#it's an awful take that i hope he learns from bc that mindset will continue to get and has historically gotten drivers killed
umflowers · 11 months
re: lewis' comments about qatar, please remember this is a man known for being exceptionally thoughtful about his actions and how they impact others, who nonetheless posts pictures of his very sculpted professional athlete's body, pinching the literal skin on his stomach with captions about how it's stubborn fat that he can't seem to exercise off. professional athletes do not view their bodies as bodies, which deserve care and concern. they view their bodies as the key to their high performance and ability to win, which they are addicted to. it quite literally doesn't occur to them to slow down and recognize what the body needs to be healthy. no professional athlete should be trusted with their own safety.
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Hiii! Thank you for keeping this fandom alive! I hope you're feeling better now, get well soon!
I wanted to request hcs about watching horror movie with the boys but the reader is not scared at all, they're just vibing
You don't have to write it if you don't like the request or if you don't feel good enough 💞💞💞
a/n: hi!! you’re so sweet, thank you! i’m sorry for putting off this request for so long, i wanted to recover first, so if you’re still following my blog here it is! thank you so much for your kind words and i hope you enjoy!
- it wasn’t actually planned to watch a horror movie at first, but when you and ethan got to the theatres you realized that the movie that u guys planned to watch had actually just sold out of seats
- and ethan was kind of bummed over it bc he was looking forward to a movie date with u but he got over it quickly, and offered u to choose one instead
- u took a peak at the movie posters nearby and saw one that caught ur eye and you were like. that one.
- he doesn’t really think much of it honestly he’s like “okay! whatever u say” cos let’s be honest he just wants to spend time w u he didn’t come for the movie he don’t care
- so when you guys finally took ur seats and started watching, ethan didn’t know what to expect at all so when the jumpscare came he jolted in his seat and was like WHAT THE FUCK
- he turns to u, expecting u to have the same reaction, but u just kept watching??? not even bothering to look his way LMAOOO
- so ethan’s kind of surprised but he’s proud!! he has a s/o that doesn’t get scared easily what a badass
- after that first jumpscare he relaxes back into his chair and all the scary scenes that happened afterwards he glances at you (and u still had no reaction) n he can’t help but feel at awe at how both invested and nonchalant u were at the movie bc it had ethan lowkey shaking in his seat LOL
- when the movie finished u were talking about just how good the movie was while u guys walked home, and ethan was like ,,,hey that didn’t scare you at all? and you replied “ofc not, i don’t get scared by horror movies!” while beaming at him
- and u look good as fuck smiling so ethan feels his face grow warm n ykw he’s happy he learned something new about u
- also he’s lowkey impressed so W. he now has an additional excuse to bring u on more dates
- horror movies don’t scare this boy but he isn’t the biggest fan of them either
- so when you guys were crashing at harry’s house, u decided to watch a movie and harry’s fine with it bc he’s with u :D
- and there was a new movie trending in the program he uses to watch movies n it interested u so u asked if he could watch it with u
- harry’s whipped so obviously he says to go ahead
- like ethan, he doesn’t know what to expect at first but harry quickly realized it was a horror movie about 1/3 into the story
- he nudges u and tells u that it was going to be a horror movie (he wasn’t sure if u were into that sort of stuff) he’s surprised when u reassure him that it’s fine
- like said before he’s not a huge fan of horror movies even tho he could handle them as well u can, so he huddles next to u and wraps a large blanket around the two of u with a bowl of snacks
- u guys just relax the entire time bc no matter how terrifying the movie got harry’s warmth was such an overwhelming, comfortable presence so it didn’t matter at all
- after the movie ended, u guys got way too comfortable and u both really didn’t want to move, so it ended up as a horror movie binge night with you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around ur waist with the blanket wrapped around harry’s head as u two continued to invest urselves in the movie
- drifted off to sleep at around 5 am fucked up sleep schedule gang wya
- horror movies would usually induce nightmares or sleepless nights, but u guys slept peacefully with a good dream that night (or morning, since the sun was basically rising by the times u guys slept lol)
- sneaky lil shit
- zion thinks he’s slick because u know the basic “watch a horror movie with ur s/o, it’s so cute when they burrow into your arms so they feel like they’re protected!!!”
- and he thinks he’s a genius so he invites u over to his place to watch one of the more scarier movies
- he’s a “gentleman” somewhat so he chooses a more tame movie, like one with just one or two jumpscares
- you both were huddled in front of the television screen and zion kept touching shoulders with u and making snarky remarks like “huh y/n u scared yet? i bet ur scared >:)”
- however, he underestimated the horror movie’s scary level so when the first jumpscare came around he’s caught off guard
- expected u to hug his waist or something in reaction but he’s genuinely surprised when u just kept watching on like it was nothing
- after the movie ends, you said “damn that was it?? zion i expected more i thought u were going to show me a scary movie!!”
- tbh all zion hears is more time with u so he’s like BET and chooses the next few horror movies that were on and doesn’t even bother to watch them, he’s just staring at u intensely to see if u have any reaction
- there wasn’t
- he was pretty sad that his plan to get u into his arms failed but he takes pride in having a s/o that can watch scary stuff with ease
- also he’s a huge fan of horror themes so now there is a golden opportunity to now have u play scary games with him if ur interested of course
- secretly praising himself for inviting u to watch horror movies bc now he gets to share his hobbies with u!!!
- but zion is extremely easy to read so u already figured out his secret plan all along
- you were actually the one who suggested watching a horror movie with him
- you guys took a trip to the theatres but none of u guys had anything particular in mind which was like mind boggling to eugene cos he was like WAIT,,, I THOUGHT WE CAME HERE BC U KNEW WHAT TO WATCH and u were like NO WAY ME TOO ???
- so obviously there was some improvisation and u did the suggestion
- and eugene’s like “pfffft u think u can handle a scary movie??”
- he’s not easily scared tho, he has the “well it’s just a movie, it can’t hurt me” mindset so he doesn’t mind watching a horror movie at all
- he’s more concerned about you honestly, but yk him he’s not gonna say it out loud >:( tsundere looking ass
- and obv since none of u guys minded u went ahead and seated ourselves in the movies
- eugene’s relaxed and all,,, but he does get quite jumpy whenever an unexpected scene happens
- so when they rolled around he made an audible gasp and glanced at u immediately
- u were already looking at him with an amused face bc ur normally tsundere bf just got jumpscared LOOOL
- eugene doesn’t really care if u were or weren’t scared by the movies
- but eugene was like WOWWWWWW Y/N I SEE HOW IT IS when he saw u laughing at him
- watched the rest of the movie with him sulking but u did hold his hand after tho (begrudgingly LOL)
- was jokingly mad at you but after the movie ends, he presses a kiss to your cheek and asked if u wanted to watch another in the theatres after u guys refilled ur snacks
- honestly, his thought process was the exact same as zion’s
- lawrence enjoys having u in his arms while ur vulnerable bc he likes the idea of being ur protector
- he’s far far more discreet about it and purposefully leads u to watch a movie with him, and chooses a movie with an innocent looking poster so u wouldn’t see what was coming >:D
- he thinks your innocence is adorable so he’s super eager to show u a scary movie
- lawrence already knows what’s going to happen in the movie so he’s super prepared and he’s honestly only staring at you
- but when u were just there relaxing and calmly watching the movie with some people getting bludgeoned or something lawrence was like,, “this isn’t part of the plan HOLD UP”
- kind of disappointed that there wasn’t any reaction but you guys made it up afterwards because when u exited the movie theater with your arm around his, you were excitedly talking about the entire thing and you said something like “lawrence!!! i didn’t know you were into horror movies, you picked such a good one!”
- his disappointment washes off immediately because seeing your face light up was so cute and it was 100% more worth it than some cheap tactic ironic lawrence
- he nuzzles your hair and replies that he’d knew that u’d like it (he did not)
- lawrence comes up with like,,, 294713 more plans to get cuddles from u after
- but you see through it bc he’s cute when he’s needy so let it slide plsplspls and give my favorite psycho some love <3
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animakupo · 6 years
The Way to a Man’s Heart (Ignis x Reader)
wow i kept putting this off for some reason, but hello cooking mama iggy!!!! yay!!!! lowkey unconfident about this bc i don’t think i executed it well but uh haha stab me
will this be expanded into a two-part story? or will it remain a one shot? whO KNowS
(Also, thanks so much for all the love for Shortcake vs. Beefcake ;___; I didn’t consider it to be one of my better works, so for it to have received this much love has been such a pleasant surprise huhu thanks ebribadi wah)
word count: 3.5k+, fluff + self-deprecation because wow i relate so much to self-hate, Prompto likes to think he’s Cupid haha sure keep telling urself that boye
‘Take cooking lessons, they said.’ You stared helplessly at your burnt attempt at a chicken cordon bleu. ‘It’ll be fun, they said.’ Discreetly shoving the charred poultry down the garbage, you sighed longingly at everyone else’s pristine and mouth-watering dishes. ‘How is it fun when everything I make is inedible?’
Boy, if any of your classmates from high school saw you now, they might possibly throw a fit at the sight of you. Or maybe they’d look at you in awe.
After all, you were never really one for the kitchen.
Sure, you loved food — probably more than the average girl, even — but all you could do was devour dishes that were presented to you. For you to actually prepare something meant for human consumption was easily a recipe for disaster.
Which was why you were here, taking a culinary class in hopes of acquiring even a smidgen of an everyday man’s cooking skill.
But, let’s be real here: you could have lived the rest of your days perfectly content with being a failure in the kitchen. It’s not like you had any ambitions of becoming a chef or anything.
The true reason behind your ongoing efforts in trying to learn how to cook lies in a sole secret ingredient — one that is integral in your current woes as of late: Ignis Scientia.
Now, you were never really one to go to such great heights just to impress someone — let alone a member of the opposite sex — but Ignis was different. Here was a man in an entirely other league of his own. He was refined, patient, kind-hearted, and one of the most well-mannered men you ever had the blessed opportunity to encounter.
Not only did Ignis have the charms to go with his elegant face, he was also incredibly skilled — almost famously so, at least amongst his peers — in the kitchen. You’d probably go so far as to say his concoctions could rival — even best — the foods provided by the royal chef.
(Not that you knew what His Majesty and his son would have for their daily meals. You just believed that Prince Noctis requesting for a certain pastry from Ignis — and Ignis alone — was telling enough of the Royal Adviser’s skills in the kitchen.)
So here you were, struggling to cook up something in order to catch Ignis’ attention and impress him for once. Unfortunately, despite your wholesome intentions, your efforts were simply failing to bear any fruit.
‘I might end up burning my apartment down if I keep up with this,’ you thought glumly, already packing away your belongings as your cooking teacher gave you an unimpressed look for yet another cooking disaster this week.
‘Don’t worry.’ You gave your instructor a nod in farewell. ‘This is the last you’ll see of me in this blasted class.’
The very idea of taking up culinary lessons as a step towards getting Ignis to look your way was actually a suggestion from your friend Prompto. On one of your rare mutual breaks — yours from assisting other staff members with admin work and archiving documents for the royal family, his from Crowsguard training with Cor the Immortal — the two of you had stumbled upon Ignis himself, who was well on his way to a meeting with the King and the rest of his council.
“Hey, Specs!” Prompto greeted cheerfully with a wave of his hand.
“Good to see you, Prompto,” replied the bespectacled man. Ignis turned to you and offered a curt nod of acknowledgement.
All you could do was reciprocate his nod, already feeling your cheeks burn — a usual occurrence whenever you were near Ignis. While this was not the first time you had encountered the Royal Adviser in the flesh — as you would sometimes assist him with research and paperwork when necessary — being around him often made you feel shy and flustered. It was a miracle that you had yet to pass out from the effect he had on you.
“Where are you off to?” Prompto inquired.
Adjusting his grip on the small stack of folders in his arms, Ignis answered, “I’ve a meeting with His Majesty. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I best be on my way.”
It was only when Ignis turned a corner did you release a breath you hadn’t known you were even keeping. ‘He’s so handsome,’ you thought to yourself, clutching at your chest from how fast your heart raced around him.
Prompto looked at you oddly. Although some would think him to be a bit more on the naive side, the young blond liked to think that he was actually much more observant than the people around him would give him credit for. Perhaps that was why he detected your odd behavior in front of his friend.
Or maybe your crush on Ignis was just that obvious.
In any case, Prompto took notice of how tense you had become in the presence of his friend, as he placed a hand on your shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze. “Hey, you alright? I know Iggy might seem a little intimidating, but he’s actually a fun person to be around once you get to know him.”
“N-no, I…” you mumbled, keeping your eyes on the floor. “I know. He’s just- I’m…”
“Haha, you sound just like me when I tried asking this girl from school on a date!”
“Y-yeah, hah…”
“There’s no need to be so shy around good ol’ Iggy!” Prompto gave you a friendly pat on the back. “He might look like a strict professor on the outside, but on the inside, he’s just like you and me.”
“Well, except we’re plebes next to him, but you know. I’m sure you’d like him a lot once you got to know him better.”
Okay, you were definitely obvious about your crush on the Royal Adviser.
“Woah, what?”
Your face was probably burning brighter than the sun by now. How could you have suddenly blurted — practically yelled loud enough for the entire Citadel to hear, oh gods —your deep, dark secret? Your head must have been in the clouds while Prompto was talking, and in your carelessness, you somehow interpreted his words as an accusation of harboring feelings for Ignis.
Which… well, cat’s outta the bag now, then.
“I-I…!” The embarrassment becoming too much to bear, you hid behind your hands, mumbling into your palms, “I didn’t say anything!”
“Honey, you most definitely said something, and it was a little along the lines of-“
“SHUT UP!” You slapped your hands over Prompto’s mouth in a frenzy. “Someone might hear!”
Pulling your hands away from his face, he replied, “With how loud you were, I wouldn’t be surprised if even Noct heard you from his bedroom.”
You groaned. “Prompto, please don’t say anything to Ignis about this.”
Your friend’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Why not? I’m sure Iggy would be really flattered. Plus, you guys would make a really cute couple!”
“That’s really nice of you to say and all, but I’d rather keep my feelings to myself, thank you very much.”
“Yeah, but I’m a great matchmaker!”
You snorted. “Sure, Cupid.”
“I am!” Prompto whined. “Stop laughing! I’ll get you two together if it’s the last thing I do!”
“No, Prompto, please don’t,” you said. “It’s really nothing against you, I promise. It’s just…” You tucked a hair behind your ear, staring longingly at the direction Ignis had disappeared to. “I wouldn’t want to pressure Ignis into anything by informing him of my… c-crush on him.” Crush? What a schoolgirl term. Surely you were beyond this already, right?
“You wouldn’t-“
Completely caught up in your thoughts, you ignored Prompto and continued. “Confessing would just make things awkward, especially since I know he doesn’t reciprocate my feelings. He already has so much on his plate as it is, so I don’t want to make things uncomfortable between us if I ever do decide to confess.” As an afterthought, you added, “Which I won’t, mind you. It’ll never happen.”
This had always been your mindset right off the bat. Why would you ever tell Ignis how you truly felt about him? It would just be another burden for him to bear, and that was the last thing you ever wanted to be to him.
“But,” Prompto said after a few seconds of silence, “are you really content with never telling him how you feel? Ever?”
When you really thought about it… of course you wouldn’t be content. However, living in silence seemed like a much safer option than getting into messy feelings and affections. Plus, unrequited feelings were definitely a more tolerable reality than the bitter sting of rejection.
You shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. His duty to Prince Noctis will always be his top priority, and I respect that. So even if I did happen to confess, I really don’t think it’d take me anywhere with Ignis.”
Amidst your wistful admissions was a frown on Prompto’s face that you failed to perceive. “Well…” he trailed off. “Well, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try to get Iggy to look at you the way you look at him!”
“What are you playing at, Prompto?”
“What if you just… try to woo Iggy a little, (Name)?”
“Woo him?” You gave Prompto an incredulous look. “As if I even have a chance with him to begin with!”
“But you do!” Prompto insisted. “I promise that you do! We just need a little somethin’-somethin’ to tip the scales and get the ball rolling.”
“Okay, I’ll humor you. What, pray tell, would your plan of action be to,”—you made quotation marks with your fingers—“‘get the ball rolling’?”
Prompto hummed thoughtfully before suddenly snapping his fingers. “I know exactly what you can do!” Giving you a proud smile, he declared, “You can cook him something!”
You stared at Prompto for a solid few seconds, causing him to falter slightly in his expression. “Or bake him a cake or something…?” he added unsurely.
“You’re joking, right?”
“N-No! I’m serious!”
“What? Why are you looking like me like that?”
“I can’t cook to save a life.”
“C’mon, everyone can cook!”
“Not me,” you deadpanned. “I’m serious. I once burned a scrambled egg.”
“That’s not so bad-“
“The heat was on low and I found eggshells in it.”
“Okay, maybe you’ll need a little help. But that’s what I’m here for!”
You raised a brow. “You’re going to help me cook Ignis something?”
“Well, n-no…” Prompto chuckled nervously at the disapproving look you were wearing. “But! I know where you can take cooking classes!”
“Prompto, I know you mean well and all, but cooking classes? I’m pretty swamped with work as it is.”
“You can go after work! They have evening sessions that run an hour a day. It even includes baking lessons!”
“I can’t possibly cook anything for him. Ignis has the taste buds of a god!”
“All the more reason to make him something he’s never had before!” Prompto countered. “You know what they say: ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ I betcha Iggy’ll love whatever you make him!” He was not going to let this go until you conceded, was he?
“I dunno…”
“C’mon (Name), don’t you want to show him what you have to offer? Make him see the wife material that you are?”
The wiggling of Prompto’s brows made you chuckle. “I’m hardly wife material.”
“And she’s so humble, too!” he cheered, pulling another giggle out of you. “It’ll be fun, (Name)!”
“Why are you so adamant about this, anyway?”
The grin on Prompto’s face softened into a warm smile. “I just want to see my friends happy, that’s all.”
If Prompto hadn’t won you over before, he definitely did now. This boy was truly an angel.
So that’s how you found yourself struggling to whip up a dish or two after work everyday. Everyday you came to class without fail, but also without fail was the stench of an actual failed dish after each session. Despite this, the encouraging looks Prompto always sent you whenever you chanced upon each other always inspired you to keep on going. Though you had called it quits on the cooking classes, it didn’t mean you couldn’t practice on your own, right?
It took a while, but the day finally came: you managed to make a seemingly decent platter of cupcakes. Baking was different from cooking, sure, but at least you finally made something even remotely edible. You had heeded Prompto’s suggestion of baking a cake, except you opted for a much simpler and smaller scale.
It only took about a month of daily trials and errors, but finally, you were able to produce a simple batch without killing yourself in the process. You even managed to put some pink frosting for a cute touch!
‘I’ll let Prompto taste test this first!’ you thought excitedly, scurrying towards where you knew your blond friend trained with the Marshal.
In your hurry to find Prompto, you failed to notice a presence making their way towards your direction. As you turned a corner, you accidentally bumped into the one and only Ignis himself — the very reason for the platter of dessert in your hands.
Alas, good fortune just wasn’t on your side today, though. Typically, bumping into Ignis would be a blessing in disguise. Today, however, it brought more distress than elation, because you lost your grip on the platter, causing the cupcakes to tumble to the ground with a generous smother of pink icing all over the Royal Adviser.
“Ignis!” you exclaimed, hands trembling at the mess you made. “I’m so- I’m sorry!”
You couldn’t read his face as he kept a stoic mask even after your collision. Ignis was often hard to decipher even on a regular day, but this time around, you were certain that he was unhappy with your stumble. His usually pristine clothes were now ruined by pink frosting, and his shoes were covered with the broken remnants of all your hard work.
Your hard work. You had slaved over this batch — the one you deemed the most acceptable out of the many others you had attempted — only for it to crumble before you. You didn’t even get to have Ignis try it.
Helplessly, you stared at what was meant to be a gift of affection for the man in front of you. Somehow, the sight of the disintegrated pastries brought forth a deep-seated frustration within you that served as a painful reminder that this wasn’t going to work out.
Who were you kidding? As if Ignis would ever go for someone like you. Baking or cooking or whatever, you would never amount to even half the person he deserved to be with. No matter how much effort you put into your work, everything will still fall apart — even something with Ignis.
‘What’s the point?’ you thought, downcast and discouraged. ‘No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be good enough for him anyway. I’ll still fail.’
You forced yourself to meet Ignis’ eyes in order offer another heartfelt apology, but the sigh that escaped his lips only triggered the appearance of tears in your own eyes. Now you knew for sure that he was definitely upset with you.
With your blurred eyesight thanks to your tears, you missed the look of what appeared to be panic on Ignis’ face. Bowing your head to avoid looking at him any further, you mumbled a pathetic “sorry, excuse me” before making yourself scarce.
Ignis was quite the sight when Prompto found him just a minute later, frozen in place and covered in pink.
‘I am an IDIOT,’ you thought miserably as you dragged yourself to work the next day. After your disappearing act on Ignis, you pretty much beat yourself up for reacting so brashly at your own slip-up. ‘Crying over a few measly cupcakes? Then running away? REALLY? Nice one, drama queen.’
“I bet the cupcakes weren’t even that good,” you grumbled, placing your things on your work desk and settling into your seat. You began to shuffle through some files that were left neglected just a day before, still a bit tense at your recollection of yesterday’s unfortunate collision.
“On the contrary,” a voice in front of you said, “they were actually quite delectable.”
Your eyes widened. Lifting your head from your papers, you found Ignis in front of you. He offered a charming smile to go with his nod.
“I-Ignis!” You shot up in surprise. “Wha… What are you doing here?”
“Am I not allowed to greet a friend good morning?”
“No! I-I mean…” You cleared your throat as you nervously wrung your fingers together. “You’re allowed! You can do whatever you want! Um, I, I mean… Good morning…?
He chuckled softly. “Good morning.”
It was then did you realize that Ignis was holding a small box in his hand. Pointing at the object, you inquired, “What’s that?”
“This?” He held up the box before gently placing it on your desk. “This is a gift for you.”
“M-Me?” you repeated dumbly. Ignis Scientia — THE Ignis Scientia — had a gift for you?!
Ignis adjusted the glasses on his face before continuing. “It is an apology of sorts for causing yesterday’s mishap.”
“Th-that was all my fault!” you sputtered. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Ignis! I ruined your clothes and then I ran away like a crybaby…”
“I’d like to apologize for the tears, then,” he countered.
“No!” you blurted anxiously. “You weren’t at fault! It was all me!”
“Regardless, you would do me a great honor in accepting this gift.”
You stared at the box. “Really?”
“Most certainly,” he assured. “Please, go ahead.”
Upon his insistence, you gingerly picked up the box, feeling a moderate weight inside. When you opened it, you were pleasantly surprised to find a cupcake — one that was identical to the ones you made yesterday, pink frosting and all.
Taking advantage of your silence, Ignis said, “Yesterday was quite the tragedy, wouldn’t you agree? What a waste it was for all the pastries to go spoilt in such a manner. I at least managed to try the icing, since there was an… abundance of it, as you know.”
You blushed, recalling just how much frosting you managed to get on him yesterday. Ignis let out a small smile, as if assuring you that he meant no harm with his comment. “I tried to replicate the taste to the best of my abilities, though I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty to give my own take on the batter, seeing as I had no basis for what you made yourself.”
“Tha-that’s fine,” you breathed, awe-struck that Ignis had even bothered to make you anything, let alone try to copy your own take on a lame cupcake. Although you were squirming a bit under his gaze, you managed to offer a sincere smile. “Thank you.”
Ignis nodded in response. “I must say,” he uttered, “the icing reminded me of you a bit.”
“It did?” you asked, a little absent-minded at the fact that not only was Ignis making casual conversation with you, he had actually made something for you — and in the same fashion as what you had intended to give to him, at that! What exactly was happening here?!
“Yes,” he affirmed. “It was rather… sweet.”
“O-oh!” You could feel your face burning up at this point.
“I mean that in the highest of praises possible,” Ignis added. “If you’d like, perhaps we could discuss your recipe over a cup of Ebony?”
You gaped. Did he just…? Was he offering…? IS HE ASKING YOU OUT ON A DATE?! “Y-ye-yeah! Sure!” you squeaked, belatedly realizing how stupid you must have looked with your mouth wide open in such an un-ladlylike manner.
“Excellent.” The smile on Ignis’ face grew saccharine, and it made you flush to the tips of your ears. “Will you be free tomorrow afternoon, then?”
You did a quick mental scan of your schedule. All free. “Yes.”
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Dazed, all you could do was wave at Ignis as he made his exit. Did that really just happen? Are you really going to have coffee with Ignis tomorrow? Sure, he didn’t really specify outright that it was a date, but…
‘Wait till Prompto hears about this!’
“She seemed to be delighted at the prospect of Ebony tomorrow.”
“I told you!”
“Shouldn’t you meet with the Marshal for training now?”
“Aw c’mon, Iggy! You gotta spill all the juicy details!”
“My lips are sealed.”
“After everything I did to get you two together?”
“You did no such thing.”
“Iggy! I am hurt!”
“I’m merely jesting. Thank you, Prompto.”
“You’re very welcome! I told you she liked you back!”
“I’ll be sure to express my gratitude to you in the form of some Meldacio Meat Pie.”
“This is why I love you, Iggy.”
“I’m afraid your feelings remain one-sided.”
“Of course they are. You’ve always had your eye on her, after all.”
“Iggy, is that…? Are you blushing?!”
“L-Lemme get this shot!”
“Excuse me, I must make my leave now.”
“Iggy, hold up! IGGY!”
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goldenscript · 8 years
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meet jeon wonwoo
he’s actually a really great artist like his parents got him a lil blank note book with yknow crayons and stuff and he used to go ham on it like all the time
as he grew up, it became his outlet to getting thru life bc even as a kid he was pretty intimidating and it wasn’t like he was very outgoing anyway so it affected the way other kids treated him
they always shunned him, telling him to go away and often equated him to that kid from the ring when it came out so he just stayed away from people and lived in his own bubble
art was a companion that could never shun him
however art also became a detrimental coping mechanism so excessively to the point where he was often doodling instead of completing his schoolwork so the only way his teachers could think to get him out of this mindset was reprimanding him for it
of course, it had an opposite effect
he continued to do as he pleased, becoming a lot more stubborn in the time that he was ostracized by his peers for not finding enjoyment in the same things as them and the older he got, the more this mindset became ingrained in him 
no matter what art was an important part of his life and no one was going to take that away from him
inevitably, wonwoo found interest in different forms of art from paint to colored pencils
but his ultimate favorite art form was graffiti
there was a united front about the way other graffiti artists in the ways each of them made their art their own, formulating their own stories without establishing an actual face
the artist was who they made themselves out to be. not rumors or stories about a boy who had no friends aside from the paintbrushes held between clenched fingertips 
and for him, he became someone more than just that weird looking grudge boy kid
he was someone.... he belonged somewhere
throughout high school, he developed a persona called jeon. given that’s his last name, he formulated this just for the sake of vaguieness and cuz he couldn’t really think of anything else LOL
so jeon is someone who battles his demons with a stare, kinda like medusa but he doesn’t turn them to stone. he turns them into paintings
he memorializes them for what they really are- mean people, demons, scary stuff only little kids dream of and for the most part, they become a hit to his graffiti buds and for anyone who is everyone (though those who aren’t in the graffiti community have no actual clue that this cool dude is wonwoo even if they share a surname)
this goes on for some time, even into wonwoo’s final year of high school where he’s graduating cuz mingyu, his new bff and only friend, encourages him after he told the older boy how he wanted to go to the city for school and it motivated wonwoo to spread his wings from his small town and wander ya know?
around the time when he’s integrating into college life with mingyu and their other friends scoups and vernon, he actually continues jeon throughout seoul city in subtle ways though not many people recognize it
anyway, with being in college, his maternal aunt sends her son aka his cousin, jeon jeongguk over just to experience some of the college life. she wanted wonwoo to show the younger jeon how college is beneficial even for misfits like himself (passive aggressive way of going abt it but wonwoo is just like “ok whateves”)
although it makes mingyu whiny that they have to lug around a kid who’s only two years younger and just as lanky and tall lol, wonwoo doesn’t mind showing his cousin around the city and letting him touch his stuff and eventually jeongguk discovers wonwoo’s sketchbook snippets of jeon and he gets all “??? what’s this??” finally an interest piqued in their time spent together and wonwoo lets him in on the secret after seeing how into the art his cuzzo is
as wonwoo explains the piece, jeongguk is so immersed and interested, he actually gets into the whole bit, wanting to do his own kind of art form bc he’s always enjoyed doodling and well, wonwoo can’t resist so he agrees to teach his cousin the craft
they go out to the tunnels near this abandoned train, just spraying around but enjoying themselves as twilight breaks and it’s nearly pitch black (though they have flashlights to help them out), jeongguk makes up a persona called kookie
he says he’s kind of like jeon but the art he memorializes highlights the good possibilities, that there’s light in darkness and he turns around those shitty monsters so they can be happy 
it’s cute really and wonwoo loves it cuz his cuzzo is happy too
unfortunately, there’s a patrol cop on the prowl trying to get his mitts on people like wonwoo and he sees small lights emitting from the tunnels and the two get caught tho wonwoo is quick to shut his light off, shutting guk’s off and telling the younger boy to run until he’s a safe enough distance that wonwoo feels relieved 
they decide not to go out for a while, hoping to avoid the same situation they suffered thru
but guk’s not done. he has more to add, and well, bc he went alone, he nearly gets caught before he sprints off and calls his cousin in fear and panic bc he doesn’t know what to do and fuck he rlly doesn’t want to go to jail or something 
and well, wonwoo can barely register his actions before he goes to the very tunnel and makes it blatantly obvious that he’s the one “defacing” the wall and he gets the blame for “kookie” 
he gets put on community service duty, forced to clean up the “vandalism” and set a 700 dollar fine that he knows his family can’t pay
of course his family doesn’t want to help, only wishing for him to learn from his mistakes and be an adult so he gets a job at the local convenience store and although he isn’t allowed to talk to jeongguk, his younger cousin feels awful, trying to keep in contact with wonwoo despite having to cut all ties with him
and that small convenience store is where you and him meet actually
it’s your second year at the university like wonwoo and as part of your work-study program, you decide to take up a position at the nearby convenience store since it’s close to your dorm and you really didn’t want to work at the sporting goods store on campus
going there, wonwoo is at the register, looking pretty bored and when he sees you, his eyes go a little wide before he asks if you’re y/n bc he’ll be training you and you agree only flushing a little bc wow he’s pretty cute and holy shit he looks intimidating (well at least until he starts trying to “train” you)
to say the least, wonwoo is only a little flustered by you bc holy shit you’re so nice to him
you don’t care if he’s too quiet or too shy sometimes and if anything you make it blatantly obvious that you like talking to him and he doesn’t get that at all
but bc of this mild confusion from him, it’s a steady burn for you two actually get to know one another but like most burns it’s an ache that soothes the coldest of hearts and it’s exactly that for him
you two will talk about your majors and what you like and he gets happy when he hears you gush about art especially pieces that obviously mean something 
don’t get even him started when you say you like banksy work and even these subliminal pieces you catch on the street aka his cuz he actually didn’t realize how mini jeon pieces would catch anyone’s eyes and yeah he gets unbelievably happy to see you talk about it with wonder
it’s really cute bc your training goes on for two weeks and he’s made it an unconscious effort to walk you to the dorms after closing
even afterwards, he still continues to walk you 
he can’t explain why even when you ask but it’s something he does and he continues when you make no moves to protest against it and he can’t help but smile to himself abt that
for some reason, he can’t get you out of his mind 
maybe it’s the nice gestures or the fact that you like his art or something but there’s something about you that gives him this swell of emotion he hasn’t felt since he created jeon tbh
you’re so new and different to him and for all the kindness you show him he’s truly grateful 
he isn’t sure how to express it tho especially when even talking to you is still new for him so he actually asks his friends for help
seungcheol told him to just let you know how he feels 
(wonwoo: hell no)
vernon: ummm.... idk bro 
(wonwoo: (-: thanks.... Bro)
(wonwoo: you punk what the-)
the ironic part: so, one day when you two are working together and it’s nearly time to go, it actually begins to rain and this moment where he shrugs off his leather jacket and drapes it above your heads as you wait for the rain to cease beneath the thin canopy, you look up at him with those fluttery eyes and his breath just catches in his throat and you glance at his lips, biting at yours with conflict in your eyes and suddenly-
you kiss him
you just do it after you release your lip
and he’s all red in the face trying to make sense of it before you start apologizing and he has to stop you, practically dropping his jacket on you which he apologizes profusely over
“d-dammit, i’m sorry god i’m a klutz... that kiss just rlly got to me cuz i wanted to kiss you and you just kissed me and holy shit did i just say that am i still talking why am i still tal-”
you hop on your tip toes and peck his lips once more and smile “well i’m glad i kissed you, wonwoo... i rlly like you” 
and he’s just in awe like wow YOU LIKE HIM TOO and naturally y’all go out on a date but one insecurity about him that he still hasn’t mentioned to you is the fact that he got busted for graffiti and that’s why he’s at the convenience store
he always danced around the subject so now that you two have become even closer, he finds it hard to admit to his crime bc before it never mattered when no one else really mattered to him as much as you do...
it really upsets him when that cop who busted him sees him and starts messing with him in front of you on your date together and although you’re confused he actually doesn’t tell you anything about it
no phone calls, no texts, and when he calls in sick from work that following weekend, you’re determined to figure out what happened
so you hunt down mingyu and ask him where wonwoo is, he tells you where the dorm is bc he knows that you mean a lot to wonwoo if he was that upset abt you knowing why he was working so when you get there you use mingyu’s key and searching for wonwoo who’s hiding in his bed 
not that he’s noticed you yet
his hair’s a mess and he actually looks paler than usual 
you can see in his hands are holding a black leather bound sketch book and he’s doodling away, possibly trying to cope and you sigh
when he hears your voice, he freezes up, trying to burrow away in his blankets until you stop him and try to get him to open up to you bc dammit you care so damn much abt him and him trying to push you away will only bring you back trying to smash that damn shell of his harder
until finally he relents and tells you abt what happened and you just hug him, telling him to move over and you lay beside and ask why he didnt want you to know that
and yeah he’s surprised you’re not condemning him to hell like so many other people have but he can’t help but cling to you as he replies “it’s not the most optimal thing you tell your significant other yknow”
you shrug, giving him a squeeze
“Well you can tell me anything and i’ll accept you, wonwoo. i promise” 
from then, he’s a lot more open with you tbh
he’ll show you sketches about jeon and you make him tell you every story he has about those ones just because you love to hear his voice
you don’t really mean to be so forceful with him but it takes prompting for him bc he gets so scared that you’ll reject his ideas but when you don’t he gets so confident and happy, he’s like a puppy 
on your dates he likes to doodle on napkins and you collect every single one
one time he just doodles a mash potato monster and you kept it in a scrapbook with the rest of the doodles and he just giggled at the sight
on your anniversary he actually drew an companion for jeon named miss jae. although she wasn’t battling monsters, she helped him with her powers of support and light 
as a surprise he actually took you out to a different spot and graffiti’d the two together and it was just the sweetest thing ever 
it’s his way of saying “i love you” and even when you complain that you have no super talent like this he still grins and says “yes you do. just say that and i’m all yours” 
(he’s a closet greaseball y’all)
the rest of the boys were rlly happy to see how happy you made wonwoo, even inviting you to one of their shows where you discovered yet another talent of his 
and you couldn’t help but gush about him bc of it
sometimes to people at the store, to his friends, to his mom (who loves you btw), and basically anyone who listens 
even when he’s begging you to stop with pink cheeks, you just grin up at him and say “no way. you’re amazing and everyone should know it. EVERYONE”
those are the times he likes to shut you up with a kiss 
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crossgartered · 4 years
P5R Liveblog (14/?)
Confidants good. (Haru arc end)
Baphomet, huh? Guess I'll try Kouga
Oh crap I forgot to resummon my fusion components
Aw, that's it? I thought it was going to be something wild based on what Mona said
This does actually make sense why she needed Mona's help, specifically, though
I really do like how they've changed Ryuji's ambush skill. It's way more optional now, and you get xp from it. And it seems like a persona will get experience if you stealth-kill a shadow that would give you the same persona? That's pretty cool
Oh, a Futaba & Iwai interaction! Not really something I considered, but tbh it makes a lot of sense! I'm down. Found family alllll around
Oh thank FUCK I'm not sure if this is a relocalization thing or if he says something later but I'm so glad that Mishima now believes me when I say that he changed his own heart without any stealing involved
It was really sad that he didn't think he was strong enough to divert from his course on his own. And that he thought I would lie about something as important as that! I'm glad that this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Hopefully
It's too bad Mishima & Ann don't interact much, outside an apology after Kamoshida and a very short exchange during the school trip. I feel like they'd have a lot to talk about. Even if it's them dancing around Shiho and everything associated with Kamoshida. But if they got to talking about Thief stuff, in earnest, without the oh-surely-i-dont-know-what-you-mean, they could have a discussion about bringing out the courage within people's hearts. And requests, too, obviously. Hmm.
Oh what if he interviews her (as Panther!) For his book/documentary?? That a really makes a lot of sense and I'm into it and I want a short fic now
Don't worry, Kawakami, I'm rank 9 with him. I have been very counseled.
oh she's inviting Maruki as well. Okay I guess that's fine
Oh, good, doesn't seem like you have.
Hooooooooo how are you going to answer this, Yoshizawa?
That's not really very accurate
It still boggles the mind that we never saw her when our hideout was the rooftop. I saw her talking to a teacher about taking care of the flowers on like one of my first days of walking around the school.
Maybe she had a club or something. Or studied somewhere for a certain time and then came up. Or maybe it only took a little bit after the first few days and we delayed enough that we came up after her. Did we really just miss each other those times? Seems weird
"This party's totally the best one so far!" Oh dear.
Listen, we know that Makoto's the one who stole the data, but Akechi didn't actually say he didn't steal it from her. I wonder if he also took some info from her? Probably not, but... It's a little weird
It's interesting to me that none of them consider that Okumura's Shadow didn't return to his real self before the Palace collapsed - that he was acting again when he started sobbing, and that he wilfully committed a final act of betrayal
Or that he was maybe a little too caught up sobbing to return before it was too late.
Or that he was hit by a chunk of debris or fragile machinery.
"That said, it's safe enough to say that you aren't the murdering type." Thanks, Sae.
...in the Featherman game, is the player character going to turn into a villain? Bc that's what it looks like. Lol
No, dude, you should be going after her. She wants to hear she's wanted by you.
Yes, good, he comes up to talk to her on his own.
Hierophant rank 7 is an absolute treasure
Tfw you need a stat maxed to advance a social link and then the link gives you more of the stat on the ranks afterwards #thanksforthekindnessiguess
Shinya's voice...! It's still. Something. *Sigh*
"...Whoa! The mark of the Phantom Thieves! They hacked this site!" Hoo boy. Your voice actor, kid...they could have done better.
Sae, you're gonna be so embarrassed when you learn "where [I] learned to handle a gun"
Mishima no
Futaba's canonically into DnD. Hell yeah.
: / Aww. I usually get max knowledge before finals. This kinda sucks. And I was so close, too.
Hmm. I'm don't think Haru managed to say entirely what was on her mind. Is that even her full wish?
Side note, but I'm actually really proud of her for visiting a counselor. She doesn't trust easily, and she doesn't take care of herself on an emotional level very much, I don't think. She kinda bottles it up and then relieves stress by using her axe, whether it's on wood or on shadows. She takes care of everyone else and never talks about herself, and avoids going into detail when people ask if she's okay. She's been raised to be dutiful and proper and there's a stigma on mental health stuff
And despite literally all of that, she goes and visits a counselor. Even if she can't figure out what she wants to say, she did that. I'm really happy for her, even if I'm also a little sad. I hope she got something out of that, even if it was just a moment's respite.
You know, I read a really great fic where the writer did Yusuke's social link but with Ryuji being there instead of Ren. And there was a p4 manga where Yosuke did the Naoki social link instead of Souji. It's really interesting to see the social links interact.
I wonder who would be a good choice for Haru's link. Yusuke would be an interesting choice - they relate on a lot of points, and he has Thoughts on business. Maybe that would change her conclusion at the end, though. But maybe if he's already had his Hope added? Hmm
Makoto would also be an interesting choice. I feel like she would start doing a lot of research and would encourage Haru to research with her. I wonder how good of a listener Makoto would be. The two of them have a nice dynamic, though. It's kind of an easy one. Also, this way she wouldn't have to worry about burdening her kohai - she tries to keep it casual but she does still think about it
Ann and Haru hardly ever interact. I don't know what they'd be like 1 on 1. I'll have to think on it more
I don't think Haru would talk to Futaba about this. Their perspectives are too dissimilar, based on life experiences. Plus, Futaba is a prodigy. They have some similar mindsets - the keeping busy to distract oneself, for example - but I just can't see her talking about this with Futaba 1 on 1. And for Futaba to be there for moral support! That'd have to be a wiretap/bugged phone situation. And lots of texting.
Oh, but Futaba could tell her if someone was doing something shady with finances. She's know a lot about this kind of stuff from when she did Medjed/Alibaba stuff. Hmmmmmm...
Food for thought.
I kind of thought that Ryuji would be the best choice considering how passionate he is, maybe I'm wrong about that
There's also Morgana. But I'll think about that later. For now, let's continue the game
I wonder how they changed her confidant skills. Hopefully they're more useful this time around. With more variety.
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