#it's SUPER minor but thought i'd put the tw just in case
nanasparadise · 4 years
“Paradise lost” Yan!Bruno x female reader
Hiya everyone! This is my first fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it 🥺
Summary: You live a pleasant and regular life as a curator in Naples, until a certain over-protective Capo turns it upside down...
TW: alcohol, drugs, stalking, cursing, noncon touching, mentions of violence and death, toxic relationship, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI
I do not condone any type of yandere behaviour in real life.
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You were living in a paradise. Your paradise. After having moved to Italy, you were finally able to lead the life of your dreams. The city of Naples with its gentle sea breeze, the vivid streets and the ancient architecture just felt right to you. Not to mention the people; you've met some of the most supporting individuals. Your friends helped you integrate in Italy and gave you some Italian classes in order to improve your, admittedly, quite basic Italian skills. Your job as a curator in an art museum fulfilled your passion. Your small, but very cozy flat felt as if it was sculpted for you. Even after having spent nearly a year in the city, you never regretted your decision to move there. That was until you met a certain peculiar man, who would change your whole life forever.
You spent the night at the bar with Analisa and Federico, your two closest friends. The trio consisting of you were a bit tipsy, because of one too many drinks. The intoxication offered you lots of fun though, as you were constantly laughing at the slightest things. At 4 a.m., you were finally shooed out of the pub by the annoyed owner. The three of you went outside of the bar. You inhaled gladly the cool night air, which put you a bit back to your senses. Your friends, on the other hand, remained tipsy while constantly gigglying and grinning. Analisa and Federico suggested to go back to their place, where they might continue enjoying the night with some pills. You smiled at them, but declined. Drugs weren't really up your alley. 
"Aww, come on Y/N!", Analisa pouted, "it will be fun!"
"No thanks, you guys. You know how I feel about drugs", you replied patiently. 
"Should we take you home, then?", Federico asked, forehead frowned in worries, "You know it can be dangerous out here all alone with the whole mafia." 
"I'll be fine, thank you. You should be more worried for the guys with my Krav Maga skills!", you joked, trying to ease your friend's concerns, “and by the way, you two better be careful with your pills!"
After having hugged them goodbye, you parted ways with your friends. The streets of Naples were mostly quiet. In the distance, you heard fainlty some music from a club. A few stray cats roamed in the shadows, watching you with their predatory eyes. Admitteldy, it made you feel a tad uncomfortable. "Stop it", you muttered to yourself, "Don't let a few cats play tricks on you." Still captured by the felines' gaze, you accidentally stumbled over the pavement. Before you could actually hit the floor, as you anticipated, a strong hand caught your upper arm and hindered the fall. You looked up to your saviour to thank them. It was a rather unusual man. He wore a unique white suit with black spoon-like dots on it and zippers and his black hair was cut in a bob. But what you noticed the most were his deep, ocean blue eyes, which stared back at you with concern. Even though he seemed rather strange, the man's whole atmosphere drew you in. As you kept contemplating him, a sudden thought crossed your mind. "Where did he come from so quickly? I didn't see anyone in the street", you pondered. The thought made you shiver slightly. Realising that you still shamelessly stared at the man, you decided to finally speak up. 
"Thank you for catching me, I guess I had one too many", you said humoursly to him, trying to relax the tense ambience. The handsome guy offered you a smile to your relief. 
"No need to thank me, signorina", he answered cheekily. Something about him calling you "Miss" didn't feel right to you. After all, you were a grown adult and not some teenage girl. 
"No really, thank you, I could have hurt me", you insisted politely. The man still held your arm. You were eyeing uncomfortably to it, hoping he would catch the hint. Luckily, he did so and retrieved his warm hand from your body. The man cleared awkwardly his throat and continued speaking.
"Are you alright though? It is dangerous to walk at night the streets in Naples, especially for a young lady." His worry for you was quite flattering, you admitted to yourself. 
"I am fine, thanks to you", you winked at him. You could swear his cheeks turned slightly pink, but because of the darkness, you couldn't be entirely sure. 
"May I accompany you home?", the man asked, "It would ease my mind if I knew you arrived home safely." You weren't sure how to react. Sure, he was beautiful, but did you really want a stranger to know where you lived? 
"Thank you for your kind offer, but my flat isn't far away, I will be there in a minute", you replied carefully. After all, Federico was right: there were many mafiosi in Naples, maybe he was one of them? Your suspicions towards him increased. The man seemed to feel your paranoia. He flashed you a reassuring smile that would have made every woman swoon over him. 
"I understand your suspiciousness fully,” he said smoothly, "but I do think it is not necessary in this case. If I wanted to cause you any harm, I'd have it done by now. After all, this is a quiet and dark street and no one would have witnessed anything." "Fair enough", you thought. He was right. He could have easily murdered you by now if he wanted to. And there was nothing harmful about letting him follow you, right? 
"Well, if you put it that way, then sure, I'd like that", you answered with a soft smile. You shouldn't have agreed. Oh Y/N, if only you knew, you would have went with your friends. Instead, you went home, the stranger remaining by your side. "By the way, I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Y/N." 
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N, I am Bruno."
Slowly, the two of you became friends. Bruno turned out to be a loyal and charming man. Being the ever so polite gentleman, you didn’t have a clue about the raven-haired man’s true intentions. Oh no, you were blissfully ignorant to his advances. In fact, he knew you before that fateful night. The capo - you didn’t actually know his real job as he kept smoothly tip-toeing around it - had been chasing an enemy Stand user in the art museum where you worked when his attentive gaze had fallen on your form. You had explained patiently to an elderly couple every little detail of the Veiled Christ statue. In that moment, Bruno hadn’t known why he had stopped just to stare at you. Maybe it was the way you had treated the couple with kindness, maybe the way your eyes had lit up with passion as you had talked about the subject that fascinated you. Bruno still wasn’t sure what exactly enchanted him when it came to you. All he was aware of was the fuzzy warmth in his stomach and his racing heartbeat whenever he glanced at you. And that he would never let go of that feeling. So, the young mafioso started following you from that day on. He wouldn’t necessarily call it stalking, he just wanted to make sure that you were alright. And look where it had led him to - if he hadn’t been there to watch over you, you would have hurt yourself, which Bruno couldn’t let happen, of course. He was convinced that you needed him in your life. The following months since the Italian man had been by your side, you were in total safety. 
But you also felt ultimately caged in. You were grateful for Bruno’s friendship, but it also smothered you. Every time you were trying to go out with your friends, he would ask about every tiny detail: where were you going, who did come with you, what were you doing and so on. Eventually, he’d always join you. 
“Cara,” he would say with pleading eyes, “I only want to protect you. The world is a dark place and Naples is its hell. I don’t want to witness how anyone takes advantage of your sweet innocence.”
“Somehow he always knows when I go out with them, too”, you wondered. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that the two of you were dating. Bruno did behave like an overly jealous and possessive boyfriend. Plus, he always acted super touchy and affectionate around you: a pet name here, an arm around your shoulders there. Every time you confronted him, he would laugh it off. “I guess I am bewitched by you, tesoro.” All of this made you feel uncomfortable. Still, you didn’t want to lose your friendship. So you kept quiet most of the time. 
Until one day, you talked to Analisa and told her about it. For once, you needed some other friend than Bruno to listen to you, someone who wouldn’t act like a partner around you. Luckily, you knew for a fact that he would be gone this evening due to his mysterious profession he never mentioned to you. So, you invited Analisa over to your flat to vent. The blue-haired woman listened attentively to your lamentations. The words just spilt out of your mouth until you realised you actually started crying. Analisa held you in her arms and tried to calm you down. “Hey, Y/N, it’s fine. he’s not around”, she kept repeating. Eventually, your sobs died slowly until you were left staring at Analisa puffy-eyed. “If I allow myself to share my piece of mind,” Analisa said angrily, “he is a pezzo di merda. Who does he think he is to behave like that? You’re not his girlfriend, and even if you were, he doesn’t have the right to treat you like you are his possession. You can do whatever the fuck you want.” Her furious words filtered through your brain. “She’s right”, you agreed silently. “And you know what else? I hate to see you down because of that asshole,”  Analisa continued, “But I’ve just got the perfect solution for that.” The blue-haired woman grinned as she took some small pills out of the pocket of her leather jacket. “Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
At first you weren’t sure about taking the hallucinogens, since you never took drugs before. But for once, just for once, you wanted to escape reality. When did your little paradise turn into hell? You thought, you valued your friendship with Bruno, but now, all you wanted to do was to run away from him. The drug slowly started to kick in as you felt your head spinning. The dizziness made you feel light, as if you were about to fly away any moment. Analisa started to giggle next to you, already high. Suddenly, you began seeing black dots around you, coming closer and closer. “Weren’t these the dots on Bruno’s suit?”, you thought anxiously. They were talking to you, calling you principessa, amore mio, stella mia and many more terms of endearment. The dots turned into hands, touching you everywhere. But you decided to not give in. Not this time. Instead, you transformed your fear into anger. You energetically pushed away all the hands until they scurried away. Your rage wasn’t quenched yet, though.Under the effect of the drug, your fury was amplified significally. You took your phone and called Bruno. You wanted to let your frustration out on him, not only on the creations of your mind of him. He picked up immediately after the first ringing. “Y/N?”, he asked, worry dripping from his voice, “Are you alright? You don’t call normally. Should I come to you? I can drop my work just-”
“Bruno,” you interrupted him abruptly, “stop it. STOP IT. I can’t take this shit anymore. You cling onto me like some lovesick puppy and I’m done. Who the fuck are you even? I hardly know your name and you behave as if we were married. Guess what, you’re not even my boyfriend.” It was quiet for an instant. At first, you thought he hung up, but then you heard a slight chuckle from the other end of the phone. “The fuck?”, you thought, “Did he now completely have lost his mind?” 
“Y/N, is that what it takes to call me? Being high?”, the Italian man replied. Another bitter laugh espaced his mouth. You weren’t sure if he knew about your current state, because of your atypical rage or simply because he seemed to know everything about you without you telling anything. “Another reason for him to leave me alone.” 
“I bet one of your lovely friends gave you a pill, didn’t they?”, Bruno continued, seemingly angry now, too, “You know how I feel about drugs, right?”
You didn’t answer, your fear suddenly coming back. The room around you started to spin more and more. 
“Right?”, Bruno growled again. 
“Y-yes”, you stuttered eventually. 
“Good. I assume you’re in your apartment. Stay there and don’t make anything stupid anymore. I’ll be there soon. Clearly, you need me even more than I thought you would.” With these words, Bruno hung up, leaving you even more confused and frightened. Your body started trembling terribly. You didn’ t know if it was because of the drug or your pitless fear. Analisa, coming back to senses again, realised your bad state and immediately rushed over to you. 
“Shit Y/N, what happened?”, she inquired, worry written in her eyes. You explained to her the situation as best as you could in your foggy condition. “Fuck, I should have never given you the drug,” Analisa replied remorsefully, “I take full responsibility. I’ll call the cops before that bastard arrives here, I don’t care if they find my drugs, we’ve gotta do-”. The woman was interrupted by a loud knock on your door. 
“Y/N?”, Bruno shouted, “I know you’re in there. Open the door please.” 
“What are we doing now?”, you cried desperately. You didn’t even know why you reacted that way. Bruno never gave you a serious reason to be scared of him, but now, after the phone call, your gut feeling told you to run away as fast as you could. 
“I’ll call them now”, Analisa replied hastily, looking for her phone. But it was too late. Bruno broke the door in, his stern gaze resting on you. “Since when was he so strong?” 
“Analisa,” the man said, not breaking eye contact with you for a single moment, “give me your phone and walk away.” 
“Are you mad?”, the blue-haired woman shouted furiously, “I’m not gonna leave Y/N alone with you after that.” 
“Give me your phone and walk away, now”, the man repeated gloomly. His eyes, normally a serene blue ocean, turned into a destructive storm. Bruno smashed his fist into the wall, leaving it with a gaping hole. “If you don’t leave immediately,” he growled, “your family will suffer great consequences. Your little sister Teresa? She will die in a tragic car accident. Your father Marco? He will die of liver failure for drinking too much. Or so will be the official reports.” You stared big-eyed at Bruno, your fear only increasing. There was no doubt now that he worked with the mafia. Analisa slowly walked past you, tears falling down her cheeks, as she softly said sorry to you. Her phone was resting on your couch. Once she was gone, you broke down completely. What was he going to do? Bruno stood now in front of you, dragging you ungently by your arm and monitoring you to your bedroom. Was he really going to…? 
“No, no, no, NO!” What first started with a whisper ended in a bloodcurdling scream. The Italian didn’t stop though, pushing you instead on your bed. He seemed to be tired of your behaviour. Bruno sighed deeply, finally speaking to you now. 
“Y/N, I’m not going to do such thing. I just want you to realise, that you behave recklessly and I can’t let you continue like this. I just want to protect you. Look at you, being high now.” He gestured elegantly at you with his slim hand. What was he talking about? Your hallucinations had stopped the minute Bruno knocked on your door. 
“I am not high anymore”, you simply replied. 
“Are you sure about that?”, the raven-haired man replied. His eyes began to glimmer darkly. Suddenly, you witnessed how your legs were zipped away. 
“What the fuck?”, you screamed desperately. What was happening? You were sure, that this wasn’t the effect of the drug, that Bruno somehow did this to your body. “What are you doing to my legs? I-I kn-o-ow that you a-are z-z-ziping them off of m-me”, you stuttered anxiously. 
“What do you mean? I can’t see such thing”, Bruno replied coolly. “As I said, you are hallucinating.” 
“I am not hallucinating, you are doing this to me! I know you do! Please, stop it. Stop it...”. Your pleads turned into ear-piercing sobs. Tears clouded your vision as you desperately tried to grasp for air. 
“Hush, cara.” Bruno was suddenly next to you on your bed, draping his arm over your shoulders and whispering in your ear. “This is all in your mind. You need to sleep now. Tomorrow, everything will be fine again. I will stay by your side and protect you.” His warm breath grazed your earshell. The man nuzzled your hair, admiring its smooth texture and lovely scent. “I will always be with you.”
Eventually, after all your crying, you did fall asleep in Bruno’s arms. The latter kept stroking your cheek, marveling your soft breathing and beautiful face. Of course he felt a tinge of guilt for having used Sticky Fingers on you. Your desperate cries as you called him for help still pained him. But you needed to learn your lesson. Bruno could tolerate a lot, but drugs weren’t on that list. He would give Analisa a quick visit to make sure she’ll never talk to you again. Or to anyone, for a matter of fact. You didn’t need such a bad influence. “Not my sweet Y/N”, he whispered in your locks. “From tomorrow on, you will live with me, where I can always protect you. Now, doesn’t that sound like paradise?”
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anon provided tw, please note before continuing
tw // possible sexualization/objectification of a minors breasts
you've been someone who's always given me a fresh perspective, despite being a complete stranger and i've been in this dilemma for sometime now, so i'd be really happy if u reply to this. if not, well, its completely okay, ur still my very favourite fic writer and one of the top ten people who's confidence inspires me.
when i was still in school, and this happened around the age of 13 or 14, but a senior apparently nicknamed me 'big titties'. i didnt know about this until a year ago, and i'd even almost forgot abt it until the mention of boobie love was in ur asks. the thing is, my (guy) best friend told me this and laughed it off. i've graduated now and i know it's been way too long but i was thinking abt asking my best friend about this again.
it's getting me very annoyed and insecure again. and just so very, very angry each time i mull over the nickname and my best friend's unfazed-ness. do u think i should talk to my best friend abt it? am i blowing it out of proportion?
if u dont feel like replying to this, thats okay, again. i also want to say not fair, the recent one, was a super cute fic and i needed its easy-going feeling so much. i hope ur keeping well and keeping urself updated, safe of the transformer of a variant thats come up.
I don't see why you can't ask about it. It is a strange thing for a senior to notice a 13/14 year old in that manner and go through the thought process of nicknaming you. It a crass and inappropriate action.
To be fair, your guy best friend probably doesn't think much about it because he straight up... didn't think. XD He probably has no idea something like that would bother you - it's not like he has to worry about the degrading sexualization of his own boobs. He probably laughed to keep it light or just didn't know how to react (too awkward for him, perhaps).
I'm not saying he's completely innocent, but he is ignorant. Going to be honest... generally, guys don't really think much into things before doing them LMAO They don't really think about the nuances or implications of other people's actions - unless it directly concerns them. They only think, "that was funny" or "huh, weird", and that's that, unless they are confronted and asked to put more thought into it. In this case, he probably only thought, "I'm delivering a funny message", not knowing that you wouldn't see it in the same light because it is still bothering you all this time.
If you want to talk to him about it, be open-minded. He probably has no idea his reaction affected you. "Hey, I know you thought this was funny, but it's not really that funny for me. It's been bothering me because I have to live with this kind of treatment all the time and I would have appreciated it if you were on my side." I think he will understand a little better if you explain to him that, although this is not a massive offense, it is little things like this that build up over time, creating insecurities and uncomfortableness. "Please be more aware of how people talk about me."
He's can't do anything about how other people see you, but he doesn't have to condone or support it. I don't think he intends to. How do you want him to react next time? Make it clear to him how he should approach the situation in the future. If it's as simple as, "just don't laugh something like this", then tell him that.
What have I written lately that's easy-going? XD I'm glad you've enjoyed reading regardless. The masterpost only gets longer, haha
BTS give me a lot to think about.
And they're only going to do more, hah...
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eyeofthedrgn · 3 years
A Heavy Battle Symphony Chapter 23
Catch up here
TW: language, mental abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, violence, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self harm, self-esteem issues, sexual abuse/rape, drinking (comes up late in the story) just a lot of trauma, angst, smut
Word count: 1423
Notes: Minor sexual content
Chapter 23 - In Between
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Mom: Hey love, I just wanted to let you know that I've been seeing someone and I'd like you to meet him over break.
Rowan: Mom, that's great! I'd be happy to meet him! :) I love you, see you in a few days!
Mom: :) love you honey! <3
Lor: I just wanted to let you know that I've already met your mom's boyfriend. She didn't want my anxiety to go crazy meeting him in front of everyone.
Ro: Thanks for the heads up, love, but I assumed. You're going to love your present!
Lor: You're going to love yours. So there.
Ro: Can't wait to see you! I love you more than anything!
Lor: see you soon, sweetheart. Love you!
Rowan had been spending a lot of time at Dorian's bookstore. After he discovered it, he couldn't get enough of it. It was huge and filled with amazing titles, collector's editions, and first editions. It was a book lover's dream. He had taken Aelin and Elide and they were there for hours upon hours.
That was where he found Lorcan's Solstice gift. It was a leather bound, collector's edition of The Hobbit. There were illustrations by Alan Lee, maps, and the embossing in the leather was exquisite. Rowan was super excited to give it to him.
This Solstice they were spending it at the Galathynius'. Aelin was super excited. They hadn't had a Solstice all together in a few years and she brought it up whenever she could.
Elide was also looking forward to it, her family was coming in from Perranth. Fenrys and Connall would be there, as would Vaughn. Even Chaol and Dorian were joining the party.
"Hey, Ae?"
"Yes, my dear Buzzard?" Aelin was laying on the floor in their living room on her laptop.
"Will there be a quiet spot where I can take Lorcan when he needs a break?" Thinking of all the people that would be in the house had started making Rowan nervous for Lorcan's anxiety.
"Oh," Aelin said, "Yeah, we can figure something out. Probably the guest bedroom. But I'll let Mom know to make sure it's presentable." She pulled out her phone, presumably to text her mom.
"Thanks. I'm just worried that he could have a panic attack if he can't get away from everything. I don't think he's been out of the house since Morath."
"Oh, yeah. We don't want that to happen. We all want him to have a good time." She gave him a smile. Her phone dinged, "Mom is on it!"
"Tell her 'thank you.'"
Solstice was coming. Which meant a big party at Aelin's parents house. He hadn't been around so many people since the courthouse and before that, it was Orynth High.
He was nervous. But he thought as long as Rowan stayed by his side, he would be okay. At least he hoped that would be the case.
Lorcan slept in Rowan's arms the night he came home. It had taken him a while to get to sleep. So, Rowan had helped him get to sleep. He kissed him all over, caressed his skin, and finally took Lorcan into his mouth. The pleasure was enough to put his nerves aside and let him sleep.
The sun shone through the curtains, a comforting weight was draped over his side, a warmth at his back, a soft breath at his nape. Rowan. He released a sigh of contentment as he scooted back until he was flush against Rowan's chest. Soft lips pressed against his neck. The weight around his waist tightened, a leg twined with his. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Rowan nuzzled his nose against the nape of Lorcan's neck between soft kisses. Quiet noises left the throat of his little spoon. He didn't want to leave and go to a loud party even though he wanted to see everyone. It was just so nice to finally be back in his bed holding Lorcan.
A very naked Lorcan. Oh, yes please.
Knock knock.
Damn it.
"Get up boys! We gotta get going or we'll miss brunch! And I want a mimosa!" His mother hollered through the door. "And we have to pick up Luca!" Luca was his mom's boyfriend. They had a small dinner the previous night so Rowan could meet him. He was great. Super friendly and perfect for his mother.
Rowan sighed. Lorcan had buried his face in his pillow. He wasn't ready for this. He wanted to be ready for this, but he wasn't.
"Love, I asked Aelin if she had a place you could go to find some peace and quiet when things start getting too much."
Lorcan turned over, hooking a leg over his hips. And, oh..
"You did?" Lorcan rolled his hips, their cocks rubbing together. Both of them hummed quietly at the contact.
Rowan smiled as he pressed their lips together. "I did, my love. I know it's going to be crazy and it won't be easy for your anxiety, but she said the spare room will be available for you."
"Thank you, love." Lorcan kissed the corner of his mouth and then rolled out of bed.
Rowan whined as the warmth left him.
"Are we doing our presents there or here?" Lorcan asked as he pulled a fresh pair of boxer briefs on.
"Either. What is your preference?" He was still laying in bed, watching as Lorcan moved comfortably around the room.
"I, uh," Lorcan paused to gather his thoughts. "I don't think I would like all that attention." Turning to face Rowan, "Is that okay?"
"Of course, sweetheart." Rowan had crawled over to the edge of the bed, kneeling in his birthday suit, and wrapped his arms around that beautiful olive colored waist.
Lorcan ran his hand through silver hair and planted a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips.
"Put some clothes on before I decide we're staying home."
So many people. So many. And they all want to talk to him. Why did they want to talk to him?
Please, go away.
Lorcan was starting to have a panic attack. His heart was pounding, it was getting hard to breathe. He needed to get away. Now.
"Hey, can I borrow Lorcan for a bit? Thanks." Rowan's arm looped around his waist and pulled him away from the crowd, not waiting for a reply. They walked down the hall and up the stairs.
The door clicked closed and it was quiet. Sweet, wonderful quiet.
Rowan sat on the bed against the headboard and pulled Lorcan against his chest.
"It's just you and me now, love," Rowan whispered into his hair. After a kiss to his head, "I got you."
Lorcan sighed. "Thank you." Rowan hummed in acknowledgment.
Rowan only left Lorcan for a second before Aelin's aunt swooped in and started interrogating him. And then he heard a trigger word: Aunt Maeve. What the fuck?! Everyone knew about the trial and that Lorcan's aunt had been put in jail on multiple charges and one was child abuse. Against him.
It didn't matter that he hadn't gotten Lorcan one of his mother's pastries, he beelined straight to Lorcan and pulled him away from everything. They were tucked away in the spare guest room for several minutes now and Rowan could hear Lorcan's steady breathing against his neck and distant laughs and hollering from downstairs.
He didn't mind missing out on the fun downstairs, he really didn't. It was his dream to have someone to love and be loved in return.
There was a knock at the door and Rowan startled awake. He hadn't realized he had dozed off. His mom cracked the door and peaked in.
"Everything all right, loves?"
"Yeah, Aelin's Aunt June just bombarded him with questions about the trial."
His mother's eyes widened. "I am going to go have a word," she went to close the door, then, "Dinner is soon." She was gone.
Lorcan stirred and buried his face against Rowan's chest. Both of their stomachs rumbled causing him to huff a laugh.
"Are you awake, Lor?" He was met with a groan. "You hungry? Mom said dinner is soon."
"Is she gonna be a bitch again?"
He knew who "she" was.
"Mom said she was going to have a word with her. She'll take care of it. Promise."
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like to be added to my Rowcan taglist.
@starlightorstarfire @thenerdandfandoms @tanvee1231 @inkstainedvictorian
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