#it's all over my dash because... Jensen Ackles looking like THAT. obviously
distort-opia · 2 years
Hi :) I feel, as a big Bat-comic fan, you probably watched a lot of DC shows and cartoons (or at least Batman related). Do you watch superhero productions not DC related? If I remember correctly, you once mentioned Loki.
Currently? Not... really. I didn't even finish Loki, only got to episode 2 or 3, because it went entirely downhill from there, characterization-wise. For me, both Thor and Loki as characters are not the same ever since Ragnarok. Which I am bitter about, because I used to love Loki a lot.
But this makes it obvious I have watched Marvel stuff, besides DC :)) I haven't kept up with all their TV series, but from the more recent ones, I did like WandaVision (minus the finale, I am still pissed off about it) and Moon Knight. God, really loved Moon Knight, fully recommend it. I liked Jessica Jones too, and the first season of Daredevil. But, in general, I've gotten just as disillusioned with Marvel as everyone else on this webbed site, so I've long stopped actively following their stuff. That being said... I have seen (checks letterboxd list) 82% of all existing Marvel movies, apparently. Sigh. I even watched Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, which had the sole redeeming qualities of camp horror and seeing Wanda go feral (because ohoho, that cameo from Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier made me so mad; it was utilized in the dumbest, most OOC way). But I'm certainly not planning on going to watch any other Marvel movie very soon. Maybe pirating one, but not paying for it.
X-Men though! I've watched both the original and the newer movies, plus the X-Men animated series from the 90's and X-Men: Evolution (which is great). If I haven't been insane about it enough on this blog, I must say I love Michael Fassbender as Magneto and James McAvoy as Professor X. X-Men: First Class is pretty much a friends-to-lovers-to-enemies fever dream with extra found family on the side. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Then, Days of Future Past I also stand by, but Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are horrid.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
By My Side (Part 6)
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Summary: The reader and Jensen discuss their relationship moving forward while Jensen learns more about the reader’s family situation. He still has a bad feeling about something though and his gut may prove to be right...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Word Count: 5,700ish
Warnings: language, angst, mention of prior suicide attempt, minor violence
A/N: Enjoy!
You woke up to Jensen bundled up in bed, covers tugged to his chin as he sleepily watched you stretching in bed. You giggled at him and his bed head, rolling closer and kissing him good morning.
“That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” you said.
“Obviously you don’t look at the mirror much,” he said. You smiled and he reached his arm under the covers, putting a hand on your waist. You scooted over, Jensen blinking slowly. “We need to talk about this.”
“Talk about what?” you asked. He bopped your nose and you smiled, tucking down into the sheets. 
“Do you want a relationship?” he asked.
“Do you?”
“It would make my job...difficult.”
“Not impossible. Just difficult.”
“Is it any more difficult than it was? I mean honestly. What’ll have changed? You still keep me safe and I still hide and run if you say so.”
“That part hasn’t changed. But there is something that has. A wildcard factor. Wildcard factors aren’t great in this job.”
“What’s a wildcard?”
“In a dangerous situation, if we were in a relationship, there’s the potential that you would do something to put yourself in harm’s way to protect me.”
“If that happened, regardless of us being in a relationship, if your ass is on the line, I can’t guarantee I do as told.”
“I don’t like that answer.”
“Jensen, if we do this, you need to trust me. I will do what you tell me when it comes to threats but I can’t say for sure that I won’t try to help you if I can.”
“So if it comes down to it, you’ll do whatever you want in the end.”
“If when I’m in bodyguard mode, you do what I say...I will learn to be okay with that very small possibility.”
“Good choice,” you said. You slid a hand around his back and traced up and down his spine, feeling a thin line raised on the skin. “What happened there?”
“Not advised to jump from of a speeding vehicle,” he said. You raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. “I was four wheeling once. Went off trail accidentally. Had to ditch my ride in a hurry. A bit of gravel-”
“Liar,” you said quietly. You smiled and he looked over your head.
“How’d you know?”
“I’m pretty good at knowing when people are acting,” you said. “You get it in combat?”
“Shrapnel got my vest.”
“You’re still lying.”
“It’s not pleasant. I’d rather not...scare you.”
“You don’t scare me,” you said.
“I was held captive once. Very, very briefly. I got a little beat up,” he said. 
“You?” you asked, Jensen nodding, sliding his hand up and playing with the end of your hair. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want.”
“Thanks. I don’t like to talk about that stuff a lot,” he said. 
“If you ever change your mind, I’m a good listener,” you said.
“Thanks,” he said. “You like scrambled eggs?”
“Who doesn’t?” you asked. He smirked and kissed your cheek before he popped out of bed. 
“Well I’m about to blow your mind with the Ackles special,” he said. He walked around the bed and picked up his underwear, turning when he noticed you watching him. You looked him up and down, Jensen laughing to himself. “I saw you checking me out when I was swimming you know.”
You groaned and pulled the sheets over your head. He moved around for a moment and you felt the sheets come down, Jensen leaning over you.
“I had to tease a bit, make sure things were mutual,” he said. 
“Of course you did.” You stretched and yawned, closing your eyes.
“Doing anything fun with your family today?”
“Shopping with my mom will be fun. I’m not the biggest shopper but she likes it. We’ll get lunch, hit a few stores, get a massage after. I think Chuck and the guys are going looking at houses for the boys. Sounds like they might get a place together again.”
“Would you like your brothers to live closer?” he asked. You sat up and held the covers to your chest, Jensen handing you his shirt. You pulled it on over yourself, shrugging as you sat on your knees. “Why do you interact with them if you don’t like them?”
“How long have your parents been married?”
“All my life. Before that,” he said.
“No step siblings, half siblings?”
“My brother and sister share the same parents I do,” he said. “I don’t quite know what it’s like to live in a family like that I guess.”
“My mom went to a very dark place after my dad died. I didn’t know how to fix it. Chuck made her laugh for the first time in six months. He made her smile. He helped her and she helped him too. His wife died earlier on that year. He made her so happy, makes her so happy. I will put up with a few mean step-brothers to never see her go to that place again.”
“I would understand if they resented your mom but it’s you it seems they don’t like.”
“I was the youngest by quite a bit. Chuck would spend time with me. I think the boys were jealous and they probably could have done with more time with their father back then. They’d lost their mom that year too. But I needed him, mom needed him, he was mourning himself...he did the best job he could considering how fucked up we all were. They’re both successful. I just don’t think they liked having a little sister honestly.”
“Sucks for them. Little sisters are cool,” he said with a smile. “My big brother loves to mess with me but he doesn’t treat me the way those two do.”
“Well, even if they move here, I don’t have to hang out with them,” you said. You crawled into his lap and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “I heard someone’s a little cocky about their scrambled eggs.”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know,” he said. He stood up with you before letting you get your feet under you. You pulled on your underwear and followed him downstairs, whistling as you took in his backside. “Y/N…”
“My bodyguard is hot and he should know it,” you said. He shook his head and headed into the kitchen humming to himself as he started to make up some breakfast for the two of you. The doorbell rang and you groaned. “I bet that’s my mom, early as always. I’ll get her out of here.”
“You don’t have to,” he said.
“I plan on doing things to you after breakfast and I do not want her around for that,” you said. He laughed as you padded down the hall and to the front door. You cracked it open a smidge and saw a man in a suit standing there, his back to you. He spun around with a smile and you nodded. “Oh, hi Jake.”
“Good morning!” he said. “I apologize for being late this morning, my car-”
“The meeting,” you said, slapping yourself in the face. “I totally blanked on it.”
“That’s alright. Is now a good time?” he asked. You looked down at yourself and peeked back around the door. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah! It’s perfect, all perfect,” you said.
“You’re not...are you sure-” he said before Jensen was suddenly stepping into view and pushing you behind the door. “Good morning, Mr. Ackles. You uh, appear to be missing most of your clothes.”
“It seems I am,” said Jensen. “Ms. Y/L/N is very well. She would like to reschedule for ten am if that’s possible.”
“Uh…” he said before you rolled your eyes and opened the door all the way. You stared at him and he looked between you both. “Oh. Gotcha. You two…”
“Mhm,” hummed Jensen, crossing his arms.
“Jake would you mind setting up in my office? It’s just down the hall. Jensen and I were about to eat breakfast. We’ll only be fifteen or so minutes,” you said. He stepped inside and you pointed the way, Jensen pouting as you headed back into the kitchen. “Oh, I’m still gonna do things to you. Just tonight, pouty boy.”
“Alright. You told me David was going to be your manager I thought,” he said, going back to the fridge to get the eggs.
“Well I went with Jake. Is that a problem?
“No. I need to be made aware of decisions like that though. I’m going to have to work with him quite a bit for events, your work schedule, that stuff,” he said. 
“I thought you’d be happy. You said you liked him.”
“I do. I am happy. I’m just not happy that you didn’t tell me.”
“He’s been my manager for like a day, calm down,” you said. He put his hands on the counter and you saw him drop his head, his back to you. “Jensen, no evil person is out there looking to snatch me away the second you turn your head. It was one day.”
“In the future, please make me aware of staff changes when they happen?” he asked. He looked back at you, his face softer than you were expecting.
“Okay,” you said. While he whisked some eggs in a bowl, you walked over beside him, watching over his arm. “Looks good.”
“I haven’t even done anything yet,” he chuckled. You rested your head against his arm, Jensen adding in some spices to the mixture. You scooted up on the counter as he went to the stove, watching him scramble them on low, pouring in a dash of cream.
“Can I ask why the Jake thing bothered you?” you said quietly. He scrambled the eggs for a minute before sliding them onto a few plates.
“Because I have a bad feeling that there is someone out there that wants to hurt you and I have nothing to go off of besides a gut feeling and trusting that you’ll be honest with me, always. You didn’t do anything. I overreacted.”
He got out a pair of forks from the drawer, handing you one along with a plate.
“Your gut feelings are normally right?” you asked, taking a bite of the eggs.
“Normally. They were at the restaurant,” he said. You nodded, putting a hand on your arm where a barely there bruise was. “I’m sorry if I hurt you that night.”
“I get hurt worse walking into a wall cause I’m dumb. You had me on the ground before I even knew what was going on and stopped that guy from doing who knows what to everyone. I’m not sorry about that.” He was quiet but gave you a nod. “Your eggs are great. Permission to brag granted.”
“Thanks,” he said, the doorbell ringing again. “I better get dressed. We’re gonna talk about getting a gate at the end of the driveway too by the way.”
“I second that,” you said as you heard the front door open. “Oh my God, my mother, just walks wherever she wants.”
He took off upstairs, ducking down the hall just as she walked into the kitchen.
“Hi mom,” you said. “You are...three hours early.”
“I know, you have work things. I wanted to make you some food you can have for leftovers the next few days. You have hardly any food in your house,” she said.
“Ma, I can barely cook and most of the time, I don’t have the actual time,” you said. She rolled her eyes and you hopped off the counter.
“Well I’m here so might as well,” she said. You glanced up to the balcony and saw Jensen pop into view wearing some jeans and a long sleeve henley. His holster was clipped on under his shirt and you smiled as he came down. “Oh, good morning, Jensen.”
“Mrs. Y/L/N,” he said.
“Any particular reason my daughter is wearing your shirt and no pants?”
“Uh,” he said, opening his mouth when she made a face.
“Two plates of eggs? You think I was born yesterday?”
“No mam. Your observational skills are impressive,” he said. 
“Mom, could you lay off. We like, just started dating,” you said.
“Can you cook?” she asked him.
“A bit,” he said.
“Bodyguard, he can cook and he’s handsome. He’s fine by me,” she said. You put your head in your hands, your mom whacking your shoulder. “You’re so overdramatic. Now get out of my kitchen. We’ll get lunch and shop later. I assume Jensen is coming with us?”
“I would love to spend the day with you ladies but I trust you two will be okay on your own. I’d like to go over some things with Y/N’s new manager if Y/N’s okay with that,” said Jensen.
“You will join us for dinner though, won’t you? We’re going out with Chuck and the boys. Our treat,” she said.
“Mom,” you said, getting a look from her. “Jensen always goes out with me at night, that’s our rule. I’ll pay for his meal.”
“But we’re taking you kids-”
“He is my employee. You don’t-”
“He’s your boyfriend who happens to work for you. I’m paying for his dinner, alright?” she said. You held up your hands and padded out of the kitchen, Jensen following you upstairs. 
“I’m sorry about her,” you said back in your bedroom as you started to pick up last night’s clothes. “She’s-”
“She misses her daughter. She’s happy I’m here. It helps her sleep better at night,” he said. “Told me herself.”
“I love her. I love her to death but I was a kid when my dad died. I know it was hard for her but for six months, until she met Chuck, she acted like I didn’t exist. She likes to forget that sometimes.”
“People grieve differently,” he said. “Still, it wasn’t on you to do that.”
He took the dirty clothes from your hand and cupped your cheek, kissing your temple quickly. 
“Don’t know how anyone could not notice you. Good thing I get paid to stare at you all day,” he smirked. You lightly smacked his chest, Jensen giggling. “As much as it pains me to say it, get that tush dressed. We’ve got a very long meeting with your manager this morning.”
That Afternoon
“What about this one?” asked your mom, holding up a dress.
“You know I hate award shows,” you said.
“I mean for tonight. Or a date with Jensen sometime,” she said. You did your best to keep your face neutral but she caught the slight down turn of your lips. She slammed the dress back on the rack and put her hands on her hips. “What? All morning you have been short with me.”
“Mom I just started dating him like half an hour before you got to the house. You are going way too fast. I have dresses and I honestly wasn’t even going to say anything until it got more serious.”
“You pay him to protect your life. How much serious does it need to get?” she asked. You rolled your eyes and she made a face. “You barely pick up the phone and talk to me anymore.”
“Cause you changed after dad and not in a good way. For a little while, I lost both my parents. Even after Chuck, you two were so involved with each other you didn’t spend as much time as me as you did before dad died. When I was a teenager, when I really needed my mom, you weren’t there all the time. I’m sorry I grew up to be independent. But-”
“Do you think I don’t realize that? I know I made mistakes,” she said. She sighed and took a seat on a bench outside a waiting room. “I just want you to be happy and Jensen...I haven’t seen a smile on your face like that since before Brian died. He makes you happy, even when you two looked so annoyed with one another earlier in the week, he would stare and you would stare. I feel good about this one. I just want you to enjoy falling in love, if you do end up going that route with him.”
You sat down next to her and shrugged, crossing your arms. You leaned back against the wall and rubbed your sneaker against the floor.
“How do you know that’s your guy,” you asked quietly. “I mean, you’ve done it twice. How do you know?”
“It was different with Chuck. I was slower to admit to myself that I was in love with him. Your father was very quickly. I didn’t share that information with him until much later but I knew, a part of me, the part you don’t justify with logic or facts or details, that part always knew. It knew with them both. Nowhere does it say you only have to have one soulmate. I know you don’t want to hear that but I love them both equally, Y/N.”
“Mom, I love Chuck. It’s not the same as dad but I do. He makes you happy and he tries to be a dad to me but he gives me the space I need too. I’m happy you have him. I’m happy we both do.”
“Why do ask how you know the man you’re with is the one?” she asked. “Or are you asking because that part you can’t explain already told you something you’re not even willing to think yet.”
“I was curious was all,” you said as you stood.
“You’re a horrible actor,” she said. You pushed on her shoulder and she laughed. “Fine, fine. No more boy talk. Let’s try another store. I’m at the very least not letting you walk out of this mall without a new pair of heels.”
Later That Night
“Y/N?” asked Jensen outside your bedroom as he knocked on the door. You checked the back of your fancy bun one last time in the mirror before you walked out and into the room.
“One sec,” you said, bending down and putting on the five inch heels, zipping them up in the back. After a moment of looking yourself over in the mirror in a sleek, mostly backless black dress, you opened up the door. Jensen was in a tailored black suit with a deep navy tie. “You look-”
“Wow,” he said, looking you up and down. “You look so fancy.”
“Fancy?” you laughed. “Is this because you hardly ever catch me out of my sweats?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the sweats and the leggings. I love all of it,” he said. 
“You look very handsome,” you said, skirting past him and hearing a quiet whistle. “Knew you’d appreciate that.”
“Damn right I do,” he said as he caught up. “Ready to head out?”
“After you.”
“That’s great you guys found a house,” you said an hour later at the restaurant, mouth full of some cheese fries. Nick rolled his eyes at you and you licked your lips. “Wha? I’m hungry.”
“Actually it’s for mom and me,” said Chuck. You raised an eyebrow and he smiled. “I’m a writer so I can work from anywhere and your mom got offered a great position at a clinic here.”
“That’s great guys. I’d love to get to see you more,” you said. You looked at Michael and he had a curious smile on his face. “Did you get a house too?”
“Penthouse apartment hopefully. We’re looking at some tomorrow. Gonna be on my own for the first time. Nick and I talked and he’s not sure if he really wants to move out here yet. We decided we’d see what it’s like living apart for the first time,” he said. 
“Worst case I can always get a professor job at one of the colleges if I change my mind while I try to get into a school district,” said Nick while he played with the remnants of some crust on his plate. 
“You’ll come eventually,” said Chuck. “Get everyone living in the same timezone again. It’ll be good.”
“So are you two like a thing now?” asked Michael to you, looking as innocent as could be while he hid his shit eating grin.
“Yes,” you deadpanned. Jensen looked up from his salad but you went back to eating. For the most part the evening was what you were expecting. Your step-brothers acting oh so pleasant in front of your parents and Jensen getting a few questions about his job. You did smile though when Jensen was able to upstage Michael about some law usage. You were pretty sure even Michael was impressed with him at that point.
“That went well,” said Jensen an hour later after you’d parted ways with your family and were walking back to your car. “Michael’s growing on me. He seemed better tonight. Nick not so much.”
“I’m actually really proud of him for getting his own place. I get that they’re twins but they’re in their thirties. Neither one of them has had a girlfriend in years.”
“Michael’s like a workaholic though,” said Jensen, holding your hand when you walked past a guy in a jacket with his hood up.
“True. Maybe he’ll cut back some out here.”
“How do you think Nick will handle that?” he asked. You stopped walking and pulled out your phone. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t particularly like Nick most of the time, don’t get me wrong. But he might do something stupid,” you said as you dialed your brother. It rang a few times before he answered.
“Yeah?” he said.
“Hey Nick. You want to come over tomorrow while Michael apartment hunts?”
“Uh, sure,” he said and you knew he must have been around your parents still.
“Great. Come over around noon. We’ll have lunch and a swim or something.”
“Okay. See ya.”
You shook your head before you were walking again, Jensen bumping your shoulder.
“Something I need to know about?” he asked.
“The file you did on Nick, what’d you find.”
“Arrest record for when he was young. A few drunk and disorderlies, nothing Michael couldn’t ever get cleared up for him. Hospital stay for a few days in his twenties when he fell down some wet stairs. I’m going to go ahead and guess out of all of that he didn’t fall, did he.”
“No,” you said as you stopped outside your car.
“What happened?”
“I came home from school early and Nick had tried to kill himself,” you said. Jensen blinked a few times and you let out a dry laugh. “It’s hard to surprise you but I think that took the cake.”
“You need to tell me everything.”
“Because he’s a threat to you. You can’t see it but I can. He doesn’t like you and if he’s tried that before, it means-”
“Can we talk about this at home?” you said when you saw someone down the street recognize you. He nodded and they wandered up, asking for a few pictures. You posed and put on a smile, Jensen watching careful with a hard look in his eye.
“Woah, woah,” said Jensen half an hour later as you sat in the family room at one end of the couch in some sweats and an oversized tee, Jensen sporting a similar look but wearing the hoodie you’d given him. He had a notebook by his side but he’d put it on the coffee table in favor of throwing his hands up. “He tried to do it in your bedroom? He left a note on your bed?”
“My closet,” you said. “My closet had attic access so he’d tied a rope up on a beam. He had just kicked the chair away when I walked in. I was skipping last period. Senior year and all.”
“What’d you do?”
“It was very obvious that Nick knew he’d made a mistake. I grabbed him and held him up as best I could until he could untie himself. He fell down pretty hard cause I couldn’t hold him anymore and landed on all the junk lying on my closet floor. He told me we were gonna lie and say he fell down some stairs to account for all the bruises.”
“Why’d you help him lie?”
“Cause I thought he tried to kill himself because of me. I thought he hated me that much. He was in my bedroom after all,” you said.
“You read the note?”
“I need to know, Y/N.”
“Because my job is to protect you from threats. If your step-brother doesn’t like you and now his whole family is moving away from him to be closer to you, depending on a lot of things, this could get messy.”
“Did you read it?” he asked.
“And?” For a moment you looked past him and outside, Jensen’s foot nudging yours. “I’m sorry but I gotta know.”
“He felt like a failure. He was in the car with his mom when she died. He saw how well Michael did and I did and he felt distant from his dad and he felt like his life was crumbling around him and honestly, he wanted to go be with his mom again. He felt like he didn’t belong. I fucking bawled reading it.”
“You guys ever talk about it or was it over like that?”
“I slapped him in the face and told him he was pathetic. His mom, my dad, they didn’t get a choice to live or die. I was so angry at him. He apologized and he promised me that if he ever felt like that again, he’d tell me. A few years later, he came to me and thought he might do something stupid.”
“His teaching sabbatical he went on.”
“He got some professional help. I paid for it all. He stayed out here, nearby. I visited him everyday on the way into work. He got better. He learned a lot about himself, how to cope, how to deal with things in his life. He still sees a therapist every week I pay for on the down low.”
“He’s no threat to you.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because he loves you and you love him, even if you don’t like one another or act like you care. If something bad were to happen, he would help you and you’re gonna do it right back.”
“How do-”
“Because your step-brothers who are assholes to you at times, they wanted to ensure that I would protect you when I first met them. I think it’s finally all clicking into place,” he said. “Hence why you never say a word about their behavior to your mom.”
“I will take prickly siblings over dead ones, even if I didn’t pick them,” you said.
“Are you worried Nick will take a bad turn with everyone else moving here?”
“I don’t know. I know he associates this place with bad memories, some of his darkest memories. I don’t blame him for not wanting to live here,” you said. Jensen nodded and ran his thumb over his lips. He propped his elbow on the back of the couch, resting his head in it.
“I’ve always thought you were kind. But helping your brother like that, in secret when I’m sure you want to tell your family, that’s not easy.”
“Yes, it is. There was never really a decision to be made though. The only one was to tell my parents and Michael and as long as Nick is honest with me, I will keep his secrets from them.”
“You’re more loyal than some of the people I served with,” he said, looking out the back windows. “It’s only an easy decision if you’re a good person. I wish I’d worked with more of those.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked. He smiled and ruffled his hair, frowning after a moment.
“Jared saved my life you know. After I healed up, I transferred to his unit.”
“He’s a good guy to call your friend,” you said. He hummed and you crawled over to him, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m glad we’re finally friends.”
“Me too,” he said. He pulled you into his lap and rested his head on your shoulder. Your fingers ran through his hair, eyes drawn down to how his back flexed and relaxed. “Sorry for playing twenty questions with Nick. I won’t say a word to anyone, including him.”
“S’okay. Just doing your job.”
“What time is it?”
“Almost nine. Why?”
“Do you want to go to bed?”
“Counter offer. We make out in my hot tub and then go to bed.”
“Counter counter offer. I make ice cream sundaes we eat in said hot tub and then make out and then go to bed.”
“I’ve always had a thing for intelligent men,” you said. You kissed his cheek and he chuckled. “You’ve never seen me in a bikini before, have you.”
“I’m in for a treat then, aren’t I?” he said. “Go on and change.”
“I’ll meet you out there,” you said. You departed from him and headed upstairs, poking around in your closet for the perfect one to put on. You spotted him come out of the hall in his orange and blue striped shorts, a whistle on his lips as he jogged downstairs. In your closet you took a seat on the small bench, holding up your black teeny tiny bikini and your aqua blue that honestly made your butt look great.
You opted for the black top and blue bottoms to get the best of both worlds. You were midway through pulling your shirt off when you heard Jensen come in the room.
“Oh come on-” you said, something whacking you in the back of the head. Instantly you fell down, strong arms catching you. You looked up wearily, someone in a black mask looking down at you. The eyes weren’t green and you kneed him, putting an elbow to the back of the guy’s neck and making him groan. You got to your feet as fast as possible and sprinted out of the room. “Jensen!”
You knew you weren’t going to make it to the stairs without the guy catching you so you grabbed the railing and vaulted over the balcony to the ground below. You rolled when you hit the ground, spotting Jensen by the base of the stairs. Your eyes spun upwards, Jensen following your gaze and seeing the man standing there. You turned and saw Jensen running towards you, a loud thud right beside you. The man was on the first floor now and you ducked down, missing his arms as you dove into the dining room. By the time you had your head up, you saw Jensen tackling the guy, a gun going flying out of the intruder’s hands.
You stood up, watching the two of them wrestle, the intruder getting a good hit on Jensen’s face. 
“Y/N, go!” you heard Jensen yelling at you, the pounding in your ears finally growing a little quieter. Jensen told you when you were going over his book of rules that was the adrenaline in your system, trying to get your body to only focus on survival. The gun was laying fairly close to you and you heard Jensen shout, eyes darting over to see he had a cut on the back of his shoulder. 
He had Jensen pinned face down and was working on restraining him. He was still shouting at you and the man looked up the second he had pulled the tie taut. You ran over and picked up the gun, the man revealing a knife.
“Put that down or I kill him,” he said. You swallowed, Jensen yelling a frenzy of things at you, all of which involved you running away as fast as possible. Instead you aimed the gun and fired, the man falling backwards as it hit his vest. 
You ran over and kicked the knife he dropped away, keeping the gun on him as Jensen rolled over to it and cut himself free. He gave you a dirty look but searched the guys pockets and found more restraints, slipping some on the intruder before taking the gun out of your hands.
“Call the police. Now,” said Jensen. 
A/N: Read Part 7 here!
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vampiremakes · 2 years
Hi there! I was hoping you could give me some advice for making background images for themes. I've been tinkering for the past couple of hours with your "The Single Flower" theme but nothing I've put together seems to work. Is there some kind of format you follow? Thank you in advance :)
Hello! I can definitely try to give some advice and tips on how I personally go forward making backgrounds for my blogs. This is just my personal way of doing it, so obviously, feel free to be as creative as you want with this and not follow any and / or all of these tips if you’d rather just be inspired by them! Also, I use Photoshop, but I’m sure a lot of these tips can be used for non-photoshop users too! I’ll put this under the cut to make this post less long on the dash.
1) So first, I try to find a PSD I enjoy that I can slap on top. I’d usually go with one that you use for your icons, or one that is similar to the one you use for your icons, if you use psds on icons. There are a ton of free psds out there than you can use, if you search up “icon psd” on tumblr, or “icon psd” on tumblr. You can also try looking up similar searches like “coloring psd” etc.
2) When you’ve found a PSD you like, it’s time to make the actual background. I personally like to keep the size of the background a little on the bigger side, so that those with larger screens doesn’t get a cut off image or large parts of your blog just a single plain background color. So I tend to use the size 1920x1080px.
3) If you have a single muse, which I’m assuming since you’re using the single muse theme, you might want an image of your muse on your background. In order to make it look neat, it’s a good idea to go to google images and look up images either of the character name, if they’re a canon character, or their faceclaim / actor’s name, if they’re an oc. For example, let’s say I want to make a background for a muse using Jensen Ackles as a faceclaim. I’d search up either “Dean Winchester wallpaper”, “Dean Winchester background” or “Jensen Ackles photoshoot”. After searching, I’d also further click on “Tools” > “Size” > “Large” like in the image below.
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4) Test around with some of the images which ones look best with the PSD you’re using and has the look you want. For my example, I used THIS psd by venuscommissions, and my background would now look like this:
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You want to remember that you’re also going to have the container box of your posts on this blog, so you’ll want to make space for that. To know if you have placed your image in the right spot, you can always print screen your theme without a background, copy-paste it into photoshop, above your background, then choose “lighten” on the layer with the container, as in the image below. (remember to delete this layer when you’re finished making the background! It’s just gonna be there for reference to make sure everything is positioned right!)
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As you can see, I decided to move the background image with Jensen a little bit more to the left.
5) Still, the background image looks very plain, doesn’t it? Maybe you want a bit more effects on it. Google images are again super helpful here. I personally tend to search up things like “Beautiful light black background”, “Colorful light dark background”, “Golden sparkles, black background”, “Flowers dark background”, etc. The reason I add “Dark background” to all my searches, is because when I copy-paste them over the image of my muse’s FC, I do the “Lighten” thing like I did with the container, so the black on the background goes away. This way, with the right images, you can make really cool effects. For my example, I messed around with two simple images, and got this effect:
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Now, obviously, I could probably spend a lot more time adjusting, and finding different images to use that look a lot better, but that’s basically the gist of it. 
6) Now lastly, the thing I do when I’ve made everything the way I want it to look, is I go over the edges on the right and bottom with the soft paint brush, using the background color to paint over the edges, so there’s no color at the very edge and it gets a smooth transition from the colors to the plain, background color. This way, for those with a different sized screen, it won’t just have this strong, cut off line from where your background image is, to where the blog background color is.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Falling (Part 2)
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Summary: The reader and Jensen have their first couple’s vacation together but it ends up in another not so fun first for them...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language, bit of angst, brief nudity
A/N: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ‘s  Seasons of Love - Heart of Winter Challenge where my prompt was Blizzard...
A/N #2: Catch up on part 1 “Falling” here!
“Hi, Y/N,” teased Jensen, sticking his head out of the bathroom door with a big smile. “Now...I know I brought a towel in here but I seemed to have misplaced it. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that now would you, sweetie?”
“Huh. Must have been one of them towel thieves you hear about,” you said from bed, curled up with a blanket and a book. “Rascals aren’t they?”
“Oh, she’s a rascal alright,” he said. You nodded to the side of the room, his towels sat near the heater, a soft smile forming on his face. “Here I just thought you wanted me naked.”
“I can heat up your towels and see that tush,” you said, putting your book down with a grin, waiting a beat to pop up and get them for him. “But we don’t want you dripping water all over this nice bedroom.”
“You cave so easy, Y/L/N,” he said, kissing your cheek when you handed them over. “I’d say our first couples vacation is going well.”
“Pretty good three months,” you said, Jensen wiping himself off, giving you a sneak of his bottom before he came out with open arms. “You’ve always been huggable though.”
“Uh huh,” he said, his hands going to the hem of your way too big sweatshirt, trying to tug it off.
“That’s mine!” you said, trying to wrap your arms around yourself.
“I’m pretty sure you wore it home one night and I was told it had a new owner,” he said, pouting his lips. 
“Your super warm pajamas are in the dryer,” you said, his eyes ligthing up. 
“You are far too smart to be hanging out with me,” he said, leaving the room, sighing dramatically down the hall, coming back a minute later in sweats with a huge smile. “Mmm toasty.”
“I remember playing in the snow all the time as a kid,” you said, bopping him on the nose. “I think you might be milking this ‘I’m cold’ thing just a little Ackles.”
“I handle heat well. You on the other hand turn into a puddle I’ve heard,” he said with a big laugh, pulling you over to the bed. “I can’t wait to take you down to Texas in the middle of summer and have this conversation all over again.”
“If I’m not working that is,” you said with a shrug. He raised an eyebrow, sitting down and tugging you into his lap. “You know that I’m getting killed off the end of the season.”
“You don’t know that. There’d be a whole lot of upset people, including me,” he said.
“I just got this weird feeling that’s how it’s going to end up. If I do, I’ll have to start looking for another job and that’ll sort of put a damper on a trip to-”
“Y/N, I’m not trying to sound inconsiderate but you worry way too much. Just enjoy the ride while you’re on it,” he said. “If whatever happens, alright then it happens. It doesn’t mean you can’t spend a week or two with your boyfriend.”
“I know,” you said. “I just get caught up sometimes with all the what ifs.”
“No worrying here. This is a worry free zone,” he said, his hand running up and down your back. He paused for a moment to give your body a gentle squeeze, nuzzling his cheek against yours until you laughed. “There she is. Now...since I’m feeling much better with you right here, the only logical conclusion is to cuddle for warmth the reminder of this evening.”
“Mmm, sounds good to me Ackles.”
Jensen was fast asleep when you woke up early the next morning. He knew you weren’t a morning person so getting up before him to make breakfast would be a nice treat you hoped. 
“Bacon, bacon,” you said, bouncing on your feet in front of the fridge. “Where is the bacon...”
You knew he’d bought some, guessing it’d ended up in the freezer on the back porch. You didn’t bother with you coat, expecting a quick dash out and in. It was supposed to snow overnight so you weren’t in shock at the sight of it on the porch.
Nearly three feet in just one night was more than a bit surprising though. Heavy, fat flakes were still coming down, the wind stirring it up but you were determined to make him breakfast in bed. You grabbed your coat and zipped it up tight, throwing on a pair of sweats that were way too big on you and shoving your feet in your boots. Thankfully the front of the house had sheltered the front door from being blocked and you were able to get on that porch with ease. You grabbed the shovel nearby and chipped away at the snow in the yard just enough so you could try to walk, freezing by the time you were halfway there. 
You grabbed the bacon and shoved it under your arm, jogging back to the front as fast as you could, shivering while you stomped off as much snow as you could. Swinging the door open, you spotted a sleepy Jensen looking a whole lot like a confused Dean Winchester staring at you.
“Enjoy the blizzard Y/N?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.
“Bacon run,” you said, shedding your layers and tossing them in front of the heater to dry out. “It’s just a little snow.”
“No it’s actually a blizzard, honey,” he said, sliding his phone to you. “Probably not the best idea to go walking outside in whiteout conditions, okay? Even for bacon.”
“It’s just a little snow Jay. There’s nothing to worry about,” you said, pecking a kiss on his cheek, setting the back down so you could tear open the package.
“Okay...but don’t go outside in a blizzard,” he said, an edge to his voice.
“I won’t...you alright? You sound...” you said, Jensen shrugging.
“I’m fine. It’ll pass through by end of tomorrow. We’ll just have to stay inside until then,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, keeping an eye on him as he took a seat at the table. “You want pancakes or waffles?”
“Pancakes are good with me.”
It took you nearly the whole day to figure out what it was that bothering him. At first you thought it was because you went outside and his brain probably went to the worst possible scenario. But you remembered the first time you went to Austin and the storm you had that night, the one with the tornado watches and had you a nervous wreck on the inside.
“Jensen,” you said, curled up on the couch together. “Are you afraid of the blizzard?”
“No,” he said, a little sharp but it wasn’t obvious if he was lying or not. “What gave you that idea?”
“Nothing just...you seem nervous today,” you said, kissing the top of his head. “I wanted to help was all.”
“Your comment yesterday...say you did get written off the show and you had to get another job, like in LA...would you break up with me?” he asked.
“Where on earth would you get an idea like that?” you asked, sitting him upright. He sighed, holding up his hands.
“This is why I didn’t tell you. I knew you’d get defensive and-”
“No, that was not me being defensive. This right now is me being defensive,” you said, giving him a hard look. “I didn’t say anything yesterday about ending our relationship at all. I was worried that maybe in a couple months, I’ll have to start looking for a new job but I obviously know where your head was at during that conversation.”
“Relax,” he said, scrunching up his fast. 
“I am relaxed,” you said, a scoff out of him before you could say another word. “Maybe we need a little space from each other, being couped up all day isn’t a good thing obviously.”
“So you what, want to go hide in the bedroom instead of having this discussion like adults?” he asked.
“I want to get some space before I accidentally say something that will send you into a tailspin again,” you said, getting up and heading into the bedroom. You closed the door behind you, no knock or voice coming through asking you to open up. You took a hot shower after a while, putting on pajamas and climbing into bed with your book. Another hour or so went by before the door slowly creaked open, a mug appearing.
“Can I come in?” he asked. You didn’t respond but the door opened further, his body stepping inside, his bottom lip looking freshly gnawed on. “Can we finish our conversation from earlier?”
“I’m done talking,” you said, his head nodding as he stood at the end of the bed.
“I know you worry about us and you don’t want to be treated special because of it and it’s why we keep this so quiet but it honestly felt like, to me, you were more worried about a job that you may or may not need, than having a relationship. I’m not saying that I need to be coddled or the center of attention or I need you to make me feel like I’m your number one priority or anything like that at all. I don’t want that. In that moment though, it felt like in this potential future, I might not make the cut and...it hurt a little to think that. I want to do things with you, Y/N. I feel like we’re hitting our groove and we’re both getting less scared of letting each other in all the way and that’s scary but it’s exciting too. I wanted to let you cool off because I know I didn’t phrase it right out there and all you did was ask me a question to make me feel better and it turned into a thing but I would like to remain a part of your life, no matter where you end up,” he said.
“Well now I feel like an ass,” you said, pulling on a thread of your sock. “I...Jensen I didn’t mean to make you feel like that at all when I said it yesterday. I was nervous that you’d plan some surprise, like this weekend, and I’d have to ask you to cancel because I had an audition or a gig or something. You though...you’re definitely in that future picture. Speaking of that, being more open thing...don’t wait if you feel like that again, Jay. Tell me right then and there. Like it’s okay to say you were worried about me being outside this morning too.”
“Sorry. You make me really nervous sometimes, in a good way. I don’t want to screw us up,” he said.
“I thought we agreed to be honest,” you said, patting the other side of the bed. 
“I really hope I don’t fuck us up,” he said with a nervous laugh.
“I changed my mind. Get in this bed so I can coddle you,” you said. 
“I’m a grown man,” he said, sitting down, rolling onto his side to look up at you with a smile. “I suppose I got one of those overactive heads too.”
“Come here,” you said, pulling him back into your lap and chest like he’d been a few hours earlier, your hand running through his hair.
“Feels nice,” he said, turning into your touch. “Forget what I said before, you can coddle me all your little heart desires.”
“You okay now? For real this time?” you asked, trusting it when he hummed against you. “Good.”
“I love you,” he said quietly, your body tensing up but quickly melting back against him.
“I love you,” you said, leaning over to kiss him properly, Jensen chuckling a little when you pulled back. “Were you worried I wouldn’t say it back?”
“Nah. You’re the one that’s head over heels, not me,” he said, a light pink flush on his cheeks. 
“Oh yeah, Mr. Cool Guy over here,” you teased. 
“Shudyup ya dork,” he said, reaching his arms behind him, tugging you down on the bed. “We survived our first real fight that wasn’t about dinner.”
“We can handle anything now, can’t we?” you said, Jensen’s smile the last thing you saw before the room went black.
“Power’s out,” he said. 
“We’ll drag the blankets out to the living room, sleep in front of the fireplace,” you said. “Nice and cozy.”
“What are we waiting for then?”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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