#it's also v camp 😌😌
kuromi-hoemie · 2 years
Legend of Yunqian is sooo 😭🥰
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shattersstar · 1 year
A possessive kiss in the rain for Alucard (Castlevania) and reader
First time ever requesting! I love your writing and your series on alucard! Feel free to make a whole new thing or to even ignore this,no pressure! Thank you!
possessive kiss in the rain + adrian tepes x vampire!reader
a/n: did i use this as an excuse to include striga? yeah of course <33 but tyyy for the request along with ur kind words im v honoured 😌 and sorry for taking forever with this i did have a lot of fun writing it tho so i hope u enjoy!!
It was quiet, the sun setting around an hour ago and it was still quiet. Quiet when you climbed out of the caravan to find Sypha and Trevor building a fire, quiet when you took a seat against a tree—the speaker not too far behind, even quieter when Adrian made his way back to camp, finding the magician laying her head in your lap while you stared into the flames. Both the men in your company grumbled at the sight, though Trevor had long dozed off against a tree of his own, while Adrian beckoned you with his eyes. You rose without warning Sypha, she yelped and scolded your manners as she rose to dust herself off. Her words went over your head, you offered a half glance over your shoulder in response, but tensed at the sound of her calling Adrian’s name—his other name.
Alucard rolled off her tongue as easily as all the other humans who dubbed him so. You did your best not to roll your eyes at the title, brushing past the half vampire who bid goodbye to the humans you traveled with.
You both moved silently, the ambient scape of the forest filled the air—branches snapped and leaves crunched in the distance as birds sang above and insects trilled below. You had stayed hidden amongst the trees, but followed parallel to the path that led to a cattle village nearby. And if the horde moved as you all predicted, they were likely to pass over soon. A buffet of beef would surely bring them calling, but it was still too quiet. Animals should have scattered when the wind chilled, bringing the scent of rot and decay. The sky also had not clouded over with the mass of the night creatures, the moonlight still slit through the trees and danced on your skin.
Adrian’s pointed silence didn’t help, but you were too caught up in where the night creatures were to dwell on it. It was not like them to wait so long to show themselves, the sun had set over an hour ago now—maybe they were not here yet.
You were simply ahead of schedule, you settled on, wondering if Adrian had decided the same. You were going to ask him about the silence, about the calm—yet he seemed anything, but calm. When you glanced over your shoulder you could see the emotions swirling in his golden eyes, contemplating and consuming him. “Are you okay?” You asked suddenly, your voice was the loudest thing within miles it seemed.
“Sypha’s quite taken with you.” Adrian replied, and your brows shot up your face. You stayed quiet for sometime in front of the dhampir, trying to understand the root of his statement. Perhaps the question within it. Sypha’a affection and interest towards you was what he had been stewing on?
Was it…jealousy?
No. “She has never been around our kind before and now she has two wells of knowledge. It's the speaker side of her—the only side of her.” You sounded defensive, and you hated it, over a century alive on this earth and still unable to hide yourself from those feelings. The ones Adrian brought out in you with a simple stare.
“I suppose, she does interrogate me to no end.” You both laughed lightly at that. You felt a little easier, ready to move one when he spoke again, “She’s quite comfortable around you—honest around you.”
“Comfortable?!” Your anger surfaced too fast—you knew it the moment you whipped around and Adrian took half a step back. Jarred by your reaction and the glint of your fangs in the moonlight. You wanted to calm down, but it was too heavy, “You think she should be weary of me, scared Adrian? Its okay because you can go out in the sun and survive without blood, but, but I’m—“
“No my darling.” He never interrupted you, never broke that respect he offered so easily a lifetime ago, but he did this time with a hushed tone. It silenced you, jaw clenching as you looked away. You were never one for dramatics, not in front of him especially, but it burned something deep in your chest to feel even more alienated. Forced to see skulls of vampires in the Belmont’s hold—trophies and artifacts of loved ones neatly cataloged amongst the goodies you know the Belmont boy was dying to use on you.
Adrian was easy to stomach and you were the one to be scared of, the one who stayed hidden in the caravan during the days and unable to spend a minute at night alone without wild accusations about your whereabouts, motives or more being thrown around. It had calmed down in recent days, Sypha’s unbridled affection towards you may have been a part of that, but it could also be the nights spent on hunts. Just you and Adrian, the only person who would never judge you, never see your carnage and violence and think anything of it.
It was to ease the burden the two humans had been facing, nights spent clearing areas far and wide while they worked through the days. And to quell the restless Adrian sensed brewing in you. You had barely been sleeping during the days, staring into the brief glimpses of sunlight from the back of the covered wagon with dead eyes, spending the nights irritated and distant, which never helped whatever they may think of you.
But the distance, that helped. The time spent alone with Adrian, moments to feed and drink in peace on the unfortunate souls who didn’t manage to escape the horde. Adrian often collected canteens of blood for you, keeping them with his things and out of Trevor’s knowledge. You never questioned the secrecy, but did have to stop your eyes from widening in surprise when he first gave you one. You had never asked Adrian to do such a thing, to care and attend to you in his own silent ways.
It made your anger dissolve fully, he called your name after you let out an unneeded sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you so. I know it's difficult, I see it. I promise.” His hand met your cheek, cradling you for a soft second. You leaned into his touch before remembering the reason you were out here. You would find the words later, instead you kissed his palm before turning back to the path. He stayed by your side as best he could, sometimes drifting behind with the forest demanded so, but always within reach. It was only when a scream pierced somewhere in the distance Adrian slipped in front of you. You both leaned into your senses, and while you both located the source of the scream, you also caught a scent of something familiar.
Something from lifetimes ago that brought back memories from your human life. You tried to shake the sudden onslaught of emotions, you were always drowning in what you felt. Alive or dead your feelings consumed you wholly. Adrian had already taken off in the direction and while you tried to follow, that warm floral scent only grew stronger. You found yourself stopping and watching him vanish into the dark of the woods. You knew another vampire was nearby, and as you carefully followed the scent, you found yourself in a small clearing.
A woman, tall and broad, sat sharpening her large blade while you lurked in the tree line. You watched her, wondering why she was here when she called out.
“No need to hide.” Her voice carried on the wind and reminded you of home. You moved at lightning speed, appearing in front of her, your long cloak settling as the breeze from your movements fluttered her long hair.
“Who are you?” You asked.
“Striga, one of four rulers of Styria.” She placed her blade against the log she sat upon, pushing herself up to her full towering height. The moonlight caught Striga's hair as she moved to stand next to you, and you couldn't deny the fact she was beautiful. Strong and powerful, but with the eyes of a lover. That kind that drew you in, saw into your soul and kissed the barest parts of your condemned spirit.
“Styria…” You whispered, it had been too many lifetimes ago since you had set foot on the shores of your birth place. And now, one of its vampire rulers stood in front of you, radiating that warm smell of jasmine and something indescribably citrus that reminded you of where you had grown up. You had left your past behind you, never returning to where you had been turned, not since you were free. Though, you had always hoped to catch that scent of Styria again and finally understand the complexities of its smell with your heightened senses. Yet you were still unable to place the adjectives that gave you a true answer to the intoxicating scent.
“You're the vampire traveling with the Belmont boy.” She was close enough that her arm brushed yours.
“I am.” You confirmed, while Striga raised a brow. Her strong arms crossed over her chest, black and purple armor amplifying her size.
“You ally yourself with the enemy.”
“I ally myself to Ad…Alucard, and if that’s the company he keeps, then it is the company I keep.” You explained, trying to ignore the bitterness at the sound of his other name.
She laughed, a low sound that made you smile involuntarily. “You’re quite something to be with a…half…thing like him.”
You laughed weakly, unable to gauge her tone. “Do you forget he’s the son of Dracula?” You inquired, scanning the tree line where just beyond night creatures howled and screeched.
“I suppose you have faith in him, leaving him to fight alone so you could speak to me.”
You didn’t reply, couldn’t muster a lie in response to what was an obvious statement. You both had lived long to know it wasn’t a question and that it was true. Striga intrigued you, standing tall and alone, and reminiscent of a life you had tried to forget. Her gorgeous purple robes were set against the royal blue sky streaked with orange as shards of leftover sunlight tangled in the thick evening clouds.
“I have heard such stories of his fighting.” Striga suddenly stated, the lit of her accent more noticeable with the casual cadence of her tone.
“Its breathtaking.” You found yourself murmuring, Adrian’s strength was always something to behold. His swiftness and keen eye, how he held his sword ever so carefully and cut many in half with more grace than a trained dancer. He was violence and art in motion. He was yours forever. It made you grin, small and fangs peaking out.
“You wear your affection on your face, he should be honoured to be cherished by someone as beautiful as you.”
“You speak like a true soldier, warrior even. Of honour and worth. It is a beautiful way to want.” You turned to face her, taking in her green eyes and the charm wrapped around a single braid in her hair. It was a long tousled mess of black waves that were half swept up. You noticed the glinting clip that held her hair back and wondered how a notorious commander would own such a thing. Perhaps it was a gift from a lover like the crystal bracelet you wore. Adrian had fastened it around your wrist one early morning. You were dozing in the caravan with him, listening to Sypha try to pry stories from Trevor while easily supplying her own. It was nice to fall asleep to the lull of their mindless talk while in Adrian’s arms. It was then he slipped it over your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips and leaving a few soft kisses there before carefully slipping into the day.
“And how do you love him? If you do?”
You held her gaze, “You imply that I don’t?”
“I’m curious if you don’t.” She corrected with a simple nod. “I find you beautiful and interesting, it would be disheartening to know you are spoken for.”
“I am.”
“By a man who stands on the opposite of side the war?”
“It appears so.”
Striga turned her attention to the sky, appealing to the heavens as she spoke her next words.
“Then I apologize for any hurt I may cause you during this war. I’ll find you and apologize in person, repent for as long as I must.”
“That is, if you truly hurt me.”
“No, I would find you anyways.”
You chuckled, “Why?”
“To see if you are still in love.” Striga shrugged her broad shoulders, the words almost too casual as if she knew something you did not. It made you nervous, another half laugh escaping your lips before you turned back towards the tree line. “You do love him?” She inquired, shifting closer. A moment of silence passed before a howl broke through the woods. Inhuman and sending a flock of birds into the night sky. You followed them with your gaze.
“I try not too.” You answered honestly, watching the winged creatures disappear into another part of the dense forest. Adrian was far too great for this world to be yours. You were a lowly vampire turned by a lonely widow who needed company more than blood. She begged and begged until she stopped taking no for an answer and turned you in your sleep. You woke up screaming and sobbing, a life robbed by someone who didn’t even end up wanting you. Her guilt consumed her whole, she had doomed you to the same life she wanted reprieve from and choose to let the church find and kill her. She left you alone, and you wanted to spend eternity just like that.
But you and Adrian had found each other, lonely in your own torrential ways. You had never met someone like him before, someone caught between two worlds you had given up on entirely. Adrian brought something to quell the loneliness of your cursed existence, and for that companionship, you’d follow him anywhere.
You would accept death at the hands of his father if it meant stopping the bloodshed as Adrian wanted. You had nothing, but your entire self to give to him. Maybe besides the knowledge from the life you lived and the sword on your hip. He could have something more normal, more human than you, if that’s what he so wanted from his life. You had always understood that, accepted that and tried to love him a little less in spite of it all.
Yet, your heart bled for him in ways you had never known in your brief human life, and forever stretching vampiric one. It was almost painful, how much you craved him. And almost, almost, was more powerful than the lust for blood that fueled your existence.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear “ Striga’s soft voice broke you from your thoughts, reality crashing down as Adrian stood, panting, at the edge of the clearing. He was across from you, hunched forward slightly, and hand on his blade. “I will be seeing you, soon I pray.” Striga hummed, bringing your attention to her face as she grabbed your bare hand with her gloved one. She brought your knuckles to her lips, placing a chaste kiss all while her sea green eyes bored into yours.
You opened your mouth to respond, but she vanished into the night before your hand reached your side. You pivoted back towards Adrian, walking in his direction at a steady pace, while your gaze fell to your feet. You focused on each step, one foot in front of the other, until his hands jumped to your biceps and stopped you in place.
You were about a foot from him, head tilting from the ground to meet his angry gaze. Adrian dropped his hands from you, letting silence wash over you two as the forest’s din became too loud in your ears.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out, anything to cut the silence and tension along with it.
Adrian shifted his weight, the sunny yellow of his eyes was a deep amber in the dark of night. “Why were you here?”
“I could smell a vampire, and investigated.”
“Investigated!?” His tone inflected with the anger he normally kept at bay.
“She was from Styria and I-I was curious. Is that wrong?” You were finding your ground, steadying your voice as challenge lingered in your tone.
You two never fought, not like this.
“Was it wrong to leave me—“
“You are more than capable, we both know that Adrian.” You snapped, you would not be guilted into seeing him as helpless. Adrian was anything, but that.
“Why did she kiss your hand?” Your angered confidence faltered, your gaze softening as something…sad bled into his voice. Something cold and lonely you knew well.
“I don’t know.”
His jaw clicked, and in an instant he was in your space, fangs flashing because he couldn’t help it, as his fingers grasped your jaw. He stared into your eyes and asked you again. Perhaps it was the proximity, or your own ego dying down, but you saw through him so clearly. So easily, as you always had, and understood.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, as the looming clouds finally began to cry soft tears of rain.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Against your clothes, it wasn’t torrential, but that misty rain that made everything hazy.
“She was interested in me, she complimented me and asked about you—us. She reminded me of a place I called home ages ago but my love, she is not you.” Maybe it was jealousy earlier when Adrian asked about Sypha, but regardless it definitely was now. You were unsure how he could think such things when you felt so unworthy of him, and he was worried about a woman you met once. Yes she was beautiful, and carried power and confidence like it was given to her by god, but she was not the man you loved.
The one you had swore yourself to, one you killed for and one you would gladly die for if he so much as asked. His grip faltered, eyelids shuddering as your soft explanation washed over him like the rain. With a voice barely above a whisper on the wind you continued, “I never have nor will I give myself to someone like I have you, Adrian. I would do anything at your behest. Anything beloved.” You pressed your hands against his torso, clinging to the fabric of his coat as best you could.
“Anything?” He rasped, like speaking was a chore he had no capacity for.
“I’d burn worlds down or build them up if you asked. I’d kill the Belmont boy or give my life for his if you asked. I’d lock myself away and never speak to anyone but you if that’s what you wanted. Yes, my love, anything.”
“Just let me kiss you.” Adrian’s mouth met yours before you could answer, but you both knew it was a yes. It was more teeth and fang than anything at first, as the momentum of his body slamming into yours, sent you reeling back a step before one of his hands moved to your waist. Your hands slipped up his chest, fingers still clutching the fabric before one of your hands tangled into his hair. Fingers toying with the golden lock that cascaded down his back.
Adrian still had one hand cradling your jaw, keeping you in place as he kissed you with enough desire to make you delirious. Your mouths moved together, his fangs grazing your bottom lip. He wasn’t usually like this, bold and desperate, but you would let Adrian kiss and hold you however he needed. To let the jealousy spiral through his system and find release in your lips against his.
You smiled against his mouth, nails scraping deliciously through his hair before his tongue found yours. You were faintly aware of the rain, starting to beat down heavier with each second you spent lost in each other's embrace. Adrian finally pulled away, letting his thumb smooth over your chin before finding the other side of your waist. You let both your arms wrap around his neck, stealing soft kisses as the thunder grew louder. You knew you would have to go back soon, but Adrian was still preoccupied with leaving open mouth kisses against yours, pulling back slightly before deciding he still needed more. It was more tender, what you were used to from him. Chasing your lips, a few soft pecks turning into something more heated before he would start the cycle again.
You played with his hair and felt his fingers twitch against your side as the darkness clouding his beautiful expression softened. Adrian stopped his assault of kisses, dropping his head to the curve of your neck. You kissed the top of his head, fingers slipping out of his hair.
“I love you.” You murmured, such sentiments felt a little too human and empty for you. And you did love him, but it was just more than that. He still said it to you often, and you were easy to repeat the sentiment, but you rarely offered it on your own. It was no reflection of him, it was just your distance from humanity you could never get back. But you knew Adrian needed to hear it.
“I love you too darling.” He hummed against your skin, leaving a kiss there before standing at his full height. You stared at him for a moment, the want still clear in his eyes as he tucked you against his side. You walked through the forest with clasped hands, the thick trees keeping out some of the rain, not that you cared.
You both had faster means of returning to camp, but pressed against Adrian who occasionally left kisses on the fabric by your shoulder or brought your intertwined hands to his lips, was enough to forget about the storm. Adrian engulfed you and drowned you in ways the rain never could, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
I didn't even know Vash exist (via anime not reality ( T^T)) until I read your fics, and I'm blaming you for making me fall for this sweet dork 😤💘
So I want to make a request as compensation, if it's alright with you 💌👌😌
Military Nurse Reader, goes on a camping trip as a break/vacation, but wakes up in a desert.
Military Nurse Reader, seeing someone bleeding and immediately goes to duty mode.
Vash wakes up confused in a blanket fort with his wounds disinfected, and stitched/patched up. (He doesn't know what a tent is)
Military Nurse Reader, finally remembers/recognizes Vash and is currently holding back from fangirling/fanboying loudly outside the tent.
How would their interaction/adventures/relationship be?
Any headcannons???
I'm a sucker for isekai fics and love stories 😩💗
A/N: Welcome to the Vash Cult, Home of The Vash Simps! I'm also a sucker for Isekai tropes, so long as I fall into the arms of this man ❤️ this concept is so cute!
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S*A*S*H: Stampede's Assistant Surgical Hospital
Ah, the sweet open air of the mountains! Crisp and clear of the pollution of the world! The sun was warm on my skin as I left my jeep behind, and made my way up to the trail, backpack and tent slung over my shoulder. I made my way to the little spot I always went to, where I knew I wouldn't be disturbed. I habitually scanned through the forest for possible predators and intruders. A flinch snapped across my face as my memories recalled a particularly dreadful wound I stitched up last month. I shook the thought away as I found my spot next to a river and set up camp. I heated up a can of spaghetti-o's over the fire, and did some light reading before I went to bed to the sound of the crickets. The hike up here and decrease of oxygen had taken a lot out of me today.
At some point after gaining consciousness, I noticed the lack of bird calls. The rolling gurgle of the river was gone. The tent was incredibly toasty, and I peeked out of the little window as I peeled my now sticky sleeping bag off of my sweat drenched body. A desert as far as the window allowed me to see.
Except…. A red spot in the sand. Rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them, I saw the outline of a civilian. A red coat draped on their body. They weren't moving. I unzipped the entrance to the tent, giving a quick glance for additional assailants before scrambling out towards them.
Despite the scent of the desert, the smell of blood rose above it. The civilian was a blond man, 6'2 probably, didn't look too heavy. A pool of blood was forming under his left side. I had to treat him.
Lifting him up, he whimpered in his unconscious state. I hauled him twenty, maybe thirty feet, back to my tent. So much for my new sleeping bag.
In my nurse driven mindset, I hardly noticed the complex clasps in his coat as I unbuttoned them to locate and access his wound. Peeling a complex vest piece off, I found it within seconds.
A bullet wound, a 9mm round, it looked like. Good thing I brought my med pack with me. I wondered how much blood he'd lost. I couldn't just do a transfusion. I didn't know his blood type, or have any transfusion equipment. Not the priority here. I gotta get that bullet out, and stop the bleeding. Stitch him up.
The next few minutes were a blur as I fixed him up. Once I was certain the bleeding had stopped, I could finally take a moment to look at the resting man before me. His ruffled blonde hair was plastered to his face, and his face was peaceful. No matter what a patient went through, they always looked so peaceful while they slept, their mind blissfully unaware to what it would awaken to.
The exposed chest of this man was… a travesty. Riddled with scars and outright disgustingly unintegral patch up jobs from what appeared to be previous injuries. And yet… these scars looked familiar to me. From the inside pocket, a pair of wired sunglasses poked out. Gently removing them, I unfolded them to see a very familiar pair of w wire, orange lens sunglasses.
"V-Vash the Stampede…." I felt myself whisper. Quickly returning the shades to their rightful place, I got up and left the tent. The sands of my new desert surroundings and newfound patient were confirmation enough. I'd been brought to the planet Gunsmoke, or No Man's Land. What was the difference again? Didn't matter.
I was finally in his presence. The man who inspired my career as a nurse. The man who insisted on fighting for love and peace despite the war he waged. The man who had such futile efforts on making sure everyone lived in the end. Vash the Stampede.
Vash awoke with a start, unaware of where he was. He was in some sort of building made of a cloth mesh. A few netted windows allowed the wind to pass through, easing the heat inside. He reeled in pain, feeling the bullet wound he'd taken in his side.
Through the pain, he noticed a large backpack, some cooking dishes, and large jugs with water in them. They had labels on them of… mountains? Something he'd only heard about from Rem. The wall of the building unzipped, and a beautiful person stepped into the building, their eyes full of emotions he could only describe as sadness, or loneliness. Something that those who have seen true pain and heartache can emote. They kneeled down to his bedside, as the tent was too short for them to stand to full height in.
"Hey, you're awake. I was worried you'd lost too much blood." Their voice seemed relieved. Didn't they know who he was?
"W-Where am I? What's this… building?" He asked, feeling the material of the floor.
"My tent? I suppose you don't have tents here. Not sure where we are, though." They shrugged. They introduced themself as a lieutenant from a military medical hospital.
"I found you out there in the sand with a pretty bad bullet wound. I managed to patch you up with what I had though."
"Thank you, lieutenant, you really saved my skin." He smiled gently.
"It's my job, Vash. No one deserves to die alone in a shitty place like this." They shrugged.
"A-ah, so you do know who I am." He seemed to sweat more.
"Don't worry, you're safe here. If anything, I'm on your side." They smiled. His side? No one had really told him that before, "Please rest for a bit. I'll get us some food. Good thing I always over prepare for my camping trips." They chuckled to themself. They pulled out cans of food with labels Vash hadn't seen before. Spaghetti-o's, peaches, pears, green beans, soups. These foods were all very perplexing to Vash. They popped open a can of peaches. They took a metal extending fork out of a pouch on the side of their bag. They stuck the fork into the open can and handed it to me.
"If you don't like them, I can give ya something else and I'll eat those." Their face was kind. He took a little crescent shaped piece onto the tines of the fork before slipping it into his mouth. It was quite sweet, and it was slimy in a tasty way! He gave a hum of satisfaction and kept eating. The lieutenant opened a can of pears with a smile, grabbing another fork for themself.
"Here, try this." They held a dripping pear slice in his direction. He happily chomped down on the fork. Pears were definitely less flavorful than peaches, and they had a funny, almost grainy texture. It was good though! He nodded and returned to his own can of peaches.
"I guess they didn't have these on the seed ships… Did they?" Their voice was a melancholy whisper. Vash lowered the can, and peered over at them. How did they know about what would or wouldn't have been on the ships?
"S-sorry, I didn't explain myself." They dipped their head as they explained their situation so far, and the fact that Vash and his world was a work of fiction on their planet.
"Ah, so that's how you know me. Well, I wouldn't mind showing you around, and helping you adjust. It's the least I can do since you saved my life."
In the months after that, The Lieutenant joined Vash on his adventures as his personal doctor. The Humanoid Typhoon didn't do a good job of taking care of himself, so The Lieutenant opted to patch him up when he got hurt, and make sure he was in good health, always. They got to meet Vash's friends, Wolfwood, Milly, Meryl l, and any other along the way, and would patch them up as needed as well.
There'd been many times where The Lieutenant would slide in to bandage up the enemy that Vash had just fought, only for them to take The Lieutenant hostage. Thankfully they were no snowflake, and were proficient in many combat tactics. In addition, they were also adept to being on the constant move. Vash was often quite relieved to see that they were able to handle themself. It seemed to lift a little bit of the weight off of his shoulders.
In the mornings, The Lieutenant joined Vash in his morning workouts. Though The Lieutenant didn't carry a firearm, the two of them often sparred with hand to hand combat, something that Vash often enjoyed, believing it was a nice change up.
Their interactions weren't always sunshine and patch up jobs though. Some nights they took turns holding each other as one cried about various things. For Vash, it was his inability to save people, the people he'd lost, and his broken family. For the Lieutenant, it was their homesickness, missing their comrades, and the nightmares of the blood and guts they'd waded through in their own attempts to save those dying around them. The two were purely cut from the same cloth.
"I don't usually like people to see my scars. They aren't very sexy." He dipped his head as the words left his mouth. They were patching up a wound in his upper back, his shirtless torso exposing the gnarly scars underneath.
"Scars are plenty sexy, Vash. I've got mine too, ya know." They said, nearly taking the insult for themself. After they finished dressing his wound, they removed their top layer of shirt, revealing a large scar that trailed down the length of their right arm. Vash spotted another that went from their right side of their collarbone over to the left of their chest. They lifted the left leg of the basketball shorts to reveal another that spanned from hip to knee.
"Also had my head split open at some point, but thankfully my hair still grows there." They returned to Vash's side, cradling his face.
"I see the way you look at me, Vash. If you think I'm sexy, even with my scars, then you're a billion times sexier with all of yours. Never forget that."
It was nearly 6 months before the two shared their first kiss under the light of the stars and the moons. Vash was ecstatic that he finally had someone he could truly call his companion.
"Please stop making swiss cheese out of my boyfriend. There's gotta be enough leftover to marry someday, ya know." The Lieutenant tutted as they pressed a kiss to Vash's bruised cheek.
"Sorry, I just didn't want anyone else to get hurt." He blushed at the implications of getting married someday.
"You failed that mission since you got hurt, dummy." The Lieutenant inspected the bandages of Vash's latest wound, "You matter just as much as anyone else does." They insisted for the millionth time.
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ograecus · 5 months
hii what did you mean by how scathing most motogp guys are of f1 🍿🍿
hiiii friend. it’s less 🍿 than it is 🧂 but we move 😌
it’s a v popular sentiment that f1 racing is a lot more about the spectacle and glitz and glam and rules than it is about the actual racing—which, like. i see the vision. motogp racing is fucking fantastic, and - especially in the last couple of seasons - the racing in f1 has been abysmal, and it’s so easy to look at both and just. make comparisons, yk. and even as a fan of both, f1’s not looking good.
but a lot of motogp fans, reporters, and people in the paddock alike also seem to think that f1’s reliance on technology takes away from the racers being Big, Bad, Manly Men Gladiators™️ the way motogp riders are. there’s a lot of tech innovations being made in motogp right now, and a lot of concern that things are headed in f1’s direction. (and motogp getting bought out by liberty media isn’t helping)
i’m guessing it’s also partly that it’s just fun to talk shit, especially when you have your allegiance firmly in one camp.
(that said i’m on team /shittalk about steiner whenever So)
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petrichorium · 1 year
Pluvi i’d love to hear about readers four other husbands!! Rip yanqing he’s so confused
husband #1 — the guard in the drabble! as I said in the tags he’s reader’s childhood friend. Swore himself to her Long before they got married lmfaooooo and part of that oath actually means that he can’t talk to anyone except her and her husbands 🫣 He’s the most physically intimidating of all the husbands, genuinely massive man lmfaooooo but honestly fairly reserved, frankly shy but it comes across as stoic more than anything. Wicked smart and very devoted to reader (obvi) so he’s def kinda her main confidant but she’s v close w all of them
husband #2 — was a political marriage!!! Offered himself in exchange for the continued support of reader’s people. She accepted and they genuinely intended for it to be platonic but he ends up falling for her eventually. He’s actually kinda nerdy LMFAOOOO a historian turned military strategist on his homeworld, now retired from said military and working part-time as a professor at a university on reader’s planet
husband #3 — an admiral; old military family type, kinda a stick in the mud. But he was actually very persistent in pursuing the reader and won her over eventually even tho they rlly butted heads at first (came from a v patriarchal homeworld so it was inevitable tbh). Was kinda arrogant and assumed she was into him and then realized he was kinda into the dismissive thing…….. this one was a VERY slow burn she left and came back to his planet many times before he finally literally begged her to give him the time of day
husband #4 — the problem child…… a rebellion leader on his homeworld who did NOT get along with reader or her three husbands when they first met despite the fact that they were allies. And then all four of them got stuck on a remote moon for a year annnnnnnd the rest is history. Definitely a spitfire, v much a street dog type of guy, and very charismatic. The only one who had a partner before reader; another rebel who died in the battle before reader showed up. He’s still a little hung up on it but happy to have something to dedicate himself to that doesn’t make him think of them
All of them rlly like Jing Yuan LMFAOOOOO and as I say in the tags she’s only married to #1 when she meets him so she marries the other three during this “once every few years I make a trip to the luofu and try to convince the general to marry me” stage pfft. But he actually met #1 before her!!! Jy saved him from an enemy camp and he’s been a lil infatuated ever since 🫣 reader thinks it’s the cutest thing. Jy is also the first person she introduces a new husband to which he always says isn’t necessary but she’s just like :) I mean I gotta make sure ur compatible :) like introducing a new cat yk JDNDKDN
While their home is on her planet w her they’re often offworld doing their own thing!!! #2 is usually off on his own on mostly educational trips, #3 and #4 bicker a lot bc of personality differences (and the difference in their upbringing—they’re from different worlds but remind each other of respective opposing bodies) but honestly spend much of their time together. They’re kinda traveling adventurers and tbh I imagine Jing Yuan just kinda slotting in with them mostly bc he says in canon that when he retires he’d like to travel around 🥺 but also playing diplomat w reader a lot bc they r v much two of a kind jdnfkenr #1 is always with her bc of his position but they all travel together a lot too esp when it’s beneficial politically to portray themselves as a solidified unit
Anyway there u go ty for asking 😌
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pk-heart · 3 years
But why did they make the Jurassic World spinoff kids show better and more fun than the original movies and also every other Netflix cartoon 😗
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fairybaby777 · 2 years
Helloooo it's 🪐!!!
Yesterday I wanted to do the void method, so I did everything and... I didn't get in.. However, I don't feel really sad because I dreamt about my SP (my celebrity sp haha), and it was so vivid. We were camping with my parents, and he was joking with me all along (he even ate my yogurt 😢) it was so vivid and funny. When I woke up, I was so happy and I saw a '' rumor'' stating that he had a possible wife. I was like' '' I didn't know I was announced yet 😂'' it was a rumor. Each time I want to go to the void and I don't, I make a wonderful dream about my SP. I love dreaming about my SP, because my 4d has understood that I really love him and he really love me.
Hope you doing well, also what do you think of vivid dream? (the kind of dream with all your sences and very very real)
Love you.
omggg hey bestie ! i LOVE dreaming about my sp, especially my celeb sp bc it makes it sm easier to remember things and live in the end yk?ahhh that’s so exciting im v happy for you baby ! dreams are the besttt. i write down all my dreams bc dream recall makes u have more dreams and makes them more vivid. i stg all my dreams are soo vivid now. i also did void last night but didnt enter the state, i got sooo close though, like my heart was going a million miles an hour and my eyelids were flickering hahaha. it’s really good that u didnt let the void get u down ! keep persisting and you’ll enter the state !!! we both will 😌 love you too 🤍🤍
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bwinkbear · 3 years
my hcs r dumb but here we fuckin gO
-nor plays acoustic guitar as a hobby. when he and fin go camping, they sit in front of the fire under a blanket and nor quietly strums his guitar n hums to fin. fin’s got his head on his shoulder. private moment of softness n vulnerability.
-as kids theyd pretend to go fishing in tiny bodies of water that clearly had No Fish, like puddles n shit, w sticks from the backyard that had string tied to them, and theyd take themselves Very Seriously, like theyd hang out there for hours, and if one of their moms appeared behind them fin would b like “sTOP ITTTT ur scaring the fish :(((”
-also as kids theyd try to “ice skate” w no skates on frozen ponds. theyve both fallen in at least once.
-as adults. idk if i stole this from you i mightve, but fin cuts nor’s hair for him.
-just the idea of them takin care of iceland even when they rly dont necessarily have to. showing up at his house bc he seemed sad on the phone. bringing him snacks bc they heard on the news theres gonna be a snowstorm. just little things bc theyre thinking about him. (ofc this also leads to chaos sometimes. they try to cut his grass for him when hes away but they dont know how to use his lawnmower n they end up taking down an entire tree. shit like that.)
-nor clinging to fin when hes had a bad day. end hc.
-they sing dumb karaoke together. u can decide if theyre drunk or sober.
-thing that landed in my brainrot just now as im typing this but could u imagine them having a date at a roller rink
-they go to college together and theyre roommates and tjey have cats and theyre gay and and
no hcs are dumb unless theyre abt aph denmark.
norfincampingnorfincampingnorfincamping hnghnghhnghm. it's strange but i struggle to visualize nor playing that kind of instrument, though i still take him as the musical type... think it's because i usually pin den as the guitarist but ig thats by law a Dumb take so nor playin it is very nice 😌😌. v warm concept 10/10 u fuckin bet fin provoked him to start playing it right then.
they would be very dumb kids together,, i see nor knowing all abt the local fish n rlly wanting to find them n hyping the idea up to fin for extra help bcos he just wants to find them so so bad. nor with a fish fixation is the cutest thing to me and the concept is starting to grow on me AAA
god damnit youre just making me want more childhood norfin fics. o, to recreate fin Drowning from hetalian horror show into fanon... but yes they definitely got up to all kinds of shit like this, being children raised in an Expansive Nature. feel like at least one of them would always have a twisted ankle or some shit from getting caught up in their play.
yes fin cuts nors hair bECAUSE HE CUTS ICES HAIR AND ICE LOOKS JUST LIKE NOR SO UNLESS FINS DOING THIS ON PURPOSE TO BE A FUCKING PRICK (and i guess i will give benefit of the doubt) THEN THEYRE PROBABLY GOING TO THE SAME PERSON FOR THIS,,, ive been craving reading some soft ass fic of fin greeting his partner after a long day of work or them returning from a storm or something and like cleaning them up n cutting their hair n giving them the comfort they desperately needed after that long-ass day... that for norfin? HMG. might pocket this concept for norfin week dont @ me.
nor is already so protective and annoying to iceland, highkey he might worry about him more than himself because he doesnt want ice to go through the same hardships he has 😩. fin probably wouldnt get on the same level as him, not having that same brotherly instinct or anything, but thats not to say nors delusions dont rub off on him or anything. "we have to check on ice, he cant handle volcano eruptions well he gets bad anxiety." and they both fly up there quick as can be to see ice leaping over streams of lava with hong kong for fun. and suddenly, norfin are the ones with anxiety about it. :)
clingy nor clingy nor clingy nor he would never admit it but it is So obvious. they could even be standing next to each other at a meeting and nor just quietly leans into him when he feels shy or overwhelmed. hes in good hands.
lol oh no. i feel like nors the type to quietly sing to himself when hes busy and if fin happens to recognize what hes singing he'll join in and then its just a thing. 😭 though i can definitely see this being a thing with all the nordics (besides the kids ofc)... as for organized karaoke i can see this being more fins thing than nor, despite nor having the better voice for it 🙈 its always the ones that want to sing that cant lol
ok a roller rink date someone would definitely twist their ankle. fin. fin would. he has 2 left feet. nors like hmmmm its easyyyy and fins like hahahah right, holding onto the rails n shit. he lets go for 3 seconds and... rip in peace.
idk that last one sounds kinda gay idk if jesus would approve
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lonelyvomit · 3 years
i am apparently very late to the party and i’m not sure which ones you’ve answered and which ones you haven’t so i’m gonna send in the numbers from the question list you haven’t received yet? (sorry if it’s a mountain. please just answer the ones you want to!)
LMAO you're just swooping in to clear up the rest huh 😂😂 lets see
6. Unicorns or Dragons?
- Dragons
8. Which car do you find aestethically pleasing?
- kleinbusses (hippie mobiles <3) and 67' Chevy Impala. no we will not discuss the latter
11. What time is it where you are?
- 2.21 AM
18. Have you left your country?
- I've been to Sweden couple times
22. Heatwave or Blizzard
- Blizzard pls
23. Do/did you have braces?
- no, I wanted them! ;-;
26. Are you a good cook?
- I'm decent, I just don't like to cook
29. Advice your family gave you that is really useful.
- I haven't gotten any truly profound life advice that would've really stuck to me. mostly my parents just support me in whatever I choose to do.
30. Have you been to the ocean / a forest before? How was it?
- forest yes, constantly, cus 75% of our country is covered in it lmao. ocean... idk, does the gulf count? if so then yes, also many times.
31. Which TV/Movie/Book character would be your best friend?
- Edward Scissorhands. I want that awkward creature to be real. I would loved him ;-;
35. List 3 positive things that happened to you today.
- bro my days ain't that eventful ?? 1. mum cooked 2. yall went off with the ask game lmao that was nice 3. my Animal Crossing Pocket Camp looks v cute after I redecorated it, yall would be jelly 😌😌
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kookkyra · 4 years
i’d also really like an obx ship! i’m assuming you want info to help with that. my name’s lili, i’m a bi female. i’m adventurous, i wear my heart on my sleeve, i’m shy at first but then give off v chaotic energy, i laugh at literally everything and peace and love is basically my motto. i enjoy rollerskating, painting, taking polaroids, nature (flower fields, hikes, camping, etc), road trips, indie/alternative and soft rock music, romance and horror films, and i’m a stoner 😌
okay here me out but i can 100% see JJ and Kiara fighting over you. 
like they both come to the chateau one day talking about this girl they saw and how they were totally blown away. JJ goes on about how wild you seemed and it made him super interested, but Kie saw you on the beach taking polaroids and loved your style. 
I gotta say Kiara would win though, because i think your energy just matches hers more?? (at least based on what you sent me). she would give JJ this ‘back off’ look and that boy would retreat so fast. 
for your first date with Kiara, i think she would take you to this conservation museum where you learn like hands on how to help the planet. she would be a little nervous that you would think it would be dorky, but once she started talking about habitats and conservation all her nerves went away (can we talk about how cute Kie would be when talking about things she’s passionate about??) 
also later on in the relationship i can see her giving you one of her chokers as like a ‘little piece of me when i’m not around’ thing and honestly i just melted my own heart.
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