miryum · 1 month
☆ 18+ minors dni ☆
Mechanic!Jason Todd who had inherited the shop from his (biological) father and was able to turn it in a large shop that employed numerous people and branched four locations
Mechanic!Jason Todd who preferred to work on cars and bikes rather than the financial/business side of things, so he employed his adopted brother, Tim, to be co-owner
Mechanic!Jason Todd who was known to his employees as a chill boss and regularly didn’t even tell customers he was the owner. His employees came to him when they needed advice on a client’s car, but other than that, he liked to simply work on his motorcycle
Mechanic!Jason Todd who didn’t actually meet you because you had car troubles. Your sister had just moved to Gotham and some of her dashboard lights were on. She wanted you to come with her to make sure she wasn’t getting scammed. A friend of a friend recommended Red’s Garage and so there you went
Mechanic!Jason Todd who wasn’t even working when you two rolled up in your sister’s old car. He was taking a break and chatting with some of his employees 
Mechanic!Jason Todd who, when he saw you, immediately pushed off from the break table and went over to help you. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly wanted to help a customer while he was on break, but he left the conversation he was in and headed over
Mechanic!Jason Todd who just kinda… appeared, as it seemed to you. He hovered around your sister’s car, listening into his employee’s analysis. The moment his employee stuttered, Jason was swooping at the chance, inserting himself into the conversation 
Mechanic!Jason Todd who gave your sister a discount and walked her through the steps in a way where you thought he has a crush on her, even though he couldn’t look at you otherwise he would be stammering over his words and falling at your feet
Mechanic!Jason Todd who actually waved you and your sister goodbye like a damn person from the 30s
Mechanic!Jason Todd who ignored Tim when he teased him about it
Mechanic!Jason Todd who beat himself up about not asking for your number but was rewarded by Aphrodite because you came in two weeks later, smiling sheepishly. It turned out that something was wrong with your car, but you had no idea what it was. Nevermind that your father was alive and loving and would’ve rushed over to help with any car problems. You wanted to spend a ton of money on a car check-up
Mechanic!Jason Todd who tried to remain all composed and professional and failing miserably but you were looking up at him with those eyes of yours and how did the world function when you looked that damn pretty? 
Mechanic!Jason Todd who slipped you his number on the receipt when you checked out because it’s once in a lifetime that things like this happen and he’ll be damned if you slipped through his fingers twice
Mechanic!Jason Todd who spent the rest of his day compulsively checking his phone. What he didn’t know was that you had almost thrown out the receipt, not noticing his number on it. Luckily (or perhaps it was just Aphrodite interfering again), you noticed the messy scrawl of pen as it floated into the recycling bin and that lead you to frantically grabbing it out of the bin and immediately making a new contact labelled ‘Jason aka Hot Mechanic’
Mechanic!Jason Todd who was with his last client of the day when you texted. After he smiled widely and giddily typed out a response, the client had asked, “oh, is that your wife?” Jason had mumbled out a response before one of his employees saved him and ushered Jason off to the break table while they finished up with the client
Mechanic!Jason Todd who, when he showed up at the zoo for your first date, wanted to bring flowers but then he rationalised that he wouldn’t want you carrying them around the entire time so he would just buy you a plushie from the gift shop when the time came. He had given you the option to choose the location for the first date, and being utterly adorable, you said you wanted to see the animals with him. Jason had agreed before the words registered with him. He wasn’t sure exactly how to dress for a first date, much less one at the zoo, so he opted for a red flannel and jeans. He had spent around ten minutes with his hands under the hot water of his bathroom sink, trying to scrub away the seemingly-permanent grease that lived on his fingertips and under his nails. He wouldn’t dare touch you with those hands. You didn’t deserve to get dirty 
Mechanic!Jason Todd who forgot all anxieties when he saw you approaching. Your little awkward wave was returned by one of his own which led to your laugh. Maybe Jason could wave again if it meant you would laugh again. He decided against it. He couldn’t remember a time he had over-analysed a date before
Mechanic!Jason Todd who spent more time looking at you than looking at the animals. Whenever you teased him about it, his go-to argument was that you were much more gorgeous or much more interesting than the animals. And if that meant he got to see you get all flustered, then so be it
Mechanic!Jason Todd who bought you that promised plushie at the gift shop. It was a snow leopard, just like the one you two saw roaming around in it’s exhibit
Mechanic!Jason Todd who, after a few more dates, asked you to be his girlfriend, not knowing that ever since you had gotten that snow leopard, had changed his contact to ‘Jay’ with a little heart emoji next to it
Mechanic!Jason Todd who was possibly the best boyfriend you had ever had. Routine dates became a thing – ones that didn’t feel like an obligation, but like a break from the rest of your life. You wondered how much he spent on flowers just from the sheer amount that would show up on your doorstep just because. A text every morning and goodnight until he was listed as the top contact in your phone
Mechanic!Jason Todd who showed you off around the shop. He wanted his girl to feel comfortable enough to just pop in whenever you wanted, so of course that’s what happened. You would either sit in Jason’s office or would sit next to him while he worked on a car. Sometimes, he would ask you for a tool, but most of the time, you would just ramble to him and he would throw in a comment here and there
Mechanic!Jason Todd who made sure your car was in tip-top shape, obviously
Mechanic!Jason Todd who loved to take you on rides on his motorcycle. He loved to feel your arms around him and your thighs pressed into his. He loved how you would tighten your hold when he went around corners or sped up a little. He loved how you claimed his extra helmet as yours and no one else's. He loved seeing other bikers check you out and how his hand would slip back to your thigh, showing you were his. He loved seeing girls gawk at him through their car windows before they saw you possessively bring your hands to his chest and stare them down. He loved how, at stoplights, you would slide your hands up and down his thighs slowly, testing how close you could get to his crotch before his chin dropped to his chest in defeat and weakly batted your hands away. He loved how he could bend you over his motorcycle and how, that one time, you shyly asked if he could keep his helmet on during sex
Mechanic!Jason Todd who really really liked you and his motorcycle, in case that wasn’t clear
Mechanic!Jason Todd who was a bit rougher and much more of a tease than any other variant. He liked knowing how it was him that could draw out those sounds from you. How he could make you clench around his fingers, his tongue, his dick
Mechanic!Jason Todd who stayed at your place a couple nights and then offered to have you stay at his place for a couple nights and he oh-so badly wanted you to move in so you could be a part of his home. He was already beginning to associate you with that word, so what was the issue? He could come home and see you and hold you and love you and it would be perfect
Mechanic!Jason Todd who brushed away your worries at it being too early to move in together. He wanted you to be comfortable, of course, and not to be rushed, but he would be lying if a part of him could only be satisfied going to sleep next to you and waking up next to you. He craved that domesticity 
Mechanic!Jason Todd who, once you agreed to move in, christened every room of the house, praising you this way and that
Mechanic!Jason Todd who was much happier around the garage. Tim had to pull him into his office and tell him to “stop giving out so many discounts. Yes, your girlfriend is wonderful, but we’re soon gonna lose money if you don’t stop. Yes, you can still brag about her, but rent money, Jason. Think about the paychecks.”
Mechanic!Jason Todd who, honestly, didn’t give a fuck if the garage tanked. Because it would give him more time to spend with you. But once he realised that he wouldn’t be able to provide for you (although you were very capable of doing it yourself, there was just this primal need in him to take care of you), he quickly got back to work and ceased the discounts
Mechanic!Jason Todd who thanked Aphrodite every night he got to pull you close to him and feel you relax into his arms before drifting off to sleep, that plush snow leopard having its coveted spot on your dresser
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can you guys tell i like motorcycles and the greek gods?
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duck-a-doodle · 2 months
Chapters 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
TF141!reader x 141
WARNING: Angst, Death, Comfort
A/N: I could not think of any other way for Ghost to accept your hug. I apologise for the trauma in advance. :'-)
The most serious member of the 141 is secretly a very affectionate person.
The mission was rough, one that pulled you under and dragged your bloodied knees through dirt and gravel.
It was a ground search and rescue operation which lasted for weeks on end, and one which tested the limits of the human body, bending your sanity to the brink of a clean snap.
The streets were coloured in violence, and the grounds were a tangle of rubble, vehicle parts and severed bodies.
Wherever you stepped, there would lay a limb or a head, of which you could no longer tell if they belonged to an enemy or hostage. It no longer mattered, not when your boots must travel the roads of a thousand stripped souls.
You saved several hostages from the scene, but there was one that you know would haunt you til the end of your days.
It was a little girl. Small, young, with her favourite doll that was caked with remnants of dirt and coagulated blood, the latter of which should never have made its mark upon such a pure soul.
You had to coax her to climb down from the roof, to bring her to safety, and you had failed to realise that you were not the only one to notice the child.
A bullet tore through her chest, and another through her side, bringing her down from the roof, soft and limp into your arms.
Not every hostage can be saved. Not every enemy will be found. Ghost, who buried the young girl you in the aftermath, had watched you ruin every unfriendly sight with a fury unmatched.
He witnessed the angry flames that swallowed up every dead man as you pulled them straight down to hell with you.
Your body had moved blindly when you heard the roaring sound of your captain's orders to return to the plane.
Gaz was adjacent to you, resting quietly while Johnny sat on your other side, watching you carefully; you refused to look at him, knowing that his eyes would look right through you.
The captain said nothing, and Ghost, who propped himself opposite to where you were, was unreadable.
There was no banter, no questions, and only a silent prayer remained.
You cannot remember whose hands have rested on your arms or shoulders in an attempt to calm you; all you recall was the chill and bile that rised from within you. You could not remember the debriefing that felt like seconds but passed like hours.
You could not remember how you got back. Not how you got into your fresh clothes, not how your wounds — once bloody and inflamed — were now patched, and not how you found yourself standing at Ghost's door, waiting.
Why were you there? What were you waiting for? And as soon as the question arose, the answer made itself clear; because of all people, he would know.
As if sensing a presence, the room opened with a click, and Ghost appeared in the doorway, taking a moment to register your presence. He moved to one side. Stepping in silently, the door closed shut behind you, enclosing you in a box of white noise.
He stood before you, saying nothing. He did not need to say anything. In fact, he need not even ask. He simply knew.
"You did what you could."
The reality of his words were a dagger to your beating chest. You lived. You lived, and you were grateful. But you lived at a cost, with the price of blood on your hands.
You took one step. Then another. And Ghost, who did not anticipate what you were about to do, stilled as you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight.
Fingers tangled tight into the fabric of his shirt, and you press your face deep into his body, seeking — begging — for a reprieve. The darkness was a comfort. He was a comfort.
For once, you want to feel a life that you can hold in your hands, that will not disappear under your touch, that is living and breathing. To hear the heartbeat of a soul, to get rid of the memory of cold, colourless skin that rest unmoving against your arms.
"Breathe, cub."
You could not move. You did not want to move. You cannot bear to move. Not an inch, not away from him who you knew understood better than anybody. His hands were placed on your back. Warm. Alive.
There were no use for words as both of you held each other in silence, resting in the comfort of a feeling near-forgotten.
That was your last memory of that night before you knocked out cold, and in your sleep you dreamt of a hand that wiped the warm corners of your eyes, rough yet gentle.
Unbeknownst to you, a storm in Ghost had calmed when you chose him of all people to seek comfort in, and silently grateful he was for the team to have a most sensitive heart on board.
You were the most affectionate person of the 141, and you cared and loved unconditionally. Those qualities made you the most lethal one of them all, for despite any rankings or titles, you commandeered them all with a piece of your heart — and the day your heart dies is the day they raise hell in your name.
Ghost likely has only hugged the captain once or twice and Johnny, several times but not of his own volition.
Your heart reminds him of his better days with his brother Tommy and it makes him want to punch you (cuteness aggression), but he will take that knowledge to his grave.
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asliceofzosan · 8 months
Sanji is a lightweight.
He can't hold his liquor for shit despite his failed attempts to hide it from everyone else. The signs are obvious — the flushed cheeks, the hooded eyes, and the constant smile on his face that remains even if he's not talking to a lady. He prances around the room, socializing and laughing at every little thing, from the cool summer breeze tickling his cheeks to Usopp's tamest of wild stories.
He's also very physically affectionate. When he'd usually reject a hug from Luffy's impossibly long outstretched arms, intoxicated Sanji would welcome the embrace with glee. Chopper is rained with little kisses on his head every time he does anything remarkably cute (which is all the time). And he's seen playing with Robin's fingers absentmindedly as he listens to her talk about the ancient history of a forgotten world.
But there's also one thing Sanji becomes when he's had one too many drinks in his system...
He gets... honest.
Sanji on a normal day is blunt and calculated. He calls things out as he sees it yet still knows how to use his words to twist something to his advantage. Like how he knows how to appease Luffy when he gets adamant over food. Or how he somehow convinces Usopp to do something he'd normally be too afraid to do.
Drunk Sanji is a different kind of honest. Drunk Sanji is honest about things he never even utters if he was even a lick sober.
And Zoro? Oh, he's always been the one to bare witness to Sanji's honesty.
Zoro likes to think of himself as an honest man. He can omit the truth every now and then for someone's safety or to preserve their blissful ignorance, but most of the time he doesn't see any reason to lie. If he finds you annoying, he'll say it. To hell with your damn feelings about it.
But though he values honesty and trust, he sure can hide the truth. Because his own feelings take the back burner. He can't be emotionally charged when lives are on the line. He can't let his heart win out when his brain tells him it's a bad idea. He can trust a gut feeling but never the tug of his own heartstrings.
So witnessing Sanji's honesty — so rooted in the tresses of his stupidly big emotional heart — always has Zoro freezing in place. He can't handle it. But he can't push him away either.
He can hide his true feelings but by all four seas, he can't ever push them far enough away for him to ignore them.
For the embarrassing truth of it all is that every time Sanji looks at him, smiles at him, laughs with him, or even fights with him — Zoro is irrevocably, unequivocally, and detrimentally smitten with the curly browed cook.
He doesn't remember when (somewhere between Little Garden and Thriller Bark... who knows, really...) but he definitely remembers waking up one day and wanting to see Sanji first thing in the morning. He remembers the rapid beating of his heart when the man prepared his comfort dishes when Zoro was having a rough day. He remembers the sparks of electric fire seeping to his bones from a single touch, a brush of fingertips against his scalp with a whispered 'you need a haircut marimo', the ice cold chill that runs down his spine of watching this stupid blonde man attempt to sacrifice his life over and over again to save his friends. All these feelings he remembers and dreads and looks forward to all at the same time.
All come crashing down upon him until he's stuck beneath a mountain of untapped, unrealized, unacknowledged feelings — all because Sanji decided that for today's party he will hold Zoro's hand, and guide him to the galley so they could be alone.
"Marimoooo," Sanji sings, a light giggle cutting off the prolonged syllable, and Zoro has to actively remember not to crumble. He grips the edge of the kitchen counter, his knuckle turning white, with the other hand desperately clinging to a cheap bottle of sake.
"Auditioning for a musical, cook?" Zoro teases and Sanji sticks his tongue out at him. Zoro, despite all he's holding back, allows himself to chuckle.
"Shut the fudge up, dumb green haired muscle head doofus." (New note: when drunk enough, Sanji physically cannot swear.) He jabs a finger at Zoro's chest, unaware of the invisible mark he's left on his heart. "I wanted to tell you something, stupid."
"Can't it wait until you're sober and can kick my ass properly?" Zoro's deflecting and he damn well knows it. But Drunk Sanji is so unfairly adorable that if he lets him talk more, he might do something Sober Sanji would hate him for forever.
"I donwanna kick your ass!" Sanji throws his hands up exasperatedly. "No no no no thas' not important..."
"What could possibly–" When Zoro chanced a glance at Sanji, he stopped mid sentence. Hooded blue eyes were gazing at him intensely, an ocean of possibilities, a high tide of emotions washing onto the shore. Zoro can't look away. He wants to. He needs to. But he can't. Like a capsized ship at the edge of a whirlpool, Sanji's gaze sucks Zoro in with no pause for mercy.
Mercy that Zoro refuses to call out for.
"Zoro," He says it with a low tone, a soft voice, and with a breathiness he's never heard his name be uttered through before.
He feels Sanji's hand on top of his own before he could let go of the counter. He looks down and the man is tracing his scars. The ones faded overtime and the ones that are freshly closed over. There's a band-aid on his thumb that he's forgotten to remove from a week ago. Sanji's own delicate but kitchen worn fingers run over his knuckles. Each feather light touch sends electric shocks through his veins, a rushing heat that no shot of alcohol could recreate.
Zoro, despite everything his mind is telling him to do, turns his hand over and lets Sanji slip his fingers through and press their palms together.
They're closer now. He doesn't remember when that happened. But Sanji's face is so close, he could count the eyelashes fluttering gently between wakefulness and dreaming if he wanted to. He desperately did. Instead, his other hand raised up to cup Sanji's ever alcohol flushed cheeks, and feels his heart burst with the gentle smile Sanji gives him in return.
"Did you know?" Sanji whispers, thumb rubbing over a particularly nasty scar on the back of Zoro's hand.
"What?" Zoro indulges him. Just this once. "What don't I know?"
Sanji's smile brightens. He rests a hand on Zoro's chest. He feels Zoro's beating heart beneath his palm. Then he looks up, eyes twinkling with a simple but powerful emotion. Zoro's only seen him look like that once before. Back when it was just the five of them from the East Blue, their borrowed ship from Syrup Village, and their feet on a barrel promising to achieve their dreams.
Pure and utter joy.
"Did you know... that I'm so happy that you're my friend?"
Zoro's breath hitches and Sanji hiccups, sudden tears flowing down his cheeks. He doesn't attempt to hide them or wipe them away. Zoro feels them fall onto his chest as he watches Sanji cry with the biggest smile on his face.
"You're the first friend I had that was my age," He continued, bringing Zoro's hand up and nuzzling against his palm. "I never had friends growing up. Was surrounded by old geezers telling me what to do half the time. Joining the crew... This is the best decision I ever made."
Then a faint kiss was placed on every scar Sanji could see on Zoro's hand. Piece by piece, Zoro's resolve crumbled, and he felt tears prickle at the corner of his eye.
"You're my best friend, Zoro. Did I tell you that?"
"No," Zoro whispered. He takes Sanji's other hand and kisses the rough pads of his fingertips too. Sanji watches him, mouth slightly open in a dazed smile. Zoro wonders if he'll remember this in the morning.
"Why haven't I?" Sanji asks him, or perhaps wonders aloud. Zoro just shrugs and keeps kissing up Sanji's hand. With each kiss, Sanji lets out a sigh, gentle and inviting. Zoro chooses not to answer.
"I love having friends," Sanji says stumbling forward slightly at Zoro's ministrations. Zoro catches him before he falls and Sanji throws his arms around him, clutching tightly and giggling so much that he's almost losing breath. "I love having you in my life."
A tear falls down Zoro's cheek. He tightens his hold around the cook and thinks the exact same thing.
Sanji burrows his face into Zoro's shoulder, hiccuping again. "Can we stay like this for a little while?"
"We can stay like this forever, if you want." Like this as in always by your side. Like this as in holding you every time you ask for it. Like this as in who we can be if alcohol didn't make you forget everything you say to me.
"I have to cook tomorrow though." was Sanji's brilliant response and Zoro couldn't help but laugh. He's waited this long for something like this. He can wait until morning for a conversation a little more serious.
"Yeah, cook." Zoro obliges, leading Sanji to the cushioned bench by the dinner table. "We can stay like this for a little while."
"Yay," Sanji cheers softly, his voice already starting to slur. Zoro lets him rest his head on his chest as he curls up and around Zoro like a koala. "Warm."
Time moves by slowly. Zoro's fingers run through silky blond hair as they talk about silly insignificant things. Sanji's giggles get softer and softer. His breathing evens out. Soon enough, Sanji's eyelids have closed and he's sleeping soundly, clinging as tightly as his unconscious body permits onto the swordsman.
Zoro knows that when morning comes, they'll have to talk. But for now, Zoro allows himself to bask in the warmth of Sanji's honesty. Allows himself to let Sanji's genuine gratitude of meeting and joining the straw hat crew wash over him like the gentlest of cool sea breezes after a long and hot day.
And he can be assured, as he drifts off into his own slumber, that Sanji loves him.
And that Zoro loves him too.
inspired by this tweet
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gloryofroses19 · 30 days
So It Goes...
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x mate!reader (Reader is apart of the Dawn and Night Court), former lover x reader
T/W: Sexual themes and allusions to sex
Walking out onto the balcony, [y/n] was met with an expectant sight. Tall, handsome but not dark. 
“I didn’t need your protection from that mongrel brute.”
Mother save her from the ego of males, she silently prayed as her eyes rolled.  “Why don’t you admit that you like me?” 
Her traitorous heart skipped a beat as she realized she fell into his trap. His proud challenging gaze and devilish smirk were evidence enough. “You first, Firefly.” 
She supposed she could but was this the time? Leaning on the balcony’s balustrade, she took in the night before her. The balcony held an autumn warmth despite the chill that had set across Day’s desert terrain. 
However, her words of gratitude died on her lips as a touch grazed her upper arm. His heat spread across the lines of her bandages, the only evidence left of the failed assassination attempt. “Why was this not properly healed? Was Thesan too cock drunk to help his childhood friend turned Court emissary?” 
“Do not talk about Thesan that way!” Ripping her arm from his hold, she glared at him. But the outburst was more out of anger for herself than Eris. Anger towards herself for failing to be there for her childhood friend when he had only ever been there for her. Even when she was a traitor to her Court while she helped her family in the Night Court. “The blade was covered in Aspidistra.” She sighed, “He did all he could, but sometimes things need to heal naturally.” 
“And the bodyguard?” The edge to Eris’ voice was not lost on her. She felt the same way when Thesan suggested it. Despite her protests, she knew her friend would only let her attend this meeting if she brought Jax. Beautiful, blonde broad Jax whose smile rivaled the sun. Who only ever wished to shine that light onto her. 
“As a general myself, I didn’t know suffocating you counted as his job.” Eris snidely commented. He knew that this was dangerous, that she was dangerous to both himself and his plans. And yet, he couldn’t stop. Damn the Mother and this female. 
“Am I interrupting something?”  An unapologetic voice spoke, breaking the tension.“Please tell me no because I surely want to join. I would love nothing more than to be between your twin flames.” 
“Lord Helion.” Returning Helion’s smile, [y/n] exhaled the breath she was holding.
“I had to fight your soldier to get in here [y/n].” Joining the pair on the balcony, Helion curiously eyed the fireling heir. “How did you get in here Eris?” 
Eris took a moment to consider. Or rather pretend to consider, his cryptic smile offering no truth. “As lord of this court, you should know of the many doors in this hall.” 
“Yes,” Helion began matching Eris’ smile before glancing at [y/n].  “Especially the ones left purposefully open.” 
As if tired of Eris games, Helion turned his attention fully to [y/n]. Bridging the gap between them, Helion took her hand in his.  “A little flower told me you’ve left your soldier quite unsatisfied in recent months.” 
“My Lilli telling you sordid stories amidst the throes of passion?”  She asked, her tone amused. How it related to her best friend’s fun with Helion she didn’t dare or care to guess. But she didn’t mind that her best friend spoke of her and Jax. She and Jax were a thing of the past and Lord Helion the diary of fae pleasures. 
“Well if you joined us, you could have done it yourself.” As he kissed the back of her hand, [y/n] realized she was wrong. Helion hadn’t been tired of Eris’ smoke and mirrors but rather was toying with Eris. Toying with the intention to figure them out. She wondered if Eris knew. 
With a clearing of his throat, Eris decided he was tired of this farce. He knew it would show weakness but the choice was between a throat clear or ripping Helion’s throat out. 
At the sound of the interruption, Helion’s eyes swept across Eris’ figure. A knowing smile spread across Helion’s face as if the Lord of this Court wouldn’t know what was brewing between them.  
Dropping [y/n]’s hand and stepping back, Helion put his hand over his heart in mock deference. “Forgive me, I’ll leave this healing salve on the table for you [y/n].”  But turning once more back to them, Helion offered a final smile, “Though selfishly,  I did very much enjoy the scent of your arousals.” 
Once Helion was gone, Eris allowed himself the moment to roll his eyes. With his gaze on [y/n], on the soft planes of her face and beautiful eyes, he knew Helion was right. If this was a taste of the smell, he would never survive this. He knew he would never survive them. 
“What?” She demanded, rueing his gaze. “What, Eris?” 
“Nothing,” Moving in closer, Eris traps her between his body and the balustrade, a pregnant space between them. “I just find it curious that he has been left unsatisfied since after the Mountain.”  With a step forward, their bodies almost touch. “Is it because of me?” 
Eris was shameless for her truths. Shameless in knowing that the bond, an ancient and primal thing, demanded nothing but clear devotion from them both. No matter how hard they fought it. 
Looking into his amber eyes, the gold flecks within them seemed to shimmer. The breath she took, didn’t steady her heart as she hoped. Instead, it made her realize how she was a hostage to her feelings in his gold cage. “A lot of things happened after the Mountain.” 
Watching her, Eris realized denial never looked so good on anyone as it did on her. 
“Mmhm,” The sound was a deep pleasant hum, and his lips tilted up teasingly. “And yet your gaze tells me differently.” 
“And what of yours?” She threw it back at him, “You are not above it all Eris. I saw your envy in Jax’s hand on my back, in Cassian’s hug, in Rhysland’s hand kiss, in Helion’s -“ 
His gaze hardened with each mention of a name until the words burst out of his mouth. “I do not need you to remind me of the casual touches you so willingly allow those males.” 
“Why? Say it.” The conflict in his eyes did not dissuade her from pressing further. “The choice is yours, Eris.” All the hardness in her voice softened, “I am yours to keep or I am yours to lose.”
“Vulnerability from the indomitable [full name]?” Eris’ deep voice fell into a conspiring whisper as he softly gazed at [y/n].  
Holding his gaze, [y/n] kept her voice steady. “Sensitivity from the unconscionable Eris Vanserra?” As his name left her mouth, his warm hand cupped her cheek. With each gentle caress, she found herself momentarily obnoxiously frozen beneath his touch.  
Neither of them knew who leaned in first. All they knew was that there was a space between them and then it was dwindling. Knew that they were gazing at each other and then suddenly their eyes were closed as their noses brushed against each other. Knew that they had had their own breaths and then suddenly they were sharing one as their lips brushed against each other’s. 
“We can’t do this.” [y/n] murmured breathlessly, as her fingers brushed the visible skin by his collar. The smooth warm expanse of skin was the only temptation she would give herself as all her strength went to not crushing her lips against his. 
“I know.” Eris wantonly replied, tilting her head to the side allowing him the reprieve of getting closer to her. Of allowing him to nuzzle his nose against hers as he tested his self control of her lips being a fraction of a space away. 
“We must be careful. If anyone were to find out, it would be disastrous.” He forced himself to not think of how sweet she felt in his hands. 
“Yes.” She forced herself to not think of how fast his heart was beating against her hand. 
Neither of them moved from their shared proximity despite those evident truths. With their foreheads leaning against each other, she supposed it would paint quite a pretty picture. She could see it now, Freye would call it ‘The Mating Bond: A Choice’. 
As if the Mother knew neither of them had the strength to separate, the door to her suite opened and closed. While the intrusion was not welcome, it was necessary. 
“Lord Eris.” Like a sunbeam breaking through a cloud, Jax watched out onto the balcony.  “I wasn’t aware sneaking into places was your thing.” 
[y/n] never quite understood when people spoke of a ‘sexy smoldering look’, how can burning slowly be sexy? But a flash, a flash spoke of uninhibited and unconscious things, of involuntary sparks that fan a fire. 
Like the flash of frustration across Eris’ face and the clench of his jaw from this interruption further sparking the flame of arousal burning inside of  her. 
She knew she could rationalize it all away. Maybe it was their placement in the Day Court. A court known for its prioritization of love and pleasure that had kept her in a constant state of arousal since her arrival. Having nothing to do with her brush with death a day ago nor arriving and seeing Eris. Eris who swaggered in looking like a man with nothing but free time to tease her. Or maybe, it was her close proximity to her former lover who once brought her immense pleasure and would do it again, if she only asked.
Or maybe, it was more primitive than that. Maybe having two handsome generals fighting over her and their constant snips for possession of her were going to drive her to insanity. Death by lust, she wondered how many beings died this way. 
“I think it speaks more about your skills than  mine when you left such a wide window of space.” Eris’ derisive tone was a stark contrast to his polite smile. 
Laughing mirthless, Jax clapped his hands behind his back. “Or maybe I let you ‘sneak in’.” 
“Did you?” 
Sensing this would only end badly, [y/n] stepped in between them. “I think it’s time to retire.”
Agreeing with the sentiment, Jax extended his right arm toward the door. “You heard the lady, goodnight lordling.” 
Stepping closer to [y/n] once more, Eris held Jax’s gaze as he leaned in to whisper in [y/n]’s ear.  “You should know by now that I always play to keep. Never to lose, Firefly.” 
And like a flame extinguished, Eris Vanserra winnowed away. Leaving [y/n] cold and short of breath by the implication. When the bond snapped, he called it a game but his words now spoke of intention. An intention to not run or reject the bond. She understood why many spoke of the mating bond as a blessing and a curse. 
“You need to be careful. I trust you, and your decisions but I don’t trust Eris. Why was Eris here? The assassination attempt very well could have been from Autumn, Beron is unpredictable. Or even Rhysland, we don’t truly know the motives of the Night Court.”
More like you don’t know the Night Court motives, she thought as she turned toward the balcony’s view. “Jax, I know Thesan sent you to watch me but I take very good care of myself. The assassin was literally dead before anyone even noticed he was there. You can relax and think of this as a vacation.”
“This is no vacation. You don't even believe that.” He joined her against the balustrade. 
“You’re right,” She sighed, wrapping an arm around herself. “We don’t know a lot, which is why we are here.” It was another pretty lie. 
Placing his hand over hers, Jax spoke with utter devotion. “I am here because I want you to be safe.” 
“Thank you.” It would be so easy to cup his face and enjoy the brush of his scruff against her hand. Easy to accept the offer of marriage sitting on the tip of his tongue. But it would all be a lie. It was after the Mountain. Now his sunshine burned and suffocated her. Now, she craved the warmth from a roaring fire and not a strong sunbeam. “I’m going to bed. If the couch is too rough, you can always take the suite next door.”
“This is Day, [y/n].” He called after her, watching her retreating figure. “These couches are made for comfort.”
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! This is partly inspired by the song So It Goes by Taylor Swift and the show My Lady Jane
146 notes · View notes
soobrat · 2 months
mosquito; choi soobin
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part one; on a monday... masterlist
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˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ pairing; popstar!soobin x rising star!reader
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ synopsis; Soobin is one of the names you think of when you say "Pop Star", which remains true after his recent cold streak. To make up for his cold streak, his company urges him to enter a relationship with you, a rising star. Dreading another publicity stunt relationship, he says no before they get to the part where you're none the wiser.
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ words; 7.9k
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ genre; smut, slight angst, humor, alternate universe, opposite attract, unrequited love, fake relationship
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ warnings; celeb sex party (if that makes you uncomfy considering recent events, please click here), breast play, fingering, piv, dom!soobin, eventual sub!jihyo, numbness to sex
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ series song recs; mosquito by pinkpantheress, so i by charli xcx, turn it up by pinkpantheress
↻ ◁ || ▷ : New series! And it won't be as angsty as the other ones. Just light hearted fun... I hope. Also, this will be the only part that includes this many texts.
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“...sex appeal?”
Soobin’s mind feels infested with the amount of thoughts swarming in his head. He has to meet with his… He needs to work on… He hasn’t had sex in a long time. Sex… didn’t she just say something about that? Oh, and he has to–
“Huh?” Soobin’s body flinches but his brain lags. His vision focuses on his phone he must have zoned out from while holding. He shifts his focus to his manager who is waiting patiently with an exaggerated smile. He smiles apologetically. “Come again?”
“I–” Sakura tries and immediately fails at talking, looking as if she's pushing the words down like bile. “Just… was it the sex appeal?” Her words send chills down Soobin’s spine.
“I told you my skin crawls when you try that.” Soobin’s attention is still locked onto his phone despite his manager. 
“Try what.” Sakura pops her lips, sauntering toward him in a way only an aunt wanting to be cool would. The shockwaves from the high levels of cringe physically shake him.  Soobin side eyes her, alarmed. He scoots away as she sits next to him. “Saying naughty words to sound cool.”
“Whatever. Was Jini that sexy?” Her tone straightens out, but he can tell she’s still trying to sound nonchalant. Trying so, so hard. All while clearly trying to force out whatever information she’s looking for. He doesn’t even let that nonsense simmer for a second.
“Please get away from me, Sakura.” He’s zoned back in to what he was doing before his brain flooded.
“Okay,” Sakura says hesitantly, “but if this is about the director-”
“I want to be alone right now.” The magic words tumble from his mouth with how fast he says them. He looks up at Sakura with a smile as if that’ll make her feel better. Sakura acknowledges the words begrudgingly, frustration mixing with the worry on her face. She hesitates before leaving but ultimately does. 
Soobin sighs, but his body remains stiff. He refreshes the page. A text notification makes him jump, but his tension snaps right back in place once he sees it’s from Yeonjun.
Daniel Choi Yeonjun who else is going to buy a round for everyone tonight if ur not coming? ;(
His fingers dance across the screen typing a strongly worded no, and for Yeonjun to leave him the fuck alone, but his fingers freeze mid sentence. Everytime he goes to finish, his brain screams counterpoints that make his response feel wrong.
You’re going to pass up on a party to sit at home alone all day?
He casts a glance around his living room. He clears his throat, subtly checking if it’s still as echoey as last time, as if anything’s changed. He saved this room for last when decorating. He vaguely remembers the excitement he had to decorate. The embers of happiness still flicker, but fail to keep him warm. Four years later and he only has a tv and couch.
Soobin I’m not buying rounds for the whole party
Daniel Choi Yeonjun why not???
Soobin why don’t you buy drinks for everyone?
Daniel Choi Yeonjun bc thats a lot of fuckin money
“Hah.” He laughed dryly to himself. Yeonjun’s career has been chugging full steam ahead since 2014 with no sign of stopping. He's a great performer, but his sex appeal alone could’ve gotten him at least this far and he didn’t even start ripping his shirt off until 2017. He had more than enough money to have food delivered to the whole block and not even flinch.
Soobin I’ll pass, thanks
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Soobin’s deep breath does nothing to prepare him for Sakura. He can hear her practically tap dancing on the other side of his door. The corners of his mouth twitch into an amused smirk that he wipes away quickly, conditioned by Sakura’s offended expression he knows too well. He clears his throat and opens the door.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? Ignore what the director said.” The words stumble off Sakura’s tongue and she steps in, reaching for Soobin. The last time she used unnecessary physical contact he threatened to request a new manager. Though right now he’s close to letting it fly because of how hilarious she is when she’s like this. She looks bug eyed and anxious like she does every time the director has notes. “Are you reading hate comments? Reading texts from Jini?” Her eyes drop down the phone in his hand.
“Why do you keep asking about Jini?” Soobin can’t help cackling, none of Sakura’s high anxiety rubbing off on him. Sakura wets her chapped lips, which ironically leads to her lips staying as cracked as they usually are. She glances into the hallway before swinging the door shut and looking back at him with a cautionary look in her eye.
“Did you really like her? I mean, we warned you–”
“PFFT-!” Soobin fails at stopping the onslaught of pure belly laughter that rocks his body. Just when he thinks he’ll stop to let Sakura get a word in, another viscous wave whips from his lungs and sends him curling over. His crazed laughter makes his stomach ache but he can’t stop. Soobin attempts to stand as Sakura’s worry turns to frustration. He falls to the floor, curled like a shrimp as the laughter slowly dies down.
“I’m glad you think it’s funny. I want you to keep this upbeat energy when–”
“I CAN’T BREATHE!” Soobin has been reduced to tentative whimpers that threaten to send him back into hysterics.
“Listen.” She snaps sternly, catching Soobin off guard. “Does this lady look familiar?” She faces the phone toward him. Soobin exhales heavily as he stands again. He recognizes the face but can’t place the name. He swipes his phone from the ground, remembering that face from a photo on Yeonjun’s Instagram. He taps on your username, scrolling through all your strange feed with pictures that lack the usual extravagance of someone as famous as you. Distracted by his phone again, he says your name questioningly.
“What about her?”
After a lengthy sigh and arms outstretched as if to stabilize herself, Sakura is back to normal. “She’s onto the recording stage of her first full album.” Unfortunately, normal for her is annoying for Soobin.
“Yeah? Am I featuring on it?” He asks impatiently. She’s not supposed to be here this long. Pep talk, discuss the director’s notes, deliver news, make it snappy so the talent can have alone time. Soobin wrinkles his nose at the fifth picture of you in the same puke green cardigan.
“No, more than that.” Sakura says, her tone sneaky. Soobin drops his phone away from his face. His attention is now fully on her and it’s not to be a smart ass. He clenches his phone, trying not to expose what he’s concerned about. If she finds out how much he dreads another publicity stunt, she might accuse him of liking Jini again.
“It’s more like a duet than a feature. It’s a love song sung equally to each other. Think… “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. It’s even upbeat like that song, I know how much you hate slow ones.” Sakura is in full on pitch mode, the one that hasn’t worked in the past four years.
“I never said I didn’t like slow songs…” His label scrapped every slow song for his upcoming project as a bandaid for his current cold streak. They never actually listen, just throw money or half-assed solutions said with flowery language.
“Please pay attention.” Sakura says, as if threatening him with her anxiety coming back, completely unaware that he prefers it. “You have to get to know her to get on that song.” She drives her finger into her palm to emphasize the last four words.
“Why do I have to get to know her? Just have my people reach out to her people–” Soobin feels like ice was dumped down his back as the realization hits him. He tosses his phone behind him, not even checking if it landed on the couch. He’s quick to protest before she could even pitch it. 
“No! Absolutely not!”
“You have to! –” Sakura nearly dives to grab Soobin before he slides away.
“Did she already agree to it? Tell her to forget about it, I’m not fucking doing that again.” Soobin shakes his head furiously, upset by even the thought of going through this all over again.
“We…” Sakura sighs, this time he could hear the stress seeping into her body. “We didn’t tell her because… we don’t plan on telling her. We have no choice! She only makes music based on real passion and emotion–” She attempts to rush it out, desperate despite knowing he’s going to immediately decline.
“What the fuck?! Are you guys crazy?! No way in hell I’m doing that!” Soobin has made peace with the fact that he’s just not doing this, made evident by the fact he’s not even putting energy into his response. 
“Look, if it’s Jini’s sex appeal that you liked…” Sakura looks down at the photo of you, reacting loudly in disappointment, “we can find women to scratch that itch behind the scenes. As maaaany as you’d like!” Sakura presents the offer like she just offered him the garden of Eden, and not women paid to suck his dick. 
“I don’t give a fuck about Jini’s sex appeal.” Soobin deadpans. 
“Well then what did you like about her?!” Sakura’s arms slam down at her sides exasperatedly. He can see that rope oh-so close to snapping. It’s not his problem, though, and he’s about to watch his favorite show as soon as she leaves. Soobin walks closer to Sakura with a shit-eating grin, ready to nip this in the bud. 
“There was no part of Jini I enjoyed perceiving. Tell that to your bosses, too.” Soobin snickers, walking to grab his phone.
This has Sakura inhaling until her chest is fully puffed out before exclaiming, “When are you going to stop being a fucking brat?! Do you not realize you’re about to be kicked from the label?! Wake the fuck up and treat this like a job for once instead of throwing tantrums like a man child!”
Soobin is stunned into silence, staring at a heaving Sakura like a deer caught in headlights. He considers the threat. His company was shilling out money to him in order to keep morale high, but it’s been too long since he’s made money to pay that back. Of course he’s on thin ice. He has nightmares about that dreaded meeting once a week. 
“She said she’s thinking of trashing the track unless she can find someone she has chemistry with in the booth or in real life. There will be artists lined up who can deliver on the temporary chemistry.”
Just a drop of dread stirs in his chest as he weighs his options. He could… start acting. He could make YouTube videos or TikToks. He could start some sort of brand. He’d even consider a sex tape before this because it’s a bad fucking idea. Jini doesn’t have the most spotless reputation but even their “breakup” got people speculating if Soobin was a shitty boyfriend and person. If you, someone he’s only heard annoying praise about, released a song detailing his deceit and your heartbreak, he’d be finished.
Either way, if he goes through another fake relationship he thinks he may quit once and for all.
Sakura groans through a sigh at his stunned silence. 
“Despite what you might think, I know you. So I didn’t want to even tell you this unless shit got dire.” Sakura’s serious tone with the remorse in her eyes makes Soobin wish she was trying too hard to be cool again. 
“Since you refuse to cooperate, the CEO said the only other way for you not to be kicked out and blacklisted to hell is if you marry his daughter. You heard me right. You’ll be buying the ring, and Mr. Cheon will be expecting nothing less than the best for his daughter’s proposal. So get ready to save money on the best venue you can find. And that’s all before the wedding.” Sakura’s remorse turns bitter as she narrows her eyes at him. The dread has now spread, constricting his chest painful as his hairline starts to perspire. He wipes at it angrily, glaring at his manager. She’s fought well throughout his whole career, but it’s clear now she’s done.
Soobin glances clambers frantically for his phone, opening the app and refreshing. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“Drinks for everybody!” Yeonjun shouts as Soobin hands his credit card to the bartender. People flock over, ordering from the top shelf and glancing at him cheekily as if he’ll find it funny. He’s not sure whose party this is, but they’ve got a beautiful bar and nice big room for entertaining guests. The bartender hands back his card with an eye-crinkling smirk. Soobin returns it as he yanks his card from his hand.
Soobin declines a call for the fifteenth time since he took his card back. He checks the number, refreshes, checks again. The caller has resorted to texting which he quickly dismisses, as they block his view. The notification that drops down is nearly swept away before Soobin’s thumb freezes. He clicks the notification, eyeing your username at the top of his notifications tab. 
His phone dings, indicating another. 
___: Hi!! Omg I’m so excited that you fol…
Soobin quickly taps the message just as it recedes and is replaced by another call. He curses under his breath as the timer on the call ticks away. He hesitantly brings it up to his ear. 
“Soobin?? Hello?”
“Heeey girl! How are you doing?” He says with unconvincing casualty. 
“Don’t hey girl me! What are you doing right now?” She pauses, clearly hearing the blaring music. “Are you at a party?! I thought we agreed we were taking a break from those!”
“I’m fine! I’m a grown man!” He argues back.
“What part of being a grown man has to do with your spending habits? Why don’t you just go home early-”
“What? No. I’m already here, I already spent the money.”
“Yeah? And am I to believe Daniel Choi isn’t going to cart you and a group of people out to a second location that will have you spending more money?”
Soobin halts his response. How the hell did she know Yeonjun was here?
“Yeonjun isn’t even here.”
“Is that right?” Her tone illustrates very plainly that she doesn’t believe him, so he doesn’t even respond.
“Well, I’ll just trust you to make the right choice. Goodnight, Soobin.”
She hangs up before he can respond. He sighs, hoping he can keep that promise. But five shots later, he’s in Yeonjun’s Rolls Royce Phantom, speeding toward a casino. The place offering winnings none of them need, even the most beggarish among them. He blasts his own music in the car, giving Soobin a headache. 
He looks to his left then his right, finding people whose public persona differs greatly from what he’s seen. And that’s just counting today. Sunmi catches him staring, a half smile forming on her face. She slides her hand on his thigh with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. This is a woman he developed a crush on at seven years old. Teenage him would be absolutely elated right now. However, he could feel the heat in his stomach snuff out as fast as it was ignited. 
The idea of being around celebrities hasn’t been shiny and appealing for years now. They all just talk about the same shit and do the same shit. The shit in question never being going for a bike ride or playing video games. It’s always this. 
Yeonjun goes straight for the poker table, most of his lackeys following behind. Their pupils are dilated, eyelids cracked so far open you’d think they’re taped back. Soobin searches for another drink, ending up at the bar. 
“Aw… why are you sulking, Binnie?” The bartender slides him his usual order. There’s not even enough noise to drown out his thoughts. Either Yeonjun had the building hurriedly cleaned out just before he got here or he planned to rent out the floor in advance. The latter pisses him off, considering he’s told Yeonjun so many times he’s watching his spending and he never briefs Soobin on plans such as this.
“Not in a partying mood.”
“Not in a spending mood?” Baekho cracks a brow, which Soobin glances at. He doesn’t answer. What’s the point of even saying it now?
“Look, all your drinks are on me today okay.” Baekho reaches over the bar to pat Soobin’s shoulder.
“Very funny.” Whenever Yeonjun buys out the floor, the casino includes all drinks in the price. Baekho looks proud of his joke, patting Soobin’s shoulder twice more.
His financial manager would be proud, as he did end up slipping away early. It was depressing, though. Leaving the lively building into the stormy night. He sits just outside where he’s sheltered from the rain. He slips out his phone, thumb hovering over his bank app. Instead he opens Instagram, finally opening your DM.
___: Hi!! Omg I’m so excited that you followed me back! I’m a huge fan.
Soobin cracks a crooked smile, narrowing his eyes at his screen.
page.soobin: ur a big fan of me? thats… surprising
He lingers outside, inhaling the scent of wet pavement as the rain slowly starts to clear up. He looks out into the many lights littering the horizon as he waits for you to answer. After what feels like too long for you not to have seen it, he looks at his screen. 
3 am… of course you haven’t answered.
He orders an uber, locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Hearing Sakura’s signature knock actually strikes a little fear in him for the first time. She’s come far too frequently in the past few weeks, badgering him for an answer. Thankfully he’s up this early, or– thankfully he never went to sleep. He checks the time, 7 am. Just then, a notification from you pops up. Eugh, an early riser.
___: Of course! I’ve been following you since you were in Naekkeo Crew
Your response catches him so off guard he forgets Sakura is outside until she knocks again.
“Coming.” He shouts, hurrying to the door. She rushes in, looking sweaty. 
“The director wants you to arrange a meeting with his daughter ASAP.” She says, out of breath.
“What?! But I still haven’t–”
“Thursday is her favorite day. Her favorite color is emerald and it has to be that specific hue of green or else she’ll be too disgusted to speak with you. Also, her birth year is the year of the rabbit so she expects a pet rabbit upon meeting her. A pure, expensive breed. But not harlequins because they’re ugly.”
“What? What– Sakura. Sakura, please, this doesn’t make sense.” Soobin reaches out for her, grabbing both of her arms and looking at her with pleading eyes. 
“You’re taking too long.” She yanks her arms away, shaking her head. “I can’t help you anymore.”
“Just give me a chance–”
“We gave you a chance.”
“There’s still time!”
“It’s too late.”
“It’s not.” Soobin says sternly, holding his hands up for her to just give him a minute. 
“What makes you say that?” Sakura pauses, intrigued by the look on her face. Soobin grabs his phone, looking at the DM again. Despite rereading the message a few more times, the words refuse to soak in. Naekkeo Crew… he hasn’t heard that name in years. His eyes demagnetize from the screen and he remembers where he is, what’s at stake.
He faces the phone toward her. Sakura’s face slowly melts into insidious excitement.
“Yes… Yes! This is perfect. Oh, Soobin!” She bounces in excitement. Soobin can’t bring himself to celebrate, but this is good. Well, it’s not. But it is! Soobin exhales through pursed lips. What’s good for now is that he doesn’t have to meet with Tsuki.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
page.soobin: is that so? wow, you really are a big fan then
___: Yeah, haha. Sorry if it was weird how I reached out. I just thought I’d let you know.
Soobin’s head thuds against the back of his couch. If he does neither, gets kicked out, is that really the end of the world? He could look for another agency, he wasn’t a big fan of this one anyway. Most of them probably suck for the same reasons, though, and he probably wouldn’t figure it out until he was already locked into a contract. And what if they’re not bluffing about blacklisting him? He could go independent, reach back out to Taehyun for help. But then he’d have to admit Taehyun was right.
His head is starting to hurt just thinking about leaving Pacific. He cracks his fingers one by one as he stares at nothing, letting his brain chug.
He could give up and move back in with his parents. His hands grasp blindly for his phone.
page.soobin: not at all, I find myself kinda intrigued by you to be honest
___: You? Intrigued by me??
page.soobin: ya… I mean you are the person with 16 Grammys?
___: Yeah, but you’re Soobin. I mean, if you called me by just my first name people wouldn’t know who you were talking about. But all you need to say is “Soobin” and BOOM. People think of Sutures or Goodwill or Nothin’ Can Stop Me.
The corner of Soobin’s mouth quirks up.
___: Even if someone doesn’t know your face or your name, they probably know your music.
page.soobin: didn’t you write like a shit ton of big songs?
___: No one knows they’re my songs. They’re a Chuu song, or a Taeyeon song, or a Jini song.
___: oh shit sorry
page.soobin: it’s fine, she’s a huge star and you guys have a history of sorts. it makes sense why you brought her up lol
Your embarrassingly quick response time halts suddenly. You’re probably banging your head against a wall or something, so it looks like he’ll have to take the reins again.
page.soobin: a lot of artists owe some of their success to you, you should be proud
___: Believe me, I am. It still shocks me every day that my work is this appreciated and praised
Soobin finds himself cringing. He can hear the way you said that, something about it feels so pompous. 
page.soobin: what are you, giving an acceptance speech
___: ??? 😭😭😭
page.soobin: nvm, are you working on something new?
___: Oh! I’m surprised you haven’t heard.
He drops his phone into his lap in favor of running his hands over his face. His leg bounces as annoyance crawls under his skin and sinks into his flesh. He just can’t help this feeling you give him. It started when a meeting about him was derailed because they couldn’t stop gushing about the genius of that “young writer-slash-producer on the scene”. Back then most people didn’t know what you looked like, it wasn't just Soobin. 
You’re absolutely correct with your analysis of your fame. Maybe some people know you by name but no one in their right mind would describe you as a household name. Hell, if someone posted you to stan twitter they’d probably ask who’s manager you were. But he can feel it. Not that he’s an expert, everyone can feel it. The aura surrounding you, your name, your work. It started to spark when a demo you made for Jini was leaked. It ignited when you started releasing your own music. Everyone is starting to feel the heat from your growing flame.
___: My manager said he’d put word out for any male singers interested in a duet track. I thought that was a crazy thing to do instead of just asking people I know. I expected maybe one or two, then I’m having these mega famous singers approach me at parties and events. Nearly everywhere I go, if celebrities are there, a different person is requesting to feature on the track.
Biting at his cuticles, Soobin debates on whether your block of text is more annoying or worrying. 
page.soobin: that’s crazy! it’s ALL crazy famous people? no small artists at all?
___: It feels weird saying it… but I’m always surrounded by big people talking about my next project. I don’t think smaller artists could even find an opening to do so.
God, no one told him this. Or he just doesn’t remember… Either way, they didn’t explain how dire the situation is now. He’s gotta move fast. There’s no way he’s the only famous asshole attempting to manipulate you. 
The DMs have halted because of some volunteer thing you do every Wednesday. Rolling his eyes again would be redundant, so instead he rested them. Not before leaving his number for you.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Soobin blinks a few times, trying to blink the inky darkness away. He sits up, feeling as though he’s swimming with the lack of light. He eventually finds his phone and uses the flashlight to navigate to the blinds. Opening them offers no surprising information. He’s wide awake at the dead of night again. Having a concrete objective is helpful, but not when the girl he's seducing races the sun to bed.
Okay… getting to know you isn’t the only thing he has to get done. As soon as he attempts to list them his mind goes blank. He tries again, just for a hazy image of his bank account slowly draining distracts him. No, he has to focus. Third time’s the charm, he thinks. He prays. He has to…
Just then, the thought of a balance so low that only cents are dwindling away shakes him. It’s so vivid that he almost convinces himself it’s real. Checking won’t hurt, he feels like he’ll pass out if he doesn’t check. His trembling thumbs hovers over the screen as the app loads for what feels like hours.
Upon the app finally loading, the dreadful feeling refuses to go away. His account looks normal like always. Maybe not what one expects from someone with a net worth of forty million, but it’s perfectly fine. His heart, though, continues to hammer against his chest almost painfully. And his stomach continues this falling sensation, it all makes him want to throw up. He sits back on his couch, looking into the abyss of his half-empty, dim living room. 
Just around the time his brain goes pleasantly numb, his phone vibrates in his hand. Judging by the custom vibration, it’s a text. Are you awake at this hour? He flips his phone over and taps the screen.
Daniel Choi Yeonjun u up? 
So much for taking a break from partying.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Soobin glances at Yeonjun’s message as if it will help his decision. Forget about which color he should wear, is he actually going to this? He’s still confused about whether his lack of sex recently was a conscious decision or out of fear of the truth. 
He eyes the dark blue shirt in his left hand, and the orange shirt in his right. No matter how many times he’s tried it, orange is tempting… but dark blue is what’s sure to get him off. Plus, dark blue is his color. Despite his reasoning, he debates the entire journey there if it was the correct choice. Soobin checks the shirt of Yeonjun who’s next to him as he enters the house. He can’t remember what light blue was or if it was even one of the options. They’re here now, so it doesn’t matter. He clears his throat, straightening out his shirt as they stand within the crowd in front of a platform.
A house this obnoxious could only belong to one person. There are no normal lights, just shifting hues of blue and purple. Soobin wonders if that defeats the purpose of colored shirts if lights alter the hues, then gets distracted by fog pooling around everyone else’s feet. Others seem to notice too, reacting gleefully like children. Hopefully they’re just excited, because no one with their net worth should be impressed by something so basic.
“Hello everybody!” Jackson Wang shouts, snapping everyone’s attention to him in an instant. Cheers erupt from the crowd as he grips the mic stand, giving everyone an intense stare as if he’s about to perform. Perform, he does. Nearly at every event he hosts his aura is so contagious and not for lack of trying. Even Soobin is feeling goosebumps erupt over his skin in anticipation. 
“I’m so happy to see so many familiar faces. Some we haven’t seen in a while, some we see every time.” His pointed gaze turns in Soobin's direction. He immediately feels guilty for something he didn’t do. He’s never been to one of these, with the shit he gets up to he might as well have but the point still stands.
“Daniel Choi everybody!!” He draws out the end of the word as Yeonjun pumps his fists triumphantly. Featured prominently among the cheering are distinctly women’s shrieks of joy. 
“Before we get to the fun–” The crowd is filled with playful aw’s and boo’s before Jackson brings them back down, “I know, I know! But I know some of you already forgot the colors and what they mean. I mean, how else are you gonna find your corresponding playmate?” The crowd laughs at his… joke? No doubt everyone is so ready to rip their clothes off that they’re giggly. Soobin even finds himself laughing. Jackson pulls out a laminated sheet of paper as he waits for it to die down. 
“First off, anyone in white is an exhibitionist. You’ll be looking for anyone dressed in black, those are your voyeurs. White shirts can either have fun by themselves or grab another exhib to join the fun. Remember, you won’t be able to see the voyeur, but they are watching.” He explains that they each have designated rooms with a door that is their assigned color as the crowd chatters gleefully. 
“Green is for costumes and roleplay. So greens, if you stumble into a random room and there’s a huge costume chest? You don’t need to check, that’s your room. Now, all my beautiful people in red? If you see someone in dark blue, that’s your dom.” He explains like a camp counsellor briefing campers on safe sex. Soobin casts a curious glance, able to spot some with a bright enough red, but others are hard to see. Judging by the confused looks on other people’s faces, they feel the same. “Don’t worry, the lights will come up in a second.” Jackson assures, mumbling afterwards about skipping the colored lights next time. That seems to satisfy everyone else, but Soobin is still looking around. No one is really catching his eye. He picks his cuticles, preparing in advance for a poor performance.
“Our next colors are orange and light blue. If you’re in orange, you’re a dude looking for two ladies or a lady looking for another lady and a dude. Our light blues switch it up with an MMF threesome. So if you’re looking for a little sausage party, search for your fellow light blues. The real party animals are in yellow, and for you guys? The orgy starts in twenty minutes.” He points out everyone in yellow, each person beaming with pride in response. “We used to do the kink and off-limits wristbands, but you guys are adults. Talk to each other.” He unzips his brown jacket slowly, holding his playful reproach with the crowd. With a quick motion he fully opens his jacket, revealing his yellow shirt like it’s Superman’s S to rapturous cheers.
The lights come up as Jackson hops from the platform, being consumed into the crowd. Soobin glances at Yeonjun’s light blue shirt and back up at him cautiously. 
“Why did you invite me to this again?” Yeonjun doesn’t invite Soobin to anything without an ulterior motive. People sort of associate them with each other. This led to them being frequent collaborators or invited in tandem to events and television appearances. You’d think they were bandmates or something, but no. In reality, they were discovered in similar ways, got famous around the same time, and have similar audiences. Now people assume they’re best friends, which is another reason Soobin assumes Yeonjun carts him around. Their “close bond” is a big part of both of their brands. Even if Soobin didn’t hate his guts, he still wouldn’t have sex with him, though.
“Don’t worry, buddy, I don’t want to have sex with you. I brought you because Nayeon wouldn’t come without her plus one, and her plus one wouldn’t come unless someone hot was guaranteed to be here.” Yeonjun barely pays attention to Soobin as he explains why he’s here, instead craning his head to look for someone. That someone is unsurprisingly Nayeon, who approaches in a skin tight, light blue polo dress. The strands of hair framing her face fall away as she angles her head back to smile at Yeonjun. Once she’s close enough, she toys with the buttons of his polo shirt.
“I was looking for you…” She pouts, plucking one open, then two, “Have you picked someone?” Her eyes wander to Soobin, starting at his crotch and crawling up to his face. Oof, Yeonjun at least picked someone good. She eye fucks him once she realizes who he is. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip, taking his turn to check out her body. The way she pokes out her ass is so deliciously self aware. She seemingly notices his shirt color at that moment, gasping excitedly. 
“Jihyo! Jihyo, get over here!” She looks over her shoulder, flailing her hand that’s not grasping Yeonjun’s shirt in that direction. From behind a small group emerges, surely enough, Park Jihyo. Who better to pair up with two loosely associated soloists than two rightfully associated ones. Childhood friends turned pop stars. Despite being older, Jihyo and Nayeon are newer to the scene. Solely due to not being shoved into the spotlight as teens like Soobin and Yeonjun.
Soobin can’t help noticing that her shirt is warping to… compensate, and that it’s dark blue. Yeonjun snorts, causing Nayeon to laugh. 
“He’s the plus one. What do you think?” Nayeon feigns curiosity, tapping her chin. Jihyo copies her friend, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. 
“I dunno,” She reaches over and pinches his bicep. Soobin allows it, watching her amusedly. “could be bigger.” She shrugs, sizing him up, offering a challenge. 
“You haven’t seen big yet.” Soobin smirks, eyes slowly raking down to her chest. “Or maybe you have.”
Jihyo’s jaw drops, looking shocked but impressed. “So the rumors are true?” She shimmies her skirt higher, eyes lingering on his crotch. He doesn’t miss how they flit towards his shirt. 
“Looks like one of us has to change.” Soobin closes in on her, enjoying the way her eyes become so doll-like as she looks up at him. 
Back in one of the bedrooms, the two of them strip each other’s shirts off through a blur of lips and tongues. Without their shirts, there are no more explicit labels signaling how they want to be seen. Just what they have to show for it. They pull apart to grin at each other, kneeling on the bed and waiting for the other to strike. 
Soobin takes the opportunity to examine her in just her skirt. He guesses he’s attracted to her. She’s attractive, and her breasts are fucking phenomenal. But… 
He sighs as he feels the arousal slowly drain from his body. 
“What’s wrong?”
His eyes stay trained on her breasts, refusing to meet her eyes. In doing so a lightbulb turns on in his brain. He pushes her down to the bed, ordering her to hold her legs up. Both his hands latch onto her breasts to squeeze and massage until he gets hard. Noticing her start to get impatient, he leans down to swirl his tongue over her nipple. A contented sigh floats from her mouth as her hands smooth over her legs. He reaches down, expecting to push her panties to the side, but feels nothing but her warm mound. She gasps lightly and he almost looks up at her. That should get him riled up… it should.
“Get that pussy nice and wet for me.” He brings his middle finger up to his lips and licks a salacious stripe up the digit. Still focusing on her boobs means he can’t see her face, but he feels her body melt. He uses his finger to massage her lips, pushing in slightly to rub her clit. He hears her head hit the pillows.
He’s not off the hook for overthinking yet. Minutes into thrusting into her his brain floats away from the situation. He clenches his eyes shut, trying to think about how naughty he’s being. He came to a sex party, is sleeping with a stranger. She wasn’t wearing a bra or any underwear. He saw her tits and her pussy. This is lewd, it’s nasty, it’s not just is cock pushing in and out of a meaningless wet pocket.
Manifesting does nothing. He does feel like his useless organ is going in and out of her useless organ. He tries to focus on how tight it is, the warmth–
“You’re so fucking big!” She purrs as she rakes her nails down his torso. Nope. Definitely not. 
He sighs, quietly this time. Thankfully her eyes are screwed shut or she’d see how out of it he is. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Daniel Choi Yeonjun where tf are u? jihyo’s looking 4 u
Soobin immediately squashes the guilt that crops up. He made her cum, there are plenty of people there for her to screw. He doesn’t owe her anything, and he definitely doesn’t owe Yeonjun anything. Luckily he drove here so he didn’t have to tuck his tail between his legs, waiting outside for his uber like a lost dog. And luckily he’s out of there. He should’ve known better. His financial manager was right, no more parties for good. 
He glances at his watch as he steps through the door.
2:13 am
He was only there for an hour? He tosses his phone on the couch with a groan. He sets his keys in the dish by the door and kicks his shoes off. So much for killing time. He stares at his empty living room, waiting for the feeling in the pit of his stomach to go away.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Hours of Sword Art Online seems to have done its job. His eyes slowly crack open only to be immediately blinded. The sliver of sun between his bedroom curtains singes his eyes. He blocks it with his hand, sitting up in his bed. His text tone sounds and he rubs his hands over his face. Probably Yeonjun bitching about him leaving ruining Yeonjun’s night and yada yada yada.
He grabs his phone anyway, realizing it could be you. A nagging red bubble reading 1,806 hovers above the Messages app just to mock him.
Lee Sunmi: Attachment: 1 Image Yoon Bomi: I think so Kim Doyoung: Website: TikTok • Tony St… Choi Yena: off to the airport <3 YooA Siah: Will I see you in Soho 👀 Daniel Choi Yeonjun: nayeon left early yesterday because… Kang Hyewon: don’t worry about it~ +6045559608: … were you interested? +0108273555: is this soobin?? Hani Heeyeon: Hey! How’s it going?
God, he should hire someone to clean out his messages. He only really talks to three people here. One of these unknown numbers must be you. He tries the first one.
+6045559608: Hey! This is ___.
+6045559608: Remember that duet song I told you about?
+6045559608: … were you interested?
Soobin tosses the covers off of him, sliding to the edge of the bed. This is it! Man, the one time Sakura isn’t banging on his door. All he’d have to do is show her this and he would be golden. He can’t fuck this up. God, he has to keep up the lie that he had no clue about it beforehand, too. He threads his hands through his hair and stares at his feet. 
Think, fucking think.
“Fuck it.”
Soobin: How about we meet up?
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
That hue of green is still horrendous through the tint of his sunglasses. You watch confusedly as lowers and raises his sunglasses over and over, debating which version is uglier. You clear your throat. 
“Um, about the song, I know it’s weird but I don’t want to record right away.” The tired drone in your voice indicates that you’ve gotten shit for sticking to your guns. “I want to really have that depth behind the song, especially because whoever I choose will write their own verse. I don’t want this to be another soulless cash grab with a throwaway verse, sung by me and someone I chose based on fame alone.” You rush out your explanation before he could pretend to be confused.
Soobin snorts, peering at you over the frame of his sunglasses, “Like Agassi?”
You sputter, outstretching your arms like the gesture will stop the anger you assume he’s feeling. Your face this entire time has been laughably sincere. There is no room for a manufactured image. Your earnest eyes and anxious lip bite make sure of that.
“No, no, no! That’s a cute song, really.” You assure him. He quirks up an eyebrow.
“Well…” You shrug. Of course miss writer-producer extraordinaire is an expert on good music.
“Well what?” He asks, amused as he crosses his arms and reclines in the uncomfortable plastic stool. You sip your coffee, your eyes landing on anything but him. 
“It’s… a little empty. But it’s pleasant! And catchy!” You snap on that last descriptor, pointing at him like that drives the “compliment” home. He scoffs, eyes drawn to your cardigan again. 
“I was on your Insta… you wear that cardigan a lot.” He over-enunciates the “a lot” to a very petty degree. It’s your turn to scoff. You tongue your cheek, your head drops down for a moment. When you look back up you look worryingly somber. 
“It’s um… it’s actually my late mother’s.” You croak out, facing the ceiling to prevent tears from spilling. The smugness is ripped straight from Soobin’s body and dread is shoved in its place. What has he done?! This time he’s reaching out to you.
“Really? I’m so sorry–”
“Nope!” You drop your head back down to face him, a shit eating grin gracing your features. Soobin sucks his teeth, lamenting over his wasted alarm. You chuckle, your shoulders bouncing. He can’t help but laugh as well. You insult one of his biggest songs and baits him into guilt all in one sitting. Most people he meets wouldn’t dare. Especially fans. 
“I made this with my own blood sweat and tears, baby.” You kiss the sleeve of it like it’s a trophy. 
“You made it?” He leans forward, incredulity and a little disgust evident on his face. 
“If you spent months making something, you’d wear it all the time too.” You raise your mug toward him before knocking it back. 
“So you chose that color?
You look down at it, still swallowing coffee. “Yeah?”
“You chose to make a puke green cardigan?” He says, exasperated with your logic. 
“Pu–! This is olive green.” You change your voice when you say it as if it’ll encourage him to see it. When met with an unconvinced expression, you change the subject.
“Look. I’m not looking to get married. I just need the person to sit with me to make a truly cohesive and compelling track.” You explain confidently, your raised eyebrows seemingly asking if he’s game or not. If he’s honest, you’re still very much annoying, but you’re more down to Earth than he expected. Though, if he asked you about it, you’d probably say it was because of yoga or something. He grits his teeth.
“Tell me more about the song.”
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Soobin shuts his eyes as he laughs along with you. He cracks one open just to monitor you a little more. He’s pretty sure he’s in. Not only were you a fan of Naekkeo Crew, but you only followed them for him. 
“It’s fitting he’s a horrible YouTuber now. I understand he was a kid back then, but I was too. Beomgyu was so fucking annoying.” You cover your mouth, lowering your volume as you drop the curse word. It takes everything in Soobin not to react in exaggerated shock at your no-no word. 
“Oh he was annoying in real life, too. He wasn’t that much younger than me but he made me feel mature.”
You settle, smacking your lips as you reminisce. “Mark Tuan is doing his musical thing I guess, but what about Jay? Jihoon? Do you keep up with any of them?”
“God no.” Soobin is not even sorry for crushing your dreams so quickly, but he doesn’t even like the thought of keeping up with them. 
“I don’t blame you.”
Your words catch him off guard, looking up to see your expression matches his own contempt. 
“I don’t know much about what happened in reality, but it just seemed like they were so cruel to you.”
“Cruel?” Soobin cringes at the perception of him. 
“Maybe cruel is a strong word. They always played mean spirited pranks on you and they’d make fun of you for not being meatheads like them. I don’t know… I just felt like they always singled you out.” You look down at your coffee, most likely because of the intense expression on Soobin’s face. Once he realizes, he squeezes his eyes shut. 
“The other fans found it funny, but I always hated it. So yeah, I wouldn’t contact them either.” You laugh awkwardly. “Sorry, I–”
“Don’t apologize.” He assures. “They did suck.” He narrows his eyes, trying to get a new read on you. All he finds are big, hopeful eyes and a soft smile. No one’s ever told him that before. You break eye contact to glance at your tiny watch, held in place by a skinny brown band. 
“Oh! I’ve got to go, but this was really fun.” You smile, and he catches that earnestness in your eyes again. The kind he doesn’t see in many people who speak to him. “I was hoping to see you again? On a Monday?” You turn slightly, a cheeky look on your face as you reference the busy schedule you briefed him on earlier. 
He tilts his head down to hide his triumphant smile, quickly wiping it away before facing you again. “Sounds perfect.”
“Really? Do you have any plans for this coming Monday?” You say as you pack your purse back up. Bold of you to assume he has a packed schedule. He’ll be either rotting in bed or staring at the wall in his living room.
“Schedule’s all clear.” He gives you a pressed smile.
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darylsfavoritegirl · 18 days
this takes place in x men origins:wolverine movie!!
summary: fem!reader finally finds out who killed her parents.
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Your weary eyes scrutinised the ocean infront of you. Your wrists had been hurting from being tied, your throat dry due to how long you'd been gagged. Ocean's winds that were striking against your face stung, chill raced down your back with goosebumps swarming all over you because of the tides.
You felt a hand ruffling your, making it fall infront of your eyes. You lifted your head, starvation, thirst ruined you. Your vision blurred and as it faded bit by bit, Stryker's snicker cut right through your eyes.
Your breath quickened, eyes darting away as he followed them wherever they were locked.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." He gave you a half smile with a penetrating gaze.
He placed his hands on the armrest of your chair, his face steadily becoming close to yours.
"You sure gonna be much more help when your alive than dead." He stated, losing the former warm tone he had in him.
A second later, he yanked the gag on your mouth, freeing you to speak.
You accumulated the last bits of moist in your mouth, spitting right at his under eye. With your hands tied like that, there was no way you could use your mutation.
He took a second to shut his eyes tightly, his middle finger reaching up to his face to wipe the salvia off of his face. Before even letting you guess what he would be about to do, he gripped your chin with a harsh clutch, his fingers leaving red prints on your cheeks.
"Listen to me, kid. I'm keeping this brief, you think you can trust that monster I created much, but you can't. Your future, you belong here, to this facility. You can't defeat what we have here."
He let go off his grip on your chin, making you lightheaded.
You didn't raise your gaze as you observed the rocky land, he wiped his hands to a handkerchief he pulled out of his pocket.
"I knew your parents." He huffed under his breath, you felt your heart skipping a beat right then, your eyes moving to his shoes, but not totally looking at him.
"Yeah, I did. We did fight for the same cause for a while, but you know things happen. Funny it was Wolverine himself who killed them, thinking they were the enemy."
Was this a game?
You turned your head to him, eyes wide, thousands of things going through your mind at once.
He was lying.
He must be lying.
He was trying to get under your skin, to make you turn your back on Logan.
"Oh you didn't know?"
You read his expression, he merely looked startled, his body freezing briefly.
He walked around for a while, not leaving you out of sight. Then, his eyes took you hostage, hands resting on his hips, shaking his head lazily.
"I thought your boss, afterall, would show you the courtesy to tell you how he fucked up."
"No matter what you say or do, I won't work in this hell of a place." You fumed, chest heaving as you could feel your mutation wanting to break free.
"You eventually will." An insightfull smile bore his face.
"Your bound to fucking die and we're bound to destroy this place to its core." You remarked assertively, eyes not leaving his.
"How could you work for a man who-" His voice grew more and more muffled with the helicopter nearing the perimeter, your eyes darted to that. You squinted your eyes at it as it caused more and more noise, more and more dust, filth flying around as it got closer to the surface and the ground.
Stryker came behind you after demanding security.
"Your friend for a parricide is coming to save the day."
He incompetenly tried to untie the rope that was constrained around your wrists that with the growing concern, he failed ridiculously.
"Whatever." He whispered to himself as he ran towards the main area of the island. You tried to get a few steps forward, trying to release yourself yet you couldn't manage to.
At that point, all of your aim was to shield your face from all the things that were flying around as you turned your head to the side, head lowered, eyes sealed.
You felt electricity centered on your palms exceeding its limits. Your vision steadily fading, the intolerable noise coming from the rotor blades were overwhelming your eardrums, making you feel like they could erupt.
The minute you felt it no longer could come closer, you turned your head to its direction. Numerous random things on the island grazing and licking your face as you saw a familiar face, gripping the inside of the helicopter, leering through you.
A faint smile brushed his face for a second, then he started climbing down. Your eyes flickered at his every move, you completely forgot what Stryker had said about him, only the exhilaration of being saved filled your being. You could've sworn a tear even rolled down your cheek.
He got behind you as the noises of troops running towards you and the sound of the helicopter tingled your brain, was it awful.
He cut through the ropes with his claws and right after you felt blood reaching the veins on your hands, had they burst electric strikes. You couldn't control them for a while as it crashed to Logan's claws, making a scene right then.
"Whooa go easy, will you" He taunted.
"Way too much energy piled up there, sorry." You explained on the way to the ladder.
"Who's that?" You inquired looking at the man using the helicopter.
"A friend" the man turned his head to you.
Your eyes shifted back to Logan with a wry look.
He pressed his lips together lightly as he shook his head.
"Not a friend."
"Fly us outta here before they blow us up, bub." He spoke to the man as you managed your position in the aircraft.
Logan had left you at your place, you already had men working to protect you ever since your parents were killed. You didn't have anything to worry yet they were very reserved, closed-lipped people who only spoke when needed and had always avoided your questions about your parents, or more importantly who assassinated them.
You had your answer not so later on.
A few weeks passed by you investigating, seeking assistance through your old friends who you hadn't caught up with in a while.
You had kept your distance from others, especially Logan and how much in need he was.
The times you shook your head, baffled by your own actions and your little investigation were timeless.
All Stryker could've wanted would be to get into someone's head on the condition that they're close to Logan, nevertheless, he did manage to play games with your head and intruded you.
Potentially, he could be lying and Logan was innocent yet you'd have the answer for your ever-lasting question; Who killed your parents?
No one paved the way for you to find this out, everyone around you convinced you to not deep dive in the rabbit hole for it wasn't unusal for scientists who were asking for it to be assassinated.
The day your friend from the FBI showed up at your doorstep with documents under his armpit was the you found out your parents were killed by James Howlett. The Wolverine, the one you knew as Logan Howlett.
You grabbed the documents under his arms and asked him to leave for you needed to be alone.
Your eyes observed every little word, eyebrows frowned as ever, rereading the words, the sentences, the dates to make sure you got them right.
James Howlett.
Your eyes picked on the name, hung on it for quite a time, the describtion filled you in with the gaps alongside with CIA documents reporting the creation of Wolverine, a lab experiment.
Your breathing hitched, fingers holding the paper started shaking unsteadily, tears beading your tear trough. You needed to put down the papers on your table, eyes fixed on the reading lamp enough to make it explode as you bit on your pinky finger.
Then your doorbell rang, living among the commoners was something you loathed only because of this, no time for privacy.
You wiped your tears on your cheeks, took one last look to yourself at the mirror before opening the door for a windy day.
Your hand was gripping the door handle, eyes sharp enough to cut him in half as the sweet taste of vengeance filled your lungs as air.
He eyed you up and down, catching on the reddish eyes. He observed your firm stance and the way you didn't let him in.
"Why'd you cry?" He cautiously asked on allert.
"Why didn't you tell me your name is James?" You breathed out.
"What?" He creased his brows as he let himself in. A sense of familiarity washed all over his face, it was clear as day he wasn't used to being called James.
The way he moved your arm away to get in only riled you up more as the yellow-ish lamp exploded above you.
His eyes followed the lamp, then shifted to you.
"That's my legal name." He spoke softly, eyes on the hard wooden floor.
"What is going on?" He begged with confused eyes, wrinkles showing up at the tails of them.
You remained silent, with an intense glare did he feel he was being examined like the way he was back in the lab.
He was guarded, he wasn't invading your personal space, asking questions consecutively, touching you, coming near you yet his dumbfounded look made you go mad.
He took a peek at your living room, glanced at the documents laid out on your table.
"Y/n, what are those?" He looked back at you, forehead wrinkled sensing you had figured out something but what was it? And why did it make you act the way you did?
You remained silent, tears beading your eyelashes once again as you lunged at him, forcing all your body weight on his as you both fell to the floor due to him being caught off guard.
He was short of breath, trying to shield his body from you writhing on top of him.
"Unless you want the cops to pay you a damn visit, stop it." His eyes observed the lamps blasting above you. His voice was distressed more than confused.
"You bastard." You punched right under his nose.
"Couldn't wait to get on top of me, huh?" He smirked doubtfully as he threw you across the room, your back slammed against the wall, winning a whimper out of you as your vision blurred.
"What the fuck is up, dammit?"
He demanded as he was standing across the room, claws still out, eyes sharp at you.
Your heart burned for a desire to hurt him as much as you could, you knew you couldn't kill him.
He was protecting his distance from you as you formed an electric ball emerging from the center of your palms, directing it at him as he was taken aback. His claws shielded his chest at which you were directing your power.
You came closer, taking a step ahead each time as you were met with his strength he obtained from the adamantium.
Electric from you created sparks as it hit to his adamantium claws, you squinted your eyes. Your eyes were burning from the energy you had both created, your mind shifted to the times with your parents, how well they meant and how much he was in the wrong for killing them. He had turned your life upside down long before he met you, that doesn't happen everyday, you assumed.
He directed your power to the corner of the room as he knelt down and lunged at you. He grabbed you from your thighs, shoving you against the wall as his middle claw was near your throat where he could slice it open if you were to move half an inch. The other two claws were trapping you aswell you even stalled your breathing, you had never been this close to death.
You pressed your neck as close to the wall as possible, eyes locked on his stern hazel eyes. His labored breathing caused him to see red.
You eyed his glistening claws, then shifted your eyes to his, making sure to move as little as possible.
"You killed my parents." You hissed between pressed lips, hair strands obstructing a clear view.
His crow's feet softened, that unyielding look disappearing as he yanked his claws away from your throat.
He turned around, you heard him panting in ragged inhales. His shoulders kept rising and falling.
"Stryker told me but I didn't believe him." You spoke, fighting back tears as you digged your nails on your moisty palms.
"Your a fucking animal, Logan." You whispered sharply. Your bottom lip kept quivering, you swallowed dryly.
He turned around as he peeped a look through his hooded eyes, you could sense the ire building up in those eyes.
You raised your shoulders as ever, chin up.
"Were you ever gonna tell me?" You demanded to know.
"No." He softly said under his breath. He was still guarded, tightened muscles flexed against his tshirt.
"Why am I not surprised?" You shook your head.
"Look, I- I didn't know they were the good guys." He raised his hands, drawing a step ahead of you.
You walked past him, shoulder slamming against his.
"That's always your excuse." You huffed as you turned around in a rush, eyes glistened.
His mouth was ajar as if he was contemplating best words to say out loud yet you didn't let him.
"You didn't know, you didn't mean it, you lost control." You mocked him as patheticism roamed your being.
"That's enough, Y/N." He drew another step ahead, hands in the air like he meant to grab you.
"Control those fucking claws around me." You barked, pointing his hands with your brows.
"You're so repellent, Logan." You smiled as a tear rolled down your cheek.
"It's like everyone around you is doomed to be miserable." You remarked, jaw clenched, putting your best demenour not to collapse.
"First it was your mom, then your dad." You emphasized on the word dad, afterall he didn't know you knew.
"Then your brother, then your lover." You emphasized on every letter of the word lover.
"Leave them outta this for your own good, bub." His eyes were keen, trying to get a hold on himself.
"You don't scare me a bit." You hissed as you shook your head in apace.
"What, you gonna kill me, too? An easy way out for you to clean the mess." You growled with eyes like daggers.
"You, you get a grip on yourself, woman." He commanded, with the way his body swayed in a rather sluggish manner snitched on him and the way he was so taken aback with you finding out.
You took one last gaze upon him as you made your way to the entrance door.
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elysiaheaven · 9 days
𝐇𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬-𝟒-𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘅'𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴- 𝗝𝗶𝗮𝗼𝗾𝗶𝘂 𝘅 𝗙.𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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While you floated beside Jiaoqiu, your ethereal presence a constant reminder of the peril he had unknowingly dragged himself into.
You were silent for a while, letting the distance between you and the others grow just enough before you made your move. Your eyes glinted with mischief as you suddenly floated closer to Jiaoqiu, your fingers ghosting over his arm before you started creeping along his hands, your touch unnervingly soft. He shuddered under your fingertips, feeling the unnatural cold of your presence.
"You never answered my question..." you whispered, your voice dripping with a flirtatious tone that sent shivers down his spine. You leaned in, brushing your lips near his ear as you spoke. "Why did you save me, Jiaoqiu? You could've left me to the curse, to the statues. Yet, here I am, free... and married to you."
Your hands slid up his arms, fingers trailing over his shoulders as you circled around him, playful but ominous. "Come on... you *know* the truth." Your lips curled into a sly smile, and your eyes darkened as you leaned closer. "Tell me, darling, was it because Of little Mozey?"
Jiaoqiu swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as you haunted him, each word feeling like a hook digging deeper into his mind. He couldn't shake you—your presence was everywhere, suffocating him with your teasing flirtations and dark insinuations.
Feixiao and Moze turned slightly, noticing how close you were to Jiaoqiu, their expressions shifting into something cautious.
Feixiao raised an eyebrow, clearly trying to figure out your dynamic. "I was surprised when I heard you got married from Baliu..." Feixiao's tone was neutral, but his sharp gaze missed nothing.
You turned your head slightly, giving them a knowing smile, but your attention never really left Jiaoqiu. They couldn't hear the secret conversation between you two, the sinister undertones of your haunting voice, the way your hands crept around him like a shadow that wouldn't leave.
But Jiaoqiu knew. He felt it in every breath, every beat of his heart. He knew what you were saying wasn't just harmless flirting.
It was a threat wrapped in seduction.
You leaned even closer, your lips brushing the skin near his neck, sending chills down his spine. "Tell them, Jiaoqiu," you whispered softly, almost mockingly. "Tell them what *really* happened. Tell them how you saved me... and doomed yourself."
Jiaoqiu's hands clenched into fists, his pulse racing, but he couldn't speak. His throat felt tight, words failing him. You were too close, too overwhelming. He wanted to shake you off, to push you away, but fear and uncertainty rooted him in place.
You laughed softly, the sound echoing in his ears like a melody designed to drive him mad. "You'll break eventually," you murmured, almost too quietly for him to hear. "And when you do, darling... I'll be right here."
"Well, Since you two are whispering so sweetly me and Moze will walk forward." Feixiao turned her heel with a smirk thinking she was teasing Jiaqoiu
His gaze was intense, and as he looked up at you, a flicker of resolve passed through his eyes. You could see the struggle within him, the conflict between his fear and his determination.
"Red strings," you murmured softly, letting the words slip from your lips like a whisper. "They bind us together, you know."
Jiaoqiu's eyes met yours, and for a moment, silence fell between you two. His expression was a mask of cold resolve, though the flicker of pain and desperation was evident in his eyes. Without warning, he closed the gap between you, his lips crashing against yours in a desperate, forceful kiss.
"Be quiet," he said, his voice low and urgent against your lips. "It won't take a second for me to expose you, to tell everyone what you really are."
His kiss was fierce, almost violent, but it held an undercurrent of something deeper, a twisted mixture of anger and sorrow. When he pulled back, his eyes were steely, filled with a chilling hatred.
"You deserve to die," he said coldly, his voice like ice. "You are a monster."
You giggled, the sound both innocent and sinister as it escaped your lips. "Oh, Jiaoqiu," you whispered, your voice dripping with amusement. "You think that's going to change anything?"
Without hesitation, you leaned in again, capturing his lips in another kiss. This one was softer, almost tender, as if to mock the bitterness of his words. You could feel his resistance, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he stood there, caught between the desire to fight and the undeniable pull you had over him.
When you finally broke the kiss, you looked at him with a playful smile. "It's cute," you said, "how much you hate me. It's almost endearing."
Jiaoqiu's face twisted with frustration and disgust, but you could see the resignation in his eyes. 
"Let me remind you," you said softly, your voice a seductive whisper, "no matter how much you hate me, you're bound to me now. If you try to run, You'll die!"
You floated away, the shadows of your smile lingered, leaving Jiaoqiu alone with his turbulent emotions.
You floated through the dimly lit place. The weight of your emotions pressed heavily on you as you reached a secluded corner where the air was thick with silence. Tears streamed down your face, a strange mix of sorrow and bitterness.
"You did it, Eiji!" you cried out, your voice echoing through the empty space. The words were directed at an unseen presence, a ghost of the past that you couldn't quite escape. "You made me into the villain!"
Your sobs were punctuated by a haunting, melancholic laughter. It was a bitter sound, filled with a sense of tragic irony. "You made me look like the monster, the one to be feared and despised. And all the while, I've been alone, suffering in a way that no one could ever understand."
You sank to your knees, the delicate folds of your kimono cascading around you. The tears continued to fall, mingling with your laughter as you looked up, your gaze unfocused and lost. "You turned me into this... this villainous spirit," you murmured, a hint of anguish in your voice. "You made me the scapegoat for all the wrongs that happened. And now, here I am, trapped in this role, abandoned by everyone."
The sorrow in your voice was genuine, a reflection of the pain you felt deep within. Despite the cruel smile you often wore, the reality of your situation was harsh and unforgiving. You were not just a villain, but a being cursed to wander alone, misunderstood and despised.
In the silence that followed, you composed yourself, wiping away your tears with a trembling hand. The sorrowful laugh faded, replaced by a quiet, resigned acceptance. You knew that the path you were on was one of solitude, a path you had been forced to walk. 
Standing up, you took a deep breath, your resolve hardening. "If I'm to be the villain," you said softly to the emptiness around you, "then I will embrace it fully. But remember, Eiji, it was you who created this fate for me. And now, I'll live it to the fullest, for better or worse."
As you prepared to face whatever lay ahead, the sorrow and bitterness in your heart remained, a constant reminder of the complexities of fate and the roles that you had been forced to play.
There's no point in telling what happened in the past, Will people even believe you?
Feixiao looked at Jiaoqiu with a mix of concern and confusion as he handed her the bowl of soup made from the herb. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words, and the air seemed to crackle with tension.
Feixiao took a careful sip of the soup, her eyes narrowing slightly. "This herb... it came from the abandoned part of Luofu," she said, her voice calm but her gaze sharp. "Why would you go to such lengths to obtain it?"
Jiaoqiu, standing nearby, looked visibly broken. His shoulders were slumped, and his usually confident demeanor had crumbled. He took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and resignation.
"Because... because I had no choice," Jiaoqiu admitted, his voice trembling. "I had to do something for you, and to do that, I had to go to that place. Remember this herb will make your condition less problematic."
Feixiao's eyes widened in concern. "But what else happened there? What are you not telling me?"
Jiaoqiu's gaze fell to the floor. "I married someone," he said quietly. "Someone who... helped the Foxians enslaved by Borisin."
The revelation hit Feixiao like a thunderclap. Moze's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with finally Jiaoqiu telling the truth, Feixiao looked at Jiaoqiu, her face a mask of disbelief and concern.
"You married her?" Feixiao asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The one who helped enslave the Foxians?"
Jiaoqiu nodded slowly, his face etched with pain. "Yes. She's... she's the one who has caused so much suffering, and yet, I found myself bound to her by fate."
Moze stepped forward, his eyes cold and unyielding. he said sharply. "You should have known better. We need to deal with this—"
"No," Jiaoqiu interjected, his voice firm despite his distress. "I made the choice. I married her to save you, Moze. To save you, and now... I must deal with the consequences of my actions."
Feixiao's gaze softened slightly, though the worry in her eyes remained. "You've done everything you could, Jiaoqiu. But we need to address this situation carefully. We can't let the past mistakes dictate our future."
Jiaoqiu nodded, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I know. I just..."
Feixiao's eyes widened with fear and determination as she realized the full extent of the curse tied to Jiaoqiu's marriage. The curse not only bound Jiaoqiu but also threatened his life should anything happen to you.
"Jiaoqiu," Feixiao said urgently, "you can't tell anyone about this. We need to find a way to break the curse without revealing too much. For now, just focus on getting better."
Jiaoqiu, still reeling from the emotional toll, nodded, but his gaze was distant and pained. Feixiao took a deep breath and drank the soup, feeling its healing warmth spread through her. The soup seemed to take effect quickly, easing her discomfort.
Suddenly, you reappeared, your presence marked by an unsettling, ghostly aura. You floated in, a distorted smile stretching across your face like a doll's mask. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around Jiaoqiu from behind, your embrace cold and unnervingly tight.
Feixiao's face turned into a grimace of anger and fear. "Stay away from him!" she shouted. "Or I'll—"
"Or you'll what?" you cut her off with a laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spines. "You're forgetting something crucial. If anything happens to me, Jiaoqiu dies too."
Feixiao's expression hardened. "We'll help Jiaoqiu break free from this curse. We're not letting you win."
You gently kissed Jiaoqiu's foxian ear, causing it to twitch involuntarily at your touch. The tender gesture contrasted starkly with the menacing gleam in your eyes. As you floated toward Feixiao, your gaze was cold and unfeeling.
"All those pretty ears of yours," you said with a sinister edge, "don't always hear the truth. And now, I have something to achieve." Your voice was low and almost hypnotic. "I need to become human again. I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen."
You dragged Jiaoqiu closer to you, your grip firm and inescapable. "Twenty days," you declared, "that's all the time I need to reclaim my humanity. And in that time, I'll break him completely, if necessary. I suppose in the dream, you saw thirty days...Jiaoqiu..Nope, It's 20!"
Jiaoqiu's eyes filled with dread as he looked at you, understanding the gravity of your words.
"Well, after you become human, Will you leave him alone?"
"I'll go to my house now..." Jiaoqiu cut off everyone.
"We'll come with you." Feixiao came forward with Moze too, You looked at them with cold eyes.
You all made your way back to Jiaoqiu's house, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Jiaoqiu walked ahead, his steps hesitant, weighed down by the knowledge of the curse and the creeping dread that you had invoked. But as you floated close behind him, your eyes were fixated on his delicate foxian ears.
You couldn't resist.
Hovering closer, you reached out with gentle fingers, lightly brushing the tip of one of his twitching ears. Jiaoqiu flinched, his body stiffening at the touch, but he didn't pull away. Your fingers played with the soft fur, a mischievous grin creeping across your lips. Each flick of his ear under your teasing touch sent shivers down his spine, though he tried his best to ignore it.
"You're so...adorable," you whispered, your voice dripping with both sweetness and danger, your breath brushing against the back of his neck. "How can I not want you?"
Jiaoqiu swallowed hard, his fists clenching by his sides. He was trying to keep his composure, but it was becoming harder with every playful touch.
"Stop," he muttered through gritted teeth, though the word held no power.
You leaned in closer, your lips grazing the edge of his ear. "But why should I stop?" you purred. "Aren't we bound together now? Doesn't that make you mine?"
Feixiao and Moze were ahead, oblivious to the torment you were putting Jiaoqiu through. With each teasing touch, each soft whisper, his resistance weakened.
"You're mine now, Jiaoqiu," you murmured, brushing your lips against the ear again. "You can't escape me. And I won't stop until you fully understand that."
His breathing became uneven, his mind fighting against the pull you had over him. He hated this, hated how you had tied his fate to yours, but the way your touch lingered on him... it was as if a part of him was slowly giving in.
They neared the house, you pulled back slightly, but not before running your fingers one last time over his sensitive ears, making sure he felt every lingering touch. Your smile was predatory, knowing you had an effect on him.
"Let's go inside," you said softly, a hint of laughter in your voice. "We have... so much to discuss, don't we?"
Jiaoqiu stayed silent, his mind racing with dread. You were relentless, and he knew that no matter how hard he tried, you weren't letting him go. 
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simplydannie · 2 months
Vaughn Montegue
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Working on some stuff! Wanted to include some fluff amongst the angst! ❤️
After a rough adventure in Under Rageous months ago… the twins can finally be stable…. They can finally live a somewhat normal life, and finally redeem that family they’ve always wanted…
Though, it’s not quite the family everyone would expect, but a family nonetheless.
Floyd paced back and forth at the steps of the Bergen Palace.
“Seriously? You’re making me nervous. Just take a breather man.” Branch told him. He still had a cast that bound his arm… it had only been months since their adventure down in the under-city. It felt like a fever dream, but it was real, the danger, the near death experience… the salvation of all the Trolls in Under Rageous… Definitely something neither of the brothers wanted to relive, but definitely something they wouldn’t forget.
“Sorry! It’s just the first time I see them in months after everything happened. They agreed to spend time here, to stay over… I just want them to have a good time so they can keep coming back.” Floyd replied.
Branch shook his head and sighed, “I think if they didn’t want to come back they wouldn’t have agreed to your offer to stay here.”
“I guess you’re right. It’s their first time out in the world, away from Rageous and its craziness. Plus, it’s going to be our first impression.”
Branch arched an eyebrow, “First impression?”
“Yeah. There dad is dropping them off.”
“…. You’re, you’re kidding. He’s coming too!” Though they had made their peace with Vaughn, something about him still shook Branch to his core… the guy was intimidating.
“The twins see me as their dad, but I can’t replace their actually father. He’s trying to mend things with them, and this was part of his agreement.”
Branch fidgeted.
“You’re… Are you scared of him? He did save your life.” Floyd was astonished.
“What? No! Me! Scared of a 9 and a half foot tall Rageon! Psssshhhtt.” Branch scoffed.
“….. You’re scared of him….”
“Shut up.”
The black limo made its way down towards Bergentown. Veneers face was plastered on the window taking in the sights of the outside world for the first time… it was amazing…the smells, the sights, everything about it. There was so much life. For eighteen years he was surrounded by nothing but the synthetic life of Mount and Under Rageous. He began counting trees once he started seeing them.
“… 200!…. I think.” He said.
“God you’re pathetic.” Velvet murmured staring at her brother.
“Velvet.” Her father’s tone was stern and serious. He sat opposite staring out the window as well. His arms and legs were crossed.
“What are you thinking?”
His thoughts were disturbed by his son’s voice. Vaughn turned to see both his children staring at him. It felt different, yet felt familiar, having them both here again…
“Are you certain you want to do this?” He finally responded.
“Stay with the Trolls?” Velvet asked.
“Well, yeah! We promised Floyd. We still want him part of our life. I-I mean…” Veneer began to stutter. Vaughn scoffed, but his son was right. The little troll was there for them when Vaughn failed to be the father they needed. He admired, but hated it at the same time. He couldn’t figure out what he really felt about the Troll.
“It’ll only be a couple of weeks anyway.” Velvet assured.
“And if you want to stay more?” He asked.
“Then we’ll just ask.” Veneer responded with a smile.
Vaughn looked at the window again, “…. And if you want to stay forever?”
The twins glanced at each other: so that was it. He was afraid he’d loose them again. Afraid they wouldn’t want to come home… like the last time. But this time… it was different. This time it felt like there was hope in them being a family again…. Veneer didn’t want to ruin that, and deep, deep, deep down, Velvet didn’t want to either.
“Chill dad. Please don’t tell me Veneers sentimental mess is rubbing off on you?” She said.
“Sacarasm. So you do learn something from me.”
She rolled her eyes.
“We’re not going anywhere. We…. We want time with you too.” Veneer responded almost inaudibly, but Vaughn heard, a small smile crossing his face as his children weren’t looking...
The scenery began to change as they neared Bergentown, fences began to appear, the road changed from dirt to cement. The limo turned in as the gates opened…
“They’re here! They’re here!” Poppy chimed as she bounced off the walls of the palace.
“Poppy. Please. Just tone it down a small bit.” Branch said. They saw a black limo pull up at the palace steps as they made their way down.
“A limo? Huh? Fancy.” King Gristle added.
“It’s Velvet and Veneer. What do you expect?” Floyd smiled as he marched down. His brothers were close to his heels. It was only Floyd and Branch in Under Rageous all those months ago. The others only knew about what happened in the stories they told. This would be the first time they saw the twins since their little fame fiasco a year and a half ago now…. This would be the first time they met their father too.
“You think this gift basket is fine for them?” Bridgette asked, “I added the normal sweets everyone likes.”
“As long as it comes from your heart girl.” Viva replied with a smile.
They all watched as a Bergen got out of the drivers seat and made his way around the back to open the doors, Velvet and Veneer were the first to step out. To Poppy and the others, they looked different. They didn’t sport their glam attire. For once, they were just regular teens again. Floyd jumped and ran down to them.
The Bergen guard handed each twin their duffle bag. Velvet glanced up at the Bergen Palace with skepticism but Veneer was overjoyed.
“This is so cool!”
“Sure Ven. Sure.”
They looked down at their feet as Floyd ran up to them. Bending over Veneer scooped him up with one hand, a wide smile growing on his face.
“I’m glad you guys agreed to come. The others help me planned activities to do while you’re here.” The small Troll beamed.
“I’m excited! I haven’t really been able to talk about anything else all day!” Veneer chimed.
“Literally. It was starting to get annoying.” His sister added.
King Gristle made his way to the two Rageons with Bridgette and the other Trolls behind him, “Welcome! I know we kinda met back in Mount Rageons, but not officially. I’m Gristle and this is my lovely lady wife, Bridgette.”
The small female Bergen smiled and waved sheepishly, “You’re hair is like super pretty.” She said to Velvet.
“Oh. Well, thanks I guess.” She replied. Veneer caught Branches eye, giving him a small little wave. The small little Troll smiled and waved in return. He wouldn’t admit out loud, but he had grown a soft spot for the Rageon, for both…
Upon hearing the door open, out of the black limo behind them appeared another Rageoun… but they noticed he stood nearly 2 feet taller than the twins. There were similarities between them that much they could see. He wore a black vest with a white button up rolled to his elbows…
“Guys, this is our dad, Vaughn. Dad, this is everyone else.” Veneer introduced. Vaughn studied the small group in front of him… his children decided to make friends with small Trolls and small Bergens? Not his first thought of the type of friends his children would end up with… but at least they finally had friends…His ice, cold eyes staring at them all… it was terrifying, yet intriguing.
“Hummina, hummina.” Poppy murmured. Branch casted her a quick look, his eyebrow arched in disapproval.
“Hey! I’m right here!” He scolded.
“What? What did I say?” A look of genuine confusion crossed her face.
“….. Wooooww.” Viva stared, butterflies flying in her stomach.
“Toootttally.” Bridgette twirled her hair. She bashfully made her way up to him handing him the gift basket. “Some snacks. Just in case you want something sweet.” She winked.
Vaughn looked at the twins, Veneer shrugged and nodded, “Um, thank you.”
“Oh even his voice is hot.” Bridgette giggled gleefully.
“Ew. That’s my dad.” Velvet twisted her face in disgust. Gristle pulled Bridgette away eyeing Vaughn.
Viva smirked, “Well your dad still has it.”
“Ew okay stop! Let’s go inside now please before this conversation gets TOO weird!” Velvet swung her duffle bag over her shoulder.
Floyd hopped off Veneers hand and walked to Vaughn, it should be intimidating how tall adult Rageons are, but it was familiar to the small Troll.
“So you’ll pick them up in 4 weeks or I’ll drop them off?” The small Troll asked.
“I shall be picking them up. And when did we agree to four weeks?” Vaughn responded arching an eyebrow.
Floyd crossed his arms, “When we last spoke. You said yes.”
“Well I don’t recall.” Vaughn mirrored the little Trolls stance.
“Oh no…” Veneer murmured.
Velvet sighed, “Here we go.” The twins prepared themselves.
“Vaughn you said you’d allow them to stay four weeks when we last spoke.”
“No you had mentioned three not four.”
“Come on man, they’ll be with you most of the time, so why not four?”
“I am their father.”
“Hey! Give me some credit! I became as much of a dad to them too!”
“Whoa! Look at you two fighting like an old married couple.” Branch teased.
“QUIT IT!” Both Vaughn and Floyd yelled simultaneously. They continued to bicker back and forth until the twins spoke up for themselves.
“Guys come on!”
They both turned to look at the twins.
Veneer grabbed his duffle bag and walked towards them, “Why don’t we settle this over dinner. Gristle said he set something nice up.”
“What? But I didn’t agree too-“ Vaughn was cut off by his daughter’s voice as she grabbed him by the arm and began pulling him towards the castle.
“Nope. We ain’t taking no for answer. Let’s go old man.”
“Velvet, I said-“
“Nope she’s right. Family time!” Veneer began pulling him by his other arm.
“Guys if he doesn’t want to stay he doesn’t have to-“ Floyd began to protest before being scooped up by Veneer.
“Nuh uh. You two are both part of our life now and you two NEED to get along.” Veneer pulled Vaughn by one arm while grasping Floyd in his other.
“Yes, the married couple needs to get along now.” Branched teased as they marched back up the stairs. He was met with Vaughns stern glare.
“What sound do they make if I squash them?”
Branch swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.
“He’s kidding Branchy!” Veneer attempted to smile then hushed his voice looking towards his dad, “You can’t say that!”
Vaughn smirked at the twins guided him into the Bergen castle…. This is something he wasn’t used to. The only family he’d known were the twins and his late wife. But these little creatures made his children happy. He finally had them back… and if this new kind of family was making them happy, then he’d give it a chance…
The same thought was going through Floyd’s mind as he was firmly grasped in Veneers hand. It won’t be easy, but he’d give Vaughn another chance. Deep inside he felt they weren’t very different… they both loved and cared for the twins after all.
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
Alenoah AU, where Noah says this in London instead:
Owen: "Why don't you like Al? He's great!"
Noah: "I like Alejandro and I agree that he's great, but I still don't trust the guy."
Owen: "Why?"
Noah: "I have my personal reasons... One of them being that I don't like how he treats you, Owen... So, please be careful from now on..."
Owen: "Okay, Noah... You do have a point."
How would Alejandro react to Noah liking him, but not truly trusting him? 😲
See your first mistake is assuming Noah would ever give up an oppertunity to shit-talk someone. /j
But for real, if Noah did clarify that he doesn't dislike Alejandro but does distrust him, I can't see things playing out too differently from canon - save for Alejandro being a bit less openly hostile towards him post-challenge. Noah would still be eliminated, because having a teammate who distrusts him doesn't align with Alejandro's game plan.
Especially if Noah divulges why he doesn't trust Alejandro. If Noah tries to out the fact that Alejandro isn't as altruistic as he wants to appear, that makes Noah himself a direct threat to Alejandro's plans and schemes. Again, he'd be eliminated as soon as possible.
Regardless of any potential feelings between the two, Alejandro can and would always prioritise the competition over any budding relationship he has with Noah... at least in London. Further on in the competition, if/when the two of them have gotten to know each other better (and when mutual feelings have had time to grow and develop) it's a different story.
It would, however, mean there's a lot less bad blood between the two post series. At least on Alejandro's end. If anything, he'd probably have a smidge of respect for Noah, since he's one of the few people who had caught on to Alejandro's false geniality pre-merge and/or pre-elimination.
Meanwhile Noah would still be justifyably salty that Alejandro got him eliminated, but I imagine he'd pin most of the blame on himself. After all, it was his big mouth that once again dropped him into hot water with his team. Plus, in this scenario, Noah admits that he does like Alejandro, so even considering his elimination I doubt Noah would be too upset with Alejandro himself.
So, in the case of this hypothetical AU, I'd suggest that the main meat of the story here would be post-World Tour, which plays out canonically (or as close to canonically as you'd like). Alejandro gets Drama Machine'd, and Noah - as one of the few people in the cast who doesn't actively hate Alejandro - questions his whereabouts when he fails to show up on the cruise boat the Gen 1 cast are seen on at the beginning of RotI.
He's likely the only person to do so since, barring Heather, Noah's one of the select few who Alejandro didn't royally fuck over. Not directly, at least. And Heather's too preoccupied with the loss of her million to think about Alejandro's wellbeing. And Chris tells him straight; the robot on the cruise ship? Alejandro's chilling in there, healing from the lava burns in almost complete isolation.
Noah is understandably horrified. He's even more horrified when Chris reveals that the Burromuertos signed over custodial rights for Alejandro and disowned him, so Chris is full within his legal rights to keep Alejandro in the Drama Machine for however long he deems fit. Unfortunately, he's also sworn to secrecy about the whole deal; Chris can't have Alejandro's situation reaching the press, it'd be bad for the show's publicity. (Add some legal jargon here, or something about non-disclosure agreements being in the casts' contracts, or whatever.)
But he can't just leave alejandro to suffer in an indefinite mechanical imprisonment. So Noah bargains his way back into his old position as a PA, if only to keep tabs on Alejandro's wellbeing.
Something something you end up with one of those Assistant Noah x Drama Machine Alejandro AUs, which eventually evolves into a "Noah works as an assistant on All-stars" AU, or whatever.
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icrypop · 2 months
U did sooo good with your yandere sbg, im in luv with u now♡♡♡☆
Feel free to ignore this, but same yandere au for sbg that u wrote, but reader ends up dying in the phantom world, their death ends up to be painful, slow, and they black out thinking no one is coming to save them. I rlly like angst. can u tell? (I need a happy ending tho😣🥹🥺)
If the Yandere! SBG gang lost you in the Phantom world
Ashlynn, Tyler, Taylor, Ben, Aiden, Logan
WARNING: Yandere themes, violent, gore, descriptive
Awww <3 Im so happy you liked them, and I'd be so happy to write this for you! I wasn't sure if you wanted hcs or full stories so its kinda..both?? Either way! Can be seen as romantic or platonic with a gender neutral reader!!!!
-Writer Icy<3
In the eerie, twisted landscape of the Phantom World, your cornered by the terrifying creature, its shadowy form obscured in the dim, otherworldly light under the blood red sky. The attack came brutally, the phantom striking with relentless fury, leaving deep wounds that bled profusely as it slashed its long hands across your abdomen and stomach. As you lay on the cold ground, pain wracked your body, and each breath became a struggle. Time seemed to stretch, and your vision blurred with tears as you slowly slipped in and out of consciousness. Despite the overwhelming agony, you clung to the hope that your friends would find you in time before death’s icy grip took you away. But as minutes turned to hours, and the chill of the Phantom World seeped into your skin and bones, despair settled in. Your final thoughts are filled with the aching belief that no one was coming to save you. The darkness closed in, and you blacked out, feeling utterly alone. Were you ever truly relevant to them though?
Devastated and furious with herself for not being there to protect you. You were pale, cold. How did this happen?? You guys were running from the swarm of Phantoms and you got separated…shit, she should’ve helped you. You were chased, killed and now your lifeless body lay in her arms. 
Ashlynn's heart shattered when she saw your pale form on the hospital bed, the beeping machines the only sign of life. She refused to leave your side, berating herself for failing to protect you. Each hour felt like an eternity as she traced your hand, her voice a soft murmur of apologies.
Once back in the real world she stays by your side constantly, tracing your hand softly, careful to not touch the IVs in your hands and arms… She blamed herself for you dying. She should’ve followed you, protected you, you wouldn’t be here if she had followed. She spent most of her time here after school until going home to deal with making plans and the 7 hour nightmare they were still stuck in.
Once Ashlynn gets the call that your awake though? She’s there in a heartbeat. She becomes fiercely protective, constantly checking on you and ensuring you are never alone, guilt and relief warring within her. She cant stand the thought of it, the image of your mangled body along the ground sticks in her mind. When you finally opened your eyes, Ashlynn froze in shock as waves of emotions coursed through her. It overwhelmed her to the point of not knowing what to do or say in that moment. After calming down and waiting until everyone else stepped out, she got closer, vowing to never let anything harm you again. The ordeal only deepened her obsession, and she became a constant, protective presence in your life.
His face paled as you lay lifeless on the ground, he was in disbelief that you were gone until he held your limp, bloody body in his arms, your blood staining his hands. Overwhelmed with guilt and anger, blames himself for not being there for you. He watched you as you were targeted and yet he kept running with the other group. He needed to turn around, why didn't he turn around!? 
He couldn’t shake the guilt of not being able to save you, and it gnawed at him as he paced the hospital halls, demanding answers and updates from your nurses and doctors that checked on you. He was distressed, taking out all of his emotions on his friends in short bursts of anger. They understood though, they knew how he cared.
 No amount of comfort or kind words could make him relax until he got the call from one of your doctors. When you regained consciousness, Tyler felt a surge of relief, but it was tinged with a new intensity. He vowed never to leave your side again, becoming a constant, watchful presence, struggling to keep his protective instincts from suffocating you.
 He sits at the side of your bed for a while, scared that you were gonna blame him as he blamed himself. After you slightly recover, Tyler becomes more possessive, struggling to balance his feelings of guilt and the need to keep the reader safe
She screamed when she saw you, not in fear but in agony of seeing you basically ripped to shreds by one of those things. Why did it happen?? You were grouped together and trying to clear a house near the base. You guys wanted to see if there were any other materials you needed…You were left outside to watch. No one heard you get grabbed, no one saw where it took you until you were gone. You were tore open like a deer from a bear, the gashes and deep and revealing wounds covering your body almost made her sick. 
She struggles with the horror of what happened to you and blames herself for letting you out of her sight. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched the reader lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping the group together and safe. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched you lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping you safe and with the rest of the group. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. When you finally woke up, she bawled uncontrollably at your side, apologizing profusely. Taylor's heart swelled with relief though, knowing you were alive and semi-okay. Determined to keep you safe, she became more attentive and persuasive, her charm a constant comfort as she worked to ensure you never felt alone or afraid again.
Aiden's calm demeanor cracked just slightly as he stared at you lying on the group. Bloody, beaten, dead. The usual calm smile he has plastered on his face falls into a crazed one as his eyes glaze over. He hides his anger and sadness well. He felt a cold numbness settle over him, a detached shock as he lifted you in his arms. He didn't hear you scream, you were alone, you needed him…You were going to hate him.
In the hospital bed, your life hanging by a thread, he quietly takes charge and organizes care towards you, ensuring you were given the best treatment. Even in his grief, he was practical and efficient, managing details and coordinating with doctors. He couldn’t let you die, he failed you once and he wasn’t gonna do it a second time.
When you finally woke up, Aiden felt an intense relief, the dead, psychopathic smile finally disappearing as he stared in shock before smiling for real. Seeing you alive, well and okay(ish) brought him peace but that peace came with a deeper, darker determination. He became even more involved in your life, guiding your every decision with a careful, controlling hand, ensuring you would never be left alone and vulnerable again.
The anger inside him swirled with so much emotion he almost snapped. Aiden couldn’t get him to calm down enough or move away. Aiden just kept everyone away from him as Ben held your cold, limp body to his chest. Your heart wasn’t beating…How could you have left his sight..?
You thought you had seen something and decided to run and check it out. The Phantoms were distracted, none were near so you deemed it safe. You had found a small pocket knife but it was broken…then you were jumped and now you were broken too.
Ben felt a profound sadness settle over him as he saw you lying unconscious in the hospital. He struggled to process the sight, his usual calm demeanor shaken. While he tried to be a pillar of strength for the group, internally, he feared the worst. He got slightly defensive and even shoved Aiden away when being comforted.
 When you finally awoke, Ben felt an immense relief wash over him as he gave a slight nod and anxious wave and sat next to your bed. Determined to prevent such a close call from happening again, he became more protective and attentive, always looking out for your needs and ensuring you felt safe and cherished in his presence.
He broke down, falling to his knees in body-wracking sobs, overwhelmed by the horror and pain in his heart from seeing you dead. You were lagging behind the group and got grabbed and he couldnt catch you in time. By the time he and the group made it to you, you were pale, bloody and tore open severely with no heartbeat.
 Logan couldn’t hold back the tears as he sat beside your hospital bed, his heart breaking at the sight of your frail, unconscious form. The thought of losing you was unbearable, and he was wracked with guilt and sorrow, whispering apologies consistently, hoping you could hear him. 
When you finally opened your eyes, Logan was overwhelmed with relief as he apologized and cried beside you. However, the experience left him emotionally fragile; he became increasingly dependent on you, needing constant reassurance of your well-being and that you didn't hate him.
 Terrified of ever facing such a close call again, he never let you go off on your own and kept a closer eye on you, always telling you he needed to protect you so you wouldn’t get hurt.
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stillness-in-green · 3 months
First of all, thank you for Bring It All Back. Gave me chills. Second, what do you think about the newest chapters? It seems like Izuku took Gran Torino's 'killing to save' ideology to heart. Personally, I gave up somewhere around the Nagant arc.
Belatedly, thank you very much, @kermitthekrog-blog!  I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’m particularly always happy to hear people say it was chilling, upsetting, enraging, or other such disruptive adjectives.  It’s a rabble-rouser of an art project, to be sure, quite intentionally so.
As to the rest, I’ve made a few posts here and there since I got this ask which probably make my opinions pretty clear, and I’ve got a new ask in the queue which wants to know my thoughts on the epilogue material thus far, so I’ll have more to say there!  But in the meantime, yeah, it’s pretty appalling to think back to all Deku’s talk about “saving” Shigaraki and realize that all of it predates the Gran Torino scene?
Like, he thinks he wants to save Shigaraki when they part ways at the end of the first war arc, sure!  And he tells the vestiges he wants to save Shigaraki!  But does that specific word choice endure once he wakes up?  Well, @codenamesazanka did some hunting recently (you can find two posts about her rereads here and here) and, it turns out, no; it doesn't.
After Deku wakes up and talks to Gran Torino, the focus switches to Deku understanding Shigaraki, choosing not to ignore him, finding out the nature of the Crying Child, all that stuff.  That word completely stops coming out of Deku's mouth, and very shortly after stops coming from any of the OFA vestiges as well.
It really does read, in retrospect, like, yeah, he sincerely took Gran Torino’s words at face value and to heart. “Killing can be a way of saving, so I can save him by killing him.”
Heck, if anything, given how little he focuses after that on saving, it almost feels like that’s the moment he resolves to kill Shigaraki—rather conveniently, it allows him a way to make peace with extrajudicial murder and avenge himself for all the people Shigaraki’s hurt that Deku can’t forgive him for.
The only thing that’s different from just killing him outright is that Deku wants to understand him first, as if he has to verify for himself that Shigaraki is secretly unhappy and why so he can justify that save-by-killing—putting Shigaraki out of whatever misery Deku can make himself believe Shigaraki is in—with a clean conscience.  But he absolutely does not make any further promises about not killing him afterward.
Grim fucking stuff, but it lines up.  One wonders what he would have done if the Shigaraki in the mindscape had changed to Sweet Innocent Tenko and never reverted back to Shigaraki Tomura at any point.  Would Deku have tried not to punch him to death?  Tried to call for Eri or Recovery Girl after AFO’s vestige faded out?  Felt like more of a failure because the “person” VFO devoured would have been that cute kid, meaning Deku failed to save the “child”?
As it is, he mostly just seems vaguely discouraged and unhappy about Shigaraki staying “the leader of the League” until the end—would he have preferred that his hands were ashen and flaking with the powdered remains of the crying child instead?
As to me giving up, the Nagant fight is one of two places I'd put that pin.  I was discouraged by the first war arc, when so many of the advantages Shigaraki had gained over the course of MVA were stripped away from him again.  I was dissatisfied with the second encounter with Muscular, when Deku's "victory" was framed in such a heroic, triumphant light despite being a categorical failure based on the standard Deku seemed to have set for himself.  But Deku’s fight with Lady Nagant was so bad for so many reasons that it served as the first true hammer blow to my belief that Horikoshi would be willing or able to seriously grapple with the societal problems the manga had been building up to at that point.
My patience with the manga, and the enjoyment I derived from it, continued to deteriorate throughout the rest of that arc and the following war arc, but the hospital attack is the other place I would point to as the sequence that completely destroyed my engagement with the series.
Just—the naked contrivances of it, the excruciating treatment of Spinner, the howling tone-deafness, the monumental unfairness of the demands it laid at the feet of its oppressed minority. The series presents a backstory like Shouji’s alongside current story elements like heteromorphs being turned away from shelters in the supposedly accepting and quirk-blind big cities and still somehow comes out valorizing passive endurance so hard it starts to look like willful self-subjugation.
It is the most comprehensively noxious moral in the entire endgame, rivaled only by Deku’s murder of Shigaraki under the guise of “saving” him, and frankly? I would still put that one in second place. At least you can point to Shouto (and possibly Ochaco, though that remains to be seen) as an indication that save-by-killing is not a story-wide moral about villains who have “gone too far.”
Conversely, pretty much everything the hospital attack mini-arc winds up preaching can be read outward onto the rest of the story's antagonists as well, including Lady Nagant. What else to make of her exchange with Hawks The Optimist, after all, than that the conclusion is that she should have just kept murdering whoever the government told her to until some outside player solved her problem for her?
A Hero is someone who is willing to suffer in silence. A Villain, then, must be someone who refuses to.
Truly, the hospital attack is the poisoned well that wipes out the entire village.
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yngjwonluvr · 6 months
𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗𝗟𝗬 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗦 // ʏᴀɴɢ ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴ
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pairing: non-idol! jungwon x fem! reader
genre: smau, fluff, enemies to lovers
warnings: swearings, mention of humiliation, goofy jungwon
wordcount: 868 not proofread
author's note: Happy Sunday, y'all! Got nothing to do so I made this. I know it's boring ++I'm not good at writing but still did my best. Hope you guys like it!
synopsis: In the competitive world of business, longstanding rivals Jungwon and (oc) are forced into an uneasy partnership when their families orchestrate a merger to save their companies and make a stronger bond. Complicating matters further, they find themselves bound by an arranged marriage. They have to face their rivalry and determine whether there is true love between them or if their marriage is doomed to fail as they work through the difficulties of combining their personal and professional lives.
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“What?!?! But dad-” I was about to make an excuse about the information that I just heard when my dad cut me off, saying “You can’t say no, dear; you already signed the partnership contract.” He said, making me sigh. “But I didn’t know that it was going to be him who would be my partner for this project.” I reasoned it out. “But dear, a contract is a contract. No more excuses, okay? Whether you like it or not, you’ll work with him.”
I nodded and left my dad’s office, feeling defeated by the fact that I had to work with my longtime enemy, who’s known for his looks, intelligence, and wealth. I guess you already know him….yes! The one and only YANG JUNGWON. He’s the son of my father’s friend. But Dad and Uncle being the best of friends doesn’t make me close to Jungwon. Instead, annoyance and anger took over. Why? Because he rejected me harshly and freaking embarrassed me 3 years ago at their house party when I told him that I liked him, and he answered, saying, "I don't like spoiled brats," and started laughing with his friends. And from that day on, I started hating him to the point that seeing his face made me want to break his bones.
‘Aish, I’m stressing myself more just by thinking of him.’ My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my secretary call my name. “Yes, Lia? Do I have a meeting later?” I asked. “Oh, no, Miss Yn. Your mom just wanted me to tell you that you guys are going to have a family dinner at the Yang's residence later at 7 pm,” she stated, which made me roll my eyes. “Aish, again? Alright, I’ll take note of that. Thanks for telling me.” She smiled and bowed before leaving as I went to my office to continue the work that I had left when my dad called me to his office.
“I bet the partnership will be our topic tonight,” I sigh.
----------------T I M E S K I P—--------------
I flinched when I heard my phone ringing. I groaned before answering the call without looking at the caller’s ID. “Hello?” I started. “Oh, Yn dear, are you still planning to attend our family dinner tonight?” the person on the other line sweetly asked, which made my eyes widen. It’s Jungwon’s mother. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry auntie, I must’ve fallen asleep while doing my work and didn’t notice the time,” I explained. "It's okay, dear. Take your time. We are not rushing you," she assured. "Okay, Auntie, I'll just pack my things and call Dad to fetch me." I said, "No need, dear. Take your time; I already sent someone to fetch you there since your parents are here already." Auntie said. “Okay, Auntie, I'll be leaving now,” I said, informing her that I needed to go. “Alright. Take care, dear. Bye,” she hung up, as I left my office and went to the parking lot.
I was peacefully walking in the parking lot while using my phone when something hit me—a candy wrapper. “Oopss,” my eyes automatically shut, and I felt like it rolled back inside my head. “What the heck are you doing here, Yang Jungwon? ”I turn around and see him grinning so widely that my blood boils in irritation. “What's with the full name, Missy? And chill, am I not allowed to see my lovely business partner? "He answered with a smirk while leaning on his car hood. Hearing his last two words pissed me more. "I am not working with an arrogant man, like you." He chuckled and played the lollipop in his mouth. He took the lollipop out of his mouth and offered it to me. "Do you want to have a taste?" he asked. "Yuck," I said, turning my back on him as I started walking away. "Hm, planning to ditch the dinner? "Jungwon asked. "Nah, not this time," I answered as I continued walking.
"Then should we go? "He asked, which made me stop walking and turn to face him again. "What did you say? 'I asked, wanting him to repeat what he said to make sure that I heard it right. "I said, if we should go already?" he repeated while walking towards me. "Huh? What do you mean, "if we should go? Yang, "I asked confusedly, "Oh, mom didn't tell you? "Tell me what? "I asked back. "Tell you that she asked me to fetch you." Jungwon answered my question with a smirk, holding my hand as he started pulling me towards his car. "What??? But why him, Untieeeee?" I whine while trying to escape from his grip as he laughs. "Yah, let's go; it's already 6:40," he said. "I know, and I don't want to go with you, Yang," I protest. "But you don't have a choice," he said while opening the passenger seat door. He made me sit there and go to the driver's seat. "Plus, we're going to be late. My wife doesn't like being late, right?" he added while giggling as he started driving.
‘Right, business partners also mean you are in a fixed marriage.’
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letters2won · 6 months
10 things I hate about you
01: on my bucket list
half written, 0.6k
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You tapped your foot aggressively by the gates near the soccer field as Beomgyu finally makes his way over to you with a juice box and a half eaten hot dog.
“Seriously Gyu?” you huffed out with furrow eyebrows. With ketchup all over his mouth, he gave you a puzzled look before he handed over the other half of his hot dog.
“UGH! I know, I know! I’m such a cool president but save the compliments for later my disciple” he laughed out proudly, making sure to pat you on the back harshly as he made his way to the bleachers.
You gave him a puzzled face, it was baffling how free spirited he was. To be honest it’s starting to scare you. Your face scrunched up at the sight of the hot dog that was falling apart in your hand before finally tossing it into the trash can.
You were too busy cleaning your hands to notice the game started. Clasping your hands together with closed eyes, you begged to get this over with quickly before rushing to the field.
Your camera dangled around your neck while you looked for a spot to take pictures of the boys. Not wanting to be close to the two teams fighting over the ball you opted for the corner of the field. You were getting ready to snap a few pictures when all of a sudden an aggravating noise came from behind you.
It was Beomgyu, he was cheering like he won an over watch match. Somehow he was decked out with face paint of the school color all over him and a big poster board which had “Decelis Soccer team #1 fan” written on it.
He felt a chill go down his spine out of no where til he realized you were shooting daggers at him. He gave you a sheepish smile and thumbs up while you gave him a tight lipped smile.
You turned back around with an actual smile this time as you think of how unreal Beomgyu is when you hear him let out a few barks. You shook your head and finally began to shoot.
You managed to get shots of the boys scoring points and hyping each other up, even sneaking a few of the crowds supporting them with cheers. Scrolling through the pictures, you failed to realize the ball aiming right at you and the quick “WATCH OUT!”
The voices went in and out as your eyelids grew heavy. The last thing being heard was a panicked voice going, “oh shit i killed her!?”
When you awoke from your slumber, your head was pulsing as you sat up. “Yn you’re up?! I thought you died on us!” Gaon cried out while running over to cry into your shirt.
You looked up to see all your friends sighing in relief, “Okay why is he crying about me being dead and why on earth is Eumppappa is here?” you deadpanned as you rub Gaon back comforting him.
“For moral support—” Gyuvin began cooing at his dog causing you to roll your eyes.
He then continued, “plus you got hit in the face with the soccer ball in front of everyone!” he snorted.
You groaned before banging your head on the wall behind you on accident, wincing in the process. “Gyu even got it on camera!” Chuu blurted out.
“Chuu that was between us!”
“oops. .”
“Gyu you are SOO dead when i recover.”
Beomgyu waved you off absentmindedly, “I guess you don’t want to see who sent the ball flying in your direction~” he teased.
“NO! Tell me. . please”
He smiled in victory before pulling his video to show you. He slowed down the video and zoomed into someone with jersey number 01 on the back.
You’re eye twitched as you clenched your blanket while Beomgyu laughed loudly, “No way!”
“Lee Heeseung is dead meat the next time I see him!”
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⤷ first chapter! i really don’t like how the written part came out but it’ll have to do as it still trying to get better at writing🤕
masterlist | backward | forward
SYNOPSIS ౨ৎ Lee Heeseung has it all, he’s captain of the soccer team, popular, charming and hilarious (at least in his eyes). What he doesn’t have though is a girlfriend OR a prom date making him desperate. You on the other hand want nothing to do with him or his silly problems, but how come you two are always clashing heads in the end?
TAGLIST < open > @eclipse-777 @saursoob @rosas-in-the-garden @enha-stars @rikizm @ramenoil @winuvs @semisemirin1i82 @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @hee-yunie @patchofblue @sincerelyrki @badaswifey @kaispulshies @hae-luvr @aespaslut @llvrhee @grah127 @manooffline @haechology @hajunzi @sunghoonsgff @jaeyunluvr @jentlecoeur @ak-aaa-li @cyberinnie @seiamor @rikimylove @thesassy-mia @hexoolio @eleanorheartschishiya @dimplewonie @autumn583 @jeongintwt @aerohmantics @miumiuestmoi @yoongisbaguetteshoes @isoobie @heeoao @letwiiparkjay @lowjilamoon @letmein2urheart @thatonedemigodfromseoul @scoupsworld @hrts4hees @splat00z | bold can’t be added
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Can you imagine if Celestia decides to mind control the archons, realizing that a revolution is probably coming?
The main goal is to sow chaos and distrust in Teyvat, stopping the Tsaritsa's plans while showing Celestia's might.
What they didn't expect was for said archons to fight back, most with contingencies made centuries ago.
Venti isolated himself in a wind barrier, making sure nobody could enter, and that his powers couldn't break out. He is NOT having panic attacks due to claustrophobia and memories of Decarabian's rule, thank you very much.
Zhongli sealed himself deep undergound, in a similar fashion to Azdaha, he brought plenty of books to pass the time, though he is mostly suffering from a migraine due to fighting off Celestia.
Ei is literally just chilling in the Plane of Euthymia while the Shogun runs Inazuma. Makoto's subconsiousness is fistfighting Celestia's influence.
To make sure nobody could use her control over Irminsul and the people's dreams and minds, Nahida locked herself up in the Sanctuary of Surasthana again, sealing her conciousness. It worked, but she's afraid and alone and crying while reliving her worst nightmare. Scaramouche and Cyno are trying to break the barrier in frantic desperation.
We don't know much about Murata, but she's probably just chilling in a volcano. Meanwhile the Tsaritsa froze herself, letting Pierro run the country and the Fatui in her stead.
Meanwhile Furina is hiding in the dephts of Fontaine's sea, sealing herself in a cave with the use of Pneuma and Ousia energies (if she tries to break the barrier, or attempts to control Fontaine's waters, the barrier strikes, she went a bit overboard because tsunamis are no joke).
So yeah, the plan didn't go as expected, and Celestia also didn't account for the Traveler... or the dragons...
The Traveler is basically going around saving everyone, using his connection to the elements to break barriers and fight off Celestia's influence. We start with Sumeru, mostly because Scara all but drags us to save Nahida.
As for the Sovereings...
Dvalin is guarding Venti's temporary "prison", trying to sing as many ballads as he can remember in hopes to calm him down. He sometimes sings the notes wrong because it always made Venti laugh.
Azdaha's conciousness found Zhongli's seal. He connected both of the places so that they can keep each other company. They're alternating between chess matches with soothing tea and Oshmantus wine to friendly spars that shake Liyue (Zhongli is still a feral war god that likes to fight).
Ei is having a great time in the Plane of Euthymia, especially now that Kokomi came along. They're chatting about light novels.
Apep managed to connect to Nahida's conciousness and is currently strangling the Celestial influence. She claims it's just her way of settling the score after we helped her in 3.6, as well as a good excuse to fight Celestia. The fact that she is telling stories of the old days of Teyvat to calm Nahida down is just a mere coincidence. (The maternal instincts kicked in)
Neuvillette broke though the Pneuma Ousia barrier with a small army of Melusines. He is currently guarding the archon in his dragon form while the Melusines perform plays to distract her (they want to start a troupe, so these are all original scripts, they were all approved).
We don't know much about the other two dragons, so let's just say they're guarding the borders of Natlan and Snezhnaya.
CONGRATULATIONS CELESTIA! Not only did your plan fail, but now all of Teyvat is mad at you!! Even the Sovereigns (that are supposed to resent the archons, mind you) are angry on their behalf!!!!🥳🥳🥳
Bonus: Neuvillette watching the show of the melusines while Furina sleeps next to his paws:
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sage-nebula · 11 months
Personally, I love that Whisper is a little messy.
I love that she is—for a Sonic character, at least—complicated. Overall, she's a good person. She wants to help and protect others. She's compassionate, and brave. She accepts others for who they are even when it might be inconvenient. (Ian Flynn clarified on a Bumblekast that when Whisper replied "I don't" to Lanolin when Lanolin asked her how she handled Tangle in the Urban Warfare arc, what Whisper meant was that Tangle is her own person and Whisper doesn't try to control her one way or the other. It wasn't her being angry.) She's usually patient and owns up when she makes mistakes. She's smart and capable, but still humble. She's determined and diligent and loyal.
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But she is also traumatized, and while some of that trauma comes through in Socially Acceptable™️ ways of being sad and soft-spoken, it also comes through in less Socially Acceptable™️ ways. She self-isolates to the point where it damages her inter-personal relationships, sometimes on purpose. She is willing to commit murder against those who have caused great harm and has attempted to kill both Mimic and Eggman in canon twice each. She can be terse and is hypervigilant and sometimes violent as a result of her hypervigilance, warranted or not. (Because although we know she's right about Duo being Mimic, that doesn't give her a pass to put hands on Lanolin the way she does.) She regularly fails to communicate her feelings until cornered or she hits a breaking point. She spent the vast majority of her time in the story steadfastly refusing to heal from her grief over the deaths of her friends by saving the recording of the moment they died so she could watch it again and again.
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None of this to say Whisper is a bad person. She's not. She's a severely traumatized 16 year old girl. She deserves to be given grace. But she is complicated. She's messy. Saving the body cam footage of when your friends were murdered so you can watch it over and over and keep that grief and need for vengeance festering in your heart is not a healthy coping mechanism. Self-isolating to the point where you won't even say goodbye (as she was going to do when she left the Restoration prior to Trial By Fire before Tangle happened to catch her in the act) isn't great behavior, either. And while the topic of whether a villain deserves to die for their actions is a moral quandry comics fans have wasted decades arguing about, the fact remains that the willingness to do so is rare by Sonic hero standards. In fact, it's usually only the antiheroes (such as Shadow) who are willing to do it. But Whisper shot Eggman through the heart in Urban Warfare; he would be dead right now if she hadn't been stuck halfway in cyberspace.
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Yes, Whisper is soft with her wisps and her girlfriend and her friends. She tells jokes about toasters. She gets very excited to chill at the beach, and she is willing to put herself on the line time and again to protect strangers. But she is also willing to do the things she feels must be done, no matter how her friends might not approve, and sometimes her coping behaviors (or lack thereof) are awful. This wolf contains multitudes.
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And I love her for it.
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littlest-w01f · 13 days
Healing Fires
Eris Vanserra x Feyre Archeron
For @erisweekofficial
Eris week 2024 Masterlist
Day 6: Retellings
Summary: Rhysand asked for Eris' help to heal Feyre UtM, and he did.
Cw: Mentions of Rhys' assault, mentions of Eris' assault
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Feyre lay on the floor of her cell, eyes barely opened, covered in the mud and excrete from the Wrym's labyrinth, the bone in her elbow poking out, infected, while quite a few were broken, many severe cuts and bruises all over her body, her dirty clothes stuck to her skin.
She was passing in and out of consciousness, had a high fever, and didn't think she would survive, not even a little. She managed to let out a shaky breath when she saw a pair of boots approach, Lucien finally came for her, to save her. She seemed to relax when she tilted her head slightly, seeing the tips of bright red hair.
"Ugh... You stink worse than I imagined, human." The male sneered in a mocking tone, it made her blood chill, Lucien wasn't here, the haunting thought dawned on her, but one of his brothers, the brothers Lucien hadn't been able to say one nice thing about was there.
Feyre croaked as she asked, her voice dry from dehydration, "W-who-?" The question died on her tongue.
The male gave a mocking bow, which made him appear in her eye line, bright red hair, same as Lucien's, perhaps even more vibrant, eyes that looked like they had been carved of amber, a sharp face and posture, and a sneer on his rather scarless pale face, "Eris Vanserra, sweetheart. Lucien's eldest."
Why are you here? Feyre wanted to ask, but words failed to come out of her throat, dying on her tongue.
"Tamlin's pretty human doesn't look so good..." Eris cooed, easily stepping inside her cell, making Feyre hope for the first time that the guards were nearby, "You look like you're in need of help, little human..."
Feyre gasped softly in reply, whether she wanted to tell him to get away or beg for his help, she, herself didn't know.
Eris crouched down to her, tilting her chin with his finger so that she could look at him, cringing at the dirty floor under her, and making her cringe at the crack of bone she heard from her neck. Eris chuckled, reading all her inner turmoil easily, "Don't worry your pretty little head, silly human." Eris smiled and Feyre was sure he mirrored his father on how he had looked gleefully as she was lowered to the labyrinth, excited by the prospect of her death. Feyre couldn't stop the dry scream that tore through her as Eris pulled at the shard of bone in her broken arm, twisted it, popping the bone back into place, not caring to be gentle like Lucien had been with her nose, "The guards aren't coming."
Feyre closed her eyes in pain, she felt like she was floating, and soon she felt heat spread through her, panic set in her as she realised Eris had set her on fire, and her eyes snapped open as she tried to use her slightly better arm to set the flames off.
Eris rolled his eyes, using one of his hands to keep hers off her body, while he used the other to cover her legs in his fire, "Stay still, my sweet, my fire is healing you, it won't be set off by your hand, it will extinguish when you're healed."
Feyre was soon covered in fire, the fire not burning through her clothes, but healing her cuts and broken bones, reducing her fever too. The fire was a pleasant warmth, not as hot as she'd imagined the Autumn fire would feel, and not as comforting either.
It reduced on her throat and neck, and when it did, she left herself able to turn her head and speak, "Why are you... Helping me?" She asked, her voice hesitant.
Eris sat beside her on the ground he had earlier crinkled his nose slightly, eyes on his fire as he sighed, "Why does any male do anything?"
"Please, did Tamlin sent you-" Feyre asked, but was cut off by Eris
"Why did Rhysand asked me of all people to help you?" Eris continued, and Feyre paused, wanting to hear what he said, "Me? The rightful heir of Autumn, helping a pathetic little human," Eris snorted, but then his face turned serious, and the way he looked at Feyre made her tense, "A human that's going to free us."
"You seem to have sudden faith in me." Feyre retorted, their eyes meeting, she didn't look away, but she couldn't help but wonder why Rhysand had been the one to send him.
Eris hummed, "Well, Rhysand had faith in you when he gambled, it earned him large sums of money from everyone around here, including my father," He shrugged, "So consider this my gamble."
Eris moved right to Feyre, stroking her dirty cheek, grinning fox-like when she didn't pull away, "Besides, if I did something Rhysand asked, like this," He flicked the grime that had collected on his fingers and motioned to the fires healing her, "...Then he would owe me."
Feyre sighed at that, of course, he was doing this to get a favour from Rhysand, but he continued, "And I feel as if I owe you one as well..." Eris trailed off.
Feyre managed to move a brow up at him, "Dare I ask, how so?" Her voice was laced with genuine curiosity.
Eris' eyes go soft, just like Lucien's and their mother's had been while looking at her, but still quite amused, taking her by surprise, "With you winning, my father lost a large portion of his money, that he was hoping to invest in some sketchy places that I didn't like, your win in the trial against the Wyrm caused a large kink in his plans, sweetheart." He laughed in a way that Feyre saw his mother's resemblance in him instantly, "That led to his whining that I quite enjoyed, perhaps the first ranting of his that I liked to hear. Oh, the insults he called you, pretty." He laughed heartily.
He watched the fires slowly melt into her, completely healing her, burning away the dirt, grime and stink off her too, "Then he went on about how you would probably die from your state..." He found himself helping her up, not missing how she was still slightly weak, mostly from being denied food after pissing Amarantha off by winning, "And what better way to fuck with him than being the one that heals you?"
Feyre leaned against his chest, gasping at how warm he was, he was far warmer than Lucien and she found herself seeking that warmth feeling it slightly rough, "So you helped me to get a favour from Rhysand and just piss off your father when he sees me alive...?"
Eris moved her hair from her face, smiling softly, "Perhaps, you're not so dumb, little human." For the first time, he said 'human' like it wasn't a derogatory slur he was spewing. "And I was guessing, the reason Rhysand asked me was because he knew I would come around."
"Where is Tamlin...?" Feyre found herself asking, while gaining more questions about Rhysand.
"Perhaps I was wrong," Eris scoffed and rolled his eyes, but it was playful, "You are snuggling into an Autumn male, an heir no less, and you're thinking of another?"
Feyre sat straight, not even realising she had been snuggling into him, but her head pained at the sudden movement, her body didn't have the energy for, not noticing how his tunic was not even buttoned above his abdomen, completely showing his chest, a few scars littered over it, whip lashes, cuts from knives.
Before she could ask him, Eris spoke up, she could see the discomfort on his face, "I don't know shit about what Tamlin's doing. Rhysand approached me, told me Amarantha wanted to "congratulate" him for his win." He scoffed lightly, "I don't understand what he's protect so hard that he's stopped fighting back completely. It's this image he's created for himself when she kept coming back, he's such an asshole that he leaves me stunned, much more of a pain in everyone's ass he was before." His normal demeanour came back to the surface, "And I bet you've heard I am quite the asshole."
Feyre frowned, hearing his words, and the implications they made, she didn't know what to say. With her head dizzy she fell back.
"Oh, there there, clumsy human." Eris laughed softly, catching her in his arms, "Your boyfriends can handle themselves, you worry about you, ok? Can't have you falling all over yourself, can we?"
"Rhysand not my..." Feyre groaned in his chest at even the implication, now realising that the roughness was his scars, "...How did you get these?" She quickly changed the conversation.
"Some in battle," He took her hand to trace a few cuts on him, "The other my father lovingly gave me."
Feyre gasped softly, tracing a particularly harsh whip mark going down diagonally on his chest, "Your father did this?"
"You should see my back." He joked, then shrugged, "There is a reason I find happiness in his sorrows and losses, love."
"What Lucien told me of you... You were cruel... You're not as horrible to me as you were to Lucien, why?" Feyre found herself asking before she could stop herself, mentally hitting herself when she did, and Eris stiffened, his arms tightening around her.
"I... I've made plenty of mistakes that I wish I could fix." Eris frowned, her mentioning Lucie seemed to truly sadden him, "I can't fix the past... I can't bring Jess back... Can't erase my part in it." He tiled Feyre's chin up so she'd look at him, his eyes showing true vulnerability at the mere mention of Lucien, "But maybe I can make things a little better by keeping his human friend alive, the very human he got hurt for over and over again." He cupped her cheeks, and he looked over her face without distante from the first time, "And maybe... I can see the need for helping folks 'lesser' than us now, something Lucien could always see. I want to help you."
Feyre's ears were ringing from his words, eyes wide from the way he looked at her, she searched for a lie but found none, her cheeks were burning, and she didn't know if it was her blush or his power that did so, "Please don't look at me like that... The reason I'm here is to save-"
"Save Tamlin, I know..." Eris sighed, looking away, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that... I just... I am hoping to fix things between myself and my brother, perhaps see the world the way he does, only if a little."
Feyre nodded sitting up without his support, knowing what he wanted from her, "When we get out of here... I'll tell him, I'll tell him you helped me."
Eris pressed his hand to the cold ground, his power flowing through, warming the cell, "Well, until we do, I shall help keep you as comfortable as I can."
Feyre didn't stop the sigh that left her lips at the warmth of the floor, leaning back to rest on the floor completely. Closing her eyes in content at the sudden warmth in the cell, not caring how she looked to him, sprawled on the cell floor.
Eris watched her with a smile forming. He got up from the floor, eyes softening when he saw that Feyre had passed out the second the floor was comfortable enough, "It may have been the full reason before I came here... Now, not so much."
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith @velarisnightsky444 @minnieoo}
{Eris Taglist- @fxckmiup @slut4acotar @secret-third-thing @shadowsingers-mate @fieldofdaisiies @st4r-girl-official}
Honarary Feyris tag for Eris week @nocasdatsgay
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