#final fantasy 15 fic
adwendoodles · 8 months
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"… hi, Dad,"
from Oh, where do we begin? by @esamastation
Ever since I read this scene in the fic I was consumed by a need to do fanart for it. I originally wanted to do both Noctis and Regis' faces in close up, ideally in the same canvas, but couldn't get perspective to work. Then I realized it would be most logical as mini comic.
I think the part of that fic I most appreciate is how instantly Regis enters dad mode when he realizes the strange man is Noctis. Like literally he just is like "my son! my beloved baby boy! he looks older than me! oh my god he looks older than me there's gray in his hair he looks so tired he doesn't even have clean clothes :ccccc im going to dad you and silently judge your own father for his childraising choices. yeah I know i'm him sans 10 years of defeated acceptance but that isn't going to stop me."
Since 30 year old Noctis from canon seems uh, healthier and more groomed than this fic Noctis, I tried to make him more disheveled and crustier. He's paler than Regis too but that's the (likely?) vitamin d deficiency/ten years without sun. Wish I had made him Crustier tbh but my art program kept crashing. I also wanted to make him with an expression close to tears / smiling anxiously like in the fic ...so I hope to revisit this fanart someday and do it More Justice... and include Regis closeup as planned...
Anyway thank you Esama for sharing this fic with us. I literally decided to play the game because I saw you were writing fic for it and didn't want to miss out because I wasn't familiar with canon. 10/10 decision. Would cry at Regis and Noctis in the endgame again.
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koobiie · 8 months
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fanart for what may be my favorite fic of all time, Running Behind by @asidian! here's prompto enjoying all the foods from the fic beacuse he deserves it <3
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bitchsince1976 · 17 days
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Replaying Final Fantasy 15 again (curse you PS4 Pro and corrupted files) and came up with this little Promptis plot bunny.
Noctis has separation anxiety due to his 10 years stuck in the crystal.
Prompto has been away for 10 days in the now deserted Niflheim Empire gathering all the dirty little secrets, since his barcode tattoo is the key to the city.
Ignis walks into the throne room, and takes the picture.
Pictures are not mine, but the plot bunny is.
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serotoninbetweenpages · 2 months
I NEED HELP FROM THE FINAL FANTASY XV FANDOM! specially from those who read fanfics
There is this fic I read earlier in the year that I absolutely loved, but I cannot find it anywhere now, and I don't have the name!
It was about the four of them going back in time to Insomnia, and the group and their youngest selves (young Noctis was around 19) scape the city and go into Lucis to iniciate young Noctis in the look for the Royal Arms.
I remember not giving kudos or comments, idk why. This is the only screenshot I've got from it:
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If someone could give me the link or name, I would be so thankful!
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stealthnoodle · 2 months
In this chapter, we reach the portion of my outline that begins with "PALACE ADVENTURE GO GO GO," and Ren and Akechi make a new deal.
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jiveyuncle · 1 year
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So I started reading this fic, and I’m drinking it down.
Fanfic: Penumbral by Salty_Mog on Ao3 (art of a scene in Ch13: Shell Shock)
[Noctis had told his friends he remembered very little of his decade in the crystal.]
[Noctis had lied.]
Trapped in Reflection, Noct discovers Bahamut isn’t quite the benevolent deity he’s made himself out to be. Feeding on death, the Draconian waits in anticipation for Noct’s final sacrifice. And as the sun rises at last, Umbra offers Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto an alternative—but with a catch.
Now, back in a world of light, the four of them discover that behind every happily ever after is a big flaming mess of new problems—from angry gods, to relentless Niffs, to the fallout of a decade spent in darkness, to trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with Noct.
And, as each man battles his daemons, Noct himself finally learns—once and for all—that no one is an island.
Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37358029/chapters/93220192
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krisssssssy · 10 months
What was Ardyn doing for the ten years Noctis was in the crystal lol he couldn’t have just been sitting on that throne bored out of his skull
I bet he would daemonify someone and then for kicks just pretend to be them for a while until he got bored
Unless he really had no idea when Noctis would return so he just sat anxiously waiting looking out the windows lol
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sakuranightmarez · 2 months
Know what fic I wanna read? One where the Caelums realize they screwed over the citizens outside Insomnia and actually do something about it.
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Makeshift Bandages/"I'm fine." - Whumptober day 15
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Ignis Scientia Rating: Mature Warnings: Bullet wounds, removing the bullet without anesthetics.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Ravus grunts when Scientia is harshly shoved into his back. He braces himself against the additional weight.
“Are you alright?”
He expects the weight to disappear as Scientia rights himself, but it doesn’t.
“Fine.” The reply comes out strained, and he’s heavily leaning against Ravus.
Ravus’ sword comes up to block another blow. He grits his teeth as it deflects badly and nicks his cheek; the additional weight is throwing him off-balance.
“If we are to be allies, you ought to tell me the truth!” he barks. “Are you hurt?”
A pause. “...Yes.”
“How bad?”
“I’m still capable of fighting,” comes the cryptic reply. “Although that may not be the case for long.”
Better end this quick, then. Ravus himself isn’t sure how long he can hold Scientia up and fight properly, but it looks like he’ll have to try. Scientia does seem to need his support to remain on his feet, at the very least.
He can still hear Scientia’s daggers blocking and stabbing and slashing, at least he wasn’t lying about his ability to fight. Still, he’d rather not test their luck.
Quickly, he clears the majority of the foes in front of him, save for the long-ranged ones. Scientia, whom he has seen flinging his daggers around without any effort before, will be more likely to take them out than himself, anyway.
“Let’s switch,” he hisses, hooking his arms into Scientia’s behind him, and whirls them around so their positions are reversed.
He doesn’t have time to make sure Scientia manages to keep his balance. Almost right away, he’s met with a sword coming at his face that he only barely manages to block.
From now on, the fight is over quickly. Scientia already took out many of their opponents before they switched, and Ravus takes care of the rest. Similarly, Scientia finishes off the shooters with deadly accuracy despite his injury - injuries? Ravus still doesn’t know how badly he is hurt.
The moment the last foe falls, Scientia does too, sagging against Ravus’ shoulder like a puppet with its strings cut.
Ravus quickly catches him and lowers him to the ground.
“Don’t die on me now.”
Scientia smiles tightly and lets himself be examined.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Though he’d never admit it to the man’s face, it’s impressive how Scientia managed to secure more than half the city on his own before they even met. Together, it was almost ridiculously easy to clear out the rest of the soldiers occupying the place.
Ravus almost regrets calling him a boy - he may be young, but he is more of a man than many others he has seen in his days in the Imperial Army.
Scientia’s wound isn’t deadly, with proper care, although it is serious and warrants medical attention. As it is, they’ve little more to work with than one of Scientia’s daggers to dig the bullet out of his hip, sterilized with the fire he is so easily able to conjure, and the torn-up lining of Ravus’ coat as a poor substitute for proper bandages.
The dagger is handed to Ravus, naturally. No matter how brave, digging a bullet out of their own flesh is something few people would be able to do.
Ravus tries to get it over with quickly, but he has to dig around the wound for longer than he’d like before he manages to dislodge the bullet. Scientia bears it with admirable stoicism, only the tension in his jaw as he desperately bites down on his rolled-up handkerchief betraying his agony.
Luckily, the bullet hit in a spot that doesn’t bleed much, so when Ravus is finished bandaging up the wound, he’s confident Scientia isn’t going to bleed out anytime soon. He’s not so sure about his ability to keep fighting, though.
When he voices his concerns, Scientia brushes him off.
“I’m fine,” he says and makes to get up. Ravus braces himself to catch him if he collapses, but impressively, the man remains standing despite the paleness of his face and the sweat beading on his brow.
“Very well,” Ravus says, because he doesn’t care to argue about this. The sooner they reach the altar, the better, and if Scientia is determined to battle his body in submission with sheer stubbornness, well. Far be it from Ravus to stop him.
He does, however, shadow Scientia more closely than before when they do go on towards the altar. Ravus is familiar enough with Lucian politics to know that Scientia is important to that brat Noctis, which in turn makes him important to Lunafreya.
And that is just enough reason to keep the fool alive.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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omnificent-orion · 1 year
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"As you well know, a game, once begun, is played until it is won or drawn. Though numerous, there are only a number of ways a game can play out before coming to one or the other. If you were to play for a thousand years and a day, you would know how a game would end before it even started."
Besmirched, Chapter 6 A Gladiolus/Noctis Irish folklore AU longfic by @rose-madder-gaze (You can learn more about it at this link)
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Whumptober Day 15: Rest
Now on AO3!
Fandom: Final Fantasy I
A/N: I love writing these two a lot, so this one was also fun to write! Also, I... am having trouble writing more of this, but hopefully I'll get to it before the month is up!
I only own Drusus, Keme, and Veles. Everything else belongs to Square Enix.
TAGS: @gala1981
CONTENT: slight strong language, sickness, a lot of fluff stuff
@whumptober Day 15: Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | "I'm fine."
Drusus wasn't sure what happened. When he woke up this morning, he felt a throbbing headache hit him. Not only that, but his throat was sore—no matter how much water he drank, he couldn't get rid of the soreness his throat had. And finally, his nose was stuffed up, making breathing difficult.
Keme knew what was up the moment they left for work. He had asked his husband if he was alright—Drusus didn't even give him a "good luck" kiss before they left, as he usually did. 
"I'm fine," Drusus had said, and yet, he still looked out of it. Was he upset with Keme? No. That wasn't it. Drusus looked… exhausted, judging by the bags under his eyes and the fact that he coughed constantly.
Keme's thoughts were on Drusus all day, and after he returned from a mission, he decided to confront his husband. Clearly, Drusus was hiding something from him, which was out of character for the Monk.
He arrived at the door to Drusus' office, before knocking it. A few moments had passed, to the point Keme even thought that Drusus had already left. However, he heard his beloved's voice from behind the door, "Who is it?"
Keme noted that his voice was hoarse and raspy. He raised a brow, before he answered, "It's me. Can I come in, love?"
Another pause, before he heard coughing from behind the door.
"Come in." Drusus answered.
Keme opened the door and entered, only to pause when he noticed Drusus' trash can was full of tissues. Sitting at his desk was Drusus, scribbling down another signature on a piece of paper. He glanced up, smiling slightly. Keme's heart would have skipped a beat at that sight if he hadn't noticed how strained it was.
"Hey, babe," Keme said, glancing at the trash can for a moment. Usually, Drusus cleaned his trash can before he began to work. Why was it full? Unless…
"You're sick," Keme pointed out, and he couldn't help but glare at his husband. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and he was frankly tired of how stubborn Drusus was.
"What?" Drusus asked, and Keme could see the panic in his eyes. "N-no I'm not."
"Then explain this," Keme said, gesturing at the tissue-filled trash can. Drusus glanced at it for a moment, before he shook his head.
"Allergy season," Drusus lied, covering his mouth with his fist when he coughed.
"...It's not even spring," Keme sighed, shaking his head. "Babe, we've discussed this before. When you're sick, you should be resting, not working!"
"I'm fine, dear," Drusus insisted, glancing back at his paperwork. "These papers are due today, and I have to—cough—work on them."
Of freaking course.
"Drusus." Keme said, his voice stern.
That caught Drusus' attention, as he glanced at his husband, eyes wide. "Did you just—" Drusus tried to say.
"Damn right I did," Keme interrupted, his arms across his chest, giving Drusus a disapproving look. "Look, you need to go home. Veles can take care of the paperwork and all. You're too sick."
"Babe, please," Drusus insisted, "Veles has enough on his plate, and—"
He didn't realize that his hand was close to the small ink bottle, until he accidentally knocked it over. Ink spilled all over the paperwork, soaking them in black.
"Fuck," Drusus cursed, gritting his teeth in frustration. Could this get any worse?
Keme's glare grew intense, before he turned to the door. "That's it," Keme said, "I'm getting Veles."
"Love, no—" Drusus protested, but it was already too late; Keme left the office. Drusus sighed, running a hand through his hair. Why does Keme get so stubborn about him?
Veles insisted to Drusus that he'd handle the paperwork, and despite Drusus' protests, he eventually went home with Keme. Keme had apparently told Veles that he was taking the day off too—he needed to care for Drusus so he could recover quickly.
Once they were home and Drusus went to bed, Keme held a hand on Drusus' forehead, before pulling back with a hiss.
"Sheesh," Keme commented, "you're burning up."
"...I know," Drusus sighed, sinking in the covers until his head was the only thing exposed.
Keme glared at Drusus once more, and Drusus wanted to sink further in his covers sheepishly.
"How long have you been sick?" Keme asked.
"Since… this morning," Drusus admitted.
Keme's glare softened a bit then, sighing. "At least you didn't wait till days later like last time."
"...'m sorry." Drusus muttered.
"Just…" Keme said, "don't do it again, please? Whenever you're like this, I worry about you. It hurts me that you hide something like that from me. I get that you work hard, but rest whenever you feel under the weather."
Drusus gave it a thought for a second. Perhaps Keme was right—if their roles were reversed, Drusus would worry to death over Keme if he had fallen ill, and would insist Keme to rest. The mere idea of making Keme worry over him hurt him. His husband shouldn't be worried about him like that.
"...All right, I'm sorry," Drusus apologized.
"Pinky promise?" Keme asked, his pinky raised.
Drusus merely smiled despite his sickness, before he reached out and had his pinky intertwined with Keme's. He could keep promises easily.
"Pinky promise."
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blu-oo · 1 year
Weird question but does anyone know if someone’s written a fic where the chocobros come across another defector magitek trooper and kinda tahe him along with them? Like essentially the set up for every MT! Prompto fic ever except it isn’t OUR Prompto. Essentially the whole “He’s our new best buddy bff forever now” thing w all 4 chocobros + defector MT
I’m not really even sure WHAT to filter in order to find something like this in ao3 if it does exist lol
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whostarlockeda03 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Ardyn Izunia/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Ardyn Izunia, Cor Leonis Additional Tags: Mentioned Regis Lucis Caelum, Mentioned Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric's Family, Prince Nyx Ulric, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Bad Parenting, Disappointment, Family Issues, Older Man/Younger Man, Emotional Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Obsession, Plot, Dark, Traitor, Infection, Infected Characters, Starscourge (Final Fantasy XV), Teen Angst, Teen Nyx Ulric, Time Skips, Creepy, Bad Touch Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, Politics, Peace, Danger, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Naive Nyx Ulric, Sibling Rivalry Summary:
“I knew a young boy just like you once,” He said, staring so intently that Nyx felt like he was being stalked by a great predator. “Oh yes, he too was very smart, and capable… He had a whole host of qualities that he thought made him suitable to rule. But, just like you, he had a sibling who was always favoured over him.”
 An AU of my AU in Learning to Love, in which Nyx is a young prince and Ardyn is... well, Ardyn
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! @whumpwriterforlife
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krisssssssy · 8 months
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I'm back! This chapter took a while to write. I didn't even get to the plot I wanted. It's just more of Ardyn being an asshole and then smut. That's all this fanfic is.
I'd love if you gave it a read! And comments make me exceedingly happy.
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weeabooonmain · 2 years
“I thought you quit?” Gladio questioned, emerging from the dingy motel room, his eyes fixed on the cigarette gripped tightly between Ignis’s fingers, the stench of acrid smoke filling his nostrils.
Ignis rolled his eyes and exhaled heavily, sending smoke billowing into the air in whisps, giving Gladio a glimpse of the rebellious young man that he knew lurked under the advisor's polished public mask.
In the hours following the fall of Insomnia Ignis wants to admit defeat and Gladio just wants to know him better.
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silver-rosetta · 1 year
Fanfic is such a joy to me. I used to write all the time as a kid, but somewhere along the way I either ran out of time, or ran out of the creative juices, to work on the stories that brought me joy. Now that I'm an adult I'm very slowly recovering those skills. I have a couple stories I've been dying to put to paper for the last five years; a few scatterings of short stories, and a big concept that keeps bouncing between a written or graphic novel. But I simply don't have the same writer's endurance that I used to have when I wrote all the time. Writing fanfic lets me set those big ambitions to the side, for now. The characters already exist, there's reference material if I can't figure out what they would say. The world has already been created, I can put less weight on the exposition because I can trust the reader will understand what's going on. I don't have to write the beginning, middle, and end of an overarching plot. If anything, all I need is a little slice of the narrative. A moment's respite, where two people can sit down after the worst night of their young lives and talk about what happens next.
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