#it's been yogurt drinkable soup pudding applesauce EVERY DAY
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
*counts days on fingers* DAY FIVE
Six? No. Five. I feel alive again. But yeah. There’s a lot of pain still. Not as bad though. And my usual wisdom tooth pain relief/stim is something I’m not allowed to do until day 10 (possibly 14) because it’s sucking/clicking my tongue and teeth. And well. Dry socket. I honestly tried to do it earlier without thinking and I couldn’t physically do it. Good thing. Bc I’d keep doing it. I can’t even have noodles bc that involves slurping... I never thought I’d miss Ramen. ;-;
There was that craving for roast beef. Specifically a nice hot sandwich with some au jus. (It hurts to eat Lunch Meat still. I tried.) I’ve still got a major headache (probably from lack of nicotine even tho I’ve always used the minimum possible amount in case of this but it’s been like a year or two SO. Ow.) and now that I’m not Dead Tired from the surgery I’m feeling like if i don’t get to go outside and vape or smth I’m going to explode. I’ll also take a walk while I’m at it. Bc after not moving for three days and sleeping A LOT the insomnia is back full swing. It was a nice feeling taking a nap for the first time since i was like four though. Wake up at 8, hour nap at noon, and go to bed about 11 or midnight. My granddad had it right. I like that schedule. Sadly I can’t keep it now that the insomnia is back. And my inability to take a nap is back. I also can’t have caffeine for a week. Which might actually be a probable cause for this nonstop headache as well. (It goes away when i have sweet tea. which is lightly caffeinated and tbh i have no idea why i can’t have caffeine.) And carbonated drinks. I’m just not allowed to have soda. (I have a pack of sprite in the fucking fridge right now mocking me.) ...There’s one perk. I’ve got edibles. Once i can handle eating a small gummy, i think I’ve got something for this understimulation. Just something thrown into my enclosure other than pain meds which I REALLY Do Not need to keep taking.
Anyways. The day I can DO THINGS again should be AUGUST FIRST. I have it written down with so many things pointing to it. That or Aug 5th and if that’s the case I’m gonna lose my shit bc I’m already losing my shit.
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