#it's because the graphic design i do for work is all very twee and cutesy so i have to use loud saturated colors SOMEWHERE
ragsy · 2 years
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i really enjoy making hour-long mixtape style playlists, and i really enjoy making custom album artwork for them! this isn't even all of them, these are just my favorites. i'm insatiable.
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punchdrunkdoc · 4 years
Updated K-drama list (2)
4 more shows DONE. I’m seriously obsessed guys. 
I’ve also updated the list to include some ratings - mainly how many tissues you’ll need, and how amazing the architecture/interior design is in the houses. Seriously, some shows I could barely concentrate on the subtitles because the sets were so gorgeous!
1. Crash Landing on You
He’s from North Korea. She’s from South Korea. They never should have met, but they’ll change each other’s lives.
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This was my first K-drama, and its still my favourite. The full cast of characters is great, the lead romance is ANGSTALICIOUS and its genuinely, laugh out loud funny (when its not making you cry or swoon).
Male lead: Officially the best boyfriend ever. With added dimples.
Tear-jerk factor: 4/5
ArchitecturePorn: 2/5  
2. Descendants of the Sun
A special forces Captain meets a capable and beautiful trauma surgeon. They feel an instant bond, but their jobs and philosophy on life get in the way, threatening to tear them apart.
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Halfway through this show, I seriously thought this might overtake CLOY as my No. 1 fav. I absolutely LOVE watching competent people doing their jobs really, really well - and this had it in spades. I also ADORE the male lead character, and the romance was beautiful…but it didn’t quite nail the angst, and the last minute was a bit twee, which kept it in the No.2 spot.
Male lead: A cocky, charming, absolute BADASS...with the most adorable, cheeky smile.
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
ArchitecturePorn: 0/5 (mostly crumbling buildings and sterile hospitals!)
3. Healer
The lives, and pasts, of a hot shot reporter, a spunky young tabloid journalist and a mysterious thief-for-hire intersect.
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This was so addictive - the plot was tight and engaging, and this is one of the few shows I’ve watched where there didn’t seem to be a lot of filler. I loved the central 3 characters, and the romance was amazing. I especially loved that the male lead started off such a brooding loner, but he became super-affectionate as soon as he admitted his feelings. So many good hugs and lots of face-cradling in this one.
Male lead: Effortlessly beats up 2 henchmen while comforting his girl over the phone. What’s more to add?
Tear-jerk factor: 1/5
ArchitecturePorn: 1/5
4. My Holo Love
A lonely woman falls for a holographic AI and then meets his creator...
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I love the concept of this show (I’m a big sci-fi nerd), and it was beautifully shot. The lead relationship is well developed and it doesnt fall into a typical love triangle. I’ve come to realise it utilises a lot of K-drama tropes (face-blindness! shared childhood trauma!), but it does it really well, imho.
Male lead: Tortured loner genius. My catnip.
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
ArchitecturePorn: 2/5
5. Goblin
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A 900yr old immortal guardian finally meets the ‘bride’ who will end his existence
Once I got over the slight ick-factor of the age difference between the two characters at the beginning, I really fell for this show and it’s world. It had me in tears. And I especially loved the secondary character of the Grim Reaper.
Male lead: Surprising innocent and funny for a 900 year old
Tear-Jerk factor: 5/5
ArchitecturePorn: 3/5
6. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim
An personal assistant decides to quits her job in order to get a life. Her boss has other ideas.
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I loved the female lead in this - as I said, I’m a sucker for uber-competent people, and the actress is STUNNING. Her boss is self-centred, entitled and vain...but over time, somehow that just becomes endearing! This show also has lots of very good kissing scenes...and when he started to unbutton her shirt during one encounter, I was SCANDALISED (did I mention these shows are usually very PG!!)
Male lead: Like I said, somehow makes vanity and narcissism endearing. Also not afraid to get his shirt off and flash his 6-pack. Bonus.
Tear-Jerk factor: 0/5
ArchitecturePorn: 4/5
7. Legend of the Blue Sea
A mermaid comes onto land to find the man she loves
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The (literal) fish-out-of-water scenes in the first half of this show were hilarious - the actress is a comic genius! The romance was nicely done, and there wasn’t a lot of extraneous plot or too many characters. I couldn’t stop watching this one!
Male lead: Cocky, arrogant conman with a soft mushy centre
Tear-Jerk factor: 1/5
ArchitecturePorn: 3/5 (I want a hidden room!)
Notable mentions
These are shows which I completed and enjoyed but they didn’t set my world on fire. Usually because they were overly long, or the plot got in the way of the characters/love story.  If I have to fast forward large chunks of side-plot and endless tertiary character interactions, its not making my favourite list
1. Suspicious Partner
A young, hardworking lawyer has her life turned upside down when she is put on trial for murder.
This was overly long, but the serial killer plot had some nice twists and it was central to the story, so it didn’t feel extraneous like some of these types of plots do. I really enjoyed the central romance - the 2 characters sparked off each other well, and the female lead actually got to kick some ass in this!
2. My Love from the Star
Alien stranded on earth meets an actress soon before he’s due to be rescued.
I finally gave this another chance, and I’m glad I did. The female lead got a LOT less irritating, and I enjoyed the present-day romance and all the flashes back to the past. However, the ending was really abrupt and disappointing (which kept it out of my favourite list). There should have been 1 less filler episode in the middle, and a decent, fleshed out finale instead.
3. Strong Girl Bong-Soon
A woman with inherited super-strength gets a job as a bodyguard for an eccentric young CEO
The lead couple in this are AD-OR-ABLE and I loved their relationship. But there was a weird tone issue in this show. The romance is super cute...but there’s a whole dark sub plot involving multiple women being held captive by a psychopath. I ended up fast forwarding most of that, and just concentrated on the romance.
4. Touch Your Heart
Star actress rocked by scandal works at a law firm to prepare for her comeback role
This starred the secondary couple from Goblin and I really like them, even though they are playing very different characters in this (more opposites attract, than doomed lovers). At first I found this too ‘cutesy’, but I’ve since realised the sound effects/graphics are a K-drama thing and not unique to this show, so I’m not as down on it as I was. I still had to fast forward a lot of the secondary romances which I wasn’t invested in.
5. Hyde, Jekyll and Me
A woman becomes involved in the lives of 2 men, who share one body
This stars Hyun Bin from CLOY and he is sooo watchable, especially as the slick-haired, glasses-wearing, uptight Seo-Jin. And the show started well...but quickly went off the rails into a convoluted, dragged-out revenge plot.
6. Melting Me Softly
Two people are accidentally cryogenically frozen for 20 years. They have to navigate the modern world and their new lives together.
Another good concept, but it ultimately descended into little more than a light work-place romance. Had a couple of good kissing scenes, but it was overall a bit forgettable.
And the DNF:
1. My Secret Romance
I started watching this because I was looking for something a little less PG - the characters have a one night stand in the first episode! But I couldn’t get passed the bad acting and cheap production.2
2. Master’s Sun
I liked the premise but the 2 leads weren’t very attractive (at least in comparison to the insanely beautiful actors/actresses in the shows listed above). Call me superficial, but I couldn’t see myself spending 17 hours watching them and willing them to kiss.
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