#it's bonkers but you can't help but see it all unfold and what happens next
alteredphoenix · 1 year
On the inclusion of games from Arise plus the mobile games in An Exercise in Futility: Arise’s backstory is at least hinted at in one night on the wild hunt (as well as, you know, having it written before Arise itself came out). Maybe I can introduce the ToAr cast someday in a fic? Possibly; it’s not really on my mind at the time of this post (but, as usual, the timing can always change).
Everything else, though, where Links and Asteria are concerned, I like to wager takes bits and bobs from them and integrated into the world, but they don’t really play a big role in them (e.g. I like to imagine the main cast from Links to be inner city kids in Pendrago that have heard about Velvet’s time as the Lord of Calamity, who, where they’re from, is considered a legend you don’t want to cross paths with). The Asteria OCs probably stay as far the fuck away from Pendrago as possible lmao
On Crestoria: It’s not something I’ve currently considered, and although I could consider its setting place the “NK of the Modern Tales world” I honestly think that’s a bit too dark, even if it could work in a setting that’s about as Modern Day Earth But Make It Tales Flavored as you can get. If I had to figure out how to make it work, they’d probably be in their own sister city that’s even more riddled with gang warfare and political corruption than Pendrago itself (timeline-wise, though...I’m not sure? That’s another thing to plan out: if ToC’s dystopian plot should have any mention in the current canon). I’m going to have to read the manga just to get a better idea (as it’s already starting to include the original character expies in it) - but again, it wouldn’t affect the overall narrative at large. If anything, it’d just be added fluff to the worldbuilding.
And on Luminaria: Technically and my gift to you is a taste of starlight and everything else that takes place after it does take place in this AU - but the cast is so far removed from the other Tales games a’la different locations that the chances of them interacting are probably next to none. I don’t really have any plans for, say, Celia to meet Velvet during her college years and Michelle mistaking them for being long-lost sisters of the sort (although that is an idea for a separate fic I want to mess around with, because Same English VA). If I had to decide where it would take place timeline-wise, it’d have to be post-An Exercise in Futility - as in, maybe a few years after the last AEiF fic.
Oh, and on the lesser-known, JP/KR-exclusive mobiles from the 2000s: ...I actually don’t know lol They’d just be more added fluff pieces but they’d flesh out the worldbuilding a little more.
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