#it's a method of conveying information. it's a lot slower than words but a lot more information-dense and more precise in some ways
oliveroctavius · 8 months
What inspires your art? Like, how did you come up with your art style, how happy you are with it and if there are any other artists that inspire you?
Asking a few people as a way to understand and grow as an artist at a crossroads. Have a good day.
This is a fun ask! Not sure how helpful my answers will be to you, but here they are.
I've honestly put little to no thought into "coming up with" an art style. I'd say that what comes out of my brain and hands is maybe only 1/3 calculated stylistic decisions, with the rest being "what is most fun for me" and "what is easiest for me". I draw a lot of faces because I enjoy caricature; I do most of it in scribbly mechanical pencil on scrap paper because that's what I usually have on hand.
My one big starting point is that when I started drawing at age ~12, I was copying characters out of The Adventures of Tintin. I learned just enough from Hergé to get simplified human figures I didn't hate and then went iteratively on from there. Mostly I just drew short humorous fancomics for myself and never colored them.
In high school I considered going into an art career, so I took art classes. At the time I thought they were fun but mostly irrelevant to the stylized character art I drew in my class notes every day... but looking back my comic art drastically improved 2015-17, so maybe I was wrong. I eventually decided I'd go into tech instead and leave dressing as a hobby, which I think was the right choice for me.
The closest I've ever had to a Style was in the music fanart and OC comics I did in college. The imagery mostly came out of my own brain, and I worked out what tools were easiest and most enjoyable: multicolor sharpie pens and India ink with watercolor washes; binary or hard edged brushes on digital work that I could fill in quickly with the bucket tool. I accepted that I wasn't a great draftsman and got scribblier and more manic.
Since then I've gotten back to the world of fancomics where I try to pastiche the original inking style—I've done Jhonen Vasquez, Steve Purcell, John Romita, Jack Cole, Scott Wegener, and C. C. Beck (though that one was way too ambitious and I may never finish). But I'm not doing this because I want to absorb them into my default style, though I certainly learn things from it. I do it for the project itself, because I feel like there's a lot of characterization and world-rules built into the way different art styles depict their worlds. I have great interest in stories which use restricted or contrasting stylization on purpose to convey meaning.
It's also just fun, which is my first priority. But I do think my technical skills have been regressing a bit from lack of use + perhaps from using others' work as a crutch too often. It's a little embarrassing, but it is what it is. I'm sure the trend will reverse if/when I put more time into full pieces and daily practice again.
Oh, and I did make a list of favorite artists back in 2018 which holds up. If I had to extract some advice from this meandering post, it would be to figure out what methods and tools make your artistic workflow easier and consider how you want to make those part of your "style". That's extra true if this is something you're going to be doing for long periods of time like a job.
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gypsydanger01 · 4 years
THE STORM - Part six
Fandom: The Boys (Amazon prime tv series)
Pairing: Black Noir x Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own The Boys, only my OC characters and certain pieces of au plot.
Comments, reviews, constructive criticism, and other requests are always more than welcome!
      Posting new chapters every Wednesday and Friday!
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          Getting to know you
While a certain member of the Seven entertained violent thoughts at the upper levels, Sarah sat at her desk filing papers. To be honest, she was studying more than she was doing her job, but there wasn’t much of a workload anyway. Keeping her textbook laid flat against her knees, she quickly went through the lines of text before typing away at her computer for a few minutes.
Martha was perched on her desk reading through some folders.
“You do know you’re not fooling anyone, right?”
Sarah sighed and finished the paragraph she was reading on molecular recognition.
“I know,” she conceded, before defending herself. “At least I’m doing something constructive.” Her voice dropped to a whisper and shot, “Look at Sierra, over there.”
Her friend moved naturally, looking over at the clock while noticing the young woman taking a string of selfies with her coffee. Martha grimaced, shaking her head.
“No girl, just no.”
“I know.”
“Someone needs to tell her, she won’t stop.”
Sarah laughed, “She’ll learn someday.”
Checking the clock herself, she found herself growing hot. She pressed her sweaty palms into the wood surface of her desk, letting her legs stretch out underneath it. Her fingers twitched slightly, and she masked her unease by bringing her hand back to her mouse, clicking away at the screen.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Sarah made a noncommittal sound, not letting her eyes move away from the screen in front of her.
“You look...” Martha trailed off before finding the right word, “squeamish.”
“Well that sounds lovely. Just what I like to hear.”
Martha sighed, her eyes narrowing at her friend. “You know I worry. You sure everything’s okay?”
The sight of Black Noir occupying her couch was seared into her mind. She could no longer hide. She could only face it and be smart about the information she disclosed.
Her friend was still watching her, and Sarah finally pushed away from the desk.
She pushed her glasses back up and, pinching the bridge of her nose, she bowed her head down.
With her hair falling around her face in soft curls, she murmured, “I’ve made a contact.”
Martha immediately put her papers down and turned to fully face her. “What do you mean?”
“Someone reached out. It’s dangerous, but it could be very rewarding.”
“Who is it?”
Sarah looked around and brought her hands back to the keyboard.
“I really can’t say.”
At Martha’s pointed look, she further explained. “I really can’t tell you. It’s someone—,” she wasn’t sure how she could describe Black Noir without giving it away. “It’s just someone really high up. Lots of info.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s B.N. isn’t it? You said he made contact.”
Sarah shrugged. “Maybe.”
Martha stared at her for a few moments before accepting her friend’s silence.
“Just be careful, okay?”
Sarah nodded, “You know I am.”
Her friend shook her head. “I know you are, but we’re getting closer. Things could get hot.”
The room grew even louder and more boisterous as lunch time rolled around. Sarah proceeded to close the files she’d been working on.
“Oh, and you’ll have to tell me all the deets, understood?”
The young woman laughed, wondering deep down if she’d be able to tell her anything at all. The dead don’t speak.
“I’m ready for lunch, let’s go find Annika.”
The hours after lunch were spent worrying and suffocating that same preoccupation with fool-proof schemes. It was an endless cycle, really. Every time she found a flaw in her set of questions, it sent her spiraling into self-doubt. Could she truly pull this off?
She was more and more convinced that he hadn’t been sent by Vought, simply because he was a trained assassin who didn’t need these long and ambiguous methods to extract the information he needed. He was more than capable of inflicting mind-blowing amounts of pain. And pain always loosened the tongue.
So maybe he wasn’t doing this for Vought. Maybe his fixation and stalkerish tendencies towards her could be chalked up as misguided and genuine. In that case, he was still a dangerous wild card since she wasn’t who he thought she was. If he’s truly loyal to the company, her identity might prove to be an issue.
And so, it went on and on. She went through potential questions she could ask, and questions she should steer clear of. She recalled all the tips and tricks Mallory had taught her, from the phrasing of the questions, to the body language she should maintain. The goal was to ask a series of common questions and sparsely slip an inquisitive one into the mix. But would this work on him?
She’d have to work much slower to access some, if any, information.
Most of all, she was afraid of her body giving her away: her fast heartbeat and shallow breathing, paired with the subtle interrogation could give it all away. And this terrified her.
Sarah watched the clock tick closer and closer to five o’clock with increasing dread.
When it arrived, she waved over to Martha, gathered her things and walked out the door with as much confidence as physically possible.
In his living quarters, Black Noir stood in front of a mirror. He remembered Sarah’s reaction. The woman apparently concealed it well, but he’d caught onto her fear, her state of agitation and turmoil. Was it because of his dark appearance, or was it something deeper, a reaction to the violence he represented? He tilted his head to the side. Or did it have to do with her file, something she’s hiding?
The tall man couldn’t think of any way to convince her of his good intentions towards her. All he could do was respect her boundaries and listen to her; hope she’d accept him.
He usually avoided the mirror in his room, not really needing it for any aesthetic reason. He wore the same armored suit every day and was almost always covered from head to toe in tough black material. And yet now, he stood tall in front of it and took in the sight. He was closed-off, impenetrable, dangerous and stealthy. He appreciated the simplicity of the reinforced suit. It wasn’t flashy like the ones his teammates wore. And it didn’t convey any light-hearted or patriotic meaning. It was functional and allowed him to blend into the shadows and kill. His skull-like mask was the last thing many men saw before he proceeded in tearing them apart. Seeing it in daylight had nothing on witnessing it come out of the shadows at night. Like a nightmare taking form right before their eyes.
And now Sarah had witnessed a small violence on his part, the skull he hid behind and the strength he possessed. It was perfectly normal for her to be afraid.
But the knife, a small part of him reminded. Yes, that was a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit. But he’d take his time, god knows he could be patient. Especially if it was for her. The mysterious Sarah Burns.
As eight o ‘clock crept closer, Sarah could be found in her kitchen, finishing up her dinner. The creamy pasta she’d made sat heavy in her stomach, the knowledge of her impending doom adding an extra ton. After quickly washing the dishes, she sat at the table and scrolled through the memes Martha had sent her. When she realized they revolved around Homelander, she grew interested. There was no way the Seven’s leader would accept this, and the inner conflict it would produce was the perfect cover for her plan to proceed.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Sitting still, she tensed, ready to whip up and out of her chair. A dark clothed hand came up and over her shoulder moving towards her cell phone.
She almost jumped out of her skin as her mind thought of the worst possible outcome of having his hand so close to her neck. And yet, he simply leaned over and promptly pressed the heart icon below one of the memes. He liked the meme.
Sarah opened her mouth to speak and closed it a few times. He finally retreated from his spot hovering over her and went to stand at a respectful distance, his back to the wall.
She spun around and stood up, her heart still clogging her throat.
“Jesus Christ,” she hissed, eyes wide and a hand raised to her chest.
He simply watched her with that magnetic gaze she couldn’t seem to escape. She picked at the hem of her shirt, not knowing how to proceed. How had he even entered the house?
His gaze settled on the small notebook she’d left on the table for their upcoming meeting. He moved slowly and gave her wide birth as he took it up into his hands. He flipped to a blank page and wrote.
Are you afraid, he paused before adding, of me?
He passed the notebook to her. She took it hesitantly, and once she read his message, her eyes kept flicking from the page to his mask. You could snap me like a twig. She was indeed very much afraid.
“No,” she answered, with a slight shake of her head.
He tilted his head slightly to the left before raising his hand to his chest. He lightly tapped right over his heart. Sarah initially didn’t understand the meaning of the gesture, but soon realized he was referring to her heartbeat.
She brushed it aside, “Oh...” You probably have a dozen different instruments of death concealed in your suit. “That’s nothing, I’m just jumpy, I guess.”
She hummed, looking for a way to grow her confidence and gain control of the situation.
“Plus, you kind of came out of nowhere. In my house.”
He was still, unsure of how his sudden appearance would pan out. He almost wanted to hit himself for not thinking it through.
“How did you even get in here? I know everything was locked.”
He shrugged, almost imperceptibly, before offering his hand. She passed him the notebook and pen.
Trade secret. If I told you, I’d have to kill you :)
Her heart almost stopped cold before she regained composure. If it weren’t for the smiley face he’d added towards the end, she might have died right then and there. And she laughed, she actually laughed. Maybe it was the tension, or the insane fact that Black Noir was in her home, attempting to crack a joke.
“I guess I don’t really need to know,” she surmised with a small smile.
He nodded before adding more to the page.
Your day?
“How was my day?
He nodded, captivated by the fluid movements her hands naturally made as she spoke. He’d noticed it immediately the first night he’d seen her at the gala. Over the next week of watching her, he’d quickly filed it as one of her mannerisms.
“I can’t complain. Honestly, I don’t really like that job, it’s more something to keep the bills payed until I get the position I want.”
He wrote, PhD student. Applied Physiology
“That’s correct,” she confirmed. “Why am I not surprised you know that?”
I know some things. Not everything.
He wanted to apologize for making her uncomfortable but ultimately found it too difficult to actually write down. He wasn’t accustomed to apologizing; he’d never actually needed to. Not out loud, or on paper.
She accepted the quiet confession. “That’s okay. I’m not all that interesting, and there’s nothing to hide.”
They both knew it was a lie, but Black Noir understood her need to protect herself. She’d share the truth with him once he’d won her trust.
“How was your day?”
He straightened and thought of how to approach this question. Thinking on his toes, he went with the easiest, most believable story.
Meetings, promotional event. He added for emphasis. Boring. I slept.
There was no way he could tell her he’d spent most of the day fantasizing her ex-boyfriend’s murder, only to have it executed a few hours ago.
She laughed lightly, “Who knew, I thought you’d be off on some top-secret mission.”
Her hopes were crushed when he answered with a simple shake of the head. She hummed. He leaned against the wall, ever observant of the woman facing him.
“Oh, you can sit. Here let me—”
She got up to pull a chair out for him, but he stopped her with a raised hand. He crossed over to her side of the table and angled the chair she’d been previously occupying before abruptly standing and knocking it out of the way. She slowly sat and let him push her in. He calmly took a seat in front of her.
“Thank you”
I have manners :) 
She nodded, “Yes, you do.”
She squirmed under his stare, under the black mask she was starting to grow accustomed to.
Sarah broke the silence, “I wanted to thank you for the other day. I could’ve handled it, but I’m glad you intervened.”
He watched her and she continued, “It was a bad relationship, and seeing him really threw me off balance. Then you showed up, and I was just…,” she trailed off.
He reached out and briefly touched her hand before sharply retrieving it. It was what he’d seen other people do in society, or in the movies he watched in the privacy of his living quarters. As he understood, it was meant as a way to show affection and give comfort. But were they at a stage where he could do that? He honestly didn’t know.
He jotted down a line, I understand
“And thank you for the gifts, I mean, the flowers and the earrings—they’re all so beautiful but you really don’t have to go through all that trouble.”
I want to
She smiled reading the words. She leaned back in her chair and took him all in. Who was this man? The Black Noir she’d gathered intel on for Mallory was nothing like the man sitting in front of her. Well, maybe that was extreme, she had seen proof of his deadly work. And yet, she was not seeing the ferocious, sinister monster she’d come to imagine over the years.
He was a more complex sort of enigma, one that was maybe as complicated as her own. While she needed to maintain her guard around him, she found herself slightly relaxing in his presence. There were multiple layers to this man, and maybe she could appeal to the human, well-mannered side of him.
They spent the rest of the next hour exchanging questions. They mostly revolved around their likes and dislikes, jumping from books to foods, and finally to movies. She quickly realized he was well cultured on cinema, especially war and action movies which he clearly enjoyed.
“Hmm, how about Tears of the Sun?”
He nodded. A favorite.
“Black Hawk Down?”
The large man nodded with enthusiasm.
“What about Saving Private Ryan.”
He snorted. Don’t insult me
“What’s your favorite movie ever? Like the perfect mix of action, shooting and humor.”
He thought for a few seconds before deciding. Die Hard
When he pushed the notebook towards her for her to read, he emphasized his point by tapping on it and sitting back, arms crossed.
“Well, I like what I see. Yippee kay ye, am I right?” she said with mirth. “Yeah, I think that’s Bruce Willis’s best movie.”
He was glad she liked it as well. Early that morning, he’d made a rapid search on the Internet before having to attend meetings. He searched, “How do you know your first date is going well.” He wasn’t quite sure if it was an official date, but in his mind, it was as close to it as it could get. His search gave a wide range of answers. After reading through a bunch of them, he gathered that for it to go well they needed to click. There had to be a spark, whatever that meant.
More precisely, there had to be common topics, common likes and dislikes. The conversation should come easy, and awkward silences should be avoided at all costs because, while they might not disturb him, they may be uncomfortable for her. And while they’d gotten off to a rough start, things were now going quite smoothly.
Sarah thought long and hard, “What about Pearl Harbor? It isn’t as action-packed but it’s still a really good historical war movie.”
She nodded, and shyly added, “Well, if you’d like to, you could come over and watch it. Actually, we could watch Die Hard one time, and Pearl Harbor another.”
He watched her, the way she was so self-conscious. Sarah constantly touched her cheeks, her curly hair, her neck. If only she could see herself the way he saw her.
He wrote. I would like that
Checking her watch, she barely contained a yawn.
“I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s just late for me,” she assured.
I’ll go
“No, it’s okay, really.”
He shook his head. I don’t need sleep. You do
I’ll be back for those movies
Sarah smiled, “All right.”
Black Noir rose to his full height and she watched him with a twinge of fascination. Who even was this man?
When can I see you
“Well, tomorrow night I’m going out with my friend, but we can definitely schedule Die Hard for the night after. Eight pm?”
I’ll be here.
She walked him to the door and leaned against the wood. The doorway seemed smaller as he walked through. He clicked the switch turning her porch lights out and quickly jotted a few lines down.
Turn them on when I leave. Safer
She nodded with a small smile. How could someone as dangerous as him be so concerned with her well-being, she didn’t know, but she found herself liking it regardless.
He quickly scribbled something down before shutting the notebook and handing it back over.
Facing her, he raised a hand as if he were about to wave. His hand twisted into a thumbs up before he took his leave. Walking away, he crossed under a single streetlight before disappearing into an alley.
She stayed there for a few more seconds, just peering into the darkness. Heeding his advice, she shut the door and switched the porch lights back on. Retreating further into her home, she flipped through the pages looking for his last note. It was a small smiley face he’d doodled on the edge of the page.
She steeled herself against feeling anything but contempt. She reminded herself of the danger he could pose to her. But as much as she wanted to suppress it, she couldn’t help the small smile on her face as she fell asleep.
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impressivepress · 4 years
Landmarks of Early Soviet Cinema
The 1920s was a miraculous golden age for Soviet cinema, both for features and documentary. 
The eight films included in this meticulously curated and handsomely presented collection convey the incredible excitement filmmakers felt at the opportunity to participate in the construction of the world’s first socialist state. Freed from the need to make money that drove the Hollywood industry, they could focus on “educating” the new Soviet population. Even Vladimir Ilych Lenin, the father of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the first leader of the country that would become the U.S.S.R., understood that cinema, an art based on technology and machines, was the most suitable one for a country founded on the transformation of humanity through industry and technology. Cinema was nothing less than “the most important art,” Lenin famously declared. Experimentation was the order of the decade. It was a brief but brilliant interlude, before Joseph Stalin came to power and cast a puritanical and paralyzing pall over all the arts, including cinema, in the early 1930s.
In the thick booklet of detailed critical essays that accompanies the DVDs, curators Maxim Pozdorovkin and Ana Olenina write that their goal is to expand understanding of the early Soviet film industry beyond the relatively well-known work of Sergei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov. (So highly respected was Eisenstein by the end of the 1920s that he was even invited to Hollywood in 1930 to work at Paramount Studios.) Pozdorovkin and Olenina sought to chronicle the development of Soviet Montage and to showcase “the many ways of approaching that mysterious moment between two shots…. Though the films collected here run the gamut of genres and montage styles, what unites them is a belief in the power of fragmentation, recombination, and juxtaposition. They take an active, transformative approach to the footage and display an acute awareness of the medium’s power over the spectator. They believe in cinema’s ability to transform the spectator.”
Four feature films and four documentaries make up the set. The directors are a who’s who of kino luminaries: Lev Kuleshov (The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr.West in the Land of the Bolsheviks and By the Law), Sergei Eisenstein (Old and New), Dziga Vertov (Stride, Soviet), Esfir Shub (The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty), Mikhail Kalatozov (Salt for Svanetia), Viktor Turin (Turksib), and Boris Barnet (The House on Trubnaya). All the films were originally released between 1924 and 1930. Each has a nifty new musical score, using both previously composed and original material. Robert Israel compiled four of them; his score to the early morning Moscow street scenes inThe House on the Trubnaya makes ingenious use of Sergei Prokofiev’s piano cycle, Fugitive Visions, to set the mood.
The films of Eisenstein and Kuleshov are the best-known. In Old and New, completed in 1929 with his trusty codirector Grigori Aleksandrov, Eisenstein (1898-1948) was responding to the Communist Party’s appeal to artists in all media to create work that addressed the transformation of the backward Russian countryside. The film’s production was severely complicated by the frequent changes in official policy on economic development in the agricultural sphere, and Eisenstein had to several times reedit and retitle the film. The dominant theme (as in so many other Soviet films of the late 1920s) is the triumph of the machine over outdated traditional methods. In this case, a cream separator represents the apotheosis of progress and a symbol of the shining future. Eisenstein considered the playful sequence in which the cream separator springs into action, spewing luscious cream, an experiment in “cinematic ecstasy” resembling (in Olenina’s words) “an erotic or religious rapture.” Farmwork never looked so sexy. The failure of the excessively “formalist” Old and New, roundly booed by the party press at its premiere, left Eisenstein traumatized. For nearly ten years afterwards he failed to complete another film, despite numerous false starts both in Hollywood and in Moscow. Only with the simplistically propagandistic Alexander Nevsky would he resurrect his career.
Like Eisenstein, Lev Kuleshov (1899-1970) not only made films, but also wrote extensively on film theory. His imaginative parody The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr.West in the Land of the Bolsheviks (1924) upends negative Western preconceptions about Russians and Bolsheviks, even as it consciously imitates the style of the American action films he so admired. With an all-star cast that includes the manic, leering Aleksandra Khokhlova and cameo appearances by two directors (Boris Barnet and Vsevolod Pudovkin), Mr.West reaches its Buster-Keaton-like climax in a memorable chase sequence. “Placing a cowboy in fringed chaps on the snowcovered streets of Moscow and having him lasso an unsuspecting Russian coachman,” writes Olenina, “is a strategy that bespeaks Kuleshov’s pursuit of comic defamiliarization.” By the time he made By the Law two years later, in 1926, Kuleshov’s style had dramatically changed, becoming less artificial and more moody and psychological under the influence of German expressionism. This gloomy story (adapted from a short story by Jack London) of murderous jealousy and passion among three prospectors under extreme pressure in the Klondike packs considerable emotional power, with another hyperkinetic performance from Khokhlova.
Future director Boris Barnet (1902-65) began as a Kuleshov protégé, but they parted ways after Barnet nearly killed himself doing a stunt in the role of the cowboy inMr.West. Soon he had a successful career as a director in his own right. Barnet’s fourth film, The House on Trubnaya (1928), a witty social satire on life under the limited capitalism allowed by the New Economic Policy, made him famous abroad as well. Written by a stellar quintet that included the formalist critic Viktor Shklovsky, The House on Trubnaya deals with one of the favorite topics of the era: the Moscow housing shortage. As thousands of peasants flooded into the capital, they resorted to all sorts of ruses to find a place to live, crowding into communal apartments that provided ample material for domestic comedy. Barnet uses an open staircase in an apartment building for lots of up-and-down action. “Chopping wood on the staircase is not allowed!” warns a poster, but some of the brawny barechested residents do so anyhow. Parasha (played with physical gusto by Vera Maretskaya), the country girl who has come to Moscow in search of her uncle, ends up as a domestic servant to a pretentious bourgeois hairdresser. But he gets his comeuppance when she joins the union and asserts her proletarian rights.
Barnet uses lots of entertaining visual tricks and puzzles: stop-frame with reverse motion, reflections in puddles and mirrors, even a car seeming to move in a full circle with small stop-motion jumps. A scene of a workers’ march through the city streets becomes a symphony of flags and flagpoles floating disembodied in the sky. Unlike most Soviet films of the period, The House on Trubnaya illuminates human feelings and foibles within an ideological framework, in a manner reminiscent of Ernst Lubitsch. A highly original and versatile talent, Barnet later made spy films that have been favorably compared to Hitchcock’s.
In Soviet cinema, documentary film occupied a highly privileged position. As Maxim Pozdorovkin writes in his accompanying essay, “Nonfiction film was recognized both as an art form and as source material for the writing of history.” Many Soviet filmmakers blurred the line between feature and documentary; Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin and October provide only two of the best examples. In his ground-breaking Man with a Movie Camera, Dziga Vertov (his real name was the more prosaic David Kaufman) proved that documentary film could be exciting and artistic. In this collection, Vertov is represented by his informational “lecture-film” Stride, Soviet (1926), a plotless and heavily edited assortment of scenes from the daily life and labor of Moscow. Without the aesthetic integrity of Man With a Movie Camera, it requires patience (and probably some political background) from the viewer, but offers in its best moments a dynamic portrait of a “city-in-progress.”
Esfir Shub (1894-1959), one of the few female directors in the early Soviet film industry, had a less “activist” view of documentary than Vertov. Her masterpiece, The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty (1927), is a “montage of historical documents” that she found in newsreels, official film records, and home movies of the Tsar’s family. For Shub, montage meant allowing the original footage to speak for itself without excessive formal manipulation. Because the footage she discovered is so emotionally revealing, exposing the amazing indifference of the Russian aristocracy to the squalor that surrounded them during the horrific slaughter of World War I, what emerges is a powerful documentation of “living reality,” as fellow director Vsevolod Pudovkin described it. The pace of the editing is slower, more deliberate, than in most other Soviet documentaries of the period, but the analytical message condemning the evils of the old regime no less incisive.
Vertov and Shub paved the way for the work of two other directors who took documentary in a more artistic, impressionistic, and even ethnographic direction: Viktor Turin and Mikhail Kalatozov. Both explored the remote and exotic territories on the southern fringe of the newly formed U.S.S.R., in documentaries produced outside the mainstream Russian studios. Both also celebrate the progressive mission of the Soviet government in bringing technological improvements to the lives of people whose lives had been virtually untouched by modern civilization. In Turksib (1929), made by Vostok-Kino in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, Turin chronicles the construction of a new railroad linking the textile industry of southern Siberia with the wool and cotton producing regions of Kazakhstan. His treatment of the harsh beauty of the Kazakh steppe is breathtaking, its endless sandy expanses sculpted by the wind into weird abstract patterns. To illustrate the need for a reliable connection between the textile industry and its suppliers, he shows a long caravan of camels overtaken and submerged by a violent sandstorm. Pumping pistons and speeding locomotives provide the solution. Turin uses many of the same techniques (visual metaphors, striking informational graphics, allegorical montage) seen in other Soviet documentaries of the period, but with unusual taste and restraint.
The setting for what may be the most remarkable film in this set, Kalatozov’s Salt for Svanetia (1930), is an isolated village high in the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia. Made by the Georgian state studio with Kalatozov as cameraman, it bears an introductory quotation from Lenin: “The Soviet Union is a country so big and diverse that every kind of social and economic way of life is to be found within it.” So Kalatozov (who was himself of Georgian origin) spends most of his time showing the bizarre, vivid world of the Svan community, living a highly ritualized and brutal existence to which the cinematography lends a mythological dimension. The village’s problem is that it has no salt with which to support life for both humans and animals. Graphic images of death and suffering abound. Only the arrival of a Bolshevik brigade in the film’s final moments promises relief.
Several decades later, Kalatozov would become world famous for his searing antiwar film, The Cranes Are Flying, and for his sumptuous portrait of the Cuban Revolution,I Am Cuba. Salt for Svanetia prefigures both of them in its unorthodox and arresting visual imagery. Pozdorovkin calls it “the most visually liberated film of the silent Soviet era,” with its preponderance of crazy angled shots and exaggerated naturalism. The evocative new score by Zoran Borisavljevic, which draws on traditional Georgian music, only heightens the emotional impact.
The quality of all the films restored for the Landmarks of Early Soviet Film DVD box set is exemplary. All but two of them (Turksib and The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty) have the original Russian intertitles as well as easily read English subtitles. The critical material in the accompanying booklet gives extensive historical background and information on the films, but there is one odd omission: the running time of each film is nowhere to be found. But anyone interested in Soviet film, or the early history of documentary, will want to own this set.
Harlow Robinson 
Matthews Distinguished University Professor of History at Northeastern University
Copyright © 2012 by Cineaste Magazine
Cineaste, Vol. XXXVII, No. 2
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juliaperrya-blog · 5 years
Just Keto Diet > Where is the first place you lose weight?
Just Keto Diet #@$:- Ganglia positioned at the level of the armpit. Breast most cancers spreads however, again, those ganglia are frequently painless.A redness or edema in the breast, as well as warmth at this stage, because the blood will increase the frame temperature to put off pollution. At this factor, the tumor can become painful.
Nausea and lack of appetite can also occur
In ladies with a BI extra than or identical to 25 (weight problems) all these symptoms are hard to decry pt, along with the first sign of alertness: the sensation of a ball within the chest. Weight loss Pills Plan it will not experience right away. when redness sets in, the tumor has already reached a vital level.
that is known as inflammatory most cancers  : the breast will turn purple, hot and gift edema. This cancer is more commonplace in obese sufferers (approximately eleven%), due to the difficulty of identifying this most cancers among obese women. This proves once more the link between MI and breast cancer.
skinny and thin ladies account for approximately 2% of this type of most cancers, ladies with everyday Just Keto Diet  B MI (18 to twenty-five) are 6% and those who are overweight are nine%.
The threat of most cancers recurrence and metastasis are the identical among st these kind of ladies , although recurrence occurs more swiftly in overweight girls. The delay of look of metastases also.
Remission and survival of breast cancer: the relationship with B MI?
The difference among the chances of survival based on B MI is low . nevertheless, the reality that women Just Keto Diet  with a B MI more than 25 is more difficult and slower to locate makes their cancer extra virulent.
indeed, on the opposite women, the cancer could be handled as quickly as the advent of the tumor - the ball within the breast - can be discovered.cancer, among-st obese women, might be more virulent, extra difficult to fight as well, and recurrence can arise very quickly after the onset of remission.
Dr. Jennifer Eligible, oncologist, carried out a examine on numerous girls with this most cancers. She done Just Keto Diet  this end result: 32.6% of these girls had a normal body weight, 32.nine% have been overweight and forty nine% had been menopausal.This test proves that each one girls, irrespective of their B MI, may be suffering from breast most cancers , the maximum common most cancers of women.
nonetheless, this examine also showed another end result concerning the link among B MI and breast cancer. progression-free survival reaches as much as 70% of obese and obese ladies. medicine manages to stabilize most cancers, but does now not absolutely prevent it, because the danger of recurrence in these girls could be very high.
healthy ingesting, ordinary bodily pastime, and a healthful life-style assist enhance health. This additionally facilitates to provide a better threat of remission. selling a more healthy, more balanced life-style is another preventative step, specifically for obese human beings.
we've all heard approximately the idea of calorie at least as soon as .  however do you realize that there are exceptional sorts of calories? what's empty calories? In what meals are found and why while we ingest loads they go along with weight advantage? that is what we can explain in this newsletter.
what's an empty calorie?
A reminder in case of forgetfulness: a calorie is a unit this is used to degree the strength provided to our frame by way of the food we consume . How are we able to differentiate empty calories from so-called 'complete' energy? properly it is quite simple: those are calories that don't provide our frame with the vitamins it needs .
In different words, these energy don't have any or very little nutritional fee, in contrast to so-called meals with excessive dietary density. accordingly, if an individual eats foods mostly composed of empty energy, he can also fall into malnutrition and feature Just Keto Diet Reviews deficiencies even though he eats his fill. indeed, the meals that make up his food regimen are poor in nutrients and minerals .
What are the foods with empty calories to avoid?
All ingredients low in vitamins and excessive in fat or  subtle sugars .For drinks , this consists of soda or juice, which although composed of fruit are regularly too candy. however additionally alcohol, low in vitamins and excessive in sugar, it is part of the empty calorie ingredients.
In terms of food , business dishes, pizzas, hamburgers, sweets, chips and others are the richest ingredients in empty energy. greater particularly, there's additionally bread and white rice in the listing. it's miles consequently very important to look at what you consume. This enables to keep away from deficiencies and to keep a weight of shape .
full calorie foods let you live healthful. complete energy are located in  uncooked foods  such as sparkling end result and greens. Just Keto Diet entire ingredients also include entire grain bread or rice made from entire or semi-entire cereals. however, all nutritionists will say: we can consume the whole lot, however sparsely. Do no longer overlook pizzas and other rapid meals, supplied they do now not represent your staple weight loss plan. Prohibiting those ingredients could frustrate you. 
ultimately, it is able to lead you to crack and devour much more than cause. but, be cautious of the wide variety of elements in the products you devour. a few recollect that if a food includes five or more components, it approach that the product is rich in empty energy. Now you are ready to live healthful!
You lost the load you wanted? Just Keto Diet loss belly fat Congratulations! Now you enter a new section of your diet, this is to preserve your new silhouette , and avoid the yo yo effect, so dreaded by the field of regulators.
So, the way to method this transition in all simplicity, and with out making head? the way to cope with invitations, Just Keto Diet meals with friends and other temptations? here are our tips and hints to lose weight without the yo yo impact.
Stabilize your weight: a brand new segment of your food plan
Even in case your length of Just Keto Diet review stabilization isn't always observed by way of weight loss , this section is an quintessential part of your diet. thus, it is just as, if not extra, important than the food plan itself.certainly, stabilizing your weight is critical at the end of a duration of weight loss, on the hazard of subjecting your body to the well-known  yo yo impact .
The yo yo effect, what is it?
The yo yo effect is form of a protection that our business enterprise places in region to counter what it considers to be a length of caloric deprivation. certainly, all through a dieting, you lessen your caloric intake, forcing your body to draw on its reserves. when you go back to a "everyday" caloric intake, your frame may be fairly suspicious of what you're going to convey. He may also react in methods:
with the aid of spending much less energy
by storing greater hat is why if you resume your bad food regimen before weight-reduction plan, you are likely to regain all of Just Keto Diet the weight misplaced , plus  a weight bonus  bonus.
The yo yo impact is it possible to avoid it?No, and happily. There are a few recommendations to hold your new silhouette. There are techniques to stabilize your weight after dieting and keep away from the yo yo effect.
Cheat meal can assist stabilize weight
to begin with, inform yourself that in case you pass lower back for your old eating habitual , it is a secure bet that your pounds will come returned in a snap. however, you'll not stay at the advert vita eternal weight loss program both. All you need to do is maintain true, healthy eating behavior, even as sometimes giving you a few extra extras . this is where the principle of "cheat meal" is exciting. certainly, the cheat meal  is a meal in which we can (to the extent reasonable) Visit Our Website Page to eat what we love. this could be as soon as per week, or each 15 days, relying in your metabolism.
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soyosauce · 6 years
On Using Culture As Language In Last Tango In Cyberspace
Last Tango in Cyberspace makes culture a character to be explored in equal measure as the main character. Lion, an empathy-tracker, or em-tracker for short—uses his unique talent to consume curated content provided by clients and extrapolate a future; not at an individual level, mind you, rather as a glimpse at the cultural significance regarding the content in the future. It’s an amalgamation of genetic drifts which hardwires an em-trackers’ pattern recognition. Hacking their intuition to do a sort of cultural prognostication.
“A small robot standing on a busy city street corner, looking around. I SEE HUMANS BUT NO HUMANITY.”
Em-trackers methods vary with the person and there are very few known trackers, at least in so far as ones operating in the same capacity of Lion, doing this very niche work for a living. A very good living at that.
Lion, in particular, is rigged to make these deductions from words and logos, though it’s gestured that each tracker would be completely different. He processes the content he’s given, reacts, and tells the client if he sees a future or not. It’s usually a binary answer; a “yes” or a “no.”
“His journalism days are behind him. No longer does he get paid for the plot. Now, he’s paid for saying yes or no—the sum total of his contractual obligations. His work in the world reduced to one-word responses. When, he wonders, did his life get so small?”
Superficially, this book is about Lion being contracted by a major corporate entity to take a look at a crime scene and apply his talents… but this is a very unorthodox application of his gifts and one which ends up taking him down a rabbit hole. Ostensibly it’s a murder mystery wrapped up in noir trappings, something people might expect from cyberpunk. This is where the clear iterations from the sub-culture come into play, however. Within the tropes of a pleasurable whodunit, there’s much more to be consumed.
“You can’t scrub everything,” says Lorenzo. “Information gets what it wants, and it wants to be free.”
A specific trope that follows noir elements in cyberpunk, the investigator in over their head, is a unique vernacular used. There is typically a colloquial dialect that is foreign to the reader and makes them feel a fish out of water. The reader interprets what these cultural elements are in the future with the remix of certain words or the use of completely fictional words, from time to time. Interestingly, the dialect used in this novel is pop culture itself. Not in the very limited sense of Ready Player One, where games, gamers, and gaming is the language—but in landmark moments in cinema and literature that is reasonably absorbed into the general intellect of society. The most common being the novel Dune. Lion carries it with him all the time and is the cornerstone for the explanation of Lion’s gifts and poly-tribalism, a central component to the way Lion looks at culture in the story. People are intersectional beings with complex identities. Tracing the identity back to its origin is possible with technology these days. Appealing to particular facets of the identity can be a predictor for if something is to be successful and thrive or be consumed by another identity that dominates it.
'“Shifting culture requires a confluence of inciting incidents. Something directional that leads to a tribal fracturing and reknitting. Often shows up in language first. In music. Fashion. It can feel a little like hope.” He points at the images. “This doesn’t feel like hope.”
I think this approach both hinders and helps Last Tango in Cyberspace. For one, it’s an interesting use of the trope which proved satisfying to read for me, personally. I had never read Dune but it is explained as needed. I never felt lost. However, I could see some people who had read the book and disagree with the cultural impacts asserted in the text having a problem with most of the book, as it draws from it heavily at a personal level for Lion, as well as a fundamental shorthand for what is happening in the plot; ingrained in the theme and a permanent fixture.
“Words are just bits of information, but language is the full code. It’s wired into every stage of meaning-making, from basic emotions all the way up to abstract thought. Once you can speak a language, you can feel in that language. It’s automatic. It creates empathy.”
The frenetic pacing that accompanies cyberpunk literature is replaced with a sort of artificial acceleration with the structure of the book. Lots of very short chapters, in other words. This allows for expounding on the cultural aspects that are conveyed during the text. You notice what Lion notices. These details becoming foundational to the extrapolations he draws on later. What this means though, is the pacing is somewhat sacrificed in order to get the reader to do the same types of pattern recognition Lion does during the book. It’s clever, but a slow burn.
”Hybridization, he figures, is destined to become one of the ways this generation out-rebels the last generation. How we went from long-haired hippie freaks to pierced punk rockers to transsexual teenagers taking hormones.”
For me, the slower pace made it feel reminiscent of Takeshi Kovach in Altered Carbon. Envoys in that novel “soak up” culture in order to fit in and navigate foreign cultures. Lion’s talent feels like it takes that idea and explores it more thoroughly, engaging with it more, and this method allows you to soak up the information as well. If it were frenetic some of the details would be lost, I feel.
“Lion glances back at the pigeons. Sees a flicker he didn’t notice before. Remembers that the de-extinction program was a failed effort, realizes he’s looking at a light-vert. An AR projection of an almost. The bad dreams of a society disguised as a good time.”
A concept continually being reiterated in the novel is “living the questions.” Something that also subverts first wave cyberpunk, the characters of which are generally on the spectrum somewhere, unlikeable and/or anti-social, and live on the fringes of society in a sub-culture of some kind.
Lion, however, is an embodiment of empathy. He is in stark contrast to those protagonists, relating to most everyone and so can assume their point of view. To the extent, in fact, he resolves to not use his talents on other people.
“We ache for this feeling, but it’s everywhere. Booze, drugs, sex, sport, art, prayer, music, meditation, virtual reality. Kids, hyperventilating, spinning in circles, feel oneness. Why William James called it the basic lesson of expanded consciousness—just tweak a few knobs and levers in the brain and bam. So the drop, the comedown, it’s not that we miss oneness once it’s gone; it’s that we suddenly can’t feel what we actually know is there. Phantom limb syndrome for the soul.”
Last Tango in Cyberspace feels like a love letter to cyberpunk while updating it. In Neuromancer, for example, Gibson’s Rastafarians were a source of major critique. They are also featured in this novel but the author instead traces the cultural aspects and importance of Rastafarian influences on western mainstream culture. It felt as though it was making a point to correct the caricature found in the original source material. Whether or not it succeeds I leave up to someone who’s more educated on that and can speak to it—but the intent is clear.
“the failure of language.” “It’s a creative destruction. Out of that failure comes culture. Out of culture comes desire. Out of desire come products.”
This led me to the only thing I didn’t like about the novel and a personal pet peeve of mine: authors phonetically using foreign language in dialogue. It’s usually done as a form of cultural appreciation and authenticity, I’m sure… but it results in the author needing to clarify what is being said regardless and it just feels uncomfortable. It’s pretty much always from a Western perspective on a minority culture and usually is the default assumption of what the culture sounds like. Lion is able to converse with them for plausible reasons, often not the case when this is encountered, but it’s always left me feeling squeamish. Just tell me they have an accent, placing them in whatever area if that is relevant.
“…what is genuine emotion and what is business strategy. The modern condition.”
As Lion navigates the mystery and ping-pongs about the globe consuming the clues surrounding the mysterious death the reader, too, is engaging in this meta-language. Both in terms of how it subverts or remixes cyberpunk tropes, as well as the cultural context and information Lion imparts as his process. All of which is given weight. Hooking the plot into these details down the line as it comes together.
Most interestingly of all perhaps, the author goes out of their way to state that all of the technology exists in the world today, or is in a lab somewhere being worked on, at the very least.
“The car sees emotions. Signals have been pre-programmed, down to the basement level, below Ekman’s micro-expressions, getting to the core biophysical: heart rate variability, blood oxygen levels. And all from pointing a laser at a tiny vein in the human forehead. The car sees emotions, yet feels nothing. So morality too has to be pre-scripted into the code. Aim for garbage cans and not pedestrians; aim for solitary pedestrians rather than large groups. Empathy programmer, he’s heard it called, someone’s job now.”
This makes the future we are presented with prescient in the same way Neuromancer did with the advent of the Internet and the rise of technology in the ’90s. But where technophobia is firmly rooted in first wave cyberpunk. Last Tango in Cyberspace is making a virtue of humanities peculiarities, some of which we barely grasp. While the Internet is not something we may understand, so too are we learning the same of our own minds. Empathy, after all, is not something we gained from modernity.
“Rilke knew what was up. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, one distant day, live right into the answer. What’s truer than that?”
And empathy seems to be the thing we desperately need right now, rather than the consensual hallucination that allows us to connect to others while, at the same time, enabling us to dehumanize each other.
“Last tango in cyberspace…the end of something radically new. Copy that.”
“Pitch black again. Like someone extinguished an angel.”
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lucalicatteart · 6 years
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Groups: the Avvi’da Vina
here’s jost a rambly little post with some random information about a vampiric organization of scholars that seeks to gain recognition in broader elven society due to their history, a bit about one of the main speakers of that group, and some elaboration on their ideas and the complications of their politics and etc.  
~ General ~
The Avvi’da Vina (which literally translates to ‘children of ancient elves’ in avirrekava) are a small group of vampires/avirre’thel who wholly embrace the fact that they’re the most direct currently living ancestors of ancient elves (unlike most avirre’thel, who usually have a complicated, slightly negative view of their elven heritage, given that shortly after their deal with the demon they were exiled from the other elves and harassed by them for thousands of years so like.. of course they don’t tend to be.. very fond lol).  Members of the Avvi’da Vina firmly believe that the avirre’thel should still have a place within elven society, sometimes even moreso than any modern day elves. Their main reasoning for this is... (continued under the read more)
1.  Despite species changes and cultural isolation, they really could just be considered.. a group of elves with a few species altering enchantments tacked onto them. At the end of the day, even with their modified anatomy and physical traits, they do still have elven blood and ancestry.
2. They are immortal, and thus many living vampires have more extensive knowledge/memory about the customs, culture, and lives of the ancient elven people than any modern elven society does (a few of the oldest living vampires even remember being in Fanyin before it was Fanyin, like 20,000 years ago when the first avirre’thel hadn’t even been kicked out of the area yet lol),  
3. Many ancient elven customs that have been lost to modern elves (especially those in the elven alliance that conform to the rules set by the organization) are still present in avirre’thel society today. Remnants of ancient elven culture are stronger in their society than in any other group, despite them widely not even being considered related to elves (though this is mostly due to misinformation)
and 4. Modern avirre’thel even look more similar to ancient elves and overall seem to have retained some of their most prominent features, which most modern elves have lost. Due to many factors (low fertility rates, immortality skewing the perception of time, etc.), the Avvire’thel mate and evolve much slower as a species (elves are born and then die off in a fairly stable and quick life cycle, usually only living a few hundred years, and traits can be passed on to new generations and promote an ever-changing and evolving species. The process of this for vampires is much much slower, though there are obviously new avirre’thel born every once in a while and they have been able to change some (though most of their species alterations have been deliberate through use of external magic, rather than natural change over time lol), relatively speaking they still have some pretty ancient blood, as they’re a rather stagnant population, and evolve on a much more drawn out time scale, if at all.) 
The Avvi’da Vina don’t necessarily look up to ancient elven society (if anything, they’re one of it’s largest critics, as one of the only groups that at least remembers it (and it’s bad sides) somewhat accurately, unaffected by the propaganda and altered visions spread by the elven alliance), but they do still take a heavy interest in all elven culture and history, since they see it as their history as well, and feel they have an obligation to document information about their people, especially since they’re in a unique position to do so with their  rare historical connections. Many of them work as scholars and historians, traveling to ancient ruins, trying to preserve the old elven customs that still exist in vampiric society, locating historical texts, learning ancient elvish as a second or third language, etc. They also keep up extensively with modern elven societies and traditions, mostly to track how things have changed over time and look at how cultural customs have evolved (especially the dramatic transformation of the elven religion), as another one of their main goals is just to keep, as accurately as possible, a record of all of elven history.
  Which is kind of odd to consider, that a group of avirre’thel/vampires, literally the species MOST widely hated by elves (at least elves in the alliance/under the influence of the Fanyiniri) are also like.. arguably the foremost experts on elven society and it’s customs, traditions, architecture, language, etc. etc. (and also the other way around like, the Fanyiniri literally almost wiped out their entire species during the many wars they had but.. Avvi’da Vina are still, just bigg ole elf nerds (which is of course because they see themselves as elves rather than anything different but still lol)).
Though they’ve made many attempts to gain influence in elven society and take what they see as their rightful position as members of the elven alliance or some other influential elven group**, the Avvi’da Vina haven’t made much progress in this area. They did manage once to get invited to speak briefly at an annual meeting of the alliance (despite extreme efforts by the Fanyiniri to keep them out entirely), to make a public case explaining why they should be allowed to join, but it soon became clear they were invited mostly as a joke amongst some of the higher ups, and pretty much just got mocked and threatened by the crowd, then escorted out by guards once the royals had gotten tired of trying to tease them (like it was intended to be a ‘yeah lmao lets invite them and just make fun of them until they cry and make them look really stupid and embarrass themselves while we publicly degrade them as punishment for their audacity to even think they could have a presence among us’ sort of thing, but after like.. fifteen minutes of them handling it fairly well despite being only two people standing alone in the center of a room being heckled by like hundreds of elves, staying composed and dodging trick questions and etc,  the leaders of the alliance just got agitated and had them sent away, since they were mostly failing to get the reaction they wanted out of them lol.. ).
** (despite them strongly disagreeing with like.. almost all current political ideals of countries and groups within the elven alliance, they still feel they should be a part of it, if anything especially so, to kind of reign them in and remind them of what their ancestors, which they claim to idolize so much, would have actually wanted. They still don’t support or condone the alliance at all, but do see themselves as in a unique position to appeal to them, as many elven societies (almost to an annoyingly obsessive degree) speak about the glory of the past, constantly praise and idealize elven history, etc. So they thought the alliance would be thrilled at the idea of welcoming a group with actual extensive knowledge and deeper connections to the ancient elves, but soon realized it was more complicated than that (that it may actually put them at a DISadvantage, as the alliance see them as a threat to the false version of history they’ve created, having people who can be like ‘No actually it didn’t happen like that, I was there’ is generally.. bad for their image lol) , despite these setbacks though, they still think they have some ground to stand on if they could convince the right people. Likewise, the Avvi’da Vina feel all elves should have a place at the alliance as well, not just themselves, and they usually believe that it could be reformed if an actual variety of elven voices were heard in the decisions made by the alliance (similar to the system of the vampiric council) , rather an only a select few. They feel either reforming or disbanding the alliance is absolutely necessary for the future of the elven people, and would like to be at the forefront of the efforts either way, though both options are...nearly impossibly difficult lmao)    
The Avvi’da Vina are most well known for their work with ancient elven texts (or, mostly their bickering with the Elven Alliance just to get their hands on them in the first place lol), and deciphering of the old language. It’s a lot of detail to go into so I’ll be brief about it here, but there were multiple forms of ancient elven writing, primarily a Fancy method, used only for important documentations (poetry, religious texts, often historical records of anything considered too significant to be written ‘simply’), and then a ‘simple’ script that was in everyday use among the people (and a few others but those were the main two). The Fancy method came first and was kind of the original writing system, the ‘simple’ form only came into use later once more of the population became literate.  For a majority of elven history, things were ONLY written down if they were really important (everything else was conveyed through song, stories, using rhymes to help remember things, etc.), and you had to ask special religious leaders/scribes to do it for you. 
( “Fancy” ancient elven is also kind of like, logographs, or more detailed lines and pictures which represent whole words/phrases/concepts, whereas the ‘simple’ writing system developed later by scribes for broader use is more of a syllabary (with characters only representing sounds), similar to what’s used in modern elven, and Avirrekava. Because it was so detailed though, it took a LOT longer to write and was kind of like an artistic labor rather than just something you could scratch down quickly.)
Additionally, the ancient elven writing system and language are, at least by modern standards, pretty vague. Much of it is context or ‘current’ culture dependent, usually possible to interpret in many different ways with various implications, where it’s kind of one of those “you just had to be there at the time” sort of things (like someone who doesn’t use tumblr looking at a vaguely phrased internet meme, and since they weren’t steeped in that culture for whatever thing is being referenced, they take the wording literally, or misunderstand it, since the underlying implications go over their heads). You just sort of had to live within the culture at the time to understand how certain words were combined and why, the tone conveyed by choosing one word over another, etc. Especially since it was often quite flowery and artistic language, as it was just as much a form of art as it was record keeping.
( Like for example, a sentence could, in a literal sense, be: ‘(word for a grouping of living beings, typically people not animals) (word for sickness/illness) (word for rain) (word for sun)’ - but then that could be translated as “Everyone was sick but then they weren’t anymore after the passing of time (as implied by rain turning to sun)”, “Everyone is sick with an illness CAUSED by the cycle of rain and sun”, “Everyone gets sick sometimes, but this will pass, as all things do, just like all rain turns to sun”, “People are sick and the way to treat it is related to weather/rain/sun”, “Everyone, if you feel sick, you should take a warm bath (water (rain) which is hot (like the sun)” , + like 10 other possible meanings lol.. )
ANYWAY, all this background to say, SINCE there are a handful of Avirre’thel still living that either were actually alive during the time that  ancient elven was still prominently used (the later end of the era at least), or their parents/grandparents were (and could teach them), older Avirre’thel are thought to have much better insight on ancient elven translation than any other group. Of course, especially with even older VERY ancient texts, the Avirre’thel don’t know everything and since stuff is so vague it can still be hard to know the true meaning, but they at least have an advantage and more personal experience with the language than others would have. While the language is.. reasonably accessible (in the sense of info about it being decently documented) and any scholar with a few years of study could translate it literally from a book or something, much of the true meanings or more subtle implications have been lost. There’s often a lot of room for misinterpretation (especially if interpreting something a certain way would suit someone’s political agenda *cough* elven alliance *cough*), or lack of general context, even if the very literal simple knowledge of it is there...
SO, part of the work the Avvi’da Vina really spend a lot of resources focusing on (as Avirre’thel who fully embrace their ancient elven ancestry and wish to engage with the old culture, share it, etc. as much as possible) is tracking down old elven texts, creating and spreading their own personal translations (using the Avirre’thel’s unique cultural knowledge of the era), attempting to interpret documents that are thought to be too vague/too old/indecipherable, etc. 
Especially since the Alliance wants to be The Number One Source Of All Things Elven, and will kind of gatekeep old texts and artifacts, hiding them away in secret libraries and only giving their own public interpretations of info, and the Avvi’da Vina are kind of focused on uniting all elves and wanting to share an accurate honest open history with everyone, they also sort of see it as a mission to steal documents from the Alliance (or just beat them to it, if some new ruin is discovered or something), translate them themselves with better background knowledge, and then publish that version for free to the people and any elf who’d like to read it (even allowing them to see the original writing for comparison), rather than them having to jump through hoops with the Alliance just to so much as gain access to their Officially Declared Interpretations, which likely are not even very accurate.
(this is part of why the Alliance has lowkey beef with them, even though the Avvi’da Vina are such a small niche group that a massive multinational organization like the Elven Alliance wouldn’t bother with them, the Avvi’da Vina do essentially just follow them around like ‘Actually, You Are Wrong! : )’. Like, the alliance will make some announcement like “New ancient religious texts have been discovered, come to your local shrine and pay a small sum of money to gain access to our Official Translations of what they say!”,  etc.. then like a week and a half later the Avvi’da Vina are like “what’s up everyone, we hired a shapeshifting jhevona spy to steal the documents and have translated them ourselves, as usual the alliance are WRONG as hellll lmaooooo, here’s what it actually says and we’re going to mass print our translations, give them out for free, go to local elven cities and spread the word, and also just hmu if you want to see the original texts in person because we have them now LOL” . 
So though the Alliance has a policy to (at least publicly) ignore their existence, you can still tell the Avvi’da Vina have gotten under their skin, since they keep putting new measures in place to prevent them from sharing information with the public, ban suspected Avvi’da Vina members from openly traveling to Alliance countries (not directly of course, since they won’t openly acknowledge the group, but the guards of cities have certain ~~suspicious things~~ to look for (like arresting any Avirre’thel seen distributing pamphlets, or speaking anything that sounds like  ancient elvish, or talking to groups of interested looking elves as if they’re explaining something to them, etc..  but then they’d tell them like “Oh, we just arrested you for uh.. like.. um... you know.. loitering? yeah... anyway please get out of the city.”) , etc. etc.
  Luckily, they are received much better by their own government.  The council of Navyete sees them as very useful and various higher ranking (which really just means they’ve studied more) members of the Avvi’da Vina regularly serve as advisors to council members any time a law or issue relevant to the elves is being discussed, due to their expertise in the area, and especially their ability to translate both ancient and modern elvish texts. In return for assisting the council, they often just ask for.. nerd stuff.. like access to connections in foreign governments so they can gain passage into old ruins, or allowances of money they’ll put towards research, etc. Which of course, the council is happy to oblige. Though most avirre’thel are less enthusiastic about their connections to the elves, they at least are genuinely curious about history, and politically often promote the pursuit of any new knowledge, since it’s something that is generally valued in their culture, even if it’s knowledge that happens to be about something most people wouldn’t be invested in lol. 
~ Idanya ~ 
Idanya Vashesi (person in all the images above since.. I needed something to draw so this isn’t just a plain wall of text, so I thought a minor focus on a prominent member of the Avvi’da Vina would be something quick to sketch lol) isn’t the leader of the group, nor the one who originally founded it, but she is currently seen kind of as the face of the organization. On top of being a high ranking expert in a broad range of elven studies, she specializes in communication, and serves as their primary representative and speaker (she’s one of the two members who had the pleasure of standing in front of the elven alliance and getting mocked that one time). She overall has the most outside interactions with alliance elves, and is quite persistent in always trying to get them to hear her out or have her group invited to things, even if 99.9% of the time she’s just rudely refused or harassed. 
She has however made many strong connections with the scattered groups of elves that exist outside of the alliance, and is one of the Avvi’da Vina members that most regularly travels to speak with them about elven things. Though sometimes she faces hostilities from them (usually over them having different sets of information, like her telling them something about ancient elves that they refuse could ever be true, etc.), most elven cities and groups outside of the alliance find it refreshing to have a source of more accurate information about their history and culture that hasn’t been tainted by the influence of the alliance (though they obviously may be initially skeptical about what they perceive as an outsider coming in claiming to have information about them, after a while of speaking they usually can tell it’s legit and not just some random weirdo showing up who doesn’t know what they’re talking about lol) . Many non-allied elves are somewhat separated from broader elven society and have had certain  information hidden from them by the Main Alliance Elves Who Try To Control All Elven Stuff, so they usually welcome Idanya and the other Avvi’da Vina as allies. There have even been many discussions about the Avvi’da Vina and other various non-alliance elven groups starting an alliance of their own, rather than merely trying to gain recognition from the main alliance to reform them from within, but currently the main elven alliance holds too much power and many fear this would be immediately seen as a threat, which would likely start wars and other conflicts that none of them would be prepared to handle. 
Thus, she’s still never going to give up trying to get into the main elven alliance and have her people recognized officially as fellow elves lol.. it’s like.. her life’s challenge at this point. She’s such a good speaker she could convince just about anyone of anything, so the fact that the alliance elves just dismiss her and never listen to her is like.. One Day.. It Will Be Over For You Silly Bastards.. she WILL continue nagging you until she meets her goals and has her opinions heard and respected.. she is immortal.. she will outlive all of you.. generations of elven royalty will come and go and there she will be.. showing up to the same damn place for the 6,000th time, as perky and suave and well spoken as ever like “Hey! Ready to let me in yet? ; ) " lmao
~ Controversy among their fellow Avirre’thel ~
Like mentioned, most Avirre’thel don’t see themselves as elven, and have developed a strong sense of pride as a distinct species ( if your own people cast you out and reject you, one common response is ‘allright fuck you then, we’ll do our own thing.. die mad about it bitch’, which is certainly the position that the avirre’thel took in their early days as a newly formed society lol) , but they also don’t make much attempt to refute the efforts of the Avvi’da Vina, since like.. everything they claim is still.. technically factually valid so... Most avirre’thel’s view of the organizations’ philosophy is basically just:  “Well... you’re not WRONG.. I guess.. I personally wouldn’t interpret it that way though, but like.. do your thing I suppose, you funky little elf nerds”. 
The main arguments that other avirre’thel raise against the Avvi’da Vina’s views are probably - 
1. Obviously the Avirre’thel, despite maybe technically yes being the closest living descendants to the ancient elves, can’t actually BE elves, since they can’t mate with elves and are very obviously and scientifically classified as a separate species, and thus don’t need to be a part of broader elven society.
(which the Avvi’da Vina counter with  the fact that there are some subspecies of elves that are considered elves but have evolved to no longer be able to mate with certain types of elves, yet they haven’t had their classification as elves revoked. Their species is going to be a bit more complicated, since avirre’thel were created by magical interference by an ancient jhevona rather than evolving naturally, of course they’re going to be in a unique situation genetically, but in every other sense (culturally, etc.) should be considered elven. (and also: maybe they can’t mate with CURRENT evolution of elves, but could the mate with ANCIENT elves if they were still around?? Because of how genetically similar they still are to them? Perhaps. Maybe they could still mate with certain types of elves, it’s just that currently they’re the only “ancient elven blood” still around))
and 2.  The Avvire’thel are a historically extremely isolated species (mostly due to becoming more reclusive after aggression from the elves),  their societies have developed so separately, it doesn’t make any sense to attempt to “rejoin” them now, after 20,000 years of little contact and both becoming extremely different groups, even if they share the same origins. 
( which the Avvi’da Vina counter with the position that,  if anything, the fact that both cultures have evolved so separately is more of a reason to be welcome amongst elves, as with their immortality,  vampiric society is basically an ancient elven society almost frozen in time, and that it would be best to cooperate and learn from each other, and for elves to be able to connect with parts of their history and tradition which were assumed lost but have been preserved within the small isolated species of the Avirre’thel. )
They face some other points of opposition, but those are the main issues people usually take. But again, generally most people view them as strange and a bit odd for being so interested in elven stuff, but not harmful. The only groups of  avirre’thel that have ever been aggressive towards the Avvi’da Vina are like.. small fringe anti-elf groups, mostly the occasional older vampires who lived way back when avirre’thel would still traditionally cut the points of their ears off just to remove association with the elves and etc., which usually is a pretty rare viewpoint in modern day, even for elders. 
Though Avirre’thel society has made a lot of efforts to have a nuanced view on elves (especially in situations like with the Fanyniri, where it’s largely the government committing terrible acts and not the population (who mostly live in prisons and have no rights so like.. not much say at all in what their government does), thus the people themselves shouldn’t be hated/punished), due to the history of mistreatment and the sheer amount of anti-vampiric propaganda that’s pervasively spread throughout allied elves (and reached even some groups outside of the main alliance), many Avirre’thel are  understandably skeptical about attempting to forge any sort of relationship with broader elven society, especially those in the alliance. But the Avvi’da Vina have very strongly assured the council that the organization’s efforts to be accepted as elven and have a say in elven politics won’t interfere with the Avvire’thel species as a whole. They basically just want to have a seat on the alliance, and enough respect to share their knowledge and have their ideas heard, but they’re not attempting to literally integrate their societies together or speak on behalf of the citizens of Navyete and make huge international deals with elven nations or anything like that.  They really just want to represent themselves and have their species be respected for what they are. So for now at least, their group is seen as harmless to most avirre’thel and they’re allowed to continue seeking alliance with the elves and etc., since the people of Navyete and the council don’t see their actions as really bringing any risk or consequences against the species**. (and again, even if other Avirre’thel disagree with their overall philosophy, they are still widely respected as historical experts and etc., so the public’s view of them  isn’t that negative).
(** however, if the Avvi’da Vina did ever like.. follow through with some of the talk about allying with non-alliance elves and starting an alliance of their own that stands in opposition to the main elven alliance, the vampiric council and citizens of Navyete may have to sever ties with them, or even actively step in to try to stop them, because that would very very likely start some type of war, and with Fanyin (one of the overall most powerful elven countries in the alliance) being right next to Navyete, they would absolutely not be comfortable with possibly having a repeat of the old conflicts with the elves. Especially if their own people were involved in starting this alliance (thus provoking the main allied elves), it’s almost certain that even if the non-alliance elven groups were the main ones leading the idea, the avirre’thel would get the brunt of the damage and would immediately become the main target, at least of the Fanyiniri, since they.. would never miss a chance to randomly scapegoat the avirre’thel and find any reason to try to wipe them out again. So depending on their next moves, the Avvi’da Vina do have the potential to be significantly more controversial, and possibly lose all support they’ve had from their own species, but for now, it still stands that most avirre’thel are cool with the little group of elf nerds lol
Also idk where to fit this into the text so I’ll just put it here lol. There are about 250 members of the Avvi’da Vina currently. They are a reasonably well known group and there would probably be more members, if it weren’t for the contentious nature of the idea that the Avirre’thel should be recognized as elves. Because of their culture’s focus on stuff like history and education, there are probably a lot of fellow Nerds out there in the general vampiric population that would love to join the group and get to do stuff like visit old elven ruins and learn alongside experts of ancient elven knowledge and etc., but most probably can’t reconcile the organization’s broader goals, and reject it respectfully on principle. If they ever dropped the whole ‘we believe we should be recognized as elves and are actually elves not our own distinct species’ thing though and just became like, an elven historical and modern cultural studies society, their member numbers would dramatically rise lmao. Most avirre’thel just aren’t comfortable calling themselves elven though. 
and that’s all for this.. random topic I woke up at like 5am to write about. I tried to organize this so it’s not as rambly stream of consciousness but bhbbb.. hopefully it’s comprehensible 
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Six Examples of Inspirational Retargeting Campaigns to Learn From
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Learning how many visitors to your site leave without converting can be discouraging, can’t it? But don’t worry, it isn’t the end of the world. Experienced marketers have faced this problem countless times.
It’s well-known that a visitor is far more likely to convert upon revisiting your store than when they first visit it. In fact, according to retargeting stats, it takes an average of six visits to get a lead to become a fully fledged customer.
This stat alone does so much to validate the importance of retargeting campaigns. If handled skillfully, such a campaign can reel back an amazing number of leads.
It isn’t the hardest thing in the world, but doing retargeting properly does need knowhow. If you’re thinking of doing it yourself, our advice is to learn from the pros.
Below you will read about instances of companies making the best of retargeting in clever ways. From every example, you’ll learn something unique to apply to your own campaigns.
So let’s dive right into it!
This interactive data visualization software company has a pretty persistent retargeting method. Visit its website once, and its ads will be following you till the end of time!
These ads aren’t annoying, though. The company makes sure to make them succinct but to invoke intrigue in the viewer. Here’s an example:
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As you can see, it’s pretty straightforward. Not only that, but it also entices you to click and learn more about what the text hints at.
However, this isn’t the only ad of this kind that Tableau sends. It has several somewhat similar instances, all different in color and the “hook” text. It’s a little unusual for B2B campaigns, but the company did it for a good reason.
Here’s an instance of such a mildly different ad:
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The brilliance here is twofold. Firstly, by crafting more than one ad, you can convey the message about your product in more than one way. If one of them proves to be ineffective, other ads might “say” just the right words to get the lead to a click.
Secondly, this idea helps fight ad fatigue. Hurling the same ad at someone's time and time again inevitably grows annoying, and people stop paying attention. But a few diverse designs keep your advertising fresh, catching the eye but remaining distinctive enough for viewers to associate it with your brand.
In essence, by diversifying its ads, Tableau managed to squeeze out more conversions.
You probably know that the conversion process is a delicate one. There’s a lot of hesitation on the leads’ part, and you have to be very careful to reel them in for the purchase.
One of the biggest questions stopping leads is whether they can trust that what they get from you is of good quality. Sure, you can write endless praises about your product, but that won’t convince everyone.
A clothing and accessories retailer called FatFace certainly understands this. Instead of rushing leads to the end of the funnel, its retargeting ads include user reviews.
Here’s what we’re talking about:
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As we’ve already stated, people won’t simply take your word for it when you tell them that your product is excellent. Reviews, on the other hand, are a great way to convince leads that you aren’t lying. Positive reviews make people 91% more likely to use the services of a business, after all, so displaying them in your ad will bolster the idea that your services are genuinely worthwhile.
By including user reviews, the lead can see how good FatFace’s products are, effectively removing any doubts she may have. And once she’s convinced, there’s little stopping her from making the purchase.
Do you need to use retargeting only for selling? To be sure, that’s the overall goal of the idea, but you don’t really need to make it as plainly obvious as that. Why not create something that’s more informative than an outright prompt to buy?
You can look to Vidyard for an example of such thinking. Looking at the ad below, you’ll see that it isn’t just an effort to drag you into the click-through machine.
Take a look at this example:
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It promises real value for those who click, but it doesn’t insist that you buy something. Instead, it rests on the quality of the promoted content to drive conversions. Some of those who view your posted content will take a shine to it. That, in turn, might persuade them to turn to your business, resulting in conversions.
This tactic becomes doubly useful when we go back to that statistic we brought up earlier (six visits equals conversion). The above ad encourages more interaction with leads, which will result in more visits to your website. And that gets people closer to the coveted six-visit average.
Everyone loves a great success story. And the story of how WatchFinder blew up its ROI just goes to show that the power of a perfect retargeting campaign should never be underestimated.
Around six years ago, WatchFinder saw that it had less than desirable results on its online stores - not even 1% of first-time visitors ever made a purchase. Troubled by the underperformance, the company got to work and brewed up the optimal medicine for what ailed it - a retargeting campaign.
The smartest thing it did was devote time and energy to making highly detailed, well-defined lists of visitors who never bought anything. From there, it knew exactly where to send its ads.
Seeing that it sells high-end products that cost thousands of pounds, the leads usually took a lot of time to decide whether to buy or pass. A vital part of WatchFinder’s strategy was keeping up a conversation with the leads teetering on the cusp of conversion. Otherwise, it could risk the lead getting cold, so to speak.
Here’s what WatchFinder’s ad looked like:
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The WatchFinder case really demonstrates just how important preparation is. Its marketing team really did homework and made its retargeting efforts amazingly potent. The fact that it spiked ROI by a whopping 1,300% surely attests to that.
If you’re looking for an example of a masterfully crafted retargeting ad, then you needn’t look further than Booking.com. It manages to pack in so much content without being too cluttered that it’s amazing.
Just have a look at the below ad:
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All of these parts of the ad serve a specific purpose. The CTA and the FOMO bit compel the viewer to act immediately, whereas the guarantee alleviates any fear of coming up short. Meanwhile, the discount provides a tempting incentive for the reader.
But the ultimate goal of each part of this ad is to draw in the lead with one-of-a-kind offers. And in that sense, it works marvelously well.
It’s dense with clever tactics, but there’s even more to this ad, and this is the most important part. The room being displayed isn’t always the same. Rather, it changes to whatever you were browsing when you were on Booking.com’s site. In other words, it uses dynamic ads to show the lead something similar to what she browsed on your site.
And that’s what makes this retargeting ad so special. It’s personalized with great precision, which appeals to the prospects that see it. Try following Booking.com’s example and personalize the ad to the individual.
Around 79% of consumers say that they will only consider engaging with an offer if it’s been personalized to reflect their previous experience with the brand, so it’s a powerful tool indeed.
Best Buy
Sure, a lead that doesn’t convert hurts, but those who leave with full carts hurt on a whole other level. A good way to avoid this kind of abandonment is to, you guessed it, send retargeting ads.
You can take a page out of Best Buy’s book when it comes to reminding prospects about abandoned carts. Here’s what it sends:
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As you can see, the ad is pretty straightforward - there’s a blue background with a white cart and writing. You could say that it’s a bit generic, but it doesn’t really need to be elaborate at this point. After all, it’s just a reminder, not an attention-grabber.
So, the point here is to leverage retargeting tactics for prospects who abandon their carts. Just send them a little reminder that they still have goods waiting for them. As for how often you should retarget a single person, an average of 17 to 20 times per month is a safe bet.
What to Take Away From These Examples?
There’s a little something for you to learn from each example here. So for convenience’s sake, let’s list off the most important lessons that they teach us.
Here’s the gist of every ad you read about above:
1. Tableau: make more than one ad; not only will it fatigue slower, but it can also tell a better story about your brand.
2. FatFace: whenever possible, emphasize the quality of your product with examples rather than just empty praise.
3. Vidyard: not every retargeting ad needs to directly advertise; offer value and let it do the selling.
4. WatchFinder: careful preparation pays off tenfold - know precisely who should receive your ad.
5. Booking.com: make the most of the space your ad occupies; also, go the extra mile to personalize the ad.
6. Best Buy: cart abandonment doesn’t need to be permanent - remind leads that they have some goods waiting for them, and they’ll often come back to collect.
Take notes of what these companies did, and it will help you make your retargeting ads much more effective. If it worked for them, there’s little doubt that it will also work for you!
About the Author
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Andriana Moskovska is a content curator and contributor at Digitalmarketingjobs.io. With a passion for tech and marketing and a degree in English Language and Literature, she always manages to deliver well-researched and impeccably written content. When she’s not writing her next piece, you can find her immersed in some of the classics, or planning her next trip.
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anonymousautonomousavatar submitted:
I think the information security and logistical questions involved in raven messenger systems are really fun to think about.
For example, in Davis I ACoK, Stannis sent every raven on Dragonstone (117) to a widely dispersed group of lords to spread the accusation of incest. A lot of people know about it and are talking about it by the end of the book, implying a forwarding mechanism from those who got the letter either gossiping about it in their own letters to their neighbors or duplicating the message and passing it along. Stannis also has the letters delivered to the coasts en masse by ship, which could be more reliable but slower, and is limited by access to waterways. People use messengers carrying written messages on horseback and envoys to deliver messages verbally to convey things more personally or securely.
As you said recently, if you want to get a message to a specific lord, but you don’t have a raven for their seat, you’d have to get it to someone who probably does have a raven designated for them.
All of these methods and their lack of certainty make for interested information security questions. You can’t know for sure who among your contacts will have their contact, so a message may be lost not to weather or the dangers of the road but to being bounced around from castle to castle. You can’t be certain of passing information in any concrete window of time. You can’t know for sure your message is forwarded unless your intermediary gives notification of receipt and forwarding. Your message may have never been received unless you get a response.
Your seal is an attempt to prevent breach of secrecy between you and recipient, but it could be forged or carefully jimmied by someone other than the addressee. As we see in Davos IV ADwD and with the Karstark/Dreadfort maester with Stannis, maesters can’t necessarily be counted on to be neutral or loyal to their lord or seat. If the lord you are sending to is illiterate or functionally illiterate, or if you are, you’re dependent on whoever’s taking dictation/reading your letters out loud to do it faithfully.
In the Information Age, it’s hard to grok the uncertainty inherent in these forms of communication. From a worldbuilding perspective, it’s really interesting to consider ciphers and security measures to counter these issues, and the way that personal authentication like sending a ring known to be yours along with a message become important cultural factors.
Thanks for the the submission! Some fun thoughts here. :)  A notable point re the security of raven messages is the problem of skinchangers hacking the system. You never know what could have happened… and no one would ever have discovered the interference.
But, like, in addition to security, there’s also the question of the simple length of the message. You can send a short note easily, even a full page is probably not a problem – but long messages with multiple pages? Ravens can be pretty large birds, but every additional page makes it more difficult for them to fly, and less likely for the message to arrive. Big detailed maps aren’t getting sent either. So besides ciphers and security seals, if raven messages were fully worldbuilt you’d expect the maesters to develop a compression algorithm, to fit the most words and images possible in the smallest amount of paper possible. (Hat tip to Terry Pratchett and the way he worldbuilt the Discworld’s clacks system.)
But honestly, I can’t go much further without referencing RFC 1149, IP Over Avian Carriers…
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Research Basics
If we breakdown a film to the most basic form possible, its pretty much-moving pictures. Frames of pictures being captured at a very high rate. With this concept in mind, there are certain rules for films in general; being the rules of composition. Every shot should be framed & composed very carefully and with precision. It all depends on where you want the audience’s attention to be or sometimes it's done to look fascinating, while still giving important information.
These Rules of Composition are talked about briefly in the following video.
Framing is very crucial, so are these rules of composition. Proper framing usually makes the shot look more pleasing & attracts the audience’s attention towards a particular subject.  
Similarly, the rules of composition can also be broken in order to confuse the audiences or make them feel uncomfortable. This is usually done in the show Mr. Robot
#1- 180 Degree Rule
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It’s a very important rule to follow, especially if you’re filming characters talking to one another.
For example, while filming characters speaking to each other, while being parallel to each other, then you would film them in this manner.
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This tells the audience that the characters are sitting parallel to one another during a shot-reverse-shot. 
Another thing to note is when filming a sequence of someone leaving a place & walking away from it to the right side, you must then maintain flow when cutting to another shot by making the character move towards the right otherwise if the character moves in the left direction, it will seem like they’re going back
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The shot that will follow this scene should have the character walking towards the right.
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not the left
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Film Riot’s video does an excellent job of explaining these principles more easily.
#2- Rule of thirds
Imagine that your image is divided into 9 equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. The rule of thirds says that you should position the key elements in your scene along these lines, or at the points where they meet.
Doing so will add balance and interest to your photo; it will also drive the audience’s attention towards the subject as seen below.
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#3- Framing
The world is full of objects which makes perfect natural frames, such as trees, building, alleyways, signs, etc. By placing these around the edge of the composition you help separate the main material from the outside world. The result is a more focused image which pulls your eye freely towards the main point of interest.
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#4- Leading lines
These lines help guide the viewer through the image and concentrate attention on important details. Anything from paths, walls or patterns can be used as leading lines just like frames. 
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#5-  Balancing Elements
Placing your main subject off-center, as with the rule of thirds, creates a more appealing photo, but it can leave a void in the scene which can make it feel meaningless. You can achieve a balanced production and even out the main subject’s “visual weight” by including another article of lesser importance to fill the space.
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#6-Depth of field
Usually, filmmakers use focusing to blur the background of the subject. This is done with very fast lenses with apertures such as f2.8, f2, f1.8, f1.4, f1.2, & f1.1. F stops are how wide a camera lens opens to allow light in. The faster the f stop the more light it allows in, however, shallower depth of fields can be achieved with slower lenses but only not as smooth. The primary purpose for this is to keep the focus on the subject without puzzling the viewers or if there is no background balance.
Shallow Depth of field
The diagram tells you how a narrow Depth of field & Shallow Depth of field compare.
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Focus Pulls are another method which is used to direct focus from one object to another. 
These just hardly scrape the surface, there is always room for experimentation & even in a lot of cases, breaking these rules. 
Lighting is very critical in cinematography, it helps encourage focus upon specific subjects. Lighting a subject is more than just illuminating a torch on your actor, it takes much more than that but since our production is minimum, I’ll be sticking to mainly the basics.
Key light - Used to light up the common space/ area often its the brightest area of the subject or the most exposed.
Fill light- It's used to fill in the dark/underexposed areas such as the shadows on the face.
Backlight- Or the separation light to separate the subject from the background to make the object look three dimensional  Often, the backlight shoots down from a higher angle.
Shots, angles, movements & compositions.
Establishing Shot: The establishing shot is used to give the viewers information of the setting like its name suggests, it establishes the setting, the time of day, the time period, the weather, etc. Typically films open with these shots to give its viewers of where we are present, for instance, a shot of a jungle to tell people where the shot is taking place.
master shot
A shot that can double as an establishing shot though its main objective to showcase the complete scene & usually includes the characters. It gives more meaning to the establishing shot & follows up in order to give the viewers a more personal understanding of where they are such, like a room with our film’s main character.
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A close up fills the screen with part of the subject, such as a person’s head/face. Framed this tightly, the emotions and reaction of a character dominate the scene.
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Extreme Close Up
It highlights a small area or detail of the subject, such as the eye(s) or mouth
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Medium Shot
A medium shot frames a subject from about waist & up.  Its main objective is it presents a subject in more detail.
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Medium Long Shot  
A shot that shows subject from the knees up.
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Medium Close Up
A shot that frames the subject from chest or shoulder up.
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Wide shot
A shot that shows the entire object or human figure and it’s surroundings.
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A shot with two subjects.
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Aerial shot
A shot that is taken from a helicopter or drone.
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Point-of-view shot or pov shot
A shot that is taken from a person’s point of view or perspective or first person.
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Over-the-shoulder shot,
A shot was taken from the back of a person’s shoulder.
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high angle
A shot that is taken from an elevation looking downwards at a subject normally to show power.
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low angle,
A shot that is taken from a lower angle looking up
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canted angle
Also known as the Dutch angle, which has the camera slightly tilted. Funnily enough, it was first done by the Germans.
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Moving the camera in a horizontal position.
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Tilting the camera by a few degrees
Tracking a Subject
A device used to make handheld shots more steady
A tripod with wheels
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A camera elevated in the air with the help of a crane
A camera shot while in hand, the footage is very shaky.
Slowly getting closer to a subject.
Sounds are very crucial in films. Remember, audiences can overlook poor picture quality in the film except never sound. Its the essence of film & is what usually makes films soo modernized. Production houses spend millions of dollars on sounds in order to engage the audiences, give them information & make fictional things sound convincing.
Types of sounds
Sounds that come from the object inside the frame.
Non- Diagetic
Sounds that originates from outside the frame Dialogues These are words spoken by an actor on screen to convey information Sound Effects (SFX) Sound Effects or SFX are sounds that are usually produced with the help of folly artists to give objects a sound so they are convincing. Such as the sound of a gunshot. These sounds are added in post. Ambiance Sounds or Ambient sounds
These sounds are sounds that are recorded in order to provide a scene with more context, it could be the sound of cars in a city in the background or sounds of people speaking in an office setting.
The art of folly is to use random objects to create sounds that may resemble the behavior on screen. For example, the sound of sausages frying might be used as sounds of rain.
Music, Score, Soundtrack
Music is the essence of a film, without music you can’t impact the audience heavily, it adds flavor to the moment. It emphasizes things, it can be used to make things epic, intense, emotional or even uncomfortable. The film is more than just visual, music can really change how people interpret your film. A film’s score adds to the emotion the film is trying to convey, it thematically matches itself with what’s going on & it makes for an engaging experience. It plays with the audience’s mind. For example, the shower scene from psycho would not be as impactful & creepy without the music as it is with the music.
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nat20lurker-blog · 6 years
Set up Your Child to Read And Write With The Montessori Method Your Child
With the Montessori strategy, numerous youngsters are perusers before they turn 6 years of age. They accomplish this with little exertion and much happiness when they realize how to exploit the delicate times of their advancement. Guardians, we can complete a great deal to support them.
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A youngster is prepared to figure out how to peruse and compose, when there are a couple of conditions:
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He has procured an adequate dimension of language and is interested to grow his vocabulary.
Drive every now and again and appreciate books. He has comprehended that perusing stories is fun and he is pulled in to the composed word.
Develops in a perusing domain Observe how the grown-ups with whom you live read and read to you.
Most youngsters start to be keen on perusing composing around 3 years. Until we get to this point, we should perceive how we can support you.
From 0 to 3 years of age: past advances
It is amazing to see how seriously an infant of fourteen days is fixed in the mouth of the general population who address him, as though drinking from his words. Truth be told, the intensity of discourse to console him is noteworthy. The human voice resembles a magnet to him.
Actually, the child appears on the scene with some semantic experience. Trials completed with them have demonstrated that nothing else to be conceived, they as of now demonstrate a more prominent reasonableness for the sounds heard in the uterus, those of the language of their folks.
Amid his first year, the youngster will focus and retain numerous words. Begin by making sounds and step by step however extremely dynamic, will join vocabulary and syntactic structures progressively mind boggling. His capacity to see dependably leads the pack over the issue, his detached vocabulary being more noteworthy than the dynamic.
At around 3 years of age, he will most likely have a genuinely liquid discussion. You will need numerous words to convey what needs be precisely however it will resemble a wipe, a genuine devouter of words.
How might you help him
The initial 6 years of the tyke are unequivocal for their future scholarly improvement and guardians can do a lot to advance their learning.
Regards the delicate periods through which its advancement passes . They are hereditarily customized pinnacles that make them particularly open and able to acclimatize certain information.
Converse with him a ton, looking at him without flinching . Sing to him frequently and show him new words in spite of the fact that right now, he can not rehash them, he will retain them.
Kids learn with development . Spot your child on the floor, don't attach him to a seat or put him for a considerable length of time in a playpen. Offer your more established kid toys that move: balls, riders, roller sharp edges ...
Put readily available finger paint, scissors, pencils, snaps, bewilders, development recreations ... It's tied in with building up your manual expertise.
Appreciation their self-sufficiency . Try not to back him off and let him get things done for himself when he inquires. Try not to baffle him with a "no!" When it tends to be maintained a strategic distance from.
Admiration their opportunity and their preferences . Give her a chance to pick the books that you are going to peruse, the music that you are going to put on her. Youngsters love rehashing things again and again; don't deny it.
Show rhymes, tunes, verse . Instruct them to be keen on the sounds and musicality of the sentences.
More than empowering, it is tied in with going with you in the revelation of what, instinctually, interests you .
Regards the inward quality that energizes him when he gets the hang of something that intrigues him a great deal.
Try not to meddle with their learning pace . On the off chance that it is slower than you might want, regard it.
Abstain from placing him before the TV, having tablets and cell phones persistently in his grasp . At this age, the screens tire him and lessen his capacity to think and learn. Likewise, to learn, you need the physical nearness of the grown-up.
Place him in contact with other youngsters. Contacting them is basic to create compassion and adapt together.
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nyholmkenney71-blog · 6 years
Sports & Outdoors
Sports & Outdoors
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These 5 workout routines will get you essentially the most bang on your buck in burning calories and hitting several muscles at once. One other draw back to cardio workouts is that as we get higher at it and develop into lighter, we end up burning fewer calories doing them, which can pressure us to do longer cardio classes to burn the same amount calories. Get rid of the junk food out of your weight loss plan, deal with unprocessed foods that keep you feeling full, similar to vegetables and fruits, lean meats, dairy and whole grains. Just because now you might be feeling snug along with your self and suppose that you just need not do something with a purpose to reduce weight. At first, yoga workouts are way completely different from the diverse set of bodily actions, which (as per our understanding) normally represent the word 'train'. You'll be able to construct your individual workout, or you may download our Energy Coaching 101: The whole lot That you must Know information and we’ll make it easier to with a selected plan to work your way up from gym newbie to weight training regular.
In the gym
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. Will ye lads stop . Probaly on O lift with sweeping brush handles or poles & BW Exercises. How many play for multiple teams?
— martinryan (@rumblestripes) September 24, 2017
So the easiest way to determine how much weight to elevate is by breaking it down into five levels. see Train may even undermine weight reduction in subtle methods. All you have to do is comply with a correct weight loss program and train correctly. If you are a man over forty, you want to know what 40 plus mature ladies need from men. In case you are over the age of forty, you need to maintain your stretches for 60 seconds as your muscles get lots less adaptable as you era. Whatever you select to do, it is done for sixty seconds. This isn't a congruent method and will result in sub par results at greatest. These "look at me! Look at me!" grunting noises are usually not wanted and will not make a distinction in the results you'll obtain. We will in this article look into some essential upper body muscle constructing workout routines you can apply to your workout routine and get pleasure from the results with the constant work you might be putting into it. Carry out hill sprints. Although not technically cardio, they will elevate your heart rate and are decrease affect in your joints than regular sprints.
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Someone who chooses to do strength training solely as soon as every week will usually experience a slower fee of progress than those that select two or 3 times per week. This is important to grasp as someone new to weight coaching may be lead to believe that the more time they spend within the gym working out the larger and stronger they will turn into. The perfect Arm-Toning Pilates Exercises Which Is better: Pilates Energy Gym or Aero Pilates? It could be greatest to find these features to get essentially the most from your workout. Make room in your day, limit your time on Fb, and take a look at one of the following pointers to make sure that your workouts get performed. Not to mention you get to lose fat from varied components of the physique with these how-to-lose-weight-quick workouts. Typically you physique wants 1 gram of protein per pound of lean muscle mass. After all there are a lot of varieties and classifications for muscle injury, but for layman functions I came up with my own simple scale.
There may be more individuals willing to decry CrossFit than there are people who would give the excessive-intensity workout a try. To convey this to life we wished to reinvent how people use the gear and area in our membership. And so most people simply be a part of the gym or stop exercising altogether. That is an open gym that trains beginner weightlifters over a course of six weeks in its Newbie Olympic Weightlifting program. Studying evaluations and comparing will make deciding on which program is the very best easier. Strive our NEW finest dwelling treadmill selection software to help you discover the proper machine to your weight loss goals and budget! Superb weight loss transformations on Pinterest. https://goo.gl/2wyi5F The Face Fitness Middle is the only program on-line for focused facial weight reduction. Are you certain you'll be able to take this program? Is there a selected occasion you are trying to lose excess weight for? Luckily, there are also efficient abs workouts that you possibly can easily do within the comforts of your personal house. Some of these train is perhaps useful to somebody who participates in a sport where similar activities are required. That is very good recommendation and has been proven to work very properly; breaks and workouts are advocated and taught by many experienced teachers and lecturers.
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Keep your distance from COVID-19 misinformation
This is the first blog post by student science writer Mary Magnuson.
It’s easy for anyone monitoring the pandemic through months of 24-hour news cycles to pick up on false information or conspiracy theories.
We talked to University of Wisconsin–Madison experts to figure out why global events like the COVID-19 pandemic might give rise to this on social media – and how to avoid sharing false information.
As the pandemic continues to affect people around the globe, conspiracy theories about the virus have spread through social media and the internet — the notable one a 26-minute long video called “Plandemic.”
In this video, a discredited scientist shares debunked conspiracies about how a group of elites used the virus and potential vaccines for profit. The information in the video was deemed markedly false by experts, and sites like YouTube, Facebook and others worked to take down every iteration of the video.
A protestor in Ohio wields a sign referring to at least one common COVID-19 conspiracy theory and a popular source of misinformation. Source: Flickr user Becker1999
But questions remain. How do conspiracies like this spread, especially in times of uncertainty, like a pandemic? And what can we do to stop them?
Two UW–Madison professors, Dietram Scheufele and Ajay Sethi, helped provide some answers. Scheufele works in the Department of Life Sciences Communication (LSC), where he studies public attitudes around science and science policy. Sethi works in the School of Medicine and Public Health, where he studies the spread of infectious diseases.
How does what you typically study inform your expertise during the pandemic?
Scheufele: A lot of our work with the scimep group here in LSC tries to figure out how we all make sense of complex emerging science that we — in most cases — know little about. COVID-19 is exactly that. Not only are most of us not experts in virology, epidemiology or public health, but the science on COVID-19 is very much in flux, with new findings constantly proving yesterday’s science wrong.
Sethi: I’m an infectious disease epidemiologist. My research focuses on factors associated with the transmission and natural history of infectious diseases, including HIV and healthcare associated infections. Although I have not previously studied coronaviruses, common methods used in infectious disease epidemiology can be applied to the study of most if not all pathogens.
How do I know if the information I’m reading about COVID-19 is accurate and trustworthy?
Scheufele: The fact that much of the science on COVID-19 is far from conclusive at this point doesn’t mean that there is not good expert advice to go by. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), WHO (World Health Organization) and many other organizations are maintaining websites devoted to COVID-19. Those include advice and best practices related to wearing masks, social distancing, if it’s safe to get takeout, etc.
In spite of the bad rap they sometimes get, social media are also a great tool for learning from some of the best experts on COVID-19. Journalists like Helen Branswell or Maryn McKenna (who have actually been both science writers in residence here at UW) have spent their careers writing on and researching infectious diseases and routinely share their work on Twitter. I follow them there not just for their own work, but also because they do a great job vetting and contextualizing the constant stream of information that’s coming our way on corona.
Ajay Sethi
Sethi: First, it is important to recognize that there is a lot of new information about COVID-19 coming out all the time. New knowledge learned is subject to change as the science and study of COVID-19 advances. So, what we thought was true yesterday is not necessarily so tomorrow. That can make it challenging to know whether what you are reading about COVID-19 is accurate. It’s important to evaluate the source to be sure it is reputable and unbiased. Look for peer-reviewed information when possible. When reading information found on a website, I suggest evaluating the website for its credibility, and there are a number of checklists and tools available to do that.
What determines what information people are drawn to consuming and sharing?
Scheufele: That’s a complicated question. We live in a time that is very paradoxical when it comes to the information we all receive. On the one hand, the internet has made it easier than ever before to find the best information quickly, no matter where we are and with little effort. What would have required a trip to the Library of Congress even just 25 years ago, is now one click and a couple of swipes away on our smartphones. On the other hand, apps and algorithms have also made it easier than ever before to avoid any information we don’t want to see or that doesn’t fit our worldview.
Sethi: We are all susceptible to living in bubbles, and getting comfortable in our echo chambers. It can be human nature to surround ourselves with people and ideas that confirm what we believe to be true about the world, which in turn makes us feel good about ourselves and reinforces our worldview.
Are outbreaks like this especially ripe for conspiracy theories?
Scheufele: There’s little systematic evidence that we’re seeing more or fewer conspiracy theories on COVID-19 that we normally do. Of course, it seems like they’re everywhere, but we also need to realize that there is very little news other than COVID-19 right now, and we’re all spending a lot more time online and on our phones than we usually do. But looney ideas like the idea that the Gates Foundation is promoting vaccines for population control or economic gain have been around for years. COVID-19 has just given them new visibility.
But it’s also important to keep in mind that this is a time with almost unprecedented uncertainty and unpredictability for most of us. We have little control over the emergence of viruses like COVID-19. We don’t know what our future holds. And there is no good way out of the crisis that doesn’t require disruptions to our way of life. As a result, it is not particularly surprising that many of us are trying to find ways of making sense of this highly uncertain and deeply unpredictable situation. In the 1940s, social psychologists Fritz Heider and Marianne Simmel showed clips of animated geometric shapes to participants, only to find that many of them attributed human characteristics, motivations and intentions to what were randomly moving circles and triangles. That human tendency to attribute structure and meaning to fairly random sets of events is also what explains the intuitive appeal of movies like “Plandemic”: They give the appearance of meaning and convey a sense of control during a deadly pandemic which likely emerged somewhat randomly, and that has left us with limited control over the spread of a deadly virus.
Sethi: Yes, and there are many examples in history. During times of uncertainty and fear, we can have feelings of losing control. Denialism can also be a reaction. To make sense of stressful situations that develop suddenly with no signs of going away, like the COVID-19 crisis, we may be drawn to explanations to help us feel better about the realities of what we are facing.
I am not a psychologist by any means, but I read research related to the psychology of adopting and perpetuating conspiracies to include in my course, Conspiracies in Public Health. I also find it is useful to read the literature to keep myself from adopting misinformed views.
Why does misinformation about the virus spread so quickly?
Scheufele: There’s little social science that suggests that misinformation about COVID-19 spreads any faster or slower than correct information. In fact, I think we need to be very careful about how we talk about misinformation.
Of course there are things that are clearly wrong. Neither snorting cocaine nor injecting bleach will cure or prevent corona. And they were debunked pretty quickly on both social and legacy media.
What makes things more complicated for science during the current pandemic is what I would call the corona Catch-22: In the public arena, we can only get predictive modeling or mitigation right, but not both. The more successful we are at mitigation, the more inaccurate initial models will appear in hindsight. In other words, looking back people will think that initial models of how COVID-19 would spread had it wrong, precisely because those models encouraged the right policies that helped us avoid worst case scenarios.
The second problem is that there is little settled science on COVID-19. Much of the scientific work on the virus, its spread, and the effectiveness of different interventions is in flux, to say the least. New science constantly proves previous findings wrong. And that’s the way science is supposed to work. It’s supposed to self-correct and iterate toward the best possible explanations. During normal times, that’s just fine. Science plays out over long periods of time, with policy following in due course. For COVID-19, science and policy are emerging at the same time and with breakneck speed. This raises two problems: (a) The uncertainties surrounding science and policy end up overlapping in public perception, and science gets blamed for the inevitable missteps of public policy. (b) Battling misinformation on COVID-19 with science that itself might turn out to be wrong is not a winning proposition for the scientific community. We wrote about that here.
What should I do if someone I know shares or promotes misinformation or a conspiracy theory about the virus?
Scheufele: Debunking is a double-edged sword. It typically requires repeating and — especially on social media — giving additional visibility to misinformation. Some research suggests that this can reinforce rather than debunk inaccurate beliefs or even conspiracy thinking. This doesn’t mean that there is no value in pointing your friends or social media contacts to Snopes.com or any credible resource that debunks misinformation. The idea is to do it in a way that’s constructive, and to keep in mind that we’ve all shared misinformation at some point, even if we don’t remember it.
Twitter post with false (but kind of believable) information
But all of that is based on the assumption that we’re sharing misinformation because we cannot tell that it’s fake. And sometimes that is true. But often, we share information without checking because it fits what we already believe. If I don’t like Trump, I am motivated to find information that makes him look bad. There was a Tweet about President Trump saying that “HUNDREDS of Governors” were calling him that made the rounds on my social media feeds recently, and was retweeted by many of my academic friends. It was fake of course, and a 3-second Google search would have shown that. So, it’s not that people couldn’t tell it was fake. They didn’t care, because it so perfectly fit their expectations and prior attitudes on Trump. One of our doctoral students and I wrote about many of those motivations that often make us believe in misinformation on an open-access article in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
  Sethi: I think it depends on your comfort level and how well you know the person. Some people might choose to avoid confrontation, which is understandable. If their actions cause your blood pressure to go up, it would be best to calm yourself down before saying anything. I also think it’s important to re-visit why you disagree with what they shared just to make sure you have your own facts straight. Things are rarely clear-cut.
So, after all that, if you decide to engage with them, I think it starts with active listening. As an aside, for a while after college (a long time ago!), I was a volunteer crisis counselor. So, my own instincts were formed from that training and experience. I’m no expert, but again, I know listening is important. So is asking questions. And then listening some more. Understand where they are coming from. Identify shared interests and emotions. You may or may not choose to volunteer your own views on the subject. It depends if you are asked for them and if you have established trust with them. That can take time to build, maybe many conversations. Avoid launching into explanations or proving how knowledgeable you are. It causes people to stop listening.
Science is filled with uncertainty, while misinformation often promotes concrete “facts” and “solutions.” Is there a way responsible science communication can achieve both?
Sethi: Understand your audience each time and start by asking what people want to learn from you. Go from there. Always be honest about what you know and what you don’t know. Be consistent, and don’t overstate findings. Learn to communicate nuance artfully. Avoid “dumping” information on people.
What can governments or corporations do to halt misinformation or conspiracies? In an ideal society, what should their respective roles be to curb conspiracies?
Sethi: All institutions have to decide when the spread of misinformed opinions and conspiracies require intervention. It’s important to respect people’s autonomy and rights to express themselves, but we should not tolerate the proverbial “shouting fire in a crowded theater.” I have my ideas as to where to draw the line and what institutions could do, but when I begin to apply them situation-to-situation, I realize it’s not an easy problem to solve.
What role does higher education play in creating citizens equipped to evaluate information? How will the pandemic inform your teaching going forward?
Scheufele: My colleague Dominique Brossard has written extensively on the idea of deference toward scientific authority. Why do we have faith in experts? What is it about science as a way of producing knowledge that makes us follow it more than other ways of knowing? Is it peer review? The scientific process? Her work shows nicely that our faith in scientific institutions is strongly related to K-12 and even K-16 schooling. In other words, education is partly about learning facts, but those facts change over time, especially for COVID-19. Instead, the power of education comes from building faith in science as our best way of knowing.
We actually talk about that in my large undergraduate lecture course in Science, Media and Society. It enrolls students from five or six different colleges at UW who major in genetics, politics, business, engineering, and communication, to just name a few. And COVID-19 already ended up being a large part of this past semester, even before we shifted to online teaching after spring break. How do we all make sense of this global pandemic? How can societies navigate very difficult trade-offs between economic considerations, public health, and individual rights as we’re trying to contain its spread? And what does it mean for Google to work with government and academia to track citizens’ cell phones to model and monitor new infections? LSC 251 going to be offered again this summer and the fall, and I am pretty sure that COVID-19 will be a permanent and probably growing part of what we’ll be talking about.
Sethi: Institutions of higher education are places where ideas and knowledge are learned and exchanged. It’s where “sifting and winnowing” occurs. It begins with teaching and reminding ourselves how to be objective, curious learners.
I began teaching Conspiracies in Public Health three years ago because I grew increasingly concerned about the unraveling of longstanding public health achievements and how previously innocuous topics suddenly became hot button issues. Learning about popular and less popular conspiracies is not the focus of the course. I created the class so that students could explore the psycho-social basis for conspiracy thinking and develop or refine their skills in listening and talking to people with differing views on health and public health topics. Misinformation and conspiracies about COVID-19 provide opportunities for me to fortify the class with contemporary material and opportunities for students to draw connections between course content with what we are reading in the news every day.
Keep your distance from COVID-19 misinformation syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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williamroy1 · 4 years
Advertising with memes, gifs, & emojis: the definitive 2020 guide
Entrepreneurs are usually trying to get innovative with their campaigns, whether it’s through copy, layout, or photos. As the net evolves, campaigns are evolving based totally on their viewerships and tendencies too. Many marketers are finding that adding memes, emojis, and animations  Digital Marketing Agencies in Philadelphia to their campaigns is the way  Digital Marketing Companies Philadelphia to increase user engagement. Through showing their subscribers those new types of imagery, brands are performing to be extra personable and less pushy of their merchandise. Here's a guide on how to use memes, gifs, and emoji on your marketing to boost engagement and authentically relate for your audience. The use of memes in advertising
what is a meme? According to merriam-webster, the definition of “meme” is “an concept, conduct, fashion, or utilization that spreads from character to individual within a subculture.” via social media systems inclusive of instagram, twitter, and fb, users regularly create their memes by the use of popular culture references or contemporary activities. With the potential to move viral and boom emblem exposure, many memes at the moment are being used by brands as part of their social media method, especially within instagram and twitter. Marketers & manufacturers who’ve used memes properly
on instagram:
netflix shows are extremely good. Netflix suggests memes are greater. In reality, the streaming service even has its very own authentic comedy account @netflixisajoke on instagram that appears like a parody account. With the improved recognition of the show “you” in 2019 (i assume a cause is how meme-in a position the show is), they didn’t pass over a chance to promote the show via making their own meme. Meme netflix
with the aid of growing its personal meme account, the organisation receives to sell its tv and comedy indicates from a non-conventional manner. Followers not only see a extraordinary aspect of netflix but additionally engage with the brand greater by tagging, sending, and reposting the instagram submit with other users. Gucci
if every body asks me what i think of gucci, i think of them as a chic and conventional italian leather brand. But, again in 2017, the logo took on a more present day method for one among their campaigns. Promoting their new watches, gucci recreated the classic arthur fist meme on instagram. This publish broke gucci out in their traditional bubble, making them a more “down to earth” brand. Meme gucci
aside from having a separate committed meme account or a single meme campaign, a few manufacturers which includes @barkbox have totally transformed their instagram account to a meme account. Barkbox is a month-to-month subscription service imparting dog products, offerings, and reviews. As a substitute of having just cute canine images with their merchandise on their feed, the team at barkbox determined to make their instagram account greater fun and relatable for his or her followers. Meme barkbox
 for lots manufacturers, such as barkbox, their content material may be repetitive. People don’t need to maintain seeing advertisements. This particular way of advertising leaves a stronger impact for a capability mid- or backside-funnel target audience who might be interested by the brand within the future. On twitter:
wondering again to 2019, one of the matters i recollect is how loopy humans went after the viral popeyes chook sandwich. Instead of it being a brand initiative, the meme motion turned into honestly commenced by the audience first. In view that anybody turned into speakme about it, whether or not in actual life or thru social media, extra people want to try it and see the hype themselves. Eventually, the chook sandwich sold out, and popeyes got $23 million in free advertising and marketing. Meme popeyesmeme popeyes
 apparently sufficient, after knowing all of the loose marketing from its fans, popeyes seems to choose up on the meme developments as well. When the infamous $one hundred twenty,000 banana duct-taped to a wall artwork by way of maurizio cattelan at artwork basel miami became a meme, popeyes (in conjunction with many other brands) have accompanied as properly. Meme popeyes artwork basel
 entrepreneurs who didn’t use memes well.. Michael bloomberg simply recently, mike bloomberg’s team has contracted some of the biggest meme accounts on instagram to put up subsidized content material to sell his presidential campaign. Simply scrolling through the feedback on the various posts, but, matters didn’t go as planned…
 meme bloomberg
 meme bloomberg
one aspect to maintain in thoughts in terms of meme marketing: humans want to peer natural and fun content in place of forced marketing. Bloomberg’s progressive political marketing campaign additionally pushed for a brand new set of regulations for instagram. Simply hours after the ones memes surfaced on instagram, the organization changed its marketing guidelines to require political campaigns’ subsidized posts from influencers to use its branded content commercials device that adds a disclosure label of “paid partnership.” #oops
 using gifs in advertising
what's a gif? Gifs are described as “a lossless layout for image documents that supports both animated and static photographs.” in different words, gifs permits for a chain of photographs or a clip of a video to be endlessly looped. Gifs can preserve attention and generate engagement higher than static photographs due to the dynamic motion. They're specially beneficial for sprucing up emails or stories. Marketers & brands who’ve used gifs properly
in electronic mail:
kate spade
kate spade gif
this gif is successful due to the fact movements hold the attention transferring, highlighting the helpful functions of each product in succession, without feeling too scattered or overwhelming. In this case, the gif is helpful as it we could moves talk louder than phrases; the gif tells the tale visually, in preference to verbally explaining the multi-capability of every product individually. Lyft
lyft gif
 this gif inside one among lyft’s emails in addition shall we the picture tell the tale. The iphone mock up without problems allows the person to assume the consumer revel in of the product in their very own hand. The succession of photos also successfully conveys how brief and seamless the method of calling a automobile is, and quells any confusion about the way it works. Boden
boden gif
this gif by means of boden enhances the messaging of the sale nearly via actually displaying the action of “jogging out.” despite the fact that the gif doesn’t show a bodily product boden sells, the viewer can tie the physical sensation to the intellectual concept. It also efficiently indicates that these days has the most important reward with the aid of displaying the movement on the most important cup, however there are two different small options. One element to don't forget when the use of gifs in emails is that gifs boom e-mail loaded weight, which ends up in slower down load speed, that can in flip lead to a lower engagement. On instagram:
any other wonderful use of gifs in marketing of insta tales. Gifs are obviously eye-catching and draw attention to a sure region of the display screen. Instagram tales lets in for interactive cta’s like “swipe up”, “link in bio”, “giveaway” to add greater life to commonplace directives or compel users to maintain tapping via the memories, as in this case from buffy:
  every other way to apply gifs on instagram is to create custom gifs to your emblem and upload them to the tales library. This lets in for accelerated brand awareness, as users can seek your logo in instagram story stickers and use branded gifs (pix of products, slogans, or the emblem) inside the content material they create. A really perfect use case of that is with ritual, who created their very own gifs, including a shifting pill and slogans like “take your nutrients.”
  there are not many failed examples of gifs (they're an easy win!), but a few matters to preserve in mind whilst you using gifs:
 they must incorporate simple, remoted actions which are smooth for the eye to follow
stray far from text heavy content and preserve it greater visually-centered
live consistent together with your branding: the use of themed colorings, adding emblems where relevant, and so on. The usage of emojis in advertising and marketing
what's an emoji? By way of definition, an emoji is “a small virtual photo or icon used to specific an concept, emotion, and so forth.” the emoticon has its starting place in email lower back in 1982 as a way for pc scientists to express sentiment inside text that might be examine in exceptional connotations. Many years later, we have loads of emojis inside reach on our keyboards, serving the identical reason: to make content appear more animated and conversational. It’s no wonder that companies have concept creatively on a way to use emojis to talk to their audiences, but how a hit are these tries at relatability? Do they blur the line between informality and professionalism? The research shows that there are numerous blessings to using emojis in advertising and that using them properly increases person interplay throughout several structures. Emoji utilization information
studies display that the use of emojis definitely influences the following metrics:
 25. Four% growth in engagement rate on twitter
57% boom in likes on fb
33% boom in remarks on fb
fifty six%  growth in open charge in email
 three ways using emojis can help your messaging
boosts reminiscence
a look at found that participants who received messages with emojis scored better on memory exams than those who obtained the same messages without emojis. Those consequences advocate that using emojis can make a message more memorable for the recipients. The additional context the emoji presents about the difficulty count number reinforces the words which strengthens the memory. Emojis also are a shape of chunking, the psychological process wherein the thoughts divides big portions of data into smaller devices (chunks) which can be less difficult to maintain in reminiscence. Whereas it can take several words to carry a certain idea, emoji can do so in just one character. Saves area
as noted inside the preceding point, emojis do the work of numerous phrases in a single individual. This helps your messaging because numerous e-mail and social media interfaces have character limits with a view to cut off a title in cell or certain desktop views. This indicates a person won't view the whole thing of your message, and could, consequently, be less possibly to have interaction with it. Emojis can grasp their interest and permit for a extra entire difficulty line in fewer phrases. Seems friendlier
within the aforementioned take a look at on emojis, researchers found that members who chatted on line with an expert who used emojis rated the professional as both friendlier and more ready, compared to contributors who chatted with an expert who did no longer use emojis. This is useful to recall when designing internet site chatbots, and replying again to feedback on instagram or facebook: including a sprint of emoji personality makes the user experience like they are speakme to a real human. 3 pointers on a way to use emojis in advertising
cater in your audience
as with every advertising practice, the most essential issue is to realize your audience. In case your business enterprise is an older or historically formal enterprise, like finance or regulation, using informal language can cast off out of your brand’s reputation. In case your enterprise has a younger audience, use of emojis could improve brand recognition as it fits the way they talk. Some sensible guiding questions while identifying what to use are: how does your target audience usually communicate? What do they anticipate from the groups they have interaction with? Healthy the issue & sentiment
the maximum natural way to use emojis is to choose one that aligns with the concept you're speakme about. As an example, pottery barn makes use of the watch emoji to remind customers that time is ticking for their ultra-modern furniture sale:
 pottery barn emoji
 similarly, tynker uses the yellow college bus emoji for a lower back to school promo:
 emoji tynker
 in these examples, the emoji grabs the reader’s interest and gives a feel of the situation rely right now. A tactic you could use is jogging break up assessments with emails, trying exclusive emojis with one-of-a-kind sets of subscribers and seeing which bring the message nice. Take a look at the consumer revel in with the aid of email provider
ultimately, keep in mind that every electronic mail issuer presentations textual content in another way. In the chart beneath, all of the e-mail customers with the inexperienced test mark show emoji with out troubles, which includes maximum of the massive email customers like gmail, yahoo!, and hotmail. Outlook. Com and iphone/ipad every so often translate the symbols into the word “emoji.” take into account that after the usage of more recent emojis released from ios updates, any users who haven’t also updated ios will no longer be able to view the photograph. Outlook 2003 doesn’t guide emoji in any respect. In those times, a ▢ will show up. Email company emoji
 additionally, don't forget that each provider patterns emojis slightly otherwise to be steady with their formatting. While viewing your e mail on a cellular tool, the emoji show is based on what the device helps. Cellular devices also exchange the style of the emoji to align with the appearance and sense of their interface. Email issuer emoji
e mail company emoji
how no longer to apply emojis in advertising and marketing
exercise moderation
the motive of emojis is to beautify your messaging. Make certain  Digital Marketing Agencies in Miami to now not go so overboard with emoji use that what you are attempting to mention ends up extra hard to recognize. Word this case underneath of chevy doing a press release in all emojis that gets misplaced in translation. It turned into intended to be a a laugh deciphering undertaking, however keep in mind that on social media, customers tend to scroll and skim- whatever too effortful or time ingesting will lose their interest. Chevy emoji
 it become intended to be a amusing interpreting task, but remember  Digital Marketing Agencies in Miami the fact that on social media, users tend to scroll and browse- some thing too effortful or time consuming will lose their attention. Wrap up
memes, emojis, and gifs are reasonably-priced (almost unfastened) and easy gear for entrepreneurs to spice up their campaigns. A good way to seem more personable and desire for higher engagement, brands are making use of the ones tools for extra in their social marketings. But, before publishing the ones campaigns, marketers need to definitely recognize the real meanings at the back of sure references, and no longer overuse some of those new trends.
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shermanrusso4-blog · 6 years
Getting public discussing skills is a crucial part to be confident with yourself. It is a expertise you have to have irrespective of what your employment might be. Should you need aid in your open public communicating skills, consider the basic and efficient open public speaking suggestions shown below.
Learn the substance the best you can. While memorizing your speech is very important, it's in the same way essential to know other information and statistics or even accounts and jokes because they relate with your subject matter Use them judiciously when you really feel your target audience is open. You might also get this data is useful when it's time and energy to answer questions. You should realize that many people really want you to become successful. The most important thing is always to supply related, fascinating details. To keep your speech interesting sometimes tell a tale about you or perhaps a joke to cozy the audience up. This will likely not simply cozy the group, but it is going to allow you to relax. Select one particular person in the audience who appears honest and concentrate upon them. Make-believe like the both of you are the only individuals within the room. Community communicating capabilities can help boost your personal-self confidence. Regardless of the you do for any dwelling, interacting properly with others is necessary. To further improve your skill to talk in public places, utilize the pursuing bits of suggestions. why everyone is scared of speaking in public is caused by the volume of men and women inside the room. If you just center on one individual, you will neglect other people will there be. The sculpt of your respective presentation need to be determined by who you really are passing it on to. As an illustration, in case your dialog is function-related, your dialog needs to be skilled. However, if you are close to close friends and have to make a speech, you could be much more personalized. For many people, presenting and public speaking is among their finest worries. The thought of standing up in front of a crowd and supplying a speech simply leaves them sensation terrified. If this sounds like one of the anxieties, usually do not be alarmed. The following advice will assist you to defeat your hate of open public communicating. in your viewers. Utilize your most potent sound when you are supplying your concept and it will surely be gotten far better. Folks listen more difficult to people that have self-confidence, and discussing high in volume will express that meaning. Even when you are not 100% self-confident, no person will know that when you are most often while you speak. Some individuals put together their remarks for presenting and public speaking through a pc tablet or any other product even so, this may not be automatically a good idea. Murphy's law will certainly affect and give you a dead battery power, a thieved gadget as well as other catastrophe. Be secure and write your comments on crawl greeting cards and also maintaining them on the mobile phone. If you are anxious when you first endure communicate, you can find a number of actions you can take. Sometimes pick a particular person to the center of the viewers to target or give attention to a stage in the back of the room. An EXIT signal is a good option. This will assist quiet your nerves. In planning a speech that contains huge amounts of real information, don't be as well happy to work with notice greeting cards. Including the most skilled orators acknowledge the effectiveness of notes. It really is far better swiftly glance in your information instead of report details incorrectly or omit tips. Would you like to develop into a excellent public loudspeaker? Many are frightened of doing the work. Nonetheless, learning to be a far better open public lecturer is an important a part of boosting on your own as being a particular person. When talking with a small group of men and women, you might have absolutely no reason to truly feel intimidated. Here are some ideas to help you out. operates specially properly when the topic includes certain figures, such as dollar quantities, rates, and schedules. When you have to provide a conversation before an audience, practice in front of a match. Specific palm expressions and expressions can stress with a stage that you are currently trying to make. Seeing oneself in the mirror will also help you can see reasons for having your appearance that you could increase. Take your time when providing your speech. One particular sure fired method for the viewers to understand you are nervous is to dash using your conversation. Instead, take a deep air and relaxed your nerves before commencing. Speak slightly slower than normal when providing a presentation to ensure that your audience understands what you really are saying. Be sure to process your dialog well ahead of time. Training often to help you provide your ideas in a natural way and smoothly. Work with a timer to ideal the size of your dialog. By doing this, you are going to nor abandon your audience dangling after some time to free, nor pressure them to continue to be beyond they hope. A lot of people set up a speech having a joke so that you can grab the audience's consideration, so take this into account when you are finding out what you should say. If you are intending to tell a joke, make sure that it can be tasteful and also on subject matter. Usually, you chance alienated many of them. To efficiently connect important information things, health supplement your oral presentation with graphics. Reciting numbers and numbers is far more difficult than conveying words and phrases and methods. Many audience members have difficulty visualizing statistics and enjoy simple infographics, for example maps, furniture, and graphs. You can also produce this data and spread copies to audience people beforehand. Public speaking is really a vital talent to learn. A number of courses in senior high school demand it, in fact it is obligatory for several tasks too. Community talking is even needed in societal and recreational routines. This article has gone above some wonderful examples of methods to boost your self confidence for presenting and public speaking.
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Mobile Marketing Suggestions That May Create Business Success
Mobile marketing may appear very complicated initially. As soon as you what you are doing, it can be a very profitable strategy. Should you don't know what you are actually doing, you may lose a lot of money or lose customers. Fear not, the ideas further down can help you avoid this. Tie your marketing to big events or holidays. Special occasions could make your marketing actually work. Give special vouchers to ladies only on Mother's Day. Hold contests on big sporting event days to offer your brand a presence. Give your customers a short code number where any person who send in a text message includes a probability of winning. A vital tip for mobile marketing campaigns would be to restrict the amount of offers transmitted in your list. Distributing offers too frequently dilutes the sense of urgency you could otherwise have the ability to create in the minds of subscribers. Generating feelings of scarcity encourages your targets to benefit from offers each time these are made available to them. Learn what sort of audience you may have. If your audience is a lot more technologically sound, you will have to talk with them differently than should they be middle-aged housewives. Take note of whom you are targeting, and learn to speak much the same way they are doing to help make them feel most welcome. Get training. Many vendors actually offer training programs regarding how to safely and properly have a mobile marketing campaign. These folks will educate yourself on from how many times to transmit out deals and messages, towards the regulations you will need to follow while your program is ongoing. Take advantage of this. Stay consistent along with your messaging volume. You should always let your customer know in advance the number of messages you plan on submitting each week or month. When you try this, your customers know what to expect and will be waiting to listen to of your stuff. Create a good schedule and adhere to it. When mailing out a reminder message in mobile marketing, it is best to wait around two or three hours ahead of the event that you're reminding people. Submitting those reminders day beforehand instead is merely gonna cause men and women to ignore them. Your time and energy will be wasted here. Remember when mobile marketing that not every mobile phone is the same and so the information you develop should meet the needs of the typical field and never anything overtly specific. For instance: A lot of people have slower connections as opposed to others, and some have smaller screen sizes. Be encompassing and never specific. A mission statement is important to suit your needs in mobile marketing. It spells out what your small business does and the way it plans to accomplish it. You will be not as likely to stray into unproductive strategies if you allow yourself a specific reminder of your own principles. In social marketing, you should have a close eye on your own competition. Ideally, you need to find positive ways that you can stand above your competitors. Where your potential customers are situated makes a major difference to how you're marketing for them, so be sure you take advantage of the proper context for your mobile marketing. In case your consumers are out and approximately on the Saturday afternoon, do you actually think you're going to be able to sway these with any offer? Realize where these are and what they're doing a minimum of to the very best of your skill. Although many people who are employing their phones for that Internet text, not all people knows precisely what the abbreviations mean. When your marketing communications will not be easily understood by recipients, the content is not likely to win you any sales. Use dedicated short code. While it may cost a tad bit more, it is necessary in protecting your brand. This can provide legal coverage too. Help it become super easy for your customers to unsubscribe from receiving your text messages. Frequently getting the solution to reply with all the word 'stop' is definitely the fastest way. This may lower any frustration when a customer no longer would like to receive texts. Understand that simply because they don't want a text does not necessarily mean they actually do not wish to be a buyer. Understand that it is difficult to view and navigate an internet site about the small screens of smartphones and also other mobile devices. Make your mobile campaign uncomplicated. This could ensure it is appear simple if you're employing a computer, nevertheless the format will likely be perfect for mobile phones. Attempt to add advertising aimed at your website that specifically developed for the mobile environment. Your traditional web banners will not make the grade with a mobile device. In reality, for those who have optimized your blog for a mobile experience, those banners are not any longer even visible. There are plenty of great mobile advertising platforms out in the market, including AdMob, iAd and MobClix. Investigate them and select the right one for you. Do not use abbreviations for text or make use of all capital letters to emphasize anything aside from the call to action. Customers will not likely always really know what abbreviations stand for, and using all caps to convey a note will make it difficult to read. Also, it is considered shouting in a few cyber-circles. Design your mobile ads in order that they are interactive and sharable. Many cellular phone users have got a natural affinity for sharing plus some will 'like' your ad on Facebook or 'tweet' regarding this on twitter in case the choice is available. This can bring your ad to a new audience without you the need to pay any extra money. Additionally, a many individuals love to comment of ads. Should your ad campaign is loaded with lots of comments, it could significantly enhance your company's visibility in the market. So as you can tell, mobile marketing will not be as complicated as it can appear. https://singeraction91.wordpress.com/2018/03/09/build-your-reputation-with-this-social-media-marketing-advice/ need to check out the basics, and methodically apply whatever you learn. With all the above tips in mind, you should be smarter and more effective when it comes to creating your mobile marketing plan.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/google-maps-for-android-adds-street/
Google Maps for Android adds Street
Google Maps has quietly rolled out a new characteristic that will make it less complicated as a way to see wherein you want to head while the use of flip with the aid of-flip navigation: integrated Street View photographs on the guidelines display screen. While the app has constantly allowed you to look an overview of the upcoming turns and distance between them, the new feature introduces an option to the faucet to peer the associated Street View imagery as nicely.
The trade was first spotted by Android Police, who believed it rolled out extra widely during the last few days. We reached out to Google for in addition confirmation, and the enterprise said the characteristic has been wide to be had seeing that early in May and is now presented to Android users global.
The characteristic hasn’t but made its way over to the iOS version of the Google Maps app
however, and Google couldn’t affirm while it would reach that platform.
Users don’t need to do anything otherwise to see these images appear – you simply input your cutting-edge place and vacation spot as regular, then view the direction. Where earlier than you’d see only the list of turns, you’ll now note that many could have a picture thumbnail next to them. Tap this thumbnail and you’ll be taken to a full-display screen 360 diploma Street View enjoy, that is oriented properly for the direction you’re going
How Is Google Search Changing Us?
Typing in Google and searching for stuff has never been simpler. Have you ever puzzled how it’s far converting us? Read on for insights.
For example, we need to look up the which means of a phrase or discover synonyms of that word. We can discover the answer inside the rely on some clicks. In the antique days, when the web turned into not there, we had to turn over the pages of a dictionary and locate the word we had been looking for matching the first few alphabets.
A search on Google, for this, be counted, absolutely has made this less complicated.
We are too reluctant and lazy these days to consult a solid dictionary while Google is so accessible.
We can also find information relevant to research within the area of interest we are interested in. We can find new sites and bookmark them for future references. All these information can be retrieved on Google clicks.
However, not all statistics at the net corresponding to a Google search may be 100% relevant and correct. We may also, in that case, have to buy books and seek advice from them. So for brief runs, it’s miles ok and we are able to take it. But if we’re writing a thesis, studies paper, article or document, that is where stable books come into the photograph.
Not all the searches on Google provide the answer we’re searching out. Sometimes we fall into a loop, continuously clicking and wasting our time while the information may be rightly found in catalogs or at the library of our workplace.
Free boards are available at the net and a Google search on those can rightly allow us to find out them.
I think it is right to seek advice from the boards for the facts you need badly. This may be related to programming issues or other topics for that count number. If they are popular, you get proper solutions in your issues from authorities or professionals in the one’s forums.
Fiction eBooks are available on hand as properly on many loose sites. Instead of spending cash on fictions, you may just download top fiction eBooks from the websites and these sites you can find on Googling.
The benefits of a Google seek have made our lives a great deal easier, easier and cozier by using letting us access the specified information at a quick tempo. But for long time commitments which, I actually have defined earlier than, Google searches genuinely waste our time without giving us the statistics we need and if so, it’s miles extra dependable for us to seek advice from a library.
The Battle Of The Operating Systems, Android Vs iOS
Android is Google’s powered software whereas iOS is Apple’s powered software program. IOS software can most effective be in Apple gadgets whereas Android is being used in several devices through one of a kind organizations like Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, and many others. IOS software is said to be greater consumer-pleasant as compared to Android due to its precise designs and uniform factors.
Both working structures convey products to existence. Android become created by way of Google, and iOS was developed by way of Apple. When you’re in an aggressive marketplace, you have to be one of a kind, however which is first-class for you? To find out, don’t forget those 3 crucial categories.
Android gives nearly limitless get right of entry to and permits settings to be adjusted to choice. Apps, lock displays, and shortcuts have limitless alternatives. IOS isn’t always nearly as bendy. While which means that a product running with iOS is much less probable to have its settings broken with the aid of the user, it additionally way which you have less freedom to do what you want with it. Android beats iOS in terms of customization.
For iOS users, being the restricted method, it is tough to mess up. Android’s freedom comes with complexity. IOS comes uniform throughout all of their products. I can sense assured giving my seventy one-year-antique grandmothers an iPad, and he or she could possibly now not warfare with it. Android works great for folks who are a little greater tech savvy, and for folks that need something a chunk more specific. If you want a user-friendly interface, then Apple may be the proper desire.
Security Another predominant identifying aspect is safety.
Because iOS is uniform across all merchandise, this indicates it is lots easier to update the devices and connect safety patches. Android is used across many unique products and agencies, meaning that safety patches are slower and regularly require in addition patching and adjusting, leaving the person prone.
So that’s higher? While Android can boast that they’re the best at customizability and compatibility, iOS can declare higher consumer interface and security. Consider your desires to decide which sort of product great suits your needs and your way of life.
If we compare these software program’s in term of devices than iOS is very high-priced as compared to Android. Android is now maximum using the software program within the global. Most of the telephones, humans are the usage of, run by way of android whereas most effective Apple gadgets are operated by using iOS. Here, first permit’s examine Android with iOS
Street Crime Vs Corporate Crime – Which is More Damaging to the Country?
Lots of human beings agree with that street crime is a totally critical trouble in this united states of America. Others, however, trust that company crime is ways worse. Without a doubt, corporate crime is far more unfavorable to our society than all the road crimes put together. As a matter of reality, whilst one compares the dollar quantity misplaced and physical accidents inflicted as result of both crimes, corporate crime is manner ahead of street crime. The FBI estimates that the full dollar quantity lost to avenue crimes yearly is ready $four billion. Now, this discern is chump change as compared to the company crime losses from Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco. Corporate fitness care fraud by myself costs the taxpayers of this USA approximately $300 billion, annually. Remember the financial savings and mortgage fraud of the nineties, called the most important white collar crime in records when a whopping $500 billon of taxpayers’ cash went down the drain.
Well, a few say corporate crime isn’t always violent compared to street crime.
They say victims of company crimes are typically now not critically injured or killed. This is truely fake. Corporate crime also can be violent. According to the FBI, about sixteen,000 human beings are killed in avenue crimes in this u. S ., annually. Now, examine this to the fifty-six,000 who die every yr as a result of company crook negligence. These are folks who die from occupational sicknesses, environmental pollutants, contaminated ingredients, and risky merchandise and so forth. Case in factor, the latest deaths of 25 workers in a West Virginia coal mine, where the business enterprise knew these people were working in unsafe situations.
Unbelievably, previous to this preventable tragedy, this same corporation had received 458 citations from federal inspectors. But the corporation believes that it is less expensive to run the mine in a risky manner and dangers human beings’ lives than it’s far for them to comply with the laws. And to make subjects worse, a couple of years ago the Department of Justice delivered what they knew as the deferred prosecution settlement. With this settlement they could carry costs towards an agency and then inform the employer, in case you behave your self for a subsequent couple of years and stay out hassle, we will drop all the prices. Makes you marvel if they may be at the company criminal’s aspect or against them.
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