#it's absolutetly horrible
cheekblush · 1 year
i’ve been sitting in front of my chemistry notes for 3 hours crying because i just can’t retain any information
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
Well, if there's one thing we know about Elizabert, it's that she absolutetly LOVES her wife. Girlfriend. i dont know if you two are married or not.. Floofty, you do too, so this can't go horribly, at least!
We're not married! .. Yet-
But, even if we were, I personally think something like this would be a great idea!-
.... Hmh...- True, true...
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kyokiiro · 6 months
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jordannxbbs · 3 years
another rant but this one is over the place: overall opinions on FA cup final (3-0 to chelsea)
starting xi:
overall: beyond me why jonas thought this was a half decent idea. it was practically the same starting xi as the barcelona and spurs games (with the exception of leah) and those have been the only major disappointments so far aside from today. 
backline: i know we are short (ie we have less) on defensive players compared to our attacking side especially in the centre half department however we do have enough midfielders to fill a small army, it wouldn’t hurt to drop our swiss princess to the backline until leah’s return (which i am absolutely gagging for, would definitely be alright with that as my christmas gift). i think lia would’ve made a difference instead of having lotte and jen as our cb pairing. as i said earlier, i think a possible simone and lia pairing on our backline is something to be explored next weekend (were playing leicester city and they have zero points) when if it goes horribly wrong, our midfield will take care of it (hopefully). still struggling to understand the concept of putting katie on the wing, i found she dropped down to defensively sometimes and then wasnt in the right places for our rare and shortlived attacking spells (wasnt actually there, might of been the angle of the bbc coverage). i find steph does not work for games like todays, especially when we are getting slaughtered like lambs, however she was the best defender out of a bad bunch today, especially after coming back from aus, girlboss. tbh, had real problems with noelle too, below her normal but better then cbs. wont get into lotte and jen to much because i am anticapating this to be very long and i could write an essay on it maybe when i have recovered from today a little better. only thing ill say is when chelsea our in on goal, i know there trying to not pick up fouls in the box for potential penaltys, but you also cant stand five feet away from them and expect them not to score. were not in five feet apart huns. all in all, we looked like gb in ww1 up until 1917, where we would just run out onto no mans land and think its a good idea. we let the chelsea attacking tanks absolutetly flatten us (im utilising my 9 in history im not drunk, high or going mad).
midfield: lots of opinions on this too. the latest victim of jonas eidevall - jordan nobbs. honestly i noticed jonas mention the lack of completed passes we managed today, well why not use our queen of 2-1s miss jordan then. he made a conscious decision to not bring her on and i honestly think she’ll be considering other options after today. i think lots of clubs in europe could really benefit from her. i think to make up for today, jonas better start her for every other game this year (being dramatic) because her non existent goal count this season is a reflection of jonas and jonas only. shes a class player and will be vital in december my ass. it is december and we know shes class. felt like only kim was there tbh in the first half, i liked lias nails though so bonus points? not much else other than mana should have started, would have done a mana, kim, frida and then jordan in for frida at half time. 
frontline: no complaints since nothing really to complaint about. felt beth really tried to make a difference and felt bad that nothing was going her way. felt all katie did was foul people, ngl would it be a real game without katie getting a yellow; no. i know there wasnt much to work with, but where was viv. i think its the new hair its giving us bad luck, her only real moment for me was that 20 yard out shot that was wide and high.
jonas: thought he would revoloutionising for us this season, honestly i think from what ive seen on here today, none of us are to fond of him. needs to seriously rethink how hes going to see this year out.
maybe, next time were in a fa cup final lets focus on tactics and not making paint xoxo
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yuquiitas · 3 years
Oh i just know the blackbeard/stede playlists are absolutetly horrible, no shanties or classical whatsoever
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critroleantics · 4 years
So I’ve been reading a lot of eldritch horror recently and listen, FUCK H.P Lovecraft, he is an absolutetly horrible human being and I hope he is filled with immense anger over me, a raging homosexual, enjoying his work
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