#it's an easy springboard for reasonable interactions with the rest of the cast in a variety of situations- strong bad especially
okay but honest to god the reason the king of town has taken the most notable dip in appearances outside of mocking his own character is because he was always a character with no decent relationships with others. i mean coach z had basically nothing to him outside of the accent & some sports things that didn’t last very long, but he’s got some relationships with marzipan & bubs that have given him room to stay. strong mad is & has been very similarly one-note to the kot but he’s got not only his relationship with sb & the cheat as a trio but his straightforward bond with the cheat on its own. they can appear together doing lots of things. meanwhile what has the kot got, the other members of the castle? if they had stuck with him being marzipan’s father that’d give him an excuse to have some kind of dynamic with her but as it stands he has got no relationship with a member of the main cast that isn’t just that other character’s default manner of interacting with someone else.
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sennokami · 5 years
Question to the mun: Do you think there are many people who don't like Madara? That's the general vibe I get, personally. Like a lot of people seem to want to avoid him in RP and stuff.
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I have to disagree. I think Madara is a very popular character – maybe not as popular as some, but considering the limited screen time he’s gotten, he’s done his rounds in fanfic and art. I can always use some more, but I like what I have, y’know?
As for the rest of your question, I think there’s a key difference in whether a character is popular and whether they’re easy to interact with. If you’re writing, for example, Naruto, then it’s easy to interact with a lot of the cast simply because the canon has a lot of potential interaction points for your muse. There’s a lot of different ways you can go “what if this? what if that? what if he did that instead?” and use that as a springboard for a thread. 
Whereas with Madara, it’s much harder.
you need a drastic AU just to get him in place for interaction with the main cast because there aren’t a lot of people in the Warring Clans era
you need to find a reason for him to not attack (and recycling certain thread plots gets… really boring after a while. there’s only so much “they’re allies” or “arranged marriage” you can take before falling asleep)
now, I’ve complained about this before and it’s still true: Madara just isn’t an open guy who talks to people easily. It makes writing certain types of interactions very difficult because he’s recalcitrant but I won’t change that, because that’s who he is. Nonetheless, it creates additional challenges
So it’s all just a lot of thinking, plotting, and brainstorming, and sometimes it comes down to a lot of footwork just to get the muses into position. With all of that in mind, it makes sense to me that other muns prefer to write with other muses. And I honestly don’t mind! While there are threads I actually really do want, like modern Uchiha interacting with Madara and such, I know my limits. I get burnt out with too many partners and I personally dislike writing extreme AU’s where Madara becomes unrecognizable to me, so while there is always room for a few more threads, I’m quite comfy in my RP nest. 
But, granted, I’m also very lucky in that I have @kinokami and @mizunokami with me. They form the bulk of my interactions and I would be utterly lost as Madara without them. Love you bbies
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