#but i have burned cd copies of them in my car
ragsy · 2 years
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i really enjoy making hour-long mixtape style playlists, and i really enjoy making custom album artwork for them! this isn't even all of them, these are just my favorites. i'm insatiable.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
I know UMG is garbage with the merch orders generally but they replied almost instantly to the two orders I just cancelled and refunded immediately and I'm very impressed right now.
(Now I'm trying to decide if I really do want to re-order them with combined shipping or if I should take this as a sign to be fiscally and environmentally responsible and not order additional variants after all lol)
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raytorotits · 1 year
i love how practical CDs are actually. i love vinyl and i do collect vinyl but they're so much more expensive and you can't really share them i can't on a whim think 'oh! this person would love this album!' and shove a vinyl in my bag and if i did lend someone my vinyl they'd have to be so trustworthy because you need to take care of them but CDs? cheap. durable. compact. easy to carry in a bag or your car or a large coat pocket. can buy them secondhand for like a dollar and even borrow them from some libraries or burn your own copy. truly superior in so many ways. digital media has its upsides and i especially love ipods as a way to carry thousands of songs and actually own the files unlike spotify (not that spotify doesn't also have its upsides) but CDs deserve the love they are getting
yeah exactly this! plus most CD players can skip, repeat, and shuffle. vinyl is sexy for real but a CD has cargo shorts swagger to me. im in love with CDs
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degenderates · 5 months
hi friend! do you have any tips for burning and playing cds? i burnt myself a copy each of inbred and preacher's daughter using an external disk drive and windows media player legacy, but though my car stereo will play them, my boombox won't ;-; have you seen this happen before?
I haven't had that happen before, that seems really odd. Its the same way i burn my cds too. Maybe your boombox is on a different setting (like radio or cassette)? Since it works on your car i think the boombox is probably the weak unfortunately - but if anyone else has had this happen and has tips for anon let us know!
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 8 - Decrypted Files
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: Getting to the exchange location alone
Series Masterlist
Your POVAfter reading, we placed our books back on the shelves. Since it was our last day here at the resort, we weren't allowed to check out with the books.
Before I was able to unlock our room, Wanda pulled me aside to have a talk. "What are you doing Wanda?"
"You have to promise me you'll be careful. It's dangerous with what little knowledge you have and no one to assist you. I know I can't stop you, but I want you to know you can always find me for help."
"Thanks Wanda. I really appreciate it."
"Oh you guys are here." Nat's voice came out of nowhere and shocked me. I swear she makes no sound when she walks. I stood slightly apart from Wanda. "What's going on?" She looked between me and Wanda.
"Well anyways, you guys can go wait in the car, your bags are already in it. We are going back."
I felt a lot better knowing that I have Wanda's support. I know I can count on her and she'll be of great help especially with her powers.
Missing a week worth of homework was no problem, I have already been through that part of education and it was nothing. I did them quickly before setting them aside and opening my laptop.
There was still a bit of time before going over to Bill's house so I decided to head to the training room and hopped onto the treadmill. I really needed to get my stamina back. Surprisingly it was empty but I was not complaining.
I pushed myself up the handle to press the button to get it started as my head barely reached the panel of buttons. I started off slowly because I wasn't sure how much my body could handle. I decided to go for endurance instead of speed since I couldn't increase the speed from where I was.
I have only been running for fifteen minutes when I felt my lungs were burning. I jumped off the treadmill and let it continue operating as I caught my breath. With my legs weaker than I originally started, I wasn't able to jump up and press the stop button so I had to find a chair to step on.
Where would I find a chair you may ask? Well, there were plenty around, so lucky me!
With a towel around my neck, I stepped out of the training room just as Nat was coming in. "Oh hey Nat, you're going in to train?"
"Yup, I'm just waiting for Steve."
"Oookaayy, umm, Wanda is bringing me to Bill's house later, I'll be back tomorrow." I told her. We were meeting pretty late tonight and I didn't want Wanda staying up late just so she could fetch me.
"Okay. Stay safe."
I thank Wanda for sending me to Bill's house before entering. They were already crowding the computer. Hailey is currently trying to create a firewall to prevent anyone from figuring out where we were accessing it from. Hailey knows a lot about tech, if she has the same equipment as Tony, I'm sure she'll be able to do a lot more.
"Okay... if this works, there should be no problem." She slots the CD in and waits for the computer to read it.
There was only one file in it so we clicked on it but it was only a couple of diary entries. We read through them but there was nothing suspicious. We tried all sorts of ways thinking it could be a code, using the first word of every paragraph, every capitalised word but it didn't form a sentence.
"Where did you get this from?" I asked Conan. He was the one who got a copy of it.
"From the dead man's body." They encountered a case where a murder happened in a ballroom. "Pisco. His name was."
"Was he...?"
"He was, we found out about him at the end so Gin killed him. He never takes any chances." Hailey replies.
"Are you guys alright? Did you guys get hurt?"
"Hailey got shot, but she's fine." She shrugged her shoulders before going back to the computer.
"Be careful guys, I need all of you here."
We were staring at the diary entries, not knowing what to do with it. It had to contain something important if he brought it to the party with him. Why did he bring a CD with him when he was not going to use it?
Just then, Conan noticed something. "The spacing is off." We looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate. "The space between the paragraphs, some are larger than others."
He took over the mouse and highlighted the white space and it uncovered some words. It reads.
I can't do this anything. This is just wrong. We are risking innocent life and I have no idea what they are planning.
Gin seems to be happy to receive a new product.  He didn't say anything to anyone except to Vodka. 
Meeting at Second Avenue metro. Exchange CDs in locker 39. 12 midnight.
This would be the last time I'm helping them.
I'm quitting. Date settled at 27 Nov.
"That's today!" I realised when I looked at the date. "We only have an hour before the exchange time." After taking a look at the time on my phone.
"So you think he is planning to exchange this CD?" Hailey asked. "But there's nothing in there."
"We are unable to decipher it doesn't mean they can't." Conan said. "So, who's going?"
"I will. It only seems logical." Out of the three of us, I was the only one with experience of fighting.
"You deal with the cases to obtain and decipher the clues." I pointed at Conan. "You deal with computers and create the drug." I pointed at Hailey. "And last but not least, you'll be our chaperone." I patted Bill.
"What?" He expressed his dissatisfaction at his minor role.
"You're the most important! Without you, we won't be able to get around." I went to get my jacket and waited for him at his garage.
"Where are my keys!?" He shouted from inside the house.
"With me!" I tossed the keys in the air. He really needs to tidy his house. Piles of letters were left on top of drawers, encyclopedias covering the table and thick layer of dust covering the furniture. 
You arrived at Second Avenue metro with minutes to spare. They must have done their research as it was still under construction and CCTVs haven't been installed. It would be a perfect spot to have an exchange without any outside eyes.
"I'm heading in, you guys better leave." I stepped out of the car with the CD.
"What? No! We can't leave you in there alone." Bill stated.
"They are not going to head in without checking the surroundings. It would be safer for me as well." You shut the door and made sure they left before going down.
With the torch on your phone, you found your way around and managed to locate locker 39. After setting everything ready and going to hide, you had an eye on the locker that everything is riding on.
You heard footsteps coming and light coming from the end of a cigarette butt. You pressed yourself as close to the wall as possible while still being able to see what's happening, controlling your breathing so as to not give yourself away.
As usual he was wearing all black. Seeing no one was around, he puts out his cigarette with his foot before opening the locker. You gulped as he reached for the CD.
The CD was placed in the middle of the locker. He took it and peeled off the tape before opening it.
A gun clicked and was placed at the back of his head. Quickly, he turned around to see who it was. "Gin! What are you doing?" He was surprised at his companion's actions.
"More like what are you doing, Vodka. You were careless." Gin said, stepping forward, bending down to pick up the cigarette Vodka threw on the ground. He was also wearing a long coat that covered half of his face.
"They would be able to tell your blood type from your saliva. And, they placed a tape because you wouldn't be able to take it off with a glove on."
"I-I'm sorry brother." He was still unable to live up to his brother's expectation. Their organisation has been very discreet so far, no one has caught wind of them and they have been really successful running around.
"The disk is still warm." He placed his palm on the cover. "He must be still near."
"But brother, didn't you kill him?"
"Pisco gave it to someone else before I killed him. I didn't find the CD when I searched his body." He took out his gun and Vodka did the same.
Gin nodded his head, signalling him to head to the other side of the row of lockers. By pinning both sides, they were trying to trap you in.
Your heart was pounding in your chest so loud that you were afraid they were gonna hear it. There was no other route to run as they were approaching closer. With each row passed, you had to think quickly.
When Gin and Vodka reached the final row, there was no one in sight. Not willing to give up, he began to open the locker one by one. "Brother! What are you doing?" Vodka exclaimed, questioning his actions.
Not answering his question, he continued opening the locker door and pointed his gun as he opened them.
Inside the locker, you could hear the doors opening and slamming close. You placed a hand on your mouth to prevent making any noise. You could feel your sweat dripping down your face as they made their way closer to you.
Lights shone in as Gin opened the door. "Yeah right. What am I doing? There's no way an adult would be hiding here." He closed the door before walking out. "Let's go, don't let anyone see us."
Not knowing if it was a trap to draw you out, you continued staying inside the locker. Their footsteps were getting fainter and fainter...
When Wanda couldn't reach you on your phone, she began making her way to Bill's house even though it was in the middle of the night. She can't shake the feeling that you were in danger.
Without alerting anyone, she drove to Bill's house but they weren't in and immediately knew you must have gone out for a chase. She waited anxiously for return in front of the gate, pacing around like a stalker.
From a distance, she heard Bill's engine and immediately went to check if you were in his car. "Where is Y/N?" Wanda asked anxiously.
"She went for the exchange alone!?" Wanda couldn't believe her ears when she was informed. "We have to go get her!"
Feeling more confident when Wanda was on their side, they went back to search for you. They tried calling your phone but obviously it was on silent mode. Hailey located your phone and confirmed that you haven't left Second Avenue metro. They decided to split up and search for you.
It was a huge locker room since it was going to be a new station, it was going to be one of their attraction points. Wanda began opening one by one until she found you passed out in one of the lockers. "I found her!"
"Y/N! Come on!" She checked if you were breathing. "Come on, wake up!"
You opened your eyes slowly.
"She must have passed out due to the lack of oxygen in the locker." Hailey said.
"It was a dud, they were careful too. I couldn't get anything useful." You shook your head sadly. If only Gin didn't come then you would have gotten something useful.
"It's alright, we'll try again next time." Conan said.
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aquoteamusetheword · 8 months
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The Music of My Life
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” ~ Debasish Mridha
I remember when I fell in love with music, rock music. It was when my very cool uncle Lynn returned home from Vietnam. He had a reel-to-reel tape deck and giant headphones (hence the picture). This is when I first heard Iron Butterfly, King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Warm, to name a few… I was hooked.
My Mom and stepdad loved music too. Our road trips always included loud signing with the windows down. I will never forget the Christmas when I received my first stereo. I still know my first two vinyl albums; Supertramp ‘Breakfast in America’ (a favorite even today) and John Lennon / Yoko Ono ‘Milk & Honey’.
Many Friday and Saturday nights were spent playing bumper pool in my friend Stephen's basement. We had a car 8 track player wired to a set of speakers. The only 8 track we had was Bad Company ‘Burning Sky’, I still know every word to every song.
Eventually, we purchased a CD player for the house. My mind was blown when I listened to the full digital recording that was Dire Straits ‘Brother in Arms’, I am sure our neighbors enjoyed it too.
In the event that someone under the age of thirty-five is reading this, I have some explaining to do. Here is a brief history of pre recorded music in my lifetime. In my early childhood vinyl LPs were what we listened to at home. The only option for the car was the 8 Track. If you don’t know what an 8 Track tape is, imagine a case twice as wide and twice as tall as your iPhone. It made up for its clunkiness by pausing and changing tracks in the middle of every other song (usually during the best part of the song). Finally, cassettes arrived, they were roughly half the size, played on both sides and you could record LPs on to them (I know the technology is overwhelming). CDs ushered in the digital age.
Believe it or not, we used to hear a song we liked on the radio, actually drive to the music store, browse the CDs, find the one with the song on it, pay $12.99 (if it was on sale), hope the rest of the songs were good, spend and hour recording it on to cassette so that we could listen to it in the car, this was a far cry from “Alexa, shuffle the hits of the eighties…”
I worked at Musicland when I was in college. After school, my first 'real' job was to manage the one in Brookwood Village in Birmingham. This store was the number one Jazz and Classical location in the entire 2000 store chain. We played it every morning and I learned to love these genres as well. David Sanborn ‘Straight to the Heart’, David Lanz ‘Cristofori’s Dream’ and Nigel Kennedy ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ are all still in my rotation.
It was here that I met the sweetest older man, Stan. He walked the mall a few times a week and he knew and loved classical music like no one else I have ever known. He was in the middle of the long and arduous task of buying CDs to replace his LPs as they were being released. I had his list and anytime a we received one of the recordings on CD, I would give him a call. We often had lunch in the food court, he taught me about classical composers, I taught him about Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stan stopped walking the mall. I left two messages about new arrivals and he didn’t show. I was concerned and missed my friend. A few days later a man entered the store and asked for me, I introduced myself. He told me that he was Stan’s son and that his father had passed away. I never even knew that he had cancer. I will never forget the next words from his mouth…” my dad wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated your talks and you calling him, and he wanted you to have this.” He handed me an LP wrapped in brown paper. We embraced, he departed. I went to the back, shed a tear and unwrapped a pristine copy of ‘Meet the Beatles’ on Apple records, still in cellophane. I have never even had it appraised, to me it is priceless.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things” ~Psalm 98:1
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susiecarter · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by @nixie-deangel!
Three ships: Mmm, if I had to pick only three to sustain me forever—Xena/Gabrielle, Bruce/Clark, and Garak/Bashir!
First ever ship: Probably also Xena/Gabrielle, tbh. My family didn’t have satellite or cable TV for a pretty long time, but once when we were on vacation somewhere that did, I caught like half an episode of XWP and I was ENTRANCED—I didn’t ship them ship them, I didn’t know what that meant, but the emotional intensity about each other was the thing that grabbed me, so it was definitely the first, like, wordless shipping impulse I felt.
Last song/album: I’m an Old, I still have mix CDs I’ve burned for myself in my car’s CD changer (the car is also an Old :’D), so the song was “Come with Me Now” by the Kongos, but the “album” was “Susie’s favorite songs either directly off the Lucifer soundtrack or just more generally about the devil”, because that is that CD’s theme. :D
Last movie: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings! I’d seen it when it came out, but my mother hadn’t, so the last time my sister and I were at the house for dinner, we all watched it together.
Currently reading: ... Long story, but at my last appointment, my dental hygienist gave me a copy of her husband’s self-published novel, and I need to read it before my next cleaning, so that’s what I’m working my way through right now. (It’s about a mountain man in the Old West and his survival in the wilderness, which is, uh. Not really my jam. /o\)
Currently watching: I’m actually working my way through a couple different groups of things, because what I watch depends on the activity I’m doing while watching. Work project that’s also eating up my off-hours = I need something to listen to, but I need to have already seen it before so I can concentrate = Campaign 1 of Critical Role on Youtube (for about the fourth time), S1 of Legend of Vox Machina, and Better Off Ted. Crocheting = I can actually look up sometimes and also have enough brain free to absorb new things = CW Stargirl, S2 of Legend of Vox Machina, NCIS: Hawai’i, and Clarkson’s Farm.
Currently consuming: A big mug of chai (like, Oregon Chai mix out of a packet, not real tea :’D) because it snowed all day yesterday and part of today and I need some c o z y.
Currently craving: ... I honestly don’t know, tbh. My usual cravings are for chocolate, Chinese food, and pizza, but I’ve satisfied all of them within the last week, and pretty generously, too. Maybe the true answer here is NAPS—I’m always craving sleep a little bit, but the time change last weekend definitely made it worse than usual. /pulls blanket over head
If you see this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged! ♥
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teddykaczynski · 1 year
Why is cd better than
than vinyl? several reasons, um
any cd you buy from anywhere, can be easily uploaded onto a computer and then you have the music files forever. you can thrift a cd or get it from a used records store and the mp3s can become yours to put on any device or to burn a new cd. if you buy a new vinyl now from like bandcamp or whatever, they generally give you a download link for the songs (well bandcamp does right after you buy it no matter what format, but i also mean if you bought a new vinyl directly from the artist or something, like a vinyl of a recent album made in the last several years) but if you get a really cool thrifted vinyl, you cant have the mp3 files unless you buy them digitally or torrent it, and then youre spending more money to get something that a cd promises you outright or you have to torrent which is harder than putting a cd in and just doing it. plus its not illegal to rip a cd
portability. cds are much smaller and easily fit into a cd book or something so you could carry many at once, plus a lot of cars that are still on the road have cd players. i guess if you dont drive or your car doesnt this isnt really a factor for you, but very few cars ever had record players and the ones that did are like 70 years old at this point. plus when im in the car i get the best audio quality from a cd, downloaded streamed songs or downloaded files on an phone or an ipod dont compare. plus cd walkmans exist, theres no portable vinyl player like that.
cds are endlessly copyable, most of the cds that i keep in my car are burned copies of the albums i own. i dont like to keep the originals in the car because it would suck if it got stolen or fucked up because its in the car somehow. you can also burn your own cds of a totally unique playlist. you cant with vinyl
sometimes you can just buy a vinyl that wasnt pressed right, and itll suck and not sound how its supposed to, and also they slowly die and wear out the more you play them. not a problem with cds, though they can wear out or rot or whatever, i have a lot of experience buying used cds from a lot of different sources (many different thrift stores, used record stores, ebay, etc) and sometimes one wont upload to my computer for whatever reason, but itll stll play in a cd player. i have a few cds that are like, some of the very first albums released on cd from the 80s that work completely perfectly still.
a good vinyl player is really expensive. the mass produced ones sold in places like urban outfitters suck, and it takes alot more to get an actual good one. you can walk into any thrift store and find a really good cd player for like, under 20 bucks generally. some cd players do have better speakers than others, but even a cheap one will be pretty good unless its absolute shit. also cds themselves tend to be cheaper, used or new. i just checked a few artists on bandcamp and cds are $10-$14 dollars generally, but vinyl are $20-$30. and the same goes for used too, because theyre more popular used places sell them for more. theres less competition with cds because theyre less popular
i get that vinyl is part of a whole experience, and theres something more glamorous about it than cds, but if theyre only more popular because of vibes.... than that's just admitting theyre an inferior product isnt it? cds just arent as cool anymore. hipsters repopularized vinyl, but isnt it more hipster to do what the hipsters arent doing?
thank you and goodnight *bows*
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
For this meme: 1 for Iris, 5 for Kat, 14 for Nana and 20 for Maddox?
Oooo bet thank you for the ask!
1. What six CD’s would your OC keep in their car? Is it just a taste/preference thing, or do any of them have particular significance?
At least one of those CDs are one Iris burned herself of a bunch of songs she really loves, with anything from Cigarettes after Sex to some indie artists she doesn't have a cd for.
Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown.
Pvris's White Noise.
Halestorm's The Strange Case Of...
The Pretty Reckless's Death By Rock and Roll.
Magnolia Park's Halloween Mixtape (She esp blasts 10 for 10 all the time).
Iris keeps what she can CD wise bc yeah no you can't trust keeping everything digital esp now when companies are pulling the shit of taking things you bought away from you so she keeps a lot of physical copies. These are just bands and artists she really enjoys and can blast in her car loudly and especially when she needs to go have a breakdown in her car.
5. What’s one mundane thing that would throw them off-kilter? Why?
Either it would be the smell of certain perfumes or the sound of wooden boxes or doors slamming. Those are things that remind her very much of her mother and Kat usually gets thrown for a loop when they come to her attention.
14. Is your OC superstitious? If so, what superstitions do they believe? If not, what do they think of superstitious people?
Nana was a superstitious person to start with, but she became even more so once she realized Oh my God, magic actually exists. She doesn't believe the one about black cats, but she doesn't walk under ladders, she doesn't step on cracks, she is very careful around mirrors, no umbrellas inside and she always knocks on wood. She also believes the whole "it comes in threes" thing.
When your little brother shares his body with a 3000 year old ghost with dark magic and weird shit keeps happening to you and your group, yeah, yeah you try to keep the bad luck at a minimum and do what you can for good luck.
20. Any major theme(s) or conflict(s) in your OC’s life? How have they dealt with that? Are they aware of it, or do they ignore it? Did you design them with such theme(s)/conflict(s) in mind, or did they evolve naturally?
Maddox faces two major things in his life; loss and having to be the one responsible for everything.
He loses a lot of his family when he's young; aunts, uncles, cousins and his grandfather. He loses Cecelia, his cousin, his best friend, his twin flame and it tears him apart because of how incredibly strong their bond always had been. Then Paige abandons him and their daughters. It's a struggle he faces just as much as Kat did and he's so tired of losing people he loves and I think he fights harder and harder bc of it.
On top of that, out of all the cousins, Maddox was the oldest, followed by Cecelia. He always had to look our for everyone and keep everyone safe and happy. He was the protector and the leader and the glue. As he got older, as everything got smaller, he became responsible for keeping Max sane and helping raise Kat on top of his own daughters; bc while Vance and Chelsea were her guardians and doing a damn good job raising her, he and Max promised Cecelia they would always look after Kat.
He was responsible for I2 and later KaibaCorp. He's responsible for the Yugi Gang and the D&D Gang. He's responsible for a lot and I think he's just tired.
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theaologies · 1 year
I do still have minimum 30 CDs in my car that have just gone car to car with me for most of my life. I have Paramore’s Riot! Album in there. Twilight soundtrack of course. Both Boys Like Girls albums. The official Japanese Code Geass OST album that includes CC’s openings (in Japanese). Random numbers of Now That’s What I Call Music albums. The Trans Siberian Orchestra. Now That’s What I Call Christmas. A burned copy of Aqua’s Aqua album that I got upon purchasing a used copy of Aqua’s Aquamarine album from FYE (it fell out of the case when I opened it)…….. there are so many random CDs in my car I’m never taking them out they’re going to live in all of my cars forever even if I no longer have a CD player
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e8luhs · 2 years
This is really random but you've mentioned it on here a couple of times that you like to collect cds and vinyl and as a fellow physical music collector I love seeing other people's collections would you be interested in showing off what you have in your collection so far??
OMG ;__; THANK YOU FOR ASKING, heres some pics of what i have!
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i dont really have a lot thats like SIGNIFICANT because i buy CDs in a way that is very conscious of like, "would my roommate Not Hate listening to this" since i started collecting alongside him due to the fact that his car is from like 2003 and we didnt have an aux player for a good while. so like he also has a bunch of CDs but the ones here are just the ones that ive personally bought / that were gifts from him!
i think the only ones i dont really listen to very often out of these are probably just the newest vampire weekend album CD (i didnt like 99.9% of the album but i bought it bc it was on major sale and bc i like the song sympathy from that album. i dont know) and tranquility base hotel and casino (i like it but my roommate thinks it is weird as hell)
other things: my roommate gets worried about his CDs getting scratched up in his cars disc player, so he will like buy a CD but then burn it onto a separate disc. then keeps the actual CDs in his room bc he has a big CD player from when he was a kid that he can use too. ANYWAYS because of all that i burned a copy of get to heaven that has all the bonus tracks on it which is pretty cool ^_^ i was trying to find an official copy with them on it but no dice without going like extremely out of my way for it, so thats kind of my compromise
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i dont have anywhere near as many records bc theyre like so expensive. plus tbh i just enjoy collecting CDs alot more, but heres some some vinyl copies of CDs i already have. so yeah :)
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tvxqdbsk · 1 year
since we are on the topic. Again no pressure to anyone buying stuff... you do you. Just there seems to be this idea that there is all or nothing with albums and I think that's not really right. For me personally: I like to own media. I am not a big fan of subscription services like Netflix and Spotify even though I do use both of them. Because I am accutely aware that I own nothing on there. With Spotify I am even granted access for free if I don't mind the adds which is nice because I like free music. But if I do decide to pay that still does not stop them from taking the songs I like down for various reasons. It has happened a few too many times where there are just holes in my playlist for this or that reason kpop and western music alike (which like fair if artists wanna renegotiate with spotify over their payout they should it's their music but at the same time hey hi I was listening to that so I am annoyed now). And so yeah if I like a song nowadays I will try to buy it legit off itunes - if I like a whole album I will try to buy the physical CD, and if I am broke... well nobody tell Baekhyun this but I was never gonna spend 60 bucks on his japanese solo debut so I youtube mp3 converted the songs and saved them to my computer and later burned them onto various mix cds i like to use in my car. The way I see it the capitalistic consumption aspect of kpop is really wild and I do not think you have to fully give into it but I also don't think you have to fully reject it. For instance I bought DVD box sets for shows I liked in case they ever vanish of netflix - I do not buy every show I ever watched just the ones meaningful to me. Kpop albums are the same. I will not buy every release. But if I have the means and I like the album sure I can buy a select few for myself and I have bought a few of them used without photocards because I do not care about the collection aspect of it I just want the music on the Disc. Having them is like having any form of media. Something no one can take away from me. If Stray Kids quit tomorrow and get into a legal battle and all their content gets taken off the official channels I will still own the 2 albums I bought and I will keep them until Chan himself breaks into my house and steals them off my shelf. So that's where I am coming from. Again nothing wrong with not wanting to buy albums. Just wanted to give my opinion on it basically
idk if you read the original ask about why i don’t buy albums but im not fundamentally against buying albums and i don’t have that all or nothing mindset that some people have (although i think those people are just part of a loud minority). it’s just not for me because i know that personally i’ll probably look at the photos once and then never look at them again. i also don’t have a cd player and don’t plan on buying one so i don’t have any use for a cd. there are plenty of reasons to want to an album and owning the physical copy of the music is certainly one of them! streaming services suck and i get not wanting to rely on them for your music. i’ve had songs i really love get taken down or even switched to a completely different version of the song and that wouldn’t happen if i owned the cd but that’s the trade off with streaming services. i prefer to save the money i would be spending on albums and put it towards concert tickets which is something i know i will love.
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fangirlsuperhero · 2 years
10 Songs on Repeat
okay, @10paper20heart wanted to know what 10 songs I’ve had on loop. I got my flu shot and covid booster today and I’m a little loopy and a whole lot tired so ignore my mistakes or embarrassing answers. None of them are embarrassing.
1. Norwegian Wood by the Beatles which is totally a boring answer BUT! my friend Vicki and I used to make ouija boards out of cardboard and try to talk to the dead while putting this song on loop (for some reason) and this is closely related to my nano story I’m working on so it gets the number 1 spot
2. Lean on Me -Club Nuveau (I totally spelled that wrong but we’re ignoring it because of the side effects). My dad was on a bowling league when I was in like, 6th grade maybe and a bunch of us kids that got dragged there would all hang out and do dumb kid stuff around the bowling alley. Anyway, this song had just come out and we collectively decided it was our favorite song and I spent the whole next week trying to record it off the radio (I’m old. We didn’t have Spotify or YouTube or anything back then) and when I finally did, I listened to it every chance I got and it still to this day makes me excited when I hear it on the radio
3. Love Eyes by Rosemary Clooney is one of the best songs you’ve ever heard in your entire life and I really think you should try to seek it out (it’s a rare one and it’s only on the Rosemary Swings Softly album. I think)
4. No Control by One Direction because listen to it!! You guys should be making mixed tape notes on all my song choices
5. Poison by Bel Biv DeVoe. Actually the whole album but it’s a song list so I had to choose one. And the choice is poison and try NOT to dance when you hear poison by bbd in the grocery store. This album came out when I was in 8th grade and it’s the only thing I listened to for like, a year. I still have the tape and the cd and a burned copy of the cd when I thought I had lost it. So two cds I suppose. Very awful lyrics, highly recommend.
6. Try Me by James Brown is my favorite James Brown song of all time. Also a really fun song to belt out in a parking lot after work with all your friends at 1am.
7. Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones is cliche but it’s a perfect song and you will deal with my decisions
8. Surfer Girl by The Beach Boys. There was a 50’s restaurant here in Denver and my friend Vicki (ouija board) and I would bring like a roll of quarters in and play surfer girl on the jukebox over and over (i know it sounds like I’m doing the John mulany bit, but I’m not this is real) and finally after months and months, no matter how many quarters we put in, they wouldn’t play surfer girl anymore. Then we moved to California and fast forward like 10 years, I’m home visiting and we went to the diner and I was like, “hmmm shall I???” And I put several quarters in and pushed the surfer girl button several times and nothing. They removed Surfer Girl from rotation. I ruined it for everyone. Then I moved back here and the restaurant had closed down. I have to assume it was because I had been keeping them in business with my Surfer Girl quarters. Your loss, Gunther Toody’s
9. Lost in Emotion by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam. I used to roller skate to this song and it makes me happy and it’s my go to song when I want to listen to music when I’m cooking or doing the dishes or cleaning or something equally boring
10. Love Me by Elvis. When my oldest son was a toddler, he decided that Elvis was his favorite and while all the other children were watching Cars and Polar Express, he watched Blue Hawaii and GI Blues everyday an he wore a jailhouse rock jacket everywhere we went. And so I would play an Elvis cd that I found and it had this song on it and it hits me in that same spot that Try Me does. It’s perfect.
Alright I did it!!! I need to go find out if Love Eyes has finally made it to YouTube. I’ll post it if I find it
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liugeaux · 9 months
Greatest Boxed Set Ever (Prepping for Vol 20)
Sure, I just talked a bunch about the incoming Greatest Songs Ever Vol 20, and I highly encourage you to read the linked blog (I'm kind of proud of myself). This post will be much more esoteric and odd.
That post referenced a fictional collection of CDs named the "Greatest Boxed Set Ever", and this post is that idea taken a step closer to reality. I've already talked about the 2 CDs I made in the early aughts to celebrate my narrow view of our musical world. Using the existing list of Greatest Songs Ever and that same NARROW scope, I've curated a 6-disc boxed set of tracks that, had I continued to make Mixed CDs, would have been volumes 3-6.
It's a weird alternate reality version of my established Greatest Songs Ever, that will lead directly into Vol. 20. I'm sure it sounds confusing, but as I established in that last post, I'm doing this for me, so these are my rules. **shakes fists maniacally at the sky**
Before we can create discs 3-6, we have to establish what tracks were on discs 1 and 2. Finding out what those were, was much harder than I imagined it would be. I somehow lost my copy of the original Greatest Songs Ever disc 1 and most disc drives have a VERY hard time reading 20-year-old burned CDs with heavy printed stickers on them.
I had to enlist the help of the only other person I knew who still had a copy of Disc 1, Lesley Keyes Colwell. With her help and an Xbox 360, the device that could read the discs easiest, I gathered the original tracklists for Discs 1 and 2. Below are the original tracks from what young Sergio (age 17-21) thought were The Greatest Songs Ever.
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Disc 1 - Release Date - 2000-ish
Counterfeit - Limp Bizkit
Bones + Joints - Finger Eleven
Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Adam's Song - Blink 182
Is Anybody Home? - Our Lady Peace
Typical Situation - Dave Matthews Band
Machinehead - Bush
Counting Blue Cars - Dishwalla
Papercut - Linkin Park
Everlong - Foo Fighters
When I Come Around - Green Day
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Drive - Incubus
Mudshovel - Staind
Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
Shimmer - Fuel
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
First things first, I'd stand behind every one of these songs. Choosing Limp Bizkit as track #1 is much more trollish than intended, but I love all this music, so no complaints here.
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Disc 2 - Release Date - 2004-ish
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
A Certain Shade of Green - Incubus
Next to Nothing - Breaking Benjamin
The Best Deceptions - Dashboard Confessional
Bellevue - Fingertight
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Far Behind - Candlebox
Run-Around - Blues Traveler
Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot
Rain - Audiovent
Scars - Papa Roach
4 A.M. - Our Lady Peace
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Again, no regrets about any of these. Actually, a couple of them (Fingertight and Audiovent) are hyper-deep-cuts that deserve any and all attention they can get. There's a reason these CDs stayed in my Truck's rotation.
Here's where it gets weird. Discs 3-6 were never actually created. So, I've combed through my existing list and carefully curated 4 more discs that could fill out the rest of the box set. I gave myself a few parameters to work within. The songs had to be in the genres I listened to during my youth and be released within my lifetime (basically 1983-current). Each disc is given a release date based on the disc's contents to create a faux release cadence similar to a "NOW" collection. The songs can't have been released after the artificial release dates. This will make the songs on the discs progressively get newer as we venture through them.
This may make more sense once I start listing discs, if not, I promise it makes sense in my brain. Also, each CD cannot exceed 80 minutes because that's the length of a standard CDR format disc. With that out of the way, here are discs 3-6. I even threw together some fake disc art. I can't believe I found that weird-ass font again.
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Disc 3 - Release Date - 2005-ish
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Time Ago - Black Lab
High Voltage - Linkin Park
Weight of the World - Saliva
Killing in the Name Of - Rage Against the Machine
At the Stars - Better Than Ezra
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Crush - Dave Matthews Band
Wonderwall - Oasis
Downfall - TrustCompany
Daughters - John Mayer
The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
The Dolphin's Cry - Live
No One - Cold
Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies
Hey Man, Nice Shot - Filter
Tribute - Tenacious D
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Okay, here's the first disc where I see some cracks. That TrustCompany song might have been crowned prematurely, and both the Saliva and Live tracks probably should have been rethought, but overall, it's still a strong list.
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Disc 4 - Release Date - 2006-ish
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
All Downhill From Here - New Found Glory
Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5
Pressure - Skindred
Only Happens When It Rains - Garbage
Joan - Butch Walker
Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
Makedamnsure - Taking Back Sunday
Stop This Train - John Mayer
Complicated Questions - Finger Eleven
My Own Summer - Deftones
Fade to Black - Metallica
The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Dreams - The Cranberries
Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty
I Remember You - Skid Row
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
More Than Love - Los Lonely Boys
Live Forever - Oasis
Disc 4 is solid and includes an unprecedented 19 tracks. The only hole is the Los Lonely Boys song. Not that it's a bad song, it's fine, and might even deserve its spot, but the initial reason for its inclusion is super-dubious. That doesn't matter because once a song is enshrined, it CANNOT be un-enshrined.
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Disc 5 - Release Date - 2013-ish
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy
Volcano Girls - Veruca Salt
Synthesizers - Butch Walker
Her Words Destroyed My Planet - Motion City Soundtrack
Gravemakers & Gunslingers - Coheed & Cambria
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Innocence - Halestorm
CrushCrushCrush - Paramore
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine
Thinking of You - Katy Perry
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Open Your Eyes - Guano Apes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Watch Over You - Alter Bridge
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Weatherman - Dead Sara
Second Chance - Shinedown
So What If You Go - Adelitas Way
Kiss From a Rose - Seal
Just like the canonical blog posts, there's quite a date gap between Disc 4 and Disc 5, but that's fine. This is the first disc representing more modern songs, so there aren't really any regrets here (at least not yet). The closest is that Adelitas Way song, but then I listen to it and I totally agree with 2013 Sergio.
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Disc 6 - Release Date - 20...um...23?
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
I Think I'm OKAY - Machine Gun Kelly Feat. Yungblud & Travis Barker
Here To Mars - Coheed & Cambria
New Horizons - Flyleaf
Roman Holiday - Halsey
Drown - Bring Me the Horizon
How About You - Staind
The Jester - Badflower
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Dreams - Van Halen
Oh no, where are the last 10 of Disc 6? Good question, it's the theme of Vol 20! That's right, I have built all these fictitious discs with the sole purpose of justifying the theme of Vol 20. Do you feel dumb yet? I hope not, I put a lot of work into this weird fever dream, so try to enjoy yourself.
Since these discs are basically full of rock tracks that I would have chosen had this project continued as a Mixed CD adventure, Vol 20 continues that idea. 10 new Greatest Songs Ever in the vein of the original aughts-era disc releases. Yeah, I get that I'm the only person this appeals to, and I get that anyone just now familiarizing themselves with my list will think I'm insane, but let me throw this out there. If you've made it this far and you're still reading ... you either understand the nature of this project and "get it" or you deserve to be confused.
With all of this "on wax," the next step is finally typing out the post for Vol. 20. It'll be out soon, I promise. Until then, please enjoy the ongoing Youtube playlist that is, THE GREATEST SONGS EVER!
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Saturday, 4 January 2023:
Fragments: The Bootleg Series Vol 17 Bob Dylan (Columbia/ Legacy) (released 27 January 2023) 
For the first time this feels really excessive and pointless.  I have been buying the 2 CD sets, the 5 CD sets and the vinyl sets of Dylan’s Bootleg Series since the second installment.  (The first installment only came in a three CD configuration back in 1991 in the US; I later found the five LP UK import in Carbondale for $33 and snapped it up thereby keeping up with always buying the vinyl versions.)  I enjoy having them on CD and I’ve every five CD set (there have been, including this one, eight boxes).  I enjoy having the discs for the car because truth be told, there is no artist I play more than I play Bob Dylan.  I’ve tapered off considerably in the past few years having somewhat burned out on the nonstop Bootleg Series and the Copyright Control boxes.  We are plagued with Dylan sets and I don’t want to jinx this, but having things like the entirety of his 1966 tour and every note of music from his classic ‘65-’66 albums is incredible to own and hear anytime you want.  Having every note that Dylan and Johnny Cash jammed to or Dylan and George Harrison jammed to, not so much.  I almost understand Dylan’s reticence about releasing every single note of music he ever uttered and played.  Most of it wasn’t meant to be consumed by the world.  But we fans are ravenous and we will eat our newborns for the sake of being able to do so. 
Anyhow, no one is forcing me to buy multiple copies of this set, that is all my own problem.  At the moment, I now see the ridiculousness of it.  I’ve ignored several releases I desire and goodness knows I could have bought them had I ignored this 5 CD set.  When I originally preordered this it got as low as $113.  I ended up cancelling it because I ended up buying the 10 LP set and I decided that ultimately the 5 CD set would diminish in price and I could buy it then.  SuperDeluxeEdition, a reissue site I have been followed since his inception when he was barely known in the UK let alone the US, does a great job of tracking prices for this stuff.  He informed subscribers this 5 CD set was down to $74 on amazon.  That was way below the $113 their pre-order price was.  I didn’t think it could go much lower so I snapped it up.  Now I need not fret it, I have all the versions I need.  I’ll be putting this on my iPod soon enough.  Above you find the front and back of the box.  The third photo and fourth photos are of the spines and the final shot is a close up of the hype sticker and it finally tells you how many songs are previously unreleased.  Hmmm...that means that all of the live disc has been previously released even though they only indicate one song being previously released.  This is a very confusing box.
This set is housed in what is sort of a 7 inch single sized box and it contains two hard back books.  All of these sets have followed this pattern established, interestingly enough with Vol 8 of the Bootleg Series Tell Tale Signs: Rare and Unreleased 1989-2000 which included songs from the Time Out of Mind Sessions.  Two hardback books, the first of which contains essays about the music and the credits.  The second book contains the CDs.  To confuse you, Vol 8 only had three CDs and it cost what a five CD set now costs.  Vol 10 contained four CDs but every subsequent set has had five CDs.  Below you will see the front and the back of the first book.  This contains essays, credits and ephemera which is always fun to look through to see what you own. 
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Next you will see the front and back of the second book which only contains the five CDs. 
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The five CDs are next.
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I wasn’t certain I would have enough space for the insides of either book, but I do. I am only going to show you the inside of the endpapers of Book One because I think they are very nice (the endpapers of the front of the book are nothing more than the gatefold of CD 1 in the two disc box and the gatefold of Album 1 in the 10 LP box). 
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That ad for Time Out of Mind was everywhere in 1999-2000.  What I really like is the opposite page which I am assuming was designed for this box itself.  And I only realize I’ve forgotten to post a photo of the inside of this box which is slightly different from the 10 LP box.  You will find it below.
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fourmilab ch earthview satellite
There was a time when DVDs were well liked for storing videos. DVD players were present maximum homes. You could watch your favourite videos by inserting the DVDs into the DVD player attached to any TV. But, with the invention of advanced gadgets like iPhones, people more time buy DVD players. iPods and iPhones have you have to be popular than DVD players today. However, videos present in DVD format are not compatible with the music program called 'iTunes' present in iPhones. So, the videos in the DVD format must be converted into the format suited for iTunes before you can play them on your iphones. Switching to Blu-ray doesn't mean which you will want to throw away all of the old DVD collection. That's because Blu-ray disc players are backward compatible i.e. they can run also run standard DVD capability. Some players as well able to "improve" the majority of of standard DVD movies, which is why the Blu-ray player adds to the quality of the image to higher suite your HD Home theater. There are actually hundreds of software for ripping DVDs on PC but topic of Mac, there are only genuinely few software which accomplishes this. It might not be entirely possible that you to tryout those software one by one and get the best one. For this reason I pondered sharing my personal experience making use of software as it could be useful. This Wondershare DVD Ripper For Mac in order to help you in approach so without any hassle, you can easily understand this particular software does. Clone DVD, a product of DVD X Studios, is another DVD copying software DVDFab that provides a CSS decryptor. However, unlike the DVD Cloner II, it wouldn't copy to CDs and is not very intelligent. On the plus side, it takes just housing to copy a Dvd in its entirety - extra footage, menu, etc. It is available in the marketplace for a associated with $99.95. 512 MB Pro Duo Stick - Memory space higher than this is even more complete. 512 MB is the minimal. The memory is used to store the film files in MP4 arrangement. Now failing that fashion go as well as buy some expensive DVD scratch repair kit. EarthView License Key could do as I do and check out your local hardware store or even your own garage! Are often the will want is a bottle of any neutral colored (clear) car polishing solution. Turtlewax happens become the one I consume. EarthView Crack Free Download : This supports more file formats than DVDCopy and apart from drag and drop options, it also allows for controlling speed of burning sensation. It also supports Windows Vista, XP and 2500. You should certainly visit the Videora site and download the Videora iPod Converter software. Helps allow an individual convert your AVI file created off the last step and input it into the mpeg-4 format that your iPod in order to be play well.
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