#it's SO awful. this guy CANNOT write his way out of a paperbag
goatsandgangsters · 9 months
the good news is that I finished a book and it got me out of my reading slump where I would start things, not finish, switch to something else, not finish
the bad news is that "yes daddy" by jonathan parks-ramage is one of the worst written books I've read in a whiiiile. bland expositiony prose, flat characters, a bunch of weird plot detours. Written like a 200-page Wikipedia summary instead of an actual book
the worst news is that it has such intensely favorable gushing reviews on goodreads, and the people who hated it mostly hated it for a different reason, and so I'm left alone like oKAY BUT THE PROSE WAS SHIT, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS
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In My Veins
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Title: In My Veins Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1,019 (+ lyrics)
REQUESTED BY @jasnxtoddssideblog
►► In My Veins - Andrew Belle
A/N: So, I might went a little overboard with this one. ummmmm, hope you guys like it.
request open, send a song/lyrics/sentence + character of your choice and I’ll write a drabble that revolves around it.
Nothing goes as planned Everything will break People say goodbye
The sound of forceful know brought Peter back from his thoughts. “Peter, are you ready?” Aunt May asked from the other side of the door. Peter sighed, he’s nowhere nearly ready. His suit was still laid by the edge of his bed waiting for him. Peter fumbled with his dress shirt. “Yeah, in a minute,” Peter shouted back, painfully putting a button on its hole.
He watched as the cars came into a parking spot. Everyone came. Everyone, including those who know you for short amount of time. Sadly this is the day of your funeral. Minutes later people who dressed in black started to huddle around the casket. They lay down roses after roses on top of your casket. It was Peter’s turn, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk a step closer to your casket as a tears clouded his eyes.
Oh, you’re in my veins And I cannot get you out
Peter sighed sadly as he sat down the paperbag on the kitchen counter. He has accidentally bought two things from your favorite bakery; one for him and one for you. He only noticed what he did when he’s halfway through his apartment. Peter’s figure slumped as he took out one croissant for himself, he could eat them both but the thought just makes him sad. Peter took a bite of his croissant as he eyed the other on his kitchen counter. His eyes softened, “I’m so sorry.”
Oh, all that you rely on And all that you can save Will leave you in the morning And find you in the day
“Y/N?” Peter asked himself, his brows were furrowed together. He could recognize that laugh from anywhere. It was your laugh. He thought he was just hallucinating, but then he heard it again. A laugh so beautiful that made him fall in love in the first place. “Y/N?” Peter shouted, louder this time. Then he heard it again, the laugh sounds louder as he quickly runs towards the laughter. His heart starts to light up with joy when he saw you, he blinked his eyes again and again. “Y/N?” He asked, still in awe that he found you. Is this a dream?
A smile formed on your beautiful face, your eyes light up as you saw him. “Peter!” You shouted, running towards him and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.
“H-How? You were dead, Y/N.” Peter asked, his mouth went agape taking everything, four white walls surrounding him.
Your smile turned into a frown. “I’m dead, Peter.”
His heart dropped. You were dead and it was all his fault.
“It’s not your fault.” You sighed, reassuring him. “You have to continue your life without me, Peter. Move on and live your life,” You softly said, kneeling down beside him you placed your hand on his shoulder. “The world has so much to offer than grieving about your dead girlfriend.”
“I don’t know how to live without you.”
“You know how, babe. You lived your life without me before meeting me.” You chuckled, sending a wink towards him causing Peter’s cheek to turned red.
“Y-yeah, but-” Peter tried to argue, but you shut him up.
“I will always be with you, love. I will be amongst the stars,” You pulled him closer to you. Your eyes met, never leaving his, “I love you, spidey-boy.”
Peter’s heart still racing too fast when his conscious brought him back. He still could hear your laugh as you called him spidey-boy. But, his surrounding isn’t so bright anymore, in fact, it was too dark. “You okay, kid?” Steve asked, holding out his hands for Peter to take. Peter, nodded his head. “Good.”
It happened way to fast, none of them would see it coming, but in the back of their mind, they know it could happen at any time and to anyone. Peter just didn’t know that it would be you.
You saw it in the corner of your eyes that one of the aliens is charging at Peter while his back was turned, your head whipped so fast you feel the world spinning. “Peter, watch out!” You shouted, running towards him pushing him to the side.
It happened almost like in slow motion, Peter was just in time to snapped his head to where your voice came from when he was pushed to the side and hitting the cold rocky surface. His eyes went wide in horror when he saw you taking the hit for him. A spear went right through you. He watched your body hit the surface beside him, but not before you cast a purple shadow towards the alien causing the alien’s body went limp and hit the surface the same time as your body. He rushed towards you, his eyes went wide as the blood started to seep out from your suit into his pale hands.
“Y/N?” He called, his whispered voice sounded very hoarse. “Y/N, please stay awake.” He said again, his hands trembled as he put more pressure on your bleeding abdomen.
“It’s okay, Peter,” You said, putting your hand on top of his. Your brain feels hazy as you started to close your eyes. “Y/N, please open your eyes! Stay with me. I love you!” You heard his scream as you tried to open your eyes, but it was too heavy.
You let out your last breath, finally gaining some strength to open your eyes one more time. Peter’s face was red and his eyes were glinting with tears, you reached your hand towards his cheeks, wiping the tears away but only to cover it with your blood. “I’m sorry, Peter. I love you too,” Your voice was faint and weak. Panic filled Peter’s gut. “No-no-no.”
Peter let out a heavy breath, as he shook away the painful memories in his head, “Move on.” He whispered to himself, walking away but not before casting one last look towards where he stood before. He’s almost sure he saw you waving at him and mouthing goodbye before vanishing in a purple shadow.
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
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