#then i remembered you kinda have to slurp it which is literally the same motion as sucking
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
*counts days on fingers* DAY FIVE
Six? No. Five. I feel alive again. But yeah. There’s a lot of pain still. Not as bad though. And my usual wisdom tooth pain relief/stim is something I’m not allowed to do until day 10 (possibly 14) because it’s sucking/clicking my tongue and teeth. And well. Dry socket. I honestly tried to do it earlier without thinking and I couldn’t physically do it. Good thing. Bc I’d keep doing it. I can’t even have noodles bc that involves slurping... I never thought I’d miss Ramen. ;-;
There was that craving for roast beef. Specifically a nice hot sandwich with some au jus. (It hurts to eat Lunch Meat still. I tried.) I’ve still got a major headache (probably from lack of nicotine even tho I’ve always used the minimum possible amount in case of this but it’s been like a year or two SO. Ow.) and now that I’m not Dead Tired from the surgery I’m feeling like if i don’t get to go outside and vape or smth I’m going to explode. I’ll also take a walk while I’m at it. Bc after not moving for three days and sleeping A LOT the insomnia is back full swing. It was a nice feeling taking a nap for the first time since i was like four though. Wake up at 8, hour nap at noon, and go to bed about 11 or midnight. My granddad had it right. I like that schedule. Sadly I can’t keep it now that the insomnia is back. And my inability to take a nap is back. I also can’t have caffeine for a week. Which might actually be a probable cause for this nonstop headache as well. (It goes away when i have sweet tea. which is lightly caffeinated and tbh i have no idea why i can’t have caffeine.) And carbonated drinks. I’m just not allowed to have soda. (I have a pack of sprite in the fucking fridge right now mocking me.) ...There’s one perk. I’ve got edibles. Once i can handle eating a small gummy, i think I’ve got something for this understimulation. Just something thrown into my enclosure other than pain meds which I REALLY Do Not need to keep taking.
Anyways. The day I can DO THINGS again should be AUGUST FIRST. I have it written down with so many things pointing to it. That or Aug 5th and if that’s the case I’m gonna lose my shit bc I’m already losing my shit.
0 notes
bigskydreaming · 5 years
Imagine the Batkids hanging out at like....the food court of a mall or something, Jason keeping paparazzi at bay with finger guns that manage to be wildly ominous even if the gulping paparazzo have no true idea WHY that particular motion from this particular man has cold beads of sweat breaking out on the backs of their necks. Damian loudly proclaiming he hates everything and everyone even though he only half means it, well at least until Tim asks if he needs them to go get him a booster seat. To which Jason stops long enough to cackle about Tim finally finding someone he can actually literally look down on, it must be like Christmas for him, and meanwhile, Duke idly says to no one in particular that he can never decide if he accidentally got adopted into the Addams family, the Manson family or the Kardashians.
“I would be great at being a Kardashian,” Jason muses.
“Well you’re already 90% ass, so you’ve got that going for you,” Steph chirps brightly.
“Die, but for real this time,” Jason volleys back, equally pleasantly.
“I can’t believe the English major is suggesting I plagiarize him,” Steph says with eyes wide in mock bewilderment. Jason scoffs.
“What English major? In case you’ve forgotten, I never even finished high school, I was busy being de - “
He cuts off as Cass holds out her palm and Dick and Duke both slide ten dollar bills across the table to her, accompanied by groans. Tim jabs a finger at her with a scowl, half rising out of his seat in outrage.
“That doesn’t count, he didn’t even finish saying it!”
“Also, you’re cheating,” Damian adds on hotly, too incensed to notice he’s literally standing in solidarity with his most hated enemy. Though Tim catches it, if the slightly constipated look on his face is anything to go by. “Do you really think us so blind we can’t tell that Brown blatantly set that one up for you?”
“Don’t hate the players, hate the game,” Steph says sagely, as she and Cass split the take.
“What the hell just happened?” Jason asks. No one looks anywhere near the zip code of apologetic.
“Well we definitely didn’t all get together once a majority of us had done the knock knock knocking on death’s door thing ourselves and wound up making a long-standing bet about how long you can go without bringing that up and where the clock restarts each time you do,” Steph says thoughtfully, eyes intent even as she stares off into the distance, like it’s an actual mystery and she’s really trying quite hard to scry out the answer.
“What?” Jason says flatly.
“In my defense, they were doing it long before I came along and they said it was like, a family tradition,” Duke offers.
“I mean, it’s not like we lied,” Tim shrugs. “Besides, it was Cass’ idea and she’s died twice, so it’s allowed.”
Jason redirects his ire on their sister. “Why are you the worst.”
She shrugs. “I died.”
“I used to think having a sister would be cool. I can’t believe you ruined sisters for me.”
“Bite me, little brother,” she says sweetly. His face flames. Detonation imminent.
“I’m older than you!”
“Not if you don’t count the six months you were dead,” she sing-songs. “Besides, Tim’s lying. It was his idea.”
Jason’s head swivels like a turret-mounted missile launcher. Tim chokes on his French fry.
“What the hell! That’s not tr - .” He trails off then, frowning slightly. “Wait, was it? Oh. Right.”
Jason’s eyes narrow, tension on the trigger, but Tim rallies and just shrugs unrepentantly.
“Eh. You’ve tried to kill me like three times. Suck it up.”
“Next time, I’ll be sure to try harder,” Jason growls. Tim smiles serenely and takes an extra obnoxious slurp of his milkshake.
“See? You’ve learned something new today. You’re welcome.”
“Why am I not live-tweeting this,” Steph wonders, yanking out her phone and sending digits swiftly flying across its keys. Dick leans over on her left to view her screen.
“Are you tweeting as Batgirl about her fellow vigilantes, or the random blond stranger always seen out with the Waynes but that no one can determine their connection to?”
“First off, I’m the EXOTIC blond stranger, excuse you. Get it right. And second...idk. Either. Both. Does it really matter?”
“Well, it might if you actually do tweet the same content from both accounts and someone somehow manages to spot some kind of connection,” Tim says dryly. Steph scowls without looking up from her phone.
“Stop oppressing my shenanigans with your logic, Timbleton.”
“It’s my new name for you. For it is both pretentious and douchey, as are you.”
Tim glowers. “Sometimes I honestly can’t remember why I went out with you.”
She shrugs. “You were a fifteen year old virgin and I have a killer rack. It wasn’t that deep.”
“Hey, you are still just the exotic blond stranger seen with us all the time, right?” Dick says suddenly, seemingly lost in thought. “Like, B didn’t adopt you since I last saw you or anything.”
“No, and you know you don’t ACTUALLY have to ask me that every time you see me.”
He shrugs. “I mean I kinda do. You are always here, and it is Bruce. It’s not like he ever tells me when he adopts someone new so like, you could be my sister for four years before I even realized it if I didn’t ask.”
“Ooh. A sighting of Dick angst, spotted in the wild. Those are rare,” Jason snickers. Dick just eyes him.
“FYI, I still have footage of a certain Robin, age fourteen, singing Backstreet Boys. And I have Roy on speed dial. Tread lightly, Little Wing.”
“You said you deleted that!”
“I lied. I do that sometimes. I’m terribly problematic.” Dick beams beatifically.
“Why have I not seen this footage?” Steph shrieks.
“Make me an offer,” Dick says as leans back smugly.
She wastes no time, fingers dancing across her keyboard again, and moments later Dick pulls out his own phone and reads her incoming text. One eyebrow arches significantly.
“That’s an offer, alright.” He frowns. “You came up with that quick. I’m either impressed or disturbed.”
Steph shrugs. “I get bored on stakeouts sometimes.”
“You can be dispressed,” Cass pipes up helpfully. Dick nods solemnly.
“An excellent suggestion, Cassandra, thank you. Just for that, I’ll send it to you too.”
“I will stab you,” Jason says dangerously.
“Just think, Jay, if you didn’t try and stab me all the time already, that might actually be incentive not to....oh whoops, finger slipped, just hit send, how terrible, much regret.”
“I feel like there’s supposed to be a life lesson in there somewhere,” Duke murmurs.
“Stay out of this, new kid on the block.”
“Does that make you Marky Mark or like, Donnie?” Tim wonders idly. He shakes his head at himself then, baffled. “Why do I know the names of the New Kids on the Block?”
Stephanie meanwhile is watching her phone with what can only be described as naked glee. It’s muted - she’s never one to share her spoils freely after all - but apparently that is more than good enough for now as far as she’s concerned. Beside her, Cass intently stares at her own screen, shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
“I will kill you all someday, and when I do the courts will rule it justifiable homicide and I shall be vindicated.”
“Please, Todd. As if I don’t have contingencies in place to ensure you receive my vengeance even from beyond the grave, should I ever perish at your hands.”
Silence falls across the table as they all stare at Damian.
“See, now I’m dispressed,” Tim says. “Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to take a guided tour of your brain, but then I think why not wait til Halloween and sell tickets too.”
Damian glares at him, but to the surprise of everyone, Tim included, he reacts no further than that. A few seconds later though, Duke bolts upright in his chair across from him, directing his own baleful glare at the smaller boy. Damian just stares at him meaningfully and jerks his head in Tim’s direction. Duke rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Shut your facehole, Drake, you blithering dolt,” Duke says robotically. “Also, you are excessively diminutive for your age and nobody likes you. Allegedly.”
Once more silence reigns supreme.
“Oh fuck, can he possess people now?” Jason asks.
Dick waves them all down, gesturing for quiet before he takes the lead, studying Duke with an intent focus. “I think I speak for all of us here, when I say: no, but seriously, what the actual fuck.”
Cass nods gravely. “What he said.”
Duke shrugs a half-hearted apology. “It’s nothing personal Tim. It’s just that Damian and I have an alliance, and part of the terms are I have to defend his honor, since - and I quote - ‘tt, the very notion I need assistance defending my actual person is laughable, Thomas, don’t be daft.’”
“Wait, we’re doing alliances now?” Steph asks, because of course that would be the part that catches her attention. “I want an alliance. Cass, make an alliance with me.”
“Whose idea was this alliance, anyway?” Jason asks. Duke just shrugs again, this time defensively.
“Hey don’t look at me, Dick’s the one who apparently thought it was a good idea to introduce Damian to Survivor reruns.”
All eyes turn to the eldest. In a particularly accusatory fashion.
Well, with the exception of Damian, as he has returned to his meal and is quite contentedly dining with a distinct air of smugness about him. (Even more so than usual.)
“What? I couldn’t get him to agree to watching anything else on TV, and then we came across some reruns and I thought it might appeal to him.”
“And you saw no potential drawbacks to him seeing appeal in the basic premise of voting people off the island?” Jason asks skeptically. Dick picks up a fry and studies it with clear deliberation and an equally clear attempt at avoidance. Subtlety, thy name is not Grayson.
“In hindsight, it’s possible mistakes were made.”
“I mean, at least now Dami’s attempts at casting undesirables out of the family are rooted in democracy instead of totalitarianism. That’s progress, right?” Steph asks. Heavy on the uncertainty.
“Right, and I have some beachfront property in Kansas to sell you,” Tim says sardonically.
“Nah, you keep it. I’ll just get it in the divorce when we get back together in ten years, marry, and I abscond with half of your fortune.”
“Wait, what?”
“Shh, just let it happen.”
“Hang on, back to this alliance,” Jason says, turning back to Duke. “So what are you getting out of it?”
“Oh, he has to do my calc homework for the rest of the semester,” Duke replies.
“Duke, you should have just told one of us you needed some help with your homework,” Dick says with an unmistakable note of concern in his voice. Duke shoots him a quizzical look.
“I don’t. I just don’t want to do it.”
“This is why Duke is the most valid,” Steph nods knowingly. Cass nods in agreement.
“Hey, did nobody else notice that in essence, Damian implicitly admitted he needed help protecting his feelings from getting boo-boos,” Tim pipes up oh so casually. The youngest among them narrows his eyes.
“In my spare time, I peruse the occult tomes recommended by Raven and the Zatara brat in search of a ritual that will make it so you never existed in the first place,” he says, matching his tone to Tim’s conversational one. Not deterred in the slightest, Tim just adopts an expression of over the top faux sympathy.
“Sucks you can’t just ask me for help. I already know where one of those is.”
“Dami, no!” Dick speaks up sharply. Their little brother slumps back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I wasn’t actually going to do anything, Grayson,” he sulks. Dick snorts.
“You were absolutely about to jump on top of the table and kick Tim in the face. Don’t even try and pretend I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“I was an only child once,” Jason muses. “I should have appreciated it more.”
“But then you couldn’t form an alliance with me, little brother,” Cass points out, equal parts sweetness and wickedness. He hesitates, visibly torn between wanting to protect his vaunted older brother status and agreeing to an alliance with the most feared of them all.
“You’re evil.”
She shrugs but doesn’t contest the point.
“I’ll form an alliance with you, Cass,” Tim says, smirking at Jason.
“No thanks.”
Tim’s mouth falls open and he looks between her and his now cackling older brother. “What the hell? You’ll form an alliance with Steph and Jason but not with me? Why not?”
“I’m chaotic neutral,” their sister explains sunnily, as she steals some more of Dick’s fries.
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sister-location · 7 years
hi! i know you probably have a lot of asks right now, but i wanted to get some clarification on something. what exactly do we know about remnant? do we know anything except that it's what the scuper was designed for?
Yes and No!
The secret ‘insanity’ ending is the only time we ever see Remnant being mentioned. But we need to keep in mind that like with everything else in FNAF, being directly told about something is just meant to be a hint to look for context clues!
Longer post under the cut because there’s a lot to be said here and it’s image heavy because I just woke up!
edit: I realized partway through this that gameverse Afton might be injecting himself with whats essentially robo-ghost blood and it’s really fucking funny to me, sorry for obviously laughing about this for the entire post.
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First up we see the SCUPer, A B C and D functions, and the Afton Robotics, LLC trademark. Let’s go over them!
NAME: S.caleable C.reation of U.lterior P.resence
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Ok so you can see that either Afton or Scott are really weird with names, because this.. is honestly weird word choices, but they sure made it fit the ice cream theme. Rammed it right in there. But let me work these words down;T.his M.achine M.akey G.hosties. Call it Thingmmagig.
Scalable Creation refers to being able to generate more [ghosts] and likely also be able to remove (or relocate..?) [ghosts]. Ulterior Presence is.. actually a little funny, because it means ‘Secret Secret Ghosts’ kind of. And honestly these ghosts aren’t really hidden, unless you count that no one was sure if the Funtime animatronics were haunted or not. Maybe in-universe, the fact these robots were haunted at all was a huge secret and only like, 4 people knew. Maybe to everyone else, blood and mucus coming out of robots is normal. Whatever.
No bonus data given, this is just the weird… partial cylinder. I’m not sure why A wasn’t put on the actual folding arm structure. Maybe the A is on the end because that is the part that, well, scoops you. slurp
NOTES: Leaves trace line amount on interior. Over-usage /Over-exposure negates effect.
Honestly the fact that there’s an ‘injector’ here somewhere is weird because it seems Scott made this thing really lowpoly and didn’t add much if anything when he went ‘lets make this a blueprint!’ because there’s clearly no… tubes, or needles, or… hell maybe the whole things hollow and it just kinda opens a hatch and it gloops out. I can’t see scott
Anyway this part of the blueprint identifies that.. somehow, there is an injector!So not only does this blueprint have one, we also now know that, yeah, there is a reason to inject people with whatever ‘remnant’ is. People and/or machines. So it clearly has some sort of reaction when placed inside other substances, and… actually why isn’t the SCUPr itself haunted. Scott probably didn’t think of that…. Moving on.
It seems that both wheel-shapes are just balances, given how low the D is. Weird design but not an important part of the machine, aside from making it sturdier while it tears things open.
NOTES: When heated, no observable motion. Keep in heated tank at sustained temperature. Substance should be malleable, but not more. There is a possibility that overheating might neutralize the effects permanently. 
Here’s the juicy stuff. Remnant is something that moves, and when heated, it stops moving and softens up. If it gets too hot, it neutralizes ‘effects’. So now we know that whatever Remnant is, it’s heat sensitive and moves on it’s own, so it’s alive in some way. People who have looked at the game files might remember something like that… 
Also a weird fact here is that heating may neutralize the effects, but isn’t clear on what effects, or if it means while they’re in the tank or not. This could either mean that the remnants will get heat-resistant in the tank, which us unlikely, or…
Whoever uses Remnants for the SCUPr’s intented purpose needs to be kept cool at all times, or the effect, which we assume to be immortality, will wear off. What’s a coolant that we have in all games, and are only able to disable in FNAF 6? The fucking fan. THE FAN KEEPS MICHAEL AFTON ALIVE, LITERALLY. In theory anyway thats just a theory … but god would it make some god damn sense. 
Remnant is also mentioned in this blueprint!
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SECURITY TAGS ACTIVE:001 “Funtime Freddy”002 “Funtime Foxy”003 “Ballora”
It’s unclear here if the numbers are the security tags (which implies funtime freddy is the first animatronic on the tag system, ever?) or if Henry was just absolutely prepared to have to write blueprints on a 100-tag hell machine. It’s probably just aesthetics. Either way, as referenced in LEFTE’s blueprints, all of the animatronics have security tags, or bracelets, or security receivers.. actually it’s likely
Henry’s robots: Security Receivers are so animatronics, Toys especially, can connect to each other to keep out bad people and protect children.
Afton’s robots: Security tags, so he knows where the robots are at all times, and doesn’t let the robots escape.
FE/AR Staff: Security bracelets so the robots know the difference between staff and patrons, and theoretically know staff by name. You guys know the theory that Lefty is submitting Henry’s frequency to the Puppet / his daughter? Shit’s sad. 
That aside, come to think of it, would William have sent Michael a bracelet with his number on it, just to make sure the robots think Michael ‘looks’ like him to the animatronics? Michael goes through a lot of name changes over the series, but it’s possible. Maybe? 
Anyway the main point here is that Molten Freddy is Freddy, Foxy and Ballora (Chica? Suzie?). No Minireenas, no Bonnie hand puppet, no pre-Ennard, no Yenndo, and especially no Circus Baby.
Priority One 
With the most amount of Remnant collectively in it’s structure, this amalgamation of Afton’s constructs is a necessary element of Paragraph 4.
Paragraph 4′s direct meaning still isn’t really clear aside from that it has to do with the end of the game where Henry sets fire to Molten Freddy, Circus Baby, Springtrap and Lefty/his daughter, setting them all free. Of course with Molten Freddy being multiple spirits together, he’s the top priority: Even if Henry can’t stop the Aftons or save his daughter, he needs to save the most kids he can.
That said, note the wording: The most amount of Remnant. Not ‘the most spirits’ or ‘Likely to have the most attachments’ or anything clearly stating dead kids: the most Remnant. So although Remnant was only stated in Afton’s SCUPer blueprints, Henry is not only aware of what Remnant is, he clearly knows how it works, and how to remove the haunting ‘effect’: Heat. Fire. 
This implies that Henry may have still worked with Afton even while Afton was doing a side job with Afton Robotics, despite Henry saying he built at least some of the robots. It’s very unlikely Henry would build.. child-grabby machines, so we’re assuming here that they just.. both made robots. At the same time. Oh timelines…
In short, Remnant is some sort of life essence that may or may not always mean ghosts. The way we see the SCUPer work, through Circus Baby’s lines and Ballora’s scene in the Springsuit game (which the springsuit was distracting you!), is that the Funtime Animatronics capture kids in some way, ‘malfunction’, are taken to the SCUPer, and have the remnants of the kid scooped out. 
Why don’t we see some kid’s corpse get mangled up and slurped out when we see Ballora get scooped? Well, maybe she opened up just off screen, orr it’s that it’s a kid’s game. There’s probably a better reason here, I just am not sure what it is. 
Here’s a brightened gif of her being Scooped, which I was too lazy to reupload.
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The eye color might be from my de-blueing it, so I won’t bring that up.However, what we see in the scooping process is odd. It’s not really a scoop, she just looks like she got uppercut in the face, twice for some reason. And that whatever the scooper’s doing, it’s causing a flash of light each impact. Whatever it’s doing seems to take a lot of ‘energy’ from Ballora, since she slumps over after as if she’s tired, but is clearly still possessed… or at least has the energy to be creepy while the Real Ballora is now inside the Scooper’s Excavating Arm. 
It’s important here however to remember Scott’s intended view of this sprite:
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This. This is all you get. By the time the faceplates open up, Ballora’s already staring at you slumped over. However, something also hidden by the faceplates, that perhaps Baby was specifically hiding from you, is something that isn’t present on the sprite. Because when different objects animate on their own, Scott makes them their own little object and spritesheet in game. 
Because anything moving down there, you wouldn’t see them. Something wiggling, moving, because the scooper is extracting them, and they’re just not warm yet. Something that, just like the Insanity ending, we’re not supposed to see. 
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kingyeoly · 7 years
Privilege: Chapter 5
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Synopsis: Kyungsoo lands halfway across the world in Seoul after his mother’s death.
Cue the rich long-lost CEO father and a spot at one of the most prestigious boarding schools in The Republic of Korea.
It doesn’t take long for Kyungsoo to get mixed in with a troublesome group of elite boys.
Where Kyungsoo finds out he’s actually the Korean Cinderella.
Suho, the untouchable semi-evil stepbrother who rules the school with an iron fist.
Sehun, the adorable little (big) brother who defends Kyungsoo at all costs.
Jongin, the heir to a hotel empire and a LITERAL model (possible prince charming?)
Chanyeol, the best friend/volleyball star who challenges Jongin in winning over Kyungsoo’s heart.
Who will win?
Rated: R
Warnings: Fluff, Slow burn, Boy X Boy, Smut, Love triangles
Pairings: D.O & Kai, D.O & Chanyeol, Sehun & Chanyeol, Suho & Lay
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
“Mind if I sit here?” Jongin’s voice was deep and groggy sounding.
Kyungsoo looked up to see Jongin looking exceptionally soft in pajamas and an oversized hoodie. He somehow still managed to look incredibly editorial and chic. Even despite the unflattering fluorescent lighting provided by the GS25 corner store on campus.
All in the midst of Kyungsoo basically deep throating his damn kimbap, he was so hungry.
It was 2 AM, by the way. “Why are you up?” Kyungsoo asked as he tried his hardest to swallow, shyly patting the stool next to him as he waited patiently for his instant ramen to cook.
“Could ask you the same question.”
“Mmm, I h’ve a bad h’bit of sn’cking.” He said with a mouthful.
Jongin laughed, “So I remember, no Pepero this time to satisfy that untameable sweet tooth of yours?”
Kyungsoo quickly ruffled through his bag, searching until he happily pulled out his Sehun sponsored Pepero.
Jongin frowned, “You didn’t like mine?”
“It was fine.”
“You didn’t like it.”
“I...Sehun’s my brother, Jongin, I have to support him.”
“It’s okay, you won’t hurt my feelings if you just admit you don’t like it.”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes playfully, “It’s tasty, I actually like your Pepero.”
Jongin snickered as he apparently had the mentality of a high school….wait, nevermind.
Kyungsoo scoffed, “Idiot.”
“We name calling now, Kyungsoo?” Jongin teased as he snagged a bite of the smaller teen’s kimbap.
Kyungsoo glared, “What th- literally why.”
“Mmm,” Jongin moaned, “You have pretty good taste for a foreigner. That’s my favorite one.”
“Aren’t you, like, mega-rich?” Kyungsoo asked annoyingly, “Is it really necessary for you to be stealing bites off of someone else’s food?”
Jongin pouts, running a hand through his hair as he rests his head on his palm, chewing contently as his eyes lock on Kyungsoo, who, by the way had bits of sticky rice stuck on his top lip.
“I only share with people I like, consider yourself lucky.”
“Wow, I truly feel blessed.” Kyungsoo replied sarcastically before Jongin placed his fingertips on Kyungsoo lips.
“What are you doing?!” Kyungsoo looked bewildered, pulling back instantly embarrassed.
Jongin rolled his eyes as he broke out into a cheeky smile, “Hey, I’m trying to help you not look like a hangry 5-year-old. You have rice stuck on your face, genius.”
Kyungsoo snapped his head to look at his reflection in the glass, noticing that he indeed had rice stuck to his lips, not too sure about the looking hangry part though.
Jongin’s arm stretched out once more, his fingertips carefully picking off the rice one by one.
He’d be lying if he didn’t observe how plump and full Kyungsoo’s lips were.
The interaction was only brief, but from what Jongin could gather, Kyungsoo‘s lips were also pretty soft as well.
“Uh, thanks.” Kyungsoo begrudgingly wiped his mouth, “You never answered my question by the way.”
“Could say the same for you.”
“Yeah? That’s funny because I actually answered you first.”
Jongin snickered, loving the push and pull.
“Alright, you got me.” He rubbed his eyes, “I got a little hungry too. Only ate lunch today, then went to volleyball practice. After that you and I had our little view of the sunset and, finally, I worked non stop on some homework.” The model scrunched up his face playfully, “Meaning I totally forgot to eat dinner.”
Kyungsoo simply nodded, pulling the plastic film of his ramen back, quickly stirring the noodles around as Jongin stared intently.
“I bet you five bucks that ramen is soggy.”
Kyungsoo glared, “Shut up.”
“Here let me see.” Jongin seemingly pulled a pair of chopsticks out of thin air as he quickly maneuvered his big body closer to the ramen, getting a taste before Kyungsoo could even blink.
Damn, he’s fast.
Jongin chewed with a huge smirk as he got a peek of the deathly glare Kyungsoo was throwing at him.
“Mmm, no,” Jongin mumbled sounding pleased with himself, “It’s actually perfect.”
Kyungsoo shook his head in disbelief, but, he’d be lying if he was enjoying...well...whatever this was.
“Why don’t we share then.” Kyungsoo replied in a defeated tone.
“Well, since you apparently like eating other people’s food I guess I can’t stop you.”
Jongin perked up, noticing the hints of sarcasm in Kyungsoo’s voice but not bothered enough by it that he’d let this prime opportunity for free food pass up.
Jongin immediately scooted into Kyungsoo’s comfort zone as they shared the ramen. Their heads basically touching, Jongin’s broad shoulders hovering over Kyungsoo’s smaller body.
“Uhh, you said you play volleyball, right?” Kyungsoo asked fighting off some weird thoughts that crossed his mind.
Jongin took another bite, “Yeah, I’m the captain.”
“Yeah?” Kyungsoo asked as he felt his body slowly leaning back into Jongin.
It was a nice feeling, Jongin was actually quite warm which was welcomed considering it was a cold night.
“Mhmm, hey, your friend is trying out on Sunday, right? He any good?” Jongin asked as he slurped up some noodles.
“Chanyeol? I mean, just look at him, he’s a giant.” Kyungsoo chuckled,”But, yeah, he was actually the captain back home. He’s been playing all of his life so I’m sure he’d make a great addition to your team for sure.”
“Gotcha, I’ll keep that in mind. Height definitely helps and he looks pretty strong...We lost some good players last year so I’m definitely interested.” Jongin wiped his mouth before shooting a glance at Kyungsoo, “He’s living in Privilege House, what’s his story?”
Kyungsoo scoffed, “Why don’t you ask him yourself? Get to know your new housemate and possible teammate.”
“Ehh, I wanna hear from you considering how buddy, buddy you guys are. Plus, I missed his little introduction to the house.”
Jongin quickly mimed himself writing into a book referencing his mad study session that had caused him to miss dinner in the first place.
“Ohh, okay then. I guess I can tell you a little about him,” he teased, “Both of his parents are plastic surgeons. Really good people, and apparently they went to high school here, and so did his grandparents, which makes him a legacy-”
“Well, then why aren’t you living with us then?”
To which Kyungsoo let out a dry laugh, “Uh, if you haven’t noticed, Suho doesn’t exactly like me all that much. Maybe try asking him.”
Jongin pursed his lips, “Yeah, I knew that.”
Kyungsoo grimaced, “Well then why did you ask?”
“Ehh, wanted to see if you knew or not.” Jongin cheekily smiled.
“He’ll come around, Kyungsoo. Once you prove yourself trustworthy, he’ll stop being such an ass. For instance, he hated Minseok all of Freshman year because they both ran for Freshman class President but Minseok won.”
Jongin snorted, “I couldn’t tell if Suho wanted to rip Minseok’s face off or fuck him the whole year. He tried making Minseok’s life hell but somehow Minseok managed to fight back just as hard. It impressed Suho to a point where he just kinda stopped one day and they somehow ended it. I mean, I’m not sure what Suho expected? Most of Minseok’s family is tied to politics, the guy is practically destined to be South Korea’s president one day.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes darted left to right, “Oh..wait, and they’re friends now…?”
“Oh yeah, totally.”
“So Minseok just forgave Suho after making his life harder…?”
“Mmm, yeah.” Jongin’s voice was casual as if this kind of thing happens all the time and not a huge deal at all.
“Just like that? A simple fix?” Kyungsoo said slightly dumbfounded.
“Pretty much.” He chuckled glancing at Kyungsoo’s mixed expression, “How do I explain it… Uhh, Suho tends to be the boss around here, but, I guess after the freshman year showdown Suho discovered that Minseok was a pretty reliable ally, maybe even an equal. They understand each other somehow and have been pretty close ever since.”
Jongin laughed as he reached for his phone, quickly unlocking it and passing it to Kyungsoo.
“Got a Kakao id yet?”
“A what?”
Jongin playfully huffed as he rolled his eyes, “Get it together, foreigner.” He teased motioning for Kyungsoo to fork over his phone.
After a few clicks, agreements, and fighting over a witty username, Jongin had successfully set Kyungsoo up with a KakaoTalk.
“Look, we’re friends now, see?” He said showing Kyungsoo his first official friend on the messaging app.
“Gee, thanks” Kyungsoo replied sourly.
“Hey, I just did you a huge favor. A little enthusiasm wouldn’t kill you, would it?” Kyungsoo cocked his head to the side, “Funny, you say that considering you just ate the majority of my dinner, so...” Jongin looked as if he were about to say something, but knew Kyungsoo had him beat.
“We should probably head back, getting pretty late.” Kyungsoo suggested, picking up the leftover trash and discarding it accordingly.
“Very true...thanks for the meal, squirt.”
Jongin quickly patted Kyungsoo on the head, ruffling his hair as he smiled widely at the smaller teen he quickly turned on his heels and dashed towards Privilege house in an instant before he could catch the meanest glare that had spread across Kyungsoo’s face.
He huffed, “I am not a squirt.”
“Hey, coming to the Alumni party tonight?” Sehun asked with wide eyes.
Kyungsoo shifted in his stance, the two were waiting in line to purchase some food at some random restaurant in HQ that served Korean/western fusion style cuisine.
“Uhh, should I?” Kyungsoo asked as he looked over the menu.
“Of course!,” Sehun beamed, “Dad won’t be there, but, it’s usually pretty boring anyway. The after party, however, is super fun and some of the kids at Privilege house are able to score a shit ton of soju and cass.”
Kyungsoo cocked his head, “Wh...How is that even allowed?”
“It’s not,” Sehun grinned, “But, no one ever finds out. Props of Privilege House.”
Kyungsoo sighed, “Count me out.”
Sehun frowned, “What?! Why??”
“Not really my thing.”
“But, Soo, It’ll be fun! Sure, the actual party is boring, but, once the after party kicks off it’ll be a blast!”
Sehun continued his nagging, practically talking Kyungsoo’s ear off for the next thirty minutes.
Kyungsoo eventually agreed reluctantly if it meant Sehun would stop his constant whining.
“Good! 6 PM is the time of the event at the Incheon Ballroom on the 5th floor!” Sehun moved in closer, jokingly nudging his older brother as he whispered, “And the after party starts directly after, 7 PM at Privilege house.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kyungsoo mockingly moaned as he finally decided on this meal choice.
“Don’t worry, Soo. Chanyeol will be there too!”
Kyungsoo cracked a small grin, leaning back into his stance only to feel a hard presence pushed up behind him, to which Kyungsoo quickly shot his head up, looking into a pair of dark brown eyes that stared back down at him.
“I’ll be there too, squirt.”
Kyungsoo groaned, quickly moving off of Jongin.
“Okay, that is not going to become a thing.”
“Why, you don’t like it?” Jongin teased.
“No, I don’t actually.”
Jongin smirked, “Well I think it’s a nice nickname, what do you think Sehun?”
Sehun paused, shooting his eyes between the two nervously.
Although he hasn’t known Kyungsoo for very long he could pick up social cues and he was definitely not liking Kyungsoo’s icy gaze that he was staring into at the moment.
“Uhh,” Sehun stammered, “I’m going to order my food, bye.” He quickly turned on his heels and got the hell out of dodge.
Getting on Kyungsoo’s shit list was not on the top of Sehun’s to-do list for the day.
The two met eyes as they kind of just silently stared at each other for a bit.
“Sooo, you’re going to come right?” Jongin broke the ice.
“I’m leaving.”
Jongin burst out laughing as he grabbed onto Kyungsoo’s wrist quickly, holding the smaller teen still, “Wait, wait, wait. Come on, you have to go. If you want to get closer to Suho and get on his good side you have to make an appearance. A united family image means a lot to him.”
Kyungsoo looked up to a pouty Jongin, which instantly made Kyungsoo grin considering how childish he looked, “Yeah, Jongin I will come, alright? Also, I don’t think he considers me as his brother, but-”
“But he will...Just trust me, alright?” Jongin said with a somewhat sinister tone.
“Kim Jongin what on Earth are you planning right now?” Kyungsoo squinted, trying his hardest to decipher the tone.
Jongin walked past the smaller teen turning around playfully as he shot both fingers up as if he were shooting a pair of guns, “See you at the party tonight, squirt!” He shouted as he sauntered out of the restaurant and out of sight.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, noticing Sehun staring at him with wide eyes “That will not become a thing, dammit.” He yelled across the restaurant as watching eyes quickly turned to stare at the source of the outburst.
Kyungsoo quickly turned his back, quickly walking up to the register to order his food as he quietly cursed to himself.
All while Sehun tried his hardest not to burst out laughing.
“Hehe, squirt.”
“I heard your father’s not coming, how come?” Minseok asked as he stirred his drink.
“Same reason as last year, and the year before that.” Suho said dryly, “These parties are such a bore anyway, he’s not missing out on much.”
Minseok chuckled, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Mhmm, mainly just ready for the after party.”
“Yes, our yearly tradition thanks to you” Minseok patted Suho on the back, “The future generations of Privilege House are in debt to you.” Minseok joked.
The Alumni party was filling out, legacies of the past returning to mingle as well as some students from the academy networking and making small talk about their future.
Suho took a drink before scoffing as his eyes set on a guy with big round eyes and a small frame.
“What is it?” Minseok asked as he stared in the direction of Suho’s unpleasant gaze.
“The mooch.” Suho said dryly.
“Hmm, you really don’t like him, huh?” Minseok questioned as he narrowed his eyes at Kyungsoo, examining him.
“I have my reasons, Minseok.”
“Well, Suho, you’re a smart guy.” Minseok replied calmly, “Surely you’ve thought about how much of a benefit it would be to have Kyungsoo on our side. He is a legacy after all. He belongs with us, in Privilege House.”
Suho grimaced at the idea, “Look, I have thought about it, but, there isn’t any room. After Chanyeol and Jessica joined I simply cannot just put them out. They took the last spots.” He said in a nonchalant sing-song sort of tone.
Minseok shot a serious look, it was Suho’s own fault to stare into Minseok’s ‘mothering gaze’ that somehow always made him feel a hint of guilt.
“Don’t look at me like that, you know I hate that.”
“Well, I wouldn’t look at you like that if you’d stop bullshitting me, Suho.” Minseok crossed his arms, “You and I both know that we have the room to adjust and make space for him it that huge ass house.”
Suho lasted a good three minutes under the pressuring gaze of Minseok before he finally cracked, but only conceding to the small defeat on his own terms.
“Fine.” Suho said sourly, “I’ll give him a chance, but he has to pass a test that I give him. If he fails to do what I assign then he’s out.” Suho extended his hand confidently to Minseok.
It took Minseok a few seconds before he met Suho with his own hand as the two formally shook on the deal, “And what will the task be?” Minseok asked with curiosity.
Suho pursed his lips as he locked eyes with Sehun from across the ballroom. He quickly raised his hand, flagging down Sehun who began making his way over, with Kyungsoo in toll.
“Patience is a virtue, my good Minseok.”
Kyungsoo could feel the gaze on him as they walked closer, Suho was definitely staring right at him, but the weird thing was, that it wasn’t a stare filled with hatred or distaste.
It almost looked as if Suho was happy for a change, which put Kyungsoo on edge considering it wasn't a normal emotion from Suho to express at all.
“Kyungsoo, come on, you’re like weighing me down are you even walking??” Sehun complained as they made their way closer to Suho and Minseok who was also staring at him intently but with a big welcoming smile which was pretty normal for him.
The four politely exchanged greetings and formalities, while Kyungsoo stood behind Sehun, almost as if he were hiding.
“Kyungsoo. Are you enjoying the party so far?” Suho asked with a tone that was calm and collected.
Kyungsoo stammered for a bit before answering confidently, “It’s nice, it’s pretty fancy.”
“Ahh, yes, experiencing nice things must be new for you, I presume.” Suho grinned as Kyungsoo tried processing if that statement was meant to sound snotty and backhanded.
Minseok patted Suho on the back as he awkwardly smiled, “So, did you two just come in now?”
Sehun nodded, “Yeah, I guess we’re still pretty early, huh? Not a lot of the others are here yet.” He pouted as he looked around the room.
“Ah, yes,” Minseok replied, “A lot of them are staying behind to prepare for the after party, but Jongin and Chen should be..be here in a second”
Minseok smiled once more as he looked into Kyungsoo’s eyes which were now incredibly wide with shock as a pair of two hands gripped at his sides as he jumped at least a foot up into the air.
The other five burst out laughing from the sound of fear that came out of Kyungsoo’s mouth.
The small teen quickly turned around to see Jongin giggling, Kyungsoo quickly looked down to notice Jongin’s large hands were still holding onto his waist to which he quickly freed himself from the tight grasp.
“I hate you.” Kyungsoo sneered.
“Aw, come on, Soo.” Jongin groaned as he placed his hands on his own hips.
Kyungsoo quickly glanced to see Suho laughing too, maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing if he was able to make Suho laugh.
“Whatever, idiot.” Kyungsoo replied as he rolled his eyes.
Sehun quickly rested his arm on his older brother shoulders for support as Jongin and Chen joined the circle.
“Wow, talk about a snooze fest,” Chen said dully as he looked around the room.
“Could be worse, last year they had that god awful bassoon player for some weird reason, remember that?” Minseok replied as he took a sip of his drink.
“Yeah, I still want to forget that. The amount of times they went sharp still haunts my dreams.” Chen joked as Jongin made a noise that sounded as if it were out of annoyance
The others noticed, quickly trying to find the source.
“Ahh,” Suho noticed first, “Is that Yein girl still bothering you, Jongin?”
“Yeah, I feel like it’s only gotten worse, to be honest.” He sighed as he grimaced.
Kyungsoo followed the gaze to notice a small girl with round frame glasses and a short bob haircut with blunt bangs to match. The dress she wore looked a little out of style, but, from afar she seemed nice enough.
From what he could gather she was constantly stealing glances from the short time he’d been examining her, but, the glances seemed to be meant only for Jongin.
“What’s wrong?” It slipped out of Kyungsoo’s mouth by total accident.
Jongin looked down at Kyungsoo, his mouth cocking to the side with a grim expression.
“Uhh, well-”
“Lee Yein has been stalking our good friend Jongin here for quite some time,” Suho interjected, “Actually, it’s been since, what, middle school, right?” Suho’s eye’s met Jongin’s to which Jongin simply nodded, confirming the story.
“Yeah, so, she’s made Jongin feel really uncomfortable for years, and last semester Krystal totally went off on her in front of everyone at HQ. She had stopped for a while, but, she still manages to be a creep, but only from afar.” Sehun added, glancing over to notice Yein looking over once again.
Kyungsoo bit his lip, “Well, what would she do exactly?” He looked up to Jongin only to hear Suho’s voice reply once more.
“Well, what wouldn’t she do, right? She would take pictures of him and put it in this creepy diary where she would write fanfiction about both of them being together. Don’t even get me started on the smut, she’s totally crazy.” He scoffed, “ She’d also steal his belongings that she would then wear the next day and be adamant that it was her’s. Like, remember your gloves, Jongin?” Suho asked as Jongin nodded once more.
“Totally gone.” Suho continued, “And not to mention we would go out and she would literally trail us. If we went to a restaurant, she’d be there. A movie? She’d be there. She somehow managed to get into Jongin’s house one time, trying to spread the good word about the watching tower or something weird like that.” Suho crossed his arms as he huffed, totally amazed at his own memory of the shameful situations Yein had imposed on Jongin all these years.
The others were too busy laughing at the trip down memory lane, but it was in this quick instance that Kyungsoo noticed something…
A fast tinge on Suho’s face, almost as if a light switch had went off in his mind.
Suho’s eyes darted from where Yein stood back to Kyungsoo in a flash.
Kyungsoo met eyes with Suho, noticing the look his stepbrother had on his face which made Kyungsoo suspicious and the grin spread across Suho’s face instantly made Kyungsoo uneasy.
“Hey, Kyungsoo?” Suho asked politely as the other boys settled down to listen, Sehun cocked a brow in suspicion, “Would you mind going over to Yein and invite her to come to the after party at Privilege House tonight?”
Minseok clenched his jaw, immediately turning his head to see the ominous grin spread across Suho’s face.
Kyungsoo's eyes darted from left to right as he nervously bit his cheek, “Uhh, why? You guys don’t even like her?”
Suho chuckled, “Yeah, but I think it’s about time our good friend Jongin here is free from this type of harassment. I just want to clear up a few things with her once and for all, you know?”
Sehun eyed his eldest brother carefully before looking back to Kyungsoo, noticing his stone cold expression. The silence seemed to have lasted forever until Kyungsoo finally spoke up.
“Why? So you can be mean to her? I get that she’s a little strange but what good is tormenting her going to do?” Kyungsoo asked as the others looked to Suho, totally unaware of his motives.
Chen quickly added a comment that opened up a conversation between him, Suho, and Minseok.
In the midst of the side conversation Kyungsoo felt a light squeeze on his waist, he slowly looked up to see Jongin’s eyes unreadable, yet serious. He wasn’t too sure what to make out of it, but he was sure he saw a slight nod and before he knew it the exchange was over.
“...And that’s why I think it’s important. So, you see, Kyungsoo? I just want to talk. To clear the air with her once and for all, all for the sake of our friend. So, do you think you could go over and invite her?”
Kyungsoo took a deep breath, looking back in Yein’s direction to see her eyes totally locked on Jongin once more.
If it made Jongin that uncomfortable he wouldn’t mind, but something behind Suho’s voice made this whole situation strange. Kyungsoo wasn’t a bad guy, and no matter how creepy this girl was he wasn’t going to stand by and let Suho tear her down unjustly.
But Jongin had been dealing with this for years now, and he couldn’t even imagine what being stalked felt like. Even if Suho did something harsh, everyone else he’s met thus far has been pretty nice, surely this ‘talk’ wouldn’t be incredibly damaging to her.
Kyungsoo looked back at Suho, eyes unreadable, “Fine, I’ll go ask her.”
Kyungsoo wasn’t quite sure what he was doing.
In fact, he had a feeling deep down in his gut that definitely told him that this was possibly a bad idea. He wasn’t exactly sure what Suho’s motive behind having Yein come to the party was, but he knew that it probably wasn’t good.
His hands were a little sweaty and he was already a matter of steps away.
The look in Jongin’s eyes was also strange, he wasn’t sure if he could trust him or what that moment even meant.
It was all so confusing, and he didn’t want to be the reason for someone getting hurt, especially if the one inflicting the damage would be Suho. Kyungsoo didn’t want to give him that power.
“Hello?” Kyungsoo quickly shook out of his thoughts as he heard a high pitched voice filling his ears.
“Uh, hello,” Kyungsoo formally greeted her, “I’m Kyungsoo and I wanted to know if you would like to come to the after party that’s happening at privilege house tonight?”
Yein’s eyes grew wide as she looked past Kyungsoo’s shoulders, probably looking back at Jongin for the hundredth time no doubt.
“Does Jongin want me there?” Yein asked earnestly, “He’ll be there too right, yes?”
Kyungsoo couldn’t believe it, maybe what Suho said really was the truth considering her eager demeanor and constant glances that she made since their conversation started.
“Well, Suho extended the invitation but, yeah, Jongin will be there.”
“I’ll be there, what time?” She said eagerly.
“Uhh, right after this, 7 PM?”
“Oh, well I might be a little late is that okay? I need to freshen up, and change.” She looked a little manic, maybe it was just too much excitement flowing through her small body.
Kyungsoo nodded, “Yeah, that should be fine, no worries, okay?”
“Thanks, Kyungsoo! I’m so excited!” She said with a huge smile as she quickly left the ballroom presumably to start her preparations.
Kyungsoo turned around to see Suho nodding with approval.
Minseok silently leaned into Suho’s ear as he whispered, “This isn’t your little test, is it?”
To which Suho grinned smugly, “Oh, this is just phase one, but, all in good time my dear Minseok. All in good time.”
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