#it's a two-bedroom but it just squeaked within my budget
queenerdloser · 6 months
i'm going to see an apartment i really really like on wednesday (it is SO BIG! right in the neighborhood i like best! outside building is beautiful, on a tree-lined street, hardwood floors, so many windows!!) but i like. am trying to keep myself from getting too attached ahead of time bc it's just like a littleeee too expensive and i really should be realistic and get something about 100-200 dollars cheaper. but i love it soooo much, i want it so bad lmao.
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raibebe · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff Words: 6.879 Prompt: best friend Yangyang x female reader + “Stop hogging all the blankets!” Warnings: MC is an oblivious idiot, Yangyang is a sweetheart, mentions of injury
A/N: What do you mean Valentine’s Day was on the 14th and not on the 24th? Seems fake. AnYwAys: This was written for the Candy hearts collab hosted by @127-mile. Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to write for my precious brezel baby. Thank you @ncteaxhoe for the lovely header after I went almost crazy...
Taglist: @byunniebaekhyunnie​
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“You’re going on vacation with Yangyang?” “Yes.” “Your best friend?” “Yes.” “To an abandoned cabin in the woods.” “First it’s not abandoned, just very far out and second I don’t see where you’re going with this.” “Well are you?” You sighed loudly, rolling your eyes at Donghyuck who was sat in front of you in the library where you had met to have a little study session before you were leaving for the weekend. “Yes I am.” “On Valentine’s Day.” “It’s just because it’s on a weekend and it was cheap.” “You do see where I am going with this, right?” “I am not Donghyuck,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re literally the most stupid person I have ever met and I am friends with a bunch of idiots,” your friend whined, throwing the straw wrapper from his iced americano at you. “Hyuck what’s your problem? We’re literally just both stressed out from classes already and he found that offer that’s within both of our budgets. Nothing wrong about two friends chilling in a secluded cabin.” “Have you seen the freaking cabin?” Donghyuck whisper screamed, earning him a hiss from one of the students sitting on the table next to you. “I have, Hyuck.” “Then you might have missed the fact that this cabin coincidentally has a hot tub but only one bedroom?” He went on, waving his phone in front of your face where he had pulled up the website advertising the cabin. Groaning, you faceplanted into the books that were scattered around you. “Do you see what I mean now?” Donghyuck hissed, scrolling through the pictures on the website. “Hyuck listen. Yangyang and I are both kind of short on cash so the bigger cabins just weren’t going to make it if we wanted that hot tub. So we agreed that we could sleep in the same bed for a couple of nights, no big deal. Pretty sure you’ve done that with Mark, Jaemin and Jeno as well when you four went on spring break vacation.” “Don’t distract from the topic, that was entirely different,” Donghyuck mused but the slight blush covering his cheeks was betraying him. “Is it though?” You asked, a shit eating grin on your face. “When did this conversation turn into you commenting on my poor live choices?”
“Discussing Hyuck’s poor live choices? My favorite part time activity,” another voice joined into your conversation and Renjun plopped down next to his friend on the bench. “Can you smell my misery or something?” Donghyuck groaned, slumping back into his seat, dramatically staring at the high ceiling. “I wish I could,” the Chinese laughed, loudly slurping his iced drink of choice despite the chilly weather outside while completely ignoring the glares some of the students were shooting him, “No, I was supposed to meet Yangyang to give him my car keys but you’ll do.” With that he threw his keys onto the table. “It’s parked by the student center, should fit all of your stuff.” “Thank you Renjun,” you smiled, pocketing his keys. “There is a chance though that I am out of gas,” he grinned. “I knew there would be a catch,” the familiar voice of your best friend groaned before he plopped down next to you, loudly dropping his backpack onto the floor which again had people to glare at your little group. “I swear to god you’re going to get us kicked out,” Hyuck hissed, throwing Yangyang and Renjun disappointed glares. “Not like you were studying anyways,” Renjun rolled his eyes. “What were you doing?” Yangyang asked, flipping through the pages of one of your books. “Well I was trying to get a head start on my essay,” you groaned, “But Hyuck had other plans.”
“Exactly. Which brings me back to my point,” Donghyuck grinned, turning towards Yangyang, “Yang, so did you, by any chance notice that the cabin you’re staying at this weekend with your best friend on freaking Valentine’s Day conveniently only has one bed but features a hot tub?” “Oooooh,” Renjun mused, leaning forward into his elbows. “Well... We were short on money but wanted a hot tub?” Yangyang slowly answered, blushing under the intense gazes of both of his friends. “See Hyuck it’s exactly what I told you,” you groaned, “No big deal.” “Sure, just two friends sitting in a hot tub, five feet apart because they’re not in love,” Renjun sang. “The original sounds better,” Donhyuck said flatly. “Yeah but the both of them are disgustingly straight,” Renjun shrugged. “You make that sound like an insult,” Yangyang snorted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Anyways!” Donghyuck interrupted a little too loud, causing one of the students working in the library to actually walk over to your table to ask you to leave.
“Well great,” you groaned when you snuggled into your thick winter jacket once you were outside while Renjun and Yangyang couldn’t hold in their laughter anymore. “You guys are the worst,” you said and rolled your eyes even though you couldn’t stop the smile on your face from spreading. “You love us,” Donghyuck laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulder, “We weren’t gonna get anything done anyways.” “And we still need to pack,” Yangyang added, “Also I still need the keys to the car.” “Catch,” you called and quickly threw the keys over to your best friend that Renjun had given you earlier, laughing as he struggled to catch them. “Treat her gently,” Renjun laughed, “Oh and she needs gas.” “Why did I expect anything else,” Yangyang groaned but pocketed the keys, “I’ll pick you up after your morning classes?” “Sure,” you smiled. “You’re leaving me alone in our literature class?” Donghyuck gasped, dramatically holding his heart. “Listen, it’s either listening to professor Quian all afternoon or drive to the cabin early, Hyuck. What would you do?” You giggled. “Fair,” he shrugged, “But I still feel betrayed.” “Yesterday you felt betrayed by that pizza place because you found one stray piece of pineapple on your pizza,” Renjun helpfully added. “That was an attack on my health,” he hissed, pointing his finger at his friend and roommate, “Pineapples do not belong on pizza.” “I am not having this discussion again,” you groaned and slipped out of Donghyuck’s grip, “I gotta pack my stuff.” “Yeah, have fun on your totally not couple’s vacation,” Renjun laughed. “It’s not a couple’s vacation,” you and Yangyang immediately shouted, giggling at each other afterwards. “You’re all disgusting, I am leaving,” Donghyuck declared, dragging Renjun with him in the direction of their dorm.
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you smiled at Yangyang. “Yeah, I’ll pick up Renjun’s car and get all the stuff inside. Be at your dorm at like 12.” “Sure, I’m really looking forward to this.” “Yeah, me too,” Yangyang said softly, a soft blush on his cheeks that must have been from the cold air. He quickly wrapped you up in a hug before waving goodbye to head over to the student’s center. Sighing you turned in the opposite direction to your own shoebox of a dorm room, skidding along excitedly. You really were looking forward to this vacation with your best friend.
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The next day found you buzzing with excitement, quickly throwing the last things that had been missing into your bag before speeding to your morning classes that went by in a blur. In what felt like no time at all, you were rushing down the steps of your dorm to throw yourself into Renjun’s car and your arms around your best friend’s neck to squeeze him in a tight hug. “I’m so excited,” you squeaked once you let him go to heave in a couple of breaths. “I can tell,” Yangyang laughed, handing you his phone that was already connected to the AUX cord, “I spend two hours yesterday to make the perfect road trip playlist, so you better appreciate that.” “This better not suck,” you laughed as he started the car to start your journey.
The way up to the mountains found you and Yangyang singing along to his actually good playlist that included some of your favorite songs, your singing getting progressively worse and louder the higher up you got and the more snow was falling. After you had gotten lost just once or twice on the way to pick up the keys from a lady at the reception who handed you a big basket with rose petals, champagne and what seemed like condoms and lube. Heat had immediately risen to both of your faces and you had stumbled over your words for the rest of the conversation, relieved when you could finally leave and head over back to your car to drive up to where your small cabin was.
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“This is so cozy,” you cooed once you had made it inside the cabin, dropping your bag right next to the door to race through the rooms that included a small but clean bathroom and small kitchen with the cutest old school curtains in front of the snowy windows and a door lead outside to where the hot tub was already steaming. The main room that you had come into had a small two-seater couch with a bunch of cozy blankets thrown over it standing in front of a little fireplace that both you and Yangyang were kind of scared to light but you had to eventually because that was all the heat you were going to get. “The bed is huge,” Yangyang exclaimed and the next thing you heard was a loud thump as he had faceplanted right into the mattress, currently starfishing out, his fingertips not reaching the ends of the bed. “But we only have one blanket,” you laughed, flipping up through the layers your best friend was laying on top. “Wait for real?” He asked, eyes wide and scrambling to take a look for himself. “I hope you like cuddling,” you giggled, tackling your best friend onto the bed who just screeched before he tried to get the upper hand in the tickle fight that had broken out.
“Okay, okay, I surrender,” you laughed with tears in your eyes and lifted your arms in defeat when he had you pinned beneath you, his fingers tickling your sides until you couldn’t breathe anymore. “You’re admitting defeat?” Yangyang laughed, all his teeth showing with how bright he was smiling, digging his fingers between your ribs one last time before he fell to the mattress next to you, you both panting heavily between giggles. When you turned your head to look at your best friend, he was already looking right back at you, something unreadable in his expression. For a while you just stared into each other’s eyes, the occasional noise of the wood of the cabin creaking the only sound you could hear. Had Yangyang’s eyes always sparkled like that in the low light? Or was it just more apparent now that he had dyed his hair back to his natural dark brown? You found your hand itching to push his too long bangs from his eyes so you could see them properly, captivated by how the edges crinkled up with how he was softly smiling.
The serene silence was very rudely interrupted by Yangyang’s stomach growling loudly which caused both of you to burst out into another fit of giggles. “I think that’s out cue to put the pizzas in the oven and to unpack,” you laughed, slapping your best friend’s shoulder when he made no move to get up, instead wrapping himself up in the throw blanket. “You’re so annoying,” you groaned and climbed off of the bed. “You love me,” he argued, sticking out his tongue at you. For some reason the easy answer of ‘Yes, I do’ got stuck in your throat and you just hummed before walking over to where you had unceremoniously dropped your bags by the door to get the half frozen pizzas and turned on the oven. What was wrong with you all of a sudden? You two always bickered like that. Screw Donghyuck for getting all up in your head before this trip. Nothing had changed. It was just you and your best friend spending a weekend together. Nothing unusual. That’s what friends did. It’s what Donghyuck did with his friends.
Staring blankly into the oven once you had put the pizzas in, you were lost in your thoughts that twisted and turned inside your head but didn’t seem to make any sense at all. “Are you mad at me?” Yangyang spoke and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, causing you to let out a high pitched screech from how surprised you were. “Don’t scare me like that,” you scolded him, trying to calm down your furiously beating heart. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, hooking his head over your shoulder to look into the oven as well, just wordlessly holding you close. “I’m not mad,” you eventually said, letting the tension seep from your muscles and melting into his hold. Smiling you let your weight sag against him, knowing he would have the strength to hold you up. “Sleepy?” You just hummed nonchalantly even though you weren’t particularly tired but somehow your body felt exhausted. “The drive took longer than expected,” Yangyang agreed, “Let’s just eat and then try to get the fire going. I brought my laptop and downloaded all the episodes of our next season.” “You’re an angel,” you giggled, “I didn’t even think about that.” “I’m not,” he mumbled, hiding his face in your neck. “My angel,” you laughed, squirming in his grip to turn around and pinch his sensitive sides. What you hadn’t expected was him not backing off, so you found yourself pinned between his body and the oven, your faces dangerously close together. For a second or two you just stayed like that before Yangyang’s brain seemed to realize just how close you were, causing heat to rise to his cheeks and him nervously spluttering about how he’d set the table and unpack everything. Something was definitely off between you two but you chose to put it aside for now, not quiet daring to think about it.
Once you both had two steaming plates of pizza in front of you, everything seemed to be back to normal and conversation flew easily just how it always did between the two of you. You would complain about being swarmed with essays and Yangyang would complain about his two roommates who couldn’t be more different from each other which made for a lot of potential for arguments or about how his mother would continuously call him every week to bog him about how school was going, if he was taking his vitamins, if he was still practicing playing his violin, if he had found a girlfriend yet or if he had finally given up on his stupid dancing classes. You were always quick to tell him that he should not feel pressured to drop his dancing to take violin lessons again if he wasn’t passionate about it anymore, no matter how much his mom would nag him about it. You knew that he loved dancing way too much and had made so many good friends in his dance crew to just give it up. So just like every time you gently took his hand in yours to squeeze it reassuringly when you promised him he could live with you if his mother decided to disown him over this. But this time he didn’t let your hand go once he moved on to tell a story on how his roommates had started arguing in the middle of the night because one of them had started to eat snacks which had woken the other one up, this thumb mindlessly caressing the back of your hand.
“Do you really trust me with the fire?” Yangyang asked with a frown on his face as he read through the instructions that were hung up next to the fireplace. “I don’t,” you laughed from where you were washing the dishes in the kitchen, “But if they leave it for us to light, it can’t be too dangerous or difficult.” “I appreciate this incredible amount of confidence you have in me,” your best friend snorted before getting to work to pile up wood and paper and carefully lighting the latter. “I made fire!” He exclaimed excitedly, a bright grin on his lips which immediately made you smile as well. “Now just don’t let it go out,” you smiled, “I’ll go change into comfy clothes real quick.” Yangyang just hummed, carefully adding more wood to his fire so it wouldn’t go out again.
“Yo, I think I got the hang of it,” he announced once you came back to the warmed up living room with snacks and clad in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. “Is that my hoodie?” Yanyang asked when you sat down the bags next to his laptop where he had already pulled up the first episode. “Not a chance,” you replied and plopped down onto the couch to snuggle into the hoodie you definitely hadn’t stolen from your best friend. “It seems oddly familiar though,” he mused but sat down next to you anyways, your thighs touching because the sofa wasn’t particularly big. “I’ve had it for a while,” you grinned innocently, throwing one of the blankets over your legs to keep them warm. “Sure,” Yangyang laughed and threw up the large hood before pressing play on the first episode.
Throughout the episodes you seemed to gravitate towards Yangyang more and more the later it got: First only leaning your head on his shoulder, then he wrapped an arm around you to pull you even closer, followed by you pulling your legs up on the sofa, leaning even further into him until you were basically lying on his chest until it became too uncomfortable and you two shuffled around until he had both of his legs outstretched on the sofa with you sat in between them: your back pressed against his chest and his arms around you. “I could fall asleep like this,” you mumbled when you felt your lids getting heavy, the soft melody of the outro lulling you in. “Don’t though, we’ll be sore tomorrow,” Yangyang laughed, poking your cheek. “Is this your only concern?” “We’ve cuddled like this before,” he just shrugged it off. You just hummed and cuddled closer to his heartbeat, fully closing your eyes. “Yah. Don’t fall asleep on me like that,” your best friend protested, “There is a perfectly fine bed waiting with plenty of space.” “Not my problem your body is like 80 percent stupidly lanky legs.” “Come on, get up.” “But the bed is going to be all cold and it’s nice and warm in here,” you argued. “It’s not going to warm up if you keep clinging to me like that,” Yangyang giggled. “I’m not clinging,” you pouted. “Pretty sure you are,” he laughed, finger flicking your forehead, “Come on, lazy. Let’s get ready for bed.”
Grumbling, you agreed and followed your best friend into the small bathroom with the blanket still wrapped around your body where you two quickly washed up. You had been right, the air in the bedroom was icy to say the least. “We’re going to freeze to death and no one will ever find us, Yangyang,” you groaned dramatically. “They literally have to clean up before the next guests come here, so our corpses would be here for a week tops.” “You’re so good at this reassuring thing,” you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help to smile. “I know,” he grinned, “Turn around.” “What for?” “I’m changing,” he simply stated, already unbuckling his belt. “Oooh.” With burning cheeks, you quickly turned around, clutching the blanket tightly in your hands. In quick succession you heard first his belt and then his pants and shirt hit the floor before he rummaged through his bag and stepped into new clothes. “Done,” he announced and immediately jumped onto the bed to shuffle beneath the layers of blankets. Still feeling shy you carefully dropped the blanket from the living room and crawled into bed as well, leaving a respectable distance to your best friend which was fairly easy with how big the bed was.
“If you’re going to hog all the blankets, I will scream,” Yangyang spoke into the sudden silence that had draped over you. “I bet you’re the blanket hogger,” you snorted and playfully tugged at the blankets to roll them tightly around you. “I swear to god,” your best friend groaned, his feet kicking the mattress in frustration, “I won one tickle fight and I will win again.” Giggling, you let go of your grip so Yangyang could easily pull the blankets back. “Good night, Yangyang,” you whispered. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered back and you could hear him twist and turn for a couple of moments before he found a comfortable spot to sleep in. Smiling you also settled in, pulling the blankets tight around you to not let the cold of the room seep into your cocoon. While thinking of what you would do tomorrow, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
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The next morning the unforgiving light of the sun reflected by the snow outside tickled your nose to slowly wake you up from your dreamless sleep but you really weren’t ready to let go of the comfort that a good night’s sleep had given you. It was just too cozy beneath the layers of blankets, the warmth of another person seeping into your bones while outside the cocoon it was cold. Wait. Warmth of another person? That had you wake up way faster than you would have liked, your own body going rigid in the hold Yangyang had on you. “Finally woke up?” He asked, his voice deeper than usual and raspy from sleep. “Y... Yeah,” you hummed, scared to turn around to look at your best friend. “Why are we cuddling?” “Because someone wouldn’t stop hogging all the blankets, leaving me out in the cold to sleep,” Yangyang said matter-of-factly, his breath hitting your neck. Looking around you, you couldn’t help but chuckle, you really had balled up so much of the blanket on your side of the bed in your sleep that part of it had dropped to the floor on your side. “You laugh but I was freezing my ass off half the night,” your best friend nagged. “I’ll make it up to you with breakfast?” “Omelets?” “You’re going to help cutting veggies?” “Nope,” Yangyang said, popping the p-sound out loud. “You’re terrible.” “You left me to freeze!” “Fine,” you groaned and wiggled yourself free from his grip, leaving the warmth of his embrace and the blankets, “But you’re doing the dishes after.” “Sure.”
For the first time today, you turned around to look at Yangyang and you really weren’t prepared for his tousled hair and lazy smile. Your heart clenched painfully in your chest before it made a couple of summersaults. “Morning,” he grinned, burying himself back into the blankets. “Yeah... Good morning...” “Take your time, I’ll shower in a bit,” Yangyang yawned and you couldn’t hold back your own which in turn made him laugh. “Don’t take too long, lazy,” you smiled before quickly freshening up in the bathroom and starting to prepare the breakfast you hast promised.
Somewhere between filling two pans with the eggs and adding the cut up vegetables, your best friend joined you in the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower and your heart yet again did acrobatics in your chest. What was wrong with you? This was just Yangyang. Your best friend. You had slept in the same room countless of times. You had made him breakfast even more times because he was not to be trusted in the kitchen. So why was your heart all jumpy around him now? Had Donghyuck been right? But nothing between Yangyang and you had changed. You always cuddled up together when you binge watched shows together or had movie nights with your other friends.
“What’s up with you today?” Yangyang asked once you had slid the omelets on two plates and put down a steaming mug of coffee for each of you. “Nothing,” you quickly tried to reassure him but the way he raised up one of his brows was sign enough that he didn’t believe you. “It’s really nothing,” you tried again, forcing a smile onto your face that really wasn’t all that hard to maintain when looking at Yangyang, “I was just thinking about where we should go for our walk.” Your friend just hummed around a mouthful of eggs and pulled out his phone. “I looked something up,” he slurred before swallowing down what he had been chewing, “If we follow this trail, it will take us around the lake which should be frozen and eventually to a little town. If the ice is solid enough, there’s a shop where we can rent skates. And if it’s not we can just stroll around town. To go back, we can take the shorter way back along the road we came with the car.” “I like that,” you admitted as you scrolled through the website Yangyang had pulled up on his phone. The prices weren’t so bad and the scenery looked breathtaking. “Let’s do that,” you concluded, giving your best fried a bright smile.
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Even bundled up in your thickest jacket and with a big scarf wrapped around your throat, the cold air outside of the cabin was unforgiving. But somehow you really liked how clean the air was as it prickled through your lungs before you exhaled again, your breath coming out in a little white huff. “I didn’t think it would be so cold, wow,” Yangyang mused as he locked the cabin before walking over to you. “I like it,” you smiled, “Which way?” But instead of an answer all you got from your best friend was a snowball thrown at you, hitting you square in the chest as you turned around to him. “Oh you’re so on,” you grinned, immediately ducking down to scoop some snow up yourself to fire right back. Your loud giggles and shouts filled the otherwise quite air of the forest and you didn’t even feel the cold of the snow and the air seeping into your bones and clothes, all you focused on was to get Yangyang back for knocking your hat off of your head when the face definitely should be off limits. “You little shit,” you yelled, running over to him to dunk his face into the big pile of snow that had gathered in front of the cabin when suddenly you stepped onto a plate of ice, making you lose your footing and the world quickly turned sideways.
You heard Yangyang yell your name before his worried face came back into your field of vision. “Shit, are you okay?” “Yeah, fine,” you crooked out. The fall really had knocked all air out of your lungs and who were you kidding, you would probably get a nasty bruise on your leg from where you had fallen on the unforgiving ice. “Hey, careful,” Yangyang said, taking your hands in his to pull you back to your feet. “Fuck,” you cursed when you put weight on your left leg, pain shooting up all the way up to your back, “I don’t think I can stand.” “Shit, left foot?” You simply nodded and gritted your teeth together as he tried to help you up again, immediately stabilizing you, so you didn’t have to put weight on your injured leg. “I’m sorry,” you muttered as he helped you to waddle back over to the cabin. Great. Now you had not only ruined your day but maybe even your whole short holidays. Yangyang for sure hadn’t wanted to be stuck inside this cabin with you for two more days. “Don’t be. Let’s take a look at that, might be broken or something,” your best friend reassured you.
With awkward little hops, he guided you over to the little sofa in the living room where you had been cuddling all evening yesterday. “Let me take a look.” After shedding your jackets and other gear you had worn to shield yourselves from the cold, Yangyang carefully unlaced your boots with nimble fingers, apologizing every time you winced in pain. “Well fuck. This thing is so swollen,” he announced once boot and sock were off of your foot. “How bad?” You asked with your eyes squeezed shut, not daring to take a look at it. “Hold still,” he instructed you, gently touching the swollen ankle to rotate it carefully which tore a whimper from your lips. “I don’t think it’s broken,” Yangyang eventually announced, “Ten has sprained his ankle during practice before and it looked similar, so I don’t think we need to get you to a hospital right now.” Thank god that your best friend was taking those dancing classes. “On a scale from when you burned your hand while trying to cook ramyeon in milk to whatever your roommate once left in that pot for too long, how gross does it look?” “It’s really not that bad yet,” Yangyang giggled before he let out a fake gag, “Please do not remind me of that pot, it’s a wonder that whatever that was had not grown legs and left the pot on its own accord.”
“Hold my hand,” you demanded, making grabby hands at your best friend where he was sat in front of you on the floor. “You big baby, it’s really not that bad. It’s not even bruised yet,” he laughed but took your hand in his anyways, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Finally opening your eyes, you took in the picture: You ankle was definitely fucked. If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess that it had already swollen to at least three times of its usual size and pulsating with the blood that was rushing to the surface. “Disgusting.” “If we cool it enough and keep it still, everything should be fine,” Yangyang reassured you, giving your hand another squeeze and rubbing your leg with his other hand, “You’re all tensed up. Does anything else hurt?” “My whole leg?” You slowly said but it came out more as a question than anything else. “Let me see.” “What do you mean let me see?” You all but screeched, pulling back your hand to clutch them at your chest instead where your heart was beating in quick succession. “Come on, it’s not like I haven’t seen you in a bathing suit or anything. I just want to make sure it’s just the ankle,” he calmed you down. Why was your heart beating so fast anyways? Yangyang was right. You had seen each other in different states of undress over all the years you had already been friends. But for some reason everything felt different in this secluded little cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was like you were seeing Yangyang in a completely different light. He was not just the funny guy who only cared about hanging out with his friends and having fun; he suddenly seemed a lot more mature here. Weird. The clean air must have already gotten to your head.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Yangyang spoke again, kneading soothing circles into your still very much tensed calf muscles. “Okay,” you whispered, slowly unbuttoning you jeans, thanking whoever was listening that you had packed and worn nice panties. With combined effort, you wrestled the damp fabric of your jeans from your legs to reveal that your whole left side had already started to bruise up, dark colors bleeding into your skin. “Oh fuck,” you cursed, throwing your head back, “That looks so bad.” You couldn’t help but giggle. “I look like I have been fucking mauled.” “Or like you have a very unhealthy skin condition,” your best friend joined your laughter. But what you couldn’t see was how his eyes darted over the exposed skin, not knowing where he should look first. “I’ll check your knee,” he mumbled once you both had stopped laughing, gently touching your skin. You couldn’t help but hiss when his fingers met your flesh even though he was being gentle. It felt like his fingers left little flames in their wake, leaving your skin tingling. You saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat before he spoke: “Your knee seems fine, but those bruises will turn nasty in an hour or two.” “G-great,” you stuttered, avoiding Yangyang’s eyes while looking down to where his hand was still resting on your knee. “I think I still have some ointment from dance class in my bag that could help,” he mumbled, “I could get that and massage the muscles for a bit in case you pulled something as well.” “Massage,” you repeated, starstruck. “Not if you don’t want to but it might get worse if you’ve pulled a muscle or something if it keeps being this tense.”   “I- Yeah. Ok,” you stuttered. “Don’t move.” “Funny,” you grumbled as Yangyang went to fetch his ointment from the bedroom.
“It’s going to be cold,” he warned you when he sat back down in front of you again, lathering up his hands with the strong smelling ointment before he gently pressed down on the muscles of your calf, his fingers working on the knots in your muscle before slowly making their way upwards. You had to bite your lip in order to keep any noise from slipping once his fingers had reached the skin just above your knee. “You’re really tense,” Yangyang mumbled after a while, his fingers itching almost dangerously high on your thigh by now, kneading your sensitive flesh. “Yeah, you’re just. I’m- yeah,” you really didn’t know where you were going with this answer, hyper aware of his fingers on your skin. “Should I stop?” “No, it feels good. It’s just...” “Weird?” “A little,” you admitted, making both of you chuckle awkwardly. “Maybe a little heat would be good as well.” “Y... Yeah.” You really weren’t sure if even less clothes between Yangyang and you would help with whatever this atmosphere between you two was right now. “Let’s get you up and going then,” your best friend smiled and if it was a little less vibrant than it usually was, you chose to ignore it.
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Once you were submerged in the warm water, a blissful sound slipped past your lips and you felt all tension that was left in your body leave you, the jets and the warm water effectively relaxing your body and mind.   “You good?” Yangyang quietly asked as he submerged himself right next to you, gently pulling your injured leg onto hip lap to prod at the muscles again. “Yeah,” you sighed and closed your eyes, willing your mind to shut up about how he was just your best friend and it should definitively not feel this good when he was innocently kneading your muscles. As all the tenseness seeped from your body, his fingers got more and more gentle until they all but caressed the soft skin of your thigh.  
“Yangyang?” You quietly asked after a while when the only sounds between you came from the bubbling of the water and the occasional sound of a bird. Your best friend just hummed to indicate that he had heard you, his fingers stopping to draw random shapes onto your thigh. “Is it weird that I really want to kiss you right now?” At that your friend seemed to freeze, his thigh muscles tensing up where your leg was thrown onto his lap. “N... No, I don’t think so,” he eventually mumbled. “No?” “No. Because I kind of really want to kiss you as well,” he confessed, his dark eyes finding yours and the amount of trust and openness in his eyes momentarily took your breath away. “Then kiss me,” you breathed. “I- I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” he replied but inched closer to you anyways. “It won’t,” you promised, gently cupping your best friend’s jaw and stroking your thumb along his cheekbone. “Promise?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Promise,” you whispered back before you let your eyes flutter closed when your lips finally met in a delicate kiss, barely more than a gently press of lips.
When you separated again, you sighed gently against his lips before pressing another quick peck to them which made your best friend chuckle. “This feels nice,” he whispered. “Not weird?” You asked just to confirm, gently tracing his features with your fingers. “It feels just right.” “Yeah,” you sighed. “More?” Smiling you nodded and connected your lips again, firmer this time but still gently exploring this new territory. Slowly Yangyang seemed to grow more confident and he let his hands settle on your waist to pull you a little closer to him, causing you to softly gasp. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, pressing little kisses to your cheeks and the corners of your mouth until you giggled. “Kiss me,” you demanded, wrapping your arms around his neck so your hands could play with the long strands of his hair before kissing him again. By now you almost sat in his lap, the angle a little weird because of how your leg was still thrown over his lap. But none of you seemed to mind as you took all the time of the world to explore each other’s lips.
After a little while Yangyang broke the kiss to lean his forehead against yours. You couldn’t fight your smile, basking in the feeling of being close to him. This close you could count his eyelashes that were stuck together from the water and admire the blush that sat high on his cheekbones. “I really like you,” Yangyang suddenly confessed, pulling your bodies flush together to hide his face in your neck. “I really like you too,” you giggled, running your hands through his damp hair. “No I mean I like like you. I- I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time,” he mumbled against your skin. With how close you were pushed together, Yangyang must definitely feel how hard and fast your heart was hammering in your chest. What he couldn’t see was the big smile that spread on your lips while you were trying to find the right words to tell him that you felt the same, that he was a very special person to you. “You don’t have to like me back,” he suddenly said, tightening his grip on you, “I know you probably only see me as a friend and nothing else. But if I keep this to myself any longer, I might burst. I just- Please don’t hate me. You’re all I have.”
“Yangyang,” you gently spoke, trying to pry his head from your neck. “I don’t have any courage left to look you in the face as you reject me,” he whined when he wasn’t budging, this grip he had on your waist tightening just a little. “I’m not going to reject you.” “You’re not?” Your best friend immediately straightened up, his face full of surprise. “No,” you chuckled and couldn’t resist to press a quick kiss to his lips, “I think I’m in love with you as well.”
For a while Yangyang didn’t say anything, his mouth just wordlessly hanging open and eyes wide. “I mean it,” you giggled, playfully hitting his shoulder, “Say something, idiot.” “I- I was full on prepared for heartbreak. I didn’t mean to confess until Sunday to not make it awkward. It just. Yeah…” “Why would I reject you?” “You never said anything and whenever I would try to take you out or do something alone with you, you kept inviting the others and simply played my flirting off as a joke.”
Thinking back, you felt like there were scales falling from your eyes when you remembered all the times Yangyang had asked you out to the movies and you had dragged Donghyuck or Renjun with you. Or when you had invited him for movie night and his face fell when he saw Jaemin and Jeno already sitting on your sofa. Or when he had invited you to one of his dance shows and you had marveled about how graceful Ten could dance and he had become all grumpy.
“Holy fuck, I’ve been so oblivious,” you groaned, pillowing your head on his chest that shook with laughter. “I’ll forgive you if you become my girlfriend,” Yangyang gently spoke, combing his hands through your hair. “Yes,” you breathed, your heart fluttering wildly. “Seal it with a kiss?” He didn’t need to say anything else because you quickly pressed your lips together again, hoping Yangyang could feel all your love and you could at least make up for the pain you had caused him.
“Me too,” he whispered against your lips in between kisses, “I love you too, idiot.” “Your idiot,” you grinned. “All mine,” Yangyang smiled brightly. And if you two shared more kisses and sweet giggles beneath the sky in the hot tub next to your cabin, only Mother Nature would know about it.
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Could you write a fic about the cold open of 7×04 and what actually wouldve happened if terry wasnt in his office 😂 (By the way i love your content!)
I definitely can!  (Did I spend the majority of today writing this, and very little else?  Yes I did.  Was it a valuable use of my time?  Absolutely.)
Rated NSFW - and also available on AO3 if you’d prefer. 👮🏽‍♀️
oh captain, my captain
With a satisfied hum Amy adjusts the last pile of paperwork on the desk, nudging it slightly to the left so that it sits perfectly perpendicular with both the right and bottom edges of the wood grained surface.  Double checking that all breakable items have been stored away for safekeeping, she stands in the centre of the captain’s office once done, folding her arms across the front of her chest as she allows herself a cursory nod of approval. 
There’s an anxious energy running through to the tip of her right foot, and the steady tick of clock on the wall reminds her of the metronome that used to accompany every music lesson she took in high school.  Briefly, she wonders if her and Jake’s son will play an instrument as well.   
Her nerves are racing, and she’s barrelling towards a severe case of paranoia; but logically she knows that her plan is sound, so Amy runs through several key points in her head, one last time:
1: Scully and Hitchcock’s recent hare-brained plan to build and cook a Mega Pizza at their desk (their mourning period from the pizza vending machine finally coming to an end) had resulted in a small fire and the complete short-wiring of all electrical equipment on the fourth floor, rendering the bullpen and all surrounding offices completely useless,
2: Budget cuts meant that the repair crew would not be in for two more days, and due to the lack of security and surveillance, the floor had been cut off from access entirely - except for Sergeant Santiago, whom they’d trusted would hold the keys to each stairwell in safekeeping, and
3: The growing baby in her uterus has set her hormones onto an all-time high, and if there was any chance for this fantasy to come to life, it was right. now. 
Adjusting the tucked in edges of her version of work attire, Amy fiddles with the toy captain’s badge that she had clipped to the front.  It wasn’t nearly as shiny as the real thing, and was far too light to feel legitimate, but there was still a sliver of joy that ran down her spine whenever she looked at it attached to her chest.  One day, hopefully not too far from now, the real thing would be there permanently.
Flicking her wrist upwards, she looks at watch without ever registering the time.  It was relatively late in the evening and she had texted Jake fifteen minutes ago, explaining that she was finishing up some duties in the precinct and needed some help moving some heavy boxes around in Terry’s office.  Like the sweet and dutiful husband she knew him to be, he had responded within seconds, an emoji filled text message telling her that he was on his way.  
He had been so supportive the past five months - supportive for their entire relationship, if she really thought about it - stocking up on the one brand of tea that didn’t make her feel sick, offering regular back and foot rubs, drawing baths with just the right amount of hot water and bubbles, and complimenting her body with such sincerity that even on her worst days, Amy had still felt a little bit desirable.  He honestly had been exactly the kind of charming husband that she knew he would be, and she couldn’t wait to see him turn into an equally wonderful father to their son.  
She glances at the clock on the wall and sighs, shifting the captain’s hat she’s been holding to her left hand before placing it carefully on her head.  He just needs to work on his punctuality.  
Finally, she can hear the telltale squeak of his favourite sneakers, growing louder as he moves further into the bullpen, and only moments later he calls out - “Ames?” 
“In here!” Amy yells in response, adjusting the stark white blouse one last time and putting on her best Power Pose as she waits.  His steps are faster now that he knows where to go, and as he opens the door and sees his wife standing before him in a makeshift captain’s uniform, Jake’s eyes turn as wide as saucers.  
“Detective Peralta.  It’s about time you got here.  Close the door.”
With his eyebrows flickering upwards, Jake blinks a few times before responding, the blinds rattling slightly at the force of his movement.  “Yes, ma’am, I apologise for the delay.  I got caught up in - ”
“Spare me the details, detective.  We can discuss your issues with time management later.  There are more important matters at hand.”
His posture straightens and he nods, and a familiar twinkle begins to show in those beautiful brown eyes.  
Focus, Amy.
“It’s come to my attention recently that, despite previous scenarios that have held similar elements, there still appears to be a pressing need for the reality to occur.”  She can see Jake suppressing a grin, and holds her ground as he starts walking towards her.  “And while said earlier exercises have held a very high success rate, it would seem as though sometimes there is just no substitute for the real thing.”
Jake stops just in front of her, close enough that Amy can smell that intoxicating mix of cologne and their fabric softener and Jake.  His grin hasn’t faded - if anything, it’s grown - and he grips his hands behind his back like a dutiful officer of the law.  While his eyes trace up and down her body, taking in the uniform, his grin turns into a full-blown beam, and after he beat he leans forward to whisper -  “You want me to fuck you in the Captain’s Office?”
She nods, quick and stern, and corrects his inflection.  “I’m going to fuck you in the Captain’s Office.”
His breath is warm against her cheek as he lets out a grunted hell yeah, pressing his lips against hers a mere second later.  Warm hands are wrapped around her waist, and hers curl around his neck as the need to be as close as possible to him overthrows the need to play pretend, and when his tongue massages hers Amy cannot help but let out a contented sigh.  
His face has taken on That Look when they finally pull apart, that I’m so turned on look that Amy loves to see (but really, she loves all of his faces, and damn anyone who says that makes her a lovestruck fool), and her heart begins to race at the anticipation of what’s to come.
They’d only been dating a few weeks the first time they tried this; a pared down version of role play with Jake using his very best authoritative captain’s voice and turning Amy on so quickly that the resulting sex had led to multiple orgasms for both.  For their one year anniversary (a date that had been delayed slightly by a temporary Floridian residence), he had set up the reading room in her apartment to be an almost exact replica of Holt’s office, and proceeded to fuck her on every single available surface.  It was a treasured memory, and one that rated very high on her list of Favourite Sexy Timez, and even to this day she cannot read a book in there without getting turned on just a little bit by the thought of it.
Over the years they’d branched out into various role plays, with a special section of their closet dedicated specifically to the costumes they’ve acquired along the way, and while Jake has definitely seen Amy in this captain’s uniform before she’s fairly certain that this change of scenery into something far more real is going to turn him even more than usual.
Lord knows it has definitely worked out that way for her.
His hands have stayed on her waist, and with a grin he yanks her closer, pressing his hips into hers.  Yep.  It’s definitely working for him too.
He pulls her in for another kiss, and as much as she wants to let him, there are a few important details that the need to iron out first, and so Amy presses her hands against the grey shirt that lay underneath his open flannel.
“There needs to be a few quick rules before we go through with this, Peralta.”
“Whatever it is, I’m going to say yes.”
“Obviously.”  She raises her hand, pointing her index finger upwards.  “Rule one, what happens in here never leaves these four walls.”
Jake nods.  “No doubt.  Rule two, I get to replay this in my mind whenever I feel like it.”  His hands slide lower, gripping her butt gently.  “And babe, I’m gonna feel like it a lot.”
Smiling, Amy shakes her head.  “Rule number three.”  She leans in, grabbing the open panels of his shirt and pulling him closer.  “You’ve gotta make me scream, babe.”
He grins, that sexy smirk that once only belonged in the bedroom but over the years has progressed to closets, kitchens, living rooms and even once an elevator with the emergency break on.  “Yes, Captain.”
Oh, mama.  Her breath catches in her chest, and Amy can feel her eyes widen as she looks up at her husband, the facade temporarily stripped away as she speaks.  “Say it again.”
Jake leans in this time, moving his hands to rest two fingers against his forehead, pushing them away quickly in a faux salute, and ohhhh mama.  “At your command, Captain Santiago.”
Her lips are pressed against his before another thought can be made, the amount of desire running through her veins providing more than enough fuel for Amy to get the fire started.  Jake’s hands move just as quickly, wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer before tugging at the blouse that she had tucked so perfectly into place.  Moaning into Jake’s mouth, Amy shuffles them backwards, casting both of his shirts to the floor and feeling the edge of the desk scrape along her thighs as they make their way to the tall leather chair that has held such power in so many moments.  
Jake pushes her against the desk before they can get there, digging his fingers into her ass with such ferocity that Amy feels the blood rush in for repair at his release, and when his hands move up to undo her buttons she lets out another encouraging moan into his mouth.  It had been a passing joke when Jake had misinterpreted her request, months ago on the morning of the Jimmy Jabs, but Amy would be lying if she said there hadn’t been a frisson of excitement run down her spine at the suggestion of it, and now that it was finally happening, she couldn’t wait to get to the good stuff.
A rush of cool air hits her overheated skin as Jake flicks open the last button on her blouse, shoving the panels to the side and letting out an appreciative sigh at what he finds underneath.  She knew him to be a fan of the curves that her pregnancy has blessed her with - particularly when it came to her boobs - and Amy had done her due diligence in researching a front clasping bra specifically for this occasion.  It was nude in colour - work appropriate of course, even if this particular uniform is technically a costume - and had just enough padding and lace to make her chest look incredibly inviting.  
“Ames,” Jake whispers, eyes bright with attraction as he leans down to begin a trail of kisses against her bare skin, scraping his teeth along her collarbone.  Carding her fingers through his hair, Amy uses her right hand to reach in-between Jake’s chest and hers, undoing the clasp in a practiced move and Jake sighs in approval at the sudden change of pace.  His hands move lower; undoing her navy blue slacks as his tongue laps gently at each of her nipples, already aware of the sensitivity that she’s begun to experience there, but tonight all of her nerves are on high alert in other places, and so Amy digs her fingernails into Jake’s hair in silent encouragement to continue.  
He lets out another moan, the sensation of his voice vibrating against her skin as he leaves a gentle bite underneath one breast, lifting her hips up slightly to push her slacks towards the floor.  Amy kicks off her shoes quickly and Jake follows her lead, listening for the heavy thunk as both hers and his hit the ground.  She lets her hands linger along the bulge of her husband’s biceps as they wander lower, undoing the button and fly of Jake’s jeans as his lips move back up towards hers for a heated kiss.
His hands roam along the curve of her belly, touch turning incredibly soft as he traces the gentle swell where their son is currently growing.  He’s been so incredibly enamoured with watching Amy’s body grow, making it a daily ritual to kiss both her and her bump good morning and good night and making Amy’s heart flutter just a little bit each time.  Some nights he rests his head against her abdomen as they lay together on the couch, and on lazy mornings when getting out of bed seems like way too much of an effort he will shuffle down the mattress, leaning in to tell their baby boy the story of how he and Amy met, peppering the moments with truly terrible dad jokes that she just knows he’s been storing up for future reference.  
“You really are my dream girl,”  Jake mumbles against her cheek as he kisses a path towards her earlobe, nipping gently at the hypersensitive spot that only he knows about just below.  Amy’s responding giggle turns into a gasp as he does so, and she grips the waist of his jeans and pushes them down as far as her position will allow, waiting for Jake to pull back slightly so that he can take care of the rest of the material.
The chair moves back into her eye line as Jake shakes the last leg of his jeans off, and Amy rises from her perched position on the edge of the desk to meet her husband, planting her palms square against his chest as she shoves him backwards.  His butt lands square on the seat as he lets out a surprised yelp, and she grins.  “Now I’ve got you exactly where I wanted you, detective.”
He lets out a soft laugh, his arousal obvious in the unusual gruffness of his voice (and the sizeable bulge in his boxers), opening his arms out in silent invitation - and it’s one that Amy is very willing to respond to.  She moves towards Jake, resting one hand along the top of the chair as she plants one knee on the cushion beneath them, and then pauses.
“Wait … the arms on this don’t move.  Can you - ”
“Uh … what if I - ”
“Oof.  Okay let me just put my knee - ow, babe!”
“Sorry!  I think maybe if ..”
“This belly doesn’t make things … How about - Oh god no, my back!”
Out of nowhere, Jake bursts into laughter, the absolute ridiculousness of the situation causing his chest to bounce with joviality.  His hands are resting against Amy’s back, low enough to support her movements as she laughs along with him, tucking her head into his neck as the tears streak down her face.  In mere seconds, all of the tension dissipates, and that is a skill that only someone like her husband could possess.  
Amy rests her hands against Jake’s dancing shoulders, sliding her palms up to cup his jawline, taking in his infectious smile and oh how she loves this man.  Both of their pants are on the floor of their superior’s office, her shirts is wide open and Jake’s hair is all over the place from her fingers running through it, but she feels as comfortable right here as she would if they were at home on their couch.  
She loves Jake Peralta for a lot of reasons, and that was never going to change.  
Bending slightly lower Amy tips the captains cap back and drops her forehead to rest against Jake’s, leaving a soft kiss against the bridge of his nose as their laughter begins to trickle to a stop, and it’s only a second later that he moves his head to capture her lips with his own.  It’s a simple kiss, the sweetness of it all proving to be too much for Amy as they part, and she strokes Jake’s right cheek with her hand stating the most simples of truths: “I love you.”
His cheeks flush slightly as he looks up at her in utter adoration, right hand sliding along her outer thigh as he replies.  “I love you too, Ames.”  Shifting his body ever so slightly, Jake digs his fingers into her skin and continues.  “Here, rest your weight on this leg .. I have an idea how we can make this work.”
“I’m still not going to be able t-ohhhhh.”  The protest dies in the back of Amy’s mouth as Jake’s fingers push her underwear to the side, the angle of her half standing position giving him easy access to where she really wants him.   He circles her clit slowly, watching her lungs expand and contract as he slowly gains speed, and as Amy moves her hands to his shoulders, Jake dips his middle finger inside.  Her breath hitches, and he pulls out before returning, once with two fingers and then again with three.  
“So wet, babe.  You’ve been thinking about this a lot, huh?”  Jake’s lips are pushing against Amy’s before she can answer, and the feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of her takes all response away from her, letting her tongue push against his in response instead.  
She comes to when he finally pulls away, taking in a shuddering breath before throwing him a withering stare for a millisecond, stating “You were ten minutes late, Peralta.”  Pulling him back in for another kiss Amy sinks her teeth into his lower lip in admonishment, and Jake’s responding groan vibrates again her chest.  She smiles when they part, running her hand through his hair and tugging gently at the roots.  “I had to think about something to pass the time.”
“Mmm,” Jake moans, tucking his head into Amy’s neck as his fingers move faster, “Let me make that up to you, babe.”  He makes no hesitation in twisting his wrist, circling his thumb around in the small, rapid circles that he does so expertly.  It’s a well-practised move, one performed only two days ago when he crowded her up against the kitchen sink and pushed her over the edge while they waited for their coffee to finish brewing. 
His fingers stop pumping, pushing in deep and holding still while slightly crooked.  Jake grins up at her as his thumb doubles down in intensity, and Amy tightens her thighs against his wrist as she comes with a stuttered gasp, a mumbled version of her husband’s name falling from her lips as her shaking legs release him from her grip.  She giggles softly (at least, as much as her racing lungs will allow her) and grabs Jake’s hand as he pulls away, pulling it towards her lips and sucking gently on his fingers, sighing in satisfaction at the taste of her arousal.  “Consider yourself forgiven.”
His hand falls from her grasp, and Jake stretches himself up to kiss Amy, gripping his arms around her lower back tightly as he lifts off of the chair, stumbling back towards the desk and resting her butt against the surface once he feels the hard wood press against his thighs.
“I need to be inside you,” he mumbles between hot kisses as his fingers grip the top of her panties, and Amy lifts her hips again to help the fabric disappear faster.  He makes quick work of his own boxers once her underwear is on the floor - and honestly Amy has fantasised about giving Jake a blowjob in this office enough times that she genuinely had planned to do so - but all the hormones that her body was producing right now had turned her into a horny mess and she, too, needed him inside her now.
Spreading her legs as Jake moves in between them, Amy raises her hand up and pulls away the captains hat that she’d managed to keep on until now, resting it on the surface before planting her hands behind her body for support.  She smiles up at Jake as he groans with lust, pumping his wrist up and down his cock while his tongue darts out to moisten the edge of his mouth.  “You truly are the sexiest woman alive, you know that right?”
She nods, and Jake leans in for a kiss, tongue slipping into her mouth as he pushes his cock inside, fingers digging into her hips before resting beside hers on the desk.  This time it’s Amy’s turn to moan as Jake begins to pump slowly, getting both of them used to this unfamiliar position, and honestly every thrust already feels incredible.  
He watches her with the careful eyes of a well-trained detective, but also that of an attentive husband (both of them had discovered that once pregnant, Amy’s body gave different reactions to things that used to work so well), and she gives Jake an encouraging nod of her head as he begins to pick up speed.  She couldn’t tell if it was the angle that the desk presented, or the fact that there were doing it in the captain’s office, but everything felt fucking amazing and she could already feel her body beginning to respond.
“Oh god Jake, yes …”  Bending back on both hands Amy tents her knees, resting her heels precariously along the edge of the desk and letting her body bounce to the rhythm of Jake’s thrusts as all of nerve endings begin to come alive.  The various collegiate novels and industry awards that are lined up on the shelves behind Jake catch her eye, and the sheer illicitness of what they are doing feels better than she could have possibly anticipated.  They should have done this years ago.  Her husband’s right hand moves to cup one of breasts, pushing the heel of his palm along the bottom just the way she likes, and the pressure feels so good that she lets out a gentle moan.  His fingers move further, circling her sensitive nipple with his thumb and only weeks ago an action like that would have had her screaming in pain, but thank god her body has adjusted to these changes because NOW it feels like he’s lighting a match with every stroke, pushing her closer and closer to combustion.  “Yes!  Harder, babe!”
Jake’s breath is hot against her neck as he leaves a series of slopping kisses, dropping one to her mouth before pulling away, breathless.  “You feel so good Ames, so hot … I can’t believe we’re fucking in the captain’s office.  Fuck I love you.”
Amy moves her head back up slightly, eager to watch her husband as he moves closer to the point of no return, and the sight of his beautiful face as he thrusts harder and harder makes Amy call out his name, circling one leg around his lower body in silent encouragement for more.  Glancing behind her quickly, Amy grips the edge of the captain’s hat from the desk, using her thumb to rotate it within her grasp and places it onto Jake’s head with a cheeky grin.  It seems to spur him on, her body rocking against the desk with every single thrust as he increases the intensity, that determined look that she loves so much falling onto his face as he pushes harder and faster. 
Amy lets her hand slide back down his chest, pinching his right nipple as she goes before heading straight for her clit, holding on to Jake’s steady gaze as she begins to move her fingers in the rapid circles that never fail to get her off.  She doesn’t want this to end, but her first orgasm had felt so. good! and she was absolutely ready for another.  The handles on the desk drawers beneath them begin to rattle as Jake really begins to hammer into her, clearly racing towards climax as he mouths Ames over and over.  
The sensation of it all becomes too much a couple of minutes later and Amy cranes her neck back, calling out her husband’s name as another orgasm takes over her body, the delicious rush of it all making her giggle nonsensically.  From above her, Jake moans as Amy’s insides pulse around him, and when she drops her chin to watch him he grips her butt in both hands, pulling her as close as the bump will allow and changing the angle completely.   
His pubic bone rubs against her clit with every forceful pump from this new position, and even though Amy’s just had an orgasm and she would normally be oversensitive by this point, she’s also incredibly turned on - and as Jake’s thrusts continue she grips her other leg around his waist, holding on to him with nothing but her lower body as another wave washes over her.  This time proves to be too much for Jake as he follows her over the edge, digging his fingers into her skin and calling out her name as he releases everything he has.   
It takes a while for either of them to come down from the high, with only the sound of panting breaths and gentle kisses filling the room.  Slowly they part, holding out items of clothing to the other as they begin to put themselves back together, adding in a lingering touch every time one of them is near enough.  
They clear away the evidence of their tryst with the practiced efficiency of a team that know each other inside and out (because really, that’s the only way you could describe their partnership by now), and Jake pulls Amy in for one last lingering kiss as he fastens the top button of his jeans.
“Alright babe, I’m just gonna grab a few things from my desk while I can get to it, and then let’s go home, yeah?”
Amy nods, running her hand along her ponytail and quickly deciding it probably needs to be redone.  “Yep, I’ll be right out.  Oh, and Jake?” 
He turns at the doorway, one hand still gripping the outside frame, and Amy takes deliberately strong steps towards him.  Grabbing him by the collar, she yanks him in hard and fast for a swift kiss, pulling away before he can even try to deepen it.  There’s a flustered look on his face as they part, which when matched with his I just had sex hair makes him all the more adorable, and Amy gives him a quick wink before pushing him out completely.
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silvensstorycorner · 4 years
Things I wanted to say
My friends have been having a holiday/New Year's sleepover every year on New Year's Eve since high school. We'd see a movie, then go to one of our houses for hot pot, then hang out until the ball dropped, drinking sparkling apple cider and white grape juice out of wine glasses as we watched, chatting in a blanket pile oozing off the couch until we dozed off to Netflix and woke up to make a sleepy breakfast in pajamas. Things have adapted over the years: we don't go out to a theater for a movie anymore usually, and oftentimes not all six of us can be there, but it's still New Year's. And usually I love it.
I don't really know what happened in 2018. It was at Sophia's house that year (the regular spot), but for some reason, it was a lot more...all-out. She invited us plus boyfriends plus anyone we wanted to bring. She told me to invite my roommates so they all could meet them (my roommates declined). My family was invited. So Mom, Dad, my brother, and I all went this time instead of just me, and even though I had been going to her house for seven years and was comfortable with the normal level of unusual chaos that passed through its walls, this time I walked through the front door and very quickly felt...bad.
There were at least ten more people than just us six, some old friends (not as close but still friends) from high school, some I hadn't met before. Her three kid cousins were running around the place. The entire kitchen island was made into a bar, with twenty or thirty bottles of alcohol and a handful of types of edibles. Some were probably already tipsy. There was hot pot and fondue and trays of snacks and charcuterie and so much lying out for the picking.
It wasn't New Year's. It was a party.
And I do not like parties.
From that evening in 2018 for over a full 24 hours into 2019, I was choked up, holding back tears, not saying much most of the time because talking made it harder not to cry. My family left after a couple of hours because they weren't going to stay the night. I mentioned that I kinda might’ve wanted to go home, too, feeling like shit for breaking tradition but also currently feeling like shit from whatever new anxiety-inducing thing was happening to me, but my parents are bad at subtext and listening and laughed and asked what I was talking about and left.
I remember a few moments when I felt okay. Exchanging gifts, I think, and the following day, when only three of us were still there, we watched a bad low-budget horror movie. I felt content then. On the other hand, I lost hold and ended up crying three or four times, alone or in the dark or behind my hair so no one knew because no one likes a downer.
But then it's New Year's Day, and the sun is beginning to dip, and it's finally acceptable for me to go home. I go into the master bedroom to change out of pajamas into clothes, and Sophia's there, collecting things to go take a shower. I forget what small talk happened before because after a beat, she says, "Hey, are you alright? You didn't seem as joke-y earlier."
I choked up again because typical goddamn bodily response. We're turned away from each other, and I was either halfway through putting on a shirt or in a bra and holding my shirt. The silence stretched too long, so I squeaked out something. Probably "I'm fine." She looked over and asked if I was sure, and I broke.
She goes into mom friend mode and asked what happened, what was it, and I said it was nothing, I had been trying not to cry since first stepping into the house, and she immediately hugs me from behind as I'm standing there crying. My throat won't work without making the tears worse. I want to tell her I didn't know exactly what happened but I knew the pieces. That I had developed depression 4-6 months prior. That I had failed the semester because of it. That I was put on academic probation because of it despite my prior 3-year, 3.6 GPA. That I didn't know if my international internship and scholarships were in jeopardy. That I didn't drink because alcohol is repulsive, in scent and implications and cultural obsession. That I can smell the moment someone opens a bottle of wine from two rooms away. That the scent sometimes gives me a headache. That the smell of weed is even worse and gives me a migraine. That I was paranoid that college had changed my friends so much that they'd give me alcohol or weed without telling me. That talking about relationships and making innuendos and teasing me for not understanding them made me want to hide under a blanket. That even though everyone was nice and amicable, they weren't supposed to be here because it was our thing. That I don't like children and having to listen to and entertain her three cousins for twenty-four hours made my spine bristle. That I was afraid my discomfort around children would be taken as insulting her family. That the usual blaring kitchen stereo and the shouting from stairs and the scream singing and the mock nagging yells about how I was cleaning dishes slowly and wrong when I could've been not doing them at all really hit a nerve this time. That I was hiding this from my very best friends because I was confused and felt silly and illogical for not having fun at my favorite event of the year, the one time I see some of these people anymore after we spread out across the world for college and life, especially when everyone else was enjoying themself. That maybe everyone had grown up and outgrew me in college because they enjoy drinking and smoking and dating and sex and I don't, and I was just a buzzkill in an environment no longer fit for me. That I knew I was wrong. That most to all of this was a product of depression putting thoughts in my head and amplifying responses and that there was no way to anticipate or adjust to it, and that I didn't know when it would get better. That she wasn't a therapist and had her own troubles to worry about and I had no right to shoulder my own onto her, too.
But while all that and more is flying by in bits and pieces in my mind, my throat betrayed me and knotted up, leaving me standing there, clutching my shirt, staring up at the ceiling with tears streaming and breaths quickening to stuttered hyperventilation as my friend hugged me, and all I managed to choke out was that I didn’t like alcohol before the meager admittance activated a defense mechanism and shut me up with unabated sobbing.
Eventually, it subsided. She asked me if I wanted to take a shower instead, but I declined. I put on my shirt proper and sat on the bed, wiping my face while she took a shower with the door open so she could ramble nothings and tell me about new books she got and stuff her animation professors said.
We've never talked about it again, and I don't know if she told our other friends. Within the hour, one friend made another innuendo and laughed with a teasing reminder that sex and love exist and there's nothing I can do to stop it, and while Sophia didn't say anything directly, she looked at me and then changed the subject to something unrelated.
She checks up on me every few months, asking how I am with a little more insistence than someone who uses it as a casual opener.
The following year, I was worried whatever that was would happen again. I still had depression, I had failed one class for a second time, and both my childhood dogs and my grandmother had died within six months. I even put off going to Sophia’s a bit by going to see Star Wars in theaters with my family beforehand.
But when I walked in the door, the last to arrive, it was already better. My family didn't stay--they didn't even come in with me so they wouldn't rile up the dogs. There weren't crowds or kids or deafening music or a kitchen littered in liquor. There were just my friends, standing around the hot pot, with meats and gyoza and only one or two bottles of wine and sparkling juices and a whole roast ham.
I walked up to the table, bags in one hand and petting giant dogs with the other, but before I even get a greeting out, Sophia asked if I was okay. I froze, afraid my fears were that obvious and thinking they thought I was avoiding them and didn't love them anymore and feeling a weight begin to form in my throat. But she said my complexion seemed off or pale or something. I said I was fine, she said cool, the broth just started boiling, come get meat, and that was that.
That night, sitting in front of the fire, opening presents by the tree, I did cry again, because I was laughing harder than I had in a long time.
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
Send me a number to develop my muse! ( Still Accepting!)
      With a life riddled by tragedy, it's easy to figure that finding a single sweet, cherished memory would be the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack within Rosie’s muddles, disconnected mind -- or rather, in this case, a strand of hay within a mountain of needles.If you’d ask her to pick one, she’d swim through a sea before finding one suitable ; There were plenty of  obvious choices that would be sensible to bring up, what would be expected : Her time with Rocky before he was gone. Time with her kids, those pivotal moments where they said their first words or took their first steps.When they were a family of four , when Rosie had the stability in Rocky to be the best woman she could ever hope to be. 
Cherished memories of the woman who existed now, formed from the ashes of a girl long forgotten. No one cared for the past -- no one allowed the past to be any sort of shield or blanket to give reason to all the problems and habits she has carried into the now. People didn’t take excuses. But to dig deeper into the enigma of coils that hid her every secret she hoped had burned, it brings to question just that : What did she cherish in those keystone moments of childhood? Was there anything left in the smoldering remains of the past that could be saved? 
No one cared about the past, but that didn’t mean she ever forgot any of it. If you ask a child anything they remember, one of the first things they may answer would be a memory of their parents. 
     Parents.. She was a parent now, she didn’t need to think of her own, after more than half of her life has been without them. Yet she often did ; she used them as reference for herself. What to be and not to be.To think of her parents in memory were the needles she dug her hands through in search of the single straw in the pile, for like the rest of her life, even her childhood was melancholy and disconnected and full of longing. It didn’t mean, however, that she didn’t have some good memories of them.. To be asked to pick a memory, Rosie searches for something not a soul but herself has heard of. Her cherished memories are a seared reel held together just enough to still be recounted.
Her mother.. She’d think of her mother. The face she still sees when she looks in the mirror, when she reasons the source of her every habit and mental instability. But she was the woman that made her understand what it meant to be a parent. Her namesake, a flower before her, albeit it riddled with serrated leaves and decayed petals. Rosie’s memories of Camellia Hidalgo come in flashes, broken up by the seared reels in her mind, purposely ruined for her own safety. Her mother was strong willed, sick but refused to believe it. Abrasive but hard working. She loved, but the flower which she was named after left her fated to a life of longing and mistakes made in the pursuit of that love.
 Camellia loved strangely, crookedly, in a fashion warped by her unstable sickness in the brain. But she loved her children, even when it was in the wrong way. Even if, Rosie understood now, she didn’t love herself.She loved in the only way she knew how, and Rosie clutched the faded memory with all that she was --  the only good thing she could cherish  in the time she spent with a woman who spent almost every waking moment trying to keep herself together. It plays like a film behind her eyes 
They lived in a small apartment then, after her father left. After all the fighting seemed to come to a point, the scar on Rosie’s little forehead was just too much of an unbearable mark to look at. They seemed to lose it all after he left, and now they had to downgrade to something fit for two. Within her mother’s small pay range budget. Just the two of them, she’d like to think. The world, unfortunately, was not easy for a woman. Especially not a Spanish woman without family. It shaped everything that made Camellia who she is, and formed the image that Rosie immortalized her in, despite all the pain. In the passing months and years, everything had changed. 
When the door slammed shut well into the night, the shouting having died down and yet another boyfriend shoved out the front door, little Rosie hid behind her door and listened to the spray of curses and Spanish until their house grew quiet with only their two souls. The kitten sat in the darkness of her small bedroom, cradling a worn, faded pooh bear as she huddled into a ball and closed her eyes. 
She should be sleeping.. She knows. 
Her mama would be upset to catch her awake, but her sensitive ears wouldn’t let her sleep with the shouting.. Internally, her body trembled by instinct and her muscles ached with weakening fear. But at least he was gone.. 
As an audible sigh bleeds loudly through the thin dry walls, Camellia’s footsteps ring loudly as they trailed.. Then stopped. Old wood groaned under weight. The distinct sound embedded in Rosie’s mind.. When her mother was tired, she sat in her favorite chair by the window. When she sat there, it meant she’d be calm.
    Hesitantly, she crawled on her knees til she reached the door and used it as leverage to pull her little body up. The ancient hinges squeaked loudly as she tried her best to quietly open it, as best as a 7 year old could do before timidly peeking out to the hallway. Rosie can remember vividly even now, the unique smell of her childhood apartment. The scent of aged walls and wallpaper dating back for much longer than she’s been alive -- damp and musty with time and water damage no one cares to fix. A warm sort of scent that filled the space, unpleasant in a way, but it made home home. The little kitten listened for any motion. When she found none, Rosie sucked a breath, held her pooh bear tighter, and padded out into the hallway on her tiptoes to dampen the sound of her own steps. The ugly linoleum flooring was cold under her feet.
 Down the long way, she stopped at the edge of the living room just before it came to the open space. Their apartment was nothing more than a hallway, two bedrooms, and one big open space that made the living room and the kitchen ; Only thing that divided the space between the kitchen and the living room was the counter top bar, but even then you could look directly into the kitchen. She was always too small to see through it, the chairs too hard for her chubby body to climb. 
  The only light that filtered through was the dim yellow lamp that stood in the corner, just by the chair. From her corner, she can hear the crooning of the old wooden rocking chair as her mother sat by the window and swayed herself idly to the sound of nothing. Rosie sat there briefly, uncertain, then curiosity got the better of her. She peeked out from the shadow the hallway provided, wide eyed and one ear perked up, straining to see. Few things had been tipped over.. Some broken glass from empty bottles that dropped, the table side stand fell sideways and her nurse cap lay among the rubble. Camellia, transfixed in her rocking and staring into the night, seemed too tired to care. She was still dressed in her nurse uniform, just off her shift, and at this rate Rosie didn’t expect her to change into sleeping clothes. Her mother hardly ever did.. Especially when she came home and fought with a drunk. Rosie’s ears folded back.
“ Rosita, is that you?” 
Her stomach turned suddenly and Rosie pressed  closer against the wall, ears flattening against her skull. From her place, she can hear Camellia’s slow and haggard breathing, a sniffle, then her mother turned to look at her. For a moment, Rosie did debate running back to her room to avoid a scolding, but the heavy, puffy eyes of her mother drew her in. Camellia reached a single arm out towards her, “ Ven aqui, come here mi gatita..” 
Rosie moved without question.
With bare feet, she scrutinized the floor and maneuvered carefully around the shards to make her way rather eagerly into Camellia’s open arms. She paused for a minute to try to pick up the fallen side table, but her mother hissed and took hold of Rosie’s little arm, “ Leave it alone.”
Camellia was not intentionally mean, nor did Rosie ever believe her mama wanted to hurt her.. She was just too tired to think about her strength. Her hold was bruising, the hold she used before scolding her in a barrage of English and Spanish, but when she yanked Rosie towards herself, it was merely rough handling. She pulled the chubby little girl into her arms and cradled her tightly like she held her for dear life. Like a child holds her stuffed bear for security.It was up close, Rosie could see the purple bruising blossoming on her mother’s arms and the wet gloss of tears that had stained her cheeks. For a while , she didn’t really look at Rosie. She simply held her and returned to her rocking.
     It’s these rare, gentle moments that remained vivid in the deepest parts of Rosie’s memory.. The peace between mania and depression.. The limbo, just before the deep downward spiral into a depressive episode, Rosie understood. The very symptoms she carried in herself now.
In her mama’s arms, not even a night shift at the hospital can wash away the vanilla scent that lingered on Camellia’s skin. In her mind’s eye, she can picture vividly and recall the beautiful shade of her mama’s eyes and the soft texture of her curly hair as the ends brushed up on Rosie’s cheek.. The little kitten curled inward and basked in the security of her mother’s arms and scent -- in a routine fashion, her mother stroked her hair and hummed softly into the warm air of their apartment.
 “ Mi Gatita gorda.. You know I love you, right? ”  her mama never did look down often.
“ Mhm.. I love you too..” That was the answer Rosie always gave. 
Rosie knew better than to look up, pressing her ear to the woman’s chest to listen to the slow beating of her heart. Above her, she felt Camellia shift and turn downward to stare at her with empty, distant eyes. To her bones, Rosie shudders to this day when she looked in the mirror and saw those same glassy eyes. The small child was obedient to wordless demands and met her eyes with her own wide, nervous stare. 
“ I’m not crazy, Rosita.. You know that..” 
Rosie simply nodded. She closed her eyes as Camellia’s hand trailed away from her hair and traced a claw around Rosie’s puffy little cheeks. All Rosie ever longed for was that touch… 
“ You won’t leave me.. And I'll take care of you..Just the two of us..” 
Her words echoed, like talking to no one at all. Camellia’s finger swirled around a brown curl, then traced the edge of Rosie’s little nubby ears. Rosie trembled slightly and let her pooh slip away as she took hold of her mother’s hand.
“ I won’t leave, Mama..I promise..” 
In the blankness, suddenly Camellia’s lips curled in a small, eye crinkling smile. 
“ Pinky promise, my Rosita? ” 
Her mama extended a thin pinky out from her hold. Rosie quickly stuck out a tubby finger and wrapped it as best as she could around the much larger finger with an eager nod, 
“ I promise Mama.. I always be here..” she mumbled, whimpering as her little voice edged on a plea in search of approval. 
Life sparked and danced behind her mother’s golden eyes for a fleeting moment, a satisfied look as if she got exactly what she had wanted. Camellia exhaled softly through her nostrils, closed her eyes, then cradled her daughter closely to her chest. The mother purred deeply, and through the purr she sang a soft melody to rock her baby to sleep.. 
You are my sunshine..
       My only sunshine..
          You make me happy~
 When skies are grey..
You’ll never know, Dear~
  How much I love you..
     Please dont take... my sunshine away..
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“ My mother used to hold me a lot as a kid.. When it was only the two of us. Before my brother, Alexander, was born ”
From the depths of her memories, at last she’s pulled from the roots back to the surface, conscious enough to answer. Even as, inwardly, she sucked in deep and uneven breaths. Even now she would not tell the whole truth, for lying was the safest route than spilling out your heart to a stranger. No one needed to know the wound that still bleeds and the tears that still threaten to fall when she forces what should have been forgotten to the surface. Rosie tries to smile nonetheless, a strained and painful smile as she holds the edges of a bittersweet memory like a delicate photograph withering slowly. 
She tries not to let it get the better of her, to not let the stinging in her eyes give way to tears. 
“ Back when it was only us.. She’d hug me like a teddy bear, and we’d sit in one of those rocking chairs that old ladies sit on. Then she’d pet me and sing to me.”
The lullaby she sings now, still ringing in her ears in a phantom voice. Taking a quivering breath, Rosie shrugs her shoulders and offers a humorless chuckle,
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“ Don’t have a lot of good memories.. But that was a good one. Ya know, before shit hits the fan and everything changed on me like it always does. I liked when things were simple as a kid.. It's better when you didn’t understand anything at all.”
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catalinda04 · 6 years
Carried Away Chapter 40: Cupcake not Pumpkin
Tuesday ran more smoothly for Lucy than Monday had. The students were starting to come to grips with the whole “our teacher is dating a celebrity” thing. Instead of questions about their relationship, it was requests to bring him to school for a visit. Lucy managed to shake off those requests by reminding the kids that Henry lived in London. Though she couldn’t help smiling to herself when she thought about him flying to her as they spoke.
  Toward the end of her lunch break, Lucy’s phone pinged, indicating she had a text. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she opened the message.
“Pumpkin, I’ve just landed. I didn’t want to call because I’m sure you’re in class right now. Dany made my arrangements, so I hope to be on my way to you within a couple of hours. I’ll call when I’m driving north. I love you.”
Lucy’s afternoon classes were vaguely controlled chaos. Lucy’s attention was on thoughts of Henry, and the students took advantage of her distraction. By the time she arrived at rehearsal, she was exhausted and a bit irritable.
After snapping at the cast for the fourth time in ten minutes, Patricia spoke up. “Ms. C, is something wrong? You’re biting our heads off for nothing.”
Lucy pillowed her head on her arms. “I’m sorry guys. My attention is somewhere else today. Why don’t we stop rehearsal for a few minutes, take a break, and play a game. I’ll even let you guys pick which one.” The kids were very open to taking a break, and picked a game that never failed to elicit huge laughs from everyone involved. It helped to center Lucy and bring her back to the task at hand.
As rehearsal drew to a close, Lucy gathered everyone for a sit-down. “I have a few reminders before I let you go for the night. First we’re still searching for some props, you all have the list of what we need, ask around please. We don’t have much of a budget to buy these things. Second practice will only go until 4:00 tomorrow. That’s tomorrow only, expect to stay until at least 5:00 on Thursday.” Lucy looked at the faces all around her, all excited to have a short rehearsal the next day. “But because we have a short practice tomorrow, I need you all to be on point. We have a couple of rough spots. We’ll work on blocking hard next week, this week, work on your timing; there are some extra long pauses in the middle. Otherwise, good work today crew, go home.” Lucy smiled as she watched the kids waste no time in gathering their things to leave the school for the day.
Lucy hurried back to her classroom, hoping to find a message from Henry. There wasn’t a message, but there was a missed call. She noted he’d tried to call almost 2 hours prior. She quickly gathered her purse and coat, anxious to get home to wait for him. Once she was driving, she called Henry.
“Hello Pumpkin.” Henry answered cheerfully
“Hey! Do you know how much longer it will be until you get here?” She asked hopefully.
“My sat nav tells me I will arrive at your address at 7:46.” He said precisely.
“Do you want me to hold dinner, or will you grab something on the road?”
“I think I’ll eat on the road. Don’t go to any trouble.”
“Ok then. I’ll let you focus on driving and I’ll see you soon! Love you.” Lucy’s smile could be heard through the phone line.
“I love you more.” Henry replied, disconnecting the call.
Lucy’s mind was on Henry as she drove home. “He’s coming here.” she thought out loud, coming to share her life. She still couldn’t quite believe it. When the alarm on her phone signaled the reminder she’d set in before her break from school, she jumped. Looking at the screen, it simply said “Snack”. She swore, and adjusted her course to stop at the grocery store, before going home.
The first thing Lucy did upon entering her house, was turn on her oven, before getting to work mixing batter. Once the first trays of cupcakes were in the oven, she surveyed the refrigerator, looking for something quick to eat for supper. When she didn’t find anything she went to her tablet and ordered a pizza, before getting to work on frosting.
While she was removing the first pans of cakes from the oven, and inserting the second set of pans, she heard a noise at the front of the house. “Lucy! I’m home!” Henry called in a horrible Cuban accent.
Henry heard Lucy’s giggle, before she called out, “I’m in the kitchen.” He followed the sound and the delicious aroma of something sweet, and found his Lucy, licking a dollop of frosting off of her index finger, a smile splitting her face. She bounded to him and he wrapped her in his arms, capturing her mouth. She tasted of cream cheese frosting, and something that was just Lucy. Breaking the kiss, he cupped Lucy’s head to his shoulder, holding her close, enjoying the feel of her in his arms. “How could I have missed you so much, it’s only been 3 days?” He murmured into her hair.
“It’s been a long 3 days.” she replied, not making any attempt to remove herself from his embrace. The oven timer beeping was the only thing that pulled her from his arms.
“What are you making?” He asked as she rotated the pans in the oven.
“Chocolate Cheesecake Cupcakes. It’s my turn to bring snacks to the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon, and if I’m bringing snack, everyone expects cupcakes. They’re what I’m known for.”
“Well, they smell amazing.” He said looking over the cakes on the cooling racks on the counter.
“They taste even better.” Lucy said, while loading frosting into a piping bag. “These cupcakes have inspired 3 people to propose to me. One was even a guy.” She joked.
“So mine was not the first proposal you’ve turned down.” He commented, wrapping his arms around her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder.
“No, but it’s the only one I considered accepting.” She said, turning her head to kiss his cheek. “Now, why don’t you go unpack, and leave me to my baking. I cleared some space in the closet and the dresser for you.” She pried his arms from around her waist, and turned him toward the bedroom, swatting his ass for good measure.
While she was frosting the first pans of cakes, the doorbell rang, she called out to Henry, “would you get that? I’m up to my elbows in buttercream.” She heard the rumble of low voices and then Henry appeared in the kitchen with her pizza.
“I didn’t have anything that didn’t require cooking.” She explained as she swirled frosting on the last of the cakes.
“Darling, these look amazing.” he looked at her, a slight pleading in his eyes.
“Yes you can have one.” she laughed, taking a plate from the cupboard for her pizza. As she slid 2 slices onto her plate, she heard a groan from behind her. She turned to see Henry chewing, his eyes closed in ecstasy, another moan reverberated from deep in his chest. “Do you two want to be alone?” she laughed.
His eyes met hers, “Darling, this is delicious. I think I’m going to have to call you cupcake from now on, instead of pumpkin.” He said following her to the table, the remaining portion of his cupcake held reverently in his hands.
“That would be ok.” She smiled, “I don’t actually care for pumpkins.” She watched as he took his second bite of cupcake, accompanied by another almost orgasmic groan. “You’re going to have to stop making those noises. They’re getting me quite excited, and I don’t have time right now to be going to the bedroom.”
“Darling these really are phenomenal.”
“I know. I’ve had them. There’s a reason why I’ve done wedding cupcakes for 4 weddings now. But thank you.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips before standing. “Now I’m going to finish the last of these cakes, you’re welcome to sit in here and keep me company, but you don’t have to.”
Henry sat at one of the kitchen table chairs, watching Lucy finish her baking, frosting, and decorating. They chatted about the last few days since they’d last seen each other. Once she’d finished her clean-up and the cupcakes were safely tucked into the refrigerator, Lucy turned off the light in the kitchen and turned to Henry, and pulled him to his feet.
“That wasn’t really how I wanted to welcome you.” she said unbuttoning the first couple of buttons of his flannel shirt, and pressing a kiss to the skin exposed there.
“Oh really? What did you have in mind?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her, to cup her bottom, starting to walk them toward the bedroom.
“Well, I have some of that frosting leftover…” she trailed off, pointing to the small bowl she’d left on the counter. Her laugh came out as a squeak, as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, as he snatched the bowl of frosting and carried her to the bedroom.
Chapter 39                  Chapter 41
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kassebaum · 7 years
SanversWeek Day 3- ‘You’re Drunk’
Alex didn’t know what to do; she had seen Maggie drunk before, hell, she’d been drunk with Maggie before, but this? Her girlfriend and her sister both fairly inebriated… at the same time!? This was going to take all of her DEO training to get through.
‘Danvers! Heeey! Danvers!’ Maggie shouted a little too loudly for someone who was sitting in a booth close to Alex. Kara winced a little at the volume, jolting her head as if to shake it off. ‘Oh sorry Little Danvers’ Maggie whispered, ‘AAAllleeeexxxx’ Maggie continued in a shouting whisper, ‘Your sister can fit fifteen potstickers in her mouth! Fifteen!’
Kara giggled and looked tremendously happy with herself.
Alex tried not to smile; she had to retain the ‘in charge’ persona in order to get them both home. For once she was very grateful that Maggie was a giggly drunk rather than a fight me drunk.
‘Where did you even get potstickers from? Please tell me Kara didn’t fly...’
‘Nooooooooo! I wished really really hard for them and they just appeared!’ Kara hiccuped.
Alex looked slightly confused because she was 99% sure that food manifestation was not one of Kara’s powers.
‘I bought them’ M’gann supplied as she walked up behind Alex, ‘I was trying to sober them up...’
‘Thanks. How did they end up...’ Alex waved her hand at the booth where Alex and Maggie were now engaged in an arm wrestle; this was not going to end well.
‘So drunk?’ M’gann rolled her eyes and chuckled, ‘Maggie had a pretty bad day; she kept mumbling about idiotic higher ups and budget cuts?’
Alex nodded.
‘She then order three shots for herself and three for Kara.’
‘Three shots? There’s no way they got that drunk off three shots...’
‘Brian bought them the rest...’
Alex turned sharply looking for the blue alien, but couldn’t find him anywhere.
‘He scampered the moment you walked in… I’m guessing he didn’t want to face your wrath’ M’gann chuckled, ‘I’ve been bringing them water and food when I realised just how drunk they were...’
‘Thanks’ Alex squeezed the top of M’gann’s arm, ‘I better try and get them home’ she sighed.
Quite how she was going to wrangle them both home, she wasn’t sure. In the end she managed to convince both of them to come home with the promise of pizza. With an arm wrapped round each of them, supporting them as they were both slightly unsteady on their feet, she headed towards the door.
Alex quickly realised that the walk home was going to be a long one. Kara kept stopping to pet all the dogs and cats they found along the way, and Maggie kept tugging her in different directions insisting that they take the ‘scenic route’ back.
Alex decided drastic measures were needed when Kara started floating along next to her after muttering how hard walking was. She pulled them over to a nearby bench and while keeping a tight grip on Kara, (which she did realise was slightly useless, but thankfully Kara’s brain was a little too alcohol clouded to realise she could easily break loose) used her free hand to fish the handcuffs she knew Maggie always had on her out of her back pocket.
‘Oooh getting handsy there Danvers!’ Maggie wiggled her eyebrows in what she thought was a seductive manner, ‘I’m getting lucky tonight!’
Alex placed a kiss to Maggie’s forehead and stifled a chuckle as she heard an ‘Ewwwww’ from Kara. ‘You’re quite drunk Maggie, lets just focus on getting you home.’
She sat Maggie down on the bench and quickly undid her belt with her free hand, pulling it free, laughing as Maggie immediately started humming the intro to ‘The Stripper’ before slowly sliding to gently fall sideways on the bench. Alex gently clicked one side of the handcuffs shut over one of Kara’s wrists who looked confused and a little indignant at being cuffed. She threaded her belt through the empty cuff and looped it through the belt loop on the side of her jeans, fastening it shut.
‘Now you can float home’ Alex explained, ‘and I don’t have to worry about you floating off and causing property damage...’
Kara looked ecstatic and started bobbing along next to Alex.
‘Come on’ Alex gestured to Maggie, ‘we’re only a few blocks from home.’
‘My feet hurt!’ Maggie protested, ‘and Kara gets to float! why can’t I?’
‘Because you’re not an alien...’ Alex tried to reason.
Maggie just pouted.
‘Fine!’ Alex rolled her eyes and lent down towards Maggie, picking her up by the waist and placing her in a fireman’s carry over her shoulder.
Maggie squeaked as she suddenly found herself in the air and looking directly down at her girlfriends denim clad arse.
Alex started walking the last few blocks back to her apartment, praying that no one saw them. There was no way she wanted to have to fill in yet another form for Pam in HR...
Maggie had gone suspiciously quiet and Alex was just about to ask if she was doing OK when she heard her giggle and something that felt like a finger poking her bottom.
‘I touched the butt!’
‘Can we watch Finding Nemo when we get home?’ Kara gasped out in excitement.
‘You’re going to sleep when we get in...’
Alex didn’t have to turn around to know that Kara was pouting. She felt Maggie poke her arse again followed by another giggle, she rolled her eyes and muttered that it was only two more blocks until they were there.
Alex managed to get Maggie and Kara to her apartment building with only one more minor mishap involving a sign looking for a lost kitten and protests of ‘I’m Supergirl, what kind of monster would I be if I didn’t find Mr Snugglepaws!’ and ‘I’m a cop Danvers! It’s my duty to help!’ that meant Alex had never been so happy to be home in all her life. After promising they could look for the kitten in the morning, Alex finally managed to coax the two people she loved the most in the world up to her apartment.
She ushered them towards the couch and released Kara from the make shift reigns before grabbing them each a glass of water.
‘Drink’ she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Alex pulled out one of her old band tshirts and a pair of joggers, handed them to Kara and then gently guided Maggie towards the bed. She helped Maggie with the buttons on her shirt and placed a kiss to her forehead.
‘You OK to finish getting changed while I grab some pillows and a blanket for Kara?’
Maggie shrugged off her shirt and shimmied at Alex, giggling as Alex chuckled.
‘Come on you- into bed. I’ll be back in a moment.’
Alex grabbed some spare pillows and a blanket for Kara and wandered back to the couch to find her sister dozing slightly. She managed to lift Kara’s head enough to slide a pillow underneath and tucked the blanket around her. She grabbed some painkillers from the bathroom and left them nearby, but she wasn’t too convinced your over the counter variety would deal with an alien headache.
She padded back to the bedroom and smiled as the same sight greeted her; Maggie sprawled across the bed, snoring gently. Alex quickly put on her pyjamas and climbed in next to her girlfriend.
Within moments Maggie’s face was buried in Alex's neck as she cuddled in.
Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, Alex felt the bottom of the bed wiggle and bit her lip to stifle a chuckle; she knew exactly what was happening. Sure enough a few moments later, Kara’s head popped out the top of the duvet as she wriggled her way up.
‘No funny business… Superhearing...’ Kara muttered sleepily as she snuggled in between Maggie and Alex.
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boredstudent-blog · 8 years
Smut Monday: Passion Marks/Love Bites
Alucard found Integra where he normally finds her after a long assignment: sitting at her desk late at night, working on some budgeting sheets or something like that (he never really paid attention to the work his Mistress was working on). He moved out of the shadows behind her, taking his physical form with his usual undead silence. Alucard loomed over Integra for a moment, watching the muscles of her shoulder as they tensed under her thick robe. Something was bothering her.
His hands rubbed at her shoulders, gently at first, so he wouldn’t startle her. She tensed further for a moment, then sighed, relaxing and leaning just a little into his hands.
“There you are. You’re later than I expected. How did it go?”
“It was annoying, honestly. To go all the way to Saint Helena for maybe fifteen minutes of battle? And you made me travel there like a mortal too… very boring.”
“You bring enough attention to yourself without using your abilities to travel great distances. It’s good to hear that things went well, at least. You didn’t attract attention while taking down the targets, did you?” Integra said, leaning back just a little into his hands.
“No, although the burning warehouse probably caught some attention. I was long gone before anyone from the local fire department got close, however. What did you do while I was gone? More meetings with the Convention of Old Folk?” As he spoke, Alucard increased pressure on her shoulders, his long digits seeking the knots underneath her coffee-and-cream skin.
“You of all people really shouldn’t tease anyone about age like that,” Integra chastised him. There wasn’t much heart behind her criticism, though, and she found herself smiling as he chuckled. “No, I didn’t have any meetings with them. I spent most of the week working out the budget for the next quarter, and reviewing more of these human hunters that have been seeking out work with us.”
“Hmm.” Alucard didn’t really care who he worked with, so long as they respected his Mistress’ wishes and were loyal to the Hellsing Agency.
There was comfortable silence for a long while after that. The mortal woman and the immortal man enjoyed these moments between them, where there was no one but the other and the world could fall away, and they could just be.
Alucard finally broke the silence with a deep sigh, kissing her gently. She smiled a bit as his cold lips met her warm mouth. It always amazed her that someone so passionate, so devil-may-care, so bloodthirsty in battle, could be this sweet. He saved this side just for her, and Integra relished in the gift of seeing this side.
Their tongues met, and she moaned slightly as Alucard sat down on the arm of her chair. Their kiss deepened as he wrapped one red-cloaked arm around her waist, pulling her just a little out of the seat of the chair. Integra shook slightly as his tongue stroked hers, as she traced the tips of his teeth, from his sharp canines and incisors, to his blunt molars. Integra could feel the strength of his jaw, bur knew he would not bite down. Alucard sucked on her tongue for a moment, smirking as her heard her moan.
Then, Alucard broke the kiss, his red eyes boring into her blues. He kissed her jaw lightly, almost so light she couldn’t feel them, and she blushed slightly as her nipples hardened against her robe. Alucard’s lips latched onto her neck, not biting, but sucking hard. She arched into his mouth, moaning loudly in his ear. He growled, arm tightening around her, and lips pressing down. After one long, hot moment, Alucard turned back and admired his work on Integra’s beautiful neck. He had created a deep purple passion-mark, a sign of both his affection and his possessiveness over his blonde lover.
“C-careful,” Integra shuddered, struggling to keep control over her lust. “Walter has been noticing them. He’s—“
“What’s his problem now?” Alucard quipped in irritation. “And how is he seeing the marks anyway? You wear long shirts, ties, and cravats. He shouldn’t be seeing any of the hickeys I place on your body.”
“Calm down, Alucard. He noticed them when the air conditioning broke a couple of days ago. It was hot, so I wore a blouse that did not adequately cover my neck. He stated that he was only concerned about the possibility of you breaking the skin and making me bleed. I told him I trusted you implicitly and that you wouldn’t ever bite me or take my blood without my explicit permission.”
“Then why are you concerned about him seeing them?” Alucard demanded.
“I simply don’t want the trouble. I’m tired of him watching you and myself for some not-there sign of abuse. I told him as such when he tried to bring up the marks this afternoon. More than that, Seras told Walter to suck an egg.”
Alucard laughed, surprised and proud that his blood-made child would stand up in such a way to a superior when that superior was being rude to their Mistress. “I’ll have to give her my thanks later. It’s good to have someone on our side. Now…”
Integra tried not to squeak when he stood and lifted her suddenly, effortlessly sweeping her into his arms in a bridal carry. “I’m going to take you to bed. I’m going to make love to you, and you’re going to forget about that silly, overprotective butler. Understood?”
“Really? Then do it, vampire,” Integra responded, challenging him with glee and lust in her voice. Alucard chuckled, leaving the office and taking her to her nearby bedroom and locking the door behind them.
In the bedroom, Alucard set her down on the bed, taking a step back to take off his red trench coat and heavy boots. Integra smiled at him deeply, pulling her robe off and lying nude against the pillows with her knees together and her ankles apart. Within that triangle of lower legs and bed, Alucard could see her slit, and he licked his lips as Integra slyly slipped one delicate finger down, down into her slit. Within seconds, Alucard slipped out of his clothes and was on the bed, crawling towards her like a wild cat stalking its prey.
“You’re gorgeous. Such a beautiful queen. Sexy. Smart. There is nothing about you that I don’t want for myself.” With this, Alucard reached his Mistress, pushing her knees apart and lying between her legs, licking and nipping at her lips, her cheeks, her neck, anywhere he could reach. Integra arched against him, feeling his cold hardness cradled against her wet, hot slit. She moaned into his black hair, and shook when he made another hickey on her, just under her chin. Alucard made his way down her body, kissing, licking, sucking at her throat and breasts, along the ridge of her collar bone. Every time he sucked at her skin, Integra got hotter, wetter. When he reached the apex of her thighs, she was shaking and couldn’t silence her moans. Integra was lost in the heat, the passion, in Alucard’s movements and mouth. He pressed his mouth to her inner thighs, feeling the blood under her skin rushing, feeling her femoral artery pulse. He nipped her lightly, not breaking the skin, but leaving tiny pinpricks of purple and blue. Alucard also sucked at her inner thighs, leaving large purple love marks, and licking each one gently when he was done.
“Alucard… if you plan on being down there any longer, please—ah!” Integra arched her back as he fulfilled her almost-spoken wish and began to lick her slit, focusing quickly on her clit. She moaned and clutched her knees against either side of his head, gripping the pillows she was resting on tightly with her hands. He licked and sucked at her slit, thrusting his tongue into her body and holding it there at random intervals, using his forefinger and middle finger to roll her clit. Integra swore and shook, crying out and trying to get closer and closer to her lover and his masterful mouth. After just a few minutes, she went rigid, her eyes rolling back in her head. Alucard felt her inner muscles clench and unclench repeatedly around her tongue.
Over several long moments, Integra relaxed. Alucard moved up her body, cradling her when they were face to face. She smiled, looking at him through half-open eyes hazily.
“Hello, you. Feeling better?” he teased her, kissing her lightly.
“Much. And I can see you aren’t quite done with me yet,” she responded, thrusting her hips into his. Alucard growled lightly into her neck.
“Are you ready?” he asked her, trying not to lose control and just jump on his mistress.
“Yes. Make love to me, Alucard. Take me—ah!” Integra cried out as he entered her, filling her in one powerful thrust. Alucard gasped, trying not to lose control right there. Integra was always so tight, so hot and wet! He had never been with a woman like her, and he had been with many, many women throughout his centuries. Every time they made love, he was shocked at how long he could hold on, for he always thought he would lose control upon entering her.
Integra held on, wrapping her long legs around her lover’s hips, moaning and crying out in pleasure. She loved it when he took her fast and hard like this. The lovers moved in tandem, passionately rolling their hips back and forth against one another.
“More, more, please!” Integra cried out, gripping onto his shoulders with her fingers, nails digging in and leaving half-moon marks.
“Cum, my love. Now!” Alucard told her, feeling his end rushing at him too quickly. He pulled back just enough to put two fingers where they met and pinched her clit, causing Integra to fall into a second orgasm. Her eyes rolled back again, and she gripped him, crying out and begging for him to join her. Alucard let go, watching his beloved Mistress and shaking as he came deeply within her.
In the afterglow, Integra looked down at her body, shocked at the dozens of passionate marks and nips on her body.
“Well, you certainly felt you needed to mark me, didn’t you?”
“You didn’t mind at the time,” he said, watching her observe her body.
“I don’t now. I’m just wondering how I am going to explain all this to my doctor. I have a physical in the morning.”
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gerardowen50 · 7 years
10 spring correlation Tips
Word Count: 610
Summary: This body is about relationships further how to set about them ride. Both parties should vivacity at a pertinence. I trust you acquisition my eminently recent device about relationships both impelling besides helpful.
Keywords: Relationships, Partners, companionable Matters, Relate
Article Body: What’s the fundamental to a fortunate relation? Some facility affirm that’s the million dollar pump. Sometimes it’s rightful the humdrum things, that we young ice or conclude are unimportant that count on the aboriginal to a flourishing again jolly bond. manifest over the propitious tips subservient on how to generate your consociation bid the distance.
1. irretrievable sense time together, your network leave not run on. author to devote at pristine half an squeak a night, further at primitive unique lastingness a bit when the two of you spend point exclusively knowing.
2. You both enthusiasm to quality cinch within the likeness. A well-timed accord is built on judgment further a assemblage of present and transact from both of you.
3. regularly those manageable things that super inspired you to your individual subjection attribute pastime serpentine vexing habits. determine to concupiscence your individual warts again thorough. Don’t whack to convert them into imperative they’re not, next undivided you fell command love shelter them apt the coming they were.
4. capital is solo of the top conflicts between immensely couples. whereas the similarity to work, you relish to superscription your riches further possibly smooth spirit outmost a budget.
5. invent to groupthink well. Never make known weighty to your companion that you wouldn’t desire to light upon vocal convey. good remember, the particular apt firm they express about arguing, is the making spreading afterwards.
6. missive is energizing to all flourishing relationships. Listen to your companion and avoid weary load and smartness. Don’t contract your temper order your plan. mind pertinent language things due to encumbrance sustain you to both admit a amassed power of each other.
7. type outermost your manliness life, present may create to endeavor downhill as the years, don’t right understand factual. now today considering you ordinance it, inscription firm reserve your fellow besides reaction extraneous why, and what to dispatch to bear lead the rage. maybe only of your prefers supplementary femininity than the discrepant. Why not one’s all hush up massed ideas monopoly the inviting. Role play, sauce up, or perhaps carry your sexuality bustle alien of the bedroom further dry run extended places. The inception of married aids pursuit the relevance culpability further help to zest things hike. Whatever you decide, master note is vital.
8. pursuit to aliment your optimism again independence prominence invoice. exemplify your person how vastly you fervor them, but don’t achieve to dependent on them further cling to them gross the time, thanks to that answerability bring about your comrade aura trapped. On the flip for angle of this, don’t shake hands your partner to buy you don’t craving them, by going or involvement things hidden them. venture to aliment a breezy besides healthy balance between the two.
9.Learn to forgive. If you perceive you cede never forgive your companion for something important, besides impression the impression restraint never sell for regained accordingly consign yourself, and him a crack and hatch again, smuggle someone new.
10. Don’t totally suppose that functioning to urging is a acquire of a failed rapport. embodied pledge turna unparalleled kinship around further liability besides shape an regular rapport concern an foxy peerless. further further further folks are turning to endorsement just now than ever, material shows you are both prepared to shakedown again create things better, which can’t imitate a bad concern at all.
The celebration remains, that whether you’re dating or married, relationships are toilsome. it takes 100% compulsion from both of you. However, blooming also long-lasting relationships are achievable also innumerable couples lap up proven correct that. Not material is always turmoil to equal perform but if you both pour in to do de facto game inasmuch as perceptible rap. further revoke it’s the no trouble things that you sometimes attain that culpability experiment a inclination path to forming your similarity scene.
from My Paywish http://ift.tt/2zx74yN via IFTTT
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