#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone
anothermonikan · 9 months
'In 33 hours this will all be over, whether you do it good or not you wont have to worry about it anymore, cmon Andy, you got this! You got this!' <<< trying to do their last assignment
#I have not been able to focus today. I'm half way through the writing but itsa presentation video thing#so I gotta film it! I would just take the easy way out with a presentation but....#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone#and it's gonna be easier to get to that 12 minute minimum limit if I can like insert clips and stuff.#so I'm doing like an ACTUAL video. so I gotta edit it as well#I hope I reach that 12 minutes because IDK what I'm gonna do if I write this all and put all the clips in and what-not and it's under#make my title cards longer IG??#asdshsddsds#Ugh. I'm not like tired or anything but I know I'm gonna be later because I made plans....#so idk whether to bite the bullet finish this paragraph. sleep for a bit more. and then go back to work after#but considering idk how long I'm gonna be out for.....I'm gonna guesstimate like 3 hours#That leaves me with. 20 something hours after I go out if I pull an all nighter which I will almost definitely have to do#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better#also my brains like bugging me because I really want to spend time with bby aha#is 20 hours enough time for me to finish a script. film a video. find all the clips and materials I need for it. edit it all together.#Space out my transcript correctly. and hope there's no issues with the upload process#I'm dual uploading onto two platforms in case one of them fails but how long does a 12 minute video take to upload...#wahhhh#I think I should sleep a lil more maybe#yeah I'm starting to get tired again oops#one last thing and then I'll take another nap#Android.txt
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. I’d love to just be able to go to the beach and relax, but that won’t happen. That was the only place I could feel relaxed. Beaches have reopened, but the hours are limited and you can’t just sit/lay there like you used to be able to. You can only walk around. And anyway, the fact we’re still very much in the thick of this whole thing I don’t feel safe or comfortable going places yet or being around people. I wouldn’t feel relaxed at all. 
2. What color are your pants? I’m wearing black leggings.
3. Favorite motivational quote. Meh.
4. When was the last time you drank coffee? I’m drinking a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink, which as the can says is a “energy coffee beverage.”
5. What was the last thing you ate?   Ramen.
6. Favorite animal. Giraffes! <<< Aww, saaaame. And doggos. (:
7. Favorite song. I couldn’t just choose one favorite.
8. Last movie you watched? I’m completely blanking at the moment in regards to the last movie, but I’ve binged a lot of a couple shows on Netflix recently. 
9. Any turn ons? Nice smelling cologne. 
10. Any turn offs? Cockiness and arrogance.
11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, agoraphobia, tryphophobia.  
12. What are some meaningful movies?   Hmm.
13. 2 most important people in your life right now? God and my family. Yep, I’m grouping my family cause I couldn’t just choose 2.
14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends? Let’s be real- I won’t be doing anything.
15. When was the last time you read a good book? I’m almost done with one called, “Never Walk Alone” by Willow Rose.
16. How long do you study for usually, if you study? I spend about 20 minutes to an hour when doing my Bible studies. 
17. Do you have any nicknames? Just Steph and Sis.
18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) I like certain fruity and sweet ones, ones with patchouli, and beachy and autumnal scents from B&BW.
19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state? Those of us in this survey community live all over. 
20. What is something unique that you do every single day? Probably that I have a bowl of ramen of every night.
21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? A series of unfortunate events <– Pretty damn accurate. Lmao. <<< Lol, I’ve made that joke before, too. I also find it quite fitting for my life.
22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? Last month.
23. Are you a shopaholic? I was. My online shopping got out of hand the last few years, too. However, I’ve actually been pretty good this year so far. 
24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? Upbeat and catchy songs help in the moment. Sad, emo, relatable songs can help as well, though. Sometimes just shouting along to “I’m Not Okay” saying, “I’M NOT OKAY, I’M NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!” or something can feel good. ha. Need some good angst.
25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. Surveys, reading, and listening to ASMR.
26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in? I don’t think I’d last long in any biome.
27. How do you like being roused in the morning? Uh, I don’t.
28. How was your day? What did you do? It’s only about 330 in the morning, but so far it’s been fine. I’ve had my bowl of ramen, scrolled some through Tumblr, watched YouTube videos, and now I’m doing surveys and listening to ASMR.
29. What did your last text message say? I sent my brother a TikTok video that reminded me of our doggo.
30. Do you respond to texts quickly? It depends.
31. Who was the last person you called? My mom.
32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. I don’t knowwww.
33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? I wouldn’t be famous. I’m not that special or talented. <<< Same. I don’t want to be famous anyway.
34. Winter or summer? Winter, HANDS DOWN.
35. What is a quality that all people should have? Empathy would be great.
36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? I already have a large collection of giraffe stuffed animals, books, key chains, and graphic tees. I don’t have room for more.
37. What have you been thinking about lately? My mind is always a jumbled mess with a lot of stuff that is always on my mind from my health, family, and just life in general. But this year has and continues to give me a lot to think about as well.
38. What is the secret to a happy life? Ha, you’re asking the wrong person.
39. What are some phrases you say often? I know I have my many “Stephanieisms”, but I always seem to blank when asked this question.
40. Favorite food? Ramen, scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, spinach, and green onion, Wingstop garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings, spaghetti and meatballs, pasta salads, pesto pasta, deli sandwiches, and baked potatoes.
41. List 3 wishes. I feel like you’ve asked me this in different ways a few times now.
42. What are some of your greatest fears? Losing my loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just wasting away...stuff like that.
43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Some stuff for the last Bible study I did.
44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? Beautiful beaches and mountainous areas. I went on a gondola last year that took us up over 9,000ft and the views were breathtaking. 
45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? I used to be obSESSED with spicy food, but I haven’t been able to eat it for a few years now due to some health reasons. It sucks. :/
46. Scary movies:Like or dislike? I love ‘em. I used to be a big baby, but I did a complete switch a few years ago.
47. Do you like to travel? Yes.
48. Any regrets? I have a lot of those.
49. Do you like rain? I love the rain.
50. What do you spend most of your money on? It used to be food or clothes, but this year I haven’t been doing a lot of shopping. 
51. Would you rather visit the past or the future? Past.
52. Favorite clothing store? Hot Topic and BoxLunch.
53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down? I’m always feeling down, so I’m not the one to ask about that either.
54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you? The future terrifies me. My mind is more wrapped up in current and past stuff.
55. What angers you the most? Injustice and corruption.  
56. When was the last time you got majorly angry? In my personal life, it’s been awhile since I’ve been angry. I get irritated and frustrated very easily, though.
57. When was the last time you got really sad? Sadness is one of my personality traits.
58. Are you good at lying? I used to be when it came to lying and downplaying about myself like with how I’m doing and really feeling, but my emotions took control. I still downplay and leave things out, but it’s obvious I’m not doing well. 
59. What foreign language would you like to learn? I’d like to be fluent in Spanish. I’ve been wanting to brush up and start practicing again. 
60. How many languages can you speak and what are they? I’m only fluent in English, but I can speak some Spanish.
61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead? I stay at home.
62. What books do you plan to read this year? I’ve read several this year and I plan to read several more. 
63. Do you have breakfast every morning? Nope. Very rarely these days since I sleep until like 3PM everyday. Sometimes I’ll have breakfast foods for a late lunch or dinner, though.
64. Tell us a secret. Nah.
65. How many concerts have you been to? Seven.
66. Last hug? My doggo. I haven’t hugged a person in months.
67. Who knows you better than anyone else? You guys, probably. ha.
68. Baths or showers? Showers.
69. Do you think you’re ambitious? I haven’t been for a long time... 
70. What song is stuck in your head? None at the moment.
71. Countries you’ve visited? Mexico. Besides my own, of course.
72. What do you most value in your friends? Understanding and low maintenance. 73. What helps you to sleep better? Listening to/watching ASMR can help. 
74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand? 1k.
75. What makes you nervous? A lot of things. 76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? Hmm.
77. Is it easier to forgive or forget? I always forgive but never forget. <<<
78. First mobile phone? A gray Motorola flip phone.
79. Strangest dream? I have a lot of those.
80. Best dream? Hmm. 
81. Who is the smartest person you know? My younger brother.
82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr? All of you.
83. Do you miss anyone right now? Loved ones who have passed away.
84. Who do you love? Why? I love my family. They’re my everything.
85. Do you like sharing? Sharing what?
86. What was the last picture you took with your phone? Probably of my doggo.
87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens? I believe so.
88. Favorite genre of music? I like variety. 89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Mess.
90. Describe your life in 5 words. Nahhh.
91. Describe the world in 4 words. Nahhh.
92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done? I’m boring.
93. First three songs in your favorite playlist? I’m not checking right now.
94. Are you more creative or logical? Logical. I wish I was creative.
95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? I mean, it kind of depends. If it’s something serious and they need to know, then I’d have to tell them even though it would be hard and could hurt them. 
96. What are you most proud of? I don’t feel proud of myself for anything.
97. What personality trait do you admire in other people? Those who are driven.
98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? I’m at the beach, just staring out into the ocean while listening to the waves crash in and out and feeling the cool ocean air on my face, breathing it in.
99. How do you usually start a conversation? I usually don’t, ha. But I suppose with a “hey” or something of the sort.
100. What is the best news you could hear right now? That it was all just a horrible dream. <<< Oh man. If only.
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