right, I'm not, but I will be." 
Y/N's heart broke for him. "I'm so sorry, Mikey."
"Ah, don't go worrying yer pretty little head about me." Michael shrugged then moved a stray piece of hair from Y/N's face, his touch lingering on her cheek. "I'll be fine, darlin'. Not the first time I've slept with a married woman -- or in this case, engaged."
Y/N fought to keep her eyes from fluttering closed. She had fought against her feelings for Michael ever since they had met as teenagers. But he hadn't seemed interested in her in that way at the time and then Y/N had been busy with university, and by the time she was done with her schooling Michael had already had an affair with Amanda then married Alison and had Anna, and after that… well. He had spent 8 years away.
Y/N had also recently heard whisperings of Michael and Amanda possibly rekindling their affair, but had dismissed it after Michael had recently mentioned asking the pretty clerk at the chemist's out on a date.
She sat back, draining the last of her glass of wine.
Michael's brow furrowed. "You alrigh'?"
"Oh yeah, I'm grand," Y/N said, giving him a nudge in order to distract him from her flustered state.
She stood. "Another ale?"
Michael shook his head. "Ah, I probably shouldn't. Got ta' walk home."
"You can stay here tonight, ya know." Y/N headed towards the kitchen to pour herself another glass of wine. "You're always welcome."
"Ya sure I won't be a bother?" Michael asked. 
Y/N grabbed another beer for Michael and headed back into her living room. "Nah, of course not. Ya never are a bother, Mikey, you know tha'. The guest room is always open."
She handed Michael his beer and sat back down next to him. "'Sides, you can keep me from going out and doing something stupid, like slashing that little slag's tires or settin' her house on fire."
Michael chuckled. "I really didn't get far enough in ta where I knew where she lives."
"Fuckin' lucky for her then." Y/N took a sip of wine. "Anna will be okay, ya know that, right Mikey?"
Michael shook his head. and took a sip of his beer. "I'm just tryin' ta protect her, Y/N." 
Y/N studied him. "Just from Bren or from the rest of yer family too?"
Michael sighed. "I don't know. Both, I guess? I just… I don't want this for her, I -- after what happened ta Jamie I can't lose her too. I can't lose another child ta this life."
Y/N's heart broke all over again. "Ya won't, Mikey. Ya won't, because ya have me protectin' her. I love her like she was me own and I love you, ya know I'd die before I let anythin' happen to either of ya."
Michael looked down at the floor, silently contemplating something. "Y/N?"
Michael opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it, then opened it again, then after another moment of hesitation he cupped Y/N's chin in his hand and pressed his lips to hers, quickly moving his hand from her chin to the side of her neck as he kissed her again.
Y/N sucked in a shaky breath as Michael leaned back. Did that just fuckin' happen?
She opened her mouth, her eyes flitting across Michael's face as he looked at her as if he was waiting for her to slap him.
Before she could second-guess herself, she cupped Michael's face in her hands and pressed her lips back to his, pouring 20+ years of pent-up feelings into the kiss.
Michael responded quickly, shifting to lean Y/N back onto the sofa as he took control. "How long, pet?" he murmured against her lips.
Y/N gasped in a breath as Michael trailed hot kisses across her neck, his beard scratching deliciously against her skin. "Mikey, please…"
Michael growled against her throat. "I said, how fuckin' long, Y/N? How long have ya been wantin' me like I've been wantin' ya?"
Y/N hissed as Michael gave a gentle nip to her throat. "Ever since -- oh, fuck, Michael -- ever since I first clapped eyes on ya."
Michael groaned and leaned back to look at her. "Fuck, why didn't ya ever say anythin'?"
"Because I didn't think you were ever interested in me like tha'." Y/N sighed and sat up. "There was tha' thing with Amanda, and after tha' ya met Alison, then after she -- well, after ya came home, I thought about finally telling ya how I felt but ya were so focused on trying ta reunite with Anna and then Jamie died and there was tha' whole business with Eamon and the Batuks, and after ya came back home from tha' you were dealing with your da getting out of prison, and then it was too late because ya had started talking about Molly. Ya seemed happy fer once, Mikey, I didn't want ta get in the way of tha'." Y/N bit her lip. "Yer happiness means everythin' ta me."
Michael shook his head as he sat back on his knees. "Fuckin' hell, Y/N. You. You make me happy, ya always have." 
He paused as if a thought had struck him. "Is that why ya never got married?"
Y/N looked away so she didn't have to see pity written all over Michael's face. She had had boyfriends over the years that she had known Michael, of course, and more than the occasional one-night-stand or friend-with-benefits, but never anything overly serious.
She shrugged casually, pretending like the current conversation wasn't absolutely humiliating. "It's always been you."
Michael sighed. "Fuck."
Y/N shook her head, still refusing to look at him. "It's not a big deal, Mikey, it's not like I'm some sort of blushin' virgin or anythin'. I get my needs taken care of."
(And if she purposely only chose men with dark hair and haunted eyes to sleep with… well.)
Michael reached out and gently cupped her chin in his hand, turning her face back towards his. "Y/N, look at me, pet, please."
Y/N turned her gaze back towards him, unable to deny Michael such a simple request when he asked so sweetly.
Michael leaned in and pressed his lips to hers once again, his hand sliding from her chin to cup her neck again as he moved in to kiss her deeper.
Y/N melted against him, all of the tension leaving her body as Michael's tongue slid against hers.
Her hands scrabbled for purchase as he leaned her backwards again, finally finding the hem of Michael's sweater and shoving it up his body in order to get to bare skin.
Michael stopped kissing her just long enough to lean back and pull his sweater up and over his head, depositing it on the floor before finding her mouth once again.
Y/N ran her hands up Michael's chest, breathing out a light 'fuck' as Michael's hands slid underneath her tank top in an attempt to also disrobe her.
She sat up just enough to pull her tank top off, sighing in satisfaction as Michael's bare skin finally touched hers.
Michael began kissing his way further down her throat, his hand snaking up into her hair so he could tilt her head for better access.
Y/N whimpered as Michael's hand tightened slightly, her hips grinding up against his burdening erection. "Want ya inside me, Mikey."
Michael groaned. "Fuck, I don't have any johnnys on me."
Y/N shook her head. "It's okay. I'm on birth control and I get tested regularly for STIs."
She paused, realizing what Michael might have been insinuating. "Unless ya think we need one? In that case I have some in tha' ensuite."
Michael shook his head. "I don't -- I didn't go without, with Molly, if that's what yer askin', pet. And there hadn't been anyone else fer years before tha'."
Y//N nodded, her decision made. "Then take me to bed, Michael."
Michael wrapped his hands around her thighs. "Hold on ta me."
Y/N linked her arms around his neck. "I'm never lettin' go of ya again if I don't hafta."
Michael pressed his lips to hers once again as he lifted her to him, then stood and carried her to her bedroom.
He deposited her in her bed, wasting no time before climbing in after her.
"You're so fuckin' gorgeous, pet," Michael breathed, his eyes roaming Y/N's naked torso. "Been wantin' ya fer over twenty fuckin' years."
Y/N sucked in a breath at the revelation that Michael had been wanting her for just as long as she had been wanting him. "Why didn't you ever say anythin'?"
Michael shook his head. "Because I was tryin' ta protect ya. Ya didn't deserve ta get dragged inta all of my family's shite." 
He shrugged. "Besides, ya were much too good fer the likes a' me."
Y/N huffed out a breath. "Don't ya think tha' was my decision ta make?"
Michael scoffed. "Come on, Y/N, wha' good would I have been fer ya? Ya became a fuckin' doctor."
Yeah, because a' you, Michael."
Michael's brow furrowed. "Wha' -- wha' ya mean, ya became a doctor because a' me?" 
Y/N bit her lip. Might as well tell him. "I became a doctor because if anythin' happened on a job and you couldn't go to hospital because it seemed suspicious you could at least come ta me and I'd patch ya up." 
She smiled softly. "...Or because ya had punched a wall or fell and broke a glass door with yer head."
Michael looked flabbergasted. "But I thought --"
Y/N shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, I love savin' lives and I don't mind helpin' out yer family when they need patchin', but the most important life ta me is yers, Mikey. I'd do anythin' I possibly could ta keep ya safe." 
She reached up and caressed his face. "Like I said, I love ya."
"Fuck." Michael closed his eyes briefly, then upon reopening them he leaned down and kissed Y/N, this time leaving her breathless with passion. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Michael's back, gasping in a breath as he kissed his way down her throat.
"So beautiful," Michael murmured, sliding his hands up Y/N's sides and trailing his thumbs under her breasts. "Fuckin' gorgeous, pet."
Y/N moaned as Michael circled the nipple of her left breast with his tongue, tangling her fingers into his hair and arching towards his mouth. "Mikey…"
"Mmm," Michael murmured. "Love tha' way ya say my name, like fuckin' music comin' out a' ya."
He wrapped his lips around her nipple, taking his time to tease it to a peak before switching to the other one.
Y/N gasped and arched into him again. "Fuck."
Michael hummed and let Y/N's nipple go with a soft 'pop'. "We're gettin' ta that, pet."
Y/N lifted her hips in permission as Michael's hands made their way to the waistband of her lounge pants. "Mikey… Mikey, love, need ya in me."
"Mm-mm." Michael shook his head as he slowly peeled Y/N's pants and underwear off. "Got ta taste ya first, darlin'."
Y/N whimpered, the thought of having Michael's mouth against her bare cunt making her clench around nothing.
Michael smirked as he trailed his hands up Y/N's bare legs, slowly parting them. "Oh, ya like that, do ya, pet? Ya like the thought of havin' my face buried between yer thighs, tastin' yer sweet nectar?"
Y/N moaned. "Fuck, yes, Mikey, please, need your mouth on me, love."
Michael licked his lips, his eyes glittering with desire. "Fuckin' hell, pet, yer fuckin' drippin' fer me."
Y/N let out a loud moan as Michael leisurely slid his tongue up her folds. 
Michael groaned. "Fuck, you taste so fuckin' sweet, darlin'. Wish I could've been eatin' this cunt out fer years."
Y/N hissed as Michael licked another stripe up her folds then circled her clit with his tongue. "Ah, fuck, Mikey…"
Her hands flew into Michael's hair as he pressed his tongue inside her. She had had a few lovers go down on her over the years -- some more-or-less semi enthusiastically -- but Michael ate her out like he was a man starved and she was a full-course meal.
Michael worked two fingers inside her as he removed his mouth from her cunt. "Want ya ta come fer me, pet. Come fer me and I'll give ya my cock like I know ya been needin'."
Y/N whimpered again, the familiar coil inside her tightening. "Please, Mikey."
Michael lowered his mouth to her once again, beginning to fuck her with his fingers as he sucked her sensitive bud in between his lips.
Y/N felt the coil getting tighter and tighter. "Fuck, yes, Mikey, please -- Ah!"
Michael pressed a hand to her stomach as Y/N came against his face, his mouth firmly attached to her clit as he worked her through her orgasm.
He kissed his way back up Y/N's body to her lips as he began undoing his belt and unzipping his jeans.
Y/N moaned at the faint tang of herself on Michael's tongue, reaching down blindly to help Michael shove his pants and boxers down. "Need yer cock, Mikey, want it so bad, love."
Michael finished divesting himself of his pants and positioned himself back over Y/N.
Y/N bit her lip in ecstasy as Michael stroked his cock through her folds a few times, coating himself in her slick before slowly pressing inside.
She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath, the feel of Michael's bare cock inside of her unlike anything else she had ever experienced.
"--Ya alrigh', pet?"
Y/N opened her eyes to see Michael watching her worriedly. 
"I'm not hurtin' ya, am I?" he asked.
Y/N shook her head. "No, Mikey, feels so good, love."
Michael slowly withdrew until just the tip of his cock remained inside of her. 
He groaned. "Fuckin' hell, darlin', ya feel fuckin' incredible."
Y/N let out a gasp as Michael snapped his hips forward, burying himself in her as deeply as he could. "So do you, Mikey. Fuck, yer so fuckin' perfect."
Michael pressed his lips to the side of Y/N's neck, then began a slow, but firm pace.
The slick slide of Michael's cock in and out of Y/N quickly had a second orgasm approaching. "Mikey, I'm close, love."
Michael picked up his pace, fucking Y/N more firmly. "Did ya let any of the others inside ya like this, Y/N?" he growled. "Did ya let them feel yer tight cunt around their bare cocks?"
Y/N shook her head, crying out as Michael hit her sweet spot. "No, Mikey, just you, only ever you, love."
Michael groaned. "Can I come inside ya, pet?"
Y/N gasped. "Yes -- yes, Mikey, please. Want ta feel ya, love, need ta feel ya."
Michael reached down and began to circle Y/N's clit with his thumb. "Want ya to come with me, pet, want ta feel ya take me as deep inside ya as ya can."
Y/N began to feel the familiar coil tightening again. "Yes, Mikey, I'm close, love, please. Fill me, mark me, claim me, make me yers."
Michael let out a rumble from deep in his chest. "Yeah, pet? Want me ta ruin ya fer anyone else? Fuck a wee one into this tight cunt of yers, have my babe growin' inside ya?"
Y/N nodded, the coil getting ready to snap. "Yes, fuck, Mikey."
"Gonna fill ya with my cum, pet, keep fuckin' ya till I'm sure yer cunt has taken every last fuckin' drop." Michael hissed in a breath as his hips stuttered. "Fuck, Y/N --"
Y/N arched against him, the coil snapping once again. "Michael--"
Michael continued to thrust into her, finally slowing once he was satisfied.
He eased out of her and collapsed at her side, reaching for her and pulling her on top of him as he caught his breath.
Y/N hummed blissfully, resting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist.
Michael sighed and slid his hands around Y/N's back. "It's always been you, too, love," he said quietly. "I'm sorry I never told ya sooner. I just wanted ta keep ya safe."
Y/N shook her head, placing a kiss right over Michael's heart. "It's alright. I understand."
She looked up at him. "So wha' happens now?" 
Michael smirked. "We go get a shower then come back for another go?"
Y/N huffed out a laugh. "You know what I mean, Michael."
Michael shook his head. "Can we talk about it in tha' mornin'?"
Y/N nodded, her heart sinking. Of course this is just a one-night thing for him.
She moved to get up. "Okay."
Michael tightened his hold on her, his expression quickly becoming concerned. "Hey, no, love, it's not what yer thinkin'. I want ta give this a go, I -- it's everythin' else I don't want ta have ta think about tonigh'. I just want ta be here with ya, that's all I'm sayin'."
He took a deep breath. "I love ya, Y/N. I'm never lettin' go of ya again if I don't hafta."
A smile spread across Y/N's face as Michael repeated her earlier words back to her. "I love ya too, Mikey."
She leaned up and gave Michael a kiss. "Come on. I've got plans for tha' shower."
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yashley · 2 years
wait not fucking everyone thinking patia’s choice of putting her arm on the tree of names and seeing inside was resolved and she was no longer at risk for doing it
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duckugou · 3 years
pretty girl
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Bokuto x fem reader
cw: big fat fluff, very cute i love it here
animal shelter moment!
i love this big lug of a man
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!
You had been working at the pet shelter for a few months now, and you positively loved it. The animals were all so precious and you just wanted to help all of them- so you did. Every day. You accepted overtime frequently, and covered plenty of shifts. It was worth it.
You also helped set up volunteering schedules and go through people wanting the volunteer- the owner of the shelter saw how dedicated you were and how much you truly cared for the animals, so naturally you were in charge of deciding who would be best to take care of them when you couldn't.
There was one guy who came in all the time to volunteer. His name was Bokuto and he came in frequently. At first, you weren't sure about him. He was pretty clumsy. But he quickly got used to everything in the shelter and became an asset to you and the animals. He understood how to read animals emotions, which can be hard. You became thankful for him more and more each day, as on Saturday mornings, which were your earliest shifts at 7 am, he would make it a mission to volunteer and bring you coffee. 7:05 on the dot every Saturday. Once he found out how you take your coffee after coming on early one day, he made a note in his phone so he wouldn't forget.
There was one dog you had grown attached to, Honey, and you would adopt her if you could, but your apartment complex wouldn't allow pets. You heart ached for the 3 year old girl every day people came in and adopted other pets, but not her. She was "too timid" as some people stated, standing at her cage as she cowered to the bed in the back. But she was different with you and Bokuto. She would trot to the door of the cage when either of you would walk in, wagging her tail rather than sticking it between her legs. The love was always reciprocated ten fold.
One Saturday morning, you walked up to the shelter door, unlocked it, flipped the sign to "Open", and went towards the desk. You signed in, sorted through mail, and soon enough, Bokuto walked in, a coffee in his hand.
"Iced peppermint mocha for the lady of the hour!" Bokuto exclaimed, setting it down on the desk, signing in.
"You seriously have GOT to stop buying me coffee-" you started, trying to hand Bokuto money, hoping that he would accept it.
"Y/n! You know its my treat!" Bokuto said, smiling and shoving the money back to you.
"God damn it," You giggled, rubbing your forehead as if he had given you a headache.
You couldn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bokuto, and spending every Saturday morning with him while doing what you loved was pretty damn nice. He knew how to put a smile on your face no matter what.
You walked back to the dog cages, starting the process of giving them all food and of course giving them extra love.  Once you got back to Honey's cage, the both of you got excited, and you entered her kennel. (Side note- the cages I'm talking about are but like gated areas in a building so they go all the way to the ceiling- you aren't like CRAWLING into a tiny cage-)
"Hey pretty girl!" You exclaimed as she licked your face all over, giving you kisses as if saying 'I never thought you were coming back I missed you all night' as she did every day.
"Y/n, I told you to stop talking to yourself!" Bokuto yelled, walking back to Honey's cage to join you. She had become family to the two of you.
You giggled, "Oh enough you flirt," you slapped his shoulder lightly as he walked into the cage with you.
"I have news about this little lady actually!" Bokuto said, beaming.
"What? What do you know before me?" You asked, genuinely confused.
"Honey is being adopted today!"
Your heart sank, but you were happy as well. Happy she would have a home, but sad that you wouldn't see her anymore. Bokuto saw the way your face dropped, and you looked to Honey, giving her a hug.
"Oh pretty girl, I'm gonna miss you..." You told her, fighting tears.
You and Bokuto walked back to the front of the shelter, giving food to all the cats and other little animals that had been dropped there, like bunnies and such. But the whole time, you couldn't stop thinking about Honey leaving. It tore a hole in your heart. You waited all day for someone to come in with a leash, ready to take Honey to their home.
Once it was time for Bokuto to leave for the day, he grabbed a leash off the wall, making a wave of confusion run through you.
"Whatcha doin with that?" You inquired.
"You'll see! Patience is key, Y/n" Bokuto snickered, walking to the back.
You didn't think anymore of it, staring at the door, waiting for a loving family to walk in. Or would they be horrible? Would they hurt Honey? You hadn't seen any applications for adoption, meaning the owner of the shelter had approved it, so it could be anyone.
Bokuto snapped you out of your overthinking session, walking to the front with Honey on the pink leash he had grabbed from the wall. All of your thoughts about the awful person that could be adopting Honey were wiped away, and you were just confused.
"What are you doing with my pretty girl?" You asked, walking to give her what you thought were the last pets you'd every give her.
"Well. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out today. Like, come shopping with me and come to my place for a bit? You're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff-"
You cut him off, "What are you on about Bo?"
"Oh! Right. Well, I'm adopting a dog today..." He trialed off, motioning to Honey, waiting for you to put the pieces together.
Slowly but surely, you did just that, jumping up from the floor where you were next to Honey.
"NO YOURE NOT. YOURE KIDDING." You said, beaming.
"Yeah! I couldn't stand the thought of someone awful or weird adopting your pretty girl and I know you cant have pets, but I can. So, I took it into my own hands. AND you can come see her any time, as long as you help me shop for her stuff when you get out of work." Bokuto explained.
You jumped into his arms, giving him a huge hug. This was better than any coffee he had ever brought you.
"Holy SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE- THANK YOU- I JUST-" Your eyes began welling with happy tears, and Bokuto giggled. You then realized how much you really like him. He was so amazing.
"I mean, we could even count this shopping spree a date?" He half told, half asked, scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner.
"I'd love that, Bo. I really would." You beamed.
"Awesome. Well, I'm gonna go show this pretty girl off to my friends, and then later, I can show another pretty girl off to my friends, hopefully." He said, motioning to you, laughing at his own horrible excuse of a pickup line.
"Maybe you can, you doofus." You laughed with him, waving good bye to the 2 most important beings to you in that moment.
You had never been happier.
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reignstormz · 3 years
| Lion & The Lamb |
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INTRO; After hiding your secret crush on the hottest guy in school since freshman year, senior comes around and you finally come face to face with the Samoan, sharing an intimate moment together.
WORD COUNT; 2,300 (maybe, not sure, had some issues, pretty short)
WARNINGS; Takes place in 1984, Bullying, Sweet interactions.
CAST; Y/N ( Yourself) Y/B/F/ N ( Your best friend's name) Roman, Jey, Jimmy, Naomi, and Galina Anoa'i. (Just a story, not saying Galina is anything like her character in this fic)
MINI PLAYLIST; Give Me Your Love - Pebbles/ Two Occasions - The Deele / Ready Or Not - After 7 / Rock With You - Michael Jackson / Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
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NOVEMBER 9th, 1984
The sounds of teenage laughter filled your ears as you sat in the passengers seat of your best friend's car. You sighed, trying the best you could to block out the noise as you read your book that was sitting in your lap. It was a hectic, busy Friday night. Your school's football team had just won yet another game and everyone was at the Drive In Movie Theatre to celebrate, goof around, or get down to business. Typical things that high school students would be up to. You on the other hand, didn't go to the game and was only here because your best friend practically dragged you out of the house.
You were not so big into the normal teenage, high school experiences. You were very quiet, antisocial, and didn't have many friends. School dances weren't your thing, especially parties. Instead, your way of having fun was just keeping yourself company. You were one of the smartest, if not, the smartest girl in school; You were a straight-A student, and you loved to read. Reading brought you joy and gave you the opportunity to escape to a different reality. Many people labeled you as nerdy, but you could care less.
You were over people picking on you, and judging you, which was one of the biggest reasons why you were so reserved. You got bullied heavily up to 4th grade, and your parents decide to homeschool you until high school came around. They wanted things to turn around for you, but it was the exact same. The only difference was, you made one solid friend and you ate school lunch, something other than food from your refrigerator.
Currently, the theatre was going to show Prince's "Purple Rain" and you were in the car waiting for it to start with your best friend. She also happened to be a cheerleader. You met her in PE class, one joke led after another and you guys became very tight. You were kind of surprised that you two were friends since you were so opposite from each other, and from different crowds.
Y/B/F/N's turned her head to look at you. She sighed, rolling her eyes briefly before she snatched your book out of your grasp. You groaned with irritation, and turned as well to make eye contact with her, "Can you stop? You made me lose my place."
"Can you just have fun for once? Girl. We're at the movies and the first thing you want to do is shove your nose into a book." She shades, throwing your book into the backseat.
"I didn't want to come tonight." You stress to her, "I have studying and homework I need to do-"
"That's all you ever do." She cuts you off. "Come on, you've known how long I've wanted to see this movie. Just do this one thing for me, please?"
"So you want me to sit in a car for an hour?" You questioned. A smile slowly creeped onto her face, which quickly answered your question.
You sighed, unbuckling your seatbelt to get out of the car. She furrowed her eyebrows, "Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm getting snacks." You replied, and before you got out of the car she grabbed onto your wrist.
"Can you get some popcorn? Please?" She asked, with clear as day begging look on her face. You rolled your eyes and got out of the car before she asked for candy as well. Any ounce of candy in her system was a not an option, especially since she had to still take you home tonight. As you walked to the concession stand, you saw just about every single familiar face from school. You were so focused on not making eye contact with anyone that you accidentally bumped into another person in front of you, causing their drink to spill all over your white long sleeved shirt. A couple people who were walking by giggled and the girl you bumped into couldn't of been worse.
"Even those ridiculous glasses you wear still can't help you watch where you're going." Galina dissed, looking you up and down before pushing past your shoulder. Her best friend, Naomi, looked at you apologetically for a second before following behind her. You sighed, looking down at your ruined shirt and turned your head, glaring at her. You saw Galina and Naomi walk back to their car, where the the most popular guys in school happened to be. The twins, Jimmy and Jey Uso, were sitting in the trunk of the car while the guy you've had the biggest crush on for the longest was leaning against it.
Roman Reigns was by far the hottest guy you've ever laid eyes on. He was the captain of the football team, he was smart, and also very kind as well believe it or not. You've only talked to him once, and that was when your chemistry teacher paired you two up for a project not too long ago. Roman was nothing but sweet to you, but since you were extremely shy and quiet, you barely said a word to him the entire time. Not only that, you didn't want any rumors to get out that you liked him. You would get teased nonstop, and Galina, who happened to be his girlfriend, would go out of her way to publicly humiliate you. However, it was nothing new. She was the typical mean girl that everyone was afraid of; You, well you weren't afraid of her really, you just didn't have the energy to deal with her bullshit so you always held your tongue.
"What happened to my fruit punch?" You heard Jey ask Galina. She sighed, wrapping her arm around Roman's waist while he looked down at her.
"Some nerd bumped into me and got it everywhere." She replies, and Roman raised his eyebrow.
"What nerd?" He says. Galina nods towards you. Before you and Roman made eye contact, you quickly turned back around and hurried to the bathroom to try to clean yourself up. This night couldn't get anymore embarassing, you thought.
You stared at yourself in the mirror with a lost expression. There was no way you were going to get this stain out of your shirt. You heavily sighed, adjusting your slightly crooked glasses. As you let a hand fall from your nose to your chin in stress, a strand of your sleeve ended up getting caught on a piece of your braces.
You rolled your eyes, groaning. You hated wearing braces for a million reasons, but this was the main reason why you couldn't wait to get them off soon. They got caught into everything. You tried again and again to get the strand to untangle itself but it wasn't budging. Shit, you thought. Now you had no choice but to go back to the car so your friend could help you. So many things were going wrong tonight and all you wanted to do was just go home at this point.
You took a deep breath before exiting the bathroom. As you turned the corner, you almost ran into someone else for the second time. You sighed, closing your eyes for a second before looking down.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, sounding a little funny since the strand was still stuck on your braces.
"Damn, you need some help with that?" An attractive voice said, that you immediately recognized. Fuck, you cursed in your head. You slowly looked up and saw the tall Samoan tower over you with a concerned look on his face. You nervously started to tap your foot and your heart began to beat very fast.
His facial expression turned into an amused one and he gently took the strand out of your hand to help you get it loose, "I'll take that as a yes."
Within a minute, he got the strand loose from your braces and you were finally able to rest your arm by your side. You shyly pulled your sleeve shirt down, "Thanks.."
He nodded with a faint smile on his face. Little did you know, Roman always had a thing for you as well. He knew you as the quiet girl in class, ever since freshman year. It was now senior year and you haven't changed a bit. You guys were in classes together but never spoke before, or even sat together until one project. He admired the fact that you were different; Girls threw themselves at him all the time, which made you think that you could never stand a chance but you were wrong. He loved the fact that you were extremely smart and had a head on your shoulders. You had a unique type of beauty that he adored; The glasses, braces, the infectious laugh and the shyness. Roman deep down has a weak spot for the nerdy girls, even though no one knows about that at all. People assume all the time of what his type is or who he was as a person, when really no one knew who he truly was. The only people that knew him best were his family, and Galina at one point but as time went on Roman wasn't happy with the person she's become.
Galina was practically Roman's day one, they've known each other since they were kids through a family friend. She was never like this intimidating, rude person that she was now. Galina actually use to be very sweet, but ever since high school came around and she started hanging out with certain crowds, that's when the popularity really went to her head. Even though it made Roman sad at times that she wasn't the same person she used to be, he was not afraid to let her know how he felt about it. She promised him she'd change, but she's so far gone that it's out of control. You can't make people change, they have to do that on their own and if not, it's time to let them go. Roman thought about doing that many times, but he just didn't want to hurt her, especially with the history they had. It was just hard all around, and you made it even more tough for him.
"Whatchu' doin here all alone?" Roman asks curiously, then looked down at your shirt subtly. He saw a huge red stain and his mind went back to Galina saying she spilled her fruit punch on someone. He couldn't really make out your face since you walked away so fast, but now he figured out that you were the person that she might of spilled it on. Shit, he cursed in his head. Roman felt very guilty.
You noticed that he looked down at your shirt, causing you to slightly cover yourself from embarrassment. Chuckling nervously, you say "Oh, um. I accidentally spilled my drink everywhere..so I came here to clean it up."
He knew that you were lying since he was aware of what happened, but he didn't push it. He's noticed a lot of people cover Galina's ass so they don't get on her bad side. Roman nodded, looking down and unzipped his black jacket that was apart of his track suit, "I got sum' for you then."
"No no that's okay," You kindly reject. You look behind him to see if anyone walks in on the two of you and your heart starts to race. Lord knows that no one can see you in his jacket. Especially Galina, if so, everyone would be on your ass. You didn't feel like dealing with that drama.
Once he took the jacket fully off, your eyes went directly to his arms. Damn, his biceps were huge. You were completely glued to them until Roman jokes out of the blue, "You know, if you wanna' feel them you can just ask."
You snapped out of it and you covered your face, trying to hold back a laugh while blushing. You looked back up at him with a smile on your face, "That's hands down the corniest thing you've ever said to me."
"At least it made you laugh." Roman says with a small smile on his face. You admire his gorgeous smile while you had one of your own, gently grabbing the jacket out of his hands. You couldn't help but take it after that. This reminded you of all the times Roman would crack the dumbest jokes in class just to get you to smile, since you were so quiet and rarely talked to him. It went over your head that he only did it to impress you.
"I should probably back to my friend before she freaks out." You say shyly, thanking him for the jacket before getting ready to leave. Roman didn't want you to leave since he was enjoying this moment alone he had with you, so he thought fast and quickly stood in front of you. Real smooth, Roman.
You looked at him weirdly and Roman's face turned red. He was going to say something but he completely forgot his train of thought, making you want to laugh. The look on his face was priceless. The both of you grinned at each other before you fell out laughing.
"Don't look at me like that, girl.." Roman said bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck while you giggled.
"I'm sorry, but you should've seen the look on your face." You pointed towards his face, not being able to contain your laughter, making him laugh even harder. He had the cutest laugh, you could listen to it all day. Once you guys both pulled it together, you both stared at each other in a comfortable silence before he asked, "Do you mind if I can buy you some popcorn or something?"
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that Roman-"
"Don't worry bout' it, come on." He chuckles, nodding towards the exit. You smiled at him, secretly loving every second of this. Never in a million years you would've thought a crush of yours would go out of his way to do this for you. Roman was such a good guy; You were having such a bad night before and he instantly made it better.
You both walked out of door and to the concession stand. The entire time, you guys stood there goofing off and talking while you waited in line. As you guys were occupied in a conversation, you noticed that you were getting a couple of suspicious looks since you were wearing Roman's jacket. However, no one dared to mess with you or give you slick comments either since they were shocked that you happened to be friends with him. Roman wouldn't hesitate to defend you if they did anyway in a heartbeat, but they knew better. You've seen Roman on multiple occasions stick up for people who got picked on at school, and it made your heart beat even harder for him. If there was a way you could just tell him how you felt, you would, but there was just no way in hell that was possible.
"Thanks, Roman. Even though I really don't need all of these snacks-" You giggled softly, looking down at the bag of snacks he had gotten you. Even though you couldn't never complain about snacks.
"Shh." He joked, cutting you off and took the opportunity to sneak cotton candy in your mouth so you'd stop talking, making you laugh. Roman smirked, taking his thumb and wiped off your bottom lip a little bit.
A frog got caught in your throat again as he flirtatiously wiped your lip. You both gazed into each other's eyes for what it seemed like forever until you both heard the movie start. You cleared your throat, and from behind him you saw Galina, Naomi and the Usos stare at you while they were still at the car. The Usos looked at each other with dumbfounded look on their face, like they wanted to laugh but they knew Galina would kill them. Naomi softly smiled at the two of you, while Galina had the most pissed off look on her face.
"Hey..I'll see you at school?" You say to him, with a soft smile on your face but not too noticeable since you knew Galina was staring at you.
Roman simply nodded, returning the smile and just stared at you in awe quietly. You said your goodbyes before you went back to your friend's car.
"Damn, Y/N. I just said popcorn not the whole concession stand." She says, looking at me weirdly. Then she just blankly stared at you for a minute before her eyes widen, realizing what you had on.
"Bitch, is that Roman's Jacket?" She squealed, and you hushed her real quick before she got excited.
"I'll explain later, okay?"
Your friend alternated looks between you and the movie, giving you the side eye as she took the popcorn out of your lap, "This conversation isn't over."
TAGS; @gold--gucciempress @wwzentertainment @flawlessglamazon @nicolewoo @romanreignshairdresser @sassymox @pennysky @lemonjvicey @thandiwethagirl @haharollins @rollinshield3 @sheerbeautyreigns @zaddyreigns @brookethegamer @alination @vir-tual @reigns-5sos @wickedsunfire
66 notes · View notes
rjshepherd · 3 years
EP 7! I'm going through these fast but would really be faster if I don't pause to take notes.
I'll cut back a little here I'm sure
Not to be that person but u literally called ekko out in his first appearance. I'd remind you I don't know shit about league, no context or frame of reference, just piecing this together as we go.
Ok I love the bat boy.
And ekko of course. He's adorbs
Lmao I love found family.
Was this fucker called singed before he got uhh.. singed?
Sorry but I like my scientists twinkish. Once more Jayce fails to impress
Probably similar feelings to what Mel had during their tryst.
But ok muscle animation is good
Jinxs knows what shes doin, u heard it here first folx.
She really is a little devil on his shoulder.
I love Mel.
Silco needs a fuckin nap and once more SEVIKA IS NOT BEING PAID ENOUGH.
She needs a spa day. Or a brothel day, her choice.
I'm very glad the main villain of this show is a cute twink
Actually he's not even really a villain tho. He's doing bad shit but his goal is fairly noble. I like how morally grey everyone is, how complex they are.
Man that was a perfectly good cigar. Take it with you.
Silco takes parenting advice? God I love him.
Therapy. Just. Therapy
"is that a real tree" babies.
I appreciate Vi's candor about saving powder but ekko really is the only one who can see what's up. Powder is kinda there but jinx is who she is now.
Ok but
What is happening to Viktor? Asside from non specific cough disease?
Jayce is dumb as fuck if he can't see that he caused this riot. It's not action, it's REaction.
I like silcos lil fidgit dance in the elevator. Even sevika is like " you good?"
This gold jaw man finna get stabbed
Lmao FINNa
So they all worked in the mines as kids? Mining what????
Why doesn't this gas affect silco?
Damn silco spiting bile here.
Yet another meeting that could have been an email.
I want names for those fucks. Tell me who they are
I like eloras tiny stray hairs
Ok I love watching silco hesitate with his meds. He didn't even flinch when jinx did it but he doesn't want to cause himself pain
ok I know silco loves jinx but he's clearly also afraid of her
Silco these lies will b your undoing
I am BEGGING you to take her to therapy. Even kids therapy with the puppets is a start, jinx would love that.
Of course it's the fuckin children who have to fix these adults messes
Ok Viktor, ekko and maybe Cait are the only sensible level headed people in this world.
I don't like this tense music
oh is uh.
This when jinx gets uh...flattened.
No one person has said ' jinx you need help' and that worries me.
Ok I can't watch this fight in this style BC it's hurting my head but I love tha stills from it!
Jinx no!
Oops so much for cutting back. Sorry I just have a lot of thoughts and no sense to record my reactions on a camera or something. Usually I can read these back and be like 'oh hono remember that lol' so I hope I've given enough detail to do that
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Impossible (6/8)
Imagine Billy Hargrove with a Mixed Race/Biracial S/O
Warnings: Racism, swearing, homophobia, homophobic slurs, mild violence, you throw hands a lot, angst.
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You stay blocking the window sill for a bit cuz you enjoy seeing him squirm.
Honestly, he is bad at this whole climbing thing and he's struggling to not fall on his ass.
You finally let him in after he almost falls.
You're laughing your ass off while he's climbing through your window and simultaneously having a heart attack.
"It would have been less of a hassle if you used the door."
"I didn't think your parents would be happy if someome like me came knocking on their door asking for you."
You raise a brow at this, someone like him?
After a minute it occurs to you.
"Oh you mean a violent, racist, douchbag, with a reputation that surpasses the devil?"
He frowns.
Contrary to popular belief, Billy Hargrove is very self aware, and very self conscious about himself, his actions, and his self worth.
He doesn't like being an asshole but it's all he knows.
He low-key is afraid of growing up to be like his father.
Even though he has that nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him he's already as bad as his dad, if not worse.
He hides it all under a mask of confidence, booze, and cigarettes.
It still doesn't make his actions okay.
You snap him out of his thoughts.
"I said my parents are out of town."
Now that he's in your room you noticed that Billy looked shaken up.
Billy Fucking Hargove, for once didn't have a scratch on him, but he looked like hell.
You question him.
It takes a while but he finally answers.
His dad got pissed at him because Max wasn't home, and he came hoping she would be here so he could drag her home.
You convince him to let you come along, because he is pissed and you know how he can get.
He caves and lets you tag along.
The next stop was Lucas' House.
Neither Max nore her son were there, but she said the kids all loved to go to Mike's house to play games.
Next stop is the Wheelers residence.
You dont know what's being said between Mrs. Wheeler and Billy, but knowing Billy and being able to read his body language- well. It takes everything in you to refrain from rolling your eyes and honking his horn (though you fail at not rolling your eyes).
I mean come on you guys are looking for Max, this is not the time to be flirting.
Fuck he went in.
You audibly groan and contemplate jacking his car to go look for his sister yourself, unfortunately he has the keys and you dont know how to hotwire a car.
Finally, he's out.
You forgive him because he comes out with a cookie in his mouth and has another one in his hand, which he gives to you.
"Hell, yes!!"
Who the hell turns down food? And cookies at that. Home made cookies. And they're fresh.
Last stop was the the Byers house.
Fuck, Steve is there.
"Stay in the car."
"What? No!" Like hell you were going to let him beat up your friend.
"Stay in the fucking car!"
Steve seems both angry and hurt when he notices that you're in Billy's car.
You can't really hear what's being said, it's all muffled.
You panic a bit when Billy shoved Steve and you worry they'll start fighting.
You burst out the car when you see Billy storming for the door, but stop to help Steve.
"Why the hell are you driving around with him?"
"He came to my place first, looking for Max and I offered to help him. What'd you say to piss him off?"
Steve gets mad, thinking your taking his side, and for the second time that night you find yourself rolling your eyes. "Why did you tell him you didn't know her? I tutor Max and her friends, and you babysit her friends, and you and I hang out, of course you would know her?"
You both stop arguing when you here a loud crash from inside the house.
"Damn it!" "Shit!"
You both walk in just in time to hear Billy threaten Lucas.
Fucking excuse you, Billy???
Steve decks him across the face, Billy taunts him, and this time an actual fight breaks out.
You try your best to get them both to stop fighting, but neither of them will listen to you, the voice of reason.
When Billy has Steve pinned to the floor and keeps punching him over and over again you finally get physical.
You tackle Billy off him while he's oblivious to his surroundings and use your hands and knees to pin his arms to the ground.
"What the fuck is your problem, Billy?!"
You've never seen him look at you so angrily, probably because he feels a bit betrayed.
He somehow manages to roll you both over so now your stuck underneath him.
You flinch when he draws his fist back like he's going to hit you, but the next thing you know- there's a syringe sticking out the side of his neck.
"Holy shit!"
He gets up to go after Max, but promptly falls.
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Your a bit shocked by Max's outburst.
Now her, you have never seen that angry before.
When they leave, you stay behind to look after Billy and move him to couch
He isn't happy when he wakes up.
He's actually really fucking pissed.
But he's still a little groggy from sleep and the drug (mostly the drug) so it's funny.
Help this child, he thought he was getting off the couch normally, but turns out he just rolled off and onto the floor face first.
Your freaking out and laughing all at once.
Slurred, "What the fuck's so funny?!?"
He needs aspirin and water like a hangover.
He falls asleep again after you get him back onto the couch, and you fall asleep on the floor propped up against the couch in a sitting position.
You don't wake up till the kids get back (Max wakes you up).
The both of you manage to get Billy to his car. He still asleep like a log.
You go to your place, and they spend the night - Max was worried their dad would be even more angry if they woke him up, and even more so if he caught you helping Billy and Max into the house.
The next morning was very #Domestic.
With You waking up to find Max already up and looking through your cabinets for food.
Suprise, you end up making breakfast for everyone!
Max wanted chocolate chip pancakes, so chocolate chip pancakes she shall get.
No suprise, Billy wakes up while you both are making the sausages and bacon.
Full plate of eggs, bacon and sausage, and pancakes for everyone! Yay! 😀
Honestly the best morning the two of them have had for a while, but you won't catch either of them saying that outloud.
Max leaves to hang out with the others.
Billy still seems mad about the previous night.
"What, are you going to pout all morning? All day?"
"I dont pout."
"Oh I'm sorry, what would you prefer to call it- sulking? Brooding? Plotting my death?"
He tries to hide a snicker and lightly shoves you.
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Going back to school the following Monday felt weird after everything that happened over the weekend.
You tried asking Steve what was up with all the drawings in Will's house, but he wouldn't budge.
Of course you tried asking Nancy and Jonathan too, but they acted like they didn't know anything.
The next few weeks were full of practice tests and prep assignments for finals.
You saw Billy less and less because you were hitting the books.
Sure he knew you were probably in the library, but after that weekend he wasn't sure how to go about interacting with you, or if he should do so anymore at all.
He kinda feels like you picked Steve over him.
He pops buy on Wednesday and almost gives you a heart attack. He's not surprised that you've been working yourself ragged, and your not surprised he hasn't even touched a text book (let's be honest, Billy doesn't strike me at the type of person to take notes in class, just pull out a pencil and paper to look like he's interested and go about his day).
Your freaking out, because finals but he doesn't flinch because you're like the smartest person he knows.
"Oh c'mon," he's managed to take your precious notes away, "You'll be fine, you're only stressing yourself out."
"Billy, I need those!"
"No you don't," He starts acting like he's reading the notes outloud, but he's getting the facts and formulas all wrong.
You correct him several times, and have actually started to chase him around the library.
Finally he closes the book after your sure you must have chased him around at least twice, "See, I told you. You don't need to study, you know this shit."
You both got kicked out of the library, again.
Billy is banned, but the librarian gives you one last chance...starting tomorrow.
You sigh in defeat, "Alright you proved your point, now give me my notebook back."
You reach for it.
"Nah," He raises it above his head so you can't reach it. Asshole.
Tommy and Carol show up and they think he's picking on you.
Neither of you sees them.
Tommy manages to snag the notebook, gives you an obnoxious laugh when you reach for it, and tosses it to Carol
"Give it back, shit face," Your mood went from playful to pissed in point zero seconds.
"What are you going to do about it, Heinz?"
Lord help you, you're about to throw hands again.
Billy snatches the book back and hands it to you, before looking at Tommy and Carol with a very stern expression.
"You idiots got anything better to do, huh?" He takes a few steps towards Tommy and for every step he takes, Tommy backs away.
Carol is distracted, which allows you to snatch your notebook back. She reaches for it again but you slap her hand away.
The message was very clear for them, so they take their leave and retreat back to wherever they came from.
Billy has lunch with you and manages to get you to skip the rest of school with him.
You don't want to miss during dead week, but the whole fiasco during your study period in the Library got you thinking- you need a break.
You also don't want the absent strike.
"You're such a goodie-two-shoes."
Peer pressure sucks.
You convince him to give you 30 minutes after the late bell rings to show up.
You go to class, set up your desk, the late bell rings, teacher calls role and marks you present. 7 minutes have passed.
You feign being ill.
It really wasn't hard. You just acted more tired than normal, threw in a couple "I have to stop what I'm doing because I have a headache," gestures. You even put your head down for a minute. You sit in the front so your body language is easy to pick up on and the teacher allows you to go to the nurses office when you ask. 12 minutes have passed.
When you get to the nurses office you throw the pass on the desk and storm into the private bathroom - closing the door behind you, before forcing yourself to dry heave. 27 minutes have passed.
You convince the nurse that it must be something you ate that's making you sick.
She gives you a pass and let's your teachers know you're sick and have gone home.
You meet Billy outside the school 30 minutes on the dot, he's surprised you actually came, and even more surprised that you lied well enough to get the teachers to excuse you for the rest of the day.
Of course you're upset when you see Tommy and Carol in the back seat, but you just roll your eyes and brush it off before climbing in shot gun.
Tommy and Carol are mocking you before you even get in.
"We didn't know the, mutt was coming along."
"How nice of you to bring something to entertain us, Billy."
Your looking at Billy through the corner of your eyes as he starts the car.
He waves you off, "Dont mind them."
You have no idea where you're going, or how long it will take so you pull out a book to read.
Before you can even open it, Carol snatches it from you, "What's the Nerd reading?!"
You roll your eyes again.
Tommy snatches it from the red head, "Stephan King. Christine."
"What's it?" Carol pipes up again, "Sappy romance novel?!"
"Wow, you both are actually uncultured, " you snatch the book away from Tommmy, "I'm impressed," and keep it out of his reach by out stretching your arm towards the dash, "Did it take all three of your brain cells to read that?"
Tommy tries to get his hands on you now, but you smack them away.
"Alright, alright!"
The three of you look surprised at Billy, "If you two don't quit your shit," he looks to the rearview mirror, "I'm kicking you out."
The rest of your ride was uneventful.
You arrive at Tommy's house.
His parents are also out of town.
But he lives in a large house with a pool and bar.
They're having an end of the year party and whoops you got dragged along.
You hadn't planned to be doing this with your time so you resort to studying more, much to Billy's behest, and Tommy and Carol's attempts to distract you.
You sit outside on a lawn chair next to the pool while they get everything prepped for the night.
Not much happens till it starts turning dark out, Billy calls you for help with something and when you leave you don't notice Carol and Tommy going for your stuff.
You can imagine your suprise when you find you stuff had been emptied into the pool.
Notebooks, text books, pencils, pens, erasers, even the book you were trying to read on the way.
You look up when you hear Carol laughing as she rounds the pool in your direction, and you see Tommy throw your bag in the pool.
"Are you fucking serious? What are you twelve?!"
Before you can react, Carol shoves you into the pool.
"And that's how you get a book worm to swim!"
You somehow manage to keep your cool, gathering your stuff and putting them on the edge of the pool away from Tommy and Carol. Though you didn't know why you bother, you can tell the ink is smeared and the pencil is faded now, only thing possibly salvageable was your pencils and your reading book, but even that was debatable.
You climb out and sit at the edge.
You feel physically uncomfortable
Your clothing is sticking to you.
And it's basically summer already so the air is hot and a little damp. You look up to see Billy storming out of the house.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Relax, Billy, we were all just having a little fun, right?" Tommy looks at you like you're afraid of him so you're going to agree with him.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck off," you chuck your biggest text book at him.
None of them knew how well a text book could fly till it hits Tommy in the gut.
Go you! Bonus points for nailing him with the corner.
Your trying to wring the bottom of your clothes out when Tommy comes up from behind you and tries to grab you by the back of your head.
"Hey!" Billy is quickly making his way over to the both of you.
Carol tries to stop him, but she is poetically shoved to the side and subsequently falls into the pool.
You manage to elbow Tommy in the balls but the pain only makes him hold on harder.
"You little-"
He doesn't get to finish because he's promptly punched in the side of the face. You quickly back away from the edge incase Carol gets anymore funny ideas.
Billy helps you up and ushers you into the house.
"Sorry..." He sounds awkward, "About them."
You look at him with a deadpan expression, "Billy Hargrove, apologizing," you sigh with attitude, "pinch me. I must be dreaming."
He grits his jaw, "Don't you start being a smart ass with me- it's them who keep giving you crap!" He started raising his voice.
"Yeah, yet you still keep them around," you make your way over to the sink to keep wringing out your shirt and shoulder check him on the way, "Honestly, I don't even know why you keep them around- at least you have your reasons for being an asshole." You take off your shirt -much to Billy's suprise- so you can properly get rid of the water. Let's face it, a soaked shirt sticking to you like a second skin doesn't leave much to the imagination anyways, "Reasons," you turn to look at him for emphasis, "Not excuses," you turn back to the sink, "but understandable reasons nonetheless." You lay your shirt out flat on the kitchen's large counter to air dry (it's too dark and humid outside for it to dry any better outside anyways), "But they're just assholes because....because...." You sputter and shake your head, "I don't know, probably because they know they won't ever amount to anything better in their lives, so they figure they might as well tear down as many people as they can on their way to fucking nowhere."
You turn and look at him with an aggravated huff and cross your arms. Unfortunately Carol and Tommy walk in at that moment.
"You trashy mutt!"
"Stupid whore!"
"You really think, Billy's that desprit?!"
For a second you were confused. Then you remembered you didn't have a shirt on.
You roll your eyes again before throwing your still wet shirt back on.
"And what the hell Billy?! You really gonna' side with this half-breed?!"
Fuck this.
Fuck Carol.
Fuck Tommy.
And you know what? If this doesn't change, fuck Billy too. You dont need or deserve this.
You storm out the back door, gathering your things and shoving them in your dripping bag before walking around the side towards the front. Billy quickly runs out the front door to meet you outside.
"I'll take you home."
Billy calls your name and he almost sounds tired.
His tone is what makes you pause and turn around.
You raise a brow and swallow your pride as well as your snarky comments, "Fine."
The party commences and goes on without the both of you.
Billy isn't quite sure what he enjoys more, being out and partying or enjoying a relaxing evening indoors, heavens knows he can't relax at home.
Max surprises the both of you by stopping by to visit.
The three of you hang out in your living room flipping through channels and eating popcorn.
Billy eats the least pop corn out off the three of you and opted to have some carrots and grapes less than half way through the first movie.
Billy is totally a health buff.
"Are Carol and Tommy really that bad?" Max mistakenly asked about your day.
"They have absolutely no redeeming qualities."
Max doesn't hide how she shoots a glance at her brother, 'And that fool does?' Is basically what her expression asked.
Billy glares at her from the couch opposite to hers and bites a carrot like it's her head.
You're covering your laughter with your hand.
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From now on all my Imagines will be tagged by their titles, series, and parts! Hopefully this will make it easier to find a specific imagine if your looking for it. For example, anything relating to this series is tagged with "impossible", the series itself is tagged as "impossible series" and each individual part is tagged as "impossible pt.[1/2/3/etc.]"
Another example: part one is tagged as "impossible pt.1"
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