#it's beautiful and it's meant for a beautiful person who appreciates the little details and the work i put in
dredshirtroberts · 1 year
yeah i think crochet is my hubris hobby in that it feeds my hubris to do other things that might be beyond my capabilities but like.
Mid crochet-attack I'm pretty sure i'm capable of crocheting just about anything. At one point I made a whole cardigan that was nearly large enough to be a mini blanket, just because i was like "You know what I bet I can do..." and then i did it and it looked amazing.
I have spent the past like week-ish in a fugue state of crochet, a large portion of which was spent on a bag i did completely from scratch using bits and pieces of techniques from actual patterns, and then me freestyling as i started to feel bored after a number of rows of the same thing
and the bag looks *incredible* - was received very warmly by the birthday person, and frankly i'm more proud of it than i was of the cardigan which up until this point has been my magnum opus (though i lost it in the Great Escape of 2019). I also have just. an absurd amount of the same thread/yarn I used for it so I will by all likelihoods be doing a similar one in the future because it was a fun project to work on.
but now i'm like "Yeah i finished a beautiful bag in a reasonable* amount of time, I'm capable of doing anything at all and definitely will not fail or miss a deadline or give up halfway through because i got bored!" despite all the evidence to the contrary from past experience.
*reasonable meaning in this context "it doesn't feel like it took that long even though the majority of 3 days was spent on it" and thus might not actually be "reasonable"
Like thankfully I am in too much pain to continue on rn because of the aforementioned "have spent the past week crocheting non-stop" so I physically cannot work on anything else right now, but my brain is like "Oh we could definitely keep working on/create a whole new project and still have motivation to work on the christmas presents you wanna do" and like. Nuh-uh no we cannot, I know better.
but the hubris, you see.
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hwaightme · 1 month
Lone soul
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🏢pairing: singer!seonghwa x gn!reader 🏢genre: comfort, healing, angst, fluff, sci-fi/spec.fiction, soulmate au 🏢summary: numb to the pleas of those who receive the 'lone soul' verdict, what can happen when a man who lives for love enters your office, and for the first time you are met with eyes that wonder, that care, that feel so familiar, so true? 🏢wordcount: 4.1k total 🏢warnings/tags: unedited, set in another reality (softcore 1984?), discussing romance/love, fictional gov structures, soulmate theory/lone soul theory, partnership, companionship, sweet conversation, romance/romanticism, learning about what makes you who you are, trust, bonding, mutual respect 🏢 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 🏢 a/n: crafted after the beautiful ask from @sorryimananti-romantic <3 thank you my love <3 and to all, thank you for reading, any notes/reblogs appreciated!
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Early morning - perfect time to check the mail, perfect time to watch the world fall apart. Each letter on the page left a searing sensation, hot iron piercing through the skin and twisting itself again and again, confirming the one thing that the reader feared, in cold formal terminology. There was little left to suggest any alterations, no additional words to imply an uncertainty or the need for a re-testing. Nothing. The letter, along with the rest of the contents of the hefty envelope were clear as the breaking of Park Seonghwa’s heart - he was a Lone Soul.
Rushing back inside, cowering away from the horrifically cheerful chirping of the birds outside, the young man stared at the piece of paper, flipping it again and again in his hands as if the words were going to magically change themselves and reveal a deeper meaning, or express their sincerest apologies for the mistake. He had been so certain in himself, in love, that Seonghwa had never even imagined the possibility of receiving anything from the National Soulmate Register Office aside from a prompt response to his request for a Soulmate Search.
What could this mean for his career? He, a song-writer with more lyrics written about love than he could remember - how would fellow musicians, artists, groups, companies, the public react upon hearing that the creator of their favourite tunes was confirmed to be lacking in a soulmate. How could he craft songs about love when he was not destined for it? When he would never find out the real feeling of meeting and having a soulmate, and watching the stars align? Seonghwa glanced at the awards that decorated the display case in his living room, settling on titles ‘Meant To Be’ and ‘Love, Love, Love’. This had to be a joke. A cruel joke. He knew love better than anyone could, he could feel it, express it and write it. Certainly better than anyone at that damn Office could. Seonghwa’s anguish rapidly transformed into a seething anger as he slammed the papers onto the coffee table and stormed away to change into the nearest outerwear he could find. With equally feverish determination and the envelope wedged under his arm, the man sped to the metro, only checking the location of the Office when he passed the turnstiles. 
If one were to ask any friend, neighbour or relative, they would all say that Seonghwa was a hopeless romantic. A believer in a happily ever after, a person who grew up overcoming so many challenges and turning to be surrounded by and receiving so much love that all he wanted to do was to share it. Truthfully, you were intrigued by his result as much as he was, this onyx-haired man with his head cradled in his hands, eyes studying the carpeted floor beneath him as he awaited for any elaboration from you. But there was no such thing as a mistake in your line of work. With a short sigh you finished your inspection of Seonghwa’s result letter, setting it down on the centre of the table, and began to type up his details for what you called a ‘routine check’ - truly, it was you making airs and pretending that you were trying your hardest to see if anything at all could be changed. A cruel, but necessary dance to ease the fall of those who ended up on the Lone Soul Registry, since, the sooner the individual accepted it, the sooner they could begin taking steps towards another future.
You suppressed a bitter smile; parents who were soulmates, brother who had found a soulmate early on in his life… no possibility of this outcome being hereditary. Checking key milestones of his life, you could only see things that point towards adoration itself and an appreciation of life’s beauty. There was even growth to self-acceptance and self-love - commendable. Scrolling, scrolling through, now accompanied by Seonghwa’s desperate gaze settled on your form that forced you to control your bored expression and settle on professional neutrality, there was nothing that gave you obvious hints on why exactly this young man was now in the Registry, but your judgement decided against pursuing this curious case further. It was far too early, on a Friday, and any more snooping would most certainly be above your pay grade and above average activity.
“Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any more information other than what had already been given to you through the letter and booklet. If it is of interest to you I can provide you with some more resources on potential Lifestyle adjustments and point you to Lone Soul networks-”
“What I need is answers!” Seonghwa raised his voice, setting a hand down onto the edge of the desk a little too aggressively for you to feel totally comfortable. Your eyes narrowed as you regarded him with suspicion.
“Sir, all that could be provided to you-”
“This is a government office, for goodness’ sake. Don’t you have access to everything? This isn’t possible. This cannot be possible. How am I, of all people, a Lone Soul?”
“You are not the only Lone Soul, Mister Park. And yes, we are a government office, and as such, are able to offer you a number of resources that can help cope with the change and find a new rhythm-”
“New rhythm, you have got to be kidding.”
Biting the inner corner of your upper lip you admonished yourself for the joke that slipped through in response to the agitated visitor. Luckily for him, and perhaps unluckily for you, he had made it into the Office right at opening time, and coincidentally, you had no consultation bookings set for the hour. Of course, the receptionists had to be kind enough to change that in the blind of an eye, and now you had to power through yet another session of all stages of grief while not yet having drunk a single cup of coffee. The man was adamant on getting something, anything out of you - you were sure of it, even if it was a false promise. Inspecting his profile, which you pulled up and exploded onto the full screen of your monitor once again, you noted his request submission twenty seven days ago. And then another one, twelve days ago. All asking the same thing: who his soulmate was, what he could do, so on and so forth. The usual. So he was a desperate one. A shame.
“Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to change the status, seeing as it is permanent, but if you are interested in Lone Soul Matching then we can arrange a separate appointment to discuss this further.”
The mention of the Matching process seemed to be the final nail in the man’s hopeful coffin as he slouched forward, and whatever had been left of his anger quickly dissipated to reveal a shattered, melancholic artist who had just realised that whatever muse he had worshipped was nothing but a lie. You almost felt sorry as you slid the rest of the papers across, complete with a self-help guide and an information pamphlet summarising all services available in the NSRO. The minutes ticked away, but Seonghwa remained frozen in place. It was almost as if with your words, even though standard and practically scripted, you revealed to him a dark truth and the music that ruled the real world. You had uncovered his ears and sung the song of the harsh present, and he could not dare find himself relieved or content with the outcome. He knew that you were only a messenger, a passing face that represented thouSeonghwads of people working for an answer, but you could read a resentment in his expression as he finally raised his head after having hid his face from you. The usual agony, a standard response that you had been trained to not antagonise, and instead to de-escalate. You sat straighter, clasped your hands together and leaned forwards, an unreadable hint of a smile on your lips, somewhat comforting, but alluring to a chilling power that you still retained for as long as you were in this office.
“Shall we make another appointment? Or would you prefer to take some time to process the results and engage with us at a later date?” as you tilted your head a little, you took note of the clouded over, spaced out gaze of the man before you. Even when Seonghwa answered with a confirmation, you were not sure of what exactly he was agreeing to, nor if he was entirely there with you. “Mister Park, would you kindly state your availability?” he shook his head, evidently clearing the haze he was in, and you were met with the mist of two endlessly dark orbs.
His eyes were translating many stories to you, some of which you probably heard on the radio. Love songs, serenades, ballads, rap about love… songs turned into an amorous encyclopaedia a while ago. Even in this, Seonghwa was bound to be ‘just another’. At the same time, your heart hurt for him; perhaps the same as it did for others who came into your lonely office at the end of the corridor, perhaps in some other mysterious way. But anyhow, your expression softened, and you allowed yourself to sympathise with his misery. It was never pleasant to find out that you were not destined to have a life partner, to have that fairy tale happily ever after.
You have seen relationships fall apart before your very eyes after couples who naively thought that requesting the Soulmate Search would simply reveal one anothers’ names instead of a mismatch and a Lone Soul. You have seen familial disappointments, arguments… but at the same time, you witnessed unfiltered joy, liberation, excitement. There was never one answer to fated romantic solitude. You wished you could say that to the very distraught young man sitting in front of you. He was not much different in age to you. He was just like everyone - human. A human faced with intense change. Change that you yourself knew a little too well. In a moment of weakness, though you would like to think it was bravery, you made a tentative proposal, a tiny thin straw to grasp:
“I wholly understand how it must be for you, Mister Park. Which is why I would strongly recommend we meet again. Not for a request or escalation, but for a chat.”
“...a chat? You cannot be serious…” he uttered, head slipping into his hands once more, fingers running through long tresses, eyebrows furrowed.
“I am perfectly serious. Aside from human investigation and data management we do offer other types of services and support, considering our line of work,” while you were trying to be compassionate, the words would not twist themselves, choosing to remain in strict lines and scenarios, as though you were reading from a pre-prepared script. Thankfully, Seonghwa did not seem to mind, far too consumed by grief that you knew would pass eventually.
“And what would that be?”
“Like I said, a chat. Or many chats, depending on what feels most comfortable for you.”
“Are you saying you… are therapists?”
“Thoroughly trained and fully licensed.”
“I will be honest, that is quite impressive. I never knew that about the NSRO,” the hint of amusement was all you needed to know that he was climbing upwards, closer and closer to regaining at least some stability.
“The centre of our business and operations is people.”
“I figured.”
“Then, if this is of interest to you, would you be able to tell me the times you are available or prefer?”
“And about payment-”
“Government service.”
“Oh. Okay fair.”
“Then? Mister Park?” you tilted your head, eyeing the man. While his present demeanour was far from threatening - a quality which you had attributed to him following earlier outbursts, he was not quite a picture of comfort. A little dishevelled here and there, top a little crumpled. Many details reminiscent of a picture hanging on a wall being ever so slightly tilted.
“I have a concert in two days… then a festival next week… oh but that’s later so no trouble…” he was mumbling to himself as he recalled his schedule. It was awe inspiring to see his emotionality dissipate as soon as he talked about work. Your prior worries of how he would handle his career after being declared a Lone Soul disappeared rapidly, and you clicked on your calendar for Monday, feeling Seonghwa would be one unlikely to stall.
“Monday? Hm… four? PM? I have a couple of schedules in the morning but should be free then.”
“Four it is. Fantastic, well, Mister Park, I just booked the appointment for our chat, and the details should have automatically been sent to you via email. You will receive a text message reminder the day before, but should there be any other concerns do not hesitate to contact us.”
“Well I would assume I would be wanting to contact you, rather than the whole Office?” slowly, Seonghwa stood up, giving you one last tired smile.
“Of course. The email would be from me, and my official contact details would be in the signature. Anything else I can assist with?” While professionalism was preventing you from rushing the singer out of the office, your head was already drumming out an incessant, painful beat; it genuinely was far too early in the morning, and you were forced to feel far too many things. 
“Thank you,” the words were quiet, but genuine, and most certainly took you by surprise, “thank you for not leaving me alone.” The morning sunlight seeped into your office, casting a glow over his form. Tall, lean, disposition so familiar to you.
“Not at all. Good luck for the concert, and see you Monday.”
“See you Monday.”
He turned to leave your office, and as soon as the mutely coloured door clicked shut you closed his records, switching to massaging your temples. With one swift turn you were staring out of the windows behind you, wondering if the otherwise traditionally pleasant day appeared different to Seonghwa too. An artist, a dreamer, a lover. A couple of minutes passed, and you noticed him appearing out of the building and ambling across the concrete tiled yard. Another Lone Soul.
He would have been a great soulmate, you concluded, and with a sigh, rose to trudge to the shared kitchen for a cup of something mediocre, wondering if you had been like him when you discovered your own identical fate. No, no you hadn’t been. Passing a few posters that lined the corridors of the NSRO, you chuckled. No, you were not ambitious enough to dedicate yourself to what was essentially fuelled by love. Instead, you looked at the careers page of this exact place. In a few swift clicks, you had applied. In a few numb weeks, you had been interviewed and tested. In a few monotone months, you were no longer a Lone Soul, but a faceless, nameless entity that dissolved in the grey walls, unaffected, unobserved.
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It was impossible to tell how many Mondays had passed. Even when Seonghwa decided to stop seeing you for ‘official’ chats, your meetings never exactly stopped, him having made it a habit to find you after your strenuous work hours and his own untameable scheduling. Quiet strolls, occasional bursts of conversation. A stop at a vending machine for beverages here and there. Nothing demanding on either of you. Except perhaps the fact that you decided to take the long way home on Mondays. But that was on you. And you did not mind. And neither did he mind nor care, apparently, considering how his frequent outings could always turn into a scandal, but somehow, it never turned out to be so. Maybe society had finally changed and people learned how to mind their own business, or maybe you really were faceless. At least one person could see you.
While Seonghwa had been surprised to find out that you, too, were a Lone Soul, you could see an immediate change in his approaches. A more relaxed, trusting manner and a sweeter resolve, he had transformed from a man mourning his future to a man who found a kindred spirit and in turn, rediscovered hope. You noted that a glimmer in his eyes did suit him best. He was inquisitive: almost in every session prior to their end he asked about what it was like to be a Lone Soul in the long term, and he quickly familiarised himself with all the relevant vocabulary that floated in the community’s shared lexicon. In part because it was your job and in part because you had been touched by his sense of self that was blooming anew, you told him all and then some. Of course, it was endearing how even though he was perfectly away that he would not experience that standard run of the mill romance nor that exhilarating, somewhat spiritual connection with another, he was still adamant on being a believer in romance.
Romance that went beyond love. Romance could be a good cup of tea drunk on a cool autumn day in one’s favourite cafe. It could be a particularly deep and vulnerable conversation with someone close that brought clarity. It could be a soothing melody trickling into the ears after drowning in cacophonous cityscapes. To Seonghwa, romance was everywhere regardless of whether one had a soulmate or not. To you it was bewildering, interesting, but a little outrageous. You would have agreed to disagree on this, not being one to enjoy dwelling in general, but there was one other thing that set Seonghwa apart from many you knew. He wholeheartedly saw a face in your fog, and the floating somnolence you had been for a number of years now was being kept on its toes, trying to collect all the pieces of yourself you intentionally scattered. You began to realise that sometimes, it might be important to know who you were. 
You had to start simple. You were you, an employee in the NSRO specialising in Lone Souls, from management of the Registry, to reporting and analysis, to direct support in re-identification as a Lone Soul. That much was clear, and that much you could recite to anyone and anytime. Now for other things… you were walking in a park, it was evening, the air was turning cooler and cooler. The city did not sleep, but the buildings appeared fatigued and worn down, much like yourself after a long day. No wonder this was your favourite part of this metropolis. Seonghwa would scold you for giving such vague descriptions and relying on your environment to define you. You looked off to the side to glance at the man himself who was huddling in a jacket - new, at least to you.
You did not like much, but tolerated most things. You tolerated how Seonghwa would debate with you, in fact you could dare say that you indulged in these interactions. You tolerated how he looked at you - kind dark brown eyes, stellar grin, all the attention in the world directed right at you. There was never a doubt that he was listening, caring, remembering. Now that you thought about it, again, you were not saying much about yourself, all of your mentioned tolerances leading back to your companion. Before you could drift any further into your musings, a sudden hum of a tune that you swore you knew from somewhere jolted you back into reality.
“Oh! Look over there?” Following Seonghwa’s hand, you spotted the source of the sound, “beautiful rendition of ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love’, don’t you think?” You shrugged, simply satisfied with the fact that you were right in your suspicions that the song was indeed one you had heard before.
You followed Seonghwa as he trailed to the small crowd that gathered around the musician. Gracefully the saxophone turned into a live creature, entrancing the audience and inspiring the capable hearts. Blankly, you watched the flying fingertips that faded into shining metal and falling leaves. 
“Isn’t it romantic?” Seonghwa joked, his tone turning playful. 
“I… suppose? It might be?”
“Then tell me what you think of it, I’d love to know,” you turned to find him studying you, softly gleaming. The fairy lights strung up on the surrounding trees made him appear even more graceful than usual, if that was even possible. You could not help but return his blissful amiability with a quick smile of your own, and your best efforts to answer.
“Well… I think his technique is good. And many people are stopping, which suggests that he is objectively good and knows how to engage the audience.”
“Ooh, that’s true. Very interesting. What else?”
“I think that he picked a good time to perform. The park was recently redecorated and the weather this evening is clear. Plenty of walkers. Probably good business.”
“True, true…” he trailed off, seemingly deep in thought. You wonder if your observations were sufficient, “I really do love how you think.”
“What do you mean? Was that sarcastic?” you raise an eyebrow.
“Not at all. Never will be. It is just so unlike how I approach things usually, so I truly marvel at how you do it. In your great way,” not a hint of malice. Only that same curiosity. Those same eyes that saw you. Better than you saw yourself. 
That was what it was - the idea finally came to you. You were blunt, preferred all things to be direct, and any empathy was given similar to how one would prescribe medication. Clinical. With an analytical mind you had no trouble scrutinising individuals through numbers, but then could not ‘count’ on someone, that same analytical and hyper-logical brain preventing you from doing so. You felt for people, you could relate to people, you could guess their emotions, but remained the observer. That was your definition. That was who you were. 
“And um… how do you see it?” Seonghwa nodded at your question, and began.
“I see a soundtrack to many beginnings, middles and endings. I see the musical notes twirling in a waltz with the autumn leaves, the dance floor illuminated by the many fairy lights. I see each mind with their own story to this song, some reliving memories and others crafting a magnificent illusion. Beyond the park, I see residents in those apartment buildings over there,” he pointed at a couple of windows that were illuminated still, and were facing the park, “them looking out at the saxophonist wistfully, mystified by how he knew that this was exactly what they needed to dispel concerns of the earlier hours in the day.”
You two continued to journey on until you made it to a nearby bench, and decided to rest. Sat side by side, arm to arm, you observed the ebbs and flows of other friends, families, lovers who flocked to the musician, only to be swept away by the night and to be replaced by another. 
“Isn’t what you just said all made up?” cautious, you queried.
“Might be, but to me, it is romance. Or rather, the idea of romanticising. I am quite fond of seeing what I cannot physically see, and then inventing more and more on top of it until we have a complete tale.”
“No wonder your songs are such major hits.”
“Oh you flatter me.”
“No, no, you…this, you capture all of this so prettily. Few can.”
“Much like yourself.”
“I do not-”
“Just differently.”
“To you, perhaps, but not to many.”
“What makes you so sure?” he was countering you rapidly.
“Enough Lone Soul meetups. Most of us are like how I am.” pointing at yourself, you emphasised the point. 
“Hm, I should start going to them if there are so many cool personalities there.”
A sharp exhale the upwards twitch was all you could muster before falling completely silent, wanting to pretend that you could see the surroundings like how Seonghwa could. They remained dull and uniform, but the notion that there was this certain someone who, thanks to their past and present, could perceive so beautifully and had the unfathomable kindness to share his interpretations with you was what you were grateful for. Through his eyes, you could see what was around you. Through his eyes, you could finally see yourself. Through his heart, you could be understood.
“Thank you,” your voice barely a murmur, “thank you for not leaving me alone.”
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🏢 perma-taglist: @shakalakaboomboo @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @marsstarxhwa @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
enjoyed? please do consider reblogging, thank you <3
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babyangelsky · 3 months
I'm gonna let my crazy show for a second
I need to talk about how fucking beautiful Fort looked this episode and why, because it's not like I just woke up today and noticed how stupidly attractive he is for the first time ever, I already knew that.
This production is making choices that I really, really fucking appreciate. The most immediately noticeable of which is that they didn't whitewash him at ALL which just makes me so indescribably happy. It's all beautiful golden skin all the time and it's fucking amazing.
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But it's not just that they didn't whitewash him, look at his cheek. You can see his skin texture. And it's not just a one-off because he and Peat were gonna play in the ocean later in the scene and the makeup people didn't wanna apply makeup just so it could get washed off by the saltwater.
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You can see it here too when he and Peat are back inside. You could use the excuse of "oh well he's meant to be freshly showered so it makes sense that he doesn't have a lot of makeup on". And to that I say, when has that ever stopped a production from caking makeup on their "freshly showered" characters? Half the time their hair isn't even wet when they're meant to be drying it.
Beyond being vastly appreciated by me, the fact that we can see skin texture is also an excellent character detail, and it's deliberate. It wouldn't make any sense for a person who spends their whole day outside sweating and getting in the ocean to look perfectly airbrushed all the time.
It makes sense for someone who spends their whole day inside working on their computer to look airbrushed though, which Peat does. Especially in the first episode when he arrives on the island.
But you know what?
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You can see Peat's skin texture too. They put more makeup on him than they do Fort but they don't cake it on. I cannot even TELL you how happy that makes me.
But this...this is what I really wanna talk about.
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Do you see them?
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*pauses to get myself together*
Listen I am someone who notices every single little mole, freckle, and birthmark that someone has because I think they're beautiful. It's probably concerning how often I notice them and how happy it makes me when I do. And it really makes me angry that these completely normal parts of someone's skin are seen as imperfections or only desirable when they're a certain size or on a certain part of their body. And you know what else always gets labeled as an imperfection? As something that has to be hidden?
Stretch marks.
Every single human being alive has stretch marks because every single human being alive has skin but for some reason, people are made to feel ashamed of them. They're made to feel like stretch marks are these unsightly things that they only have for x, y, or z reason.
Our skin stretches as we grow! Of course we all have stretch marks! All of us! Even the fittest, most shredded person you can think of has stretch marks! They aren't a consequence of your weight or how much muscle you have, they're part of having a body! They're NORMAL.
Do you understand how big a deal it is that we can see Fort's? That we can see every aspect of his skin, including and especially its actual fucking tone? This man--I just--just--
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I love that they didn't make him get shredded for this role I love how beefy he looks I love that he looks like a real person I love that you can see his shirt tan I love his fucking stretch marks I love the mole on his chest and the one on the back of his upper arm and the ones on his face I love love love love love!!!
Alexa, play "Piel Morena" by Thalia
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mint-yooxgi · 10 months
Depravity - Yandere!Wolf!Bang Chan
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Yandere AU & Wolf AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Bang Chan X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,024
Warnings: Establish relationship. Predator/prey dynamics, and implications of consensual non-consent (cnc). This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I honestly had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, too! It's feral, but sweet? At least, in my opinion lol... Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Fourteenth of The Feral Drabbles
I can smell you.
Oh, Baby Girl, knowing you’re as excited for this as I am just makes needing to catch you all the more sweeter. The pull you have on me is even stronger than that of the moon itself, and tonight, you’re mine.
I’ll admit, when you first suggested that I chase you around the woods like this, I was a little hesitant. Surprised would be an understatement, considering I thought I was dreaming again. There was no way you were letting one of my deepest fantasies come to life. Yet, here we are.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The mental image alone of how your eyes lit up in excitement after I agreed to this fuels every movement I make. I need to get to you. I need to have you. There’s no escaping your fate, Baby. I’ll catch up to you, and when I do, you better be ready. After all, it was you who told me to unleash the beast.
He craves you. I have always craved you. Since the first moment I saw you, I knew that we were meant to be. I did everything in my power to ensure you only ever saw the best of me, but you’ve secretly wanted me to let loose. All this time, and I thought you were perfectly content with me being nothing but a gentleman.
Oh, how wrong I was.
You seek the thrill of the hunt, too. If only I had known sooner, I would have gladly made your heart shudder as it is now while I chase you through the foliage, creeping closer with each step. 
I can hear everything, you know. I can hear the way your breath hitches with every snap of a twig. You heart stutters each time my footsteps approach you. I can tell you’re trying to be sneaky, but there’s nothing you can do that would throw me off your trail. Your very being calls to me, and like hell am I letting you slip away.
Though, I’m not unreasonable. I even gave you a head start, just like you wanted. The goal is to end in our little cabin, deep within the darkness of the woods. No one to disturb us; I can have you all to myself. 
I plan to make you scream tonight, Baby Girl; only you, me, and the moon.
Tracking you has never been easier. I’m already attuned to your every move. I have to be. I care too much about you to not know every little detail I can about the beauty I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Our story will be timeless, as will our love. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I’m never letting you go, though from the way your excited giggles fill the air, I can tell you don’t want me to, either.
With every passing moment, your scent becomes stronger. I could end this quickly, but you wanted to draw this out. Besides, I want to give us a satisfactory prelude to the night I’m about to give you. You told me not to hold back, and the longer I spend hunting you, the more that burning desire within me swirls and builds.
Fuck- I can’t wait to have you spread out beneath me, naked and trembling in ecstasy. I want to see your eyes roll, and your thighs shake. I want to hear you scream my fucking name, praising the moon for bringing us together just as it has always been fated to be. I plan to take everything from you, and give everything of me in return. I won’t stop until we’re both satisfied, Baby Girl. I’ll show you just how insatiable I can be…
I’m getting closer, I can tell. I wonder if you’ll be able to see my golden eyes cutting through the darkness. You told me not to hold back, and I don’t intend to. Of course, I promised not to chase you in my true form, that’s just unfair. There wouldn’t be a chase if I did that, and I swore I would never hurt you. Though, it would be fun to see your reaction when a large, handsome wolf comes bounding up to you, only for it to shift into me in the next second.
Perhaps next time…
Just wait until you see how strong I can be. All those times I’ve held you close, I’ve cut back on how tightly my arms would wrap around you. Now, I don’t have to. You want me to lose control. You want me to claim you, just as I’ve always desired. By the time I’m done with you, all you’ll be able to think about is the way my hands feel all over your body. Your mind will be so consumed by the pleasure of it all, the only thing you’ll be able to remember is my name. My fingers will leave marks all over your skin, igniting a fire over your body just as your touch does to mine. Tonight, as with every other night, I serve you. I will always serve you.
Fuck- just thinking about the way my fingers are going to sink into your plush skin makes me quicken my pace. I want to feel you beneath me, squirming and begging for more. I want to make your hips buck into my mouth as my tongue explores every dip and crevice of you. I already know you taste amazing, but tonight, it’ll mean that much more.
Oh, Baby… I can’t wait to feel you dripping all over me. My fingers ache to be buried in that tight little cunt of yours. My lips long to be pressed against every inch of your body. A body which brings me to my knees every single goddamn time I look at you. If only you could have heard the way I whined for you when this whole thing started. I’m desperate, Baby, and you should know that it’s all for you. All because of you, and once I’ve unleashed him, there’s no turning back.
I’m going to have you fucking begging me for more as my tongue buries itself in that precious cunt of yours. I can’t wait to taste you, and have you dripping down my chin like you usually do. I want to feel your thighs squeezing around my head as I drown in that addictive nectar that flows from between your legs. I’m gonna fucking lose myself in you, just like I always do.
Hmm, I wonder how many times I can make you squirt? Five? Six? …Seven?
No matter. I plan to lose count, anyways.
I’m almost there…
With every step I make, there’s a steady crunch of leaves beneath my feet, and I can heart your heartbeat growing louder and louder. Even you can tell I’m close, and that only makes the thrill rushing through my own veins that much stronger. Once I catch you, I’m dragging your ass back to that cabin and having my way with you. There’s no escaping the monster lurking in these woods. He belongs to you, and he always will.
Oh, you cleaver little minx…
You purposely threw me off with your scent. You left a little gift for me to find, and at the giggle I can hear drifting through the air, I can still tell you’re close. Only now, I’m not holding back. My Baby is walking around these dark, cold woods without a shirt on. I can’t let you weather the elements like that alone. What type of beast would I be if I let My Girl get cold?
Your playfulness might just be your downfall.
I’m coming for you, Baby Girl. You ain’t seen nothing, yet.
Alright, then…
Ready or not, here I come…
Every sense I have is honed in on you. Your scent, your breathing, your heartbeat. I can feel you surrounding me, and even I can tell my eyes are getting darker with each passing moment. The beast is lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to come out. I can practically taste the desire and excitement rolling off of you, and it only makes me move faster.
I need to get to you. Now.
Low growls escape me, my teeth sharpening into fangs as my claws extend. I know you can hear me using the trees to propel myself towards you, leaving my marks on them just as I’m going to leave my marks all over you.
My eyes scan the woods frantically, low snarls escaping me with every breath. I can hear you. I can smell you right in front of me, yet you’re not-
My breath hitches, and I look up, a wild grin pulling at my features as pride swells in my chest.
Clever girl.
Have I ever told you that I love it when I make your heart skip a beat? You seem to enjoy it when I grin like this, but I never thought I’d get this type of reaction from you. Perhaps I should do it more often… There truly is no greater feeling than knowing the effect I have on you.
That’s it, Baby Girl, let me hear your heart race as you attempt to climb further up the tree you’re in. It’s cute that you think you can escape me now.
It takes me no time at all to race up the tree, appearing right in front of you in the blink of an eye. The way your breath hitches is music to my ears. And that spike of arousal? Divine.
I’ve got you now.
Struggle all you want, I’m never letting you go. Though, it’s quite amusing to feel you attempt to break free from my hold, even as I jump down from the tree. I always told you that I could easily carry you if I wanted to, and getting to prove that fact now only makes this moment that much more sweeter. Your body was made for me, and mine for you. See how well we fit together?
The warmth of your skin against my shoulder only makes my own heart race that much faster. Fuck, Baby- you said anything goes, but just being able to hold your ass in my hand as I carry you towards the best fucking night of our lives is making my head spin. Always so plush and soft… 
Can’t wait to have my hands all over you… 
You’ve already made me so fucking hard from all the thoughts about what I’m going to do to you. From your intoxicating scent that surrounds me, I can already tell you’re fucking dripping, too.
Do you like the fact that I’ve been stalking you around these woods without a shirt on, letting you see all of me as I hunt you down like the precious little prey you are? Do you feel the electricity between us as your bare skin touches mine? Can you feel the way you make my own heart race, aching for you inside my chest? Everything I am, everything I do… Do you know that it’s all for you? That I’ve always been all for you?
No matter. Tonight, I’ll show you. There’s not an inch of this plush body that will go untouched by me. Lips, hands, cock, tongue… everything I am is yours tonight, Baby. You’re mine, just as I am yours.
That’s it, Baby Girl, go ahead and whimper my name like that all you want. Beg for me… It’ll only makes the beast inside that much more desperate to claim you. I’ve kept him at bay while the chase was on, but as soon as we step through that cabin door, you’ll see a whole new side of me. 
I would never hurt you, though. Even I have my limits. That being said, I’m not finished tonight until you’re either begging me to stop, or you pass out from the pleasure of it all. 
Finally, the beast is going to claim his prize.
It’s you. It will forever and always be you.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
| What mythical creature are you? | Pt 1
Pick a picture from below
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
For entertainment purposes only
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| Pile 1 |
You're a person with dragon-like qualities. You've got a fierce spirit that never gives up, like a dragon protecting its territory. When you set your mind on something, it's like a blazing fire that fuels your determination. Just like a dragon's scales, you've developed a tough exterior that shields you from life's challenges. Your wisdom is as ancient as a dragon's, guiding you through tough choices with a keen sense of what's right. People are drawn to your magnetic presence and the way you carry yourself with authority. You're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in, just like a dragon defending its hoard. Just as dragons are attuned to their surroundings, you have a special connection with nature. You appreciate the beauty of the world around you and find strength in it. And like a dragon's fiery breath, your passion can inspire others and light up any room you walk into.
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| Pile 2 |
You're a fairy, spreading happiness wherever you go. Your smile lights up the room, just like a fairy's glowy aura. You have a kind heart that cares for all living things, like how fairies take care of nature. Your laughter is like magical pixie dust, making everyone around you feel lighter and happier. You have a playful spirit, just like fairies who love to dance in the moonlight. Your creativity is enchanting, and you have a way of turning ordinary things into something truly magical. Just as fairies are known for granting wishes, you have a knack for making dreams come true. Your words of encouragement and support are like little spells that lift people's spirits. Like fairies, you bring a sense of wonder and awe to the world, making everyday moments feel like extraordinary adventures. Your empathy and compassion make you a true friend, just like how fairies are always there to help and guide. You have a natural connection to the beauty around you, and you inspire others to appreciate the small wonders in life. In your own special way, you're a real-life fairy, sprinkling joy and positivity wherever you flutter.
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| Pile 3 |
You're like a vampire, of course not the scary kind, but the cool mysterious kind. You're super charming and people can't help but be drawn to your confident presence. You're a night owl, preferring the calm darkness when others sleep. Just like a vampire has those sharp teeth, you have a sharp mind that's always thinking and figuring things out. You're a bit like a detective, always noticing details that others might miss. Your fashion sense is on point, and you rock dark and elegant clothes that suit your unique style. You're careful with your words, choosing them wisely like a vampire chooses their prey. And just like vampires have a hypnotic gaze, your eyes have this captivating way of locking onto people and making them feel understood. But don't worry, you're not out to suck anyone's blood instead, you're someone who loves learning, soaking up knowledge like a sponge. You've got a taste for adventure, exploring new places and experiences like a vampire prowling their territory. So, keep being your awesome vampire-like self, embracing the mystery and allure that makes you stand out.
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| Pile 4 |
You are a person who has the qualities of a siren. Your voice is like magic, it captures attention and makes people want to listen to you. When you sing, it's like the sweetest melody that everyone can't help but be drawn to. Your beauty is enchanting, like a sparkling gem that shines in the sunlight. Just like a siren, you have a mysterious aura that makes people curious about you. Your presence is captivating, and you have a way of making others feel entranced by your charm. But beyond your captivating exterior, you also have a deep and sensitive soul. You understand emotions and can empathize with others, making them feel understood and cared for. In your interactions, you have the power to influence and persuade, just as a siren's song can lead sailors astray. Your words hold a certain allure that can guide people towards making decisions they might not have considered otherwise. You are a person of allure, beauty, and empathy, with a touch of enchantment that leaves a lasting impression on those lucky enough to encounter you.
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| Pile 5 |
You're like a friendly witch, casting kindness spells everywhere you go. Your smile is like a magical potion that brightens up even the gloomiest days. People are drawn to you like enchanted moths to a gentle flame, finding comfort in your soothing words and warm presence. Just like a wise witch, you have a knack for making things better. Whether it's brewing a cup of tea that feels like a cozy hug or offering advice that's like a magical recipe for solving problems, your wisdom is like a little sprinkle of fairy dust. But it's not just about magic, you're practical too. You can organize things like a potion master arranging their shelves. Your ability to mix creativity with knowledge is like creating powerful spells that make everyday life more enchanting. Like a witch who knows the secrets of the forest, you have a special bond with plants and animals. They seem to listen when you talk, just like magic creatures in a fairy tale.
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| Pile 6 |
You are like a phoenix, which is a special bird that has strong qualities. When tough times come your way, you don't give up easily. Instead, you find a way to start again, just like a phoenix that rises from its ashes. You spread warmth and comfort, similar to how a phoenix brings a fresh start. People like being with you because you bring positive energy, like the magical charm of a phoenix. Your colors shine brightly, just like the feathers of a phoenix. You make things beautiful and joyful wherever you go. Your smiles and laughter make everyone feel happy and full of spirit. You have the power to inspire and make others feel better, just like a phoenix's amazing flight. As you go through hard times, you show strength and courage. You turn problems into chances to grow, like a phoenix transforming itself. You remind everyone that even when things are tough, we can rise above them and become even stronger.
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GUYS I DID IT! I am really proud of myself as I did everything by myself, yes I made the moodboards or whatever they are called 😭
I worked really hard on this one, please don't let it flop 😭
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aqwnstars · 10 months
Give me siren scara or bratty mermaid scara hc pls. I'm begging you. I'm on the floor. I'm bashing my head on the wall.
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- A.N- I haven't been writing lately because my schools getting harder and I recently got an F in an exam so i have to study so the alpha scara isn't coming out soon so sorry my lovelies :(( I try to do my requests first, and then any other fanfic i started doing, but since fanfics take me a week or so to write, this one.... will be written in a headcanon format.. I'm not that experienced with writing a hc format so any criticism is appreciated, in a later time i might make a whole fanfic<33 (FUUCKKCKKKS I FORGOT TO WRITE HIM AS A BRAT ONEOMFMKOAKXKSK)
uhhmmmm i keep noticing i always write scara pining over reader which im not sure if its TOTTALLLYY in character, but writing him pinininy is cute so stfu🙏🙏🙏
Siren Scaramouche x partially deaf gn reader
Word count: 686 (short one..)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!!
Pronouns: You/Yours, reader can be any gender (meant to be gender neutral!!)
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Loving waves
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Siren! Scaramouche who was known in the underwater world as the most majestic siren out of all.
His voice was such a lulling song so much so that anyone who gave him their listening ear couldn't help but be entranced.
And how shocked he was when he met a person he couldn't lure in.
He began to only think about them, at first planning on how to kill them because he wouldn't let someone he choose to lure in and kill survive, due to his ego, but that began to turn into a genuine interest a few weeks later.
Without thinking about it, Scaramouche had spent hours just staring at you, he wouldn't say it's admiring of course.
It has become a routine at this point, you'd go work outside, maybe take a walk and he'd just stare at you, gazing longingly at your features from afar.
The way you two met would be as if it was straight out of a fairy tale, he'd get caught up in a fishing web, and you'd be his knight in shining armor!!
Him, being a siren, is seen as a terrifying being, a coldblooded murderer, but to you he was such a majestic being, if you were more naive you'd think he was a God (in which case, he wouldn't complain!!)
Everyday since you had saved him, you started to visit him. You brought little trinkets from your home, and he brought you a few shells. (sometimes that is, if you're lucky!!) Might I add, the shells he gifted you were like no other. They range in colors and shapes, not even the most avid collecters saw the shells he had given you.
He enjoyed spending time with you, more than he thought he would. He has gotten used to being alone, so a daily presence in his life was something unusual.
He'd let you touch his tail, his face turning pink as you compliment him. Your fingers on his tail, lightly caressing his scales. He couldn't help but look away as you admired him. If anyone else had requested to touch his tail, he'd plan a new song just for them, ...let's ignore the fact he offered to let you touch his tail, that's an unimportant detail.
One of the things he loved, ahem... liked most about you is the gentleness your eyes hold. He has gotten so used to the trashing waves of hatred in the mankinds eyes, but to see one's with calming flowing water? He could and would get lost in that body of water, no hesitation, of course he wouldn't tell you that though!
He wanted to listeh to you all day, anyone who said his voice was enchanting has never heard yours. Although you sometimes slur your words, stutter and at times get too loud, he loves that about you.
At times he wished you were a siren too, how beautiful would you look under the waters light he wonders. How would your tail sway in the oceans, rivers and seas?
One time, you asked him whether or not he can sing without indangering someone, he had never thought about that. Well of course he's not gonna risk losing his only love to find out, but that's a story for another day.
A few things I can definitely see him doing is;
Giving you his scales! He could tell how you always admired his tail, your eyes glowing at how his tail would practically shine under the Suns light. One night, he'd pluck a scale out, later in the say give it to you, saying: "It had accidentally fallen out, here. Don't think for a second I pulled it out for you." All while looking away, trying to look as non-chalant as possible while.. panicking inside over your reaction.
This might seem cruel, but he'd sing to insects, without the intention of killing them, to see if he can sing to you without putting you in danger.
He'd look around the seas floor for hours to find a shell that you'd like!! (.. you like everything he gives you so that's... pointless..)
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AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE ON SIREN SCARA!!! :DD I HOPE I SATISFIED YOUR REQUEST POOKIE!!! (hope i did the hc format right..............
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
superstar | jjk
you, the quiet, lonely achiever, get paired up with the superstar new student at your university for a group project... and he needs all the help he can get
description/tw/tags: ~7.1k words / jungkook x chubby (f) reader / one-shot / fluff with a tiny dash of angst / strangers to friends to lovers / university AU / this is a request, submitted by the lovely @cat123jkbunny / i hope you (all) like it! / fatphobia (details: y/n is insecure and quiet and she gets bullied for her body and is made fun of for it, with someone insinuating she isn't good enough because of her body. There is also a scene where she feels like she is ashamed to eat in a crowded place but jk helps her out of that) / clean except for kissing and swearing / this is for my fellow curvy/chubby/plus girlies, you are all beautiful and i am always here for you and i hope you like this / feedback is always welcome and it's appreciated! note: i have 2 half-written drabbles (AND even some more ideas) that emerged from this fic request, with the same couple! If you guys like this and want to see those - let me know!
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Please not Jeon Jungkook. Please God, not Jeon Jungkook. Anyone…. anyone but…
“….Jeon Jungkook.”
Damn it.
His name echoed throughout the gigantic lecture hall and in your skull. Out of every student in your class, did it really have to be him? The one paired assignment you had in your course had to be with Jeon Jungkook. As your professor called out the pairs… there seemed to be no one left but the two of you and the final pair, who were always together, his best friends Taehyung and Jimin. You’d gladly work with either of them instead, or anyone really….
There was nothing wrong with Jeon Jungkook… nothing at all. That was what was so bewildering about your university's superstar. Jeon Jungkook was the school's…. everything. Enigmatically the star athlete, a featured artist, a Dean’s List candidate, and even a band member on the weekends, apparently.  He was the student that transferred to your prestigious university - absolutely unheard of - simply because the faculty were that impressed by him. With a reputation like that, it wasn’t long before everyone knew his name and face and was captivated by him immediately. Even the professors took a liking to him straight away - you’d grown tired of hearing them mention his name during office hours while they seemed to be getting tired of you. Every girl and guy on campus fawned over him - within good reason, you had to admit, considering his reputation and easy-on-the-eyes appearance… though you'd never stare his way for too long. The point remained:
If you went unseen, Jeon Jungkook was seen.
Being paired with him meant that whether you liked it or not, you would be in the spotlight in some way. No matter what - you’d have to talk to him, for God’s sake. You think to bolt out of the hall, find his email address, and just send him a breakdown of your responsibilities for the assignment or even an offer to do all the work yourself. You’d hate to, but if it meant interacting with Jeon Jungkook as little as possible and remaining unseen, you’d do it - what’s a few all-nighters and extra work when faced with the humiliation of talking to the school’s most popular person?
People hardly called you by your name at university - your one friend had already graduated, so just being called would’ve startled you enough… let alone having heard it from such a hushed, singsong voice. Turning around, you see the enigmatic man standing right above you. Everything made sense in an instant. The love, seeing his kind smile. The admiration, seeing his muscles. The crushes and rumored weekly love letters he received, seeing… him.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Jungkook,” he says, gesturing towards himself as if you’d never seen him or heard of him. “I don’t know if you know me, I sit all the way in the back? With Taehyung and Jimin?”
“Hi, I know who you are, Jungkook,” you mumble.
“Oh, cool,” he says, still smiling. “I guess we’re together! For the assignment, I mean...”
“Yeah, I guess so. You don’t really have to worry about a thing, though. I can just send you an email later breaking down what each of us should do, or I can just do it all by myself, and we’ll-”
“Oh. No,” he says, quietly interrupting you. “I… can’t have that. I don’t think that’ll work.”
You felt whatever polite expression was on your face fade at that moment… What did he mean by ‘no’?
“I want to actually work on this… I want to work on it together… please.”
You had no idea what to think at that moment, only replaying his quiet, hushed ‘please’ over and over again as he stood beside you, fiddling with his earrings.
“Jungkook, I can take care of it. You really don’t have to…,” you start, but he interrupts you again, shaking his head and sitting down beside you in the now almost empty classroom.
“No, Y/N. I..,” he starts in a hushed tone. “I’m really falling behind in this class and we have the exam coming up…. It’s not just that, it all seems so interesting it’s just that my stupid brain can’t comprehend much of it.”
Jeon Jungkook? Falling behind? Admitting to an unknown fact? Call himself ‘stupid’? Sitting in front of you, he’d finally been looking at you, his wide eyes lowered since the moment he’d approached. It was eerie too see, a look behind the curtain into the life of your community’s local celebrity when you’d been nothing but just another spectator.
“Look, I always want to do things on my own too, so I get where you're coming from...” he continues, “…and that must mean you can try to understand how desperate I am here. It’s hard to ask for help, but… I need it. I’m not lazy, I promise. I need actual… help... please.”
So that’s why.
The shock faded away in an instant. If there was one thing you might've been known for at university, it would definitely have been your grades. Strangers came and went, looking for “the fat girl at the top of the class," as a couple of students kindly called you, never bothering to ask your name. They never got consideration back or even a glance in their direction, let alone your work when they dared to ask to copy it…. but… Jeon Jungkook asked for help. Not to copy the homework, get basic instructions, or an "in" with certain professors. But help. And for the chance to work on it together.
A refusal rested at the tip of your tongue, even then, but that quiet ‘please’ was still on a loop in your mind…
How could you say no?
“Yes! Good! Great, okay,” Jungkook says enthusiastically. Did he always have a wife, bunny-toothed smile? It was adorable. “Can we meet at the library tomorrow?”
“…Sure, Jungkook.”
“Perfect. Get ready, Y/N. I have a lot of questions. Oh, wait, first of all - what was that song you were humming on your way out of class yesterday?”
┅ ┅ ┅ ┅
You suspected it would be the one study session to get Jungkook up to speed and lay out the work for the assignment. But the one session turned into two, which turned into three, and before you knew it, you and Jungkook would be meeting at the library every single day.
It was… overwhelming to say the least. The workload, definitely, as well as the added time spent teaching him but on top of that… the stares and whispers nearly set you off when other students, even his own friends, Taehyung and Jimin, would murmur ineligible words when they'd spot you together in the library. It didn't slip past you that it definitely must’ve been a weird sight, the Jeon Jungkook sitting next to a nobody like you...  but when you were actually with him, the world around you faded away. All that mattered was the material you knew by heart and the boy who needed to learn it. And boy, did he need to.
After an hour of explaining the material to him one day, he’d continued to stare at you blankly. “Jungkook…. Are you even listening to me?” you resigned multiple times, realizing he had a tendency to space out at random points throughout the day. It was enough to almost tempt you to ghost him and just present him with a finished assignment or a detailed lesson plan.... but when he snapped out of it, he always hit you with an adorable, child-like pout and that irresistible plea: “Can you explain it to me again, please?”
So, you resisted the urge you felt before and after study sessions, to neglect him and stop the meetings altogether. In truth, you could’ve. Jungkook would do well enough to pass... but you couldn't accept him achieving the bare minimum. "I'm trying to steal your crown," he joked on day two, proving one of the many things you and everyone else had heard about Jeon Jungkook.
Finding out something new about Jungkook was to turn the page on the most fascinating book you'd ever read with limitless pages, for it seemed as though he and his talents could be described as such. It - he - was awe-inspiring, new, and enticing in the best of ways. And at times, it felt like it was only yours to hold, for you were the person discovering aspects to him, hardly believing it been you realizing it yourself, up close and personal.
He was definitely a competitive one, that, everyone knew - but you’d realized it went far beyond sports - aiming to rival you and fellow Dean's List candidate Kim Namjoon for the valedictorian spot despite admitting he'd still be behind if he tried his hardest, just thankful to have some worthy competitors. It proved that it was real ambition that Jungkook had in him. In contrast to the rumors that he never really cared about his studies, you saw just how clever and curious he'd been, in addition to his dedication in showing up every day, even when he didn't need to. He loved everything he did and never limited himself, whereas you’d been studying as much as you could in your field only to further advance in your comfort zone of academia. When you'd revealed this to him, he, ever the competitive one, expressed his jealousy at the stability ahead of you, helping ease the countless worries you'd had about your own future.
And, you’d discovered the fact that he’s, surprisingly for an artist and musician, more in his element when it came to logic, numbers, and science - with spreadsheets, calculations, and graphs just to keep track of your progress on the assignment, though he skewed the numbers to work on the assignment further. It frustrated him most as he struggles with words, essays, and theoretical concepts, which never made sense to you, considering he felt so much and made you feel so much in return. It was never stress or anger, even on the hardest of days - he had a surprisingly relaxed attitude for such an accomplished athlete. Rather, he expressed patience and envy when you'd been teaching him, and what got you most - his awe at the subject matter… even though he zoned out often. His eyes lit up whenever he started to understand something… you could swear you almost saw stars in his pupils whenever something evidently clicked inside his brain. And every time it did, every time you felt that damned butterfly in your stomach whenever he smiled… only to leave the study session to see daggers in your direction… you had to remind yourself - you were just here to help him.
He was Jeon Jungkook, for crying out loud. You were just another person who started to like him, as everyone does.
You had to remind yourself that his eyes were ordinary, brown eyes - no matter how big and starry they'd looked on certain nights. That though you’d gotten used to the way his soapy scent blended with that of the books around you, the familiarity of the books’ sweetness on its own was just as lovely. That people were looking. That he asked to study, not to get to know you. And that he had his pick of anyone he wanted in the entire university and beyond... there's no reason he'd want to spend time with you for longer than he had to and for more than you had been spending already. Your mental reminders only worked that hard when you had work to do.
For the first time in your life, you felt like a fool. For laughing at his every joke. For continuing to study with him and not putting an end to it the first time your heart fluttered. For not stopping the crush that you had on Jeon Jungkook. Though you felt like one, you never acted like a fool in front of him - at least, you didn’t think so, holding onto that paper-thin hope to at least ground you in some way. It was just as easy to remember that the sheer impossibility of anything happening, plus the actual studying, were at the forefront. It was hard to kill the butterflies, though. They returned every day, whenever you’d bounce off one another in explanation and conversation, drifting off-topic and sometimes getting personal, when he joked around and tried to convince you that university isn’t actually the end of the world… or even when you simply sat working together in comfortable silence.
That was exactly how it was on a regular Thursday afternoon. Tucked away in your corner of the library, you and Jungkook worked away peacefully when a student you’d never seen walked up to Jungkook. A regular occurrence, seeing as he was so popular.
“Hey, Kookie,” you hear, your eyes still fixated on your screen.
“Hey, Jia,” he replies. You can’t tell if he looked up at her or not. Did he? What did his eyes say? Fuck, why should you care?
“Hey, what… what are you doing?” she says with a giggle. If your peripheral sight was to be trusted, she placed her hand on his shoulder. You shouldn’t care, but resist a smile when he shoves it away. “You’re here every day, Jungkookie. Aren’t you bored? Like… what are you doing?”
“I’m working,” he replies.
“What about her?”
Glancing at her direction, you could see it on her - Jia's - face that she definitely didn’t know your name, and you knew the stares you got well enough to know the look on her face was one of confusion or, dare you say it, disgust. Jungkook's eyes flickered down from you, before returning to his notes.
“Y/N and I have that assignment together,” he replies, “the final project for Mr. P’s class before the exam.”
“Ohhhhhh,” she says, nodding in realization. “Okay, that makes sense then,” she giggles. “See you, Kookie. Call me if you want to have some fun tonight.”
To you, it was clear as day what she meant. That makes sense. In a way, she was right. It was the only possible way Jungkook would be sitting here, with you, every single day. He never would have - wouldn’t have even known you existed - if he hadn’t been paired with you. He made sense with girls like Jia - someone he’d have fun with rather than study with and beautiful in every way society wanted her to be, starting with her model-like body to compliment his built one. That made sense, you reminded yourself.
It must’ve been a good minute since you’d done anything on your computer, so focused on making sure the pesky insects in your stomach were dead, that you barely heard your name being called repeatedly until Jungkook waved his hand in front of your screen.
“What?” you jolt, seeing his crouched head peeking to look at you.
“I was asking if you could throw this. The trash can is next to you.”
Jungkook hands you a piece of paper, unfolded, before sitting down and staring back at his screen, this time with his headphones on. You move to throw the paper out in a hurry, almost missing what was scribbled on it.
Jia’s name and phone number.
┅ ┅ ┅ ┅
Before you knew it, the deadline for the assignment arrived, and you and Jungkook were done. After a particularly long night at the library finalizing the paper, you uploaded the document and he hit the daunting blue button titled ‘submit’.
“YES!” Jungkook cheers from behind you, having looked over your shoulder to submit the paper together. With his head right beside yours with his arm planted on the desk in front of you, the veins you’d never noticed before on full display. Just when you realized it had been too close not to get panicked, he forces your chair to spin and face him, sticking his hand out for a high-five. “We did it!”
“We did,” you sigh, meeting his hand, pushing away the feeling of it in your mind.
“Why on Earth do you look sad?” Jungkook asks. “We should be celebrating! Let’s go get fried chicken!”
“Just thinking of the exam coming up and my other paper,” you half-lie.
How could you tell him you’re already mourning the time you spent together? He shouldn’t catch on, though…
“But I guess you’re right. It is a good thing that we’re done with it.” Really, it was. The delusional thoughts would cease. Might as well say goodbye. “It’s been fun… getting to do this and getting to know you, Jungkook.”
You reach out your hand for a high-five, as he had, but instead of going to meet it, he takes two steps back, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You think you’re getting rid of me that easily?” he questions, cocking his brow.
“You said it yourself. We have the exam coming up.”
“Jungkook, you should be fine. You aced that assignment.”
“No, absolutely not.  I want… I need you. Your presence motivates me, and when I’m with you, I feel at ease…. with the material. It’s less scary.” It’s hard to ignore how wide Jungkook’s pupils had gotten as he fidgeted with his lip ring.
“Jungkook, Mr. P's exams are beasts unearthed from the very depths of hell. If I’m being completely honest, I can’t spend all my time teaching you," you say, speaking the truth.
“I’m not even asking for that. Just let me be near or around you. I’ll be quiet and ask minimal questions in the case of an emergency.”
Staring up at him, he had the same pleading and innocent expression on his face when he first approached you after you’d been assigned together. The time you spent together only confirmed that when he bit his lower lip and simultaneously arched his brows inwards and upwards… he was serious and pleading.
“I… might kick you out some days, Jungkook. When I need to focus extra hard.”
“Kick me out, then. Say the word, and I’m gone. And on the flip side, say the word, and I’m there - with anything you need. Like…. iced coffee! I know your order by now. Iced Vanilla Latte with an extra shot of espresso.”
Jungkook retraces his steps, standing right over you. It’s only when his hand reaches out do you realize your arm is upright, your unmet high-five still in the air. His hand meets yours softly, and without a single sound, fingers and palms perfectly aligned. His skin was calloused from his paintbrush and instruments, cushioned against your soft skin, his slender fingers towering over your wide ones… Pulling your hand down, your fingers get caught in his, which slightly curved towards you before your hand slips away.
Taking a deep breath, you notice Jungkook clear his throat. Suddenly, neither of you knew what to do with your hands, but he thinks fast, stuffing them in his pockets before finally looking back at you.
“So, deal?”
“Deal,” you yield, foolishly.
┅ ┅ ┅ ┅
Thank God you were smart as fuck.
Because though Jungkook kept true to his word, it turns out it was extremely hard to focus when your crush was doing one of two things - either quietly sitting beside you in all his glory (with no distractingly helpful responsibility of teaching him) or worse, when he was tending to you. There were the iced coffees, the water intake reminders, the extra highlighters, the space he gave you when he felt you needed it - even checking in with an “I’ll kick myself out for today” on a particularly stressful night before you knew you needed to do it yourself, for some alone time. You rarely wanted it anymore anyways. His questions and interruptions were few, always pleasant, of course, and never took up much of your time. It was worth it, seeing that proud smile of his when he now answered his own questions, just making sure from you that they were actually correct. The butterflies never stopped, especially considering he now sat beside you in the front corner of Mr. P’s lecture hall, abandoning Jimin and Taehyung on the other side of the room... The random, beautiful doodles he adorned your notebook with always made you smile harder whenever you studied - he was there even when he wasn’t.
“I knew you’d still be here,” Jungkook says, walking to your desk in the quiet library. Looking at the clock on your screen, you finally realize the time.
“What can I say?” you sigh. “What are you doing here, Jungkook? Isn't today Jimin's party, or whatever it was?”
“It was, and it might've been the dullest party Jimin ever threw. I know you cruelly rejected my invitation, but honestly... I don't blame you. It was the same old stuff and people and.. here's way more fun," he explained.
"Oh, come on," you reply, rolling your eyes. "Go back to the party, Jungkook. There's no way you think studying is more fun than even the most boring party at Jimin's."
"Hmmm... you're right. I still picked you instead because I missed you." The sentence escapes Jungkook's lips so quickly you didn't have a chance to realize what he'd said before he went on. "I wish you'd come... to give yourself a break. Knowing you'd be here, I decided to come and force you to rest. I also know that you haven’t eaten yet and that we still didn’t celebrate our assignment. We really should celebrate now, anyways.”
“What do you mean?”
“You didn’t check your email?”
You move to frantically get to your laptop before he blocks you. “No, you’re done for the day. Or at least, the hour - you didn't move all day, and I'm worried. Plus, your eyes are too tired. Should I get eye drops?”
“Jungkook... what score did we get?!”
“Only a 95%,” he shrugs, acting cool and uncaring before finally breaking into a wide smile. “We did it!”
A 95% was among the highest scores you’d ever gotten at university - a mark good enough to ensure you'd be the valedictorian instead of Kim Namjoon, who you’d been in competition with ever since freshman year. Not only that, 95% was a fast track that allowed you to possibly get your work published. Shrieking, you jump up from your chair and into Jungkook’s open arms. Realizing your position in the rush of it all, with your head on his shoulder, his tucked into the crook of your neck, and his hands wrapped around your plush waist… your heart only raced faster, which you didn’t think was possible. You quickly unravel your arms from around his back, and it takes a second longer for him to do the same.
You just hugged Jeon Jungkook. Why was he red? Probably ashamed, wondering if anyone saw him hug you.
“I never thought I'd... hear you scream in the library," he laughs, turning to a paper bag he'd placed on the table when he arrived. "I brought that fried chicken to celebrate. Let’s sit a while. You still need a break from all the screens.”
“I’d love to, but I can’t… eat here.”
“Why not?”
“There are some students around. You, too.”
“So? No one will mind the smell of fried chicken. That couple over there is eating it, too.”
"No, it’s…." you sigh, feeling as though you’re finally exposing some sort of unknown truth to Jungkook, despite the fact that he could obviously see you. "It’ll only make people judge me more. Stare at me more. For eating something like this in public. It’s like I…shouldn’t… with everything I’ve got going on. Like… it’s shameful?”
“But there’s nothing to be ashamed about. Nothing at all.” Jungkook looked just as confused as he’d been when he didn’t understand something in the lesson plan, but suddenly, it shifted to his ‘got it’ state. When he finally knew what to do. “Fuck it. Fuck everyone. Sit. Let’s eat. If anyone dares to look at you…. or, God forbid, say anything... You know I'm on the university's wrestling team, right?"
You nod and laugh because everyone knew, but he goes on. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole university does, so I'd like to see some punk try anything."
He goes silent, shaking his head as he unloads the bag he brought and encouraging you to eat until he'd already finished half the bucket. Hesitantly, you grab a drumstick before finally taking a bite with your eyes fixated on Jungkook the entire time. You’d have avoided his gaze, even turned away, but with his raised brows and a closed-mouth smile, desperately awaiting your review… you knew you had to give him an answer fast, and you do so after the very first bite, shooting him a thumbs up. It was really good - sweet, sour, and spicy all at once. With your second bite and his proud smile, you recall another rumor you’d heard about Jungkook long ago. That he went on a tour of all the fried chicken spots in the city to find the best one. Asking him about it, you didn’t expect to find out that not only was it true, but it was also a life-long, worldwide mission of his - “Forget all the shit I’m talented at, this is my life’s purpose,” he proclaimed, saying that the chicken he'd brought had been his favorite so far. "And I wouldn't get you anything less than the best I’ve found, darling."
You felt your face flush, knowing Jungkook must've called you that jokingly. Still, the pet name sent your mind into overdrive, more than the studying did, as you fed your delusions for a little while. Darling.
You could've sworn you were actually living in your delusions later that night when he dropped you home for the very first time. The conversation never stopped, even until you were standing by your apartment building. "Still gonna study?" he asked, staring at your door.
"Maybe," you replied, knowing you'd be too delusional to do so, and if you tried, you would only end up staring at the words and cursing Jungkook for being too perfect and making you this way.
"Well, do you want to eat ramyeon now?” he’d said with a giggle. Catching you off guard, you nearly choked on air at the double entendre coming from him, but rolled your eyes and answered with a simple “Yes” instead, only for his smile to fade quickly.
Your fat ass should not be making jokes like that when you knew damn well you wouldn’t have shot. Especially not after dinner.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Jungkook," you hurriedly say, attempting to dash inside, only for your jacket to get caught on the way in. Looking down, you realize it hadn't been the knob that stopped it but rather Jungkook's fingers, clutching onto the fabric before letting it slip away. "Sorry. Goodnight."
┅ ┅ ┅ ┅
The moment kept replaying in your head, buried in your hands on the desk, agonizing over the humiliation as a break from agonizing over the workload. You had time to agonize today, Jungkook wasn’t there yet. If he saw you like that, he’d nudge you to get out of it.
Jolted by the sudden voice of a woman, you look up to see Jia. “Hi,” you say, too awkwardly even for you. “Can I help you with something? Jungkook’s not here if you’re looking for him.”
“I can see that,” she scoffs. “I came to talk to you.” In all this time, your first run-in with her had been your only semblance of interaction, though you hadn't ever spoken to each other.
“Oh… Why?”
“What’s going on… between the two of you?”
“Me and... Jungkook? He told you, we had that assignment together….”
“That’s done,” she snaps.
“And now I’m just helping out with his studies.”
“Then why did Nani see him drop you home?”
“We’re… friends, Jia,” you mutter. You’d never called Jungkook that before, a friend, but you can’t help but think it’s fitting to do so... It fit, didn’t it? Weren’t you… friends? At the very least? Or...
“We’re classmates,” you quickly add.
“Friends - that's the funniest shit I've heard. His actual friends, Jimin and Taehyung refuse to tell me anything when he left that party. They were probably concerned and unsettled by it all…. I mean, everyone here can see how much you gush over him, you know? It’s embarrassing. I don’t know how he doesn’t see it and steer clear - especially since you should come with a cattle crossing sign, seriously.”
Was it that obvious?
“We all know he's just using you for that piece of meat between your ears until the exam's over. He's not an idiot, you know? Don’t get carried away thinking anyone outside your league would be interested in you.”
An emptiness grew with the uncovering of a deep fear of yours. Of course. Of course, he was still using you, you idiot... It was just the help he needed. Neither of you could have gotten the 95% on your own... He said he needed the help... the mark... She was right. He wasn't an idiot... but wasn't the Jungkook you knew too kind to use someone like that?
It was then that your phone, lying on the desk, lit up with a message, clear as day for the both of you to read.
[from: jungkook] “i’m on my way to you rn. brought kimbap!! hope you like it. made it myself :) ”
“Pft. He knows how to keep a fat girl on his hook. You fucking whale.”
You fucking fool.
“Heyooooooo!” you hear from a short distance in that familiar singsong voice that tugged at your heartstrings. Jungkook turned a corner and finally appeared from between the shelves. “Kimbap! Wait, what the fuck is wrong?”
Shit. You hadn’t realized tears were streaming down your face. As if you could be any more humiliated. Not even able to glance his way, despite him repeating the question over and over again, mere steps away from you, you stuff your things into your bag and rush out.
The last thing you catch is Jia’s scoff.
┅ ┅ ┅ ┅
Suddenly, avoiding Jungkook was easy. That urge you had long ago, the one in line with you, Jungkook, and the ways of the world…. Your two different worlds.
He’d chased you, easily getting to you and stopping you. Repeating his question again.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you had let out, staring at the ground. You couldn’t talk if you wanted to.
“Are you kidding? What is it? Tell me…” he says quietly, putting his hands on your shoulders. You shake them off in an instant, walking away, only for him to follow close behind. “What is it? You’re not okay.”
“It’s… stress.”
“Bullshit - I’ve obviously seen you stressed. This isn’t it. I’ve never seen-”
“Jungkook, I’m kicking you out. Keep your word that you’ll stay out,” you snap, finally turning to look at him in the crowded library. If he’d never seen you this way, you’d never seen him that way either. Hurt. You can’t see why. He got what he wanted out of you, plus you’d told him you’d kick him out….
If only it was easy to keep him out. Jungkook had always listened when it came to the material, but it was as if he never knew how to in any other regard. His texts and calls over the weekend went ignored until you finally mustered up the courage to block him. You thought that would be that - Jungkook would go back to his world, and you’d go back to yours - but on your first day back, you find him sitting on the floor at the door to the library at the crack of dawn.
You’d specifically gone that early to avoid Jungkook - who always showed up during the late afternoons or evenings after having just woken up then on his off days. Yet here he was, sitting cross-legged by the glass door you’d walked into together countless times, glancing at the handful of other students with exams and deadlines as they walked in, out, and around him. Even from a distance away, you could see how wide his doe-eyes were. And he jumps up the moment he spots you slowly approaching the door.
“How’d you know I’d be here?” you ask quietly, trying to avoid his gaze.
“You say that as if you don't practically live in the library," he says, almost amused. "If you mean how I knew you'd be here so early - I took a chance. I would’ve waited all day until I saw you… All week, if that's what it took. And I probably would've convinced Mr. P to include a note with your exam sheet if you decided you disliked me until then.”
….Shit. Sure, you’d never end up with him, but he only fidgeted with the loose strings on his hoodie when he was really stressed - a sight you'd only seen once after a supposed tough day at wrestling practice. Now, they'd been undone with a hole at the bottom of the thick fabric. Knowing you caused it...
“I’m sorry, Jungkook. I shouldn’t have…”
“Yeah. You shouldn’t have,” he grumbles before shaking his head. “No, you don’t... You don’t owe me anything. You don’t owe me your time… I should’ve stayed “out” like I promised, but… I just want to know if you were okay.”
“I am,” you barely let out. With tears bubbling in your eyes, you walk into the library.
“I don’t believe it,” he says, trailing you.
“I kicked you out, remember? Stay out. Why do you even care?" you say without turning back.
“I care about you!”
When you finally stop to stare at him, Jungkook doesn't allow you to deny him, immediately grabbing your hand and pulling you deep into the library, through the twisty, student-filled desks, between sky-high bookshelves.
“Y/N, I want you to be okay. You don’t owe me an explanation if you don’t want to tell me anything, but… that's all I want. For you to be okay and happy and... you can't lie to me and tell me that you're alright. You can kick me out as much as you want to, I promised I would let you do so, but I'll always be waiting for you right outside that door. If you'll allow me to... I'll always be here for you."
The tears come pouring out, and without a thought, you rush into him, sobbing into his chest. “Hey, hey,” he says, a hand in your hair and the other soothing your back. "I’m here. I told you I'm here.” You missed his embrace. Had assumed you’d never feel it again. You probably won’t, past this point.
“It’s okay,” he whispers, with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist as you stare up at him. “Is it the stress?”
“No, Jungkook…. It’s.. you.”
“Me?!” he says, gesturing towards himself.
“Well, no, actually… I guess it’s me,” you mumble, staring at his hands, now at his sides.
“I don’t understand, Y/N.”
“Jungkook, we need to stop these study sessions. Not for a week but… I’m permanently kicking you out, and I don't know if I have it in me to ever unlock that stupid metaphorical door again.”
“Exile, huh?" To your surprise, he nods. "At least let me know this… Am I that annoying?”
Out of desperation, you almost say yes, but you’ve been cruel enough - Jungkook didn’t deserve any of it.
“No. No, not at all…”
He pauses. “I don't understand, but if this will make you happier, all I can say in this case is… thank you. I don't about my grades as much as you do, so I'm really just thank you for all this time. I…. I liked…. I liked spending this time... spending this time with you,” Jungkook lets out, his voice breaking.
Looking up at him, you see his eyes red. Was he about to cry too?
“It won’t,” you mumble.
“What?” he asks, looking down at you as if he were looking up, teary-eyed and innocent.
You either tell him, or tell him nothing and risk…. other people telling him, along with their own added commentary on how you weren’t good enough. It would be easier just to let that happen... Letting go of him yourself, despite the pain, would be more merciful on you both. So, you do, breaking away from his embrace.
“It won’t make me happier if we stopped.”
“Then why do we have to?”
“Jungkook, we need to stop because… for the first time in my life... I’ve set myself up for failure.”
“You’re the smartest person in the entire university. How on Earth did you set yourself up to fail?”
"Because I did it by stupidly falling for the best person in this entire university. I... like you, Jungkook," you spit out, hiding your face in your hands as soon as the confession leaves your lips.
“How is that setting yourself up for failure?” he sniffs.
You can’t help but notice a shift in his tone as he pulls your hands away from your face and tilts your chin towards him. He looked as serious as he sounded.
“Jungkook, be real.”
He stares at you, confused.
“You’re.... a star. Everyone here knows who you are - you're the best in every field imaginable - sports, art, music, academia, and on top of all of that, you're the sweetest, kindest, smartest - fucking best person I, well, everyone knows. And... look at you and look at me. I make sense of everything in this world, and this doesn’t make sense. Everyone knows it. They already give us weird looks for even sitting together. I know you just needed help, and I was happy to offer it, but I thought I'd be smarter than this. I think you probably offered to be there for me as a friend. I think we're friends, right? Either way, I think I've been an idiot for even thinking of you in that-"
Jungkook's lips meet yours, interrupting your ramble, train of thought, and your breathing with a kiss.
“You think too much," he whispers against your lips, stroking your soft cheek with the back of his index finger. "You can never set yourself up for failure, genius. I like you too.”
“No.... Stop," you say, taking two steps away from him. "Jungkook, you're being mean."
It had to have been a prank. Jungkook being so committed onto getting a good grade, once again.
"You can't use me like this. And what, you'll ghost me after the exam? After all the help? Pretend I never existed?"
"You say that and call me 'mean'? Do you really think I'd do that?" he asks, letting out a huff with his eyebrows furrowed. You'd never seen Jungkook.... angry. "I would never. Not to you, or anyone. If that were the case, if I weren't so goddamn in love with you, I'd be standing ashamed, fessing up in front of you instead of feeling so hurt and angry. The girl I like really thinks so low of me?" Taking a deep breath, Jungkook collects himself. "I wouldn't spend a semester with you if that was the case. I don't know why you'd think... that."
"It doesn't make sense, Jungkook...."
“it makes sense to me,” he says, stepping towards you until he is inches away and you can almost feel the heat between your bodies. “Why does it not make sense to you? You’re clever, aren't you? What’s that theory - every action has an equal and opposite reaction? You like me, and I like you. Equal. Two-ways. Makes perfect sense to me.”
“So… you aren’t just using me for help?” you ask. "You... like me?"
“No, no, I’m not using you for your brain…." he says snarkily before tapping his forehead against yours and letting out a smug laugh. "In fact, I think you’ve been pretty stupid.”
“Stupid?!” you recoil at a word you had never been called before.
“I said pretty stupid. And by that, I mean stupid pretty - in that you're unbelievably attractive - but also pretty kind of stupid, yes. You’re smarter than this, usually…." Jungkook envelops his arms around your waist once again, trapping you. Stunned, all you're able to do is look into his eyes as he goes on.
"Y/N, I want you to think for a second… Did I really need all that help I asked for? Did I really make it onto the Dean's List when I was supposedly doing that badly? Did I really not understand? Did I really need to sit beside you while we both worked? You said it yourself, I'm among the smartest kids in this school. I’ll let you in on a secret… sometimes I used to finish up my work before you and just played mini-games on the computer.”
Jungkook's hands find your face, pushing back a strand of your hair and giggling at what must've been a puzzled look on your face. When your gaze wanders in realization, trying to put all the pieces together, his hand cups your face, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“Sure, you helped me a little bit, but it was... heaven getting you to explain things to me, especially the things I already knew. It meant I could just spend my time staring at you, getting all passionate and excited. Do you know how wide you smile when I act like I 'get it'? Or whenever I actually do. It's why I keep asking you to repeat it - I can never retain any of the new information because all my brain wants to focus on is you.
For God's sake, ask Taehyung and Jimin. Ask them how much I talk about you. Did you ever actually listen to what they say when they specifically see us together in here?"
"I assumed they were making fun of you," you mumble.
Jungkook scoffs. "Yeah, no, Y/N. They tease me for having the guts to fight but not to confess, they kept trying to pressure me to do so."
It's hard to remember that Jungkook was a trained fighter when his embrace felt so safe, you think, staring at his torso in disbelief.
"Still don't believe me? Ask Mr. P how we got assigned together for that paper.”
The sentence stuns you to your core more than anything, jerking your head up to face him.
“I never needed that much help. I just… I wanted to spend time with the girl I'd had a crush on since I got here and didn’t know how to. I like you…. I always have…. idiot,” he says, pulling you closer to him until his lips meet yours in another kiss.
Just this once, you were euphoric to be so stupid.
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legiblyloathed · 1 year
Ain’t He Darling? (Chapter 2)
Yandere! Wally Darling x Reader
A/N: This has gone from a oneshot to a twoshot to what’s now shaping up to be at least a five chapter story and for that I apologize. The “date” with Wally was only meant to be half a chapter and now it’s a full one. I will, in fact, learn nothing from this and will continue to accidentally increase my workload in the future. Many thanks for the kind comments on chapter 1, and I hope you enjoy chapter 2!
People who requested to be tagged; @whynot5243 @tikosan @itsyellow @twerkingnutella18 @azoart Y’all keep me going, I wish you the best.
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You know, maybe it was hasty to imagine Wally killing me as the worst case scenario. I think I’d take getting murdered in the woods over the uncomfortable silence I’ve been stewing in all afternoon.
Or at least, the silence is making me uncomfortable. Ever since I dragged myself out of the house to paint with him like I promised, I’ve spent damn near every minute avoiding eye contact like it’d kill me. Not that it seems to be working, as every time I glance up from my painting, I can see him out of the corner of my eye, and without fail he’s always focused on me. How he’s managed to finish his own drawing in between these moments is beyond me, but the way the easels are laid out, I can’t see his canvas anyway. There’s every chance it’s blank, and he just coerced me out here to stare at me without interruption.
But now, the sky is shifting to a myriad of colors, and I send up a silent thank you to the heavens for the excuse to leave. “Well, this has been fun,” I start, wiping the excess paint on my hands onto the apron he loaned me. “But I don’t wanna have to walk home in the dark, so I’d best be off.”
“It has been fun, hasn’t it?” After who knows how long of complete silence, his voice makes me jump slightly. Wally takes a few slow, measured steps in my direction, stopping just a little too close to my personal bubble. His eyes glued to my messy painting of the woods, and his eternal smile seems to widen. “You’re good at this.”
I manage to let out a laugh. “Not really, but I appreciate it.” I glance over my own art at the back of his easel, morbid curiosity eating away at me. As much as I want to see what the resident weirdo drew when he wasn’t trying to burn a hole in my forehead, something tells me it’s better not to know.
Wally’s head turns slightly, following my gaze to his own artwork. “Oh, do you want to see mine?” he asks, not waiting for my answer as he walks over and grabs it off the easel. He stares down at it for a moment, as if ensuring its quality, then turns it around and holding it up for me to see. “I worked hard on it. What do you think?”
Upon examination, I think I should have chosen a different neighborhood to move into, one with less terrifying residents. Staring back at me is a portrait of none other than myself. I’m sitting on a bench, which, after a moment, I recognize as the one under the apple tree where Wally had been the day prior. I look relaxed, leaning back and resting my weight on my hands behind me, my attention drawn to something off to the right. As I scan it over, I note that I wasn’t drawn with the clothes I wore today, but the ones I had on yesterday, down to finest of details. It’s beautiful, and I hate it.
I’m left frozen in place, gawking at the perfect recreation of my likeness in silence. The man doesn’t seem to mind, content to let me take in the details of his piece as he in turn observes my reaction. When I manage to pull my attention back to his face, I stammer out, “That’s…” A hell of a red flag? My worst nightmare on a canvas? A fear I’d have deemed laughable before this moment? “…incredibly realistic.”
Wally turns the painting back to himself, looking down at it with an air of fondness. “I suppose it is. I can’t take all the credit, though.” His eyes look up at me, his head unmoving. “I had a very inspiring model.”
At this, I can feel the two sides of my brain start to feud. The optimistic side makes a good effort to insist that this explains the staring, that he just wanted to get the details right and I was wrong to treat it like a problem. The more realistic side then slaps the optimistic side upside the head and points out that no amount of staring could explain the sheer level of detail in clothes that I’m not even wearing today.
My thoughts continue to conflict with each other, the turmoil so strong that I don’t even register Wally getting closer until he’s barely a foot away from me. I jolt back, nearly falling over. He seems unbothered. “Say, neighbor, would you mind helping me carry all this back to Home? The paintings are delicate, I don’t want them getting crushed.”
Part of me really wants that painting getting crushed, but I don’t dare admit that out loud. Instead, I nod. “Alright, but we gotta hurry. It’ll be dark soon.” Already the sun is casting long shadows, obscured by the trees to the west. Wally and I pack up the paints and fold up the easels, and I balance them all in my arms while he holds the canvases to his chest. Together, the two of us set off towards the house in the center of the neighborhood.
No words are exchanged as we journey through the town. He seems content with the silence, and I’m content to not have to talk to him. It seems the rest of our neighbors have called it a day, Wally and I being the only two people out and about. The weight of the supplies makes my arms ache, but if the alternative is carrying a piece of art that feels just a little too haunted for my taste, I think I can tolerate the discomfort. I don’t know how the hell he managed to drag all of this junk out in the first place.
The sun has sunk down past the horizon by the time we make it to Home, painting the sky a myriad of purples and deep blues. It takes all I have left in me not to collapse upon the porch, made all the worse by Wally’s continued nonchalance as he opens the door and beckons me inside. I brush past him into the living room, dumping my armload of supplies onto the coffee table. With a weary huff, I throw myself down onto his couch to catch my breath, my eyes drooping shut.
“You feeling alright, there, neighbor?” The sofa sinks ever so slightly as he settles down beside me. When I don’t reply, too busy staring at my eyelids and regulating my heartbeat, he speaks with what almost feels like genuine concern, “If you were getting tired, you should have spoken up. I’d have been happy to take a break.”
I shake my head. “Fine, I’m fine. Just need a minute before I head home.”
There it is again, that damn laugh. “What do you mean? This is Home.” The sound of a door squeaking registers in my periphery, and I let my eyes open, squinting against the bright colors of his house. I take a glance out of the corner of my eye, and sure enough, his own are glued on my face with a smile that registers as a little too suspicious for my tastes.
An increasingly familiar sense of unease overtaking me, I push myself up and lean away from him, hoping he didn’t notice, yet knowing he did. “I mean yeah, it’s your home, Wally,” I say, “but I have my own home to get back to.”
He lets out a soft hum, and I swear his smile wavers for just a moment. “I suppose you do,” he murmurs, sounding like he was talking to himself more than me. Risking another glance, I’m surprised to see his eyes not on me, but focused on the paintings that he had leaned against his armchair. My portrait, with its flat, distracted gaze, seemed to be staring back at us from the angle at which it stood.
With this newfound distraction from his observation, I move to push myself up off the couch, snapping him out of whatever stupor he’d been wandering in. I make sure to speak before his mouth catches up to his brain. “Well, today’s been… fun, but I think I’m gonna head out.”
I feel a hand clasp around my forearm, and I barely bite back a yelp at the contact. “It’s pretty dark out there, neighbor. Are you sure you don’t want to just sleep here tonight? I think you’d be safer.”
Nope, nope, nope nope nope. I pull my arm away, praying it didn’t look as panicked as it felt. “I appreciate the concern, but I’ll have to pass. It’s not that long a walk, I’ll be fine.” I step away towards the door, and my stomach sinks when I hear Wally get up as well.
As I prepare to head out, the same hand settles upon my shoulder instead. “Well, if you’re sure, I won’t stop you,” he drawls, a trace of emotion I can’t quite name evident in his tone. He slips past me, opening the door himself. He tilts his head, eyes locked on mine. “Let’s do this again sometime. Won’t that be nice?”
If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a challenge. Straightening up, I stand in the doorframe and meet his stare as evenly as I can. “I’m sure it would be.” The evening chill washes over me as I exit Home. “Good night, Wally.”
“Good night, neighbor. Sleep well.” My steps are steady and even as I walk down the porch stairs, and the light still pouring out as I walk away tells me that the door is still open. That he’s still there, still watching me. I hurry along towards my house, being sure to break out of his line of sight as soon as possible. It doesn’t help with the paranoia, but I pretend it does.
Tears nearly stream down my face in relief as I enter my own home and close the door, leaning back against it and sliding down to the ground. I don’t bother getting up, not to eat, not to shower, nothing. I just sit there, alternating between keeping my eyes closed to try and relax and opening them when I see those horrible eyes taunting me in the inky black. As I feel myself drifting off, one final thought crosses into my mind:
I never got my painting back from Wally.
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hyperactively-me · 1 year
Hi 💜💜💜I was wondering if you can write a ghost x reader who one day just gets a drastic hair cut. Like they always just had long hair ina ponytail but they just randomly decide to get shoulder langth hair and bangs. Like how do u think he would react?
I did that today and I feel so out of my comfort zone but I'm also so happy I finally made a change
U can ignore me if u want 😅
(I also really love black tie affair ur amazing 😍)
first of all, i bet your hair looks amazing! second of all, thank you for complimenting black tie affair, i truly appreciate it. i really really hope you like this 🫡
Simon "Ghost" Riley was a quiet man whose actions shouted volumes. Above all, action is what catches people's attention. And for Ghost, well, action is the way he communicates best.
He had always liked your long hair, frequently admiring it for its beauty. It became a trademark feature of your look, generally pulled back in a tight ponytail that matched your lifestyle. It was pretty much the only hairstyle you wore around the base, becoming your trademark look. However, one defining day, you decided to get a dramatic haircut. You wanted some change in your life, a fun, harmless way of bringing about a breath of fresh air. After you settled on what new style you wanted, your hair was now shoulder length, with stylish bangs framing your face.
When you entered the room, the team members turned their heads in astonishment, their eyes widening at your transformed appearance. Ghost, known for his constantly veiled face, couldn't help but leave a momentary expression of amazement before composing himself. His penetrating eyes inspected every aspect of your new haircut. 
For a brief minute, the room was deafeningly still, and then Ghost's lips curved into a smile. He couldn't disguise the admiration in his eyes as he looked at you. His typical stoicism dissipated, replaced with a feeling of warmth.
He was so used to seeing you with your long hair pulled back that he never considered the notion that you had the chance to make such a drastic change. The idea that you could change your appearance in this manner had simply never crossed his mind. Personally, he never really cared for his hair, often having “mask hair,” as his teammates liked to call it. But seeing you with your hair like this, he has to admit, he's thrilled by it.
He finally spoke. "You look different," he said, his voice a blend of surprise and genuinity. He studies the way your hair falls about your face, eyes flitting to and fro. “I love it. It suits you.”
His remark made you feel relieved. You were concerned that the new haircut would not be properly welcomed by your teammates, but Ghost's reply, however slight, soothed you. His approval meant the world to you.
“Thank you,” you said, your lips pulled in a modest grin. “I thought it was time for a change. Something new, y'know?”
Ghost stepped closer, his presence both welcoming and reassuring. He extended a gloved hand, his fingertips brushing against the ends of your new hair. 
You still, mouth agape as he unabashedly takes in your appearance.
“It's refreshing,” he stated, nearly whispering. “Like you.”
Your cheeks flushed, and you couldn't help but feel a burst of confidence. Ghost's infrequent displays of vulnerability had that impact on you. Something about his usual quiet behavior made his comments carry more significance, amplifying even the tiniest praises. 
Ghost continued stealing looks in your direction as the mission briefing began, a little grin tugging at his lips. He just couldn't stop appreciating the way you looked. Every time you took a quick glance at him, he appeared enthralled by your new appearance, admiring it in a manner that only he could. You smile to yourself, knowing that he's really, truly, appreciating you.
Though Ghost's emotions were normally veiled in mystery, his reaction to your haircut demonstrated that he paid attention to every little detail. And you knew his appreciation extended beyond your physical appearance. It was a deeper connection, a subconscious understanding that existed between the two of you.
Ghost's silent support remained consistent throughout the assignment, as did his faith in your skills. You couldn't help but be thankful for his subtle but significant presence in your life. And while you stood side by side, you couldn't help but think that change wasn't always about haircuts, but also about the unforeseen ways it altered the ties we had with those we cared about the most. Especially the way you and Ghost knew each other.
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sanajeh1909 · 8 months
Professionally Yours Personally Mine
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader
Word Count : 2404
Warnings : Rivalry themes (enemies to lovers without being lovers part i guess?), romantic tension
POV : 3rd Person (More like Chamber's POV but i tried to give both sides inner thoughts etc.)
A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. Gif doesnt belong to me. Please do tell if there is any mistakes or off talks/writings on the scenario. I wrote less for Y/N to not restrict your actions and focusing on Chamber for you to imagine with detailed descriptions. Whoever taught me OneLook page, i love you. Yellow is for Chamber, Pink is for Reader. I hope you enjoy it. If you like this i might write part two or something.
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Been long time, huh...
Chamber stopped mid-speech, his eyes narrowing onto the source of the sound. A woman stood across from him who he'd recognized as Y/N, one of his former colleagues from Kingdom Industries… one of his biggest obstacles.
He stood there, arms folded, waiting for the woman to speak. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her.
With crossed arms over her chest, she approaches and speaks. Her tone is dripped in confidence. I didn't expect you to join Valorant Protocol.
He raised an eyebrow, the hint of irritation in his voice. Of course, she couldn't just let that one little flaw go without bringing it up.
You know… this new agency has been a welcome change. I appreciate their appreciation of aesthetics, unlike that… corporation you still work for.
She smirks and stands in front of him. Confident and sharp as always. Who said im working for them? And what do you think am i doing in the middle of the VALORANT PROTOCOL? Surely they don't let in anyone here.
Chamber's eyes widened with surprise. He could not believe these words were coming out of her mouth, let alone that SHE, of all people, knew more than him - someone who actively works for the organization. He couldn't contain his shock. His mind was reeling. His mouth ran on autopilot, trying to find the correct words to say, when he finally found the right one… he spoke.
… pardon?
She chuckles with amusement. Its my duty to give you a warm welcome, no? Taking a deep breath, she raises her chin up slightly with a small smirk on her lips. Welcome to the VALORANT PROTOCOL.
He tried to remain indifferent to the situation. Of course, he knew the woman across from him was capable of doing… well, anything… but to think she had joined the Protocol made no sense. How?
He searched for a response.
"W-wait a minute. Why are you here?"
Im working here. Pouting her lips with sarcastic manner yet the smirk playing on the corner of her lips were giving away that she wasn't pouting out of annoyance, instead she is toying with him.
That wasn't the response he was looking for or expecting. Was she teasing him? Was she just… here now? Or was she actually here to work… he couldn't be sure. He was trying to avoid it but his curiosity was creeping in.
Doing what?
Saving the world. Serious yet sarcastic tone and that damned playful pout on her lips… He rolled his eyes. She couldn't be that facetious, right? This was Y/N. Her sarcasm and teasing was a known trait.
But that last statement, he couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not. Was she genuinely saving the world or had she just… decided to join and he's just now hearing about it?
Saving the world, right. Like that's why you're here.
A small click sound of her tongue and she walks away, anooyed by his nonserious reply. Guess whose rivalry is going even after working in Kingdom...
Chamber was in disbelief. Her quitting? Her being here? She just up and quit? Why??
He followed her, of course. He grabbed her arm and stopped before she could go far. His curiosity was too much to handle and he had to know what she meant.
You quit? You're working here full time now? You, of all people, would join VALORANT just like that?
Oh, why not? You know me better than other people that i would do such thing. She narrows her eyes as if spitting venom, but then smiles with a smirk, a confident and cocky one.
Chamber's mouth twitched. Damn it. She got him. She really did.
The idea was crazy to begin with. Was this what she did after she quit Kingdom? Why didn't he find out sooner? Hell, why wasn't he just the one to recruit her to VALORANT?
So… you're not teasing? You really are working here? Why?
You should know it already.
His mouth slightly opened at her response. Did she really just tell him to figure it themselves? The level of sass… he was trying his hardest not to show how cute she looked when she got snippy… he failed.
That's vague…
He was still trying to figure out why she joined. Had she really joined or was she just here to be a nuisance? He decided to play a game.
Does the Protocol have better insurance benefits than Kingdom, or something? Is that why?
She lets out an amused chuckle. Is that why you quit Kingdom Industries? She turns the question back at him without answering.
His eyes widened with feigned surprise. Damn it. Damn it. Damn her. She was good. She was doing a damn good job of annoying him. She didn't answer the question. This woman could never give a straight answer when it mattered... She had him there. Damn it.
He stayed silent for a moment, processing everything she had said. This game… this game was going back and forth… and for each and every one of his moves, she would retort. He might as well have played checkers against himself. He needed to change the game.
No, I left because of the creative restraints they placed on me. They couldn't handle how good I was at designing.
Is that the only reason why you quit? I think there is more than that. Her voice tone slightly dropping and her voice is like a velvet, as if trying to seduce him to talk more.
Damn it! She was good. But… she had a… was she trying to get him to reveal more… personal details? What the hell was going on…
That voice… that seductive tone… it was the same one she used for every office romance she found herself in. Her eyes never left his. That stare could penetrate skin, flesh, bone… right down to his soul. He couldn't think of anything else but her. Every single thought in his head… it was just her. Just her. Just her.
He shook his head. No, it is not the only reason. Is this an interrogation? Do I have to share something more personal? Is me not wanting to work for a company who only wants my talents and not also my creativity… is that not enough?
Oh, im simply curious. She says with half seriousness and half playfulness. I know you for almost a decade… Its just your reason… She thinks her words with a small pause, slightly pouting as if preparing herself for the amusement she would feel after seeing his reaction …doesnt tick with your personality.
…what… does that mean?
Oh you know what i mean. Her pout slowly turns into a small smirk.
Goddamn her. She knew exactly what she was doing. He was almost sure of it. That smirk, that little confident smile. She didn't even need to play mind games; she could flirt the information she wanted out of him with nothing but a smirk.
He was annoyed. At himself and the situation. And especially at her.
She gets close and stare deep in his eyes. Her eyes slightly widens, as if a snake approaching its prey. She speaks in low, slow, seductive yet dangerous, obviously taunting tone. …Are you being seduced?
Her presence was suddenly filling his personal space. Her tone had dropped to dangerously provocative. She was doing it on purpose. She was pushing the limits between playful banter, rivalry, and something deeper… He felt his heart rate increase. Her eyes and her proximity were making him agitated but… they were also having a different affect now.
His eyes widened as the distance began closing. Was this flirting?Was this… that feeling where he didn't know what he should say or even react? Oh… this was… this was new.
…is that what you're attempting?
She pouts for a brief moment as if disagreeing with her own words. I might be.
He gulped. Her pout had thrown him off. He was lost for words. So lost he nearly said something stupid. How was she this good at this? Was it practice? Was she just… naturally… like… this?
His blood boiled with a mix of passion and annoyance.
This was too much. She knew exactly what her words meant. She knew what she had done. She knew she was in control. And now she was taunting him for his lack of response.
He couldn't handle this woman. She was too smart, too cunning. She was playing at his emotions and he couldn't handle it. She was going to win if he didn't retaliate. He had to find some way to pull her off balance. He'd been the victor too many times, and he was tired of her getting the best of him. She had a power over him that he couldn't figure out how to control. It was like a spell.
Why are you acting like this? Stop. Teasing…
What if i dont? She raises an eyebrow as if provocating him to go further so she can make her own blow. Looking deeply in his eyes, her eyes are slightly widened with sadistic intentions.
For a few moments, he was lost in her aura. Her eyes were like two black holes, sucking him in and holding him there. Her look was almost inviting him to come closer to her. He could almost see her smiling a devilish smile, her lips inching closer to his ear until… he snapped out of it.
He wasn't about to be drawn into her trap. Not this time.
Your game's getting predictable, Y/N.
And you are falling for it.
He scoffed.
Falling? Falling?! You are a few steps behind me, my dear. Don't underestimate me. I'm not the fool you used to have the upper hand to. I have learned. I know how you operate now. I know all your tricks. Every single one.
Her lips curls into a smile, a creepy one. Something is hidden behind it, plotting something behind it. Constricted pupils of hers are staring into his amber ones. Her tone drops, speaking in quiet, soft tone yet dangerous, velvet-like... Why dont you behave like you know them, then?
They weren't just playing anymore. Things were getting real now, and the question now was how far would she go? Would she kiss him? Or would she try to kill him? He had absolutely no idea.
His eyes met hers, his lips curling into a smirk as he replied, his voice getting an extra bit of confidence and bravado.
I believe this game you're trying to play won't work if I call out all of your next moves. You and I both know how this works, yes? Let me guess… you're going to try and make a move to get a closer look at my eyes, or, say something that's provocative and get me to get defensive. You could even try to get within arms reach of me and lean in to whisper something seductive in my ear to try and throw me off. Right?
Hmm, maybe. She pouts slightly with a smile.
He chuckled. She was just too damn cunning. His smirk grew into a smile, his body language more relaxed.
Or you could go for my mouth right away, too. We both know you want to.
Oh thats not what i was asking for. But i might. Half joking, half serious with a damned smile mixed with a smirk and narrowed eyes... Her voice tone dropped low and heavy.
His eyebrow once again raised. He was caught off guard by her candor and bluntness. Had she gotten more confident or just… cocky? He was beginning to think it was the latter. His smirk grew larger as he responded with some confidence of his own and arrogance, but not enough that it seemed fake.
We both know you'd never…
We will see.
Again, he snickered and couldn't help but smile. There were sparks flying between them that even the most oblivious person could feel. The banter was flying in, the playful teasing back and forth. What exactly was this? Why was this flirting so exciting? Why him and her when she was such a rival to him. It was weird.
His eyes met her eyes, both staring into each others with such intensity. Their faces were close now, only about four inches away. Her mouth began moving towards his.
Only about an inch of space between them she stops, and she whispers but her tone isnt soft. The corner of her lips curled into a devilish smile You will be my pawn.
His breath was caught in his throat as she spoke for his ears to hear. Her lips were close to his, her eyes narrowed, her smile diabolical. His muscles tensed under the intensity of her aura.
Her tone was not simply playful and teasing but also… dominant. Aggressive. Almost predatorial. She wanted to win everything between them. He hadn't anticipated her whisper to be so… provocative. Why did his heart not even feel as if he was in control anymore? It was beating of its own accord. It was almost like… she was controlling it herself.
She pulls herself back and a laugh escapes her throat with a smile. She takes several steps back in amusement as if she won the little banter they had between them. Then she turns on her heels and walk away. The victory is written on her walk, as if a Queen killed half of the prisoners. She laughs loudly and her voice echoes on the corridor as she disappears from his sight.
He could do nothing but watch. She had won yet again. He was outmaneuvered. She had taken the last laugh. He'd seen his worst fears realized as she'd taken the upper hand. She knew how he felt about her, she knew the impact she had on him, and she used it to her full advantage.
Was she truly… that manipulative and cunning? Was there a weakness to it? Maybe not a weakness, but would she let herself get caught in her own game like he just did? He didn't know, but this only intrigued him more.
What just happened? If it were anyone else he wouldn't think twice, but he and Y/N were rivals. They were supposed to hate each other. Instead, they were flirting, they were seducing each other.
Was there something genuine here? It was impossible. She was his number one rival…
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merbear25 · 2 months
Hey hi! Can you do romantic nsfw hcs with France, prussia and China x reader who's a masochist? Thanks!!! :3
Hello, there! I sure can! I must say that I appreciate the ask. Us masochists need a bit more material specific to us, am I right? Remember to practice safe sex.💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, gn!reader, headcanons, kinks mentioned
With a reader who’s a masochist (France, Prussia, China)
He was taken aback at first—completely surprised that you told him such dark fantasies.
He wasn’t exactly a satanist, but he was no stranger to branching out of his comfort zone.
There would undoubtedly be a discussion in more detail about what you specifically wanted: what was on and off the table, and if he was comfortable fulfilling your desires to their fullest extent. It was conversation that was necessary to get the full picture of what consent meant to both of you. A safe word went without question to ensure comfort on both sides.
For him personally, he enjoyed light bondage like fuzzy handcuffs and sensation play like blindfolds and earplugs. However, he’d always wanted to try using sensual wax.
Biting was something he’d enjoy, as well. He typically kept them as light nips, but hearing you beg for more made him lose himself in the moment. He hadn’t intended to mark your pretty skin, but your reactions lessened his apprehension.
Any mark he gave was soothed with wet kisses, as if sucking some of the sting out.
He wasn’t really comfortable with knife play or anything that would potentially scar you.
There were certain positions that affected you more than others, ones which hit that sweet spot and allowed an intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure. During these positions, his lust came more alive. Having you pant and squirm under him was a symphony he’d never tire of hearing, so he’d take full advantage of those moments.
Although he may not be as kinky as his brother, he was just as adventurous—maybe even more so given his wild nature.
Even if he got ahead of himself at times, sex was one of the few things that he took his time to slow down for; this included both pleasure aspects and consent.
He was a bit more reluctant to experiment on a whim when it came to personal safety—masochism offered more risk, after all.
In a rare moment of maturity, he’d want to talk about what your specific turn-ons and fantasies were. There were few things that were completely off-limits for him, so he’d mostly just listen while you explained, taking a mental note for later.
He quite enjoyed BDSM, especially whips and chains. Your eagerness to explore more of his kinks was rather exciting for him. There weren’t many partners he’d had that were so willing to experience these things, which only made you more alluring.
Gripping your hips tightly, possibly bruising them, as you cried out in lustful sobs was like music to his ears.
Such beautiful sounds coaxed him into biting and / or spanking with such force that it left a welt.
He’d definitely want to use ropes, choke you, and explore sensation play with heat and cold. There’d have to be a safe word set in place because there were times he got carried away in the moment.
He knew he wasn’t the most adventurous in the bedroom, but that didn’t mean he was boring.
Exploring this part of sex wasn’t really something he’d gotten around to doing before. Sure, there may have been a few naughty films or magazines that caught his attention in the past, but acting these out was far beyond his experience.
Going about discussing your fantasies to their fullest extent was a conversation that you led for the most part. It was all a bit of a shock to him, but he wasn’t exactly opposed to broadening his horizons.
A safe word was set in place more for his sake because you could get just a little too intense for him.
Cupping would be right up his alley because it was more or less hands off, and he could just watch your expression change between blissful pain to full ecstasy. Places he’d find the sexiest would be your thighs and along your spine. The patterns and intimacy of it all was enough to make his head spin.
Knowing that you genuinely enjoyed what he did to you made him feel more confident. It was all a learning process for him, so please be patient with him. He ultimately wanted to make you feel good. He just needed some time to wrap his head around certain…requests you made.
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swampstew · 1 year
Spoiling Eustass 'Captain' Kid
500 follower milestone achieved ~ thank you to all the lovely folks who like my content enough to follow and constantly support. You are all beautiful beans and I so appreciate every single one of you. As promised, here is the Spoiling Captain Kid bedtime story. Enjoy spoiling our mans♡
Word Count: 1.8K Warnings: None! Fluff piece with GN Reader, SFW (with some suggestive spice) but as always my content is only for ADULTS.
Minors DNI you will be blocked
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Being with a man like Eustass Kid is anything but easy. His ambitions, his temper, his sardonic and gluttonous personality – all highly guarded walls to keep trespassers away. His reputation and his crew as his guard dogs to keep anyone from getting too close.
That didn’t mean there wasn’t love in his heart. For Killer.
The crew.
For you.
He hadn’t meant to fall for you but he did before he could articulate what he was feeling. By then he was in too deep. Couldn’t get you out of his head, his bed, or his heart.
A Captain has duties and Kid is a busy person. Between strategy meetings, communicating with contacts in the Underworld, commanding the crew and Victoria Punk, his time in the workshop, and everything else in between, you could see that his day-to-day schedule was running him ragged.
You had enough.
No man, not even Eustass Kid, is immune to burnout. Working out the details with Killer, you plotted a day of pampering and relaxation for the aggressive redhead. Whether he wanted it or not.
The ship is quiet. Too quiet. Kid’s suspicious scowl grew deeper as he walked around. Normally when the crew found a port to dock at, there would be stragglers around the deck nursing hangovers. Not today. He first noticed when he woke up and dragged his feet to the kitchen to grab you and him some water.
Now you were gone too. What the fuck!
Slightly jumping from the bathroom door suddenly swinging open, you stand before him in a cute little outfit that made his eyes dilate. He shook his head out of those spicy thoughts.
“Where the hell did everyone go?”
“Killer gave everyone a day off with a rotating skeleton crew to guard the ship!”
“The fuck? And he didn’t run that by me first?!”
You shake your head at him, “It was decided amongst the Commanders, Killer and me.”
Kid did a double take. “You all did what now???!”
“Everyone has the day off. You included. Now get changed, your itinerary is all filled up.” You pass the handwritten schedule into his flesh hand.
The vein in his forehead throbbed as he looked over the sheet.
Morning – Self-care start with breakfast provided. Full body treatment to follow.
Afternoon – Hot springs and lunch after. Nap optional.
Evening – Banquet with after party. If the Captain behaves, he’ll be provided with an additional gift.
“If I behave?” he growled, lowering the sheet from his face.
“Yep! Try to wear something a little casual since we’ll be out of our clothes a lot.”
That swiped the scowl off his face to be replaced with a grin. A grin he kept on his face as you both strolled through the island lazily. Kid is almost unrecognizable wearing shorts and a muscle tank top, his trademark goggles traded in for a pair of large, tinted sunglasses with golden rims. The day is bright and sunny, not too many people out on the streets, and his lover hanging off his arm – not a bad way to start his imposed day off.
When you reached your destination you almost had to pull Kid inside.
“We’re here stop dragging your feet!”
“You didn’t say anything about a nail salon!”
He much preferred to paint his nails himself, even after he lost his left arm he insisted on trying to use his power to create a normal sized-scale prosthetic. While it was manageable, it was nowhere near as precise or cleanly done as when he had both organic arms.
“Who cares? They get paid to do a job no matter how crusty your toenails are!”
In the end you manage to pull him in. Kid remains entirely silent; face flushed as he sits in a leather chair that also had a massaging feature while his feet soaked in a heated tub. The manicurist quickly removed and painted his nails on his right hand while an adventure drama played on a screen, not once daring to speak aloud. Even the visual transponder snail seemed nervous, the screen slightly rippling on the edges.
You came through the door carrying a platter and two bags hanging from your arms. While your feet and back experience the same treatment as Kid, you hand feed him donut balls and ripped off pieces of bagels. He even has you lift his iced coffee for him to drink so he doesn’t have to move his body from the pulsing chair.
Nails freshly done and bellies satiated, you both head to the back of the salon. Through a heavy glass door, you both find yourselves in a spa house. Kid quirks his hairless eyebrow at you.
“Look, I’d normally take care of you myself but you’re…particular with how you like things done and I’d rather not get yelled at. Humor me and I promise you’ll feel stress free and relaxed and maybe add 5 years to your lifespan ok?”
With a grunt he gently shoves you off to the side in annoyance as he walks up to the receptionist. To Kid’s horror, he is to be subjected to a hot stone massage, a full facial, and then dipped into salt-rich mud for gods only know how long.
He enjoys it even if he tells you he hated every second.
Your room is next to his while you receive your own massage and you could hear his pleased growling and muffled moans as the massage therapist worked out kinks from his back not even Killer or you could work out. You didn’t hear him object to the facial and you thought you might have even heard him hum when the specialist told him they didn’t know why he needed it on his flawless face. That made you scoff; you were just trying to spoil your man – and on your own dime, thank you very much! Kid is ANYTHING but a cheap date.
Nothing could prepare you for how utterly out of character Kid looked while he reclines in the mud bath. The Dead Sea mud is known for its purgative and restorative properties. It exfoliates and tightens skin, eliminates harmful bacteria, and nourishes the skin and scalp.
Healing qualities aside – Kid is covered entirely in mud save for around his eyes. Even his hair was thoroughly coated. You hold back a laugh and sink your body next to his, working the nutrient rich mud over your skin and hair. It’s only an hour but time feels eternal in the chamber, the harmonic sounds of tuning forks and melodic singing bowls being rung as you both slipped into a tranquil, meditative state.
Free from the mud, its only logical that the next stop is a hot spring. After another rinse, you both settle into a private heated pool and enjoy each other’s company. Your bag held a bottle of champagne which you had the staff chill, and you were now making bottomless mimosas. A heated bath plus alcohol equals a nice buzz and a voracious appetite. After your soak, you take the lead and bring him to a delicious restaurant where you watch Kid devour meal after meal. You are always impressed with the bottomless pit he called a stomach.
“I’m not a child,” Kid scoffs once you come back to the ship. “Don’t need a nap.”
“You might not but I do! We had a busy day and I’m full from lunch. If you want to just cuddle that’s fine too.”
Ever the edgy punk he is, he turns red at the mention of cuddling and throws the clothes he took off directly at your face. He ends up cuddling anyway. And once your lulling breaths signaled your descent into sleep, he swiftly follows, holding your warm body snug to his.
Hours pass quickly and when Kid wakes up he’s pleased to see you curled up on his chest. He plays with your painted fingers until the sounds of hunger rumble from his stomach to his chest, waking you up.
“Finally! Been dying to eat but SOMEBODY was trapping me down.”
“M’mm soo sorry your majesty,” you grumble with side eye, getting up from the bed and beating him to the bathroom first.
If there’s one thing you know about the Kid Pirates aside from their…rabid violent tendencies…is that they know how throw a party and banquet. The deck is filled with dining tables displaying mouthwatering dishes, roasted meats, and tons of liquor.
Killer got the band together for live music and it warmed your heart to see how amiable Kid is when he truly let loose. Not that the crew never got to see that side of him, just that those moments were far and few between with how demanding finding the One Piece is. And trying to take down the powers of the world.
Choosing to focus on the present, you dance along with the crew as the music flows, drinking, and having fun. You find yourself in Kid’s lap as you eat and talk shit with the others, he keeps a close grip on you with the occasional affectionate squeeze. You manage to steal a glance at him and see he has the happiest smile on his face as he looks down at you. A lovely image that makes your heart flutter and return his smile. Not at all rolling your eyes as he gently grabs your chin and turns your face around.
When the night is over, Kid playfully throws you on the bed with a wide smirk on his face as he crawls over your body.
“Alright what’s my gift?”
“Under the bed.”
He cocks an eyebrow at you, “Oh you mean an actual gift? That wasn’t an innuendo?”
“I bought you an actual gift that’s going to change your life.”
He snorts at that but then looks under the bed for his gift. Pulling out a gift bag, he sits down next to you and looks inside. A confused look on his face, he pulls out a sleek, gun-looking mechanism.
“You planning to shoot me or something?”
“In a sense.”
The bewildered look he gives you makes you laugh aloud.
“It’s a massage gun! There are different shaped pieces that you can interchange to fit the massage and area you want to target. Let me show you, take off your vest.”
He rolls his eyes but does as you say, “Doubt this teeny tiny toy can do anything of significance.”
The massage gun comes to life with a low buzzing hum. You attach one of the heads to the nozzle and brace yourself.
“C’mon get it over with already! I hate waiting for dissapo—OH MY GODS!!!”
By the time you’re through with him, he’s a drooling pile of putty laid out on your lap.
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genocidehim · 1 year
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Chico callado (Marco Salamanca x Reader)
OKAY, this is experimental. It's the first time I'm writing smut in english and the first time I'm doing something for Marco, so I apologize if I get both things wrong.
notes: one-shot, smut, reader is afab, unprotected/unsafe sex, rough sex. words: 2229
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It had started with small innocent glances during his visits to see his uncle. Leonel and Marco were the type of visitors who preferred to keep the nurses away from them while they communicated with their uncle, Hector Salamanca.
At first, you thought they were just men of few words, but soon you realized that language was a big barrier to communication. However, that didn't stop Marco's curiosity from being drawn to you, and you responded with interest.
The second thing that happened was small talks where both tried to communicate to express Hector's condition. He didn't speak english and you didn't understand spanish very well, so their conversations were mediocre signs and guesses that conveyed little, but somehow Marco managed to express his interest in you.
Small sweet glances, little hand brushes when both tried to pick up an object at the same time, and the first time you saw him smile, undoubtedly the latter had been enough to win you over completely.
There was interest without even saying it in words.
One of those days, when your shift ended early, you noticed how Marco was alone at the reception, wearing one of his formal outfits that already seemed like a characteristic of both brothers. With a smile on your face, you approached him and greeted him politely, smiling as you tried to remember the few Spanish words you knew. As usual, he didn't speak too much, but you understood that he was offering to take you home, an invitation that you accepted while holding the arm he had offered to hold while walking towards the exit and his personal car.
"¿Y Leonel?" you asked curiously as your hands kept you closer to his arm.
"Ocupado" he responded without hesitation, with some luck, you understood what he meant and just nodded in response.
They didn't take too long to get into his car to leave the parking lot, without having an extensive conversation between signs and mixed words between Spanish and English to give him directions to your house, it was one of the few times you would hear him laugh while watching your mediocre attempts to speak to him in Spanish.
During the ride home, everything felt warm and comfortable, he really was that kind of company that you appreciated having even if you don't speak too much, but his knowing glances and small smiles were enough to make you feel comfortable.
But all of this was more than just a simple cordial friendship. They both felt it, those shy glances always carried second intentions behind them, their little touches caused a reaction in your bodies, and somehow only increased the need.
While Marco drove in silence, you had the audacity to maintain a warm gaze on him, detailing each of his features; the shape of his face, the hardness of his features, his beautiful moles scattered across his face, and his lips. God, those lips that only fed your wild imagination.
While lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice how you had already arrived at your house. Marco looked at you and noticed your attention on him, bringing you back to reality before coming to his senses and smiling shyly.
He returned the smile and made a gesture to say goodbye, raising his arms to give you a small hug that you didn't hesitate to receive.
Compared to him, you were much smaller, almost as if he could completely wrap you in his arms without much effort, and the warmth he emanated made you let out a pleasant sigh. When the hug seemed to break, both stopped for a few seconds while the proximity remained, their faces were just a few centimeters away from each other and you could feel his warm breath above your lips.
He seemed to understand your hesitant gazes because he didn't hesitate to hold you back, pulling you closer to him. The warmth that flooded your lips was immediate, your eyes remained closed as your lips began to take the situation seriously. What had started as a gentle and superficial kiss had become something more needy, something more hungry. His large hands soon joined in synchrony, caressing your torso over the uniform as he seemed eager to touch even more. His hands gently moved up your body until they reached your breasts, where he would continue to caress and squeeze them gently. All these sensations were overwhelming, and your mind was about to collapse as you felt so many stimuli. He was too much, and he had caught you off guard. Unconsciously, your body pressed against his as he continued to play with your soft breasts, sliding his warm hands inside your uniform to massage them over your bra. Your moans in response only increased his need to have you, he wanted to possess you. You had no idea how much you needed this until you felt a sense of intoxication just by kissing him. Marco was good at what he did, he kissed you as if he had thought of a thousand and one ways to do it, as if he had fantasized about that moment before.
When you decided that this would go further, you stopped and took a step back, gasping in response as your eyes remained half-closed while you watched his needy face. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips slightly swollen.
"Let's go to my house... Mi casa."
. . .
It was awkward as they both staggered into the interior of your house as they struggled to keep their lips together. Stumbling and bumping very small bumps with the walls as you seemed intoxicated by the taste of each other.
Marcó managed to guide you to your couch as if he knew your house beforehand. The sweetness that his kisses had a few moments ago transformed into a raw need to devour you, taking the liberty to grab your shirt and pull it off your body in one swift upward motion as you kept up with him as best you could. Quickly, he took it upon himself to undo your bra so he could touch your breasts with his bare hands, toying with them as your face puckered in pleasure before your lips were caught by his once again.
He really seemed needy for you, as if he couldn't get enough and wanted more and more. Somehow his roughness and possessiveness increased your arousal as he advanced through your body, it wasn't until he parted from your lips and commanded in a deep, stern tone.
"De espaldas"
You frowned as you didn't quite know what he was asking you to do. You only felt his hands grab your waist and turn you towards the couch, pressing a little so that you rested your arms on the back of the couch as you turned your back to him. The next thing you felt was him undoing your pants in a quick downward pull, which made you moan in response. You were now practically naked as you turned your back to him and gave him your entire bottom.
His thick hands were quick to pull down your panties and to leave you exposed to his mercy as you just gasped in response to his rough actions. Your body had a jolt of electricity as his fingers began to fool around in your folds, being gentle at first touch as he seemed to prepare you with soft caresses.
"¿Apenas te he tocado y ya estás mojada? Pobre morrita necesitada..." His voice felt arrogant as he moved his fingers inside your folds, moving up to touch with your clit where most of his attention would be focused, moving his fingers in circles as you tried to keep your composure. The moans were coming out of your mouth without much effort and your legs were already starting to tremble with need, and him constantly speaking in spanish didn't help to keep control of your body.
As he kept moving his fingers nimbly over your pussy, you were trying to hold back the gasps and moans by biting your lower lip and sinking your face into the back of the couch, which bothered Marco.
"No seas tímida, princesa... Déjame escucharte" He said that as he inserted two of his fingers inside you, getting what he wanted by getting a big moan out of your mouth. "Dios... Estás demasiado apretada para mis dedos"
Your head couldn't handle all the sensations you were feeling. You were so engrossed in his caresses and on the other hand you were trying to describe the things he was saying, but it all ended up in the same thing, your body couldn't do so many things at once and you let yourself be overcome by his touches.
When his fingers left your pussy you almost felt an overwhelming coldness cover your lower area, as if you had lost something you urgently needed. That's when he thought you'd had enough and he decided to join in the fun.
The sound of a belt being removed and the zipper of a pair of pants being unzipped made your legs shiver in anticipation, giving you a little glance over your shoulder to see him unbutton his pants and pull his member out of his underwear. At the mere sight of him, a gasp escaped your lips and took all the air with it.
"Tranquila... Seré suavecito contigo" he promised as he held his cock from the tip so he could guide it to your entrance, hesitating before inserting it, moving it over your folds and letting your fluids soak the tip before feeling it slowly work its way inside you.
"Oh fuck… Fuck…" your legs trembled as you felt his cock expand your insides gently. You leaned your forehead against the back of the couch as your arms made a great effort to stay in the position he desired, a position that gave free rein to feel him all the way in as he began to slide inside you gently. "Shit… Marco-o…"
They hadn't even started yet and your head was already on edge. Little did you know that you were so needy for him that with any slightest touch you seemed to be on the edge of your limit. When he slid all the way inside you, he filled you with ease and seemed to be on the edge of your entrance when he moaned in response, gasping as he felt you clench so tightly around him. "Relájate un poco, reinita... Estás demasiado apretada."
When you felt his big hands grip your hips tightly, you knew he would show you no mercy whatsoever.
He began to move slowly inside you, guiding your movements with his own hands as he made sure he had you held tightly from behind. As the pace increased, the pleasure began to do so as well. Feeling him pounding into you with such urgency, only managed to draw loud moans from your mouth, incomplete words and gasps as your mind became completely clouded by pleasure.
Marco kept a fast pace in his thrusts as your skins collided and produced a raw sound that started to become rhythmic, that, combined with your moans only increased his arousal, who moaned shamelessly and gasped with every thrust he gave you.
"Muévete más rápido, princesa... Sí... Mmm... Así me gusta"
His deep voice sent direct shocks to your clit as you felt him continue to open you wider and wider with each lunge.
He really knew how to keep up the pace and when to go slow so it felt torturous. Like he knew exactly what to do to make you lose your mind.
When you were about to reach your limit, you clung tightly to the couch and squeezed your legs together as you continued to feel his strong thrusts, managing to climax as he continued to penetrate you with need. When he noticed how you were reaching your limit without him, he didn't take long to hold you tighter and make your hips pound violently on top of him, his thrusts were getting louder and deeper, your gasps mixed with the overstimulation you felt when he decided to lean over your back and bring one of his hands directly to your clitoris, massaging it hard while he kept his movements inside your pussy. Just when you thought you couldn't get any more you felt him finally reach his limit and moan loudly as he took a few last thrusts inside your pussy as his cum began to fill you from the inside. That hot, wet sensation in conjunction with the movements of his fingers over your clit made you climax a second time, feeling your entrance begin to drip with his fluids as he pulled away from you, pulling his cock out of your aching entrance.
Feeling limp, you rolled over and lay back on the couch while your legs were still shaking and your pussy was dripping. Marco looked so tired that he dropped to the couch beside you and sat up as his rapid breathing began to return to normal.
Before you could say anything to conclude the encounter, he slipped one of his arms around your shoulders and pulled you close to his chest so he could hold you close, it all felt so intimate and gentle.
Who knew the quietest guys were the loudest during sex.
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fernandezology · 2 years
don’t take me for granted-mason mount
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pairing: mason mount x reader
summary: “but every time i leaned over and said i’m sorry you said it was fine. you squeezed my hand and said it’s fine. i love you. don’t worry... it’s fine.”
warnings: angst with a twist at the end
word count: 1,2 k
life is good.cause we fucking did it. it couldn’t have gone better.
you looked beautiful tonight.the entire night, while i was talking to all these smiling,sweet,rich people who one month ago wouldn’t give me the time of day... i would look across the room and see you. and i’d think, god,she is the most beautiful fucking creature on planet earth.and the sexiest. there’s truly no one sexier. even christian said it.
speech he gave after being voted as the best at fifa awards left you…speechless.you had no intention of talking to him so you just looked at him confused.
he recognized your “what is that supposed to mean” look because let’s face it,he knew you like the back of his hand.
not in a bad way. a good way. a respectful way. but it’s true. every time i’d see you... he continued to talk while kissing the back of your neck,with your glass of old fashioned,smiling and chatting it up,i’d think to myself:
“god, am i fucking lucky.”
nobody in their right mind would have energy to start an argument after a long night of pretending to be interested in people you’ve never seen before. thankfully,there were few familiar faces who made this night bearable. however,some of them turned it into the worst night ever. including him. you didn’t want to raise any suspicion so you dryly smiled at him.
what was that?
that smile?
it was a fake smile. i thought you are going to be a little bit more excited for me. don’t think your behavior went unnoticed. it seemed like you were not yourself tonight, especially around my mum. what’s wrong?
point is… i don’t have nothing to say to her. which is the reason i didn’t talk to her.
it’s just... she notices.
how do you know?
i just do.
well she sees how you are with other people... you’re talkative, you’re funny.
what can i say, i’m personable.
right. which makes her insecure.
what? other human beings with personalities?
no. it’s the fact that you’re not yourself and she knows it. can you just tell me what happened?
tust me. it’s not a good idea. let’s talk tomorrow.
but i know you’re upset at me.
it’s not a big deal.
i can’t go to sleep knowing you’re angry.
i’m begging you. nothing productive is going to be said tonight.
how do you know?
because i know you.
you turn and walk down the hall toward to bedroom,already regretting you said anything because he is not gonna let it go now.
as you were taking off your jewelry,you look at him in the mirror,realizing this is gonna be a long night. truthfully,you didn’t have one of those in a while- at least not this sort of long night.
really... you wanna go there? it’s your speech, mason.
why do you have to find something... anything...the most minor fucking detail to harp on, to fucking ensure that there is no possible fucking reason to celebrate.
you didn’t thank me, mason. that’s not a minor fucking detail. that’s a big one.
oh give me a fucking break. when i said you’ll find the most minor fucking detail and turn it ugly... i fucking meant it.
but i’ve thanked you a million times before. you know i’m thankful. you know I’m appreciative. and you know it was a mistake, so why turn it into anything more?
because it is more.
you can’t be serious.
i’m dead serious.
then you’re out of your mind.
and you’re hyperbolic.
i’m not. it’s hysterical to think that forgetting to thank you is symbolic of anything other than me legitimately forgetting to fucking thank you.
you looked at him in the mirror and turned to him:
mason,you thanked a hundred fucking people. you thanked your agents. your teammates. your parents. your fucking third grade teacher and the kid who was playing with you at academy when you were eleven years old and saw whatever-the-fuck.
i didn’t thank the guy who saw me scoring a free-kick identical to one i scored in 2020?
you know what i mean -
you don’t have to be sarcastic and petty about it. i forgot to thank you.i am sorry. i am genuinely sorry.which is why i apologized a hundred times during the awards. i couldn’t even focus on the awards because i felt so guilty.
that’s a shame.
but every time i leaned over and said i’m sorry you said it was fine. you squeezed my hand and said “it’s fine. i love you. don’t worry... it’s fine.”
well mason,i changed my mind.it’s not fine.
how can you just change your mind?
honestly... it’s really fucking easy.
that doesn’t seem a little crazy to you?
not at all.
because while i was sitting through awards it was fine,then every single person from your dad to declan came up and said, “i know you’re probably a little upset he forgot to thank you but i know how much he counts on you.”
they said that?
they told me not to read into it.
what does that mean?
that’s funny you say that... that’s the exact same thought i had. but let’s not digress. because as the night went on, i became less fine with it.
before you could continue why you weren’t fine with it,he asked you to sit next him. even though this was probably your worst fight ever,you missed being close to him and how could you refuse?
because it’s not just about you forgetting to thank me. it’s about how you see me and how you view my contribution, not just to this relationship, but to your work. after listening to you complain about new coaches,new methods,waking up in the middle of night when you were crying about not being good enough and not wanting to leave your childhood club,supporting you when you wanted to quit football completely…
i really hope you don’t actually think that i don’t appreciate everything you did for me. for us. if it wasn’t for you,i wouldn’t be here where i am right now. i would still be mediocre. there is a reason why they say that after every great man is a great woman. you are the most loving and patient person i know. thank you for everything, i don’t know how will i ever make it up to you,but i’ll do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman in world every day until we die. i’m so sorry. thank you. thank you for loving me. for making my life anything but mediocre. we make the best team and i love you,baby.
i love you too,just don’t take me for granted.
great... are we no longer fighting?
you look at him and smile and then it turns into a laugh.
what? don’t tell me you already know what i wanted to ask you. he smiled for first time since you came home and but it felt like forever since you last seen his contagious smile- one of many things that made you fall in love with him.
you shrugged your shoulders, completely oblivious on what is he talking about until you saw him getting on one knee.
will you marry me?
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How they tell you they love you
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Eddie: Well, he doesn't just tell you “I love you”, he feels like he has to show you love. It’s the little gestures and things that really make the difference in telling someone that you really love them. He makes you feel special and makes you feel appreciated. He'll make sure you feel like the only person in the world that matters. Sometimes, all it takes is just one little gesture.
Gareth: He'll do so with his actions rather than his words. He shows you by being there, through thick and thin. He'll comfort you, he'll protect you. And, of course, he never ever gives up on you, no matter what happens. It isn't easy, but true love is never easy.
Steve: He'll look you in the eyes and tell you how much you mean to him, and all the little things you do that he appreciates and how beautiful you are to him. And he'll tell you how glad he is that you're in his life. And won’t stop telling you.
Robin: She loves you without expecting anything back. You are her first thought of the morning and last thought of the evening. You occupy a space in her head, where nothing else can reach. Your voice comforts her, brings her warmth, and your smile makes her heart beat. Love is not just words. It is a feeling where every sense is occupied by that very feeling.
Nancy: She tells you that she loves you by being specific. Tells you what she loves about you, and lets you know why she thinks you are so special. Expresses her love for you through both words and actions. Is vulnerable with you and shows you that you can count on her and that she cares deeply for you.
Jonathan: This simple question requires a rather complex answer. The best way to show love is by being truly vulnerable and honest with the person who he loves. Showing someone that he is willing to let you see his flaws and weaknesses and accepting him for who he is, the ultimate display of love. Additionally, he believes that a key part of showing he loves you is by making you feel safe and comfortable with him.
Argyle: If he thinks that you are the one, then he should be able to tell you how he feels. If he were to tell you that he loves you in detail, he would tell you what you meant to him. Like what you meant in his life. And he would want you to know that he really does love you.
Billy: You want him to get all sappy and poetic? Ok, here's how it's gonna go. He puts you before himself. At all times, in all circumstances. He makes you the center of his universe, and he becomes your world as well. Now, what kind of sappy crap is that? It's all true, though, I mean it. That's what he has to do to love somebody.
Henry: He feels that there is so much to say. So, so many things. That he loves you more than life itself. That he would do anything for you. Anything. He would die for you a thousand times over. That he would live for you. Just to show you how truly special and beautiful you really are, how wonderful you are. How much he cares about you. That he loves you more than anything as deeply as his heart allows.
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valoisfulcanellideux · 8 months
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So yesterday's post was mostly me gushing about this beautiful commission from @floweroflaurelin for These Stones Remember, and I only realised after the fact that embedding it in the middle of a text post meant that it was:
too small for many of the details to be appreciated
hidden for those who have 'collapse long posts' enabled on their dash
So I'm posting it again, but this time it's actually an image post in its own right. And - because I am NOT OVER THIS - I want to go into detail about, well... the details.
This is going to make most sense for people who have already read These Stones Remember, but maybe other Pix peeps will find something in it, too.
So let's go behind the cut, and look at some of those details, because boy did Sabira include some lovely little nods to the story! (Warning: There may be spoilers.)
The light of the Vigil
Not only does the warmth of the Vigil's light reflect from each character (with the exception of Malin, because they're already lit from within by their own soul light) but she also reaches out to touch each character with those tendrils of light emanating from her spire. And in the story Paix becomes the living embodiment of the Vigil once the Great Caravan leaves the ruin of Paixandria, so the Vigil truly does touch every person he comes into contact with.
Malin's 'soul energy trail'
Malin (for those who haven't read the story) is Pix's ethereal cat companion, who is made of soul energy from the gratitude of everyone Paix/Pix has guided or helped in some way over the course of 2,000 years. But Malin is not only a companion; they are also a protector and guardian of their eternal/immortal friend. Thus the trail of 'soul energy' that emanates from their tail in the illustration wraps around not only Pix and Paix, but also around the sword of the statue, which represents protection.
The Silver Ant
The Silver Ant is the old Paixandrian name for a long-period comet whose orbit sees it visiting the world every 200 years. In the illustration we see it visiting the past (left side of the image) and the present (right side of the image).
The split between past and present
On the left we see the past; golden and warm. The glorious city, the ivory and copper tones of Paix's raiment, all the regalia of royalty (crown, trident, cloak, ring), the faithful and devoted presence of Chaperone Mhenheli. And on the right we see the present; blue-toned and holding a heavy weight. The ruined city, the blue of Pix's shirt and the teal of Malin's form. Even the statue - though she's built that way in canon anyway - mirrors this, with her feathered wing in the warm past and her skeletal 'sextant wing' in the present.
The expressions
I have to point this out, in case you've not picked up on it. I described modern day Pix to Sabira as follows:
In the story, he is the same person as Paix; just 2,000 years later. So hair colour, general facial features etc would be the same. His eyes are more weary, though, because he's carried the guilt of what he did back then for those 2,000 years.
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Modern-day Pix's expression is warm and open with a faint hint of a smile, but his eyes are guarded and weary. They're even a little bloodshot. Contrast that with the placid serenity of his past younger self, his clear kohl-lined gaze lifted as if looking up at the Vigil.
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The royal regalia
The symbols of the Copper King's reign are:
the copper crown
the ring
the trident
the regalia cloak
The copper crown is Sabira's original design (which, in fact, inspired my description of it in the story) except my version has the two copper nodes exchanged for a tiny glowing conduit that lights his face, and an emerald. Both of these rest in their corresponding 'cradles' on the crown (shh, it's magic) until worn by the rightful king, at which point they both move into their 'hovering' positions. Looking at the image above, Sabira has even captured the glow from the conduit, reflecting from its surrounding cradle.
I gave Sabira free rein with the design of the ring, having only ever described it loosely in the story as a copper band surmounted by a cut emerald. And I was delighted with their resulting design, which mingles the shape of many candles (or even the surrounding pillars of the Vigil) with the conduit cradle, and then the emerald.
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The regalia cloak and trident are both Sabira's own beautiful classic designs, which most (well, all) of my followers who like Pix will already be familiar with.
And, lastly, one other little detail so small that you probably didn't even notice it unless you zoomed in closely...
The earring
Paix's deepslate emerald teardrop earring (no connection to Max's earring at the end of the story) was his own personal thing. We all know how Pix canonically loves his deepslate emerald, so I figured that I'd have him wishing the ring had that stone in it rather than a pure, cut emerald. Instead, he opted to wear a deepslate emerald earring. He wears small copper hoops in both ears, but from the left one he also has the teardrop earring.
But look closer, at both his earring and at modern-day Pix:
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Can we all just please admire the fact that modern-day Pix has a piercing hole because he once wore those earrings, and that the weight of the deepslate emerald earring worn by Copper King Paix actually stretches his piercing hole a little?
Details, people. DETAILS. This is why Sabira is the fucking BEST. GAH!
Anyway, this took almost my entire lunch break to write, so I'm now going back to work xD
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