#it's barely doing its job tho🤧
NO THEY ARE NOT DYING! (Sophism, 2019)
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one of the few things that's been keeping me sane after finishing ep105 of purple hyacinth
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
⛺ i have set up my tent in ur inbox. i would drink warm milk but im in bed and its cold so im just too lazy </3 -qx
DIH | When sleeplessness never comes
Bonten x Reader || 800 words
A/N: For you qx anon 🤧💕 (I hope u fell asleep tho)
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Sleep never came for you, so you decided to make a short trip to the kitchen when suddenly, before your feet could touch the floor, your eyes saw two colored heads peeking at the border of your bed.
“Is there any reason why you two are here?” You asked; seeing the two men sitting at the foot of your bed was strange. The half circles of pink and purple jumped at your voice.
“Ran is on a job, and-” Rindou fastly spoke, but he was interrupted by a second voice
“And we were too lazy to go back home,” Sanzu added, but you suspected it was a lie.
“My question was, why are you two sitting on the floor, specifically,” you chuckled at their sad expressions changing as realization hit them.
“We didn't want to disturb...” began the pink-haired man.
“...your sleep,” finished Rindou.
“Liars, besides, I was not sleeping,” you countered. “You knew that.”
“No...” began the pinknette. Sanzu stood up, dusting his pants as his blue eyes connected with you. “I mean, maybe...” a smirk grew in between his scarred cheeks.
Rindou wasn't far behind, stretching like a cat from being in the same sitting position for a while. In all honesty, both knew you were awake for a while now. But none wanted to intrude in your space, dumb; they know that, but it's not that simple. Sometimes it was just about being around you, not necessarily holding you or touching you. There was a certain calmness you brought them, and that's what they needed.
It was not the first time any of them would be around you without you noticing them. It gave them peace of mind, the chaos and turmoils inside them would cease. They basked in your presence.
“The both of you, come here,” you patted the empty spaced on your bed, “I guess you can stay until K-” You could not finish the sentence since two big bodies collided with you, sending you flying flat on the mattress. “I can’t breath,” you barely let out.
“Sanzu, your arm is crushing her,” said Rindou.
“I’m not the one who has a leg wrapped around her,” said the pinknette.
As they both bickered, you were lying down, looking at the ceiling and wondering if you could have worded that sentence better.
“No, because you're hogging her chest,” Rindou kept complaining.
“And what do you want me to do?” Sanzu buried his head on your neck, trying to ignore Rindou.
“Give me the right tit, at least,” The younger Haitani tried to yank Sanzu’s arm, but his fingers gripped something more.
“Rindou! That's my nipple!!” You shrieked. A panicked Rindou began to apologize and rub your chest. Such action only earned him a slap on the forehead from you, and Sanzu snickered like a hyena at your other side.
“What the hell is going on here!?!” the lights flickered on as Kokonoi stormed in, “What are you two doing here? Tonight’s my turn!” the long-haired man proceeded to pull the out of the bed. “Get out! Out!!”Sanzu continued to laugh on the floor as if Kokonoi hadn't just dropped him without remorse nor concern for their heads. Rindou, on the other hand, still spilled apology after apology, with red cheeks on.
“Koko! Don’t be mean! And—And Sanzu, stop laughing like that! You’re gonna choke!!” you shouted at the mess your once calm night was.
“Let him choke!” exclaimed Kokonoi.
“Koko, no,” you gave him a stern look.
“Why? Just why you two always drag me to whatever shit you do?” Kokonoi had his eyes closed—head resting on your sternum while you stroked his long locks.
“Stop complaining; at least you have like eighty percent of her body,” said Rindou, who was hugging your elbow as his feet dangled from the bed.
“I have the head, and I'm not weeping like you,” Sanzu’s cheek rested on the crown of your head.
“Can you all stop talking about my body in parts?” you mumbled tiredly. “And you’ve been arguing for hours! It's morning already!”
The three men surrounding you eyed the windows, and yes, you were correct. The sun was already up in the sky.
“Rindou, this is your fault,” Sansu said.
“Agreed,” Kokonoi pushed the younger haitani off the bed once again.
“that's what you get for pinching my nipple,” you said as you closed your eyes and hugged Koko’s head as a pillow.
“I said I was sorry!”
“Y/N! I can't breathe!” muffled cries came from Koko, “you know what, that's fine.”
“A good way of dying,” murmured Sanzu, “Mikey would envy you.”
“Shut up!” you groaned, and three voices apologized instantly. Once from the floor, one from your chest and one from the top of your head.
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jayflrt · 2 years
here <3
NOO hi alice its been awhile since i've sent an ask IM SORRYYYY
i finally went down to the shop to collect the txt jewel case! its actually similar to hot sauce jewel case! i pulled harley quinn tyun and hyuka as well as the other version's soobin! (i have tyun hyuka for the other ver hehe) AND I WAS SO HAPPY :((
im travelling to malaysia to visit my friend's family for 2 weeks and they're bringing me to different parts of the country / islands! so i think i'll have fun~ i actually only decided to travel (i wasn't going to anym) because i had just recovered from covid and so i can save a few hundreds on the PCR pre-depature test! as i only need to take the normal ART and would save me about a hundred dollars per test (theres 3 i think!)
IDK WHETHER ITS ALLOWED ㅠㅠ i haven't signed any contract or anything but i don't blame my employer because he's trying to talk to his MD about hiring us and he apologized :") but its because i thought my slot was secured (they only informed me the night before i was supposed to start) so i cancelled my other job and now im jobless 🧎🏻‍♀️💀
so far im having an okay week! i just went out with one of my close friends ystd and we were going to put beads in our converse shoe laces so we went to shop for beads (but ran out of time before we could put it in our shoes :( so we're meeting again soon!) and we picked loser lover! we also bought a bunch of yellow themed beads to make a beomgyu theme bracelet (bcs the official metal one is expensive and we decided to just make our own versions!) and both of our biases are beomgyu HAHA
i also found out that a couple of our mutual friends (who were her friends before mine) didn't like me at our first meeting but my friend thought i was cute so she defended me from her own friends 😭 shes a real one 🦾 they thought i was annoying / hated them but she explained its just my humour is vv odd and i was just socially awkward and if they were nicer to me i'd get along well and now we're all friends (though not as close as i am w my friend!)
i'm also starting college (?? idk if it's college but im getting my diploma!) and im honestly so excited for it, i have a friend going to the same school and we've known each other since we were born since our parents are friends but we're really awkward now since we barely meet up and talk / talk in general ㅠㅠ but im making it my goal to try and befriend her because on our last overseas trip together it was REALLY awkward between us and i shared a car with her family and only talked to her mom 💀
I THINK THATS ALL FOR NOW? 😭 i still need to do a bunch of stuff today including searching for my missing 28 pcs 👹 i hope you have an amazing week ahead~ <3 do drink loads of water and take care of yourself well! -🤖
omg it’s okay 🤖 anon you don’t need to apologize !! i’ve been busy myself this week with all these exams 🤧 thankfully i’m at home tho so i’m more relaxed HAHAH
omg you got the jewel case AND pulled harley quinn taehyun and hyuka ?? :oo IM JEALOUS but your collection is thriving 🥰 i’m v excited bc me and my friend are gonna meet up next week and go to a kpop store :o i’m trying to decide which albums i want from there 🤧
omg that does sound fun !! :’)) AND OMG IM GLAD YOUVE MADE A FULL RECOVERY 😭💗 i hope you enjoy your trip to its fullest then and make a lot of memories. take pictures !!! <3 have you made plans of what exactly you’re gonna do? :o
OMG NOOOOO that’s still horrible with the misunderstandings 😭 and you had to cancel your other job PLS i’m so sorry :(( i hope the job search goes well now tho !! you will cop a great job i promise 💗
HAHAH omg you didn’t have time for the actual beading 😭 but that sounds so wholesome and like it’s a lot of fun !!! i hope you can bead the shoelaces soon >:) AND THATS SO CUTE OMG BEOMGYU THEMED 😭😭 i already know it’s going to be etsy level merch ♡
also noooo why did they judge you so quickly :((( i’m guessing maybe they just protected their feelings when they thought you didn’t like them by saying they didn’t like you either 😵‍💫 i’m glad you’re other friend cleared it up tho and hopefully you guys can all get to know each other more and get along !! 🥰💖
and congrats on starting college soon !! that’s gonna be such a good experience :o i hope you have a good time — tell me all ab it when you start >:)) AHAH I HOPE YOU CAN BEFRIEND YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND AGAIN 😭 that is awkward but it almost must make her shy to reconnect/talk in front of parents :’)
ALSO MISSING PCS HOWWW 🤧🤧 and omg i just bought svt dicon so i will show u how they are in my next ask when they arrive tomorrow >:)))) and thank you so much !! i hope you have a wonderful week too and take care 🥰🌷
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